Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 30, 1891, p. 3

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bank of head office carnal tarn ct herwmrprifd i mtxbulu cimttaa hamilton hajelton utok1 nshooo ii 8 steves gcaxsr geo boicbt wositltlic- oeoraetown aoency an conttvsxt or straws twi cucrkin uud on ill icmbf mort favorable trms racblul told ib point on- slyrkas deraktuevt special dstostts received al current rat nfit i uj o nlhdrswl nqirjt u so mwatson afctit themethoflfctchupch acton reaaotffori 1 pastor raueelamrakaue rsllic sfrcit lftjo tni od i cj teeuio juui scdmtswuc r l auniill lurc sssrri aulie door at- jswrtp mis vou going- to do axypaperkg wall papers from 5c per jioll borders from ic per yd new designs prices right just opened curtain poles in walnut ebony brass window shades in linen and paper sprier kors coius gax vviujor ilrv jr yd- call la tad s our ititf uoci no iroclltf to llicw- ta cur food acton the news at hoe mostly of a local character and every itom rntcreatlnt ivoilc ton knots- friday ewwiop upon the above lutjoct m 1 once unique vntertaikfag and amusing mr deugougu it tiot only 000 oi u10 uiott clever artists in america batlid it a tpuifcal aud elocutionary geuiui ot ability end all ciccllcul character itnpcrsoualor fthopro craroino wns of ahicblyotijoyable character iii- improptu portraits of throughout bat the l known puull0 ant a i of tboce present wore marvels ofitkilt i ceo hynds hcadtjcinen for wtddin tad birtbdsr lrcatt- thursday arp1l jo 1s31 la pretty r i f little local brieflets which caught the eyes or ears af free press reporters this week to morrow is mar dty cmecu mtuisnt koodiy evtoioj troal fiiliing tomorrow noruiuk eirfv coli waiter oa taesdiy md a fetr crljrritt tic udewjlii lhrooghoei totn how caraeroas dfectivc plaoea tbt roadt hits cot down eood tnveliisj coodilioa again tbs pirk committoe are adrertuinj for tendert for the inprorerceni 0 the race ccsrse iclerktinp illastraiai papett hive been receivai it this osce from mrh f eill gancts eictj i3st j see airt ia toitje fm prjj priaf pirti- calart vtlsifaiepirbes o5tred- if vi want rstoixi goelpti sub and docrx at gcejpi prices x krtwn can fill yjox order at hii plioin mfll rbeosarterlycamietliiion terrices will be hch neit scesj- evening m tieketfc- odiat church this wdi le the uv coa- mcxian doriog dr cifonit tcco thetratf ord zrzld hai been enlarred and improved- the htrad is printed n one cf the ces newspaper baildiogs in cotntry and enterprise is stamped cpoa every phase of itf aadertaiings 3dr w h storey has jist purchased a handsoie pair of fine bred fillies from itr junes slatthewi tbey appear to good advantage before his phxtca one cf aae animals was fprmerly owned by htv g ecceae sir xunmo organizer of the sons of scotiaod has secured s list of ihirtythrefe applicants for meojlersbip in that order in town- lr pun banks grand secretary will organize the new society in the odd fellows hall next monday cveninsc- several pis and other animals have been at large daring the past week kow that citizens are patting their lawns and gardens into shape for the summer they will aped tfae coancn to strictly enforce the bylaw governing this matter the amateur gardener is bosy these days setting his garden patch in order and mak ing himself believe that he knows more about the work than all the professional gardeners put together- bat the trata general- dawns on him that bedoesnt be fore he gets through ifessrs holilnrake d son have par- chased from the trustee the stock of hard ware belonging to theestate of vt h ilc- kab itliiton and are contioaiog the business in the old staad having engaged mr geo bustin of uxbridge to take charge of this branch of their business the anniversary services in knoi church will be held on sunday kay 17th and following monday evening eev principal caven of knot college will preach on sabbath and bcnll l abra ham bx burlington and ab winches ter of berlin will deliver addresses on monday evening it doesnt look well to see little girls in their teens gaddipg aroaad the streets after nightfall with a lot of gawky youths trott ing at their heels and talking siliynoosense to them- some parents should look after their girls better than they do streets ville brclfic some people think this ap plies to acton as well as btreeuviile a very good story whether trie or dot is told of s vermont deacon who ws6 brought before ft committee of his charch for horse racing said he i dont approve of horse racing but when another member of tie church becomes so godless ss to try o pass me on the road i felt it my duly to prevent him just to keep bim from putting his trust in earthly tttidjjs a rather smiling story is told of a young boy who works in a factory wiog- ham oa monday mirninjf last when about to take a chew of tobacco he observed what he thought a string in the plug of tobacco and on palling on it to bis surprise lie found be bsd a moose by tne tail it is hardly to be expected that the boy will still lie the user oi the weed to my many customers in acton and ricinity 1 would respectfouj call ytfur attention to my immense stock ol choice newspring goods which i can eonfioent ly say are tie finest i ba bti bpj- nreot ahowidg as ibave made apedial bargains in uw pnrebasing o them i am osaiat ipecial indocemenla for spring and will be pleased to meet all aj old custom- en aod many new ones and as fam giving my pedal ttrti w ienreyouot perveet faifaco ad good fitsi dotbiog vj b- f depicting the pliyiiogoomy ol uie jobjmu and hroughl down the house evely time the beat portrait ol lie eicuino nai unl rtprvsmling lie itivcliug of 8tr john micjonald and col allau at the u t r depot here a few weeks ago but all be others were well drawn i solw worth vs good ioakf i a ueighboriug photographer tells a stoty of a young mau wbo came into tbij studio one day and asked nervously if bn might have a little conversation with him the visitor was painfully ugly and after some awkward blushing and indefinite allusions he asked the artist if he supposed lie had among 4iis camplo a picture of any young man who locked like him but wa bettor looking what do you mean yoang man r asked the photographer well replied he making a clean breast of it i am just engaged to be married the young lady lives nut west she it going home to morrow- she says she thinks im wo rood she doesnt miud my being homely but she wants a good looking picture to fake home with her to show the girls visit by a aslive apaaesc mr tozo uhna who recently arrival in canada from tokyo japan visile acton this week and preached in the disciples church morning andeveninc he is a good speaker and iuk ucjuirwl wonderful pro ficiency in the kuglish language consider ing his brief residence in the coautry he is an oimcst and logiail ireaclicr and is firod with the ambitiuh to be instrumental in the salvation of his countrymen from their idolatry and inuddit- tozo ohno is frvm a family cf very high standing in jatiii in fait wc an- informal that his father entruinej the late general grant itceidcci of the iuitrvj stales daring his visit to jajuli ta the crcasion of his mt-morabie- trip around the world hit cocversioir to christianity cost him his d witr to this step he is not re-cog- the cou a news i torni supplied by corres pondents and exchangee bannockburn rine weather lor leedimg mr joseph lasby is preparing to build a a 6 no bank barn tbo stono foundation was completed last fall a spring hu again returned with hi balmy moonlight evenings tho lovers of music may enjoy tho melodies of our aquatic warblers and occasionally the mellow strains of our leading baiso life luiaranee agents are doing a rushing baiiooji in this section one of our young farmer baa put ou two thousand fu favor of hfs best lady mt chsi latby h ti given up agricultural pursuits and his cast hit lot with the architects we wish cbas success one of oir bachelor farmers hat got a brand new roadcart it seats two nicely who is the liaunockburn correspondent anyway ulysses knatchbull erin the i arm belonging to th late kell mo- xlnnpn of goejph wai told rsoently lobla son alx moklnuon of erin 13100 mr j b oonboy has jut sold 1sc0 bags of potatoes to a firm reallriog lhsre- from jl a hag col aylmer was in be vlllago last week inspecting lbs armory and found every thing la good order bo well known la capt modowell tor ordtr and tyttem throngbout his company jtbat the col aald it was acre form to examluo the kris companys quarters mr d mllloy left bore laat week for pittsburg pa where he hai secured lucra tive work with mr williami ailmatt milton i uicwibylijs uiikh aud uniil ttscarraf ciphers the ggq cicb hell their uil wkly dux oa siurliy liiercoao there wis s vexj- iaiijuladucc o icembeirs the fclioivin u q tccre 21 yirds rise out barrel onlj it iq bce rckf cich ihrown in different direction from cztmni trip cc sht oi i n mil- c c kiltner 000 0 0 0 i c i 02 w stiri jiltoc0 00 0i cltr qsitta 0 0 0 0 cd 0 00 cm yitc jcai- rji kli 106 thcciab hive eccarci shooticggtocdi en hr atua cofce property a litlle cist of cobble hill ini tnr faod a tiwo once i west is the evecinj isiii of hitcrtiiy ifirdca the dy vill b- ancan uler peri itijsretei id ehoaiid ire iarited to jou the clab slembcrsuip fee 1j ceoi ptr istrter in tdvcce bce rocks sppci to mtmlcra it xwst price yearly tio lcars in gati a gilt paper sari respectic the tnoibec oftcocccfuorijamu 6c ssiordiliit mjt jtfliill ozz cf the oldet mou litdly aud uost rtipccttd residents c- gi piiscdairiy tfter in llcesi of hue ozlihb blc die ia gilt with her has- bnai ia theytir 1v6 indbis btea i coa- ticiotu reiident eicte- ilrs uivtll wis born inltttrafitte ee id tri mirried a lqndctteg in k iler hssbind ctiil earvirtii toother xith tour eocs icd cce dia-tei- tbe cldat too henry is ic bclae m wajkertoa tic eccoad john wi ic itlicli georgia vrnea list beriifaicat miny yeart inic elipsed linceicy word bis leeit receive from hinta gcoijre carries en bsiucss ir acton ted jimes u cocoeclatj with the michigan far t published in detroit -tbediafih- terislhrfi jittry kite ol 11 jtffray ol lc gilt luprtr hre kcriil was in the niad ear t t her ie t popster itu the masses the eamiwelu comedy compacy are anuoaxiced to be in actoc ca taesdsy wednesdiy ixd thcridiy of ueit rfecfc at thtir prcnsu uiu to acton they were xeil received and pleased the urge crwds who patrociisd tiein they hive been at berlin ii week and the xetr mys their repulisc u loo well known to oar citizens to ceed macfa commeni itiss wejis if tnylhinc hat improved and and her evngioj in foar rqicestwulfae occiiou for a raptcroai eacorti her ino solo iiselc ihoxed remarkibls abil- ifisa jennie itay with her pfesiinfi pia ty and fascinitin mianers acdtijented vocal ability 3ed tof veil merited appease mr t h marts the tuaay man kept the audience in roire of iauter mr ii w and a a marks occisioiied almost a can- inucas roir of pplsae thej will appear each ushi in a conipletschoge of prograxijie at io-a- price of idmliiion 10c t luz wonderland of america a very iclereitin and instructive enler- tainmeat was thit given in kcor church lxct wednesday evening under the auspicei of the ladies aid w hen prof panton gave bislectcreou the wonderlmdof america with lime light views by mr campbell cf brampton the church vris fiied to the doors- professor piniou was iatrodaced aud alter a tiiort iiitrodoctiop the views were thrown cpoo iim canvai and each la tara was graphicilly described yeliow- etone park was the ncbject principallj araonff the tcenes presented were the lemw mountain and mammoth hot spring miuervs terrace s itwa of the raaoelloas coljectiou cf 13 terrnces aud 50 boiling springs kingmans pass and the golden gate obsidian citt a moantamof solid ejass sulphur moontain 15 vicwb representing the most wooderfal geysers in the world in action the mammoth paint jol 7 vies fiowdg tbo rand canyon aud the wonderful fall sg0 feet with walli towering above the vellowitoae river 1s00 ect ail these views the professor ex plained in wcli plain language that tbe yoangest preseot cojld comprebeotf wbat he sad- tbe lecture and tbe views gave a cleax conceptiottoi xatun aud kalureb creator at the close a hearty vote of thanks waf tendered the professor and mr campbeli for the treat enjoyed prof panton has been in aclon on several prefioui occqsaoni uis lecturo on the mammoth cate was a revelatiou to many of bis bearers the editors table henry james will contribute to harpers wedij for april 20th a short story entitled brooksmith the same number of tbe wedij will contain au article on william h chaw and hi pain tine of ceotral park illastralod with raprodaclions of tbe pilot ingi themselves a fullpe illattrktion of tbe cave of the winds kugariih from a drawing by w t smedjeisitalw the rrim mouiter his boca uuaiaally actite in viiiling aorrow upon maay homes iu lhi vicinity of late last fridy even- iflgmt hugh browulw passed away sitr satterin mmy moothi from a cancer n his rnoiilh 59 year ofase about a year ago he visited british colambia where be engaged iu plastering etc but gradaally gettiug worse he returned home again in octoberlast aud aoaght medical ektll in toronto berlin and other places in the hops of being cared bat allin vain the faueral took place on sunday al 10 oclock araand ww largely attended a widow five sons and foar daughters are left to moaru his loss the many frteudf of mrs jane gault who has becu lying at the point of death will be glad to learn that ihfl is much belter and with caxe is progressing favorably towards recover- the jiifcs arc bursting oat in leaf and the wild sowers deck the woodc again and i fill the air with sweet odors i the fishing season for speckled trout commences on friday the 1st may- then look oat for fish stories lome of which will oqdoabt be very fishy indeed rockwood mr j ii harris having moved into one of his houses neir the factory is building a stable convenient oit mit barry who ima utu coufitied to hhe house for waic tme through illness is able to bo but driving a bargkr entered the tulle of mr win barc one night last week and etole a fin able bet of hartitss chis hill the young man who snrtshed his kneecap so badly about four weeks ago is limping around again ou crutches mr giboi our butcher left fur guelph hut week this leaves a god opening for a live mau daniel strschan b a preached on sun day in kockwood and eden muij in the room of his father rev l strachan wio filled the pulpit fn the first presbyterian church eramcfea i pamore bros are giung the interior of j uieir store a spring coat of paint people in this neighborhood can get quite their moceys worth at this and the other stores in town mrt jie stephcusou eldest daughter of mr edward magre gtr nwitchtnah died in toronto on saturday the remains were brought to rockwood on monday and ihc funeral which was quite largely at tended took place oi tuesday aflcniooa to the cemetery in evert on georgetown the ttoie work of the cellar of the new mckialey block is about completed keep your visiting eye open for deorge- own celcbnttieu ou may ilth see the ptstera mesirs akiotis co had to close dawn their factory on monday to have their boiler cleaned rev mrmcmiilian conducted services in the presbyterian church on sunday lwt oar friends o the kirk must be hard to suit as no calls have yet been given at midnight tonight 4he heart of our sports will be greatly tickled while those of our fish will be greatly tackled what a difference the vowel makes in the condition of lb clh and fiiher onefotne grown pupils of our high schoot ofcc day last week undertook to in troduce f cjueensbury rules amongst he scholars endeavoring at ihc same time to nikc hir principal an accomplice in the act he was given a permanent leave of absence mr jacob cole of bajlinaiad ins moved into town and will go into partnership with his brother john rn the meat business success to the firm the jones family of juvenille musicians opened out here on wednesday and thurs day evening of last week very few at tended the performances bat those who did say that for people so young the per formance was most crediuible and worthy of far letter patronage the guelph district of the methodist church will hold their annual meeting in georgetown on tuesday and wednesday may wth and 20th billeting arrange- menrs are now being made for the number of preachers espccfed an interesting sun day school convention will be the bill for tuesday evening bno gee has arrange ments in hand and will see that they are successfully carried out the license commissioners have been working sad havoc amongst the trade in oar town sad at least to some the license of the biggar house has been ritbdrawu i and will be given to the hotel at he gtr satiod xext the genial mr lou bennett has becu old his services as a publician will be no longer required in halton county and while a license will be given the clark house it has been announced that its pre sent proprietor cannot have it we offer no comments as the public is already in possession of nil tbe facts and reasons from busy gossip r a propo at the hcenso question it has been noticed that more men have been seen drank on our streets oflate than were seen during the entire regime of tbe scott act vft suppose the 0iampion would say they were buffering from paralysis well it ii a paralysis certainly bat it is generally tbe remit of an overlaid of mrodrotgat the inany friends of dr auld wfll be surprised to learn that it is announced he has taken up the practice of his profession iii new york city while it is to be re gretted that thl dr has seen fit to take sad- a step we can only hope that his path my be ever upward to snccesb miss crossthwaitea canadian mission ary returned from china will preach in the methodist church next sunday evening she is deservedly very popular and all should go who can pjiiiwnjat mr john grant of lucan is the guest of his brother mr lachlah grant mr w mcguiro of oakville spent saturday calling on friends in town tr mrhixm baker has returned to towr conradflrabl- improved in condition bot still retaining trace of bis struggle with rbsuaitbm a grand concert will be given under the auspiccb of the young people society of grace church in the town hall ou tuesday oveuing may fiih for which the nritclais talent baa been engaged a big celebration is looked for en he queen- birthday r tbe cpu is to have a now station here more suited to the reqaiminents than be old one- building operations were com menced last week building operatioua ou the now kuoi church are beiag pushed aud no doubt it will bo finlihcd by the let jane wm lillicrop of kelson committed for trial by magistrate john harris on a charge of larceny of io lbs of beef belonging to robert frealon hiving becu arrainged before judge miller and pleaded not gaiky was tried last thursday aud acquitted johu dmfcer who was charged with the same offeuce ibiooodod and probably would have had more difficulty in proving hia innocence than lillicrop had drakcrs hones were sold a few days ago ucder au attachment issued iu a t ait broagh t against him by denmi hunter jr for kj the banc sold for f3 aud it is not likejy that anything will be left after payment of the amount of jadgemeat and cost champion- crewsons corrvers mrs richard sherlock of psrfcdajc was visiting over sunday with frieedi here sir richard cartwright says our popula- is decreasing i would tell that gentleman if he lived in the neighborhood of creweous corners he would fiud that his statement is fallacious the barnraising of mr joseph allan ou 2nd line of erin was well accomplished last week sides were choseu by william crippt and w alexander after an excit ing contest crippa side came out victor ious mr william crowson of hauls ville ii visiting friends here- he has disposed of his lot and homestead at crewsons cor ners to mr william coleman one of our young men took it into his head that far off fields wero green so be went to seek better employment when he got there he begau to think of the grand attraction be left behind tho one alto gether lovely this made him thiuk that the fields at home were far the greenest and caused him to make t hasty retarn a largely attended meetinc was held iu leslies school house enn last week for ise purpose of organizing the patrons of industry the proceedings met with the ccaeral approval of all present over thirty gave in their names for membership their tnaunori and customs during the past week our town watering cart hu been drawn from tbe mliry cob webs but only to come id contad with dusty roads tbeoallco ball held task friday evening dduotcome up to tbe expeoutions of the managers calico is pretty cheap id town avpreseuil mi s ben ton editress of the darlington budqtu spout sunday with frie4s in town miss benton was on the star staff for a time and recently has been moved to bar ling ton to take entire charge of tbe pvpef there miia d ii a cry talentedyoung lady aud will no doubt noon be at the top of tbe literary ladder bbe wjtes exten sively for eome of tbe best magazines pub lished a literary meeting of tbe epworth loiguo was held last thursday ereniug when tbe lantern tbo league paper was read before a air audience a new editor is appointed every two months- tbflrst appointment favoring miss n william ou the second miss l anderson tbe f aft two copies of his paper were gotten up in real newspaper style only it was written j instead of being printed the lanunt is the official organ of the epworth league it ifl published monthly motto my mifniou is to sbuie subscription price to mem bora of league regular attendance andgood behavior irelands desiccated wheat for dyteptics and aiiyon with weak digestion t8tit the ibeuvd nationai food co ltd toronto- t a masons ew ri nassagaweya the last quarterly meeting for thtf year was held at the ebenczcr methodst church on sabbaui morning last and he congre gation was very large the services were intended more especially for hose who had united with the methodist church on the kassagaweya circuit and was addressed by both pastors the lovefeast services were seasons of snritaal blessings aud a large number communed in uie iords sapper many of thena for the first lime the quarterly board of the circuit met at the ebenczcr church on the following monday at 2 pm when most encouraging reports were given of the material spiritual aud financial progress of the circuit rev mr hart was present with a proposal from the rockwood quarterly board to rcarruuge the two circuits aud after a careful reuew and candid and kindly dis cussion of the whole question it was de cided that we accept the offer pf rockwood circuit to give us the eden mills appoint ment and recommend he formation of a nassagaweya circuit composed of etien ezer eden mills aud corwhin and another circuit for aaordained young man to con sist of campbell ville bethany and aber- foylc the motion was carried by a vote of 11 too this arrangement will be sub ject to he approval of the guelph district meeting and afterwards of the stationing committee bat here is every likelihood that it will be carried out as the circuit has been found for years to be too large to travel over and attend to the pastoral work as it should be done the proposed arrangement will save a great deal of travel and be better for both ministers and people en case this division of the circuit is made the rev mr caldwell is unanimously in vited to take charge of the newl formed circuit to the south which has not yet received a name rev ilr caldwell is very popular and will be welcomed on any part of the circuit where duty calls him mr john marshall and mr g w sparks were appointed by he quarterly board to attend the guelph district meet ing to be held at georgetown next month mr john allison still continues very poorly though his friends hope for his com plete recoven- when warmer weather sets oakville thursday evening the igth inat a num ber of farmers assembled for the purpose of organizing a society of patrons of industry- pthe following officers were elected pres wm mcneil vice- pres j d wilsou 6ecy 0 e bray treas h mckeil guide win kuddell sentinel wm mc kay on monday may 2nd the steamer matama will start and make one trip daily between hamilton and toronto on may 25th the macaua and modjtsla will make two trips daily calling at oakville we will then expect our town to be flooded with summer boarders the delightful walk down to tbe lake will be turned into the lovers lane and the yoaug lady who is anticipating the fulfilment of a certain young mans promsu to treat her to sixty dishes of icecream will have her anticipa tions more than tally realized revs craig and williamson are putting forth efforts to try and get all tbe bur in ess men in town to close their stores at seven oclock sharp this is a good idea and we trust that it will be carried out successfully it would not only bo of benefit physically but aw spiritually for no excuse could be formed then for non attendance at prayer meeting class meeting aud charch on sun day mornings miss crostbwaite a returned missionary from china delivers an address in tbe methodist church on thursday evening she comes tous highly recommended so we arc efttipg to hear newand interest- ing tbidgs about tbe oldest owe of people on i the earth as well u one mf iingulatia that afcais llasiucss when a man comes into our office aud planks uown spot cash and says send me the paper for a year that means baaiaess when one says i want your paper but havent the money now thats alf right when he takes it out of the office several years and then sends is back refusd bats meanness when a mas speuds from ten ceutsf a dollar for cigars and says he cani affurd to take his home newspaper thats a misrepresentation when a man borrows hi neighbors paper every week thats pure unadulterated gall the new spring hit so the poets say makes a woman quite forgec all other thicgi tis a vision of may and a dream i viole but the charmiog face beneath tn hat more loveliness discloses theres sometimes foaud a dream in that iu pan hies lilies and roats the decaying vegetables which can generally be found lo a greater or less ex- tout iu mct alt cellars at this season of the year should be cleaned out at once and a disease breeder thai dipoed of it is un healthy at beat and too much care cauuot be takcu a business man a advertisement iu his own language over his own nsme and for which he is plainly responsible is in the nature of au official document aud receives more consideration and attention than a puff in the local column tcnitny can wc play at keeping a store- i a here minima v mamma who has a headirhei cerlaiulj but you mr2ibc ei-j- quiet tommy well well pretend we dont advertise acton t a masou begs to inform tbe people acton and sorrounding country that be has lost opened oat a new and choice stock of groceries etc and hopes to merit a liberal bare of public patronage by keeping goods that will suit the people and selling at close prices my motto will be small profits aud qaick returns nmius cut nhii s 850 per keg i it h u mi spot cash -at- hollinrakts hardware- store farmers produce such as batter etc taken in exchange eggs teas a trial order when the plumber feuds in his bill the dancing and piper is done by the same person hlnardf li af turn tr sale ererjwkfn- every spring- says one of the best houewives in xew engltnd we feel the necessity of taking a good medicine lo punfy the blood and we all lake uoods sirsiparilla it keeps the children from humors my husband says it gives him a good appetite and for invxjf i am sarci could never do all my work if it was not for ibis epieodid medi cine it nukes me feel strong and cheer ful and i am never troubled villi headache or thai lired feeling as i used o be dressmaking wc are glad lo announce tbe return of the popular manager of our dressmaking departmafot miss lennox the many customers who so kindly held their orders awaiting her return will also be pleased we are prepared to execute ail ordersquicti- ly aud in oar customary excellent style this it one of the important departments to yoa well as to as we never attempt to do anything but first class work and on the mot reasonable terms our stock of dress miter mis stands unrivalled for variety and general excellence hardly a new thing but you will fiud it on our shelves same remark applies to drees trimmings iu short you will uot find a more aursclive stock of materials nor yet as good work for as little money iu any city dry goods house hat we know of we- invite yoar patronise millinery oar show rooms are a ureal attraction just now daily arrivals of kovelties keep i up the appearance goods are going ouv fast and coming in just as fast kovelties abound on every hand our large staff is busy executing orders and all our custom ers are delighted with our efforts in spting wraps and visites we are showing a very nice imported hoe jast opened they are splendid values you would ex pect the price to be mach higher than we ask for them parasols akd sun dmbrellashuudredaotlhem nicely gotten up and at very moderate prices please sec them cents clothing furnishings this branch of our business is increasing very fast first class material correct styles fault less work and very moderate- prices characterize our ordered clothing a saving of five dollars on a suit of clothes is au item this yoa can do with as the newest style iu hals just opened gloves ties sockb braces shirts underwear waterproof coats umbrellas etc yon will find in very great variety our goods are fresh and nice and we solicit yoar favors in this department jca8h the one great inducemet we present to yoa is that as we do not sell on ordlt we five yon the very oloaest prioes for cash yon cet tbe fall benefit wbleb ready money will bring we resolutely and positively will not sell on credit yon can bay aheap for cash from na if we seem to he inflex ible in this to anyone we can only lay that sncli is our rule and it we stand ao- comtnodstiug in everything else bat firm as a rock in oar adherence to the principle of oaah we oe it to pur customers as well ss ourselves and nash paying cus tomers realize the great benefits we offer them i special ilac is respectfully solicited hoping to have the pleasure of a call i am i your obedient servant i mcnabs old stand tilaton eeb0uert- 25 27 tbiper mfsit -v- fv afjslph acton april 7th isjl t a mason gentlemen order your spring suit and overcoat from r e nelson cuslph 3 3 new spring suitings new spring overcoatings b 3 3 au immense range of choice new pantirigs from s4to 12 per pair jg a special geaaioe pare worsted black panting at s5 per pair 3 3 3 my specialty perfectfitting 4 pants to order satisfaction asstjbed opening up goods new this we bk r e nelson fashionable clothier 99 upper wyndham st guelph mr george bustin a practical hardware man is ready to attend to the wants of customers hollinrake son to farmers and threshers uae on vour machinery only the wellknown peerless oil 9 gold medals h warded it during the jast three year waggons and horse powers these oils are used and highly recommended at themode farm guelph farmers ask or them use no other manufactured at qutoqi toll voik by samuel rocers co toronto 4 i our carpet stock for the spriug of 1801 is now complete oar bnyer bore this department specially in mind last winter with the result that nearly every grade and variety of carpet now prodnced in earope or america is ably represented in oar carpot show room the largest in guelph great delicacy of coloring andpatlern tibaraclerizes the new designs in brussels aud tapestry jvhife the new ingrains are particularly ricbjmd handsome in figuring aud shades we are also showing some very handsome wilton smyrna aud velvet bugs art squares hemp aud stnir carpcfs cloths linoleums kc ic cat pets as well as chinn matting oil it is our intention to make our transactions in carpets this spring a pleasant memory to carpet buyers and we have marked these goods at prices that will eusurc tliis when to the largest 6tock iu the city we add the additional attraction ot specially low prices we feel that the success with which the curpet trade has already opened with us will be sustained throughout the season g b ryhnco guelph business in fullwing in every department 1 of the golden lion millinery oar millinery opening was a grand suc cess bnt now that it is over we expeot the isdies to feel as free to oome in and inspect it as they did last week we did not intend to aay anythingealogtstic of oar display but sinoe some one is acoosed of indulging in bombast and entbnsiastio selfpraise to eave the reputation rf the accuser we will just repeat what we heard from scores of ladies last week that our millinery it by far the finest in the city and wbsttre ood aldef equally high praise very much the cheapest sxpact folly as large a crowd this carpets clothing great line of tapestry oar- oar ordered clothing department has pet over 60 pieces worth from 65c to begun to boom and with the advent tof fine wo to be cleared at 50 cents the greatest bargain ever offered iu tapestry carpet in the city union carpet 80oup all wool 70c np brussels 00o up lace curtains and pole com plete 1100 all the nice new curtain goods in great variety dont fail to see them spring weather we expect a atill greate rush we would advise young men wanting suits to order them as early as- we are offering a 6pecial 1900 8s op scotch tweed got p in the very best style with the finest trimmne wale suitings also special valns at 11900 fine hair line and fancx stuipfltants very spetial at 1500 vi xd williamson co v tlt v sana 7 wntoam stgnelpli sidawsudstjglmilow is iasfty

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