Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 30, 1891, p. 4

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tbfnrbday aprit 80 ltst notes here and there itsjms of oortoral interest to fre preas reader cbf y tiling jdlks cods fisakctat srare ot e irath of rloed tjrali on- ii oih ot trt and tloe oo iswtfa ot til tli yield fr m leu truths rain tad shifts 0 1 it lutof lowing herds 11m brnit on hill tad plain one ttttu of blesiiat notlt ftentettle thine and rata one tenth of til joenue krwii counties room ttd mttl one fttuh lust fence fields one tenth ot ever- art on tenth ot loom tad press uoe tenth ot mill tnd mine cm tenth ot ewey erttt j wrocsjm oot bj rlftt of thlnt one tenth ct towing words that stowing dollars hold one tenth olwrittan thoughts that torn to shining cold dm tenth and deal thoo lord dot aak this mear toea when tllthe etrth it thine and tfl ve here thine own the eltmiti ilirurucc oppo lh wtatlur it ncoepud by tome el ml hjr otliert it it dtspaud the mooa never tltrtctt carat from the tender icli lu spot putnams painless corn lit tractor removes the most fuful corns lu three dtjrt this great mncd- nukes no ore ipotl doesnt go tooling sroaud i mttit oot hot gelt to butiucii stance led streets t care dooi be imposed upon bjr tabttilates tud iaiiltuons get tn- ount ud no other try this a pest many people hre aa erroneous idea u to the farce ot water at a recent entertainment in leavenworth t wager was made thtt the strongest man pretest could not ttand a quart of water dropped into hit open hand drop hr drop from a height ot three feet a strong manly fellow jeeepted the bet thinking that to stand the force of soch a small quantity of water wat mere childs play before 500 dropt had fallen into hit hand he slmost cried with pain and laid he had enough alter a little water had fallen each drop teemed to crash hit hand and a blister in the centre of it wat the retail thit it a very practical illustration ot the old adage that the constant dropping wean awaj- stones aerate pb f mrf il cpton agent obb toronto ooc says mr wife suffered severely from an attack of rheumatism when i waa induced to gire st jaeobe oil a trial with the happiest results i can confidently recommend your invaluable remedf at a tore cure for thit disease it u the bait why not treat why oot treat tnch troubles at boils pimples blotches tores humeri eruptions rashes skin trretations etc with burdock blood bitters it is rilled with virtue as a blood purifier and goes right to the right spot it makes be akin bright and clear while also invigorating the entire system fatti replying to an interriswer declared that alcoholic stimulants of siy kind tend to irritate thethroat and should be entirety abstained from by those who wish to cultivate singing- why euffer from disorders dosed by imptxre blood when thousands sre bemg cured by using korthrop t lvmans vegetable discovery it removes pimples and all eruption of the akin lb john c fox olioda wntes korthrop lymans vegetable discovery is giring gond tion those who bare used it say it has done them more good than anythimg they bare ever taken the third page of the toronto diitf slasit noted for want advertisements if yon want to buy or sell snything if you want a situation a mechanic a boai- netssrnaeriinery lodgings if you have lost qt ound anything or if you want to find oot where anyone is advertise in the to- rontp daily mail and read the advertise ments on the third page of that paper the charge is two cents a word each in sertkm address ttcllail toronto can sda wimupegxers opinion the fauotint ii taken from mr d dans winnipeg man being persuaded to use haggards pectoral balsam for troublesome cold i wss entirely cired by the use of two bottles she do you know the hoar ot the day when adam was created v he kef ex cept that it wss before eve constipation claims many victims ward olhis dread disease by the use of small sogsr coated burdock piila when needed 7t5o0 in gold for s wlfe we will give to the first person telling us before june 1st 1831 where in the bible the word wife it first fonnd 110000 in gbld to the next 00 to the third 2ij to the fourth 20jm to the fifth ju00 to the sixth iis to tbe- nat 25 15 each to the next 25 12 each to the person sending is the lssx correct answer we will give 1100 in gold to the next to the last 50 and so on sameas from thef first with yoar snswer send 25 cts jnjtlsert or 27 cts in stamps for a box of dr coles blood and ia pills the best blood liver sod stomsch pill ever msdej sore cure for tick headache dont gripe bemember the presents are absolutely free being given sway to advertise dr cole per fect pills and family remedies at the close of the contest the names and idvfrnses of all the prize winners will be published we refer you to the the traders bank of orilla send etiosce and be first address home specific co orillia oot is r sujporfiij supposing yon suffer from some di suppose it it dyspepsia or bilsiousness or constipation or bad blood suppose you learn that burdock blood bitters has cared thoasaodso cases of these and similsr complaint dont you oppose yon ought to try it 1 it cannot harm yon and in nine cases oot of ten it cares m mm r 1l sbeehan of oscoda mich writes n i bare used dr thomas eclectnc oil od horses for different disesses sod found it to be just ss you recommend it has done justice to me every time sod is the best il for horses lever used when you meet s man that tells you that we all have oar faults you have met one jrho secretly believes be naaot any at all mcst agreeable restorative tonio stimulant irmdburns beef iron alnratt like tlarie is the effect of clarki lishlciuc linimcut when applied to a bnru llttonttbe pain iottanlly and even in the wont catet be cateit rapid tnd thorough there ii no other preparatiou equsl to il and in lbesutes its ate hu become central in uo hoipilali clarks lightuing liniment standi alooe pain allsvstor sold by til firtlciast diuggit jtrioa fifty cenu clark chem ical co toronto new vork john said the lheincl mauaert wife that it meant by a wildcat iaretl- ment my dear be said solemnly it jefert to the employment of s comic opera chorus the wlie rerranti tell at i hat hhcnmttlttn it blood diteass- that t on bo cured only by a rttatdy hloh wotkt tbrougli the wood and yti if you have llit darting pains of rhenmt- llim in muscles or joints try a llttlt of clttkt llihining llolmtnt it will go direct to the teat o psln and relieve it at once tliero ii no waiting weeki and niontlu uulil the ditsaio cau bt atuoksd tbroucli llio blood tliltseemi u u oon- trtry to bcicutific clalmt but ii ii trot ibat clarki lightning llnlmest will ours rheumatism bold by all druggists prloe fifty cenu clatk chemical co torooui new yntk mrs uabb- i bear mrs dadd is golog to mote mrs gabb- yes the mores every year since she got her new furniture il strikes me thai youre a suspicious looking person said the officer faith and ivert toitnc ot see a pleceaian weariu three dotmoudt to wanst i feel that same way henry clemoute almoute writes for a locg time i waa iroanled with chronic rheuroatiam at timea wholly dim- abled i tried an thine and everything recbtnmeuded bat tailed to net any benefit untilageuuemcu was caredof rhea maiism bv dr tbomaa kclcctric oil told me about it i befian osinfi it both in ternslly and eitemally and before two bottles were used t was radically cured we find it a household medicine and for croup- burns cau and braises it has no equal where the grip abounds in the lodge room mr john aniersoo gratsmere out- writes lot vegetable discovery you sent me is all gone and i am glad o say that it has greatly benefited those who have used it one man v particular says it has made him a new man and he cannot ssy too much for its cleansing and coratire qualities greafremeof rheumatism neuralgia 8ciatica lumbago backache headache toothache sore throat frost bites sprains bruise burn etcli sold hr dnrnfcti tad dajetf cremriiafc rifty ccnut bottle vintamsh ii uutugts- tmcftutesitocaa ctxsanunli cttadiu0ep toronto oat every- spring suft one of the best boasevrires ia kew enrtend w osel tie ntceadtj of iing good medicine to partly the blood inti we ill uke soodi eirtipirilk it keeps the children from humeri my hasbmid uyi it givm him good ippeute ind for mjmlf t im lore i could cerer do ill mr worfc h it tu not for this splendid medi cine it aukes me feel strong iad cheer- fal ind i am never troubled viih hetdache or thit tired feeling bls i used to be chabbge to i mendicint yea oaghl not to be besging t yaar i mendicant 0 bleea your bcart i bean wbn i wss a great many jears yocnger 1 editflrui evidtae gzxrtuces yocr- hargyards yellow oil i worth its weight m gold for both in ternal and external ate dcrin the late ia grippe epidemic we fonnd it a moat excellent preventive and for sprained limbs etc there is dothing to equal it wit- peheeetos editor reporter delhi oat bimby i say clarence yoa might make me a present of that mancy i owe yon clarence- id like to bet i cant gire what i harent got growing nails l posiure and permanent enre for in growing kailt ko pain sent post paid for 13c tumps or siker address eouz specitic co oaixxit oxi atoorreapondent who does not cive hit foil name sends as a poem headed are you weary f w nav read it tttestirely and can truly say we are children cry for pitciwscastoria when bby was slefc we gite her caitt5ria when she waa a cfaild die cried cor cactorta when she became kits she clan to castorto a handsome girl a thing of beaoty sod joy lor titx f t when the charm of youthful health b rosy lip and pearly teeth are aecora- l by the breath of caujrb 1 why it lis time that the maiden bought clarks 1 catarrh cure price go cent this would care the catarrh at once and tare bar i if cot her life no other remedy f and pleasant to taka and nothing 90ie there is no excoa lor an tjatteonn btmihmbeo it can faa aroided fnd prevented m easily and pleasantly jptoamol ladisa rnay aend the price direct osrkcbesekml co torooto new york m ptlea l posit ire care tboasandf of testimon ials ko purge ko suppository bent post paid for 27 cu in stamps dress home specific co orillia ont if it were not for the confessions of re formed sinners many people would never have any idea of how much fan tfjere is in this wfefced world agcod minor a good womsn withoat uct becomes a tenor c c riciuidstt co gcxts my horse wu so afflicted with distemper that he could not driuk for four dsjs aud rtfuscd all food simply apply ing atlkakds liniment outwardly cared hiai k fcb 1657 cxrr utaistat cixx c c ricaim 4 co gilvtsi have used your minrds ltktilekt for bronchitis and uthma and it has cared ine i belieto it the best lot 5 hei ursa lnrncuirrox the distant relative ii the one who is afraid ihn you are going to borrow 5 from him if you want to bay or sell a farm ad vertise ta the toronto htetfjr mail that paper rcchec 100000 farmer homes every week snd your advertisement should meet the eye of someone who want to pur- chase advertisements of this class are in serted in the toronto vtttmy halt for five cents a word each insertion or twenty cents a word for five insertions- address toe mail toronto canada consider the- man who is always punctual haw nidcfa time he waates waiting for other people unsightly pimples btotobes tan and all itching humors of the skin are removed by uing dr lows sulphur soap if you dont want to be robbed of your good name dont have it inscribed upon yoar umbrella if you have a cough or cold do not neglect it many without a trace pf that hereditary ditease hare drifted into a consumptives prave by neglecting what waa only a slight cold hid they used dickies anticon urn pure syrup before it was too late their lives woc3d have been spared sfr a wlevy ilitchell writes i think bick let anti- consumptive syrup the beat pre paration on the market for coughs and kvere colds about sic years ago i caught a severe cold which settled on my langa and for tixree mootht i had a cough i hai a physician attending me and gradually grew worts until i was on toe verge of consumption and had given up hope of leinj cared when e was induced la try feickies anticonsumptive syrup before i had taken cue bottle i found myself greatly relieved and by the time i had finished the second bottle i was completely cured i always recommend it for seven colds and cousnmption howto lire 100 years health with many years may easily be attained temperance abstinence and are in food eaten are the main conditions always use imperial cream tartar baking powder in biscuit cikes etc and that part of food will be all right sold by all grocers taints llalmeat fir sale ereirwfcere the latest thing in womans headgear it a glus bonnet it ought to fill a longfelt want of theatre wear dr lows worm syrup has removed tape worms from 17 to 30 feet long it also destroys all other kinds of worms sirs scimdiet have you lost your appetite jtr de boarder de boarder yea thank heaven owing to the unprecedented demand for plate glass it hag advanced consiberably in price messrs xfccautland fc son tor onto fortunately made a contract befcre hecdiaace for a very considerable qaintity and axe thus ens bled to offer their patrons this season a very decided advantage in price the quality being su perior to any ever previously imported tyring cleaning- be particular every spring to clean the house but never mind cleansing the blood until some troublesome disease take hold of you thi is poor policy when by using burdock blood bitters the blood will be thoarougbly cleansed the body strengthen ed and future suffering prevented his nieicuon is a dreadfal mortifica tion to ho5y what is his trouble he has an ingrowing mustache if men knew as much of themselves as they usually do of their neighbors they would hardly dire speak fo themselves the best result every ingredient employed in producing hoods sarsaparilla is strictly pure and it the best of its kind it is possible to buy all the roots snd herbs are carefully select ed personally examined and only the best retained so that from the time of pur chase until hoods sarsaparilla is prepared everything is carefully watched with a view to attaining the best result why dont you try it jtowfree form pain- huh sou i hive been troubled with lam back for aboat six months snd thoaiht i would try hagyards yellow oh which cared me am now free from til pains and recommend yellow oil very bigblr ffilxx pllmeff winona oot flare you tried hoijowsyi cora cure u hist no equajiorremofiagtbe trouble- some excreaoenses as many have testified who bare tried ft nimara umjeaeal far sale everr where five hundred dollars will be given for a case of catarrh which cannot be cared permanently by clarks catarrh care step right up to the office and get the reward thousands have tried this remedy hut no one has claimed the reward because it cures in nverycaae if you have a cold or are troubled with catarrh ask your druggist for clarks catarrh care price so cents and see what a pleasant relief it will he instantly if you are asked to take something tite send to us direct and we will send you a bottle by mail on receipt of price clark chemi cal co toronto new york truly 0a1led the greatest medicine world in the ijsatalr bsarsstssd u daitud a wmj rstaati pamphlets tetttturdaia staren wh sub1h hicbsbe uixcb co usl 120 king st w toronto ont louksnnfirtgmstottuftmilitteti atotwarttflinposttleful awras- trait marts cast0ria spring arrivals for infants and children v oastorta rartf o0u5 ooostlpsuoo bour btnmsch warrboa eruoistloa kills worms first slmp tail promotes dl- cailorlsullsltptiu children thai i ireoooimrodltusiiperlortoaorprescrlpun i known to mt h a aacnaa it d i ration illsaosiordsl urooal7nn t i wltioui iajnrtous meillostloa tas osktica ooaraxt n murrsr btrset x t fine spring m justopsnbdup light overcoatings scotch tweed suitings cheviot aud serge suitings shaw grundy mtmhr v tkilors cuelph railway timi tabijt grand trunk railway ooho lilt kiprns 119am rsauni 9 1 am mali 11 ot am tbrougn exp am pm accotn ft a- iiouo vxit express 1 10 140 esprtlt 10c3ijd tbro express s3 pjn hill l 0pn t is pm 10 01pm i aceom iimorcioiixoiiin1 doing west 0 30 am and s 90 p m qoloj east 10 0 lm snd 6 30p jn this lime tsb went into efkl ou oft ntn letast millinery our milliner opening will take place on wednesday 8th april when we wajit to see all the ladies as we will make a grand display of fine milliner at prices that will suit all also a fine assortment of dress goods prints parasols and fancy goods ever department is full of bargains henderson mcrae co hcton style the oldest drug- 8tore in guelph smiths vegetable jhood tonic the beit snd safett blood purifier in llio uartet curw ifldifitioa sick-itead- acbe lots ot ajipetilss ic ic smiths winter fluid haaa rvpntatioa wcondlo nouc for the immthiuu cum of bore ur chip- pod haadi roufhnote of the liiuice smiths cheny balsam is without doabt the most cfiecta rtm- edr ftjr tiis mmediai us care of couglii colds croachiut hoancneuic a wg smitfi co dispensing- chemists cor wyndham macdonald streete qoelph ont best value with spring comes keuy bros fine assorted stock of spring suitings pantings and overcoatings oor tweeds and worsteds are the finest and best that roonej could boy and wo are determined to keep the prices down under that of cheaper goods oo every garment w torn oot this spring we wui put the best ol trimmings the best of workman ship snd guarantee a perfect st spring hats oor new 8pring hats hawjjtat oome to hand and are the best and nobbiest in the market they are in mens boyt and childrens all sizes and prices furnishings oar new stock of gents ties shirts collars and cuffs are something grand this lesson gi ns a look as we have marked tbe prices to please you kelly bros be it ever so humble theres no place like home speight st son have a large stock of furniture suited to every pocketbook in furnishing a house or adding thereto the poor man can secure articles of comfort as well as the rich we have a full line of furniture for i aptopbtftof tetormauoo aadtfej itraet of iti uwi gbowloa how ua obtain pmitjata carai pmitjata catflata tno to mackinac summer tours palace sraiitcits low prrtaf iinr tripi per wnk stvsra detroit mackinac island trtrj xrtiiia bitwia detroit and cleveland fiutitvf thh ekrfaa jta u iiptt ud svfmh cw our illu8tratc0 pamphlet8 bj tvux ttt afmnl ax irlilr t a a 8chantz att o p a ditiot uck the detroit 1 cuve1aid jteli my co s the bedroom the kitchen the parlor the dining room in many styles and prices excellent value always j a speight manager spring arrivals at the mammpth house georgetown great spring arrivals of dress goods failts millinery mantles fancy goods staples pnuts sateens a beantifnl lot of fancy sateensj fast colors for 12jc worth 18c our sateens cannot be distinguished from siik and oar prinfs excel in design price and quality having bought our cottons shirtings cottonades tickings and denims before the recent rise we are enabled to offer them at the present wholesale prices carpets oilcloths rugs and cnrfains cheap and in large variety gents and boys readymade clothing in great profusion and very low prices oar suitings spring overcoat ings and gents furuishingt were never more complete the cut ting fitting finish and price ot our genu garments have a pro vincial fame we call special attention to our varied and large stock of dress goods and dress trimmings onr dressmaking departments in full swing turning out exquis ite gowns jackets and mantles oar millinery department is complete with all the latest ndvel- ties from the different ceutres of fashion inspection irmted oar european goods have beeu imported by ourselves onr canadian goods have been pur chased before the rise on the most advantageous terms we prom ise and will give great bargains inspection aud patronage respect- ally solicited wmcleodco oeoroetowk fortythree packages new goods received at the right house thisweek including 7 bslet ot brassels tapestry allwool kiddermicister dsmtsk snd aiminitter csrpets i bales hemp carpets rolla wool carpets s rolls union carats s rolls chins malting 1 bale bos 3 cases curtain poles 3 cases brass windon- trimmings watkins never has had such a large and well assorted stock of magnificent carpets cdrtaln8 carpet and curtain materials as at pbesent made bt the vert best manufacturers in europe in the latest styles comprising the best 5fratte brussels ro tal velvet wilton and axminster carpets also very beautiful swiss lace german and american chenille and damask curtains all oserins at the rery lowest prioes lease robber circulsn 1 case ladies embroidered underclothing 1 case ladies new stylos of hsts 1 osse silk velwts 1 ease tsble damask 1 case stylish parasols 1 case latest stiles muslin dress good8 1 case cashmere dress goods i case ladies corsets 1 case dress and mantle trimmings mantle trimmings are in the latest styles newest designs and immense variety to 8elect from and are 6elling fab beneath regular priceg customers 6ay 4 cases white cottons 1 case flannels 1 esse tqrkev red clf in i case towels 1 case denims i case fisnnelttes steel bronze snd metal gimps and ornamsnts silk cord drew button flsnml trimminrs grenedine dress goods sorsh and pongee 8uks tennis cloth bejjte and delaine dress goods whalebone ladies kid gloei gold cord silk ribbons cricket csps cbantilly laom bilk and twist mending yarns tapes eider down flsnnel bilk plush and velvet corset coters night dresses costumes fancv dress goods polka dot and satin checked moslios pillow linen linen sheeting carriage dusters hack towels disper fsnoy hair pins bonnet pins lsw mitt velveteens denims cottonades ticking blsek lace flouncing please mind to enter the ttores next to hngbson street many make mistakes and do not get into tbe right honse hamilton april 9th 1891 thoiralsc wrvtiklasrs canadian printers iead i can furnish you with the best presses for country news and fob work to be had in this country and at lower prices than for any other new cylinder press cowb to rcton knd see our improved country prouty press ht work the free press is printed on the above press and the work illustrates its merits no 1500 drum cylinder press can do better newspaper or poster work we have ran the froatjr for eight years and the longer we ran it the better we like it it ii simple easy to ran easy on type easy to handle coats little or repairs and is easy ontha printer s pocket book we oall it the best press to be had in the world odsy for the money come and see onr press at work tf yoo desire samples ot work send fo them and we will gladly furnish hem we can give yoa yoar choice of number of diffnreht sites and styles ot presses at all pr oes amtiimsstlstsiwsttttirnasaitsafb flk naadlino wares pa us a j think of it a new 8 col folio or 5 col qto power press for only 600 to 700 or an 8 col book press ior 800 full particulars from r ittorycnada acton pwt powder purest stbonce8t best contain no alum ammonia lime phosphates or ssriofrariees materials ewgillett sbotiu lafrtftktclliiaalzsiotatnisteilllv the largest scale works in canada over ioo styles of hay scales grain scales farm scales tea scales improved show cases honey drawers hut hoppers u butchas sjrtuej aootzss ix rcu writs stmenm c wilson 4 sow 6 0 esplanade street east toronto ont mention tfiii prer e eu imc too writs cures dyspepsia cures dyspepsia promotes digestion cures dyspep mr ken ucxea i ont trites deir sins for yean and rears i raftered from drfieikia in ita worst forms aotl aitn trying all means in nif iowr- to no purpose i was persitsxta by mends to by bjul hkh i aid and after nsing 3 bottles cures constipation cures constipation cures constipation acts on the bowels sapid swearer diu bibs- x hire tried toot hbu with great rocoeu for cotutiptition uid ymn in hit bsvl tbe tweood dowa nikvle mo oyer so nincli better mt boirels now nior freely tmd the psin in toy heed has left me laid to ererrbodt withj the uune disease i roccuimend bbb mlbb f vtrllmca 13 hloorbt toronta cures biliousness cures biliousness cures biliousness regulates the liver direct proot bine i vastroabloaforflw yean witll utbt complaint i used a great deeioltuedicine which did u no good and i was betting wor el the time until i tried burdock blood bitten after taking torn bottlee i am now well i can elso recominend it for the cure a e dbmcox hawtutoue ont of dtipepfcia regulates the kidneys cures headache cures headache cures headache cures bad blood cures bad blood cures bad blood l-tfa- purifies the blood bad blood may arise fronv wroug action of the btouiaek b11bu rwulatint toulug thee oivauis n the caute and makes nc blood nuorfaif all tmm liseaejt froui pfanste 1oe erofalooi sore wwareti usuaea iv me kterthkm a prcmrt oare dxab biiuiwaji verrad with headache and iaia inicj back my hands and fee nrelled bo i could dofao wtfcrrk my tisterlalsw tvjybssd mete try b b b with one bottle i felt so much better that i got one more i am now wed and can work as well as etet ajofn btjqess tcsotiborg omt tsi

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