Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 7, 1891, p. 3

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i bank of hamilton hbadomca huttltoh uwmttvfvstss part ot cat satsbg dkpabtslrvt i sraiuid fotsssasg n watson atrot the methodist church wtoh pa8tor roiikebowrawa out 10100003 00000010001 ooooooooooo oooololool3 are yov going to do akytlpering wall paws from 5 per ivoil borders from ic per yd new designs prices right just opened curtain poles n walnut ebon- brass mdow shades in linen and paper is35 l croci vjuidow ooot noaoiibletothowxoaoiirsoodl ceo hyn8 acton batdtuztm az edduig ud birthrur presents ipcdou fttt fwss thcrsdat may 7 189l little local briefless which caufhjt the eyes or ears of free press reporters this week attention av i fire sondari tins month sitonuy tmsht sno pranced vegv- tiboa toy rapidlj- tik iboat itocfacg fury lite tciui jth u tun resumed anwremry serrices w lnox choxcli i week from ot sancur l gnppehu bd sevwii citizens with in its gnsp the put week the foonditiaa tor hr j perkins aev hoom u ftboatcompletfid adrtrhons and improcettients are in progress in ill parts o ufftowrj a meeting of the board of edactuoa will be held next monday evening mr w rnrafil hai been unpronng hit house on main street this spring id t it abotiime the cornet band wis beginning to ctilrre their lpjid stacd- the loren of the stump are patting in qaite a boisterous time these etemngs the little ox yearold son of mrs alex h brown had uis arm broken on honda mr john matthews has aided a sea reragdah urhiboase opposite sl albac c charih mr h bamshtt photo itf is has a fine new display cf portraits in hs sudio wicdow j er chast t cocking recently re tamed frpm jipan will gne a lectare and exhibition m the methodist chorch next wednesday evening census enumerator robertson his completed his duties he will however leave the eoternment report to tell as how much acon hit grown mr william mcpnaii has parchased the propert belonging to the late francis clark tor ho0 he intends to enlarge and improve the house shortly an italian etode mason working at the foundation of beere kirkwood s cew barn on the 2nd line erin bad his left hand badly braised by a heavy stone last friday the emms weil co has a gp eadd lot of scenery which the manager will aell cheap the conncil or some eutr prising party ihoald bay it asit exactl tu the town hau stae and can be hid at a great bargain- at ton may expect a nut from sanitary inspector graham at any time after today will yoor premises stand the critical inspection they are sure fo be sabjeded to 7 if not yon had better hustle tor the in spector will not stand any nonsense the port colborne adert rrui new candidate in the local newspaper hstc hears mcilmns 6 ward are the publish ers and in the initial numbers exhibit considerawe enterprise their efforts to bnnfipt colborne into prominence at lh g important time should be rewarded by tfco sapport of thai commanity exercise of the muscle is necessary for the proper develoment of the baman system but n iforlunately earning water catting wood working m the garden or ur nmying family errands is oot haflt as popular with the average boy jwt now is carrio a big bamboo pole aroand he coantry on fishing expeditions the cireleef dropping of a lighted match in tha cemetery by a smoker came very near causing a disastrous conflagration one day last ireefc the long dry grass immediately ignited and fire spread rapidly and bat ot the prompt and united efforts of several alliens kocr church sad cam l eron s planing mill would soon have been 4ttize j bobert bingham r pet with an accident at bjrowns saw rmluin monday by which hi narrowly escaped serious injuries he was removicg slabs when bv same means tfae track became displaced he wasorerbalancedftdd fell off the track to the ground some mna firt with tberock on top of hm he was picked up oncon scioos but soon recovered and will ihflrtjy be we to reshme work the emi wells co opened t three nigfau engsflement w the town hu ou toedy of6t to fuu house the com paoy has tnlproved noes their viiit five yean ago their wirdrobe wd soeoery are moch supwior to that of tbecompuues whkoi oswllf ac tbc motlt auiumt of im wells ibe far b im proved if ppato dfletu 3sim bay were londjy encored hiaswels a pjsmstts narrj- white tb du v l 7 j j ikhrtkdm bill with the the newsat home the tfelhodil chnroh kit 8ondj the ttwidancs w rood tad ttev dr obordpmchod two o the beet teraoni delirtrtd dnnns hi tomle a feu ol nerl prtwd ou til nd iheuomipproich ol the dre rtmoml fhe con cinb only i hmdfnl ol mtmben of iheoon clol moroblcd lor their weekly thoot on bttordiy adcrooon l 6 80 the opening ot the fihin eoiton doabtlese ittncted omeol the ibscnlccs lollowing n the more j tcenon ch qahlncr v m surk jcuu married in vcrrj a deker suihmi rewdenoo wu ibj oeue ot i h ii ruhenng 1ml cveuing the occmioh wm the onion in holy wedlock o mr welhorton smith eldeebin ot i councillor sailh to fcthmi eecond diughter ot mr thopiu suuieny eev g b cooke officufcd nd the oeremon m cootmmld it eo o clock mim miuuie sltthm wh nihiu tr aternhs bride while sir anton smith ot himilloo issuted the kroom the happ coaplo will n once settle down here timomc sport two well known inkier tmck oat torn town earlj satard morning or their 6rtt eicnrsion ot the kjmoo after fithlng over their nsail groondi tbej were laredon ind ou hopiug for coutmaed encccse xnjtil m eertn dock l night tfiey found them elte ou the gaelph nad elht or sine oulet from home thar combined ctch numbered la but b ten oclock liter the wou tremp home they thought it wis bird to mj where the fun ot their long day i tntnp came in es9ncsm sandax schools the programme is out foe the townihip sabbath school coutcntroo to be held at norral on fndaj i may in addidoa to uu items outlined for the programme in the- sumzbuia son iu ago an iu- atitute lespou will u uocht by mr james mcnab socretarj of tht presbrtcnan suoda schoollnjoo toronto on the preparation ot the eeasou alt who pur pose attending the contention art requested lu stndy the leon for llaj 3lst s chru il ji this is tjnat eootentioo ot the township assoaation and it is expected to contain much ot interest to sabbath school workers iferli appreciated the feee per rco rei tbc fojawmc letter last week from an extensive advar tiser in one of the canume provinces dlm nrx edo4 reise czlv o oricr fa pavmec of tccccct for our drctiscacat the rtrcar wcccc ocopr for renews and beff 3 express or arrrecuofr u rort d oc by rour rpr v c co- jer tle fuir i rxss the ujitrin edia xc tee orn tmlv c c it is a malcr of crcal iti to us to be in coslant receipt of sacb kindly expressions as shore it is evidence that the fcte pll- efforts to rank among the very best pifkrs in the country are bearing tru t and pra mg protable both to adver tiser and publisher xraufioe camj sons acscqllasii this c soc etv was insaluted m the oldfehow hall on ifonday evening br grand secretarv banks torouo assjated chlt grant a georgetown after the orarizali a the fonbwing officers were e and icstajied i ii cetcc allan clftoifca clicf aj- ol- keucar f teurrtr i- b jcue c2 fuiul k uiri icorin be esrrkojh ifdosau cipnia u 1 y liis ilanlt1 trch uetsnsl icsiije g arf joi ascw otdegcird d taj or tne newsoc l has been clnsteced the ivajnoe catrrp a tai ore riitcn voircr for a number of jears the gowdj uannfictanilg co cf gieph hsve led the ranks in tuis pirt o tl countn with their superior lawn mowers toe miter ill used is ail rs clas the workmanship excellent and tuetf prices fo low thil every man who cia a plot of grass or lawn can affurd o nave one for his own use this spring uie r cew mowec tle jewel is in great ftttnr it has several improve meats over last ear and is a fine little machine indeed tl e repauliou of this firm is uot confi cd to ontario or to canada e ther fo- thev arc filling large orders not onlj for the ar om povioces of tle dom mon bt for tnuij ditairt points in foeigu ccantne a scranc circumstance a very strange affair occarred m lh s county on monday that afternoon two men arnvedt the insane aaylnm hamilton with a woman named lira ifary bradley from trafalgar one of the men was a count constab e from palermo and uie otlier was lha woman s brother named king the womiir was sitting between the two men when tbc arrned at the asylum and went to tae the woman oat of the ng t war dieovered that she was dead the men then started bak to ealermo with the body cneoffined lung in the bottom of theriff the men stated that the woman was apparentlj in good health when they left king place and tney did not know she was dead until the arrived at the as icm she pad been living at her brothers place and was out of her mind jpan illustrated a lecture illustrated by magnificent lime light dissolving mews will be deluered by the rev c t cocking in the ifethodist church next wednesday evening on the manners and customs of the japanese these views are taken from life by the best japanese artists and it is claim sd they cannot be surpassed the lantern is of best make throwing a good 20 ft picture at the close the lecturer will appear in native coslame give an address in japanese and exhibit a large number of articler used by the people m their daily life mr cocking recent returned from a five years residence in japan and is wellquallfed to give an interesting tystare on this subject the country around newt iterrte supplied by corrse- pondenuand exchanftj erin at the fourth quunvimiitliig of erin circuit ou mondy the pallor iuv j ball by a unamlous standing rote m invited to return to the oironlt for the third year itev v j uagwood hit colleague wu alio unammonily intited to return for the second year the erin v idette dueball club has been re organiied with the following officers for the present eeuon w hull president c j mcdonald vice pres o t scott treasurer t e bandera lecrelary c grant eiplain w j carbery j w waniborough with the captain constitute managing committee dr martin u having erected a beautiful and commodious summer house ou hii rtsideutal grounds bannockburn a fine set of chimes hu beeaplaed in 6t george s cborch guelpb killedbythecork milton license inspector william uorlaud brother has sued henr carnquo atnoi dorlaod and lena dorlind the last two defendants being his uude and couim for 5000 damages for assault false im prisonment aud arrest and malicious pro locution by the defendants for alleged complicity in the forging of 5300 in notes nhich it is alleged ero used b the firm o joseph brothors sons to induce amos dorland to endorse for them to extent of dc00 which the defendant had to pay ou the nolea proving worthless b the way detective muirav who went to sau iran cisco some time ago to procure the extra dition of joseph brothers on tho same charge reports that brothers levanted foor days before his filnrray r arrival atfnsco and so far bar not been located organizer nimmo was here last week and to less than two days got thirty nine millomaus to sign the list of charter members for a new lodge of the sons of scotland the list includes a number of the most prominent residents ot the town and ticinit we aipaoi large hah itories for a few diyi who the bannockburn correspondent ii il a mjritargr arraral hire ban aimed at but to far tii mark has bau missed ai uljram il yet on tb perah iltw young man who was icen going tome from aoton lata wednesday tveutng better tak a abort cut through the both af there may be trarapi id the school cam warren spent sunday with friends in the city john russell jr who was taken 111 with pentoaltfi in georgetown hu returned homo and we hope for hli ipeedy reoovery ultsses burl1noton rockwood miss cleveland of actoo was in town ou saturday mr and lies y h store visited kock wood friends last week daniel strachan bx who has been very ill with la grippe fo- the past week is convalescent mr t lundv is preparing to build a dwelling on the site of the old one part ot which tic will utilize in the new seeding operations are ncarlv over in this neighborhood and according to the oldest inhabitant this has hocn one of the fines seasons on record for that kind of wcrl i all wheat is looking remarkably well toircel a poor field being vmble the bocdwood band has beeu engaged to play at the i o t demonstration in lden mills on tiie hoth met- it will slso take part in a grand concert to be given in that place in the foreter hall on the same even ng so less than three funerals as a result ot that dread disease consumption have taken place from eockwood withm a week on the 25lhntt was that of mrs stephen son of toronto onfndav the if h year old son o ro t stamp an employee of the g t r was buried at the stoue church barring groend ani on monday there was buned mis annie mcintosh stepdaughter of mr divid stewart who died after a lingering illness oc saturday morniag her remains were followed to the hverton cemeterv by a very large concourse ox sorrowing relaliies and fneads oakv1lle the ajrand trunk railway company hu two gravel trains and a large gangof men working on the double track between burlington and bronte work between burlington and waterdown wsi com menced tun week and we may iooo expect to iee the double trick completed between toronto and himilton the ontario kxpren and transportation co will open an office at burlington tome time soon thil will be a great boon to oar berry shipper and othera by giving them a choice of companies by which to forward their expren mitter md will no doubt hive a lendenc to cause cheaper riles the west end of burlington is booming ceeral new houses bare been built others are nnder way and whit with the large number ot penooi emplojed on the double track it mikei thing lively and goes to to ihow thit tho weit end is still on the march ol progress istutjtt georgetown make op ume karki tai ibe rf tttsctioii that ii aaldom wl 5iiwt tbey put toatr laat lara tb oewdf va atytil tatw iy the peculw death of a new york physician sew lout mav 3rd after two weeks tneraudeatysrinjthe bev dr georfit wbotljweli died at the brooklyn hospital to night the accident whiph re salted- in bis death was the inhaling of cork into the bronchial tube iu had removed a cork from a bottle and was hold mg it in his teeth the antfes of a child amused him and he commenced to laugh nheo the cork- slipped down hw throat several sargicsl operations mud all inat medical skiilwd dofaued to relieve ttre sufferer -3- j fire thousand speckled trout fry were deposited ft the guelpb game clubfl preserve to nusagaireys hut week t me sleighing tuesday great barguas in cutlers at calp 4 mchenrie s may tair tomorrow ii is eipected there will be a uqq bow of itock and i big crowd in town miss hemphtuhasopeoed a dressmaking establishment m mr t bo rata biiley t hoasc oa main street mr clark of the high bcliool staff is tu toronto aueodiag the examinations a believe he aimi at a 1 one uifiht i aft week the ililts bojr from the glen received a repnmmd from tbe cadi for getting too high infa ia the shape of 5 00 aod costt the season promises to be an exceeding i drj one tha droaght baviag already bet m ot coarse the license commissioner can avert this to a great extent by reobh gating two of our publicans some woodcifal fish stories are already going the rounds but for all that it cannot be disputed that messrs creel man and aldons secured a beaatifal catch at hills burg ou friday uearl a handred each is uot bad for the beginning of tbc seasou mine boat harry claims to hva taken three that weighed nearly lu lj he doa i sa how oaar tbe met bod nt cucrch was crowded lo to the doors on sunday evening wit ii the carious and anxioai who had come lo hear miss crosthwsite tbe returned miss looary preach and they were batisned for tbe ladj beld tbe closest attention of all from itsrt to finish on moodaj eeuing ibe lectured in tbe aame charch this time in chinese winter costame also exhibiting a number of little oefcstial gods ac sbe is a very entertaining speaker impressive and earnest an instance of unparalled cheek n the prenentatioa b messrs lurd bros lo the liih school board of auotlier bill for some e400 00 whal makes the mater to su premely gaihog is tbe fact that here is a lodgement in all matters oetween these parties aad tbit too in favor of the defen dan the high school board tbe oddfellows marched in a bod to ct georges chorcb on sunday evening where her jos fennel preached to them their sermon perkpvua dr add mteuds pract sing at bchnctitadj near new york city rev dr giflvd wai ia tawn on monday coming and goinc tcfcdi cen ng tle mb init a hire light dually of rcsns of the public bn id ices and pirl in paria was gieu in the 1retbjteraa church b mr d ft ciap bci vrong the news were the littel towc- magnificent clcrcbe both exlenor and lotenor rroncments erected to tbe memor u men cited in battle and art kapolecnin military dresi on his death bed ontne island of st helena tbe only pct here he was ever fcivown to sbed tears was marked in ace of the park by a flat stone a number of be ectioos of works of art and sculpture tbe grand opera of pans with its cornjore and parlor and many other interesting uews mr campbell gave a load descnpioa of the illasirstions tbe atendjce wu not very large but those who did take advantage of the cheap trip to pane were atcpl repaid far their oatlay of fifteen cents the little boys thoroafihly c joyed the trip mim ccosthwaite s lectare on china gireufa the methodist cfaarch hut than ds rioiwc was highly appreciated by all present hile we were prcfidand oar hearts drawn oat more in iyffligy for the missionary cause we were also much amused miss crosthwaile iaft very good 0peakr and s siocerejy jn earnest in her work her lectare was interesting edify mg simple and instructive with just enough spice to make it tasty there are certainly some points in the character of chinese which claim oar respect they are industrious ingenious peaceful and en respectful to the aged batalheother hand they are lasmcere great consumers of opium and proadly regard other nations with contempt as in all heahen lands womwjare treated in a most regarding manner the lues of young girls and married women are those of constant hard ehip and sorrow as the clouds in the heavens often hide the glorious aun from oar sight so do the shadows of saperstition hide from the chinese the san of eight eefisness many are the efforts that have been made to enlighten them tbe gospel has been preached to them the bible has been translated into their language and chnstain booksfas ve been freely circulated there is not a shadow of a doubt bat that these efforts hare produced an effect the seed is now being sown and we may feel confident that the time of reaping shall follow and china with her hondeds of millions snail know jesus christ and ascribe jo him the praise of ber salvation to the editor of the palmerston tdt graph kindly accept ray thanks for the trouble you took in pointing out a mistake in a passaee of scripture which i quoted in my letter of april 23rd i can assure you mr lacy that i shall profit by it inso mach that in fa lore i shall not trust to memory i always have had a good opin ion of yon but seeing that yoa are so well versed in the scripfures you are raised much higher id my estimation mr charles culbam one cjjhe oldest residents ptpur town dleovstxlben wednesday april 20lb the funeral took place on twarday afternoon and wis one of tbo largest ever seeu lo oakrille h has gone to receive his reward which joo only can and will give the well doer mr h 8 mage of alma paid friends andrelausa short visit last week h ufclreiaed the prayer meeting in th mrtho- ditt cfaorcb on wedtwwjay reninff many wvrehessed thie words which b ttllttu link may td tt i tt tsttfeotttitt mr t howartu iff coodcnkf lmfmmfm rjfc6 thwaripis4tooofllvwhtoansk b moftfrt mrs mflls of stratford is the gast of heedaujthter at the methodist partoatge mr and mrs j c walker of stratford were the guests of mr l lvman oer sunday v cmiss maggie hicklm left this wtiek to resume her petition with t eiloa 1 cc toroolo mr and mrs john 6a coders sr are vi tiling their daughter in acton street ville irrir miaa cleveland of the third department of the pabhc school iiii beeu ill with au attack of diphtheria this week mr samael johnston and part of his family have returned from toronto to reside in acton oar citizens welcome their return mr g wells removed last week to his newly acquired propert at everton his removal is regretted for be was a good citizen and lnteresed himself with the prof pen t y and moral status of tbe commanity mr john ramsey who has been coo nee ted with tbe fkze pels office for some time has removed loglovjrstiiie n y he was a faithful and indastroas employee and this office parts with him with con siderable regret the family of mr wm ramsey left oa on monday to join him in thair new home at gloversville n y this familj will be verygreatly missed in the circle in which they have moved here for so many jears theywere on usually active in church and sabbath school work among the disciples tbe commanity at large unites m best wishes for future prosperity and their comfort the aspen col time says john c allan of this city has been appointed by governor boutt president of tbe state board of pharmacy and he received official no ice of the fact yesterday tbe appoint meat has been conferred a pan a gentleman in every way cjaalined in discbarge the dulieeof tbe office with fidelity and ability mr allans acton friends will be pleased to hear of this excellent appointment family history yam fly history dramatized it has been said that tha obscurest id dividual life if truthfully written would surpass any ro mane and this is true of the obsenrbst familys life all families are equally ancient on earth individual immortal ity is represented th lbs tmdying fife of every family it reqdires tbe life of a family to roaod oot tbe ev at individuals iind so mt of joint the o oud that orer whelmed be wayarar of me reosrauon fpr bis spccessorfloau into light tbe ex enracs of foregone age ace stored in every human being- if t icfbiftory of a partfoular family is searohs 1 it is because it isjeafohabis not becaik u is great great andmall are termi if igiwraooa id i lstfalsbaln gentlemgn order your spri14g suit and overcoat from r e neuon cuelrh 3 new spring suitings new spring overcoatings 3 m 3 an immenio range of choice new pantings from 4 to 12 w per pair j ji 3 a special genuine pure wonted black panting at 5 per pair 3 3 3 my speoulty psrfectlitting 4 pants to order satisfaction assured k e nelson fashionable clothlar s9 upper wyndnaia st onelph n- t a masons ew f cs acton t k masou beus tu itifurm uie people actoa aad sorrauudic c entry thai he has jait opened oat a new m d choice stock of groceries etc and hopes to merit a liberal share of public patrouace by keeping goods that will sait the people and selling at close price my motto will be sn ill progu and qakk retaruf farmers prointe inch as batter eggs etc taken iu exchange s ctil value iu teas a trial order ic respect all so icited uopiuj to liie the fkaeure of a call i vourobfdieat scrvict 1 a mason actcc april th w i dressmaking t e are lad to annoauce the re tarn of the popular manager of our dressmaking department miss lenocr the many catomcrs who so kindl held their orders awaiua her return will alto b pleased we arc prepared to execute all orders quick ly and in our cos onirj excellent style ihis is one of the important departments to joa si well i to bs ue ueer ahempt to do an thm bat firbt c us work and on the most reasonable icrraj oar stock of dress materials stands aan vailed for variet and ccneral exceileoce hardly a new thin but ou ill find it on oar shelves same remark applies to dress trimmings in short you will uot find a more attractive stock of materials noryet as rood work for as little mooes in any city dr goods house that we know of we invite your patronage millinery oarfchoa rooms arc a great attraction jojtuax diih amialsof novelties keep op the appearance goods are going oat fast and coming 10 just as fast novelties aboand ou eerj hand oar large staff is basy executing orders and all oar custom ers are delijjhted with oar efforts in spring v raps and isites we are shnwing a verv nice imjitted liae jast opened thoy are sp end d ilaea ioq woald hi poet tbe price to be mach higher than we ak for them pabasols ad sbk umbrellas hundreds of them nicely gotten up aod at en moderate prices please gee ibem bents clothing furnishings this branch of oar basioess is increasing very fast first cla material correct styles fault lees work and very moderate prices characterize oar ordered clothing a saving of five dollars on a suit of clothes is an item this joa can do with ns the newest style in hats jut opened gloves ties socks braces shirts- underwear waterproof coats umbrellas etc you will find in verj great variety our goods arjrsfresh and nice and we solicit your fsvorsm this departmnt cash the one great indacemet we present to yoa is that as we no not sell on credit we give you the very closest prices for cash ion get the full benefit which ready money will bring we resolutely and positively will not sell on credit ycacanbayvheap for cash from us ii we seem to fee loflex ible in this to anyone we can only say that such ss our rule and by it we stand ac commodatiug in everything else bnt firm as a rock in our adherence to tbe principle of cash wa owe it to our customers as well as ourselves and cash paying ons tomers realize the great benefits we offer them e e bollerfco 26 27 lower wyndham st guelpb j tfuetts pure powdered bim business in full swing in of the golden lion milliiry oor millinery opening wi a grand ioc oeai but now that it li over we expect the i ladiei to feel a free to come in and inipect it ai they did lait week we did not intend to iiy any thing eulogiitic of our diiplay but imoe tome one li acouied of indulging in bombut and entbuiiaatic tell praiae to uve the reputation of the eccuier we will luit repeat whit we heard from acore of ladiei lait week that our millinery u by far the fineit in the city and what we con aider equally high pralw very much the eheapeat we eipect fully ai large a crowd this week ai lait carpets great line of tapestry oar- pet over m pieceaworth from s5c lo 90c to be cleared at 50 cents the greateit bargain ever offered in tapeetrv carpet in the citv lniovcakilt 30 all ool 70c up v up bhlsslls wc up lac1cchta1ns asd 1oll- com plete m03 all the nice sew certain goods m great varietyi don l fail to see them clothing our ordered clothing department baa begun to boom and with tbe advent of fine pring weather wo expect a still great ruih tte would adviie young men wanting uitti to order them ai early ai poaaible- e are offering a special 1900 sjjit op scotch tweed got ip in the verj beat ityle with the finest trfrnminga wall 6litings alao special valne at 119 00 f1sl haiit llhl and fanc stklll limb very inecial at 15 00 j d williamson co fcyt 5 and 7 wyndiam st qnelph 84 oswald st glasgow oar carpelctock for the spring ol 1801 is nou compleie our bujer bore this department speciatlj in mind last winter with the result that netilv every grade and variety of carpet now produced in europe or anieuci h ablv rtprecnted hi our carpot show room the largest in quelph great dehcaej oftcoloring at d palteai ilftrattcrizcs the new designs in brussels and tapestn while the new ingrains are pirtuulnrlt rich nud handsome m figuring and brakes we are also showing some verj handsome wilton caipcts as well as 8myriknd velvet rugs art square- hemp and stmr carpets china matting oil tjclothbjtjinoluim ie l it is our intention to make our trai actions in carpes this spring a pleasant memory to carpet buyers and we have marked these goods at prices that will eusuro this when to the largest stock in he cit vie ndd the additional attraction oi specially low prices we feel that the success with which the caipet trade has already opened with us will be sustained throughout tbe ecaon g bryan 5t co guelph nineteen pack aces new goods arrived at the right house this wee consisting of cases- ladiei and hic half 2 cites cortti 1 cafe beiutifol uiemle cortainsin tbe very latest rrenchitvlea 1 case ladiei cotton lnderveiu 1 caw laen collars 1pakage dreai bhieldi 1 package silk cordi and braid i case french satmi 1 case caihmere hoe 1 case while shirtinf 8aiales gre cotton 1 bale carpet warp kid gloves hair and clothes brushes tennis flanncli silk nets besded trimmioks plowers dre buttons uair fins striped skirtings silk girdlei dress goods navy cheviot drees clothes ladies belt coriel lacei uodresd morqoetaire add sprlns butum kid gloves ladies print and ohah blouses a int of damaged l nen ilindkerchiefs for ladies and gentlemen at about half price children i moe bandkeahiefi at only 2 cent each gents black cahjmerc socks 3c or throe pain for jl black balbriggan and lisle hose in children lines reduced to about half prices lsdies ieas marked down from 3 to 1 2o from 12 5 to im from i2j0 to 75c a magnificent stock of psrasols ant umbrellas ve cheap i mon 1 lanuels liitms ticking canton flannel gingham 8hrtnn and towel extra good value ladies ha i sirllt jbuotxs i just suitable fob travelling ob for the seaside are makhid down from 3 50 tol from 132 to 1 ladies about to travel should call larll honecomb and othlb stlles of kmtted wbap8 storm collars and babies knitted vvoi l s caps ih caeap thl carpets of all kds lisooms fwor oilcloths window ohades poles cornices brabs window fixings etc are all well absortld and ari ofiering at lvtlmell low prices for bdchgood qualities railway rugs warm flannels and comfortable i ndlrwertor ladies misses children gents and boys trat elers shol ld see thest goods an abundance of the latest stlles of silks from 3o up to s2 oo ladlls drebbes uat8 and bonnets blankets at s big reduction msntles blooiei collarettes etc ire great bargains jmt see the shirlingi tickings cottocades flannelettes and cncketing flauneli they are much below market value an excellent five year mare lor sale cheap please enter rtt right house at the board fence off the corner of king strllt last and huglnoo streets i hamilton may th 1891 tboimlas o wtbziiqrs- canadiai printers read i can furnish you with the best presses for countr news and job work to be had in this country and at lower prices than for an other new cylinder press come to hcton knd see our improved country prouty press at work the free press is printed oa the above press and the w6rk illustrates its merits no 1500 drum cylinder press can do better newspaper or poster work wa have nm tha prouty for eight years aod the longer we run 11 the better we like it it 11 simple my to run easy on typa easy to handle ootti little lor rspairs and j auy on the printer pocket book we call it tbe beit press to be had inu wojm odajl bam it for tba money come and tat oor frees at work if you desire samples of work send for thorn and we will gladly furnish 1 we can give you yonr ohoioe of a number of different sires and style of ireases at all prices d think of it 1 a new 8jcolv folio or 5 col qto power press for only 600 to 700 or an 8 col book press tor 800 full particulars from h jp 7vlobr agent tor cnfida

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