notes here and there taiwastasiimsiwt nr 0wllttf mssaesnl im jtbej had feaad e gnat secret art ewe aeetwei import sawejltwwi itanmoabwt eulfttclciw end sport i un heee at the tnnoewt the blows it draft ltbtkmitart rabnweircit tjifcytimoibwi les irestbe taunt o tin ssmnwffl retained wiumtdmmtlbosihl lite teat ueria item of central inturwst to rr pratt rttdtrt tired ill the time b many poor rninetid women who seem nvmnrm or ers debilitated by chants of nwanli or lifr it ou could reed the hundred litter pralsinc hood bareeparille which come from people whom t ha restored it health ou would be onnviuced o iu merit as ihli l lmpoeib why not try hoods sareapar slli yourself and thai reilln iu bcuost t it will tone and balld gp your system give yon a coo1 appetite overcome that ured teolln and make you feel as one woman expressed t like a new oration vflf obe nhnom of christians hare jtbe otwy from the marnac 1 great bosrau catholic church i b inserted and even ia tbe epu i it occasionally ommitted illy known several instances b retained it is popstsotly axplained rfckrtita eoocernrd or eren by olergy- m thing to be taken with a menial two thug hate contributed lanl laoreaae in the lftf woman who can earn incomes l own and the vast progress of the fw edocauon either of ibeae esper- vary aootr expaadi the wings of asalbavhimainsj nature and a return to i cbrysaiis is tbesce forth impossible of the qoeation to give woman i and equal property rights ktep her la tha proitrate attidade when her earning belonged i and when the law denied ifegnard called benefit of clergy 1 thatll was not suppoeabla head or wnle varr itair an iritttman mourning or hi wilt tearfully exclaimed filth iu she m i good woman alie aire lid me with tbw oft end of the mop mr thomas dell ol messrs scott bell co proprietor of the wingham furnl tore factorv writes ror imioii year 1 wai oot free one day from headache- i tried every medicine 1 thought would give me relief bat did nrt derive anv benefit i than pracsred a tattle ol northrop 4 lymans vegetable discovery and began taking according to directions when i toon found the headache leering me and t am now completely cared ferfectlov no trifle friend once called upon michael while he waa finishing a statue ft time afterward he called again the r waa atill at hit one work hn looking at the figure exclaimed ff tow bavebeen idle iince i aaw you br no means refabed the scslptor tiasewe retooched tbia part and poliabed i bv aoftcned this restore and p- toot this muscle i have given more citggnmno to thie hp and more energy to tbmb wed well said hn friend but ft jirykra trifles umaybeao replied angeiobat jfeki ttoobect that trifles make perfection and parfeetion a no tnfle an american jnataca of the peace who ia iwlanlly trying criminal caaea waa called an to marry a ooople after be bad aaked qoeation if they deured to be w amited to u boodi of malnmorj and they lead replied in the afhrmabre the justice mat solemnly hanng pleaded guilty to iba charge if there are in jour opinion any mitigating arenmatanoea now ia the time to state what they arei there are aeteral other thiugajbeaidca hit tpou that the leopard can change notable among there u r ftvfdollr bill th riirias sediciins the popalanty which hood earupar tua hia gained n a epnng medicine u woodertul ii potienetjmtthokelcmenti of 1 callh gmrj blood purify iih and appeutercetonug whfch everybody aeemt toneed at tfaiimaton do not continue in a dull tired auutittactory condmou alien voo may be so much benefited b hood sartapawii ll puruiw the blooi and main the nuk 0trnn uoklltre 10 joufielhlto idu dfanotidwtf d patni rack and lar away at the mm and mutolt and have ynu beau dluppolim in finding a remedy that will afford oertaia and ipead relief ii to go at onca to any drag atore and bay a bottle otfolaonl ketflllne polioni netvillno ner falli to relien neuralgia orampa headtnha rheudiatlum and all lutetnal or external patoa j b carman drngglit morrii- burg writes all the parties i mpply ipoak very farorahle of kerlllne and alwayi purjbaae a lecond lot folaooi nerviline l aold in bottles at s3 oente by all droggliti and country dealers ertry tthtic t bel a lcnon a china egg ihe is better off uuontl to jour fncudx ifou haie an offensire kreaih from catarrh to get rid of it as loon ai pntilblr to iiolliliu ot your own personal iiitereit as there are against allowing decajed matter in the public streets so should there be against tainting and polluting the atmosphere with some people a brestb perhaps as the nation advances with every sanitary appli ance it will be found ucoeasary to purchase large quantities of olark s catarrh cure to give to the people it would be a wise strike ot public pollc lot then the nation might riie up and call its rulers blessed sold by druggists at so cents or sent to any address by clark chemical co toronto hew york x they say theres nine on a aide in a sjsude of base belf muttered the oapu bat when yon come v find oat its ogb- lesa to one thate what it ia xu or beast v gail equal relief from pain by the nee of oarks tjgthling trtnimrnt the swelled jjronlasjrain or founder are rebered 1 atones by its nee efexyowner w otpbne eboald keep a bottle of this great f f g m lxu stable etery oauideration of economy aad hnmamty anggest this rsady rebsf pnoe fifty cents sohfby dnggata clark chemical co toronto kswtork in lord street a ttarviug vapradt le ea gaged in selling his wifi a ncddilu ring to ba bread hu average sales ore twe li five nnn ppr dav mrs m stephens of ajbam writes uf as follows my stomach was so weak that i could not eat auj thing sour or very seeet even fruit at tea time would cause heartburn fullness or oppression of the chest short breath restjesaneas danng sleep and fitaghtfol dreams of ditageeable aigbu oo that i would ofteu dread to eo to sleep with the use of kortlirop lyman s egeuble discovery this un- pleaautneas has all been removed tod 1 now can eat what suits my taste and fancy the fellow who asked the hotel waiter what they fed mock tattles on is the same fellow who blew out the gas m inter iortf the gay winter season exposes man to attacks of colds coughs hoarseness tight neas of the chest asthma brooclutis etc which requires a reliable remedy like hagyard a pectoral balsam for their relief sndsoure known ai reliable for over thirty ears the beat cough cure w w alcltllanv l n v 0 writes i was affected with tbeomatiam and had given op all hopes of a cure by chance i saw or thomas eclecmc oil recommend ed immediately aent filly miles and purchased four bottles and with onl two applications i was able w get around and although i hare not used one bottle i am dearly well the other three botllesi gate ground to my neighbors and i have had so many calls for more that i feel bound to relieve the afflicted by writing to yon for a supply he handled his gnn carelessly and put on hu angel damage ta tbe latest obituary notice from arkansas much ot the wages ot sin ia spent on saturday ufghi the page of the toronto dillf had is noted for want adtertlsemenu if jou wanl to buy or sell anything if you wiut a situation a mechanic a busi ness tnachincr lodgiugs if you have lost or ound anything or if 0u want to find out where anyouo is advertise in the to ronto wv mad snd read the advertise ments on the third page ot that paper the charge u two cents a word each in krt on addrcft tu tn lorooto can ads tic best illattraled piper out bank nee 1v 7 wl w 3 t v it i t i iwsfi it castorfa for infante ad children cs4tertakaoslladarmtocudmuiat osstsites irtoomaeiklltmsaperfartosnyriraarjripuon i knows tome h a aacasa m d i hsuobt 11 bo oiford fit brooklyn mt i wllknvwarloni c lgrostatlob i sad promotes dl las oawrica ocarrurr tt murray street t tim jfrt uo8 answer our iiuis lad caineln one day with dusty shoes aud tired feel his playtime bsd been hsrd snd long out u lbs summers noonuds hoal im alad i m bom i10 erld sail liour his torn straw hat up la lbs lull willie in the eorner by the docr he put awsjr hia bsl snd ball i woudr why bis suatj ssld this liltls isd always comes here ben there are many other bouio as nice ss this and qalte u near f ho stood a moment deep in thought thsn wish ths lovellgtit la his oro ids pointed where his mothor sat and ssld bbo urea here tbst is why with beaming faee the mothor hoard her mothsrbeart waa vory- glad a troe sweet answerbobadgiieii that ttaodshtfal lortog uttls lad and well i koow itaat boau of ladi arsjost u lorlog troo aud dear tbst thsy would answer u bs did tu heuis for uothera living here 5an tall prn i j the man who undertook to dress accord ing to tbe thentoeter thfa spring wore a lmen suit sad earned a fur hoed coat xbers are many indyationa of worma bat dr lows worm syrup meets thedrm sttrrcsse srjcoesafully tbe office clock with a cathedral chime xsast so feel rtnaingly out of place polo scllls 190000 in cash given away to advertise dr cole s pills we will givedaily prues for dtncty days to tbe persona who correct ly feces the name of a popedar reaedy from the letters in tbe two words pose seals for the first correct anawereeesiv- sd eacbdey 1500 is cash for the 2nd 300 for tbe srd iio0j1000 in all with yonx soawer send lie in silver or 27c in temps for a box of dr coles perfect blood sod liver pills sure core for sick bead sr he very small sad do not gripe bemember these ucaa are absolutely free prize money sow on deposit at the traders bask here contest opens may 1st 1891 try it address one sxojc co onllia oct canada if marriage is a failure said bisks what on earth is an engagement v only a temporary embarrassment said ms nde soo f a n oirlloik a fhirtytwo ge monthly magazine devoted to house building c home furnishing iwriaedeoorauorj fashions- general hteratore etc is tbe best publica tion of its class m america tbe publish ere in order to increase tne circulation of tbeir magazine offer huge rewsrdsto those of theu aobacribers or intending subscfib- ers wbo oorreetlyjnswer tbe following qoeation vthere in the new testament sis toe words a needle first found cash daily aud weekly rewards given while the competition lists the pnblisb- era will give swsy thousands of dollars among those correctly ssswenng the ajrjestioo the leadiog reward being fdoo jo gold send ion cente in stamps or nsqver or a sample copy ol otr ifoma and oonrplete roles governing tbe competition address 0r howi pmuktm co brock rilie canada good wort mrs g m ioung sulley sl grove su london eng was cured ot lumbago by the use ot tbe contents of one bottle of bt jacobs oil after her case had been given or sa hopeless it baa no equal i the manners compass has done some of tbe moat important needle work in the world children cry for pitchers castoria erben baby was se w gave ber castoria when sbe was a child she cried for castoria vbcb she became ltjsa sbe claac to castoria vbes she bad chodren sbe rave tbem cast oris great pout of resemblance between farmers and their poultry both delight in fall crops a lifetime of torture is often endured by tbe rheumatic tbetr bergs may however be promptly relieved- and the disease eradicated with dr thomas eclecfric oil which is moreover a swift and thorough remedy for neortlgu lame back sores braises irostbrfecvrns excoriated nipples inflamed breasts liver complain and all affections of the breathing organs positive wait comparative waiter saperlaiire get it yourself sadden clianjei lr vi oil this stands or uagj srd s yellow oil the best and promptest cure for all pain from the simplest spraiu to the racking torture of rheumatism a never failing remed for croup eon throat and pain in the cheat a regnar crokcr tbe negro minstrel two ears ago two yean sgc i was troubled with an nicer on my ankle baring used b b b for bad blood i procured a bottle and a box ot burdock healing oiotment after using 3 bottles and 3 boxes i waa com pletei cured mrs vm boyd brsntfordool owing to the unprecedented demand for plats glass it has advanced oonaiberablyjn pnoe messrs mccaualand t son tor onto fortunately made a contract before the advance for a very considerable quantity and are thus enabled to offer their patrons this season a very decided advantage in price the quality being su perior to any ever previously imported w8 jbm creatremedir diamond vera cum cures dyspepsia uno ihdtcernom if you cannot get diamond era cars fom our druggist send jjc for sample bet to canadian depot 44 and 46 lombard st toronto ont a long strike twelve bj the clock piles a posmre cure thousandr ot testimon ials ho purge so suppository sent post paid for 27 cts in stamps address home specific co onllia on the vevrjjfiuii tie new sir ship travels 200 miles si hour good lime but none too qaick if one wanted hagyard s yellow oil this peer- lessiain soothing remedy is a prompt and pleasant care for sore thsoat cronp colds rheumatism pains in the chest and back neuralgia for external and infernal use price a bestow give gold personsl sen ice it ott cannot if yoo want to buy or sell a farm ad vertise in the toronto waitp mail that paper reaches 100000 farmers bomea- arssrr week srnd yoo advertisement should taset tbe eye- of someone who wants topnr- sbass adrerttsernentsof thrcjaeaarein- sorted is ths toronto reeat jfoiftor five csaitis trad aeb inaertioii or twenty casjtsst word for fivs insertions address tbfj lufl xorotrto caaada we have never beard amao or a boy bewail bj kiodoese to sis mother sfter tbatt tooibsr was dead ingrowingwalls a cold or exposure may cause the pois onous acids in the mood to clog its cir culation this is rheumatism clarks lightning linimentj will stop the pain at once it should betaken both internally and externally if iheikltack is severe snd it affords instant relief if the pain appears again it should be met with the tame treatment until a core is effected this wonderful preparation has worked some remsrkeble cares among bheumatic sufferers where once tried it is alwsjs used after sold by all draggists pneo fifty ceols clark chemical co toronto new torr- ifeslthr herbs dangers afdrlay if we were alfoxed into the fafare and cosld see tbe fatal consequences that follow a neglected cold how differently woald oar coarse be could we realize our danger how speedily we would seek a cure but with many it is only when tbe monster disease has fastened its fsogs upon our lungs that we awaken to our folly what follows a neglected cold ia it not diseases ot tbe throat and lungs bronchitis asthma con sumption and many other diseases of like nalare it is worse than madness to neglect a cold and it is folly not to have some good remedy available for this frequent comphuut one of the most efficacious medicines for all diseases of ihe throat and inngs is dickie s anfi con samptive syrup this medicine is com posed of several medicineverbs which exert a most wonderful insaeuce in curing consumption snd other diseases ot tbe laugs snd chest it promotes a free and eaa c rmtoration soothes irritation and drives ihe it ease from tbe system he wbo knows right principles is not equal to blm who loves them i7a 00 in gold for a wife jcanelson wants to see you for he has what will suit jou dry goods boots shoes and groceries a tbial solicited 1848 v 1891 the oldest dru store bbtabufthsd 1mb wo liaio the largest and most larled stock of u ootkoiist mispress fta m ssesbgsf h art kelt 1104 am rbronjbrjip oooum teeom kmiith and rrencti bwbrutbei scotch and osrman vulcuuu rubbtr vrtulat comes t btton strops shi viat cup 8otp l uwn pears 4 unuuoirs lundoorfy coja and btilf pvuviab- in bottle and in hulk try the tetest- whltt ltlto all shades of diamond and tnrklih dyei touttsotp clotbot bnuhw tooth annas htubriuh tooth putt ourlat brustot jfvcsmithvsco oor wyndham a maodonald streets que s f we will give to the first person telling us before june lat 1891 where in the bible the word wife is first found floooo in gold to the next m 00 to the third isf00 to the fourth 20 00 to the fifth 115 00 to the sixth 10 to the next 36 15 each to the next 25 12 each to the person sending in the last correct answer we will give 100 in gold to the next to the last ta and so on same as from the first with jour answer send 25 cts in silver or 27 els in stamps for a box of llr coles blood aud liver pills the beat blood liver and stomach 1ih ever made sun cure for sick headache don t gripe uemember tbe presents ire absolutely free being given away to advertise dr cole per fect pills and family remedies at the close of the contest the names and addresses of all the prise winners will be published we refer joo to the the traders dank of onlla send at once and be first address home specific co onllia out tbe trnly great aland opon no middle edges tbey are either famous or unknown lowsisalpbur soap is an elegant toilet article god cleanses and purifies the skin moat effectually five hundred dollars will be given for a case of catsrrh which cannot be cured permanently by clarks catarrh cure- step right up to ihe office and prove your case and get the reward thousands hare tried this remedy but no one hu claimed the reward because it cures an every case if you have a oold or are troubled with catarrh ask jour druggist for clarks catarrh bore price 0 cents and see what a pleasant relief it will be instantly if you are asked to lake something else send to us direct and we will send you a bottle b mail on receipt of price clark chemical co toronto new york figgs that man brobaon has awful lack first be lost all his money and now hit wife hu got a divorce digps what does be say about theditorcer figgs says his luck seems to be chang ing i aaassha best cough medicine it bwmisti 1 wftlu one trial of mother gmet worm ex terminator will convince you that it hu no equal u a worm medicine bay a bottle tod see if it does oot please you csuetts pure powdered lye purut 8trokqwt but vwdt for nm fa anr qoantltr tot aakliw ftotip sofunftw wattr tttrfofswilnf ud hnddred mj mm amriauuspoaadmttdev om kr an orsmtt tu4 thout torontoi huanti umlmtmt emrr btinl whtches watches a large stock of american watches in gold goldfilled siher and nickel cases just pur- chased all reliable timekeepers b- sayagb jnchtc h rwvkke r cu6lph renovation about completed r we tender our hearty thaoks to our man patrons for tbe patient cousideratiorttbei have shown daring the list few weeks when it hu been impossible to do jaitioe either to them or ourselves owing to the confusion insepar able from the alteration we have been making under these circumstances it ia highly gratifying to see that the increase in oor business which goes on from month to month and year to year bu been in no way retarded by the changes ws have been making with tbe improvements we have been making we will be able to show our goods to much better advantage we wilt also now have the best lighted u well u the largest store in the city we beg to utnd a cordial invitation to all to come and give our store a thorough survey we think we may safely say without any appearanoe of boasting that we have tbe largest choicest and chsapest stock of pry goods and clothing in the city our spring importationahave been uupreoedently large tbe nsnai comment on oar goods is that they were never so heaotifal any former season especially do we exodin oar manufacturing department millinerylmantle dressmaking clothing in all these departments we have the very best talent and4a esob there is a hug per oentage of increase from season to mason in the volume of business done showing tbst the public appreciate our efforts to give them the very best work st the least possible price it is always an euy matter to get the pnoe down by reducing tbe standard of work but our effort is to raise the standard of work and still keep the pnoe u low or lower than those wbo produce inferior work this can only bo done by means of large capital to take cash discounts access to the best markets economy in business and close attention to tbe ume netting to work at 10 am wont do we could not give our customers tbe best results in that way good judgment in buying selling only for euh and a large tnrn over in proportion to expenses in all these tbings we are pre eminent and claim to sell f under other nooses in the same line in all these tbings we are pre eminent and claim to sell from 10 to 30 per oent j d williamson go 5 and 7 wyndham 8tooelph 84 oswald st glasgow health gn ing herbs barks roots and berries are carefully combined in burdock blood bitters which regulate the secretions parity the blood snd renovate and strength en tbe entire sy stem price i a botlie six fori lesittsn i cent a dose a nightmare is said looe nothing ebe but an old cbestcutr the he rlme x jsojajxt boot ppst paid bifneli the wood by the use of mbafvs jfjswaatbfsorsalvsr atbrms ban beef iron sod wins which supplies tie etj4la0xt nt mood bnllding malarial beguiar action of the bowels nthe kiy stone of health the use of b b b insures it and cures constipation dyipep- jnass miss f williams tli bloor street toronto wntaw bate used your burdock blood bitters for oonstipatfon and pain in the bead with great success i improved fra tbe second dose the cod that helps tocuro the cold the disagreeable taste of tbe cod liver oil i dissipated in scotts emulsion of pure cod urn oil wtoi hypoph08phitm os uhb jktto bosa the patient sulfering from 25 wmtilsl takes lbs rnnsdr as be wouldastnllk a see feayshasesabftfv rake mpnunut mt botnrb mtewofe l we 1 1 tenderfoot who had just purchased a horse is it the custom here in the west to throw in a halter when a man takes a horse dldbesident well it depends on how he takes bin r c c uiciamis d co for several years i suffered so severely from neuralgia that my hair came out and left me entirely bald i used uikabd s lujiment frsely on my bead which en tirefy cured my neuralgia and to toy astonishment i found my bair growing rapidly and now i have u good a lurd of hair u i ever had sprlnghil wii duau v canadian printers read i can furnish you with the best presses for country news and job work to be had in this country and at lower prices than for any other new cylinder press oocuional doses of a good cslbsrtic like burdock fills sie necessary to keep tbe blood pore and tbe body healthy it mast puzzle tbe aagelsito andrrsfand wttat tome men mean by their talk in prayer meeting when tbey mx how little cash tbey take to church with them on sunday ihjjit- called the grates medicine 1 world iwstsfy oaaraatssd ss ckteud or tansy rsfudsd yaarnmsts t stauk wst suaum meson iuuu co u 0 zbw st w toronto ont giraewmrflnrpcswml 6s oir tr m wjhrsrslh jl sulrasicmlearesur iik c071he to kcton knd sbe our improved country prouty press rt work the ffiec press is printed on the above press and the work illustrates its mets no 1500 drum cylinder hfcs can do better newspaper or poster work we hate run the prouty for eighl years and the longer we ran it the better we like it it is simple easy to rati euy on typo euy to handle coats little for repairs sod is euy on the printer pookot book ws call it the best press to be had in the world oday for the money come and see ar press at work if yen desire samples ot work send tor them and we will gladly furnish hem we can give yon your oholoe 0 a number of different sizes and style of presses at all prion think of it a new 8 col folio or 5 col qtol power press k only 600 to 700 or an 8 col book press ior 800 full partictilars from h p moore agent for canada acton ont railway turt taslb qrnd trunk railway 00310 wist express 1 ioem ginress llxjani thro express i p nt mall eosrjn looipmiamcro tmpon nanoroxosiaowiita joins wsst0 warn andhopm 3cdnwmtl00am asdliopu this time tsble went into iffid 60 oil nib wo dunns baking powder thecoorcsbesttriend uftagst sale in canaoa drawers toltctapp aid botcsos sortues i noaxss w rctx write xx tersaa 1 c wilson 80m o esplanade street east toronto ont lots paper r err in c too write cc qtaina no alum ammonia ume p or any irjgriaas e w oillett toronto ont 0 mackinac summer tours ucs svtaaicas low raves jva trips per weak bttveaa setrroitmacinac island rttoaktti tb 800 xsunqmu smd xfftktbttroa potia kwry irtnlaf btiwrai tetr0it and cleveund tnitj trip jrrtav 1m j jr lmt ul ef4csmats pnlj 0ur illustrated pamphlets aajysjmtsajltiirtlejrjulatl a a 8chantz aitt qpa dethott miot the detw1ti cltnfeumqsteii r1v c9 of b b b burdock blood bitters a purely vegetable compcran 1 possessing pe rfect regulatmr the system ani crscrcrrili the orinuii eontm i nj their beoro- ticjns it so purifies the b ood that it cures ai blood humors and daasw troiii evcom mi n pimple to the worst ecrofdlous wrc and th s combined witli i ts unnralled rcstjictrng cle insing and paifyms inflaenoe on ibo icretlons 0 t iu ijrcr kidnprs bowel and render it uiityjaaurvl as a dare for all ases of the skin frtm one to two bottles will ro boils pimples blotches nettle rash aoort tetter un all the simple forms of skin disease fr mi two to four bottles wil cure saltrheum or rczcina ihinglesrjrywpelas nloers sb- ace e runnmg noresanj ill jkm eruptions it s noticeable that sufferers from akin diseases nearly ahray by inlolerabie itohmji but this quickly subsides on fte reraoval of tho diseau by b3 b passing on lo graver yet proralent diseases snoh as tcrofttlous sirelbiigs humors and scrofula w a havo undoubted frool thai from three lo sji bottlos used internally ami by nnlward applieatiou diluted lttlio akin is broken to thelaffecled parts mil effect n cure the grejil mission of b u jj u to rckulite the llvrfr kidneys bowels and blood to correct acifty and wrong action ot the atomaeh and to open the sluioe ways of tho srstrni t clo nd tapnre aeore- tioiis allowing nature thus lo aid recovery and remove without tail dad blood rt jut iroomplnint hihousneas djspcj 1 sink laohe dropsy rheniuaiisui end every lea of disease arising from djsoideml sdcraeys stomaoh bowels and blood cnarantea every botuo of b tt ii bhdild any person be rliswtirfinu c tiiiil tut bottle we will ref mid hie 1 1 v on lieauonperaonallvorbyleik i be glad to send teatunoniala ami la- o protins tha effects of b h 1 in hea laohe wo bht tbe tontationi the to i uaards unlacal csiki haswisab rhe- largest 8cale works t in canada over 100 styles hay scales 3rain scales farm scales tea scales improved show cases t7 h i w