Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 11, 1891, p. 4

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r 1 si v- ri 4 t ljt tmt m fttww hereand there u wrnl thce8dat jcne u 1891 a hjt jerattg jrelkfi cmtoksirorraksrcegr l tbe tolhreo or tin mm wwi pljkltil 11111 tm ap ioama c lht ntfrttm sanaa etna aaaplaasantbtani tjlimrdurmuiilkirunitnimuitic i ilia pats than inwmtalns torw i or isfao la erasa vales uic raa t lmbt oer t tardea ixjvw 1 how dlnvrrot iron tlwtrt vbo drall on thuei worn vinos u mien alcn41tosb4j1kil jotaajktxsntiseaddastwsl sviiped in uwlr liontn i u t ttwj- ura inm imtum o lye wth rovett aod death tber cage a trtmcnunt btttle oow wholn death im in youth stow np 1 la daa of in and sorrow j3ij drink q inrnl1 bluer eon and uuniow of the morrow jwlgtot- claim a fmt bol iw lad yield to her idetdtiu rteothm co on blindly uirooju the way wtere thl u levllnt all unr uwy wbow roam leet trod the paths ot fickb and uouotaixu wlio lore tor man ud faith in god orenk in at natures fountains v hi u 7 ike brst limit evfty inicreditut nnplojtd in prodociok hood rarsaparilla ii strictly pert and ii the belof it kiud it is possible to bay all titfroots and herb careinlly elected ntrtoually eaaroinedvand only the bet retained so tul from the time of parent ontil hoods sempnrilla ii preparvd ewrtthinr canfolly watched with a view to attaining ihi bett reenlt why dont yon trylt ialriih politica there ii a nroue dispos ition to let theses hive it ivd in tie hospitals and endorsed by the nwlitai faculty throojtboot toe tutor clark catarrh core bai eome to be regarded as the only reel specific for that disease la every ca it worki certain safe and speedy eure pleasant to tute aid amdl it is yet powerful in healing ajid restoring the natural functions ko other ttmedy gtvet inch satisfaction became the results from use are not the tame sold by all drotguu or sent to any address on receipt of so cents byclark chenrieil co toronto kew vork c c rioutra 4- co for eeveral year i seffered n severely fmrn neoralgja that my haif me oat and left me entirely bald i tued uucards lixlltekf fresy on my beiev which en- tirely cored mynenralgia and to my aftorushtnect 1 focmd my hair growing rapidly and now i have at good a head of hair as i ever had sphnthjh wjtdurrns a fashionable jady in boasting of her new palatial jteridehoe laid that the windows wereftlf stained glaaa thais to badr cried hernoaber but wont cap ul tartentine take the stains oat v there are muy indications of worma bnt dr lowi worm 8ynrp miwte them m every sate soeeeaifally mrj b allen uchokterer toronto tens ni the following for six or seven yean my wile nffered with dyspepsia caaivenrtt inward files and kidney complaint we tried two physicians and anyssmberof medieinea witboat getting any relief until we got a bottle pficonhrop lymans vegetable discovery this was the first relief the got and before one boule waa need be benefit the derived from it was beyond our expectation the cannibals favorite a chief of one of tbsooth sea islands greatly shocked a miseioaary lady when asked what song was his favorite by licking his chops and ckying baby mine if if a weh done ingrowing nails a positive and permanent care far in- v growing ntils ko pain sent post paid for 15c stamps or silver address eoxz brtanc co oimjri oxt pole sci l0oc0 in cash given away to advertise dr colei fills we will give daily pniea for ninety days to the persons who correct iyfonn the name of a popular remedy from the letters in the two words pole schj forthe first correct answer receiv ed each day 1500 in cash for the 2nd 1340 fis the 3rd 2x0 1000 in ajl with your answer send 25c in silver or 27c in stamps for a box of dr coles perfect blood and liver pills sore care for sick hesdtrhe very cmul ant do not gripe remember these prizes are absolutely free prize money now on deposit at the traders banktlerc contest opens hay 1st 189i addresai7oin sptde tvorfllisont canada 600 for a needle otr borneo a thirtytwo page monthly magazine devoted lo boose building home famishing house decoration fashions general literatore etc is the best pannca tlon of its class in anierica the pohliah- ers in order to increase the circnltion of their magazine offer large rewards to those of their subscribers or intending sabscrib- ers wbo correctly answer the following question where in the kew testament are tne words a needle first found 1 cash daily and weekly rewards given while the competition lasts the publish- ert will give away thousands of dollars among those correctly answering the question the leading reward being t5o0 in gold send ten cents in sumps or silver for a sample copy of our lloma sad complete rales governing the competitioa address ocr hows ptbutkutg co brock- ville canada i7mo0 in gold fiira wife we trill give to the firslpersoo telling os before june 1st 1891 where in the bible the word wife it first found f 10000 in gold to the next tx 00 to the third foo to the fourth f 2000 to the fifth 11500 to the tilth f 10 to tbt next 25 15 each to the neit 2512 each to the person sending in the last correct answer we will give 100 in gold to the next to the last k0 and so on sameaa from the first with your answer sen44s ct m til ver or 7 da in stamps for f boi of dr coles blood and liver pslmthejbest blood liver and stomach piltvver nude sure care for sick headache dont gripe bvtnrtfwr the presents aw absojotely free heidg givio away to tdrertiw dr coleper- ftot pills and family bemedies at the ckwof the contest tb names and sddnssm of all the prse winners will be pablissed we refer yew to the the tnaea ban of ozfc 8mt booe sud in first a4dtaasbosw6peciooco oriflia oat uemi or otnaral interest to free prm reader bonnl to tfll it and this it the stay it mint lu the lntett of other rnffem 2cs vine st pa t 8 a jtuoary si 1s90 gnsolioim allow me to add my tettimotilil to out grand and glorioas remedy 8l jtcou oil a iliort tlmo tgn my htt ankle aud foot brgtn to swetf and became nearly twice their natural tlse the swelling was tbootrpaiiied by ptint almost atihtarsble mending to the hip sleep was impossible i dually aied st jaoobt oil i fonnd relief from the first application and a ptrmauent can after asing half a bottle i would uot again be without t if it cut 15 a bottle j esitt- 8ach a remedy is beyond price an old score four score mrs tt strpheut of albany ny writes atvas ollowt my atomtcb was ko weak thatt oonld not eel nothing tour br wry sweet- even fruit tt lr time would oaute luartburn fuilues- ir oppretsioo of the cheat short breath restlessness daring sleep and fiisgliltuldretmtiof dittgeeable tight eothtt i would often dread lb go to sleep with the use if kortbrop 4 lymans yeceuue divcavery hit ua pleasanlneea has all beeu remuvod sudl now can eal a list saitttnty uf te and fancy straight f rem the altoulilcr the tleeve winter suorti the tiay wiiittr miaton expot many to attacks of coldir couglit boarseuets tight ueaa of the cheat asthma brouchitit etc which require a reliable retoidy like higyardt pectorl balaam fur tbeir relief and cure tcnowit at rtlitme for over thirty years the bee coach core- uaibrellrts- have a vide spread papular ity w w mclells lvu i 0 writ i wt affveted with heuiittiiu aud ltd givi up allhopew of cure b chauct- i taw dr tbomat edectric oil reeomcoend ed i immediately sent fifty miles am purchaxd four boltles and with only two applications i was able to get around and although bite not used one bottle i am nearly well the other three hottirt gate around to my ueidibort have had so many calls tor more ihali feel bound to reiievefihe afflicted by writing to yoa for a supply two years ajo two yetrt ago i was troubled with an ulcer on my tukle having ued b bb for bad blood i procured a bottle soditbox of burdock qejiug ointment after uctig 3 bottle and 3 boxes 1 was oom- plculy cured mrs wni v boyd brtutiordonl hv i yur uj tcliitii tloog at htrvtcd tiist rile he write- me that be coci to 13iionfccry utjht to wtfxch ujbc 6ufvy j a scientist says thai a sodaliat it not an imphibiah an amphibian it an animal that lives on land and water the socialitt is not an amphibian because he uvea on land and beer tie whole alphabet of pain yields to clarks lightning liui- meat it it equally effective in inflammi tioo of the kidneys bitdder or bowels congestion of the lungr tore throat difficait hreauiiag hytteria croup diphtheria headache toothache neuralgia rheama titm ague chflblaiut frost bites bruises coughs oolde grains pains in tbe chest back or limbj 1 ask for clarkt lithlning lfnimenl and cake no other price fifty cents clarfcfihemictl co toronto kew tort an old farmer who wrote to aa editor asking how to get rid of moles and received the reply plouh them out answered bad cant do it its on my dartert first t ad foremost among external cura tives of pain is dr thomas ecleclric oil kor is it less esteemed as a remedy for coughs paint swellings corns bunions etc it is an economic as well as inexpensive article aince the results produced by it necessitate the use only of a smsilqasnlily bctltli i nerut heeitfagiviag herbs bixks roots and berries are carefully ccmbiced inburdock blood bitters which regulate the secretions purify the blood and renovate and ttrenglh- ea tbe entire tyttem price si a bottle tfx for to lessthan i cent a dose for the combative a duel it the quick est kind of encounter becaure if takes only two seconds if yoa want to buy or sell a farm ad vertise in the toronto vtailf itail that paper reaches 100000 farmers homes every week and your advertisement should meet the eye- of someone who wants to pur chase advertisements of this class are n- aerted in the toronto wctbf mail lor five cents a word each insertion or twenty centra worcl for five insertions address the mall toronto canada an observant writer if yj that fev men know what to do with their hands they should offer them to some nice girl children cry for pitchers castoria r wdeaaby wasttct we cave her castortt- wbnshe was a cnud tbe cried for oastoria tsea tbe became miss she clung to cettorta when she had chimrea the gave ibem cxstorta young mother now just look if the darling i isnt he a iittleangel 1 crusty bachelor brother ko bat i wish he wet the ltey stoae begular action of the bowels it the key stone of health the use of b b b- insures it slid cares constipation dyspep sia etc missf williams 15 bloor street toroofoi writes have used yourburdock blood bitters for constipation and psin in the head with great luccess i improved from the second dose calchawl a provincial lady of cnl- jau was lately beard to remark i tint macb of a grammarist bat im a pretty good ritbameticker enrich tbe blood by the use of milborns beef ironsed wine which supplies the necessary blood building material dont be a fool kuoff what you wan and refust to be impoed by ready dealers wheu they siteu pj 10 palm off sorr producing substiiutes for pulmauspallf lets corn extractor the only safe sure and painless com cure- putmans corn extractor is the iftt the safest and only painless corn remedy i bold by all dealers in mediciui- liowt tins diuwr you painted father time with a mowing machine in stead of a tcylho thalt all right we artists of lho modern school keep op with inventive progrctt llsg vtl oil this stands for uagjards yellow oil the bett and promptest cure for all pain from tbe iniplesl sprain to the rao king torture of rheumatism a neverfalling remedy fur croup tore throat aud pain in the elicit tbo third pace ol the toronto dtiii halt is noted for want advettlsements if you want to buy or sell anything it you waul atilustioua mecltauic a basl nest machinery lodgings if yoi have lost or ouod auylhiog or if yoa want to find oat where- anyone it advertise in the to ronto daily 1 snd read tbe advertise ments oa the third pate ot lhat paper the charge ft two cents a word each lu sertion address tki it a if toronto 0n- ada yat wu two boja were thrown together agooddetl wheu we vieut to school in the country lu the sauie class eh no we rode lho same tuulo they hardly want blacking a provin cial newspaper in england bad the follow ing advertisement wanted a girl to polish boots ofa moral character weak woman tbe more sensitive nature of the female sex renders women muchmore susceptible than men to those numerous ills which spring from uck of harmony jji the system the nervous system givesftvay sick head ache is frrafueot he appetite is lost and other atlments peculisr to he sex caase great aufleriug iloods 8asssperille it peculiarly adapted forsuoh cases and has received the most gratifying praise for the relief ft has afforded thoussnds of women whose very existence before taking it wis only misery it strengthens the nerves oars eick headache and indigestion pari to stnd ntalises the biood and gives regular and healthy eotion to every organ iatbebooy- ka- piles a positive curt- thuunde of esliraoo islf ko parizc ko mpposiuty sent post paid for 11 cl in klamps address lioue sifi co orilha 0a santo bad limes ms ke mooey tcaroe eodd yes but lot really o scarce sjsa real jolly good lime doetj jsbbl for diamond vera cura cures ttyspepsuano imoiclbom if roc cannot pet diamond vera con from yazr dnjggist send 23c for ample bctto canadian depot 44 and 46 lombard st toronto ont aa eclivtritibiihr 4anoanc aew work entitled he dwiyi pleua bil wiff it is 6tioa tlijkciv air mil the new ir ship tnvel ko mile tn hoar good time but none looqaick if one wmted htfjirdv yellow oil thii peer- lesi paiacoolhioj remtdy if i prompt tad pleuit care far aore tliaoit croap cold rheum iliim piins in tbe chert tod btck oearsugii for external ud in term aie vdd25c the grammir tcboql cirl t the boarding hoase may be asked to parse the batter bat oat to ixalyre it danceit of delay ii e were allowed into the fat axe and coeldsee the fatal cooseqaeneea that follow a neglected cold how differently woald oar oonrt he cocld we realize oar dinger how speedily we woald seek a ennj bat with many itit only nhen the monster diaeaae has fastened us uas apoo oar iangf that we awafeea to ocr folly what followf a neglected cold u it not diseases of the throat and i tinge bronchitis uthma 00d campiion and mmy other diseases of like nafore ft u worse than madnew to neglect a coldaad it fa folly not to hare some good remedy available for thif freqoent complaint ooe of the moat efficacioas medicicet for all ditfeaaea of the throat and lungs is bicwei anticoa samptive syrap this raedicfae ii com posed of several medicinal herbs which exert a most wonderful inflaeoce in caring consumption and other disease of tbo langs and chest t promotes afree tn eaay expertorauonj 60othes irritation and dritea the diseaee from the system clarks lfglilnliig- liniment will relieve tbe painfal torture of kneamatisax in tbe joints or raasclea it flhoaid be well rubbed in with the hand and tbe part covered with a piece of flannel tbe pain will cease wi lb tbe first appli cation and its continued ase will effect marvelous care this remedy needs bat a trial to convince the most skeptical that it it a wpnderfal preparation bold by all droggisu price fifty cents clark chemical co toronto new york cain ohe pound a day j a caik ov jt pound a day ix tiik 1 cueotaiuk wuo has become all kuh dowx and iias llecuij to taki tiut izmaikatamsu rtpduat scotts emulsion of pure cod liver oil with hypophosphi of lime soda is notkino ukusual this peat kai vttlt pettorhed over and ovka again pautable as uujc ek- iwrjed mr physiciaks scotts rutasim a put up oklv im sauiuh color wrappers sold by aix vujoi cists atjoc akdlloo sc07y rownb ijbd for infanta and children xmtoriatowtfla4aptmtociiiurflothat i reeommcnd itu superior to mur pnsjcrlpuoii known to tne h a aacnw u d ill 80 oxford st brooklyn n t omtoriaawooiieompatioti sour htooactl diarrbosa erucuuoo kills worms 1tm jeep and promotes a wll ticstnttri lous mwlioauoti tfls csxtatn oowiht t7 murray strut if t the wa y to be ua ppy ill book of mine a sluipl una i cams tcresi today for eroat auditiisll for ouo and all d merry while you aiay to make hearts qtd we fla woald kid for womau and for miti auotborllse qalt aeardlrlue do busy wbsn you can tbapitetjoy wluiout alloy it uot the jdlor boon ha lack lho znt ot uoucit rosf lift ulfibt ettfu at aooa thoono wliodrliu ad seldom lifu a burden from uio duit can nsrer know tbs heartfelt gjow tbtvt yondsxr ropon mmt traiose w5j work and atrerthizk willi hand or brxln we uy v your leisure hours j are wresthed with qdwon be merry wfcjle you may ar j akuldtr spring arrivals hhe lottt her lovtr because her breath wu offensive from a slight touch of catarrh he wood and married auother girl whoee breath yu sweet from the useofclark catarrh qhte if yoar lover or staliouin life it worh so cents to preserve hengoto your drociht at once take oiihiag eic for nothing- else will care yoa so easily and quick it yoa cannot get c catarrh care from yoar druggist uleii send direct la clark chemical co toronto kew vork owing to the unprecedented demand for plate glass it has adraoced consiberably in pnoe messrs mccaasiand on tor onto fortunately made a contrict before the advance for a ver- connderable qoantity and are thai enabled to offer their patrons this acaaou a very decided adrantae in price the quality uiug ia penor to any ever previously impcrtcd hard and soft corns cannot withitaod holloway s corn care it u cltectaal every time get a bottle at once and be hippy occasional doses of a good cathartic like dardock pills are necessary to keep the blood pure and the body healthy gentlemen order yourspring suit and overcoat from i r e nelson guglph new spring suitings- new spring overcoatings ail immense ranc- ot choice new pintings from 84 to 12 per pair a special gtnmot iore worsted black panting at s5 per pair ity specislty perfeclfitling s4 pants to order satisfactioh assuked e e nelson a fashionable clothier 99 upper wyndham st qaejph tsnt cilleb the gbsatest ivileoiosne usoloulf gnaraflteed si clsiccd c nzzcj tsfoaded pamphlets testimonial etc tree wa eaoab nicbobc eulleu cb iis 120 king st w toronto ont bole kaaataetann or the dominion itseware of imposition i so oor tradamarfc nwsiemtd 07catairb is the i sasl eastestto use and cheapest catarrh ibofa br dmsjliu or sooc by moll boo i k ittuffltlnf woitoq pu u 8 a i dunns baking powder thecooicsbestfhiend larbcst sale in canada fure powdered ml hoist bmt aijpsj h 7 aa brtrtg ciisu at the mammoth house georcjetown great spring arrivals of dress goods bilks millinery mantles fancy goods staples prints sateens il beautiiul lot of fancy sateens fast colors for 12jc worth 18c our 8ateens cannot be distinguished from silkn and our prinls excel in design price and quality having bought our cottons sfrirtings cottonadea tickings and denims before tbe recent rise we are enabled to offer them at the present wholesale prices carpets oilcloths rugs and curtains cheap aud in large variety gents and boys readymajle clothing in great profusion and very low prices yar sutlinggspiiiig overcoat ings and gents furuishiugt were never more complete the cut ting fitting finish and price of our gents garments have fl pro vincial feme we call special attention 0 our varied and large- 6tock of dreis gocds and dresi trimmings our dressmaking department is in fall swine taming oat exquis ite gowns jackets and mantles our mtllinfiv department is complete with all tho latest rovel- ties from the different centres of fashion inspection invited our europeau goods have beep imported by ourselves our canadian gpods have been pur chased belore ho rise on the most advantageous terms we prom ise and will give great bargains inspection uiid patronage respect fully solicited w mcleod co seoaaetown it l i lardinb ms become famoufe as the great j machine oh of canada it is made by mccoll bros co totorito cooijijs cylinder oil needs only to be be used to be appreciated try it get only the genuine beware of those who imitate lardine latest style best value with spring c6mes kelly bros fine assorted stock of spring suitings pa overcoatings oar tweeds and worsteds an u fioest and beat that money oonld bay and ws an determined to keep tbe price down under that of oheaper gooda oo every garment we turn ont this spring we will pot the beat of trimmings tbe best of workman ship snd guarantee a perfect fit spring hats oar new spring hats hava jolt oome to r hand and are the best and nobbiest in the market they an in mens boys and childrens all size and prices furnishings oar new stock of genu ties shirts collars and coffi are something grand this season j give as a look u we have marked th prices to please yoa kelly bros be it ever so humble theres no place like home speight st son have a large stock of furniture suitecttb every pocketboo in furnishing a house or adding thereto the poor man can secure articles of comfort as well as the rich we havea full line of furniture for the parlor the bedroom the dining room the kitchen in many styles and prices excellent value always j a speight manager bargain tables c b ryhn safco so great las been the iqoccss of oar bargain tables in the put thai we have decided to place before oar customers another similar opportanity for ba ing goods at bargain prices and with this object in view will throughout this week set aside a number of tables down the centre ot the store which will be known as oar bargain tables and these will be oontinaed each day after tiut date unth- further notice on these tables will be placed many desirable and asefal articles at greatly redooed prices and indeed will be found there excepting at a price that will make it a veritable bargain and in minfcr cases marked at less price than we pud for it we do not give any prices here as it woald be quite impossible to give yoa in this way any idea of the valaes we will offer in many lines of goods ino way bat byersoual inspection wul yon do jasticeto the valaos offered on oar bargain tables yoa will ask perhaps how we can afford to do this oar answer is yoa will quite uoderstaud that in a business the siie of ours then mast be a great many ends or broken lines of goods that have been all sold oat bat say to cr the three pieces take for instance a line ol dress goods that we may have had in all the leading shades and have now only say three shades left yoa can see it would pay as to turn tbe balance of this line into cash eveu at a 1oa aod pat tbe money into another line instead or it might be that the article offered was bought by 11s last season bat is none the worse for that and it woald pay us to take much less than the regular prioe and turn the same into cash in every properly conducted business the stock is kept clean and freab even though a few lines of the goods here and there are aerified to do it we hare had imitators of our bargain tables before and will doubtless have again bat we do not consider them any the less valuable on that aoooant yoa will have no difficulty in finding the bargain tables as there will be hanging above them a large card announcing that these an bargain tables see the gloves and hosiery on our bargain tables nekt saturday evening g b rykn 5t co culaph twenty pack aces new goods i i arrived at the right house this week v v ten cases curtain poles 1 case window shades i package window fringe 1 case corsets 1 case wool damask 1 case dress llmogs 1 oaae lace curtains a panels ladies hats 1 bale prints 1 bale grey cotton ladies night dresses chemises blouses corset covers cable cord dress buttons sbirtines cantons selisiaa gold laoes steel gimps dress- laoes silver braids india tapes cbantilly flounolngs leghoruhau silk hose faille francais silk haodkerebiefa silk itibbons oortain net whalebone and white velveteen a large btockof india mattings for sjuumer hou8e8 at camp grounds the beach etc it make8 avery cheap and fa8hi0nabletfioveh ing for house and office floors immense redtjotion8 on good8 lace cortainb pu1down j hwrmwm0rm to 1350 chenille curtains from 110 to is 10 tof 18 to h1 allwool 0abpet8 ojo to 85c 1 80c to 70c nioe union carpet atonly he jer8ey wa ist8 03j jo 60c j to 1 w75to ii j150 to 50c mantle cloths wi15 to f mo 1150 to 1is5 3 to 1185 ii to 00c ladies jebbey jackets 1825 to ii li50 oil 1850 to ii ladiestweed jackets 1845 to 1 is to ii 1460 to it childrens mantles 1875 to l iq76 to ta m75 to ijso gmtbiderle 16o tojofc 4c to 8c pink srnrti oolobed mu8un lfctb 10c 7c tc4c chambbay 2 n v to 5 7a t0 o0 beadedgajloonsooc to 15c ssc to 15 60c to 80c qimpsooc to oeh to 50c 40c to 16c girdles 65o to 3m 40o to 30o girdles at only 10c the carpeu window curtains floor oil corteoin aad linoleum cloths window shades and all other hoasefarnishlngshave ai eoormons sale aa thay an such oharmlngstyle good qnallty and r ii p mlulnerr manues drees goods underclothing forltiis and mists in wool marino oiuoa lmbroidered goods glove and holeery qenls and boy shirts drawers night aod day shirts all in great vavlety and vsrvaiisijt hort no please enter the 8tore atthe fence at teje corner of king street eas1 and hcghson strebtnobth 9 hamilton jane 4h 1811 r teiaso wtki2srs ra1lwatotmb crand trunk railway ootsobsst jouo wist bsprsss 719a m fasssngcr 9 u am uall 1104 am through espc 05 pm aecmn 10 04pjn acccu- tivborclosiia mails doing wettoao am and s aopjn oolngeast 10s0amacd580ptu tblrtlm tabl vent into fleet cd oct hlb usv esfrrss 1 loajn elliress 10 9 sju throexpreit 1 33 pjn stall cospjn the largest scale works in canada over ioo styles of hay scales grain scales farm scales tea scales attboved show cases drawers hsztcbsppers and bdtetg soppues anoazss ixrcu wriu jx terms c wilson sow 0 esplana06 street east tobontc ont mention tpfs paper c irj uns yqa wriia t0msckin4c summer tours palace stcamchs low ratx toy trtpt per trtk bstvccn detroit mackinac island jficskcr n ssm jmou sad lwak btins ftru krcit irrnfoy bttw detroit and cleveuno our illustrated pamphlets bj mia excanlea nekacs win b ltomubvs bjrronrriflsstlsahoe itlrtni a a schantz attto p a dltaut mot the detroit a clehuid steis ml co r powder purest strbhaest best c am wwphatea or tnj iqjariaat ew qillett toronto ont cubes dtspepsia cures dyspepsia cures dyspepsia promojes 0i6est10n fr kin ucneu of zeith out- tate dcxn sins for ymxi not yeers 1 raaeil from cfymend in its tonit foruu sjut alter trjiiig all metai in mv pover to no porposa i tsujininftaed by frksrli to try bail which i did utl after lulnr 5 bottles t waa completely cared fures c0ns71 won cares constipation cures constipation acts on the bowels barxid bt deab bota i hare tried sur bbh with great soooeeg oolutipatian auil pain in tuy head the second dose uiade me ever so nioch better my bowels noxr uiore freely aod tbe pain in my bead baa left uie aud to eterybody with the nme disease i reoomxoend bbr miss f willujcs lis luoor btjtoronto cures biliousness cures biliousness cures biliousness 1e6ulates the liver i droct proof bltist i waa troohled for five vcars with liver coniplaint 1 oscdapreat cieaiofiuedkine which dit me no good and i ww cettins wotm all the tune nutii 1 tritvl bordock blood uittonl after taking font tkttle- t am now well lean also rocouimentl it for the eon of drsiieptvia miur a k drcox uawmoue oat cures headache cures headache cures headache regulates the kidneys a fvcubft oltxvw dub braai wax tay bad with headache and iin in mj hack my haiuhtand feet fwelled so i ooulj oo no work my sisterinlaw ailriacd dm to try 11 r a aviui one bottle i felt w lucch letter thai i got one mqre i ntu now well end can work a well as eex ahxix bunorjta tilaouhurg oai cures bad blood cores bad blood cures bad blood had blood may- arise irom wrung actiou uf tho btouiach uror kulueys ujj howel 11 ll h by trvulatiug aad touhnitiie0 orpuu reuioreg the eatbe auil tiaiaket new rieh blood removing all blood direa from a piuiple to ft fccrof alou sore s1lsar1 rmrti ft id raff 1

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