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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 25, 1891, p. 3

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m bank of hkadofficb t v u1 a 1 tdbkbull clebxejv hamilton hamilton tukfm team h s steven tcutt2l otrectorrjbtfietcthit prwmrol a obmbit icclrt jobx pboctoil cuat ortvlt glo roisla t wooda blk oeobqetown agency w iikohhm en advances made on ill it im told i points on aattal if secunum dtui ari the i srna vratct u corrvivt or rmora boi ooixccnof mace oasjl t rl favorable terms sa dqb ofefartuhvt u md in 2k it rom a d to dt it nlhlnal special deposits rttvwi at current rates ol ttilcrvst nd ofmuidrmmj required h- u watson a f ovatl tflemethoillstkjrch actoh ret a a oiftord ha phd pa8tor rouat boror arcane mlit services iojo im ud tjo 6uodr ichooluo biweaueeeondbttsbjih pastor allcardlally uvlted uaacrt ud tulott alnrs kjkcik ai leauve ualen it the dr aie ai the news at home mostl the country abound i newa uorntsupplled by correi its unftinrdmfrcd ipnlj io u tt sttrd r moore garten partrnt bl albans a garden psrtty and strawbacr festival w be given abl albans ihfrionaje on iridejveulng when aa enjoyable time u uticinfted the former eutertalojneou at the resident ol peetor and lira cooke have invariably been fall ol pleeaore lad if the neither it floe llin will be ho eirjsjp tton actoo cornet bind will be present fired o beommla ututdl the oewi of the death of mr b haalott formal ot acjloa hu jail reached tbe tuivtna ml hulett hu been reeld inj indvunil midi or tome time and died at hu burnt ihere ou the imh jane from consumption edcr moutbi ot gteal suffer in he was honed tu hlmwood ceiae- ur in eboo cilj the minj frieoda ind ctmcc ioiioiinuico of the donated faffiil in aclou aiud uotail will eilend heartfelt ijraatli to them lu their auiclioti the reader a rank gcannrfa in another column is given au interesting report ot the proceedings o the mlh annual moune too brilwr of tbe traders bank held it toronto lut week when a ier good exhibit wit made the net profiu tor thcjeir were 3lij so eqail to a uel profit oa pud op capital of si percent wt ioc ccut dividend km pud the tweboldtrr lud flj000 00 added to the rest acconut the paid np capitil of tbe back baa been increased to kooooo ami tall tu all robibl be in creased before loop the deposits hare increieed over one third dandr the jcar losses bate been exlrcrrelj lilit and have all been fulh prouied for i armors and others wonld do vrcll to perata tiff report j ot this bank the cole i cooi ca headers of the fitfuja will remember that ihoat a j ear aro ilr hcnrj coles bar ran awaj on church st and that be wit tlrownoatothit bocc f had his collar bone broken and suftaiucd otttr injancs it tu claimed that the bona as irubuin- edb a soi belonlok to r boooke itr cooke filled that he had no knowledge that the animal asa a dangeraas one bat rather than lave anj tronlle orcr the thdrsdat jcke jj imt l0 l theooctor s bill for altendmr hr cole s injuries this how ever aas not accepted and a aw etut vrsx entered in tellicjla cosolr court a ciua o 2l for datnacm uung made 1 tie case came ip for bearuij at guelfu i last tbursdav tbe evidence was not icscteot lu he judge e op nian to sioj thit the defendsiit vvs iware the dog was a vicioas ol snl he rirscnissad iha cafe with costs jcdccmethaunjlsa given ie lis favor urcooie jcnronlv agreed to ply hit own vitneses fees i knatchbull in naaaagaweya ou the 18lh julie 1 1 the realdeooi ot tbe brides parents by ll e rev b caldwell john donnli ot qaelpf to jane dtujbur of william lilng tbe gardes liarty beld under our rule to give thfe largebt possible amount of goods of the best possible- quality for the least possible sum of mone opening up fans from 5c upwards spec- taf value in gold and silver watches headquarters for wedding and birthday pres ents j sign of the big watch ceo hyndsi acton trie auipioea ol tbe ebucter brauob of tt epworth league on tbe evening ot tl s 15th inst on mr john canute lawn wii a rood luooeaa exoollent music wai dif omrraed by the llockwood biud and pleasant tlml wai esjood by all erin 1 t txlk of the pay an mwtmwvwtmvi ftolnw during the weak over ooo persons uteuded the aou w pic uio lut week the dmllinr ol win booth wai do- itroyed by fire list week a lubscnptioi lislhu sincu been circalated foe aid to re build and liberaly responded to mr v c blackwoods infant twins die4 lut week tbe shipments of stone from tbe crcd forks average 100 cords a week kev mr norton of acton preached in the baptist church bellountaln morulas and ovctungsandaj june hth xiiw carlolirtjp el isdaej milton vllj juton ttt rcss little locil brieflets i which caught the eyes or ears of free press reporters this week dominion dar next wednesdav week the municipal i netxiy even poaud i occcp od ii u tboat time the gtse tni wd wtre being cot oa tie streets itr ajm stkirt his removed into his oew 2iling ia cok farrer am tbe pabtic bcfaooit cioe next tas- diy iltscrooon for smnmer ncatioa methodist cborcb re opening oa esn df tuid sfoncuy iui tad lxh jaly sfietil weddiflgifjrulbe ccuscirmilei toons onr ai zecc before inocher tnooo i meet eg o thebcanicf edacstsn will be held neit moudtj evenrng it 7 shotr vsar ufiitors actoa s ulnnues tpi ittncuozs rlec in icwet cezt tted tieuy t- mr john 0 cuifergi ic mtltcg pre pirmtami fox the erectioa of t new boaw oa ckarch street jmouct forest raiep ers tiilcontxi- bqie 21 mills on ibd duar on their tusess meet tins year ect v b iliran vie tnd acted as pmtor of the first presfrrtenxn church emxxm on xaesdxy the tecamsea- licrosse ocb of toronto will plaj the lcadcmidiili is acton on dommion dar dofia delight to bisl ted tit and hflle birdjxj em fcet til tbefeetne cats do i to vslfc o er ett2rytlin- a gtrden p6rty will be held it the residence of junes il c osell lsq n mlh hmt tnftlgcr on tharsday eifcin jiiy 3h the semi taotatl cximiaitionfi of artoa pubac- school nil be held oext taesdy fn all- the department tle pabhc is innted kr- e jf egaoin of taostcr lut weejc remoted theretnaiiji of his uttte dxaghtr from fairruw cemetery to tbe fimily plot it oangeville itrtt jecme b gameron residpcce hose cotue ha been rendernd erj cozy and attractive indeed bj the improt emenu effected the past monta or so thr ir meeting of the epworth leaae for the election of officer etc viil be held next taeadiy eveniflg in the school room of the itetihodiit chatch i the chairman of the committee of the falron of industry writes that acton will be tifited oa satarday with i uer to majtiog contracts with merchant for the ftjppf of goods to member of the order at the annaal meeting of the bank of hamilton last week a moat aatisfactor report wu presented eight per cent dividend was paid and a ery considerable amcrnt earned to reserve fund the park should sofcn he m good shape ii is catting a good deal of money some thinking alliens any that more than is warranted is being expended on the race course wheait is well known that acton is not a racing town mr john arlharfi horse wbich was so l badly m j axed a month or to ego and was for tome time expected to die has almost entireiretreredaodwbeingdrenevei7 iwisses of the pat three jean w ihe band liaa becu practising up for uii sons of tempcrauce ptc mc on tbe 2gh mt v a lot of old book i from the meclnmci intttatc were sold by auction m the towu hall on ifooday evening miu uclue atidfctts daughter of ifr geo andrews batcher of milton wu married to hr thos parker of ha toronto press brick and terra cotu co oa wednesday thfilceremooywas performed by an imported clergj man the happy couple left on the ueomg trala for the east ut they he long and htppj milton ictonoac the olympics had he pleat are of defeating the tramp ton lacrosse dab on tuesday b 3 to 2 some neigh play is reported bat it was nevertheless an evenly contested match mutoolodge no w i 0 0 f attended the funeral of bro chas raspberrj of ku bride on snndaj the new ttalioa bailt by the c pr will be of considerably more ornament than use l paloats nassacaweya kccpentag service- lehoist ckarch the wdrl ch ch bts hien t proerecs cnier the ecpriutenjeae of jlr thomas ebtjaccixpttcald mr c w itj no is pxjittr acd decoritcr gccb in tl- ilethodifit clsrcb lcancg cocj eucn the rtaii atrtkes w3l u bdd oa ssncu aci iloodsj itik aish jalj and the occitan to be one of fare interest tu the rrctnbct cf the church ajd oougrectloj and their fceadz it tu at urst ztctdod to hare ili re cecin ibriicc- pcxt kcclay u fact each an lccemtnt was mile from the ct lt it lis i lx lrea iuzzl that to guc the wok cf yz paicuit jut zc nrc t me is repaired tjd the dxtc f re opeiat has const incjtij been xed is aboie the vroc lai percsetd chccctly to elow that coctrator ijcods will eacceed in execnt eg a y litisfaetorj job axi that when completed the church a ill be one c the most cteerfci and attractive edicscs in the contrj t dcminioidas celebration tlc coccus tccusc all f thing in rcaamew fo- the fc j dituajc 1sj celi brtvtigj ltre ctxt icdlesiaj cjtaier ahe interest is beag manifest m eurrouail icgiiccaiuthepoceeailgsand maicatians p nt to a er lare gath tnc part l5 ao etcellcijt cadita3t i an attractive tine if ijcled fo tre pres o the dt will be conceded witu fjrand cokt in the toxj hall cc-de- t e hzs cct of actoo lma agncti tsrtl society tne wlow ing v ansa arrij o talent las boeiifict hiss haggart client oait bramptoi of whom the pres cpcils in highest term hie ifortimer oce of toronto leadisg vocalists hr and mra williams of brampton wloeija a provincial repnta tun and liis annie sfcljsan accompanist the dancer and piper will alto be present as csaai m the pertons of sir d s johnston toronto whoe breast will ehow medils won in mxnj a contest and pipe majsr sharps if the programme of the dav is of a chariot- to tait joaoome to acton and 0a will find it earned oat to the erj befit abihtj of the committees t dr glffords farewell sermon owing to the reopening services then aanoanced or next saoday rev dr ginjd preacjrsl lis farewell sermon as pastor of the he lodist chcrch here last eandaj daring his paiterate dr gifford stermansthroaghoat haveheen sapenor hat those of last sunday wete mote than aoaaajly eloqaentnd interest ing feeling reference was made in tbe eemng diiaarse to the termination of his three ears pastorate and his remarks were based cpon st pads n oris to the epheaiana m acts io si therefore watch and remember that bv the space of three years i ceased not to warn every one night and daj with team after review icg 6t pad e labors andtnomphe wih the chnrch at lphescs the fipenence of the charch and pistor he ith the trials and day now ur i lawsoa b deserves credit fortius tnnmph of eiennary ikilh toe weekly malh of the gen club was held otr their range on taesdsy eveciog the competition for the s frer medal offered by a toronto nracksmac creates consider able enthnsium tt will exleod over a coaple of mouths hrj 3 pearson heads score thus far r mr f l deitch agent siugtr seing sfwrbuie corapwij lias arranged uj have the companj s art lihibitio i alhitf office willow st next wk a try complete and altractue display of fancy work er- ecated ou the sieger machine will be made the public is jntftea to call and inspect the prevent ueae concludes another volame of the fcze pujs sabscribers will please notice that sabscnptiotrs are payable in advance at f 1 s year look at oar paper and see the address label it isdcate when yoa have paid fo jf the date is in the past we- re2ctfally rtqaest aaeukment a gang of telegraph linemen hafi been at work putting in new poles here the past week they so doabt did a good job for tbe tekgrsph company botsoch an exhib itiofl ot uanung posts and amifibll sapport would be hard to imagine there u etftauily uothiog authetic about the telegraph comutuy a good inaoy citi mq fonder that the council do not faytf when inch liberties are taken vitb our patlic ttreeu referred to- his patting councel was fall of love and a feneutl cinsed hope that god bessicg wojld cntinnally rest apnn the church and congregation the inerft bers of the chcrch were exborw to greater rpintaalfforv and a closer anion with ctirist while einners were earnestl j invited to surrender llemeles o him who had died to retfeem them a consider- able iiarroerhie embaced gfcnsi danog hs mmistr m actou tnl some of those hue becu wllel from le church militant to the church triumphant concluding he wad the olovyiid storj which psu preached is as prenoirs pow as ever and would alivajs be ne to those who accept god through jesas chnst the annual meeting of the national editorial association will be held m bt faal rfna july 11 17 tbe cadadiau prest association is sending two delegates but as many members as can make it con venient to do so may attend special ar raugemente have been made with the grand trunk bail way to take members and their wives to 6 paul and refarn t tbe ingham tuna ha trat in a prouly cylinder presb of the latest pattern tuderthe mauameut of ut b llhotf tbe tmua ban been an ftiduentiai journal and with the to hu plant hu tatdd the capacity of hi oflice lu crease j and the typographical appear axtoe of tbe ttmca greatly improred additioy oflio jower prjea iu trtll be muchaoi on thursds afternoon last john w dennu an emplojee of the armstrong haiiafactcnng co guelph wis married o jennie e third daughter of wm laing isastagawaya the ceremony was per formed b the rev ifr caldwell on the lawn in the presence of 120 fnend and relatives the bcidc was assisted bj sxiu jennie ljwrj st thomai and slias hazelewood campbell tile the proom was supported h charles mottatl guelph and wtlhatr eaiug irothcr of the bride ftcr thececemonj the guests had a grand tea ccrythiij being prepsred in lhe beat slyle and it was thoroughly enjojed by the large compan tlie happj coal it left for the east to spend a few daja raid the uaa hood fceoea of the groom tcrnips are being town uouui lerc but ram tc much needed if thej are to be a panics crop haj i ihort and spiing crops are cot domf veil garden seeds m rranj paces did not come up at all and the prospect for fruit and indeed all crops is not verj protmsine the ebeiezer hethodisf congregation hdd a garden party en the beautifaluwu of sir i canute opoeite the churcli and between two and three hundred people rjnt a er pl t treaiu together on kozit ij h inst the weatlcr was deligi tfclard sir can ate atud famij and ail concerned spared no pains to make the parts aeuccess prov sioiis were abaudant andtasti and the groundi were well lighted up with clicefic ianterus tmpockwood band discoursed sweet mthiar iiterspersed by pieces oa the clarionet and wolio b slesjnj barber and ilille solos b sir sicphail and hiss sonwick and seeral duetts bj tame young ladies from lertoc who rfeatl dthfihted the aadieoce the pastor iiev j hoagh presided and addreiwcs were deluered hy revs blair caldkcii and jobustoa the tlnancial resnlts were good and etery one seemed well pleased it was held under tbe auspices of the epworth league which is prospering and hkel o be a great benefit to the charch and neighborhood georgetown two youths ten cents ice cream that s the very latest declension and hits oar warm weather admirably doc cain has been prospecting for a belter half all the week bat be hat not ecu- tided the resnlts to the publuc kr c ifckinleys cew block u neaxmg completion the brick work is finuhed and wheq the carpenters get through the building will indeed be an ornament to oar mam street after standing the seige of georgetown adversity for some months grocer plank has decided to remove to claude we are sorry to see him go as be has showa him self to be possessed of considerable pluck and no little enterprise while with as wasp bcmbly begs the pardon of your hilton correspondent for having touched npoa a matter so near his conscience if must indeed hae stirred ap painful recollections well wasp is not particular anyway when the facta are not so evident as stated don t choke oarself friend our lacrosee team met with a sort of defeat on satarday at the hands of itirtwi toronto platers tbe first game was taken by the athletics in about a minute then hcbrearty for the el a as did the needful m seven mioates then came lhe struggle of the da time and again did oar home perforate the toronto flags bat vain the attempt for as often m that thirteenth man the ampire say no game at last the crowd ooald stand nomore aud for fifteen minutes pandemonium reigned be- tvseec ie crowd and tbe players the game was continued under protest and ended 2 to i in favor of toronto deacon search is doing good work on oar block paving j out at present masons are at work repairing tbe plaster work ou tbe cornices of the- mammoth flout cneket match next hat or day on oar grounds with an eleveu ot tbe deer park team toronto tbe action of milton in arranging sporu for dominion day is everywhere character- izedas one of the most boggian hoggy kind they mast regret having missed good friday and st patricks day pjhisovai mr tom meredith of the ba of quint e cooferenoe preached at limehoase and here for the methodists on sunday tom is improving much in style at ih lime of writing two ot oar oldest citfzw are lying at he point of death dr hoctdlotigh and jobu millar of uie 7th lue kev mr black wasthe preaobarat tbe presbyterian church on sunday th ngliah parliament prorogues on augufrti prafesw tyadall tl recovering from his iavtrulamfc there wen it deaths from sunstroke fn boston lut wrek the holiest rain fills fn thirty yean are affl3tio nobruka then is prospect of an autumn session of ho qaeb parhameu several whiskey smcgglers were captured at moose jaw on saturday twemprwi eaftsnie d cols res that the tronch empire died with her son uncle sam is tnaklug desperate efforts to open earopeao ports for bis cattle half a million dollars will not cover tbe damage by the recent storm in kansas many lives hae been cat by ram floods iu tbe neighborhood of fort scott kansas a railway collision near londonderry on sandaj injured a large number of militia dominion day will be generally ceie- brated ibrougoat manitoba and be west montreal hu determined upon erectiuga hlatao of sir john macdonaldon ictorta square tbe arabs ml emeu hate again defeated he turkish troops ind have cat the fele- graph lines one man was killed and thirty injured in aa cicuntoa frsiu colhstou st cleveltod on sunday the ftraoai autcoada mine california has been sold to an english syndicate for 2j000 000 in north essex there was a school attendance last year of 10 cat of a school population of 5 300 after july weather probabilities will be posted at all c p r telegraph offices in manitoba and the temfone a bill hu been introduced transferring the jurisdiction in divorce cams from the senate to the dominion courts j the churchmen h the montreal synod yestsrdaypused a resolafioa allowing women to vote at vestry meetings mr joseph pope private secretary to the late sir john macdonald will act m the same capacity for premier abbott mc samuel mather of cleveland 0 hu given rtjgoo to the western reserve uaiversuj forita college for women the census of england and wales showa a population of 29 000 000 being an in- crease of 3000 000 danng the decade large settlements in miunesota are re ported to bn doing a thriving baiioess in smuggling farm products from canada the dominion fithing regulations have created consteroatioa among the icelanders jand indians on the shores of like inni peg the goverumeot of kew soalh wales has pronoanccd in favor uf woman s franchise and iut principle of oue man oue vote mrs clarke ho wu deserted by her jhaiband last fall drowned her two children at blenheim rnday and then suicided lerxelf the prussian minister of public works xtamtains that koch 1 1 mph hu scientific uikc and is sanguine of its therapeutic jualities mrs bentle who was run over by a oooraotivc at toronto junctiou ou thurs day succumbed to her terrible ir juries on saturday lord siilarj umj uomiaaxed the two british representatives on the behnng 6ea irbilrilion cornmusioc sabject to the aeu s aproaj mayor mcbhane of moutreai vlo is a ievoted komta catholic will lav the mrncr stone of the new methodist charch itloict st charles ft is reported that ladj macdonald is to x raised to the peerage and that the old chiefs soo wlio goes tn lngland in the all will be knighted eev dr alex- bathetltnd missiousr lecretary of the methodist church in canada has been offered the priucioalshtp if mount allison college at ssckwliek b i jadge miller of gait died suddeolj last j rhorsday he wu seiad with a faintiug j pell while taking a aalfc through hisj grounds and la a ew mi a ales passed awa th hamilton aptrtotor sajs when dean w ade of woodstock was here lut week he told a leading citizeu that birchall had confessed to him but be had refrained from making it public becaate it woald enmrnaie another party rockwood the quarterly mwung of the womens missionary society wu held id the school room of the metbodwibhareh ha tbars day evening of lt week aa id teres ting programme wm presented to ft good ftiied ftodlehoi the first of this week tw esbtor took t ran through tbe counties of woiutigtoo aud huron and wu surprised to nt how gttier ally good tbe orope art fall wheat looks well spring train an rather abort but tho reins of the put two weeks have brought thera forward wonderfully hay wilt be a light crop knox charch milton will be complet ed this week and tbe dedicatory services will take place next sunday iter dr mo- mullau of woodstock rev a blair naiaagawe aod iwv dr parsons toronto will preach on monday evening i tea meet lug will be held at which addreaws will be aiven by the foregoing ministers and and vhevs john neil b a aud wm patlersou toronto for the put three years e b blggar of montreal hu been gathering anecdotes aud facts relating to sir john macdonald and fll result is an anecdotal life of sir john which will be lassed iu a short time before going to press mr bigger will be glad to receive any authentic anecdotes or reminiscences on the subject that have uot yet a p pea rod in print mr biggar s address is the fraaet buildiug moutreai spring arrivals latest 8tyle keb with spriinjq comes queer stor of inquests tho latest coroner s jury to render a so- called smart verdict met receutly at scrmuer ga to enquire regarding tbe death of brakeman ward while staoding 0u op of a freight ear ward eugtjed in conversation with two girls walking by the side of the track he fell off roiled be neath the wheels and wu killed the jury declared that he died of flirting another tale of crowners quest cooes from the soathwest as tbe story goes a man found drowned wu earned to the coroners rooms tbe jury summoned and the body examined in tbe hip pocket of his overcoat was foaod a colts six shooter and in another pocksi a twenty dollar gold piece tbe justice who wu also the coroner fined the corpse sq for carryiog a colcealed weapon and then weat jq with the inquest t at the mammoth house georgetown great spring arm ate of dress iilkfl rnm a modern little moses a carinas story is told by s texas man he said that last wednesday a coloartd woman living along the river bank lost her 2 j ear child a boy mstabie to walk and the mother gave it dp for lost farther that some fishermen while returning from an excursion r foaod the the babe alive aud well perched ou tome driftvrood dnfliug pacidly towards the gulf about twenty miles down the river that it took the fishermen two davi to discover the mother and restore the babe fo its home lluchr democrat a courteous hngluh editor pavs a grace fol compliment to woman workers of whom be has eaiploved many i would rather he said deal with went women than one tuan w oman are more reliable more painstaking more accurate more courteous jand far cleverer than man one joang lady who hu jus ieft ma to be married hu been with roe sixteen years and danng the whole time ooly cot taatt hu been traced to htr don l trifle with the barber he is gecerallv abi to hold his houe the pangs endured by the early christian nartjrs were do doubt excruciating bat obt so prolonged or scarcely more dreadful than those experienced by the sufferers from indammatory eheamatis m a disease which is eji curable at the oauet iih dr thorns fclectnc c 1 sovereign rtraedj for pain a reliable curative of kjdne liver and other complaints and a medicine of the purest u well u the most salutary xiud beaded visites lace wraps u mr w donbar ot leamington uiikd tis father ilr george dunbar line week hnsrs dr uccalioagh and dan john son ol toronto vmied friends la own last week a hlue sixjearoid daughter of r its chapman near eockwood fell off a fence on sunday afternoon and fractured iier arm near tbe elbow female officers capt wood hall and rient long bare taken charge of tbe sal ation array here and alread new vitality as been uifaaed into the organization the hramosa conncil has at last decided patch up tbe old rotten bridge m bock wood if nearly all the members of that body did ooi owe their existence as such to kockwood votes there woald be some oxcase for the treatment we receive at lta bands hit ja gray raised a fine large barn list week sides were captained by messrs w bticrpe aud sam loree lorees side winning easily alter the raising tbe yoang people present were entertained by ifr and mrs gray and enjoyed themsel res at dancing and other amusements for a few bouts one slight accident occurred flfr wm dickicsou of eramosa had bis i hand crashed by a piece of timber which will oblige him to carry it in a slug for a few wbeks we hear a comlnnatiqu bas been formed impound all hogs and other live stock raoning at large contrary to law on the roads in the village and sincerely hope it will materalize aa we have no end of jaiaaocee iu that hue if a person plants i tree on or near the street he expecu the op to be esten oh by some half starved uw or if there is a decent piece of grass to m seen there he will find a flock of geese r a drove of bogs preempting it the llockwood band will not make mnch uoney oat of the excursion to burlington peach on friday some of us members talk of getting up a monster pic nlo on that day and extiugdlsh the sunday school childrens holiday it is really too bad tb treatment tbe band receives from the people arouud here it should have at iskst its board washing clothes aud tuition paid for out ol the public purse and receive any conceivable beuetits from that tuition with the exception of two or three tnuea jplayed on fie strait ooca a roooth jr nice dresa tilings be arc we ask you to aee tlie splendid stock we shott ut them goods bilks milliuery mantles fancy goods staples prints 8ateeus a beautiful lot of fancy sateeua fast colors for 12c worth 18c out sateens cannot be distinguished from silk and oar prints excel in design price and qual it having bought cur cottons shirtings cottooadcs tickings aud denims before the recent rise we are enabled to offer them at the present wholesale prices carpets oilcloths ruga aud curtains cheap and in large i variety gents and bojs reftdjmade clothing fn great profusion and very low prices onr suitings spiing overcoat ings and gentrs furnishing were never more complete the cut ting fitting finish and price ot our gents garments hav a pro vincial fame we call special attention to our varied and large stock of drcsi gocds anj dres trimming oar dressmakiug departmaut is in full swing turning out exquis ite gowns jac kefs aud mautles oar ilillinen department is complete with ill the latest i0 ci ties from tbe different centre ol fashion inspection united ourkuropcui goods but c been imported it ourschct- our canadian goodo have been ni- chased beloit he rise on the must advantageous terms wc prom- ibcaudviill gut great bargains inspection judpitiounc ie-pect- fully solicited v mclbod s co qeorgetown kj best value j bros fine assorted stock of sprin suitings pantings and overcoatings uur 1 wewi and wontedf tre the finest and best that money could bu and we are determined to keep th prices dovn under thkt of cheaper goodf on esery garment we turn oat ihia ipnng we will pat the best of trimming ihfi best of workman hip aud kuaraolee perfect tit spring hats uur n w spring ilafs have just come to hand aud are the dest and nobbiest to tbe market tliey are in meni boyi and children f all aizea end prices furnishings our new stock of gents ties whirls collan aod guff are something grand thu leason give ui a look u webate marked the prices to plesae you kkly bios be it eer so humble theres no place like home speight son have a large stock of furniture suited to ever pocketbook in furnishing a house or adding thereto the poor man can secure articles of comfort as welfas the rich we hae a full line of furniture for i the parlor the dining room b in mans st lei and prices the bedroom the kitchen excellent alue alwajs j j a speight mauaaffcr nlaard uilmtnlnrn da draff to farmers and threshers osflcm vour vtacbmervonly the wellknowc fee3less oil 9 gold medals baiebnaarddltdnnjwtilalthraya er iijj lulju try also our poerlmi iill ttrwh for yoor ivsggonssud if jrie foyers these oils are used and highly recordmetdedaltbemode farm guelph farmers ask for them use nootlier manufaclurtulqnt01tyollworav b samuel rogers 4 co toronto i twenty packages new goods arrived at the right house this wdek tl lals curtain poles i cue indow shades 1 uacxsge todow i nnge 1 case corsets 1 iase wool damaak 1 case dreas linings i ease lace curtains parcels ladiea usts 1 bale lnnu 1 bile grey cottou ladie night dresaea cbemises blouses corset covers cable cord dress buttons shirtings cantons selisias gold laces steel gimps dresa laces silver braids india tapes chanlillr houociucs legboni hau silk hose faille fraucais silk handkerchiefs silk kibbone curtain net whalebone and wbite eheteen a lakgl stock 01 india mattings for bummer holsis at camp grounds tht btach ltc 11 ifakfcs a lr1 cutip anij fashionable cover ing ror holse and officl r loors iuatbnbe reductions on goods lacl curtains put down from h5u to f 1 oo slololjto tl x to u m to 50 to t a chemlll clrtains from 110 to 13 19 to 47 16 to a s7j to 17 all wool carplts 05c to soo 80c to 70c nice union carpet at on li mc ierset waists ii 6ij louoc m toll 3 7gtol 1j0 to mc mantle cloths tl 23 to l 50 1 50 to ii 25 fc to tl 25 f 1 to 60c- ladies jtrsll jackets 13 io to ii ij 50 to ii 13 50 to ii ladies tweed jacket8 13 ii toll 12 tq ii it oo to ii children s mantles 13 75 to ij ic 75 to 13 3 75 to t 50 embroideries 15c to 100 so to fc pink chambra sjc to 25c cream muslin 40c to soc colored muslin ix to 10c 7c to chambrav flouncing ii to 50 75c to 50 beaded galloonigoc to i5c 45c t 15 50c to ac gimps coc to 5c jl to 50c 40c to lie girdles 55c to ijc 40c to soc girdles at only 10c tbe c rpeti mdow curtains tloor oil cortecine and lioolenm clotiu window shades aud sal other honsefarmshings bare an enormous sale as they are such charming styles good ijnalitj and exoellent raloe the millinery mantles drees goods i nderclothing for ladies sod misses in wool merrbb cotton embroidered goods gloves and hoisery gents and boys bbirts drawers sight aod diy shirts all in great vaviety and newest designs in stock and made to order in faahionable styles at short n i ice please enter the store at the fence at the corner ob kino street last ijsv hlghson 6treet north parasols sunshades huudreas n ilematall prices i hare thera as low aa 25e each fori good full sizd parasol want to save money you cant help but do so by taking udvutitage ot our juue sale we cant bogiu to tell ou of a fructiou of the baigaius ve place atypur disposal e r b0llert cx hamilton june 4th 1801 thoma o watkiits canadian printers read can furnish ou with the best presses for countr news and job work to be had in this countr and at lower prices than for an other new chnder press coke to kcton rnd see our improved country prouty press ht itfork the free press is printed on the above press and the worlj illustrates its merits no 1500 tirum cylinder press can do better newspaper or poster work we have run the prouty for eight years and the longer we run it the better we like it it is simple easy to run easy on type easy to handle coats little tot repairs and is easy on the printer 1 pocket book we call it the bestfrets to be bad in the world oday for the money come and see oar preas at work if jon desire eamples of work send for thtm aud we win gladly lurntib to handle coats little o repairs and is easy on the printer 1 pocket book and see oar press at work hem we can give yon yonr choioe of a number of different sines and styles ot preaaei at all prioes think of it a new 8 col folio or 5 col qto power press for only 600 to 700 25 27 lower wyndham 8k cfujslph or an ti col j book presb lor boo full particulars from h k moore agent for canada acton ont fat 1 i i i j i i us r j 1 j c 1 a

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