Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 9, 1891, p. 1

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v v trvtitv tj me lirtr iter u mwmvlintistidatcr uui svnlr tl nv or si 1 cftijicjby tlstou apirnrruvii ftnfjftsmtgkt4vtt ttu r4 t sotjrirviklfnc in first in- wrtnu s rtlts rr i n lawman cvtwi t uasi tl osr rati frt ciifint iwuhtceilml hi vhe ksc or iu wlm liv tfrltfriiouc dolia twr veer rfil i uitortw im forvm aoicharc totm- urmihumf ip it to clii3rf out rch uwnth ifrwiiicr urx wtnp tfttrut f than oncuiicothui coaijifhjn nnto pair tor c iff rnjq tuuc otberwtiio u uiul uie following wif iiivmooiai j j uitacand jroprictvr uitftcssbirtor jpmaufcffalldsddsll6 dentist will be at urkt ot every friday r t jtd etftltoidkntists orrkim wf block nctt tost ohjcc otoc ofn c nt tuj- i3 the vers litest liiftbod in iljt ry ptatticfj j sjiktcx i iijs j i d srretox m m jj i xvlnkij jfrccrctk iirvftititrr- utt ont ihmiumusetiieuufop tctvtuifalniotv wo ltflj iw tot eoo jo wh iiolwryj m bmjpv8 iralpaieoftedlty collie icai6crolj cojeof parxkifiausoilkcrproua i j 0ce 0d riiiaacc nat lhp b sad of frederick re actonj j 1 otficc av j kriiriitvr ir mcgamui housfl career sle il ffvjerek struts r l beietrjlqsdes t1st ceobqtroirx oktuuo clean hclfeak birtistcrtlfritorsurif r hr vouvt juicers oflw totoftll acton 1 wk a yc44- fjso- mlninl jso- ml j a uqjivlar i v r 1 i v i f breitib oiitop norjltr fcbjjc coney o locn oricz 6i r tcittiay inj 6tardij- jjtrricr ktjai fius block acwo uptlr j niltojq alljliktlkje 6t0n e lisnitn soliciior toio ixd groegetors oscc crftitii block ecrctoo od trv1cn yonce tu toronto nntos i if dateslb isecobefd koh pvtxtsiqse hesbt ibistjfjmwijciilffru j twenty yoti prfcctioe so iitect no pt w tl hesestrpet r iiw coii i iviioum j kjikmp gruehii business ollesd- tiwr4htfy k rameuyei- cptlih ostahio alto moacy tloaon tittioit fromlo i tcrmi nd tke iorft ricl uf jultrtst in nmpf 4500 ni upvtxjg tohs diitl architect gciuji osjr t2i4ji uou ulct 1iv muite o o ctsstd jvcciium3n eirakcifr ifunin sac c tor to r f cliiiam i pqoksdek 1 uatliliotiuno s i g rcli s4 are accost boti of til kiuf pilc td order terilicdi of iv mydyjrrhtiaicaitfuiljboand kuliantlrjctjj proaptlruoo rrtbb ha iflan i arbe shop j iix sit et kci ax an tjntej ft jit jrluujtiirutii ixj sfcaioim a tion ltdfe l wtdidtn tnsoil artitti ahititrfttitdibtaip6oiftji5itcn jtxon h0ni aitati qix4 ebation lfcdfe ai chiurtaj h tlr ltiiljr cui i qc tu snicn gctuu clk j carter direct ii uonaiaiibi a ft tnd fkitn the p difits all tork atijni- terui wdrtmnm untkui parties wahftn to parclik wllllmaaecdrehaa cxll and icepect l acre confident e can flrftaihi ontario havfaffcldoit my li terpt to tbc aotefi iidt tli fwurmagoto tnj fnnulb and tb ol oil cietrlbehalf j h hutlltov wav liltlotiiittifi narmrymen itoclitjr x y ft agen1 co 3 f all papers atulkaiihiuiricoat i- j 1 t owiiifl m uiv lmlif din auivtlctir vlf lkir jlwukittumlinn illliiytriiuoii licr t hilf iripotri1 tltt vikt9 udih to to w pt j ciif- t tfo papers at l5c 3cimtfjj5c l4tf ntl crillnp tork o mttt utttrer vdim- ten tntiii lliolnht uttxl thcikw- tit tjlcmnu fcrtlt mvuiinri j tilcctm iavk j booivyioise j- queupr 7 dry seulst ghferp 0 tr4ier8 opaihaoa- bfank of montreal d apital rest 12000000 6000030 asalntis llpia p has bevu oivtkd tti withjthk bracftt lutcrcivalloknl ni urriiit itrttcs jas hfinlay4 isuilrii bkancif i i w- berber brte- 7t paper maelers 1- georgetown ot ulkt a sieclawtor i machine finished book papers aslt uluucuxlil wekklv s the- pir used in this journal is trom tlie above niillp wm barber br6s- j 1 steel fcutavixgs foorforeladbt act at tartttmout omot v x9rcjhto rnu atitli mruu sldooooo v i calltatj 1aiu f kdjc0 i uur tios f aueli i sranoh l corner of wyud tun nnj quebec bcmau atltftjlco tutdo u ihilcniiiu tliolr ovti uotc ct uia lwct currotfi nubofiiutcrcct lwaudourb tiuectcdiroutlly no kour tcr wtil iuttf wt inih on dally llue of ftttm if fm tmuibpvttnii teikfted ti ttia knvluci iunk iki tkiiwtit end coi funded ptcry ill uiontbi kiwii arfnicoinj lucubo mtdo for cutui tctpkitod iu qioll ik it hoccfiit icirtuieat for fctiod period infctu iwubd ad piviblo ioftlltriiofcfid jttulted btctof tad greet briuitt it very lpr j a cuon1 btufcind built trcnctod 1 aif k josks tiaiiicr guclpu llriuch luciiudocfuibojl83d season hmii biriderj twine best brhnds silver composite oirown red cap i bluej ribbon bottom wholesale prices on application john k bond co quelph 7 ai j- 4 j i i 1v rcliit coloinl 1icturif 1 1klure mouljjnpi ivory oak frames rlil silveij oiltr artists materials a tufl ttoxi l vt t xiv wliu- jviclitnl iltiiv iim mlu dttj ibo- irftci caiplc i fi fi ctrire 1ov lri ftttif v j- our wall papers an stil to 1 tljt lit 8tcci in trt j waters uros istaiiiisiiii ir77 st george s square guelph f jbk l6xzbpvbuht airjut 3alra laible works kktuts ytaatea you weljwrul afp3tt-ti- 11 uid sell 6trfvf pismititokikct f tbo titue ritc fcivlfli5 f irftnui ts wanted to seu he pictorial cyclopedia of live e itockjand complete htocfc doctor j volni mcs ami wojikn iduratcl or suc- hijij bu-itjt- ibuij bo tu iitti fc living lnko hioaty a- i btdjiiit luttriiniiiin ntjftil citrl actual llllnks bitliiuluridl jtjc- tict pif tlnlx caitrif tut- iu lrctuuitlisii irtdg tud ubci ujtla fiitim ot our court of trmiitnc i tihohtliavd amilyrivitinfitblbabl ttm for tduciiul yoc li stuint5 niui- 13 t7 louic fiifjrtbtiiii ntrs uri tboroufibly dnlkii iii husilcfyi corrclonjcdet tuc ithtazt bcccin- liril ybfctiiii rtjioxtorb ro pi veil fkti iltintai s fltri1j by ao otlkf fccluol in lis cruiri i renmanfchi fyr buini drimiiii atjcl orhatutiiul mark tau5i by twuexjrt funucli of locn tfrnciiiuc erihtiici the kkccil lanwujlfeitebchfb ue natural mitlod tfldrtfe j mv cokmick iriaciiifcjj alittt lcviotciiit o tl bor circultrs un3 uil mew planing will eth acd door faotarx john cameron contractor hu ntei up tlt limlil on slain street lateffy ocujied awe trnnl factory wltlj new maelifntyy ad ujtipari1to i urti lii plan rpecineatiohb 4d cttimat fir tillitlcras of luimirisa acd 5ecou ail kiniltof i drikssinfi 11 mmchiu ajiil mocldinu v akklirrtrw sitbasdoore and vmdows and doaij anddeei a taotl o ban 1 all orders proit3yli john cameron acton ljivery bus line tiio uutltrfiifefctj rcsihcifiiuy tolicitu tbe nttrob age of tbc jiiiblic ijjd infortub tbem tbat well equipped andstyui riga can tl- wayaf tilcte ajii oouiirrtjicdriive worlf i iu fttilborrtnj at tht bead atid 1 trine horfccf bsuef jtetot bec a ffii of bnr jrrmt4tita tid litfvc a coniineiital rtpu ttioo vortj u xej ht iu gold to any one lrtttfiiforfcdifljcjtit ccttje fifino pcbliry a ffit 3ojipottonfty to tpftke 120 ton e st toronto t ptood ratirlicyof ekcileut cod i difirur to any iart of 1 a aiad smrrtjopkj00 afceteaetowh llnd aoitioawr a3pirs vdu ttorl coutrni blcf ffe ta4 anal m4 miiizl l i-raaranioctpitar- hilton fiw iricteiootj- i gani uotxx to lf fct 4 tor not aft iwr tit fwtiiipiacu juidtul or other bttalniwln fcxstfwilll rtlmutiif 6jmbiiruilirff rwricic no i alm kooictil 8- 17mco k po ijioaolieer i lojru a4 ywmjj fays be securofl at iii kttbb h a tctmfortnlihj biif tnqeto all rains betvwen j am eld hj itim qtrcw attfritiotigivin tot very ortldr thq tvnnt rt coinintrrin tmvcl- 1 t iite fcil intt john williams r wellington mutual j rrentttkcegeml evaiiuhiij lt head office cuelph u f otareshuimjntswtrchandim mannfactorias and all otlier derrjjtiedajt insurable property on thecaelj arrl jreiniuuilfote byatcia f w sione chasdavidsok iprldbnt maaimjef- r john taylor aoemt hittniltoifs atavble vbrkij hlulltoni ulockiiacuiuilr liitaijiaotj the cnte corner of woplwlcli and notjolk atrefru guelpb out j flokn h hamilton prfrriator r sudo and rcuildeilor aiidilrwrt importer bcdoftctnrerof jtll kind of granite and ifocuituttoinutcme etc hfltltg atjktcnilfeesiteritnoofortbeltttlgfeart ttuolfe may rejy on occiof a1 aaparfqr e at actedper rite tbui any otbir dealer jvot i 15 wr cttft cfl on a direct orovr n rortfinertmdava picket vire encint3 iajouihmtu3ii wiiofeetitjjfl wire tombinoi rpjwfitf it irifcrajjart dntliu t mm upft pcrfa fence ouccritj jtvdtrby nofgrouti b43tcr nnl if beatty bo conid3red an a tanuc it fa tbe nuttt end baudoiant fjm madej doat invttt jvmr woaeyi ifl c bdci fimobenou can aavo nearly oavbajf ai then fcave a better fcitkc at thft end jut f cod f f not umafictor kcnd it back and o pyffcfkbttrtuj v mean wtia fo y r t- j grindells machine frkepalltsaop in addition to machinery letairtnif 1 atu bow preired ttvdo horse shoeing general blacksmitmng laiatnrwt tttfefsciory luanner woodwork re- iain aho tuadc careful atuullon jlv n to ell work brtitigbt in any njocliinc or implement by rbomorcr manufacmrod will lc rcpaircd in awork rnan- liku manner 1 vlon and ijjrjjitkrj njtunl eouttauuy on jlsikl j hmy grindelt seas0i4891 v rous for tlioirlil lib to intorm into an arrmnpetnenf toloep conrttantjv ordinary eiich of nki totir iiauy pat- 1 tnpport iq tbo paat that we hare entered nt fttb b stewart gnelpb obanda tall ctockl cf tbe sash jbors etc tnytjiccial sitca o frames of aid kinds unj will altocuriply any tjicclal sicea ou rlfyrt notice at guelpapri x i made to order wailkknb3itafc a iin of uascrwldow and dporcttlntf coratr block your lnnibrbfred wtixle yqii wtll rrtceti mper if pumps beiuj better abla thao bretofere wawti tl intiily either wood or iron pumps tiromptly wjuva groan all work guaranteed atifaetorr plcaee call and inspect licforc pnrcbajtfag tltcwlicrc i tiios ebbage hanasrr irelhnds desiccated wheat ftir dybpdrjtics and anyoua willi weak digeetioif 1 tbtit tiik ikelakd ktionalaood collitd toponto third lyeari in canada for o ineg portajble foot heater luited ten hburs solid invaluable forufidin all aocta tho uousvhqld and la storci aiid ofheefl kov u uia tltnato aeud in ypur orders write or catuplet and prioc to the cllne ortanufactutrng co 28 feost i we8t fonokio aoehts j wahted i wintsi ii iosee or he has wfat will suit you pkyigocjps- jlfih andlgrocletos 1 cyefoh oftf thiatbofatdited vt- l 10 rocfflkk i t u uficr i totiear j -rpffl- at lihjllt wficuj j uttocflm llruck out uii tor fw6o imi md bo clltl alls till l th i aloof thji lirk aud iho allonl ihlp th kordi in i irrfod roui jlplo lip i an 1 iu t io iral ml i i o uu loi ran al4 wti a ho ifthl of tho lun u iii only llut aadfutaloasil y vuu an thml on horny oh i luo koart 1 t u ilko a prayoc to ur ait jrdl- i j win u uj u ajcaud lh aalutr a tat aid thoacabj aim bo vulhotforgut tq ep to tub f ut and to cheerily lay to 4 who trfcv 1 tlio pcxllotisway aire u liut ihlvbcat leftorutybulora rocr whc if thoccct lnda blow to tho rocloboanil ihore win u thoehy 1 black audno iiott ho fiwect abo o wiodi tud wavc aha well i on i io64 0fi raltlaorcnto y if ll a tlcy la bh a and tii toft wluda hto if ui ihwrillci drcamftuj iu buasfulfloro tho locx oul ratebca ftrbuudbovo jltrdiayi 1 oh1 doarcat i art whllo thoiisiahlqdlioa id tf o trcmblhi dopthi of thy bajppy f oc ww o thy pulai tiirultoibowltoblogiiioll aud fhy toag laiioff u tho inurraarlocibcll allo nil i aud u lawell whea tho dream rpaat wli a the love- it eyca ahall bare looked liieir ii -r- whot the rare i and tho hilloira all wildly co oral ie hert a aitorui of woo aira well i for heaoul loo out throutfll the afonnyulflbt aud it lee that tho atrong heart talleth rfqt then it steps to the trout and atrlkes the bell and clear voicjauawcrs it all is well i mlsweii- oh happy a fliey whocau always hear the mice io fhc r owu soulactroogaud clear theo joy aud rrow luay fitrlko tiie bell thef will step t j the trout and cry alls welh aire well i i if tt d waves b rough and the strong wiud blow j if tu ibei be cal u ar the suushfue glow i if lately they tr trel ifoa perilouft tea or ifsweet lova keel them coruiiny alls well j who lowing awdy mvlgproaiiy ovory j6h a a nnuttered iicoei and went bo mr pifldnbridffel ti it ualtad tot itotrtt to latorrarjljoti fdfd wtknalrk tluty failitaii tdibtmt l kocn lilciicejlb y j tlitw goon hi jdbell dumrvoit suowoucrty iil you go tsroooatj iuilridfcotvovotiiugoue j i my wifti oornmouoisd mrt lnclaa- britlgo fwgu jiovor have okkcxl moto kttorrii so nicjiitl an allied a 4 i he opicilstiirt at ft lood rofcfouuna vnioo w ahearet in uo entry bolotfalril does job irurturicigej jlioara tore yt oil all right tellajrt to bring ha ranks and jouhacmiinalullatcioogu firo youll get no rtloro out it ma clear out ana tots hear no morci of your g 11015- lino so hot here is fie fi pretty chasa ive hall after him f i mr mtckkberry lookjdup fit tho blattclt- ing cauutenauco of job patfatrdtidgb iu surpriajj and bowiwermcnt wno cad that loudvotoodj vrotruth-no- sjblo be 7 sito slid harcly here id sanjo rhlatalol i j irto nuoth mr ptttiobrljgci with chattering teeth it isfmy wife jfarttnbriigo can it m jxx sibls and hokpitabla little jfary mickle- henry dropped her work and jiailehod to greet md welcome her new guest the parage i among women the rdeek and lowly md welt trained wife o the doughty scltd pfamilg tuttftittg uioe wunicui my dear mictlebcrry 1 very nice vontan said mr pitt utnbridge sagelj lloy 1 her to dictate too much stance my wife should never tell to sdiake in fi e parlors on account curtiios it iloestu xi cm yellow abservfcd jlr miclloborry houghtfully i crantcd- but whit becomes of oir conjogal supc iorily and then you dfdnt bay htt corn t lot because she advised you not ol wh t is a womans judgement worthjin a natter of business like thttt micbcrry j lary kt ows moru tluin lull tho men ron parcn lictically assorted lit jllcklo berrtv 3 excuse 11 c mickteberry bt you dont kci her 111 li r place dont the scriptures expr issly sav that the vvomau is the weak er vissel i should likctosob mm 1au- tarilrtdc vci turo to opiose nie mf i jlickliherrj- looked admiringly at his ijitlfrietk jjow jo ou manage it rautnbridge he oicstione i a little timidly tact m y dear feljow tact dignity suiwrnacy i wouldnt have mcutioned it if arcuinsta iccshudnt pointed directly to the fact but you arc gctin hitjtckcd xlickleberry everybody notices it you musf aithcr u uk reins of domestic man- agewaeat youmust assert yourself mr mickleberry laughed butj wlrat it i tho use of asserting my self he askedj jocosely everything gcesl otl like clockwork at home hary alwiss meets tno with a smile she spends thattiorey sensibly and never asks mp for an utiueoe6sary cent n pas she tell yoa how she spends it icotjalwajs iff fjartaabridge iuterapted his friend job yrttflitrtoiibrictge cinte into ho room with the tread of k gtauteg aud the aspect of an anfaron she was a tall large wo man ijed uui resolute witlt the faint shade pf a moustache 011 her upper lip arid a voice likp thtt qfa grenadier aud she wore tier- cloak as f it had been a mans overcoat tbo two sleeves tied around her neck white her sailor hatjsould iiave been a snuc fit foe her htisbaud khel sat down nt jdrs jlickleberrys in- vitattaii wttt a fdrco that madethe choir crack nd tremble in its every joipt and jout her fecti thrust pill and tb iiis kuies to rough 1- i i ii off those rubbers said she to job p husband prcrrnptly went down ori the ijehest not so as ever- i soo litlit siki tho perform youre sclumsy and nokv tell nit- why ytiu iiidiioy j oh these women these women i i than jd like to see my wife buying a silk at mary djid last- week without first oonsltisg me tshe iuwl saved tho money outofjher housikoeping funds then my dear fellow its a sigh that you hive her tbo much money for house- heeptrjg cat her down draw the purse strings i hltje tighter mr jjicklebcrry looked uncomfortuble l i slipuld lisirdly like to do that pan- tanbridje roa will never be master of yjnr own hous until you do mo sea mickleberry went honfe and told his tvifejnll abobt tlmt pantanbridge had said mary laughed and colored jjut she yvas t little angry withal 1 i wish mr partanbridge would mind his o rn business she said 7 jm tired of lieari ig iboat my wife blie niust bo a ioor spritlesa concern i iranbridge is a man ofgrcat ability said loses gravely fiddlesticks soid mrs mitkleberry a eiular hi nbussy a thoroughgoing miss sancy ialsorry ml feel so about liira my saidlfocs for he doesnt like the ehero 1 10 s boarding now and i told him 1 e might occupy our sparj room for-o- few i lyjs objections io dear place i mrs iflckleberly contposedly bhvd to eitertain jyour friends my thaf sjid im al ways dear ven if thely are not the jmost agree able eople in tile 1 world and i dare say i a fj italong witli mr partanbrfdge far a few ays y jaro a little jewel my dear sdtd mose and ho forgot all pantanbridge insin atiaostat once j mr partaobxidge came bagand baggage and 00k posssicra of thex spare rooni in thi kicklaberry mansion utrnportantly as if ii h4 been the grand turk and thenceforward n y wife began figure tiveljj speaking to berryjinto ddst my wife spen trample mary mickie- no moniy ipy wife went nowhere 1 ly wife rwould sootier cut 0 f her hand hango i to a womans righti j conventionj my wife- was not litem y bat spent her hand doing house work tndhercvestings meniing stockingk she i eh her hoiband in isalutory awe never spoke whetlshe wasnt spaken to in short knew her alace t i i l arid how diaj yoa manojgei itpirati- bridgi tflni mr nsfcec i mr mictleberrj in tho adi iiratien of us soul partaubri ice waved lis hand loftily i icklberry ig thai conn i jtfuwely i thingllthit eui sji be expre ised in wcmbt jaweier kevor mltid that wye pleqt tvrrniiiv i put iail mfckleborry of watchefi aud clecjtarifceej fudhe thereara some u once i 1 1 dtac9t nteneo bov3 ftv the t country jcr fsira ia tlw ionnl try and altljoiigh aiany boys would have hauuk icrrijolres very fprltiualoia hi vfog such a he me ho was about 4 dlonct loci 1 wiormttwbottind somobl tlio cjilyluoyij who had vial htm dtiuni the iiltamer vacilion oldi that he wat roen hat he wouldbo fooiith 0 rcvnaia pnj s arm all hil ufa tnatit ho hjad any fpiritjaboat him he would ko to t her cilyi where be would au optxittdnity of coiling ittv as it ihoul jseott t joes jfitlter wanted him- to tetnai homoiearato boa firmer aud nettle down no l liomettteattaine himietf had aooe bat jo wduld not jlieetitfe adriee was horoutitlly dii other moutry boy i pufposejih lifewa fid him very and nave dbe n at he luteuted as many so- for nio to join jott bcfocct rcouldut siaro if from nybusiuess drusillti my dear stammered jbb gnjwi ing sca1et j hang ijp rtiy cloak to clryrittd get mo a footstool for my feet- 1 cotrianued mrs partmil irifige look sliarpabdat itj too well i borrowed 810 from deacon under hill ami ive como over on my own book pro tirtd of being pokad away tu theback- woods slide youre playing- the fine city snt at d ill not shhidit anyl longer rsiiles i wanted to wonraaa- suffrage as6ociatioh and i01 s member of tiip sedjcyvillo branch of ferholo itights advocates youve got nice house here- mdam turnitigto mrs mickleberry i might have luid a house of my btvn if job partanbrtdgo had ujed common tensdf in business kftairs anrtjtstcuqd to my advice a little drubilte myldear iutefpeed mr partanbridgo bat bis wife dirtolt a ioaniiio glance at him i job iartanbridgf will yott hold your tongue and hpeak when yoaro spoken to shodeiruindceli tartly certainly ny dear certainly i then lets have a 6iecicfen of it aii i wys fttying mrs mieweberry job go downstairs and look in- tho bighandlect basket on top of tiio trunk in the- hall and get me my handkerchief and the camphor bottle witii the little wickefcasoround it as i was saying that tort of thiurj is just about played out sofaras i am cotrcenied job hasnt 119 more plt than a yellow dog when hos lefr to himself you know yoa taventjob so you may jast as wet leave i8 opening and shutting yoar ritouth like a newly landed fish undi mean to be boss myself ob 1 yes dear 1 bring tne the rockiugcbair iiowroove tjie screen so tho fire wont sliine ia my ayes and get a hack early toruotrow morning and sec that i am fumtshod money ii want to do a little shopping yedmy dear said job partanbridge and in ready to gowith me at ii toithe suffrage rooms i must render the report of tho hedleyville briitoli i j ycsjdear assented thelrusrjand 1 at this stago mrsimicklebierry intern pt- ed the ordcts of the commanding genera eft the partunbridge division by a traycia- taining tea toast and other feminine re freshments mrb partanbridge recoiyed them with a contemptuous sniff j my good totjy said she i dare sy as beep and hi 0 get into some cty whets he cbtijd wjpa out some staiji of gcfeennaisiwbichhe fancied ereryj conldjee v hofinallysucceedtdrrl dodos aahewajnted to a rriend of his fkttjar proeucod for htat a iltathoii in a store where he could arji ia trifle more than lafscieatto pay ftjihit aud ha left the bjo4 acres wbereou he had toiled with a jieavy heari ibec tuse of hiilougiag to getto xhe city withi dl ingle regret at patting from thi dear ues at home thefartahopse nestling acionic the treci at the foot of tle hillj lojked jingyi tad thabby jaahe drove away irom jif to see i jfe as it should be seen at d in he ripening grain add fcuit ho tw not ling but reminders of ifjaqhiatoll accorftng p3 joes belief life iu the country was hardly leajs than a form of slavery wh e t ij was only iui the city that happiness cbyld be found j kdwjboys and more especially yoa country boys who are beginning to i link jiistnts joe thomas jtboukht i want u fkl yoiowr he ivus disxppoiuud in his bi igbt it dreams and it you ire wito you wil prct fit by his eiperiencel 1 1 he foaud a boarding place whert the small tuffy room which was quite as ood as any fellow clerks had offered a poor icontract to htscoay ittlecbambet at home ifragraut willi- lavcu lec sceuted itueu and as tidy tu tlio apahnjeutj iuj the city was disorderly in head of looking oat ciyer tbe fielcsot teaviug grsiu ts led coru or- uod ling buckwheat to the lofty dtidibeyoad jjbea be was iu his room he could tee only a brick wall hardly fit y feet awtty instead of the fragrance of he liowers he badj the odor of garbage from the- answept street jtni instead of befug lulled to ieep by the sbirpini of- the crickets and the plaintive ctlesoftho ikatydidt he was kept awake by the rattllugof tne streetears at tho able the differeuce between the food pre pared by the crvaw- in fhe boaraibg houje and that cooked by hjs mother frit io disappointing that it seemed to hii caulk neverenjoy a meal again until hej got pome but ill ttjis was necessary treiuingj hi the opeu air mieta eterthiog kae bright and hcalthlul iroand while in the city ho wia ajiut from the saulight md deprived of tjio health giving breezes la iax with theperfumeoi frdiu and cowers at igut instead of jo nny lie toys irom the neighbqring farms in hmkiug nd pi ing bees caudy polls coastiag and skating he was forced to remain in hia cheerlesa re am or wilk about the ftfeets where the b ist lingcrowds iuteqtchbuxiuess or their iwo pleasure caused him to eel even mora lonely tbaawhea he lias entirely alotit he was not many days iti learning hat he had been grefentonly from the pity boys standpoint aua that as far country life was- concecued werefthe ones thatrwere greeo i 1 aftet helhad seeujute according tojthe ideas of bis city j frauds he wrote lo hia father and the folliiwipg is aoextrict ftorn his letter i am comini home to nock think thit sachiajbor bat t find tnat r ia you mcah well mioagh bnt i dont feodiof inch slops jop yes iurusilla co r mnd to the nearest restaurant and get mo a bottle of dublin stoat and a dish of stcwet tripe youll excuse rod maam tj mrs 3 xicklebcrry but we all hava pur ljttle wa s and this is mine away went job paftinbridge like in arrow fleeing from the bow and soon re turned with thorequired dainties off whleh my wife supped sumptuously take my things upstairs job 1 said mrs partanbeidge whenslie lind satisfied lier cravings of nature ivelfaila iorig day of travel and i guess ill go 0 beci rly if ever mortal man looked oowed wretch ed and dismal job partaubridge did the next morning when lie mode irisappcar- once it tlio breakfast table mrs mickle- herry could not resistono little mischievous jiit ti v ratulate you mr partanbridge upon the eiijelletit- rqanher in have developekyourtheories as 1 discipline rtanbridgjj cfiokm convulsively iffoe i ho crie4 hush 1 she is- cota- a i to eonja ev jtr p 4 who iscomiogf ife i st bafji ahl how diffeteiitly ha proooancod he ipw magic wartls frbmthe way in which he had kenthemm hours ago 1 j mr and mrs job fartahbridge left the mickleberry roofthat vtery day for a b4tcl handier wthe womans suffrage bureau and that wis theiaiiji mary and her- hus- and ever heard q jjimyl wife or her umblo klave the 1 dovotod jobr flwcw urtd iiiaeie lyori t woutd rid himself tied greenness joe bad been told pbhied to work ban of what lhevcitylljayj1 hsti boy on a farfq ia ec j than qbo iu a store iu tiie city ho op a id bee no differdnce ftavcithitt ill thd dnuex 0040 he ubejced tfft p jfja jwhenjmjydeaf friendi the jlloisoraij imod their hufi dauhurbkinoyraffer her grkofjarfcli rjkioulnt bstjam htj wit i milliouiire lad oiiliioualreii are loppoaj ofo losjni their lorlanos ttf ttjoir aaine i felt- ilk j reriiffnstcslitig coaidil any expectations i epay rsyocts for lochia dime btillthe uther day whoa skiooy who liijkd ia i reidf tit baptumij appebtr atioa is as pretty a picture and aa plump j aiapsctcdgacirca ikiopiuf into thefroai dodf with iby in ior eeres raijainiplea in her cheeks o tellma that fjocle fikirtfliol lad ptomiacdhe pony and iapod sarrtagei felt th t liadjboen jwrdug yeryfiofjtrrotisof yw unqleskinfint etaldj aiporiy carriage and i pony wbea you to hate suchiir pleludm present taydearj ltttleshuusj threwlher headbick a otnfd- her golfeuhalr eat of bet eyesai settled the j bine ibboa about her wilit andiaid i j u- t j yecy soot ah fty very soon t a hl ai i coltlctti a tiillion postage staropji ltnclalskiufilati batgireaau aa old ledger to pasteiiheai ui ind that very day hek bay it for mi uame io ask yoavto iavfl- -allvoura-for-raeh- j i ohof ccae willsiid fandi get ugoujany 1 andigraadnfa will aadall myaunfiei aadipa jandeveiybody i askod eayi yes laiigbed skinny vailing on her hat aai t mast harry aiid tsk everybody elsel she kissed the aictianawsy audi bein much interested it tbs idea sac dawn jritlx a pencil lo mtfea ariticji caldolatiaa of thej lime wlfich niu elapse before skiutryj collected thut tni lioti of- pfstage stamps bd fijfurea atwiya have been too much for me ajjdthisrvcjolecn before me i cpaldl not solve it frightued me1 ttak pooj tile skiuiiyv poqy mrriage v iata i toe far distaucey and ia cay 1 terror cslied one whose favorite sctepceits the mathe- mitically to mj- aidlpdjiaiattyigispedi while thelawful facts wecelplaced before iij k little skiubji iiis la fisye hefponj- carrtage when alia has e ilieotedajmillwi of postage stimw ifi sjiedk very lucky and gets a lihoawia ifiimpst ecery ujay ofher life suupuytf liticlued- she ca collect her utilliao m two titricaid ciiihc tnoufhs if she lioafyiuodecatelysoeil ccsaful aud fioctjlhat she hudddiooie huadred itampbio hex leijic at everrj sunset stie wilf b ciccapiedtoitysejek 3ears andfieveu mouthrin wdrkintrjfcjc hr pony carriage hot if alia i itensa no- more tbsu ten stcup iuitwenfoar hoarrsbejllndthave her ktf liptxsa lese- than two haudreajend sixtyseven ean and mythemstisalfrtentthinka tbsw unclebiicttinfwwoia now lixty odd hal made thiacalculaviou befocdh protnttecf the child hec pony and -poas- carritge shall not mcntijaltheie- faata to skiunyi forihiis seasitive ehri ealjrdi coaiaged barf tiuak it my duty to pni folk of stira ataff 3ti theiri gnatdjprior heir beginning a ollecitod of a ratliioi postage smps b rl calibg jiff thoses perideditoirfrofipriraiee rrespoadence kucwt would rajpij saul uefariucr fiirly jkhrtilooatiiaiaiifmlarl r- rdrthaicbcilf hveibeeu fjkia thwpofii day j 7 r i- aduoynfioferil -iljnvtwotmr-ahiaiduifar-uerjfito- i becsutl ofihe cafixeoukf bpiar llm thoutlporarway tisy rolled orerthirsji aa ptaiuly as if i j- 1 ilkne- tt woutd rattuvsaid thfiruierif wife fcorthoioudd ofdie wluasaiiiliorv aud when thij wind i joininl aud ilsblne that iw l iv tliy a raiujtona fasorii to frllor4 j- ijcr ft woylel raiavsad uiofaruierljtoelf tor thic raabufhi old barttyardwtiip u so daun that today it was not primejj at ail and its 6onaralijdaraitjinjri j rkaawi rouldraiotstld good trudiahjb4 rwuaalaawoardmtabyeatplaiii forwbaesu of her i age ltbe their osrf aitutis i yi ir if vxk out for wet weather im isyinfr1 aad sowhen the rmiuqstattwfligllt cards down and the whid with a spliah and daah threw 5f gaiuat doors and taewifldowf emtiflrclaraa recalled fiy r j j 7 aaa eferyfeue said there y knew-it- u i j 1 kjxhangtj t ii i a schbolraiiarps difficulties wtth enjailahmorioy before ieiuog- home we were ad all means to uive a common pnrsef jingtnlfmritt pvydieau for j day we sawiia iftdom of tiie ad took it and i alail our acoosnt of anlmiironlytitliwif chciou ulji to carry the ba f thds ti- tt thaamy shire o expjeieuiec the eaglwh mousy was oyffarlrt the dkcli german aud french being a decimal cattency avery ifterwehld oaieifiieftu our mi faitta at jthe gellden the tttar fxanc fori tbe datch tent the pfeanhft jtid thefreiich- cealii rejoectively one nuadredth ptrt nacbj on tap farm i di was almost degrading quite as honorable and certainly liiore man y thau doiug a womauaiwork bl iud a counter yoa neednefer feoxhiat i ehicil over again want to exoliange the io- deipfiieirrlhitrm life for that of thetaty and i am edretkat4abeljilied greeu srill trouble me uo mpre it is betterh th uk to bejoueiof those who produce someti ing tnrmis world than of thosa wlo dep nd uppa the procfuctiou of others aud i iow think that jthere- can be no more ineuly i calling haa that of tt firmer- too weut home and he was wire ii sa doing as wise as you will be boys it roa remain on the fartiwbere yuu hive the proud consciauspess thit you itredqing far more good fa the wtrjdthan if you tare seeing lifej iu the t hj what would bel- come of the people cf hit world ifjall he fenneri should sui dctify coaclude lkt- tilling the ground was not a sdfficfei uy noble calling l iwhen you are diecotijteotad with youi lot bgy remember that it is a farnier a an whom all the people in the world dep ud for the sctpal rsecefsariaof life then oa will aneterttahd tljit no collfag can be more honorable hai that which ia actually audio fact the niatijspcing of the wholi enkauqt the i wetherfiftelo chickei thief i the ohange tnoustfrtv in the orangetroojfagebgraly uudertfcod to hato been lotipaaoecl iuw paraguay byd the jesuits audtiia feeds distributed by the birds itnwetef ai may be the brangehac epteai il ovmlhecoantty froittthe rtverbanfct toljejtnpti ot the bills v 1 i j i i aad from the cottage evfa- tbs deest solitudes of the virgin foreetj paraguay is the land of orangetreea mortf truly than the of mtiuenijlnd wnat oranges 1 juicy parfumeci jaucf of deticicytbat ppaiu anil italic hits never atfkipedt jtha ckef inddetrjh pousists io he eibottatiotirof hher frait thej great jocane saaoji iafrpm may to aiigast whbihe focta 5hejl earaguayi river ftorrt huniaiutu asuuciocii 4esririmaocmarwaoiti6abyaf4rirri andsehoohirl yuleti staloimto arjcti biu anton to ate the principal ports ttnd there best may b seen l iiotarespaa prwjessionsafjaailndgaridecreardingpilc and women who carry baskat after basktt of frith oo- theirrteau fromthe stiora ta- ihjtgfitp iike swarm of busy ants-lfp- to tru present jnoludustal use hoapeeu made o he orange home tfxty rrhltienf are exported inadally the samequautify is- cousutued by th native audp3rhapi roble thatiaantity t devoured by moni kays and birds- or left tp rot au the ground arpcrk sigaiiut framths of parage jeraemug that i hail to gfvjni how t3 prepare a good squahemealt 4 charles dickeajlased to say that he judged the ciualtly jf house keening by the cooditiou ofi tlw cittors oh the table- if the musurdlijas frshly made the vinegar ecuet staiolesf the silverbcilliant add the pepper bpxfbrpeidicuar expected a good ceaa wells etedmeflwith be- pjtveu yoa hanor to inatchif ou the contrary thecaa1oei andoatbf eirder he knew what he bad to expect and waa ll ieidom disippoiniedit ia -ia- truth simple- thfaga tha denote- quality jthe eat eta good cook if not thf cake she n tfoke northemy iterioai saaceathe can j obncot nor the r c paddings she caj produce i good cook u kbopa by her bread htclxkd potaloeahei muttou chop and her roaaled jcjnt bach plain hiogsj xeejotre persoaol ers and judgmeut and hire he baeijjsf a good square meali i fsdrlnr obcjds pf cpmrso j jeweler john put a sign iu the windoir aiinaanciug a compjele line of ipcingoodi john why sir jwk haventibought any thing ffinea list fall the chicieus had ibeeti disappearing fo t long time in a very myttenons maun and he resolved tctwtcji he armed him sel i withanpldgunjaud sat op fori three loo f weary ereahjgb until ttewiwjidg- hoi r and yet no midnight marauder made hlslaflpearance the fdarlh night was a cold 6aevthefi went down suibe went to bed jhe awoke wflh a start to hear s tcrnbla commolioa among the chiokens jontping hot of bed he grabbeid ha gun and not waiuugto dress hitrj self he cashed out into thosrd and chioken coop just then tie nwit came horn behind a olond sndjhe sa the thief a nicpturap akank heinew whstskanks were add he stood still he wanted to go to his warm bed again but the ikank was between hm- and the poor pa began to shiver hirteejtbcbtured and he tried feiiajlfoe nellstrawprdii would nofj come he wanted h isa olothes and still was glad thaihodidu have them h pally iq a fit ofwperalion be btbsed bis eyeaand midoabroakifpr the door oat of which he rushed and ipjo the hoajei the next morning small vtipfirejiuuie bslolr yard accompanied mr certain pungent odors told of a oremaijon oexrnony wbicb deprived a worthy cifiieh p huaihttobe tha frtanclghip pf two- ycmfiarlibiies io bat the etiisti mowmiwbahi ubvefiiiivir by tonkadthatvabitwasor ntxjoiag ns t j kow i trtii logiy soma be jcase anojiy rqpauiion that i itriuwtifruluc oienijiih- i can hay fluentlyttt cfij i fafthtafttf i llpeun w muoe iltilrihittifwj 3biliilbjgf vt ijjaiiij i hxy evtjn tioue tscftcw vh iwu tu caliwhea wa werexhimuathaiwaqtw f 1 vhiuintfv aor iiv j ihihiqz4i cv i ai i found that kqowiru the table q en lihvmonav and- knowing unguah jnobsypj if weretwi cry dittereitthiugi eivfl 1 7 tliintojit ik a kbctlroommiitfaaif of j j ittje sltflttioo and trio cbtidren nitheull j ehiluugs and peocej ud -dito- ajqotier thing totand clowded depot before r ui official who is maater of tlietsil j oafjouv ajidiidtiut yoar own shiljiogi indjjpeocie f my jnfrejdaatioci to it taiin thtjwe i we had aoppind ourselvw befbro 1 art ing with tome english gold and alittlo silver j vte were very indiy tahued on th royage j bi in english friend io making iibange and also ju asking fortioketsma rt trie 4 logluhway artifeitiajc say m jre me four third siutfesv or foyt biugfesias thecufyimy wjauevu sidered that twere cieeptibiam ianncbedv j ip theftiticieibouhtfrouitbeci purse wkaatcaestr fgoiuii jbookiug bfbce as j tber fickji cajtpdi uked tlie prioe of is windermere f sevenia4 ejeyea uiifcehil saidtbe jnku ijit t ji 1 gupej pleuiye mefoarilnglei x said wiln ode deapairuig ciutch t my jttogiisu atottng menlaily grppjujbieri- while fw ihe chalkaud blactjbeiri aud faihng orthatwyiuirlojtpakia lai iattou idfrry -haci- v- jfi thirty doe and fteii said ihtrnan vriskly andiog thenr4o fna kow- 1 that mpruiugwd lipada a-4s- posit in the parse k oac gold icalling pieces theyferebriglii aud i auiccunwtned tbthetnland soraenl seemed very valuable to met l fjai of them li the man tie tucked a l utontshmcut and ruffle indiguuleiij thatiaotenohgb he sakl greatly coufused i handed out i tiroty still uot engbhe iu desperattou ipoureddut rqy if ioculrim j and motioned to thagixus me moii my howeverpaiiiegtte pe tbe i r trcauea- ither i fi of ikit motref and those tickets eaclioue could go- idtd au account- said i left afraid i am very atuj willyoa ue kiujeijough fio teirmi the price of oiie tickjtn joe tfcketj htsaievpolitely anil ly ia ccuo hniiiijs elovra and j aj lsdf peucep war ticketsoafj oe tui yoqe ihi4gs and hu pence that rota torvy hilljngi aqdtiro pence which i lial e juu ml sud when i apoligiief or npsuttnessi outhegrpand of not jfeing 4roiii2 brilb engluh mousy j het li appose snoalef have the tame dj tcuity iu winterel r fie teensiihip of two jroaiig iadiej though apparently foundedttpon ttie rock pf eternakattaehu eat terminated in tlie following matter my dettreat errrma t do not tefirikyoarigaret sui ted for dancing j od as a lincera friamt i advise yonuxj efnifuftbm the other laterally affected pyo 6 unsolicited can j jor replied i feel very much obligedw jw my dear for your advice this proof olyoat frteudthip demands some returejr i would aeoiucerely recommend you ia rtlingstsh youf iinglngoaittomeol yont apwr ooteesctaaily resembfe tbo sqaalll lnipf thetflineraoe 7 the result otv preciphaney wv- wit thijadvieojol neither wavfouowed the one eontinaedjt stngi and ihe otneir to danpe but tbe uam tatiaitoifc mavtatiii l j maudrthti bk onjheatltii siyi yoonit gitls whp irish w haotefhht oyea and rosy cheeks ihoula lake tfimp tbroogb the woods each njoroing before breakfast awdysu8pba wtritnip flelah objict ito koiti tht lawn subafbilu resident good rohimy ive conoiqded not io ga city ta-di- and i wish you would father fa let- me bate tbiiawn hotrer he hptrotted it of fneiseveral weekijigo ketghbe cs irnaji oo pipas jajjt gone to theciij tv j well oa oan get rue the uwn ippwer t iarttyoa j i itij le iked ap locke 1jtp vjl yesair papa sawjiesjii ifrti got it ba k yoad be waktqg up tl ueighborb wd at 6v oclock every like ypu d before p i- i t mm sjrqi 7f chapfert weaxired pdkppetite cnpteraftakiahcs8iipariua cuapiefl siitg cneetdi inngiy qsss ii those jwh6 believe that drksagejs catarrh j temeay fill puref ibeni 4i nre liaylojstweiitjhttxhie who 4 ti h yoohapp in to bo ooj ot tiose vrg dent believe t teree a m4ter at so0 f i neli your fiitl its for iyon ifi hetn we r v tor sage v rernedy iosievt reori f jq no f f thtter hi iw bod or i how long f tndw your cata to intbebaad man be the m keri are the wovuii dii sasmry medioal amooiation f fattatfaoo ny theyfai jfttnowrr to- nwy bi injrj ioblisher and erery dntgtiil t lund indyov cid easilv aatioftavln it ohui itsgooclsieirsasici- hoc died her jitt w ieutlieatxpi bit wj wbep hie bad abjewaaaluljitatt prison llife wlt fitjfeai jt mm rwmw9ipswiisir

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