Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 27, 1891, p. 1

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r i- r- r- 17 olirxtexvtr no fltc jutoii jac fires is rrotturn- kfktty rhorsdu itorklko it trk- frtc press steam lriuuur office ptrbbt xctox ost tritoscctrttmo dollar per nt rii itrmrsutec or within hire months from asrtjft b 5 trtt towlkh every tubiertptioa it paid u davl by th dale so th address label jtsj wourfrkotpubtllum for first in- o 4 cant pet iiha for ab subsequent i irr 1utwvt1i followtoc talil howa ue for la inbjruo of advsrtimtniota for 1 erioili- tllu i 1 isj ko j jjco j 1k9 icssbaiibo sito voo jj30c1 it do t0o st 00 joo tvso 109 slsiwisw i directions ii i t f wl eewl oa charted uwrt losvi advruiecuu mutt b paid ifd ii onceeach awls it iared lor rhuicm ottenet thin essseajraaalh lhe tocnptloa tajtst be naidfar at racalai rates flrai4 for contract advertisements matt b l j tortiiys othwrrite lhy 411mii ow nam the altafacit h ruookf editor and proprietor i itt h dowry il b ucp8 fl5j4kfrraltt6olislfrabtol crvayvlclaaiandsizrfeocc snd rmtoc4mhtkdof frederick d a boon fastness fitcecterp crek pkthdu scocox accotjcgclll irntc ini rttircttxdr jt3trrioi lornar jtih and frederick streets ll beskett lds dentist gcosgctowx oxtasu juarghallmdsddslp8 dentist vrtll be at clarks hotel syery friday jfcleak cj8olricirt xotsrise coeveraucen rats fcids to loan oeeitowo hallfaetoo 1 wi i mclius jsq a sicltu 1 ijcew stfpbpg expresswacon i u x 1 ijiehcf ppice 60c6nts baaicsj40is ix ww crotrrr thi traders sink iopriaruwl hy act oc fuiutnon qftloi tobohto head ct ket mautkolutkd mit ilto up w hcim an n w n aalpa branch ooru sr of vjadtim ind qooboo sliiou advi ice nwdo to farmer on lufc own notc advuioc mido to furmew on the jty of legatee 8alc not ooltctd und no chrgf mado for ooljt ctpg ts dipdsitbof tl and aiiwards riwivod in the savings bank department land t percent dkv lt tlkl till htt stoci mtii lowest rics ssulis cmerp barikof wontireal opitaii rest 12000000 000000 asiyrsgfi llklaujrmekt ihasbecn ojuod in ctmnoctioii sth this branch s interest illoivtil at ourrtut tintet jwrhmkl ay uanijcr qielph bktnch wvbber bros paper makers georgetown ont tciix tfsrbruitv 8 jthillov j a mow at l bilftstx bouotoi kotiet poeuc ofnci dirttdedty and saturday kannrinvsock acton cp qhhtos wallbridge stone brriitrtf5olieitor it tosoto isd gcoitoirk ofisjicrwtiabaa slock georgetown and traderf b coaoibtff t voce sti torosto gfiio fifim book papers hish aadf weekly news the paper used inkbis journal is from he above mills wit baebeki bros rirtjiftt- mfc bri6t0xe f atixts secbrbd i j ifoe lsvektioks j i- i ie key crist orrnci cakasa twitjl itsui practieo ko patent no pa j i i 1 m hekstreet licvtrn kccxioszla hoi tbij cotmbs ot weluscton and halton orflaxvlaflat tqsejcrc pacts ofice actoo or at aiti4acio acton illb promptlj at- laadt4td terls reaaocabte ajo uoaey to lo on cbe niot firorable tarsia ttid at the ldett rates of interest in c a k s off ajqq an cri vards dat r architect gcelph olit i qaeaos hotel tdlock market sqnare kcis 1unak kaeaorlo t chapman bookbikdbb isaare guelph ontario t books of all kind tnade to order of ewry decriptioncarefqlljbonnd tlr aid protnptly done an barber shop sltiisittrtairros raktyllibbairent a fiood aeafoaxa xshaapooalirstsitiren eaxors hsassaaiiit pacta- ciicliu eooditjon ladles asatbirashsurtstiltctit j 1 wqedek tonsorial artictl steel engravings iwcl etctins co i on- j ljctiufi lioom mj imctaro uouldinca materials artists a fiill stock iof wiuscr i- ncwtan s doablrj tabctjli fexiodwpp 5 kei cornice biitof evcc irntv kit fnutk cbnjpltitfc toc otc wall papers kit k4itl to ujtuc lin tiltctco wafers bros i in tlic citr cstablished st george s square lbrr gctelph i r i j ignelph easiness college guelph oxtario 1 yolsg ufs and women nlucttl lot inc eessfnl bntinesi uuht how to earn a litine cote money aaj txcouic fatrprificr qcefnj iltfcena- actual nrslxess both in theory and prac uoe5ituigdaijv in merchan tutlnfi tanking and omct aork a feature orourcourse eftraininc 1 shorthand and tviewlitingubeat teldfor edacte4 jxiunj ladiei stndenn irlih- fag to becouie shorthand writers are thoroochly drilled io bnyineas corretponciecce tnoo iihing to btcotte rrncral verbatim rejiorten e given dj ajrautagm uorde4 by no ithericupcjriatjlljkaiitrj 5 i i i penuanshil for busdnew drawing and ornamental work tarbt by twoeipbrtpsninen ef wacteaefcintcttienence i j the french language is ubght by the attest devejoptnent of thfl natural method gjtitiijrnirirrtiiijrtnlts for circulars abd temli address jmmiccorliick principal a enetal jsnklij tiutlnoss trsnuctod a f b jokes manager quelpb liranchl gaolpl dpcsttiber 18sd i 8eas0n 18si1 bi paid er twine sepst brkndi5 sjilver oompositia crown red cap blue ribbon btittvu wholesale prices appucjltioh on john m bond cj i guelph grindells ilacflrne repair shop ip addltjpii to laacljlncry rcpairiug 1 i j prejrea to ao l an now rse shoeing- f general blaafcsmitiing ia l mas la attention given to all 6rk 1d ecnt any mi chins or implement by wfaotns rer l j job printing tkclivbsg eoofct yunphlets iolert ulu ijikmmicxckuxxtc kc- executed ia the bttj e rf the fcrt i modertta rnce ted oa tbortnfuce apply or d4re j h p uooep fee prefr offie actoo weeiingtaiqj marble works qctnc etxizt gcclfh lark c carter isc 7t lap ifaqoentv tad haafci ftfth i ag i tsanite and uarble fades of all shade aoolfrat i u neirost designs all work snd ms- isckalvizixaladfirscelass partes wishing to ncirehsj t will plsai givs os call and impact so sue t sad prtoas as re tip eonfldentxe can topet iritl2ajrjsaaukhltritin ontario ekvin sold p4 nay interest to the shore firm irestpsc follyfciljcitcliepatroosfietomyfrieadi jjssjpahfie on lir h agdiitewaated f roo fwsifr tcr msi maner take hopj snd sell tor cljotcf xtuserr stock now is the saie i tte n ix no for terms 1cay biothees kurserynjen i kochester n j nxs wanted i in tejt f to mc tbe pictorial cyclopedia ofllte stocfc audi complete j 1 stock doctor j the mlst complete snd compreheniive wqrk tlhirdid its aathors stand at the bead hffitsesaisn sit savs a pontinenul repo- wottrtita olit in gold to any ope hose shpcstjje swine ponltry slsusr a grind opportunity lo loaae s2jsyljfreisry stance address i i j iso ton st toronto new planing mill 1vd sash ind door factory l tdhn cameron- contractor qas fittod op the building on main etreet3ately kcnpied as a trunk fsctorjwithnewnncbinery andtsprepsred to futniiliplani ipeciflcations and estimates for all classes of buildings and execute all kinds of dkfssinu hatching i and moulding mase all trrtllb of sshes boors snd windows and door frames tna dre tied lumber a nd keep stock on hand all orders promptly attended to john cameron 1j acton bus line muxafftcttqbdwiube repaired ia evade kjt ma ier how nd uzacbiocry reijrt toaiuntir od hkr7drikdtll w iib utitfutort mtpntt pcirt jo nude vvoddvoi k re seaj50n1891 xttetlz rttrnifiw lhtukto4vt tan4 p it iroiiforthlrul3erxlipppflrtittthe itwt tw6- ictfew jjrtjjjoi i 1 m rap fiira oyx tw ofteit w thick slisn rsadojun nsjts rhat a lulnfof less tufensc ous nser did iof lat sir critic reflect oro yau in it a a noise oil hst oas mans moat may be ahocuef mans if- notlsviotponlsilttroiititwaaf denialc fcsiliss f4sosadiofsdf j trits protty youug lady sprigltiy and fair vltll ulo tkk puttisfa hor hsdwsttsei up to feuauv ndliuulyiktnoingoaralituatl tosaw ho tnrosra it sstdo wttlt a mutterojl tishss no tnsrtfaces lieco- i think it is itueer when theres etoc to many they doat pablshanj heres pqpfrlf 1 1 ti4 patilos gltstehes andlefges and tales auj lawalts wmlortjnijuit qaibfaij u no tdonlc or coaru or pirticc far tuar i lien tttoo toutifi mia with caiio cifd tnouitteb ho coruluty tlnki bo ti cuttlngt jtu xilci ove tuo liit of iiltyi ctid soicoi if tfnly icyiug lirttfifqjii actus tiitheitrc lutccci oircifi audchfic otteru r la btnquflu k id qaiilf wooden vraktodlhirs ctijen 1 r ifiuung ft ier uot fit to s ictn ntitiieiiti1 rmmj ikd j- aclt picti up the iwc id rctdi by tho lthtot dim butnlnj upcr jid voadm lf tin bora sddiwwd to mitt bclu ere not trtttan to boc by totn devar fdlav bos pretty tad uty 4d leiraedj rnd wtw t it die soj ia lurpriu it tu dirk ttcel ovoj- f for bcri am dcp blue whet a pity tia true tror paw ir editor artuuqbqarou j vbt ceecbo andltidoc audicrtuoax andtvtug add ksti aidcuiuc liydjccli touiatcii j it of eketebe or uloi not aaa cad m hat klttd of a mm mut tti editor bo ct t ctavo pouucaii vrha silh dignity tiawi j ijaiuuu gold ipcttalcdver lii nous i ie baco piacli of nafl before ba procdi 1 en opens tbo tpcrsd leiiurely riida ofbrofohc- tqffraieut aadifiisv r ii i andoi ofrilnt keporu- and obaru j d ujrc u bo reeds tho list eoldfeatt ofvir i m itriuio jtlttloftrfplo lboirfldiiorf ere t voaldsdo uieai ny cdod i kcntlfgra thetn atjint j w a pcfm aid taeid tii ppr esptcc 4 d now holding ft etrefally off from ber aee d froqueauy mtiueriifc i and da tell ft b j niacage iwmoway to rcd very well i the ruarrum tho rabbcrio aecidctita and raanterft bnihol v daidia abhcin l i aid flaiibioc iroudeci whet sort of a btutidar o whole of couiuiuaityi uboring coder tt cairpoxt lucb a pxpr whow print is to tanll b i j wooden how tcibq peoplo reed it au a ertiicr ccer for notion end fitia ii letenliiaedtotry theeffectof acaoo 0 j tbc tditar4 backjfor e what yaavo daao ii i puar ho erie bcroi b h it q viopayounomorofortbelr nutiwtuaniae 6 cfcoo uielukjdo while r to bo tato u stboputoat of gbtwbo ccttfd t cndaro7 k tt apanpy contributor ccjer tor fcino i laodtirrauied uiyafoecftr uoer red to lalona roa thafwbtean into in a mneetneat with stewicrt oa dpb toteepcinttcntlton hend a full etcfckjo the ordinary dcesof sash doors etc abdwjltilioliqpply enyspccul titet on bort ttotc at qnelph price frames of all kinds mede to order wo aico kpep in tcoek a hie of hae window nd door caklng cotuer bl kcj 1 j iher dretml toa wtt price 11 50 bf u tonrjl pleam t elcewlwrt pumps tble tbxn he cfther wood or iron pnmri tnteed aatiltactory end inspect- beforb parchi xng taosebbigefjlanafrer being better able thxn heretafdre cniiply cfther wood or iron pnmri t all work tncrtnteed aatitftctory kf felrnqs desiccated whebt for dyspeptics and anyoni villi wek digestion try it tite iuelasd katiokal food coull toronto odal wood i h j ames bf jamfes brown i- i iiirilalsrkiiqisntityofciffebt ceal r la towfl acrti ordwooaland ao bead ot ctriniiinicarlon ixlff t ength alwajj tbo uudqnigncd rtepectfully solicits the iwtron age of the puulicind infonjas them that well equipped and styufih ajgacan al- wayn be secured ajlhisbtablcs a cornfortable bus meet all trains xtween 3 a in and 819 pm careful attention given to every order thd wanta of commercial travel lers fally met john williams welllrrton mutual jfire wahce company zhtavldhuzp ifho h6aooffice coelph insures beijrtirjfjsmtrchanuilie manufactories sod sll otlier descriptions ol insorableitoperty oil the cteb and ireminni kofe system wstone caasravmsok pretioftnt kanager john taylor agent third tear in canada for cliqes portable foot heat j isei 500030 in uso in canada and the united eutes uni sr ten hours solid comfopt foiv jc invsiusblo for use in all sorts of tshicle ln the botuhold and in stores and olbees sow is tho time to send in youy orders l for sknjples and price to r thejctina martufacicjlrtig bo 28 fkoxt si wrsi toaosio aobnts wantpd jsl gook co ojeosaetown xtotaiii anciloimer apprtuers valu uatt coliaaton rel kstata sd j jp jterfnn- ftxl wwulngton slmooe yor mi oaurlo cwbf otssryoafeeiid jislb isattmstatepfcnipuyauenilocl jtkt w c pm iorfk- qae4east torpnto d6 stooancttonsjsjw gdtowa vat torotttoj hamiltons marble works raillltons uloettforracriy hatchs dioal lt tlia gore corner iof woolwich and norfolk sirctagoosph ont i ijohhh kamtltom i proprietor i- thwiesale sad reullijaaler and direst iinoctr for rrs what will sndtnbabisctuccrof all finds of granite sod ltartjtekonumebts tombstones etc haviofl bad an extensive experience for the last 1g years tke public may rely oa getting all luperior articles at a cheaper rato than any other dealer sthewsstj i j xbis per cent s on a direct order rc- celve4 for tile nea 90dan tl rsusoesci tec beard iiany rnistajtwveie netec beard before l lit here at this sonnet addressed to my y i j vvo mado it a bonnet sud dress formy w i j dji ttai of my wriunfandsajaoras that yi ttwii swlttor akbtejioutt-tutitisaai- his crops are 8c h men i tost nf fsruierl complains assxlectad lie so in mb time is spent kuesslngwhpll bo elected minlrteiaysit should be morbjsodate notso much wsstcdou matters of state j thousands of ether cctnplsintc are made known i ich che editors back baa to bear all aloae tho wontt of it is thesll join lnayins jpsper sa this cant he print without paying i i raafciaeriie sitled jtsntilg hfatttg i la his then slibafncd to flilhed tliolr wondet tip into tie darfcfs tarbed for v taotnjmt with iliilrangel mdmont higgle jtlitklimy sistacjmr kineuid l as sxnggie bowed her irjcs nwltiniatily fsoo fx i4nlng jexpremon towicds her tttfif llien was tha heir ta th wyndtitttn to- perty wiiicli by rigttt ilioald isvp bn left to olsros little girl but whioh tnitesidj by oldl itrt wyndhamj will b4i fallen ia this tiio nearest mlo relatlyoj lfonkv mother liisd been an eccentrlq wotiittn fi in jd her peculiarities couw bei dflloct sy any title bat that of insanity wherejoerttta kabjeots wero odnoertied amoig her peculiarities was tin unbounded j conterppt for the weaker ci no female liquid kn- hcrjt a centof fha propetty which alio lid in her right she had declared emphatically egajn and again and heir will had oartjed oat her views bho hak ignorodj her ions inairiagii until slta had learned that utg- young wife was to become a mother tnen she jseat for her anil told her hsf expected heirj was to inherit her property if itshojtld pxoysaaah if not the rrstbov bofnto theni ahoald liavo it as on noaoobtnt should i girl liandle acent of btr mottttj for her htwbancts sakeclareforbore jay remirk spaa tho ininstleo of tltitidecisioa andj in trtitli ai iwr lionet wia ypang and tro6gand fully able to battle with jhe world on behalf ofhimself and ftmlly he thought of tho wyndham hoards troabjed her tut little bpt in one ijibtt year kit had changed herhusbands ingtiyoang liff tad gone down with the staneh siip whioh had sailed fromipart sc proadlyjbat a few weefca before his child net bafey was not tho boy scardently horjb4 for iy tho stern old rrandmotlyrbat wai inst id born to comfort the mysteries of omi a- hood in that far f utaro which stretched c it sad and dark before the yot mg mothe s soxrotifal eyes tljat is hy uaggios eyeajajhod at t te coming of this stranger this ainxrpcrr u she tliobght him and an eioo idmg biu c- nesaearged up into her- heart as sbehfa d his name if pie younn man read aogt t of tliie n i- kindly feeling in her face he laadeno d n aa hej turned again to hrs wy idham a d uaggia suffered a pang of sell reproach i a his next words reached her ear u soft ar d lowspoken they were bat inlet rely eame t lardor me myyoang kinbworiian 1 c said for alluding to business in the san 3 interview in which i come lo tender tr y sympathy for your irreparable low but my heart lias burned within me sirioe i bao leantooto the anjast will thai inaketjnils sole heir of tho wyudhara etta ie half if the property is justly nine aa- motljeii anct my father were sister ar d brother and shoall have sharedecjoally i t granafathere death and his srilli leaviig all to my aunt was on a par riththeoto whicji deals so unjustly by yoa at all shall bo righted as soon a tho rniceusar y legal steps can bo taken oneplialf of tie money will be placed in your bjtnda as so executrix for your child dares eyes filled with sidden tear the jthought that lionels child ooald bo reared and educated as ho voold havi wished wasiiko i great weight lifted fr jpnielsoitf wants j tq ybl suit y du picket wire fencing ii c cotriblniuoti of pjckeu and wire comltldeat intvlne it taprbe d archie andthertrukt perfect feo oq ertb it dtroyi no groand whatater ad ifbecaty be oocfidtre4 ao ad turtisfeiitu thm tmtit aod6adotnt fene mc4c roonrt burnt youx tuattef la c tfxc ct kap m aeerly oneoajfj and feaotf ha then faare a ac4 it hoc aatfaf a pay rtifiit both feiideal the end j oat cry ifi tl m ar red to to the cautaqucnce ton tend ft beet aqd wo will we tmafl what we iaf m cuefoh ont dry goods ibpots shoes an di sboc 2ries 4 tprar sollorteb kveir nindv clare we can get along aout the money i have the little for- a my dear old godmother left me and take care of baby and of babys mother pat the crael old womans teill right of your mind and haggis desmond her soft cheek lovingly against her lowed sisters i here was a striking resemblance ha tha two ttioqgfi the widows cap ch hid clares shining hair was hardly ter than her face and sfaggies rich rivalled the red red rose andtears washed the happy light out of the ngmothersgreat sorrowful eyes while he sisters seemed to have caught and im- prsoned the sunshine itself t lare turned and looked at maggie rej pn icwally pleaae dear do not- speak pf lionels mt her so bitterly he loved her and i wi iforgivhandtryto think kindly of her fot my husbands nice aggie i aiiflad an impatient answer ai py ni she wis the sight of that patient yo ngfaea disarmed her before she had tin a to reply a servant came into the room wi i soardji as mrs wyndham tookit fro mliprahe said i told him twasnt no use to mikett up voti wouldnt sea him if he were the qo entictory herself but all the satne he node mo bring it taggies face dimpled with merriment at tb girroonfasioao ganders and sh sai i withunock impressiveness make haste sister mine and see if this im jcriousjbtranger isoio received is he td tepshssad fiiwhefugust presence br ui trs wyiidham liad taken the card aid gtj loeti at it at first listlessly bat as she res 1 the words penciled underneath the na ie she rented into sadden interest i bring him here at baoe nora yoa wasljollowod by ho btltranbo of kor l ijoti mfssas ha gaiped j the fine jipang glnlleman it killed wirely 1 raah 3aa at the door and says as how the- hotmtim playeit him a trick m dilnt hfni flying fatechts head ahd hdw ses sinselcas theaalv t f clare rose from her chair white to tlij ifpsj when a low cry from maggiildraw her thoughts into alnewdireclion f she had alsbtoso to iter feet bat in an- other moment had fallen limp end lifele jtalhofioori v j clare ucvf for watrand dashed it ii her face xhenj she knelt beside her am chafed her oold handscalliiig frwnf ically maggie maggje wake ap h to add to tnoconfntlonth4 ifoor opanodi aad richmqad kincdidlcamii m iasciara saw him sha cxclaimeel acoherenuy who would tjav thbught maggie of all others would hiiwe taken it la heart so r bathowfs llj yoa jre here jwe jast heard yptt were dead oridyiag ikiiowsaidrichiioadj iiastiiy it was raef a scratch aa i was stun led i i came to my senses jast sfterpierra rashedl 08 like a blockhead si 1 e islo frigt en you to death and i narrioil jifter him t nhdo the mischief j his pallor however nj a freshly i irfmod wound on his orefiea i tofd a dflerenlj story bat jastfnea i hiver ran tiroogh maggieir fram clare whiiroeredi i i i know nerrbasjly j dont for 111 9fh let maggi that yoa hare teen her 1 1 f his state i bhed never forgive meih ha to the reegption room and twill ojme t voq maggie opened her ey s at first unco ov prehendfngly then mimory returned to her and she straggled w her feet we will go to hlm no one will talk rottarehis kirisjroman yoa know sndij1 mast begljit pardoa ii have beed so hateful to him indfiand oieimay di and haver jmow the rath v iyii dear said oiae soothingly yoa shall go tohitn raif for raef iri he reoeption roatit l wvljotn yoa- there presently i- magiejwtstobstaritned by tie shock to- notice anything atrinje id her t manner and she obeyed her as meekly as though clare had always been the master spirit assfae entered theoom richmond meet her fooking in at dazed sort of haphcart but words came sowly handsome sympathetic faos m lo li lionels own that her heart seemed lo choke her but maggies clear voice came to the rescue slut said raisin lierpratt f head nroudly 44 sir your decision does yot hont r an t i thank you in my sisters nana still if it were not her right she woalil nol toach the money 1 could have taken care of her we are not penniless clare laid her soft hand on dp precatingly as sho turned to xty little sister has cope property lately and sho intend much at my service as her own the yoting man bowed iv maggie a slight smite curve t he noticexftha sadden crimson i hit i ashed her cheeks and the haughty pitse m graceful head as sho turned ai ray impa tient of hit mamentiry icratln a mixture of frost sad nre he tlioaght ndt the loviaggentle little th ngliloemy musics wife poor lionet 1 todieiso yound and with everything to 1 va for1 bat tiothingofthis feeling coildberead in his face as he oourteoasly too c his fedve as as nataral richmond kinaiid6iten onnd home glaccedai his lip as wi 1 pleasa remain maggie s kora withdrew putretarned toner sis er who stood silently wondering at tiia dig lity which had so suddenly taken tne pa x of hfr nanal tweet gracioatness pf mi oner iherewas however no tuna for 1 lanatiodrfdr igehtfaniin wji shonn int therpfim atfnoatimmeaduieiy- i lira rose as he enwred ami bowed cou- iy iijd graraiy i bat sf ia jjsie forwa d he wld ont his hand i am darhasbaodi ncrijt hriig rel live may rriat qlaimoba so receivi by iyejtii whtm i sn troiyiaiy hat ny soi w t hia lost is onrf second oyo if dwtr f i tia wotdshad ln them 1 ringaf tria yi ipafhyasjhty were aitared in a dee j eai aest tone hat went straight to i ie yo ng widows heart tears filled her sy ss aafhe laid her trembling little hand oi f bis vay to mrs wyndhani pleasant after this interview and bcingia dnsman was received onto footing accorded so iiodthergentlemangiiest i i i two years i soon passed awaj clares 3caaxrful face coon loitt its look f haunting todnese and- she entered agaiiihtothe cieti trio gay world of fast ion but it asfcr the sake of chaperoning her young sister who was soon considered dad of the brlglit particular stars hefrlith aromiio hod been more than fulfilled be- rides leihg exquisitely lovely there wad a tatrrfi and sprightliness in har ljiahnii sfhich gave her a charm peculiarly her o u he wis however an enigma raribhmar d jincald while in her liveliest accjds ms tpproach would freeze her into- sadden iauteirhe tried patiently ioooqaer v hat teemed to bemiteonaljleavexsini o hind bat in vaintand at last na ceased vj nake the effort thoagh toeiajeaoothr jmost idttily they met and parted wjh he nost formal greetings clare saidltobar memprning j- ili- i 14 whyis it maggie that yoahatoiricii- hondta intensclyf it really lnakes inoomfortabla to soa yod fogeteri think ie is s nsblehcprted mahi and dpsarrtng at letter treatment at yqartiands jjji k maggie turned and looked at qlare w noment a strange expression elbading her iyesthen she said caldljf j what is honey tooria is often galfto tnothir sisters seldom sea with the same iyesl 44 yet said clara gently youtni e hiuk lllkonpon almost every other sabjept t is very near my heart maggie ha ou wiom i love so iiearly show sotq jklad- less one who has proved huntelf stucq t raef iend an dd littlq quiver came i la otca ts she said i- 44 1 sill try to treat hun differently our sake clare- 4 thats my own darl ister j and clare put her atinsf roa ier and kissed her tenderly- what wt lavabeep her surprise cpau ahewvi pei rated into maggies room n jiopr ii ter i lave joes the girl who hod ever seemed i jrighfi and happy upon her via tty wopli ier heart ont ip bitter tears b it tl edij rat locied and bolted magg ei tocjti fss guarded against any noasitu intnmlq ittui from hetdesfty loyedclin the next morning dawned irighiii jeei thp sisteri weremsiligiheir nlf orlh i doy wueu a that hog st tfiet kincaid camafoward to very paje she ttopped way her eyes resting uton the disfignred patch on his forehead chen she shudder ed and tarried away 44 1 will coll my sister the- said ohj maggie biclmond exclaimed passionately danot oallclare itis yjuiwnt why will you always turn front m f do yoa ootj knok thek t love yon that my lifes sanahine is centered in your eyes r maggia stood her tight form drawn proadljj ap her eyes fl hing and her lips carlingin infinite scorn j 44 not another word antess yon with me to late you how dare yoa trine thus with my risteifs feelings i it it well fo be off with an old love beftre yoa press the claims if a nsw one richmond kincaidi f ce grew very pale ns he listened to maggie wbras then he said with intense earnestness as god is my witness majjgie this is first tinsa that inch aa idea has entered my bead heaven forbid if t have unwittingly gained more than the cot sinly jove i craved frpmyoar sweet sister the two were so eajrossed with each other that thijr hadait naticec clares entrance she stood bes da them listening a qewjight breaking in upon her then she folded her sister in h x gentle arms i 44 1 susit all i my lttt e makgie was go to wreck her own hippie s to save mine maggiej and she held th t girl front her so as foloofc into her eyes i roved my lionel with a love which is as e idaringas lifeit- self nona other willeyi r renltceit my heart is buried with hmi nhiijoceangrsve rven so ajichmond loves roandifimi- take not these telltale b nshes are telling the same sfory so old yt t so newto him is it not so j maggie turned towart richmond who stood watohing her his k ui w his eyes- 44 is clare right maggie t he said softly one moment her head rabowed in shy confession ho next it wi s ptflowad on his breast clare stole softly aw ly sloy in her young sisters hsppiness was in her heart but there wjttj also mihglecl with it a surging tide of regret focihe lost dayk iof nerjowu love and happiness da ys hich could never morereturn having a toqtk flled wshareiji ourheaii sod w really iannot ifford tvit reotjorsd we cansave witbosjsty irpahlewhsispomr tbeonfy thing tis natter witta it js hlusureera tqnsbotrtth4roofnd itrtkbaefw of fnythingabowiat ijj your eajutcloos feeibgftertne entiit has finithed lusorstioa is onidaiitnt at- hhe thought thst yoffjfoiit hv ifcj bave lhtfooli pglled iiar ill xbfctt you wonder itlhefijlidg tsjulhurt it rfacteh as hiving itldrawi bjit thedsaiifi you that it wout hurt all andhecitodo the whole job id lets ihsn an noqr lajii momentot eakaets roa arsa ybarselfs iltlejateriyoa 4oasett io var- renderynatself to theneroy of thst eqd iu handisguimsodj glance sroaj 4 st the tofatojsee if yoarifriehd kasitnissed off sud jsfj tfltielpesi ko iabg 1 lim i he it still jthere grinning ihntieip liioq- of your comingiiary i thea thettfenstwlieri n feit conf dnt that ha- hit ootnprdrriwsvt yuo beyonc the possibllityjbf cbaugjtjj your mfsd goes about thapfejaralloq for his crime in a very delibetate miunerr ifirst he thscpens all of his flsy those thst he is going to use snd those thathe is not botns fcj aai in front of joor face tftett whig hej list redaced yoa tos siste aj inibecfiity by that mesus he goes tfiroqchg warming up eimrcitwiuitheisatoaiatio bozs jtaw- varioutly kuowu t sdrilt aid latie lo see if it tt laptopercoaditioa for wring holes- in yojjr jawbone when he has obna everytbiny vhat be cjin r of b jrire yea wild with fear4e ilewcheerfuliy and remits that it t a fine day then rod know how it feclstobe habged ta a iriiajy j j with the squirm fen wcigghnjf 1 baxjsawheld lightly between his ihafafc and fore-finger- lie forces ihslf his tsnd into your month and ieqtjy tears ooiia piece of the aching nerve with theirill then he rods the lathe which is tarning at the rata of oopjwiiretolations a mianta ill round the rew edge pi the root j and drills sdodblefrack tunnel down through one of the roots you writhe aoct- twist at hit hand is pressing jonc head firmly igainst thsijackof theejhair ndttjrooff man as youjere yoa sre eompletety iltke mereyoftbei assassin i aiter he hasjwtped the gore from his in fernal machine and fried- some of theng- lingfoots onihe thumbnail ha takes a smii rabbsrwringa and squirts hil a pint bf fcjadolo5rater away down into the tooth then he digsvarbubd fee ai aral minutes wiihjs sized towel and price itjrjbse ctents dkvbdsbpa tfob i land i bitalut it i sljflil ti jihoitrcoiin 1 come troopinio front eivtraiji t i la ntmwofttuie by doteus i v 1 ajssieriliviijtscetiossinw li f toseo hotdiiich iboyiotjoat t ilierscitrlolssrhottothii- time i hold hesds high tbora as v when tasvalniiry went teffowu j j acirpirfaekstweenaf lut dhrlstinsi umetjotid jests tuoasifi them falls iad never icea til t fmtcjjsitoswhoshitjoome t aiwmfotwaektojtbj do wn ott tho firii snd ye t ibeir wsyi i wdscblder tlisx the wwtber ft lt u i were sscd to ccjld- snd yitltwow v weffund qatialvpshistfrisflout portlirdsliaredu alrnuydeot oarccrteimjisathisicioesouu l tax tnijhty fntioy yit lla i fadi i tthela folks fiiey tkaslyjcnowod us f an loc ng jn qs rfgutsnwl jr j- i tvtswrlts ojnerfai tiwwsjr 1 tbemsiotoithtt thaws out when stitnuiercotne r kow c itratry air aa country cot4iat drawl jut tueir uearuyyua wty tberl tckleto ltsniwumiiljy sothln wath ifein wi ticy inoi rbej1 jp4t ttdurihiwetoarilfortautinm fit r i i f- bi ton fliitv h lit- t- 7- t m- ratsetilthc church debt i- r- how force of h4wtlfld laftrnblef i intcaquborprecfloarient v tall of raisiiigjeli urch debt i the ma wbo baea eyerywhere said oabaqajci ezpftmj epqttft ecieretj oj a debt fo a church in deadwtsod iooce jo spite myself vi v jjf 1 u tuhappeoed ie wiif way i bad beenj smiles in eadislf glee as- ha botes lha sgonirolliiigoflyour iyedidsrj f there jfu wauldnt iteap still jyou iknowaud the towel hasjtcfn a large ieoe jfrom the inside of yotrr ijtieak 44 itwi sat his- fault youknpw mt cqalctathelpr it ifyou opoldaijstimor and sibtuit to a littlojpaan jod cnusat blame himfijranythiig thai mighthsppen batjhe worst haintr come yet t hen hahssttanehed yourlwaands and itcfled- hslfof a bale ofcotloa into your mo uh he patsthe quivering neryepayf ifly 4 fith dneothia- confojoded miafng tools and re- marfcsthatit wiitlakefaioll orfiojd sou thidk ol the large amount of gold which you wotridjsheyrfaljjfgie lo ariykiltaritabfe iattitdtion to beluamed by the winner it your friend would- sneak op bjehind list msnvanif fmrure hi iculj withichair then the deriwt takeit a lot of jold leaf odt of imcret drawer odecomroeaces to rpllit up luloliitle pills thatremind yoa of chatlmewnehycja uted bi hit the jipe witfr ybarllrlendvvtheckrnese trsyeler then he riaees6ae of the lliifa piilj to the tooth bsliociufil carefully oa the lop of the nerve kiidhitax tsvsge wbaek with- dwarf tiedge hatamet which he fiad hitherta concealed behind jiis back whitaier trial waa the vsorstyei lave nsardbf tbetortures practised ui ihetrpruibuerabycatmlbalt of botpittw rod otjictidrawidkof dumamberment tad kytiou iutlkair vas positively the wptat the very apotheiiis if ail human agony iqmrnid op to to ine ihort mouietit- oftiine altd that nuia- plavrnk poller the nig iteforiin great luo camie oat soool jwiiowinoer thea kind of remorse icaasoaer maitnd i m tip my mfodit would t a eao3timeto fornj i resolved to qif rjokeij and be re- tpectable and i thought anood way to be gin would be by going toch rch so fixed mytelt op and walked intt the blggesl churph in the puca my tntei dons reallir good bqv i hatln t le it any rhi nighl j ff rthe termln wsi rather irosy and vent to sleepy i after the sermoi the parsoc explained that the church wi s s little in debt jandlia thought this woqld be sjotxi iimeltofpay ofl i wokeup josiin tlnati hearjhint saj we mist rsise tifioi 4t yoi seej 1 wa 1 1 lit jjleepi thought iwas still pitying poker an ieaxinj that put mui on rny iiierve- he aeacoi with the piste was jrighttesidi me in ifasjr alalei i pullefl outpj roll andjrelled basf thlt isopq i and go jojoixl aiera ihfc- h lr tctoartf tldqisrydu are roinj folei him samp of arte torture i eparlenoad intha berttlstrchkir j yen rsfllymust have ttiitj tooth out yonhave put if off as fon as yoa possibly can and joa are notikting to have any mora nonsensaihout it trae it will be painful battbi neinwilt oojly mdment- aryandifvoagnpthgamsif the chair htrd ans hold ydur heart irmy agsinstthe back the aching- tooth ill be oat in k jiffy there- is a tcfeioi abont gettmg a tooth palled jast ss there i about anything etsaadyqti are going to he show wend uiat accompatues you th tt you can do it asv scieatifically as anybjdyjbould wish how foolish t- is to passe ouutjsss sleepless nights ibr the- sake of aypiojlng tittle bfief pain i j l iti omcx t aeain l cjhj yescertsiaty you sre he most oblikibg- lunatics oh theface of haearth l i- bat you hiveto draw jllie linttwcia- ehere youmustmakii tame dittihetioa between frietdlyharshutisddpremedilat- edmarder jbeei he is railiifc ap anbtlier pill now ehvis- placed it bnthetppbf the first one 9e hfu his luni to itr ke another blow x thisre fsl- no debaonical gleam in htsyej- rit tiio -hamniajtls- oends youjeryanrheadlto ooet4ide and cstcn thiiiammapjbn the- lip hly ophetoc the palibietsklfl dpesiliat anwant to tatnpt yqntbrcrtme tafofce do hjbat i put biy vhoia i- v- zl i i i i i ill with they were used to such fait ont tjey tuouxht 1 ws a gambler that rot rihvion and belorp i wai t1 eni awake to know jwhele t was thelwhole gregalion wis intihisancruo mthuriac i praying lor m t asn i to watertheotsiietlbe nioey- o cwpplimenitjy iioticrf iu the oea papels pqseovas apbilnntljrc pfst and al thall good kiotioie wasnt it f first rutei and ijn ou resjl irolj gtmjblingtvitt 4 ij- yesjir ibivrbc kood aid at lhevut and beu ha added vpy aie way jt si xi 4 231 iyoa enter thb dentists ofsoe with anty air foe yod know flat if yoa dont sssamasn sir of jauntiaess- jyda rill let everybody see fiotf ttrrlbly nervous yoa are botyoadonltinfend to let anyooe seaaaythnjt of the bud for you hsv s- reputation fop oaitade wbjoh it- more preciaas tp yptt than all the th ia the world that is whkt yon tiiink lbefore yoagef into tha chair r f l the dentist- comes up to yoawiths kindly smile just ss if lie wire not the- very worst demon thtfc ever walked tha earth and aaks yoa in an oi hand way which oba it is this timet on do not speakjfor yoa are afraid tha ypar vqlqt nisy net ha perfectly under yoay control bat yoa poiatj taggestivtly ufwards that pbrtioa ojfjoarrnoath whicij temitids you of nothing so much as aj redspot dbakey aagiqa 1 then you mount to lbs djiir the dentist wiits until he sees that yon haveopenee yqarmouihias rhuohu you postibly oa i mi thin istt jyou i yoq wont pleas iopen it a httia- imora hearty dislo ate your jaw in a rain attempt to do so an than the dentiit qskes atmall wwbar an goages the eipossd nerve of jyour seher until you are ready fc th risk itj oaio j ji iwhy iy d6rir etclsims jha dtotiit it rill oarer do for as to lose thu ltjs upon yoursdttl ltherkiicihbraad of cain it is very if uony jftahil if that man tjniy4qswuow near- lie was to his dee th wauid ce still fmiie exasperating fqlisetkoriisortof a- wajt lyoaarerapilly bjominghystecical lu yih da not kijovfe hollo t miners in ha next thaft are mikiug a fofqfvqite hatoaarfa are they hlnrinermc that way for 7 wasfhat a cry a cty for hel yoa will notify tha fqremitn- at oh iibther jeansvilla disaster may be i pindtng themen are nwbably imprist jnthe ibsftuid knocking on the rock lor pielp heytherego tell thaforenia a the men in ihaft 11 are caught- by a cave iu eintiget ooit flda rtttiika ha old barry mini a don ivfsdepe4i4 upon your tpeeir qd i wastr areyju itanding there foe grinninj like a loo if r you dont wanta hallet through yt ur neckrun tothi ffqrertfaifat qaiek st yod can what- yoa refase toga l theayt ur bloodbe i stitarj6hthtiothi filled it it 1 l- and you 4ag become sqa e- whst rambfingwlthilna pwlu and the dihi jist sod yoqrjfrienitlhave bean verymoah frihlenta fndeecnava ftt neoeeded in tjriagingyojt round f- ii 1whstvthatj come agaioif ok p yaaiwill eotna agild but you will bripg s jan j you shy tiusoit todwjs raoes f r where oairtpkowcomes fig i p- an lutereauni descriptioo ol he method nfobtainins csmphopis thvetjby conuv warren iria repfr from iurfnoaa tbef campbetr expert seleett ja xne tail ipinlrfiiafiuifcjruielirsj places utiucah implement gbaiewbat waemblrng a take with the view of ucetiaiiing whether irconvaius sufficient cimphor to repay theiabqr of lettracifou a tree it said not to lw rfcaanytbiiiir forcvmphor parpqies uattflt is flltfc years om and tbit yield is very ahecul j somcmsjet one sidi f onjy of the t tee- coouins eodajjh oampho toiatitfj the csyert mi in this case tha side aline is- attacked the- irank itv j icrsped jpgraat lieikltt-ss-thaiftjrk- men jean oouvsuiently feaeh j aadtbsv scrapings are poaodr1 bpaod boiled with r watefiu ait iron vm1 qvarjwliieir an earlheaware sietipe4isllr maa lot tha f parpdse s inverted the camphor snb 7 limes and ooudthsef onlhejarf wbioh isl j removedifom titne time krapedandra- i placeathe root jof the irei spdth4 ft- 1 trunk for kinifl eight feat dpeoitaias a 8 l rnlilhe treatest otqanipbor if jvj theucrsnium obtalnejl fromtlthe tank j yield welj the chipping is cootitfued i ntil j in the end the tries fails the roots ar then grabbed up as itis oertain tbey will jrives proportionately flood rptnru if jhpwever tlia scrapings dd not torn ont wall he ree is abandoned aid work is commencsl on another r6- attempt- is madeo extract cnrp6ri frim the fsjlad trunkotfijbratha branebes in tjotne oasas the trank is tawn up inoimber pot this depends q the iicalyi wnt many distrietanwiok tosbseobo of roads ttmbai woaldndt pay for itsj trsnsperic it lis adds tbs jcoaiulj to imagissii ii impobslblai adds um luoojoii ti r morajyastclai method ol procedure andjit is fortunatae that tha campbqri forest f of fbrmosst are practically inexbastabla i j r v i 6tron8mrei a reverend rentfeman haviug got into diffieoitieiwith his qorisregiitioa foand il necessity fa hsud in tli resign tion 0 the ieee of dafittn ts he fft ached farawiil iezooa and sought to hn prove tha oocsion a parti hol yon ungrtieiut and godlslra people ha began sertrsiy j iv u clesv tst hi m does- not love y oi for i hasa bttriea bq8i of soa sinos i liaye bean berel and ftis certain thatou doot love one another foe i hara j not rasrried any oj yap il is eqaslly plain thstlyoa do not love me lot yon hsve not paid niy last qakrtart salsry how ever tshiilbsindepaiicieot qf you ll i have obtwnea wirttcin as chiplain ols gaal aid thenhe coolly gasa out tha texti i go to prepare aplsce for you i fv tv jfl hosv yourjjmeft judga a girl j holv ta sayjft plafcsstritly rrf young men vary often jodge sgir by iter listerly qaslitieseaysthi editor o ttbe- ladies home journal i knew she irdili malfa s lomqwlls irqmtha way she trpated berbrdther whepto all appear- xoo j aneii i was upsiattjljr abtintsii it wenaof miiirieoethly wtien l asiid tiat gdidod himiihli chbiqs of a wiftj- itell me what kind of a lister tha it and iwill tl wjhatiinosf a wife ls will be is koomnrtm mying saodg m thewcwitei t lferoa1ialt iaother djasssof thw are ourid ia abgnage yoi myy that swnin is not weddet to tbejirntb or spmatjniss tusrs frtlmvipirjtt f exagger ation ovocaasionaily flods if t itueslt to f confine haalftocl7lcjschjajr ijr a pasfi msstltt in ae wesuriiig art of fstv ticariy rdmwog pr prtl i it ai ri hfefsl soribilig natursfj borrpingj4br fiijpfe pages w rottanoe torli iidehjsriijf 6r jj35 artfflalal niojiotio m f tfcsirancltjlisi toe trua with a tnai toiikr diiiinpt 5 ingor mniffilmiihiwiewhiimamiwn

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