Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 27, 1891, p. 2

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vi4n atwmiii- tkh rtfeot htvt la too j vilttll lv4 mtinin ffquc hr4itu n i i m vvt ffttvt tsitvil vjjtriri ut uktidtactltit 9ucssilia chi tv 4 4 kin ll hh it jr c k ltru mi arri e tfail the wife of v aftski fi trie- th tlif wife of twr nl a ton rjrn at n1fl tsttwfvl tht x jsad a lot- f v s fnyiec ton vr u st 4i iwtst t otutyl fir t if rf xttiln u mtnjr mine i ikufj ct tfrutdkatf o pfuuco nter i 4 jxart i rr on thrttub aiiput jtchlv i j oil ii aaderctu fcc4 t xiniitkdar arcvsrirriesi notes asld comments ititir sitcoijads premier abbott 1x11 iii itc luij that at no distant date jurniiiii itatiui woolj be established i ifvala lwrv american cattle eouiibe slaaktstud ald forwarded frum canadian irt t- iknutid j sit imnald smith wfo retnrued to montreal mcaiay froru england speaking cf the ruinocrs regarding tjlic amalga j niton cf the i grind trunk and the canaditu pacific railway said that inch u had rofcr been even thought of trie ilritish- govcrntutnt an asrknipf with lhe vactc luiltfay conjpany for jie tramjortfctioir of hu iknfd caufcdian providiuc troopj via halifaa and vanjonreriturid in tbeeut o icar ic india tlioull the so caoal hcoomf bhkitd xiic lile in ciiklettrs iacandal is probcuf the most oatnlgol that canada las jstikijniaud tbit i fayfug a gret dfal it bid fair to ovrrthadow all the clljcr 3iijal iinit mift thtpablic bat a tlojia l do to it dotrs cot lessen m tit i5t tjie dtaof preioatrevelationa iidosbfe it matt ad titiane 6ya lack is eertaitslj- oa sr jobaj thoapikia aide aid r we all know that it is twiter to be boro laeiy than rich icoae asion removed sir joha yiac4inald mififdrtane overtook sir hectoc langevin and premier abbott ie merely a tombstone ia the lepautire graveyard itaviug sir joha tompeoa prkcucally to ran the whtje machine the people cf italr are sorejyai ridden and the ccastry is ajmast bantrapt yet the goiirament i going tonaild throe 12 isj ten ironciada in adilitioa to the eacrtnoislj cinsive wet that italy already osiesses in bquia the grain crops this rear are a faiiare and the poor people cia have to suffer in co3eaenoe bat the cur has jnat or eed th porchate of a rniiiioa eew rifles f ex hi army a scalar coxplaiot oomes from the fire iussraace companies it relate to large l05- m the farming districts pa lire etoek dae as reported by the farmers to liflht- moaia cocnectioajbith barbedwifefence monif the animals killed in this way were near the vsire fene at the time and it is rsfpped the ratal strands act at con- docr of eitctneity iaadegreesaeateat to largely in rease the rieks osnchiosaratice it is a iopk time since anything denite hat been heard of emin pacha the latet reports are vagoe and jooatradtctory tle voiiiche ztitang bat a story that cin has marched to tanganyika by way of tabcra this is belieied to be nntroe the british foreign 0fe6ebas letfenfrsm liect feigi chitf in comniahd of tabora datrf may lfi which made co mention of min paaha the- people ai the foreign ofice are disposed to believe that he baa proeeodd to the met krjjjeior the albert kyanii tbe officer of a rife company who recently arrired from east afncia says a rumor preraiied tbxrethtt emin pasha had privately informed hu frieoda that he intends to cross the continent par i4ihi moi hc4bw liament ir in taking his leave o the goremnient printicg- bartan sfr seaeoal yaltboitgh quite rsiitiken in bis itatesents with regard to the coadrtion of peblic opinicii his rejertd the pabhcasertice by calling attectiou to the evil effects o political iabattice apon the govertimeilt deptri- nteitf at ottawa in bis his- letter of resignation be speaks of this intrigues from mithinj political prendre from wjth- oct and hidjftith from certain qnarters with which lie had to straggle in establish icg the bareaa and of tbe rnariy hindrtneee v ypolifical iaflaencest vpat in his way donli loot lit benectj however be prevajlej nptn to be more ejrplicit the public wocldirte toletrn all abont these pjlitical insaencraljc i tiood jadges irjtbe stale nw place the wheat crop rat- s30k000 bnthels aijd estimate that 200oqo000 tnthels will tie left for export mr w e bear a leading english authority on agriciltitre bays the tftuge iit korope eiclasive df rnssia will aijoata to isaijxmjfioo bnshelii bearbohra thinks tint notwithstanding tiepoor crop in liossi that country will be able to et- porf clhxiv bushels canada will ei port abdot 0000cr india moo00o0 aaitrajra arid new zealand 8003600 hoath america zwxijtiw and kber ciant nes umri0 so that cqdntiqg tbe pottible export frcpi the united fitates tlre is a tarpons of wiooooop to meet a hurovau deiieud of ssoooovoj bushel these hearts o not bear oat the previous estibtlei of sti enorsoous deficiency in tbe worlds crop 1 prof phawvof the ontario agricultural toileare has iutaed an etcellent bulletin on ttfe results obtained from sdfoe winter whent eipcrtrfltlti carried on hi the firm ti guelpli the jadject is afl important one by tettvt prilioiptlly of th adaptabil sly of tie crop tothe cllrhatebot onlyof the north west nd iftriitobtbut also to rltrge extent of omri thesperimeni haecjsete chew the splendid tspttilitiee of ortario fornheit growing speakieg of tle iii of lie depuitionsippcimel by the iiominioij millers aocnjon ti the coutgthe sys tbe pomlnittee are anxioas tonttod the gt3wthj nl white whett tbey think very higbly of the sarprise satiety arfa aldvise larraers to osr thry highly recomrnend the canadian veitet caaff and regard ft u a ewd sasliing wheat they alj consida the solgariao an eitra good milling wheat in regard to the red vantsie tfjey tdnse uttheboersshdajdnpt bjsadwn a it if inclined t imut oontaini n good uit6rpttie frsh scinctltiht mos wtljrhpi sti kt vsw 1 the new n x orrk i auj the pskit emtott hu bectxah ninsaallyfetuy one fpt avetybody abonv the itoate of cbtnraausj btit with no cl morel thftti the ttenptpir reporter jrbt the partlamentary prcsjtjgsjicrj hu bn vorktil nsjrcodcr of tlvej long report in uie ncwifarxrt require to jbo told no idcituie ido botntver of h great strain put npoti the nru rtprekoutive oah bo obiinoi from twtdirig thtnjport tills ha bee n cttraordinaty scsilon in many rwiee for he first tlmesljimcoafcdex- ation the purtje are almost i equally bil- ancoexl achsigeof ten votj would leavo the majority ip the miurjrity then the committee hax been conatinkly at work the kto in fall iig the twnate of some imporunoe and everything s been red hoc the swslcn whidi sirjihn macdou- uld said oum list till july lsi ins sjiuosi recalled bepteatbcr 1st and thocndisnot yet oiie of tiw most striking proofs of how heavy scsaiosi this is fpr the news paper iiieti is foam in the records of the telegraph companies in the month- of jtilrthe pews gallery furnitliod report and correspondence amounting to ipoo000 words and tho first half of august gives a rate of 1500000 words for his month this- meaiw that the public arc getting all the news but at a tremendous cost to the newspapers 1 viul lruuus ill k iml ther are rumors current that a little coterie of officials in one of tho departments has boon securing goods at the ckpence of the country by aicins of faisifted intoiocs the matter is likely id be investigated by the public account committee this week an3 if the charges bo proven simple diemisal will not be good enough for the implicated officials as the trinnction in common parlance is nothing more nor less than theft j comuisstoxrv sis- tin civiii sirnci in reply to pecater jfclntics of burling ton with regard to tho irregularities inthe cijil service premier abbott stated in the scnatcitho other day that it was the inten tion of the government to appoint a lioyal commission of three to devise some system by which the business oftua country might be conducted as economically and honestly as the business of a mcrtiiitile firm he further stated it was intended to appoint an inspector who would like the auditor- general be independent of the government to sapervise arid report from time to time oo the wotkings of all the departments saorarjt hum ncijins mr andre- senecal superintendent of the government printing bureau ha sent his resignation to mr chspjeau secretary of state it is said at the tatters juigent request lb senecal stated monday that he had resigned arid that his letter to llr chaplean ooald communicate to the pablic if he chose his resignation has been accepted anil it instated that ifr faucher de fcu lltiricel an exmember of tho quebec ioffilatcrc who knows nothjng whateier ahoqt the practical working of a printing oreoe has been appointed super- iptendent in imr senecals place it is also reportcdlthat sir james ogilvy of john duric 4- son will succeed mr uroo- skill as head of the stationery branch ntite-i- it was stated saturday by a loading member ofthe government thet the session will probably not close till the end of next month or tbe beginning of october owing to the recent investigations the rules regarding the franking of litters in tbe civil service have bxn rigidly enforced nowjclerkscan only transmit letter writteii by rtkm6elves co smith dppaty sergeantatarms lias laft the rity again for qnebec to makaan- otherisearch for- lion- thomas xfcgroevy it is reported that mr james oglivy of john dane soti will sooceed mr bron skill sis superintendent of stationery it is riimored that speaker white will be made j linitter pi finance ur foster jjonistertif the interior and ill dewdney- leatenantgciternorof british colombia in mejiatey after theiession hria senecal the sotpended saperiii tep dert of thedovernment printing bapsaa has tendered hi resignation irat it balinot been accepted v t thelottawa prte pnu had rather an in- teresting despatch- from waihiigtn the other day stating that premier abbott has sent a- secret emissary to mr wiman to obtain his assistance in negotiations for reciprocity mr abbott ys there i no foundation forth report bot the liberals claim to have the name of the emissary who is a prominent tory politkian there was considerable anjusement in the house the other day whenlthe speaker of the hoase explained that he had not issued a warrant for kingston because he has no official knowledge that sir john macdonald is dead as the house passed a resolation to attend sir johns funeral it bi evident the speaker doei not know whether they trariod him dead or alive it is understood that among themembers against whom charges are to be made in the house will be dr montague and mr ilills of annapolis h j the special committee appointed to in vestigate charge- against mr cochranej will be called for organization at once the tab qorjciij rt of th oontj wttsoi uldpal council la k othtifelcn of the nvotil cot mulvert riartali i thkiiioftlij konr fivetil ttoord tho ffiirul iillflcevadenllhl iafns o ttwii uireitil disvkttiimti to well in hand tutt bat liulo discuion ijr explanation nti neoestary i th otiidteat before thf itjoaau ytt i exclusively unancialandl ft all ombracod i i tho sixtecath raportj pf tlia oommiluw c x fjinanoo givun blbw waaib was away c a i tt at soifffuthirll every coijnclllor h plaoebiit koou lrryj mxt profeiionl dulje j i councillor pearson ra tfovod chair i the finnnoo ctomrutttcc gi ra satis actor f cyhtenco uiat tho fqllowlngjaooaaatalvai f odrroct and rkod tins oparvsfl to order pa nient by tliotreisarjir i i alatu cook fravc j u 0 vocenliid etc ntract martog drill jsuie hrowa ito hi p ktooreirla ww read fcoal oil fedvdc balbd i shed rgrtndellrpal vn suitth work dn stnetc henry bell work with tjacm clcj hiwtsut friaunfi waterworii rh t tjlioore rki account v taylor work i j itabt citbbodiwor i 1 3i9 13 s 81 so jo to all 1 is 1c w i 1 i 1 s a rv plat a grauhopper ia i i tish si moved by roj atideredn teoonded by john harvey tl at tha report just read b adopted carried j thecoiincit inen adjournal an appalling disaster hr r i elghtyflvollvoslobt lnj wreoka bulldlne a inow york despalch give tlia followinjj details of an eijilihon disaster saturday at 1230 oclock tholfivo story brick bdldituj extending from np g8 to74ipatkslioei in a moment a frtghtful rumlitingnofad waj heard and tho whole front portionnf tha walls collapsed aliii fell outward a a pile oa tho street it is believed that 85 liirea were lost in tlia ijlfatod building by bainj crusheil to death indirthedebruorabarnadj by the fierce fire that followed the explosion and collapse about 50 people escaped from tho buildinglwith their lives all aa fire companies in the lower portion of the city were summoded to the ne ha poticei reserves were icauod out and tha wildest excitement prevailed throughout tho city only one person was taken aulalive and feat was mary haegnr u years old who was found under two feet- of debris seat the edge of the sfdewalk sha hid been sitting with aiiitqr ann who was younger than herself on a doorstep and when th explotioa occarrodi started to tun bat was pinnei under the falling mats of wreckage anna was dag oat dead as wis 5yearold johnny gibbs w io had beep witli the littl girl tho fir bapied fierpely bat tho firerhen by heroic effort got tho flames under control within in hoar and a half and began the work of jdigging at the rains for tlte bodies of the victims ambulances were summoned from several hospitals and the dead wiggon camej from tie morgue the work of the searchers for bodies was kept up all mghtand will be resumed today the building was con demned years ago as unsafe i the mlssiry in russia london aug 23jj the stories of misery received from russiaare almost incredible in bessarabia parent are setaally offering their children for tale in order to bay food and deals- at constantinople hearing of this have purchased thrpagb agent fathe humiin viluges a oncidersbte tiumber of female children j 11 any death have resalt ed frpm famine ind families may be foand sctaally perithitg f om hanger and hudd ling together in heir common misery the stewards of c rosn lands and formta haveka instntctel to kjlow the peocoatcy to enfoy free pasta and freely to gather mashrooms which are largely coosamod among tbe lower classes of raxtians and to gather wild inx u in the fbrest and wood of he stite this however doe not answer thedemi ad for substantial food among the applies iti or ifariopal were nqblemtnand tradesmen theiatter rained in basinets through the loss of custom oa account of- tha ftmiie tad ths former de prived of tbe mtrgin betweea their debts and their income orj which they had depen ded brown did it all beotvknjk out aug 22 safcarday evening at the residence ef tbe brides father j brown rowusvule rev barles w brown was married tomiss cb ida brown brother of the bride the bride taaids were mis lottie brown sitter of the- bride and mitt edith browu sister of the groom mrand mrs brown received valaable wedding gifts from all the other browns and have goneon a trip to kew york what an inch of bain means fewpeope can form an idea of what is involved in the expression an inch of rain it may aid sach to follow this curious calculation an acreis equal to tpitfito tqauo- inches an inch deep est rater on this area will be as marry cabfa inches of water which at 21t to tlia gallott is 2jooo gallons this immense quantity of water will weigh ooo pounds or ho tons one bnodfedth of an inch 001 alone is equal to one ton of water toitbe acre fatal explosion a sawmill boiler burtsts throwlrtsr the engineer ioc feet into the iyerc walsimhiii crxteeaug 22 a fright- fnl boiler explosion oacaijred at spensers sawmill one mile from this village hurt night there was ho one in the bolter room at the time exdepfcttie engineer clark bronson and he was thrown 100 feet dat into the vird lita death u initan tsneons the men in the mill escaped an injured bat how tbey got 08 with their lires is a marvel because the mill was completely demolishid the heavy boiler was torn from its bed and thrown together with many sawlogs jibobt 25 yard an inquest is being held waterloo junction railway sr jicons ont jangi 22 this rood under the management of j c boyd has been pushed forward wifh ooasiderabte energy of late between watertocj and bt jaopbs the track being lsjd and oonttrno- tion trains running to the later place the first freight drer this bcancrl was shipped by e wj b snyder today consistfug qc da brown by rev george brown flther tbree pf rs qf flaqr aestiued for kootrssi f thegroom who was assisted by fred and liverpool tho large bridg bridge across the coneetogi rivet will toon be ready to receive tbe iron that he pres ent terminus elmira will he retahetl in the nearfnture ontarios bio frops jrwwtfiratciasjoselpli saihand fffll t- ftp can l i spain gives notipe that canada will be shutolt frpm most favored nation treatment i htursx aug 21the holifr ariit4 fjablithed a cablegram aiinouncliig apori qfscial aathority that 8pain lias given grreat brtain formal notice of its iateatjan tp lerminkte oq the 1st july next the treaty by which- the prod aatu of canada are hi- mitted iatothe spanish west indies under fawred notion treatmeut huob anirjsty ft rxtanifeatedaato how spanishqfrjetat xih- ntarprec that treaty under tbe new coaditiotiacrsatedfiy the reciprocity real y with tjie united state r v- m an authority estlmatas an i icrejase of ioo par cenff in fall wheat vicepresident bsird o this 3oard ol trade it io tbeceventri heavea thes ciayt the cause i tbe bright crop oatloak for the pepyince and on tbl kabject he is voluble when the world encountered binci yester day he was in the act of rubbing oat in the palms of bis hands tome ears of fall wheat which had been sen ia for his inspection byedrrespondenta if ttjsts a fine sample itpb it querfei the- irf yesit will go at lent 53 itii to ha bu ihel bat say he added yotj people bs re no met of the patutelde tbi crop- of fall wheat t have had sqms 30 yerca ex jerienco sad f never w anything liter it before it oortietione baclj to thetima when we grawl thi finest nii in thi wehd i feel sore that tha yieldwiil be tro basnet to ewy erje last year ani the ugh test quality this seatail is better than the heaviest last fast- imagine 85j8t and etoo is bathels to the ictk i tnnot gesj dng at random i hive taken a caod deal of troable to gsthe r nforfnstto a i no jrte hi is taken qorepain and i am therefore a fni ly qualified at an one tojtdeakcnrthe crotc- no sir there is no bios ruin this w t an tfii0h i htttttorildt ddn b alljoa iafxsssrfait sfu u ttndbtibted lijbo u si chirfc fupptruiupeotedluotumi nut mong ilstt it pate island 1 1 or it i dsflatt of ii 000 000 in th iiy ttt tti ittcy a in fa jt rsouburgltu feek dl it 000 wot 1 1 of dat as tie qubt lelfare will nmbtbly tdl nx wth tl ice it k iropqsal to found a university lattsnoctii rsttjurritorfei xc ctt uai ttdy afaanthlepnett hart teaol d thu morrtrsal home tt i eleeuli light and rtt oomptnie of wr ttoqfc jil n imtlgtratted 1 t a child enbf jtmet nloolt wore dww wd tt e iooktiltt ftldi tl i freedo s pf ediohurg kni conferred onbrdanle wilton yasterdayr tt mayor of wfcdtor bid both of hit eye ttcjtoa i by a itnel aocitfeat s ealy e glish farmert arrived in vln- nine stlard y to tattle ia manitoba mt forgtf of montreal conies that he hot t sen mt a grand txut k duector it t repott d that ptrmtt in beutxabfs ace tling th ir children tooouin food th i papal- coauirk gottbclr madtli tt preniet mi iati oauatry liaute friday it ht h henry cecil rafkes the engl th post latter general died monday hi nllton ooped n ii1k la fines from liqaoi sellers w ho violated i law sttar day l t i haudi 1 audififty tlvett wore lott in he r lent haj ricaqe orj the llltud of litr- tiaiqie por artho j lit roted a by law to spend 7500 for si elaetrio rail ray to fort wiiiiira i j set ral we known milit try men are oat fo the km deathip of stoi ey moan tain penitt atiaryj ret robert bailie mtthoitcmlottter was i rownedi while bathing at wettpoct ont riday j foa peopli were killed in heavy lhand rttocra which swept lovcrtindlart- tit thi tojath riaioi of wi county lb cotttirtlir nam- totflmtito li the rsforn 1 tt it ih hj4 tt thekkhtfswn rtptllsxl thi counoll net beta doing some i mliva frock oi ibt hlllst on mtln itresji todtp of raiutbli w4k i yoa wtbt ont of ino btutll print 4 pongee 611k dress tt 26 oem t per j urd ftf ti oooe to tht lion t qatlph for staplst taolotins t cenl in itarnft ocsjir aslc your addrttf i d irnfflttt wtixtiviott tt c o for or aigatt kovnigthtmbi jf drop for tht blood j tpollt sandv the troabli andc tint is i favors ile phti gla ttaae wseathe european powers d to have aamd a more thcaiand 3f port dal ertges about dollar pay fit erery newtpaer or mtgt line ti tide ha urites fret satteri a young mtn haatie fau inf hei weltani orral satar- dty ai d wot rotrned coal racta ft re bead let for the new water rorks tl woodstock which will be compi i beib e the winter i hon frank smith hat now taken over he de artmeni of pablia workt in saocetr ian to i tip heat r langsvfn resigned ed haptens a french canadian died a bacheii c in mi atonal wdrtn 110000 his hrothei in man real claims thi money the ontario rifle matches i egan on the gtrruk aoommi a monday tcor nagaadthe liomin on mitfhea at ottawa one week later j foar white ir u while retun ing to van oaavac from th gold mines w rre drowned by the aptixitij of their bottt j the skena river the rial at tdrsctrrathirs charged with tb i murdrei other hatbeddtt rainy river tt pom lenoad on men day at rat portage dr lcceich n domiaioa veterlnaty rarried at montreal thar he late sir inspect r ra day to largati daughter of hugh i iltn i the 1 te cot sedton baring eadorted a note fo the 3 in thomas howard bis effects cere suit at winnipeg friday to satisfy i he an c ih mr i ad it if ttenry i stanley left maerrsi monet for paris mr stanley teems t hare i most recovered from the injury t hi le sustained by a til mr illiam c be of modoc out prom- nent ia onttectu i with mining and railway entirpri iet ani stod broediog died oa sunday light la was so yaars of age pacific s3 empress of tires and art roaptf-the- arrived at hoot kong the fctntdif cbint i n th world xcnrtii oa sato day t oa sept mber the jnit behricg tea ht the stea ner ai their lal art retarnif- was a are alto there the trot ip t uoatret to a cattle on any oi will leave for vancouver l- totes cmmittiouert to returned to ktntimo oa trosti htvmg eoacladed i british enmmlstiouer azntlbmbn orfer oow yoar fail suit overcoat and kew goods bfoottlly impacted farm tttde ohpfo patrns fit8tyltcd workntiifalp he besjt prlau tt iibwt my spfoftlty pi rfectfilttng s4 pants to brder itbnets0n raamqntibltt ciotmar 8j ltptejrrbaiara8taaeiplt wo want yog to ypa rtr4e you ft ye v biro ceo 4ltputbed 6or object 8tvle v ybros i w best tt are offering big indacemeriti 41 jhft nnlh of aug fa every departmetifito tttir etoft t t ir at they want fo redoes- ijitdr itook of men j iontfas boys tad cbudfeoi baits odd coal odd paot 40 voa miy look oat fqjfjbargtfntlu thesbote enet lor the next 60 days foe twetdi lad worttedi tr- the noes tod belt that money codlff boy tod we trt determined tq beep the fce down unwr ihtt o ohetjw on ewry sitnen 1 wu tarn oat thli jpriog w will pat th best of irimmlnrj the best of workmtn- ihlriaijdgaaranteeapeifeotflt f ewrjr brtjnfnvoefeaent fttroltlin v department it ootnpkte tnd any kind- of f hst ttorcuwctiitt trfoi tiybntiiif box or baipendert yen mtyuk for tbej will ihdwlt toypa in tho ittort ttjie to4 prices tlwtyi right we htve tlarsringt ofmsnt tod boyi bamtatf surtf laoed landrraflohed prfosrljh 1 keuy brottri tgentf for toe ibrtd iiesseri owtoiprirtedi ptntofl f jutting neck btad shirt whiob ltasires dp 6otott will ntmfrtld oolwindlto tuld by oaett msaiorji soatto fit yobeeily iiktdkethomly 1 v j i agenw alto hteip steam innriry 4 rftiiibitf bros- v r jptothlnsr i 4 j io lotweonj- eteslos timirirttlscts ot fyt ytuursteer zltntms rpci between tbe lor lees baitobi mwtmter 1 aleccipsg tilgilsl ardim f m ih ear mers krtel tltieslibrs qs terqtirmaoiiinervonlt ttaiweuknowa peerless oani ti tvti7n a f h bavebeeriiiirariedhonfag t vjvji1 mjijjaijo trjvpeagjkxltflrwmforyotii waggons af drcorsapowers these oils are used tnd hllyrtoonnetided at themede ph farmerstak for them nsenaother farmgie j rmanifi cfiradatqutltllioititthiwbrltlhy il- eadar ra ami toft elm alitoneupdrorhcmrtseumtofrmas and ito milan rune stable riu ten ioitsaf land on gnalnli ttstia and one xrttnet is f flhofaelbti 7 tonnst half cash or exeiiance for other pre- persr fc apply to f h a luxb 4tot s amu ll rogers fc co torointo the pstip9pre wed oar ttd tad va m wkhavea eukkline of boots fc shoes trukks c valises lhd joa will todnrfeecand ijualttyal wtrs uus- j i factory aiiimi a call asroa wut be sarrtrissd to fltd how cheaply can tit too oat look oat tor this ad each week wliyddnfyou use 8mb tonic thsafest arictbestorepar- atioriiqr piiriryiig the blood and gtvtngtontoutft sysr terq of 121 bead bf cattle on er loch lemond from sen tbe itrgett loss of ip from mo itreal that hi ever oodai the b t weal tug incn ase ia l cases in oronto t at t ie city sgaintt aarteeo the b lirtc u clarets t sat thi ordered he cu all grain intern to be ml edwil of rye fredti k strt itrri oc sptrtk village white hs ring ri i bundoyi woe attoaked arid ttan to viei atty a the heck that he dropped lead 1 x strosser wok about 50 years of eond village alriot vezirij married nfiepj from inj tries mosqaer ding as witoessed ta atarm- riamber of typhoiii fever here beiag76 bares report th office this week ts r the previoas week of st petersbargde- nation government lias s afoitlf to confiscate for export which is foand are thaa oig it percent ku an old resident of the who wot to have been obex li died c a sunday i received at the mercier 1 en she wot hitjin tha face tndnockjby this eta of a imtll ctnuoa fired la 1 slcoalt t hcjooar mr e w 1 1 tutyi b a late luutd mtltter of the hi 1 school tt meant forest wot afl f rfday i r ultig prctentel witli on address nd a pldlwatoh prior to bit leaving fi r johii hjjpkins on rertity to take a pa t grad u ta coarse the miritiiim nofthette k issue bf ha do series of f as ilia i thi oor 11 biidea brlilitnt ehtrming amff tom biaw i u the loes fsrijltjll qrsti i irn jill pirit of j tie bontily thit p 1fln or llustrataci province pentenhary tt ax deicribed in the last c iiwf iltustralull with t xtiont reproduced front pftatogrtp itfj s iiidat f be matt chirrt ing samm ir reto in the vicinity of mon treal affo dt two aa ptges of lllittiatloni od there are fi i views from cs ste ais an 1 frot the rocky lkfonattfa regiin t ypet ol i irifaiat coloaial trcopt fill a fine otge i i milan ctthedral it another t until dl engrtviug jlkere tra realistic s etchei indlaughablei uartoouii tot iie t i utiiti you tltonld npt georgetown timorrow it tereit it being tiken a lx tertry fettuti t iplendld tuoc as- act in thfsj gp i d sfiiff hstxrug s ori raiildgef a faottteand fh it cor vyudliam jtfmtthiaid street aapli htacl ones thought turniustinctively to the subject of follclothing and the laestioa arisesi where shall i bad tbebesi value in stylish goods far my mbtteyf oar prjetent object it totalto thit gtomera for yoa r v i t j early in jane mr rytn leftguelpbon his usailvijit tothemsaufactaringlcentret of europe going to germany for bethn ifahties chemnitz hoiiery etc afterimaiing a comnnhensive business tour oil the continent he sailed tor great britain where be nandea out his jainental purchases visiting tho great english and scotch mtndftototie j i ur rytn htsbecoraaa reteraa in european fatrkelshia frequent visi haw mods bimftnillitr withttyles tnd vtlues of goods with special reference to the -eimre- meat bf the gaejphtrsde it is very tasy to select handsome goods in the great fttaioakhle oentres ot europe the sifficbltyis to limit your ssleetioak to thedbmtndt of th liotlity for which yoa bay and uf do this requires both tsste and jndi etnent mr rytn hat them andyoa mty rely trpin him to exercite therh to the utmost ji yoar i behtlt jihit letters speak in strong terms of the beauty quality ind eicelleut v iluet 6t the roodt ha has selected and wo have rjleasure in promising yoa a stock of giadsfor ftfl that yoa wiinong rememrjer with measure g p cvelap fi f ili t mslsctti mwijto ttivwa t4tud irvisut m8r ac on ana urh uoi hfifer 4suay gjir bstlar i ti i njkdge20v v li rf- meets in the tjddellowt hall hiflsclart ersry wednssrftv tttofat vltitlriabteuv reflslttyi welcome forcopjol wettttatlea d or tut- of is iore toe laws apply to the am mejnherc- u wnxiams sa 11 vpomtefi 1 beastly filmffi suq and woniia to to introdoee a nor arid ttsttoaiiy is citrti- ith aemottrxsaitabsr age written byjooemim it tecrartsn ibsrrr christian cai uli torrltory titeti apply to the kbjfrtbiliipnbllfhfedoi o rsrtei caon mnable progerfy a i bcsh urm oa lot 17 eon hi li tiu towa- lthip o reel lis acrtw ti umbered with beocb v p s m vi vl potsaltv frank fburgei i i i iusepaiiiterpapthadger sigri wnto i irtesth for fceirtxi three 4ppti a radnate of tcoastb bcbcsaloioentlttnr and 1 itoyalcojlaotrtefuuttiiitsaetit i ortsxtiorrofflee lljy ii til- the right house clearing sale hi vi a great improvement it being mid on the corner of king and ttughson street the hughton street tedtion of the new nremltes where the baifnest of the right house it being osrrted on jsrrabidly rising iltywards daring brtjiding opekationsillf immense oueabinq sale wiiiv be carried os to clear opt s many wdt atpoufble to tjire ajotiig them into now qutrtenreat inddoement8 in the way of low pklces abe offered h0ehtvtejrt to supply their needs it ihutlbtrgsins ttlej it it iraposdblefto give hefea ttfisfaotorysuboantpf the numerous bsrgatot oftered a iexy deptrttoint timn i w wm barain day every dat of the week 18 a bargawdayfndwctl tiontiduejtorbttnfflhoitocklttllioid j i vi 1 1 j mttuhklvy dkpartnleht feathers ftowets trimmed and uotrifflmedhttwatbsjtsjtiprloef i mantle depabititenr beaded ictnas oloth cape jackets reefers and mantles at bargalaprioetk 1 tee bilkfdepartmerlt is offering plain snd farioy silk at tale prises fouey pongee bilty only 50 orth70c the dress qood8 depabtmnt is full ot seasonable goods at gteatly redaoed prfees vv r j bbint6 ard 8atekn8prints tt 5a 80 sad looj worth far mare money see tnei lot ol beaptifoi stteen tt wortuuoo h 1 i i i i-rl- j hpsiiihyand glovfsaetandpiletotthesegapdstobeisdat lots thai bnorhsjf former ranjesv ik the honsydbnibhino- qpods department ee the lacs iartslnt- laos sorim uloc carttintjmtdrumsslfrmaxidlottoiothergcxjdtatbargiinp v- t i cotton onderweab deeartwsnt nighv pnstes 0o 0ha iie 8n cortet covers ijotv tna whjto skirts 80o r site spttl lint of ctortitoatlto sammffc corset it 75c alto hundreds of atb line of kfcxidt wbiali i will pty you well to tee enter tbe stores byi the board fence bonier of king and haghtoo street iwk ontimindasrt fotbentme i l i v- -i- atmutot joly wad 1801 a tsioiivcs a 7itr tivv ieqft a- tl litttaiii x- 1 tm autr i dwo h sra 4a t mhili r yv vi i- liii ri j fu 1 imh si k

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