Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 3, 1891, p. 1

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t vol j i fivbrt korkino i vr tn- i rxjmaunx otter i ktu li ctosqn wi w atisrfimftisi 5cifc directions i2sf thl forbid and chared accord hisjl awstbepcldfo jzts dayt otherwise ut yi be tatt t anul toi tiuivtac wakt iapitoore i i witor and proprietor ittshttfs- fitrtcfip vet el lorfty m b mcp8 22 i uiehstf of frederick cctmt ajbtoou j fjrek j psrrtzduxsiaaxosarcfcrartc i 0 urn kitroescedr kogarrinv hoyi earner kill and frederick street pi u bekktt lds dentist ji picab8fiilljdsddslds i deust i itrtleinimcleas- barrttore satititorc k otsrtie cboveysamre c- prtreaefandetajloan v oseeftrrwohtll jetna jxfcij kcltu jxo a xtclro yj new strong express waco n x k locust prics 6oc8nts baby carsuaget t j 3ff i o i v v i dajhtsthoue5tiitoc alwjrejti7rfee- i dkv sslls ch9kp bank of montreal capital resr asavincs depj 51200000a 6000000 artment has been oponadjin eoiinbction with thia branch interest allotted t current eates jasrtfiklay uanarerolelph bhavch w barber bros i paper makers georgetown ont nikc 1 6rccuitr or mactifns finished book papers nigh ieaxie weekly news jjiawrat lutxrstcaj spucrjoa nonet pcsuc i honey- to loan omen d tra tuesday tea saturday of tkxiktz twins- blocs acton npstalrs the paper used in tola journal ii from the above raille i to barber t bros kiwallbridge stose i barrtatera solicltora tt totosro aso gtoaarrorh 1 ofaecretlitta block gtsetoto and j t raden back coambera q yotfe it toronto jjaitltos na ir iriuxtnea hrrroxr i patest8 secured i fob 1svesti0k8 heset cuist otilwi calidt twaty taara ptatiee ko piuot ko pt w hem6treet licirstd acctiosecx tot the ceostlaa of weiuntn tui hi toe orlarakft ct tb fin peru asse acton or t mf ridace ia acoc will bo promptly tt- lafldadto tcrma teaanttle ajao money to iocs on th moat ftrortble urnia ind ct tb loveat rati of inttrett la tsaiaof j0o aad opwerie i f hk dat rcrntecx quelth oxl orncitqnaoaa hotel block itrtet square errakcis kdnan tl saeceair to t f chapmao bjoosbtxdkr stlaeorctfasquate gnelphoaurio aicocat book of ill kioui ouie to of3er periodlealaof averydaecrintionctrefanyboaid kalian aaaaraaprotaptly done nfffe hanlak barber shop knji sttrrr acrox attaaayaaftreaktxtuhcjrutkeoodftetrfocal baazailguirieeiaaatpoolttytprea rexora hoadiadrtutla coadldoa ikdiaa cadefaildreaafaalrtctllycit 7 j hjwobdek roaaarial artiita job printing ikcludiko booka pampblcta poalira bill u ctrcnlarafcc jrc ciocotedjtia the iia style of toe srt at cvdtite prieealaadrod taott notice apply or address i h p ixoobei j ftxpc ieeej ofice actoo weliirigtpii marble works qccara srsxrr gctlrn j clark fc carter tatrect iobpottrc of grtnitu ind hcrtle l7 mocaaiumd hfitoacof ill sbede uid from cha oewact dadgn all wort end tnt- urul cjvnxatrf firrtclau ptrtiec wkblcg to pvnftue vittpiewacitetum cell ttnd inspect oax ftiocfc iad price s ire tre confident we am 9qtnpetatibuyeubushmentia ootiiio etriacfo4 oat ir icterut to the ibove firm 1 nkpactfnllr idltctt tbe pttrootce td my friend ud uw pahlle oa taeir behtlf j h aaoltok ageafe wanted lfyoa ta to tetke caanejr- uke bold nd x indrcbaioe nanry ftock now it the time trite us c oaoe for term hay beotfieolfinnnarryttied a jlochetter k y agents wanted 1 in ersrr tfwnthlp to eu the piijtirial cyclopedia of lire stock and complete 1 stock doctor the most coajplataanl comprfcafcptive ork rrerablibe3y iotliorrtai4 st tbe heed ot iieir prof easlaa aael barea eoorlueutalreitu uuoa worth ita sreicbt la old- to soy one turfac sonet sheep cattle swine ponltry ddcaorbeax a opportunify to make moaey jboeora territory af once addrees z1n moyxs publuier i 120 ton est toronto coal lsood james brown l 1 haaou lo4 a larse qb0tity of eioellent coal whlctihewllliiroiuptly teliver tojtny psrt of be toiro at reasonable prices i jturdwoojautjsubs cut stove jetistb alws so htttt i tetepbocecouiiiiaaicton 0 zqeohtowk tpyta auntavapprjjri vala alon couaotprs reaj eaiat ad aeaeraaxtrid agenu roit tbi coatnis or- i l bxiient4l weotyftoa stswb tor osppivia fraea fvd ao af eji txympr blrsaia6rrtltsrliiaaasln cbaieproipptlyatiidd jtajajatx acs kazoa boon ublsi idaecbt biiat toronto v i ww toronto- steel engravings proof etching colored pictures boom aad pictara mouldiaea ivort oak pfiamesl s qilt artists materials a tall ttock of wtator 4 kcwtoai tltke white vtilte doabletubes itowp 8 1 10 deep hoto r rpcy t 10c trvnios complete de i feet cornio soe hr fitticgb 2ic oar wall papers arc m14 to be tbo lett selected a the citj waters bros established istj st sfcorge 8 squalre otjelph guelph business college gueiiph ontario yolkg hen axd woi1en edacted for suc- ceccfaj bnfiineis uccbt bow to em lirlnc mite moaej- and become enterprltinfl nteful citiietia 1 actual business both in theory tnd pr- tioe pring daily experience in uetxhiadiiinc bntin tnd office work afeature ofonrcoorse of ttajmnr sciokthandandtyrewkitisgthebet field for edacated young itdiea student with- id to become tbortbnd writer are tbaroochly drultd in businete correpoodcnce tfaote withing to become gcacr verbatim reporter are giren spocul advantages afforded by no otbereboolin thuoouritry pevllabai tor busuea drtwing nd oniamentalwork tacgbt by twoexpert penmen of loni faxhiac experience the fresxh lasgvalie is uueht br the late developrntut of ibe saturf uethod and witb remarkablo results for circulaii and terms addrcea ullaccokuickprincipfj new planing mill t and sh and door fsejory john cameron contractor hs fitted pp the bonding on mala street lately oeeapied si troak factory with new mschinery sad is prepared to fnrmb plsaa speciflcstiodi and ectimues for all cltes of buildiacs and ereente all kiods of j dressing jjatcalvg iand moulding muiet- saahea doors fjid wlndowb and door frimeaanddrersedxinmber 1 anctkeeo a stock on band all orders prbmpn attended to johk cameron acton livery 4 bus line the andertignod rep4ctf ally olieite the pctron ageoftbe public end informs tbem thtt well equipped iicdstyiiah rjgs cm 81- ways be secured j athisstable a oomfortable bus meet alt tntii between s a m and 616 pm carefol attention riveii to evcryorder the want of ccmmercldl travel ler fuuy met j0n williams wollirtgton miitupl flrelksorarcecowplkiy estleuahed i6i0 had office- cuelpk lncarehulldiiicbmerchanditeuanafactories and sjl other decriptlnni of inearable property on the ch nd vrcafiuui koe byitem p wstok2 vobjls d j presirientj j bfaniger jokm taylor agekt the traders op oakada itacorrnraud by act head omoi carrrat atrnotutco 1 carirallaid cp 1 fitar ba ik of tar lam sot toro 1to 1 loooooo 600100 tsjna i aublpk brakoh corntr gf wyndham and quel a stmt adltnoes madalo firmera 10 their tioteti i adfancc made to farmers a tho taptzr ity of 4tec note bale note oollcctc and no charge riado for colleetitig tajdetbaita of l and upwtrds reoe ved in thjs bavinga iaak department aj d i per oant piid 1 a cajiarai batiklo btutnoaa traa acted m fh loxk uaancer gjielph brazen gutljib daccmber ish igtoy reason 1801 binder twine bst brhnds jstlver composite i drown red cap 1 blue ribbofc bottom vtsollstme prices off appucatioh john m bond jo ouetph gr1ndell machine repaill s shoip in addition to tusxhinery repiric i amjtspw prepred to do f h rse shgeihg general blockiraitliirig in a most ctiftory mnner v pui alio made pod work erefdl attention given to ill witk brought any niacoiae or implement by maanfsitnred will be rep tired in lite macoer plow ind d3aebtner repair hnd co icqiatly hekry ottlndelil season 18jh rhamo- er worfc mi a- whtle returning tbank to on r tuany p rons fortbeirllbersj rapport in the pt rt wo wiib to inform yaa thtt waihtre tntet d into ah mtaq gem ent witb r6tewirt guelb to keep onttantlf od hnd a full s oct of t 3e ordfatrt sixefl of i sash doors et tnd willtliqianply tnynpecial iice on th notice at gwlph price frames of al keci ds madetojarder wealsokeepin tok hoe be window and door cuing corner bloc te- i yoaf ettmbjrdrtiawtine7ia wtlt price 50 prjt pumps being better able thtn heretofata snuply either wood or iron pumpi all wockl gruitcnteed tticfactory pleaseiccil and inspect before elsewbens titos ebbage i laaaet irelrnd5 desiccated vmheart nv prompt pnrenasj ig icn for dyspeptics and with weak digekk trtit the iceland satioxal food 1 frohonto at yon thrd tear in 0 akadi l for clinespbrtablefoot heatei u co iltt on r 503033 la nte in canada i united states a td tea hour solid comfor i lovalai bio for oso in all aorta the bona hotolaad la stores aad notr la jjsttmato send lo yoar cs ind prices to the ckne manufactfrngcb j8 fiost bt vrsi totoifto aoek il jfflfrelsoe i itamiltoiis marble works hattlltox rfloct ctonperle hsldi block theeore comftotwoolwleband korfolk streets guelpb oat johnh hawiltom proijrfator wholesale aad rctailteaier aad direct impbrur sad maonfsetwsfovau klod of granite and uarble uaadqieijtatabatoaea ate oaring dad aa eiteaaivo eipetlence tor ibelmt fffiyeari he pablle may relp oo jettfpg all nrterfor artlclea at a cheaper rate than any othtr dealer in toe west sb 15 per ecatjoft oo a direct orderre- r frank btrcess houge painter paper hanger is prepared to exeopm order in aay of the ilxrr line la tabsnuanttad at reasonable tertna everr job hartag my panonal antion i oao aaaora cnatooiara com plate satisfaction oasonkarla all woooi a rpeeialty oseraleitatinrleeafdenee uala st tctaa rluraeelveiironiptaatouou i reticles ea write vaktu wants i i to see v i the for 2k for he has what will suit yo i dry jiji mml x ik 1 goods boots shoes aind iroqerieij a tr ad solicited pttebtt rtwqrv 1 kara i baoa truatoiha that fifty yaaji upon my gfrt rsithfuttnw faithful la traa viura alt voo know o savb t been i ting you john t 01 dldyonit irfindi so matter vita the itrusa oritrain i that coord 1 o unkind 1 twaa mlds ha ehsering word to speak thef mlkng 1 tea to show rhe dead of el darueu to do 01ijohulyot know yoa know i f ilhfut to joa john t jildea uaad j eo yoa iilaood j ihhaodr or pararty or woe kbnroara bean falsa f x joaknowl ir a tont th 4 umo i been look tdand lareyoanot uy bosy read r felpfulaad pa nt 0basltuqtt tee the aatwc yon knoi pi hjilpfol to yoa jabnr tlialand in all your toll handr bat o i i think ii tow e ani the kind fa drew h rerheed ad whlip nsd iknow- ryoos av know frieaa hat alt th i owe be 4b then hi flarenoe i ho bat now i raw ig octal bdd kno t- throuch the years sot inyoarqyea iovc knowl woald say so deaf d be sweet old and tlrotl to repeat close to his own aainow oh my dearest wife 1 kaowl re i ly jove sad gaide r w lo knd trse tiea haro end am jred tovon of 1 1 aaught brislitcr light s s rjisy glow have trusted bit ayl siknow amelia ksarr slotd a oirl 3 were a ong i act of miners in ottr far ff wettet l cf np when 8eqji3raiaaid among u bringing with him hii ydsogbb ru iuvrhqtrahsteight4ea loemed t beli ng to a different raoeir p of won zn 1 1 tio few who were with us it wive ai a n oqthejirts r r father- n ai now broken down in n and a itril irhad joined dor littte in oao hi sth to retrieve hitihatter odtc rtanet a d h d brought hi daaghter he was mothulesi and 10 doe in whoso care bo fa tittle fiteiiitii t jjardi n ith him boca 11a a iae there rat j oal leave he w i were ai i hajve aiid a rooga tot of feilo rs ciooh jat there was not one amoi g us who did wt doff his hat as kits brtiiardpaaa dl i to moat of ai i he aight of her was a merrurynndi ho3 a memory of a far- off pi at when we i ad perhaps lived differ ent i ves th i bo e of a distant future whei oar p octo is nugget gained we migt leave ti st and live that past over un 1 hit i any she was to moat ofua itotwi of o lrnamberahevreamore it wi a easy totes i htt percy graham anil john harding had ajitbetr heart at her feet i tt two had beti tnorn friends oaca now hey rarely met or spoke anil not few i mong us prophesied hot blooi would f olloi percy wa the hndsonwr man of the t vo gentlemannered fellow well calcu aed to win a girls heart jjon wait stern and silent a man who said little tt wa i ellnigh impossible to tell which onjp of th two if its ileta favored until percy fell i and for diys his we was repaired of fe called upon little else poor- fellow than ler name in his delirium until they brouf tit her to hia bedside and her presence quiet d him and be slept the sleep which tided over the crisis of the disease and saved his life after his recovery she allow d him to publicly anpocnice the fact that 1 he wa his betrothed wife we all liked ho young fellow and many an earnest hand ntsp and a godspeed he received as the 1c ky winner of- such a prite even john harding came up to him with some new 1 nea of suffering about his mouth bu a soil ned look in his gray eyes and asieov that i ie enmity between them might be forgoi ten percy was too noble aj fellow himh i not to appreciate so generous and frsjnk an offering from one whose misery made bishappinesa and as he wrung hia aid fi iends hand he acknowledged in broke i tones that he had ihns added the ast d op to fill to overflowing his enp ol joy rhe lovers were inseparable aftei his ind as though dame fortune deter nine for once to help along the cause ol rua 1 me percy awoke one morning to find iima f before nightfall a rich manj he ikd discovered a layer of gold in bit laim there was no reason now for de ayinf the marriage and the day vfaa set itwa tobeja gala festival in our camp 3nly me among us ilid not wear a smiling r after that orie friendly overture on john ilardings part be seemed to shrink nore tnd moreinto himself up alone in bis ant heh we generally gathered aboot the aimp fire or going off for long lonely walk 0n day it waa the third befote that lied or the wedding percy asked i to ao- mp ny him he denied him at first irssq lely then as though ashamed of hid rrita ility at such a time with soma how if cordiality assented it v as midnight when harding retnrni o ca up alone a friend chancing naet iim asked where was percy i thiy had been attacked by indians hard og taid on the frontier line fere utd een taken prisoner while be hadj cap d s thi men looked increduloasly inio each ither i faces as they heard the story bnf t wa i meta who first pat the horrible oubt latent in every mans breast ink vordi i im thoa i dyed in blood casting ut red reflejd ion ihtt every earthly object ouehed j itsn jji bhpiolnfodiot soetl she aafd it 1 the hand of god deuojiuolng peroys murderer thph her voice changed to a pitpcui wail fihajlimg with both handa tohla ianm ijoil ta ihsteptorod why dd you kilt hi it j wliathae he done to yptt v for the first tlmejiincohohad been las- pepto i by ua all is face aof enod sop wrong niev ileta ha i said very gentlj itoldydu only th truth we were lottobkod by indians percy w takenj ipriaoner and i escaped i tried hard o aave him ii wajs impossible wottltgudly have stayed to suffer with him ptit hit i thought teat to tell yoa camp tz- i ijtt hit i thought uiest to el tddthi not untiri entered thi thai did it occur to me that my story might be mistrikted peroyand i had been lalmost enemas hut we had changed all that i meta will you not believe mo 7 she iburtt into hitter weeping then and went in her way th next morning jack harding wasnot in hit accustomed place nor was he any whore ito ba found tho men topfc his dis- appeamnce as an dded evidence i of his guilt i strange to say uotai wits now the ono duaenting voice v there was truth in his word to me ho did not kill percy ho has gnejto find him j poo j girl i wo shook onr heads iamong ourselves at tho way in which she dung to hope and the strdpgo belief she now ex- presied in the tiari whoip in our hearts we alt denounced aa percys murderer- another week dragged slowly by an air of desolation and gloom hung over the camp when ino night as we gatheredas usual abourthe fires strangely silent i started as obn ing toward us out of the gloom my old si pcrstitious fancy conjuriid dpthe ghost if the boy whom we all had loved but in another moment his ghostly grip was oi my shoulder with vary flesh and blood eality a peroy graham stood hefpre aa a 1 ttlcl paler a little thinner but other wise u ichanged how we clustered aboat him ijat jack harding 1 if he had not killed bin where wa he borne one told percy the cruel doubt we all had had the bright look vanished from lufacehi trembled i ho had tho noblcat soul god over made he aniwerod we had had it all out that nightas we walked alona together under the stars ho had told me how ha had loved the girl i was to wed and what a bitter atraggle ho had had with himself to conquer it i thall love her to ray grave peroy he said but i lure now found roam- in my heart cor you both and my love can now do your wife no harm it vas at that moment that we were surrounded bya small band of indiana see that stela knows shouted aa i saw that 1 must surrenderhope i learned af tcrwifd that he had escaped i knew that he would bwr ray message- how it was received you all know captors detcrminod not to kill me they- held me as hoahige my death coald occarr at iany future time three days sgo one of the put ajnote into my hand be ready at nightfall waa all its message to me it wtsenough in someway the writer had madethe woman hia friend i was unbound they did not consider i it necessary to bind me so i wag all ready- for my dash for freedom at six olclock i recognized a whistle i knew well tasked and received permission to bring some wate f om the spring and startea on my- errajd tcirce a stones throw from the camj as i bent at tbe4 pring i heard a horses leigh inthd thicket at myrsido was a- mounted horseman how it all happened 1 can scarce tell you but in anj other moment i too had sprung bn his saddle and wewereoff like- the wind it was a brave a noble act but sank into nothingness compared with what followed with shrill cry mylcaptors swung them selves o i their awif t ponies and were on our tract i oar horse with his double weight could not dfstinoo them inevitable capture ahd death n ust follow john saw the danger and era i could defeat hisintentidn he had thrown me the reins tnd slid to the groundi- s i that mita knots he cried giviig me my own message to ber but with a strabgo exultation in his voice- the next moment i saw- him fan pierced with arrows percy stopped knd covered his face thud- deritglj with lks hand while tear stood in eyerj mans eye many of which had known no moisture in long years it wa i aa though an angel had unawares stood at our very door and we had driven himjawily we had a very quiet wedding after all but when in the years that follqwec j a little noisy prattler waa every bodys ret we loved him the more dearly not iral as metas child but because he bore tbq name john harding qroham irir and y percy is dead she cried cbn harding is his murderer 1 i 6oi ie told hint without aof teninj whai lieh daaid hia face grew ashen i but hi ume i away from aia tormentor in jsilenoe potr i feroy olailrxj lay neglected il is t ie castdrn when one of ajar numbei led i d cast lots for bis claim or id dividi i m ing ua bpt over percys me hunj i naii 6f mystery and no one dared dx i ught which- would bring his death nearei 1 3 us day by day katas cheek paled ai i ie w jbdd watch from hecvtrlndawxin thi i aif ops that she might see the straight aafli form and bright handsome fade i ithc it which life was to her full of dark 1 v 1 i i ess i aiow that he is dead tnd yet ifookforhim jol n hardings hafrgrew while in thro afeeki and ha had aged ten years on day at about he same ti ne tha flercj had waved herw goodbye ahi t td me for a little walk when rat i ime since his diasppearanoe ihei me j ihn harding taco td face th sun waa going to lua kingly est aa ah id she would say 10nlv a bvflckfjl f r08e8 tha roses werfshwiiidue and swett w th i ragianoa aa md rartoti gathered it em haltliy that fitr asmrrier morning b uniatt hem nuiewy to bar girdle the m od the carrug fhal wa wailing for her atiwat drivon to th stallion where ahe o ifctha train for a oily sfty miles diitsuit jatohey w notj phnlirul with tha bar- oniiij tmyoauggirljonlntdhereif ij tt ling in an ordinary oar she made a vary teetpiotore fn the dusty eat and ido b t think theti was a peraba present who di 1 hot admire it her bright sunny faosv hr dignified yet ganlle beating her win so he- smile upon tired ankfrelful children w lohad travailed niahyk weary luile her taitefol neat attire with itba bunch of roaei tn her girdle were all noticed inaqufel wy 1 in tha seat in front o her was crippled ob ilda ttdlooking thin rirlwbose earth- ly life jvatdeitined ti be varyihort g lo iked over her shoulder uamder of llnier t itadke aud fiuslly ralie said wiatfully w th scuae hesitcttpn would you mind ift lehould tit by yoii ju it a little whilor- notatsji i- should be hsppylohava yc a do so was the ready answer given at co lrteauily aa if speaking to a young- pt incest tha child leaning upoaiier orulohet to ik her place betide madge ytm dont look a bit tired waa her fit itubservattou sdadge smiled into the questioning aw i aii bpt tired she said tht ja it begun my day lam tired ive come a idnwayi aay frjrri denver i cooldnt tleeplajt ni iht my knees pained mai to what bt tutiful roaea youlgot wa uaedio haya re lea in our garden before we west to denv re were going to tha town where wa thsduo liyepa and i paa in the it lokingqtt i i itnt your influisr with yoa mis dead was the reply and the tt in lip quivered we had bury her a ray oat in ojlorsio j od- psqr dear child i taid madge ui t wandering lhacthd lonely liftiagirl had bi gged to sit beside her j she unfastened ui rosebuds from her girdle and taking put half of them gave tt am to tha child whose pale ftce grew jt bilant with aarpriatt he held them to h ir cheek and pesed them to her lip and very soon with the flowers held clou b herbreast tha fail atleep i madge put an arm abpat her geutly and d ejr ier head to hec ahdalder tha chud- ep peaoafujlly forjlulfan hour jtuin a tkeears stopped jt a small town a man c ime in hurriedly it waa the cripples fiber a mist crept over hie aval it he i ght of the ileepiug child tod ha stooped sidgtthmed her ialo hijstrong armache a lid in a low voiea fall of eeliijj v im not apraying moi mitsibat rnfcf t ie lords hlesiiu rest m ye forever fpt jiar ktndaess to i me wor milherlest- burnl the travellen from cola ido had reached t leir deatination the sl epiog child who b adsuffered all through tl e pnyiout night dud opt thoroughly awake l only arousing s litlla a she teas carried ihrough the car cidrtnurtng il i i va heeu in pa leavbo ive oitatomarosea j the mitt in the father eyes teemed to ave spread through the car- ko word as spoken aloud oouee mng the little joene justover bt in ma iy a heart there as heard the voice divine whispering iuatmuch as ye have doue it unlolbe t of these ye kive dons it puto me s tixa the c irl who is everywhere j welcome the v elcome guest is the girl who know ingtheioarforbreakf4t appears at thi table at the proper time doe not keej others t siting and does not gat in the by bein down half nhour before her hos eappars i- the welcome guest is the girl who j there at e not many servants in the hoi has snfi cient energy to take care of hero room w lile she is visiting and if there aija people vhosa duty it is she make that duty as light as possible for them by phi ing awa y her own jbelongthgs andt- in fh4a way not necessitating extra worki the v elcome guest jsthajorie whp knd how to id pleasant to everv member of t ie family ind who yet dm tadt enough f kratfroi i a room whenotfieterily ffflrii under diaonsaioo vit h the y elooma guest is thednefsrioj do ii faotfihd chllurenusagreeablefdrine vari ous pets of the household things to be dreajd- ed tho welcome guest is the one who wl her hos ess fa busy can enterjdin hi with i book a bit of sewing writing of a letter thei elcome guest is the one whoiwhjeh iter frie ids come to sea bier dees not disar range tj a household in which sha is staymg that sh may entertain them the i eleome guest is the ene wbo having broken he bread and eaten the salt of 1 er friend ua set before her- lips the seal ot silence so hat when aha goes from he hoqse s ie repeat nothing but theagraea lie things hat she has seen i thft i the welcome guest tha one t4 whom ra say good bye with tegret and to improving the mtnd a young girl who works all day long in hp mendingroom of- an embroidery fac- xiryi told me how they made much of their ipore minutes there were thirty of them tnd wtenever a pieceuf embroidery came ram the great- looms it went intotieir bands to be looked over and mended so- what they did waa piecejwork and any mutates they gave np werej deducted from their time at the end of the week after thinking it over thiy decided that each one could spare ten mutates a- day and the onp who was having her ten minutes read to the others in this way they got three hundred minntesa day eighteen hundred minutes a week and whoever among yon is a good arithmetician count how many minate a year that would e for them doesnt this moke yoa who govern your own time a bit ashamed remember time isreally moneyto thai a girls and yet they were willing to give it i hat they mhjtit ain knowledge the good that came from the resdinwas not only ii the story or ihe verse or the history but each girl learned co use wards correc ly she grew to understaiid and to be m stress of good english and all because of the share inin- ules the minutes thatj in i ilaresp prone to idle away j tfaloss of time was not jreat and the gain in knowledge was a er iny frien had told me of this i wonde red haw many girls there were who took ten minntesa day to improve their mind and doypu sow i think the greatest i umber will he ind among the women w iodeny them- seiyessomethinginfafcrhfiiifimeti the workinggirl of america is tho mother of the next generaticjn she is wealthyin wisdom she is growing to be healthy in looks and that she it wise is certain to mebhelsionearanddear that i always wont to meet her and nw i iwaat to saj toher cdmaand get acquainted with mej tell me a littlejof ybur trotthles and of your joys ill tell ypd of mine and we will suggest to each other the working out of problems that at first seem difficult will they answer my appeal they are my special friends sveviery of ihe body every nerte whom fa eailoytwcloomo with thattji booindmnole ii madaatrougerandniara and rc ut tha heart vw victors fiitri erl in afeerlcafvs fj dftbehmpttai j the dqke if kim lnovasbotlafor 8e j i abpat ieyen miles wi sibf the ceuter of halifax near the head d bedford basin it i beutiftttpvhotmochkieil apionic round which every htligoofa kuowiat jtheptlncwt rjodgev it if part ofibe estate inoldtimaiieated by bir john wantworth to- the vi of kent forihii royal restnehea during iha teten years hat lift prluobj the father df qaiea victoria litenfoia fieotiajj sirjohn want- worth had hit dounlrr nintidil thara and ctufed it lpisjlasion fokoioeo andituuet tha duke in- larged thaoriginal house uotfl twsat fine iwtfaritid villa- somewhat in the- italian style with exmutive winir af- the- porh andsoath nd agtear hall sod drawing worn in ibpeeiiter backothe house wire ttabtetfur his mriea ami ihe rrjind thoeghvustic and having ailthemarss liiinatarihad orig- fnally pat upon thetrij coitawed many pharmtng torptisei hierdjtil ihiiijinesa who wssat this time commander of all iha forces in kdrth america had a fejei- graph battery buu jadjoiuinit hrli by rneaiit of which ha coald sand his ordort jbjthe citadel m towiu- iiitha haighbor hood oftha lode were artificers of various sort- aphat the place was like a- liule feudal town indeed thepriiieer himself naed to put his hand to tha jackpliie or dava the arottcut aw attdtl fancy there wit little i that weiii otf that ha did not persanallyoversee if- he was a ttrict dhiciplinakan bat wit rerykindjsnd sfijibleineociat lite and as- peciyiyterestwinjpnngmeuiforwhom he often did much hi hli had not beeh- 1 laxaridut ode andchviaherited ajanydf the simple titteiohhii father plain old farmer gepria which on the wholi loommeuded to i not ootiarit bpctetyihhaiiftintrwaedaya wa rery gay andt a aiid that flk prince by hia moderation in thaasa ofj wine ani by rt- fuiuing inifrely from ijiard had good nffasflrjdpverjihe younmeu of the towi topreiiniempaobjceajmong hts nieo it la ax he used d make hem torn oat at 5 doloci in themorning far drill which of 40tirsemdeiate hparaaway frooijta barrfckaimposalhte- hi panishiienta era very severe for one pooc soldier he ordered 1000- uuheg hit harabact and eji fhe th ipdgiii thowa a cavt where inotherwas opifihed for two oc ilhrep year unlit oe dieji once or twiceit la said men odni- mitted- stiiclda from fear of hit piiiiuh ments- j priuee edwardlafrievid and companion daring hi npya scotia liiewia ajeleter french wpmanj m me lalphdnsie theresa berhadinejalieda mopanat da 6t tjau- dent baronne da fortisssou whom he firft spec in hartiaiqae and whp whan he mar- riett the qaeensmatherjstired to a eon- tl jr the salifaxpeppl ware darrlad by the prasanoe of royalty among- them and when the princes aavenyear ermhad expired it- tootsoejetyja lade time to settle down tejits oormaj condiiiaa ifa 1800 the ijake of keut bein the erectioti oil he nesentcitidel injataltfax first re motiugiha pli lhrecore fottifieafsdas anf theqhuildfngha mossfva walli that now enqlote the fort apoospicnontnioaament cf his royafhighneis still remains fin the square wooden clock tower below the glaiis directly thove the middle of tlie town ffirpertdiir u tea ant ltscqnsumptiow in v america- heiexpbrt of tea froichin and japan to ifav yoik for the eeaiciu of 183090 eta- braced about aiooooocpbandjs- in 1888- sjiwii 60318700 and iir- 18878 waa 85 33000 jksandtthe special review of the chamber of cdmnietce ivfc 1890 omits any generalstarenienc of imporiatioueon aamptdon cr priceal teat have steadily declfn6dtuprlce and that with concomi tant rigretpt importer jdhber ind broker the fall in pricisairerdribe chiefly daa til lhej large shipmetiiaij tnis country frou england aad sanads and these are safd to be ccasicine4 the removal savervysraa of the differential duty bf ij get cent by tha federal government csuida closely protectionist in ihu uistlet cori peitpiymeut of 10 per cent- differeh- ity on teat warehorfsed in f he fjnifed tbiss rasas t v 4- af m s i a il 1 esand thenrtrahsporied thrtber aveu n ihey are parchated farifcportation to hrlowa limits englaudi-thips- her sur plal to the xjnited states without payment of duty andith paynipnt of additional freight provided it be reshipped within six i months after arriyat iu london cpmraerida american hope is thifcon- gresisjwilt restore theim per cent differen tial duty ion teat coming from any- other than thvcodnlry pf prdducfibu iooldug fromthe islindpf formosa is reported l9be the moat popular with eontumert althoagh hardly eddtlto the fine foochow tea india and cjiyldn tea are chiefly acceptable to edaoitwf palates whichjdo ndtoniprite minyl of american prfgio for ihe reaion that luerr reducatidn lias been neglectad hence the likthg for untvooted flivors ha hot smespread the truth ft hit anver- icana not a teadrinking people aud tljattbannaal per capita co ntumptioa of if pounds hmbeen virtaally ationary for tie ipatt forty yeart ffirmrrt wajaane 1 j vqumcmetnioet alonc jiitti youhg man who cpmplain of hard tork audsrnall pay may profitably considec the beginuinga of the sacceaaf bl men around them i in 181 two youtrx ptetsroen were at work in new ydtfc tide by sfdeprint- gdsnml wuh misery want and iin r triinf l droakaa brtrwi tfiey bfonb bim in whuwletxiarhitbej j ybiyjrtiipel vwjl ho 114445 im lbokd ijksnce ti tbejr pi tit i aiid inid bwtto do ht honed 1 uuit bat tae doctor catne jiod deciarpd potto- r a iriiicaj iiet lift m iei afilow kai my and qisbt bei4tb xd he beiit hlaikilful unieic bed j by njgjfit by da with toilj wiih pij cosiflif bk be tottftieuulit aftiii i co4iiblcvtbeifcwnrltloid j i aad te mafi ratdrned to biswayi ol old betarsm uaclxned to hi ofd aid wa p and siaiia i aqd linajd o tiie nd of bis dyi indtbe dootor wrote in pijwte book sta sdrr ow wring vhwbt lootj i navaiaved abfdedtii uftf aiid wfiiyf tbat a mn cariaiodagvapddib tbe mother imiled thrpagli bat wrsfehdness tor lid newbortb3liayiauoaii and tnu uiixsesloofcqd at bar ringlefl t hsad bestdeail they sajti we indvrstai d- bat tie door cameviid decbufet lot so afrffttttofuta flteagio and wlln close and lon rlth difcthr tie brotiguc agwa the talterin btjeai b and satj the poor anweiconieiii bsciti mother wba was not rf r and iso took it wiur losoiinc am bore off in jshsine jt thebfli fjr wbpaa erth bid nop tea when 11 4 v- and tho doctor wrote iahi privt 1 6ok 13in scctow wrodff wbehasri look ihavdluved a needlesa lifel anl w yv that sjbabl rak ffestetx ett ujdiaj 1 if i i wioipftfurgbijidiiuialfiatieft i eybdrfein afehildstriickdown on the street llglwdbniiamlnetttfyiitob with brow inoweold and slue eyes l iin r f and they idned the silk bilr on his ffltira bed- aqd lobbed tbank qod thtt iweeien utfut deidi bqt thfl doctor cunuddtluq i ot ao a rtflntotlifd yet uet aglow and dajtand idgfaljbesidetne bed j he be at his ikilxat eirntat besd wft pauteneet oare and tireless pain woabsjcfcthe bpikcitiiin won ili back rpta the brink o dtjatbs calm ta ittnigle and ftckoa and snfler toerr won itjbaak from the meroiidl shdrisc oi tbr r fr f to lie tbrpufh slow rears on a terrible bad and the doctor wrote la his pri rate book bia 0arrbw vrdoa whereer iloda- ibavaaaredasorrowfalufe and why f thateehlld taine of bell era men fet aim sua and tha doctor closed his book and tw three uts by me who ijest ware dead mtrosd tmr hoarrrau i i the doojorsjtork was done ba lay upon hu deathbed old and gray i wltb ik look on hia fide as of ode wbo hat tpw r r j 1 am he labored add wstehed while u fellows j jiat altptl i and ha folded hit hands oa bis wearjj breast and murin arid come death 1 u ready far i m- sodinaieftneushtiy dld whatlevnld i j aad yet site wrought oyll in ttdyinjetor food and twitiij lo sjlpsciwsa rijtn to whev the angels stood ia bean add heheard one say awistt span it it uate jweat down aad elated hitjeyesf hot yet jfhsy said tit la hit bocj i y 8iasorrow wwnfwaereerl icokil f- i tt he relay for beaven whp needs to jearnjorse gojls piud brings bletstak een iu of lifes iiprjitr v kt yotjisd ihsy this wise aistt said tnteeiws by me who hest weri di t ba riadyfor death kaowibn boi what iif iaanj j that aoibelnff lives bat to some and the angels steod wdo hit bed cnleaml earths ulieuoodi friend and thaidoetor uplifted tnqntk aad uarthrooghthl world and fays where arbwlled a niornd- bloae jia peersded wlthoat sad degraded wii qos formal froaaad the doctor jdaase yoa creatare ys uveill totxsaseieas 8peslcs4ftiaultheaagela mbwmi villi livlunxoineai of siaaiagcoddetns him to ueli orbowkiiowest thon but some late dycfraeaf i itay jnd eiu foftilm iu iilik hoirei a usee fj i learjigtcsdjndgehun tabu teelt apart j tbo jobkiitsl uiefe god looks at jthe arti obpltrliiiivhdplilmrutdsrenot tcjaiy ft j itsnbettertoshrtenhiiufrbyafay- for is redoscsi of danger war v boad- i- so yoa sxriig toolliatu led oieuy lt the doctor duiiled softly i- aiidsril ood holds een for slaaerssotne wi -hjand- aad be turned hlswqndttriiig eyes swi towbereaeridlediunuit lay v while the nrotharihaig perit wii tlthsfisaie for sbojavqit a life bat sbtfooalajsteii im- r- god forprro cried tbeioctdr tjm bvbe jni jtfpr me hadtlieeb spared all knowledge at- il r 1 j speatsottssidtha angels ithit bibe i iliikj j- i todihexboiubafromdeatrnaflinis there it nobler work given these pan then allt to the lot of the angal banda- ob biyfe shield it bat due not to say it were better to shorten its lifejby a day- 1 forsweeteris rest w aid lmrer is paritytrewnred tbroaj souvf tle dc to stalled softly the tna nobler is winning tbebaavdsly and he joined uistear dlareyea away i towtaereacnildcomplaiiuiigla y j stnggiigsadspeat withiaerodleijvy s- vhij4 dath stood aloof and sclencojwii vau god brlive 1 dioaaed unr doemr he eud bjit forme a i hadaever sirakened to life cxlielty- leak soft said the angels- how kab wj n i m v 1 ateatf 1 raala llj lin his ll0t u ing a biwe m girls it lartt xlwajsi wise i 1 v v- td ba extremalyiimiliar withthose in yodr setvice at one time aad arrogant at another jv j to fame to the cpuclasiah that stubborn- nasi in ttrengt i of will when it is usually trangtkot tern per 1 j vtohe very positive hat because yo ara titters or vary intimajta friends a i tmall question of money imaka no difference to say a cruet word and then soppose that a kiss hastily braided over a taar- atiined faoa will make asiy thing as itwat ibefora i- f to perfectly hate and perfectly adore people without any special reaion xsbtair j -4- t tiealthy by taking rtoodt sartspvilla qaartoveditidn fj- scotts family they worked with wilt for both werajhen of the stamp that naturally bpsi and rnja the world tliay were tt the omce no f9 joliu atreetaa early- on the awmmer mornings si they see and did bnatbirav of their 4ayv tsak before breakfast b j their ataady indut- try jheyeacb managed to earn twelve or thirtmn dollars as week ind before long both were iltbuiinisb for themsalve ode of ibeie ydunmjb wis exkaypr james haxnaran eha oiher wis thdrldwweed who becama so tjpwerfljo the political worl5tj i there were plenty ctjmeu in thefoffioe aiupibfeldll appejaranoe ihey werav th urlow hvaed aiplains in a few words why many of them lived and died rxmt rien- and thpte few lines can beepn- denteil iritpa fewfwordsucba eliyen vclooi beerhjatingall round tlpk at the grpomyivana- mprtgaguisl tljal ajaek int tat ajbetunatiatn mi jt i what besatifol growth cooiat woe ob pity plm love hlrh but dare not it were better to shorten his life by r for like bowers that spring baton tm 6on graces bloonrijnly ia tortnfed k andjahriqdred bearu all iorbenk1of ihit i i i i i 1 rr are jearainguie beamy of duties doni are jearilne onsalnsboju thqughtf din vfiht side of that pala wnteh their t share and the burtarer eaaven deaerteth ti gods arta is aroupd hlhr envy his i aaieq iaid the i doctor god sti j y esjt 1 tit- thk who aw atwogest baval vfik ohbleaied all lives since for eai t f fa s despite of sia- sorrow sad wyang aadljlua r ithanjr theec thaakthee 0 qov ii whose uvea i deplored are yet living ineblpv itxika the angeh ko heaven i- i aglsdsejul roore to oorfsfcitealm aadheitiaiiglit alinfyu godv aeadj and men stooped dar aim weep j he it dead- ml 3yi d1s washing mvde the new england homestead ija that ji vv v il- a hptel in springfield miss hat which naahaji 1800 dishes an hi hdof 5 to run it thewhi withou cracking or nicking a is pivm ed tnfdpr oompirtmen wi hoiring soapeuds two wii wajet a trolley track rone o a ippll arrangement by w baiutlllerl with dishes lilowere wate gently agiuted and paajrinf thriusb the four watera come o tt olfcan and aohot that taijen qitjrrtirta wlvirlotaa drjj5t aw teooia- jeheji frotn u e lattub to- the brat ani by atajim pipe e pripolpla appliec in kofli thirei cimptjiest j jfi j j h iiimll iimmm wtwmsskiillawhmsw olijnaj j fcritiaj lq

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