Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 3, 1891, p. 2

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v it m r trr 4sw m our i- iiwhaar 0 the bertstiber be mfj3m ufcwrekljl oi lhem lag aiuwste mmun cvh t thejwlii jt joha 0to liwrwur tt ifcb awftst waetsmltkik vi urmvt otwlt ot the frth hagast i lt o who mcrwrai f ktssatkwtrt tukkcej hm tclofirwrtlo im is vlr iunriuclelaex col llu 4rkril4ntcutxjttfi irotit yn all sag lir rirmiiulv htcryj alt d tarvsil o r k dcett ss rctoti kuf church tfevfrre inert i as anuitrooc daughter ecjohq i r itc the infant v- i ph kdiv kcintrivlfaowloo he jlrt anpwt tb iim f pohlrand katie ttcttkdjrto ii iim smcuurrwi it north toronto oa mh aucart tarrt u rrv beloved lt ot wnrarmej v lutipta ttjvumqotvri pc lie isth aurun inthua kreeaitniinltut atafibter ol c s turiira i i sjniac oo saturday sxh aururt iu mrs aea i widow m the uts avid bavsce ol gnrt ad w rearl liiwwiin leotctlian ejh the 5th input srhrwmslrwlkt af use late thorns liod- frc r in the li retr of bee are uclrinln kiltoo oa tbj kth aucust mi stub crwt ori wife of lb itte rwee itcuea r s i d 7 jwi aad liaionhe th cintui ihowi 0ndttpi ortmk lt poputiof only fulf mumon1nlnymh is a oem ek m electjiq n co ml nq teursdayibeitestbeks 1891 1 notes and comments tfrnice ii rolkiiiaj lh euuuple nc jtcta4- ia ravidlak ttote iasnrcace oc d tad dittbted wockiscmea tbeptj menu by tcockingismq ui to ba roltnliry uid it the end pt thirty ysufc fltkn- roio miy clum ram sod to coo ftu ttt thi t exhibuioa tetr u tpraftdin ia tba xttl indiet aa iricotinj lodiada tzitl tihibttion vu iopetol in th ixltad of sc tbixqu duuin wt ladwt oa acpnt lejud the 1sax iahociuitaof v little cotctr taten miloi loa by foar yidt eathatiti ptopoie to oat- do the brituh inkndf jimtiet bich hid uiekpoaitmq lutiphogi tbeeihita- lioo pmeniras to hire good tnoabca in ititecltrini toetliodutria uid uu genenl trade ct tbe yiknd ser ik vovta of toraste rto hu jatt retaraed iran tiipia tbe katthvett nd britiih colambu m petking bf the lltoitota hirreit iy thn pidea whfjeed ol the kiirthwett urritoty icd xuutdw u i them oa my retani journey ere otlcnitted to jmpire kruittde to diriae protidetioe lod eud- ini that osr fellow faoocryaiea were lively to rap ach t ipleodid birrert tol oue which voald iaditecuy beaeothe hole dtmition it u probebts thct 75 rercentoj dhuttt tftll he cat by the cad of the preaefft week katxii it it ctttsd fu decided totdopt toriu irmy rise loem of the lee fan which u ankrioujiiiteatioa this vapaau highly tmn mended by lathori- tics u one of thenoeat in erirtenni i a pecalisrity f tflie decioao by efutiai tsntthecxiibfeof theifegun ordered by uiitlm to be wli- witile thjt of thifrench ltbei ripe jt zllt this difference is reqsrdedubiiifieutju ihowiac thtx vhile rcssu msy regua frsnoe u snshy nov she is set disposed to puee lienek st s diutiatge ia thq fitare with different caliber gasi neither paveclcsa atiliio the ttapqasor the smaaitino of the other ihoaldj they hsppqs to meet si foes oa ifaebsttlefield jut it preseot engishd is ereryboys eiead the squabble ifith portogal africsa aflairs has been handed orar as fgl6i as entire to the sris jarists- for ad- joftmect the kesrfdaadisna iiccoitjes are temporarily pacified and the beting see qoestieo is ceasing fa rex from the coatfneat loving ere srej tamed apoa her the german emperor has paij his riait and eaten the reets of flattery the rreooh seet to come in next fhr essesses sad every cation io torn vocldbe wtiosme to cross the ehsnnsl and asfc if it might att down informally tolaocheaa shtfijlhe family england is in set bet little con- oerned hov often an entente is now srgoed to exist beticeen her and this or that power she is glad ofjs respfte to look liter her tnie and to reflect upon imptrial federafton ft is a bad emen for her to be wetoomtng the nations bf earth hosrejrer the last tints she did it was at the opening of the crystal palace ethtbttioa imrfledi- ately before the crimean war bat omens are only embryo coincidences sod do not always fastcb philsdelphis time the annual report of the iaxpector of diiuioo coarts for ostsrio shows tost daring the year lkw is the ih dirinooa c2kt faiti srere entered the amoanjt of claims entered exdariva of tranicripis jadements sod judgment lammooset wis ti55lj the naajber dfijadgment ssmmoci imocd 10392 j total imdaat of initors money pafl in toort iwvs87 total amoantjoisaitors mjnfy paid oat of ooart twl3g733s balance of cash in coart ti3qxfl trtrmber of igitf entered fjheo tiis amount elaimject eiceded100 2 namber of jary trtali 05 la the i sis coarte of thecoonti of ilsltoo 552 aits were entered etclatite pf transcript and judgments sibtnooses frecn other coarts for taoibj the nember of iadpnjent nmmodies uaed was- 110 the total smocnt of eaitors money paid into piart iu fm3j totsl amoant of suiisrs roopy paid bot of enafx 3f8c5 bsl auoe in cf art i239 no of salts entered for cbweteeding tlftj c2 themant psysbtsjto the eoanty rsssnxer for the diriior court farid is i il tliere srere no trials by j tries in tbe bounty rrraw gsft j iuoos it soflmsrsuon of the oeonc some months ago there hu been k good deal of aniielf io get at the tgojes tn lbs ansus of uu years aoths pubfio damand tor early nformaiioo was met by sit estimste of tin ptatsllor pob- liahm st ihseod of july in thisestimsu british qolarahts and the korthwtsi al together aid many difilricls la ontsria and qosbeo itn gscssed this year the work was so ncsrlj- completed by h first of augutt thst it seemed advisable to delay pouicattoo toe a tew wwkf tad thus ra- dtiaa ho unsatisfactory ask ot cstitnsttng popqtattoa to its darrencest dttnensiuas j nttcmrsdufrornxa thenrstosasixs balletin was presented to parliament thursday sight by the hon mr iuggatt it embodies total for tho provinces a oompsrtson of these totals writh the totals si shown by tlie cctmis of lsl and the perdctttsges of iscroxse the in eresse ia the popuutioa cfuie tkuninion tiaee i8st has lira of 601 a growth of llj per cent ia tea ears daring whioh period according to he figures laid before the hoosc he maritime frounces hare been at a itsadstitl ss regards popalstion ontario has mcreasedxgs per centas sgainrt 1888 per cent daring the decade ended in 1mi and quebec has increased uj as sgsiost lt05 per cent daring the decade ended in 1631 while the riorth wesf sneaking roaghly hss douwed its popalstioa the result of the census is s great surprise to the politicians the returns are rerylfar from being as favor- able ss might welt have been expected and fail deplorably to do justice evento the natural increasedaring the bus ten years of the population of the dominion in 1831 to take so aoooant whatever of theacceas- ioasof immigration vtarcxdats rsoctrclvnu la the hoase of commons yesterday mr giroaard presented the report of the privi leges and election committee a motion was passed ordering th arrest of senecal the exsarerioteadentof the printing bores i sir john thompsoa isdved the hoase into oommitteeto consider sresclntioo providing tor the oanoellstioaand dischsrgt of certsin mortgage bonds of the korth shore rsilw ay which itr laurier approved of the senate amendments to the live stock shipping bill were concurred in the evening session was taken up in discussing the trent vslley canal at a late hoar the hoase went hito supply and disposed of several items rising at ad early hoar this jtnorning i 1 writ kooseevts cocsttx sirs f the last word oa behalf of mr thomas mcgreeyy wuuttered by his coansel in the privileges committee today bat it was not a very good word kr fitxpatrick declared that atrcgraevy was indiscreet in conveying information useful to the con tractors to his brother robert and admit ted that he was altogether wrong in receiv ing he subsidy for the admiral in collecting political sabscriptiocs from the fortonste firm ho maintained however that while mr sfcgreevy bad accepted money for the election funds he had not received s cent personally then having pointed to the political money he asked if those who had benefitted by itwere ready to condemn his client who bad provided it this is nut for somebody to crack crscaix jxcctios ktkuta there has been coosidersble talk he past week stoat a general election in the nearfstore the theory however pretty generally di by the census in the hrst piaoe the figures are material upon which he government does not wish to meet the country and ia the second place the redutrihationj which the census neces sitates woald naturally injure the govern ment rather than help them if it knocks off two seats in new brunswick ita recep tion in thstprovince wjh be anything but cordiil so in nova scotia snd prihe edward island the redistribution wilt he onasfisfsctory it is held that nothing bat i sheer necessity will faros kr abbott to cassohs this necessity i mast takfl the shape of a rapidly disappearing majority reosoosttosr j it seems to be the general impression that prorogation will take place in about two weeks fourfifths of the main esti mates have been passed sod the outlook for a speedy termination o the mvfl work is bright i about tux tosetpi saperintendent seneca 1 of the govern meat printing b area a has been dismissed h talbot public works department clerk hss been suspended hon wsnkrnrip bowell who was taken suddenly ill last thursday is very much improved in health and was able to take a drive yesterday andtoday the nomeroas friends of the minister of customs oa both sides of politics will be pleased to learn of his speedy recovery j i sir donald smith and hr bslton mc carthy reached the capital satardsy after their long visit to england both occupied their seats in the hoase his evening lord elphinstoiie is visiting the capita he wss shown tbe sights by sir donsld smith i i hon j m gibson provincial secretary was accorded a seat oo the floor of tho commons today the poison company has secured the contract for building 1 ihe new fisheries cruisers for the government the price being 137joo foot canadian firms tendered the doty company of toronto being only 100 above the- poisons whoso tender was the lowest usokiwlt1jmltdlybttr mr spurgsoa isl i om aiothst numi sragu oa aollejc mk sil oswuua uf hamilton rftli openlncof the srnla tunnel 1 sslxis sepu 2 the awiel under tlw st clf h here iill be foimlly opened 00 sstardsy september sianxis tnd ort xtaron will give dp whole dsy to aelcbrstiogaad enjoyment there if tope a hsaqaet la tbe tunnel st which president hsrrisaa many of the ameriaui state governorsj the governor- general jof csosda sir j henry tiler president of the grand and other gfand tronic prssesl th tables wil boondtry line and darug the enter ment sad btoiast the u of hstatitoowill plsy i nissic on lie csasdtsk side he i vffl rfsy ioatt sa this jbb- l actwricut side ttni gtsr j the empress ol ajutriashows lymptoa 1 ot insanity at joseph mcjoairtsry ksnltobt bud t itoooblatsuotvl uraiaddoos wlrepcivs th fr4otl cjfkswosstlenfxi taealh johu t uooot all j lh hamutoo invsn- or fatally shot uuinlf moodsy the rsoeht mi rtfjilqaa byolwtdicbll qooooa damags a id silted 178 psople j the aipiuetr ksller matihos fstltgaic baa beca killed b i alltng into a otvami 1 moctesiy h 1 its isft im ttitsn 0 1 while coupling ea rt 1 1 fart eris moads the salt calci 01 lake wtnnlpsgth i yesr ktsatlv eioeidt hat of any prtrioi jer hoahfi tolf fliulos thai h iu n place fetemier il ltciir as fint prsmlsr quebec erievj leech pat orsnd bir at ilk saprents lodge if 0 s oddlellews dlsjl oasalardayr i j- mrogilvieot rjesboosorbttfwt aooeeds mr bt niakill as saperintendei t of itttioaery i atircas doiru csjt terribly m by up enraged lion ia a street prooessiaq it sfoi trsfuitoadsy j the hsrvestiai ot the big wheat crop 1 1 the northwest aliaues to be tstoredwift good weather j i a horse belong iog to cleophas boathii living near 04 ts kicked its owner in ti head and killed lira aeronaut jqhi hogan ttlt halt a mi from balloon it detroit ssturdsy si d waa instantly ki led a kew york batcher named boss qit impaled on a tn u hook in hi shop ysste day and bled to ieslh patrick wetal of port arthur was ct a over and killed t y frieght rain near r portage on fnd y niht 1 miss frances willard has aancelied 1 1 u her lecture engai emettts ia coaeeqasnoo if the illness c he mother a b cornfield xrmsr and hit wits ha been murdered by italian labourers ai d their bodies ttuf ed into well a sealer has xrired at victoria b c with 2 skin and 600 lbsjiof wbalshod 1 she was ordered oft behrinf see the mayors mhef fond for the famiii s of the victims of the park plsos disaster kew york now jmoant to at brockvillj hoadsy wm dowell a about so carbolic acidandj died in the evening sally the famous chlmpanxee of the london zoo u diad she wss the most in- teliigent specimen ot ihe animal fcngdbm knmoc says that itr baltoor ittomarn thebeaatital codateasof dadely to reset sn earldom snd become viceroy of lndiu v 1 john calahad who tola oyer 1120 0 from the hamiton titreet rail wsy cot t- pany has been ietenced to two year a penitentiary j a locomotive 1 hd nine cars of coal pla 1- ged into the cam i it bttrlinktoa besoht s sunday night che flremtn and brakemi a lost their lives i the c p- it spetusl from yaoexjavtr with empress 0 japans malls sod past- angers is flying eastward and wilt like y lower the record again the c p r itetmer lmpress of chi jut arrived off victo iay3 c saturday mor 1 iug she made heron in 10 days tod 10 minutes beating the record ber dr jatniattay crtaiitead far fo years editoi qfl rhe iratckmax ts baptist denamiosbansl psper died it msnchesterhft lesef oa mondsyj s 3 goldstei 1 d montreal coninerci tl traveller fell fifieenfeet down an elsvst ir haft tuesday knef died la a few boa t tram the iojaries which he received ivft ilyttbetll utvarsf mtleiim i xsoahyiw la v- ik wilur t milohsll rlibed biofulr tji jtbjtoijws m mi aruti 1 muhtelnrnstiui hileolltr i dti4i ulnftton thii wmi j town qrtr ml ml ii2m5 tnorning mrt took a dose of theber boi lion ditpttm forty three yi isly among im ahorchaf en ifit ready with a mile in 83 of over w miles aftonthe immigr i- dsad he wss on y he iahonred espe nt belonging jta die at montreal but ws iritaalaidtor aiicl iseconds or st the rata hoar it ihe fastest n it ever mads by aj riilroad train this a 1 paralleled feat was accomplished oa rriflj y aa the bound brook bailrasd betwen kesbtmmy falti sad ltnghora netrph i- adeiphix the evidence given at the trial otmjs carratheri st bat pottage was oft high y sensttidnal chsti ctr dr mcdonnellh d produced the ski 31 of carraihers and gt re it as hit opinio that the woand st tie back of the head was the tint received 1 y the deceased and could not have been se f inflicted railways 1 then contractor m inn and hit camparly completlnff the cslary 4 edmonton 8 if yon wo old stetiss s tnsdiqm ec all lo the pi ae pla ci easteaflrti hit usual loiej rates snd ipectsi ercarifous wifl be pteo on all the rsllwayr wussruattmst tt asktwautftim from the wic nipeg free preiu we glein the following re ipecting the above rail w y by mr d d m imv who 1 to welt knot n by fekx psxss rsaier tr- mr d o minn contractor of the cjl gary d edmontc n railway arrived ia tue city saturday e kning he was found it the manitoba cl lb list evening by iifi tr preu representa iv and in the ooarse of t brief coavereaii m gave tome infarmatii a regarding the railroad hi is now constrac ing begiilar t aina hetaid are new running from cs gary to edmonton letvi ig mondays and tt orferkyt and retarnlogta the followiiig da s tbb week the ma it wilt be carried o er the route for the si it time thus lnaog iratiog the mail tervtt s which the edit onton people have be a loo king for soloiig inanintervieif with tho amptre oorreii- pendent another member ot the firm ak wa broke grot udiou this line two woel s ago and now w e liave2000 men cud 8 fj team eugxjied th j road vvhtcti wilt e completed mora life oov iiax runs sual d from calgary t foctmacleod which s about 0 milts from the interustiom 1 line bat we will aot go beyond he fort 1 1 pretsat the crops ia edmontaii vicinity ml- mson sxyi are fa msgniuatat shspe 1 1 they are til throat h the korth west aroan i calgary id seat cnir they have saaere f lightly owinc to the laekofrsin fall1 qi the ranchini country the oslf crop the irtnehsnt iuy is great mors oslvew hrci been branded huseasoa tlisitevit before in ee ttlst icy of he northwest a fsdy iu tfaj vicinity uggefuthst tf tbe hoodlams w fio etsrecl tbemmlves 1 0 7 mach to shnqy sswly msrrlsd ooop opsoed by ltsjosgeherat herbert on the visiting on artfair rtrecrtlss weanetday 8th of 6eptemberfsna closes on the ith inoed ihemsslves to very i a 1 w i i a 1 ii lj jf illjll ji jjiw i torontosoret fair an immense exhibit stnd a large number of special fjatures tbe wheel of tithe bah revolved snd in stew ilcys torontos great indus trial fair tor 1m1 jwilll he open to the public and people wilt be sgfcin flocking to it trora all petrte of canada and the adjoin ing states tbe harvest has this year been good and the attendance of visitors to lie grtt fair rosy therefore he expect ed ui i to very urge tbe entciee in alt deparimem are sufficient to coeuplttely fill every building 00 the gmutid km welt as tbe tiew ones thf t have been erected daring the summer the dominion and experimental firms are each aendiag very important exbieitt showing the result of practical tests 0 the various depsrtmeots in which he tsrming commtnity are specially interested british colombis and msnitqbs are also ending ranch larger sxhibttf than heretofort- tbe live stock exhibit wilt be veryfine the list of attractions ss announced in the official programme issaed by the association u t vary long on sndcxnnot fail to please the vkilort as there will be toniethidg of interest tose svery mtuate at the dty tad every dsy of the fair the fair will be dry had take 1 their ptflt down tot htr veyjpond they nld ifuei nmlnttiiets ally teearedtll the it0 xfuytnqr ind without rsis og tomnoh raektt ul and krif john iutlhew vutud w it tt r igsrlils last week mi s h i til betlin was ht gaest of btrntsr fr monsb this wees mj w y pitiiu oakvluijwm at 81 a dan parsooagtou monday mistcbi it ntibrsmner otilonbarg wti k go tt of aotot frisndt thit wtkv cx iuelu t bfstknsws at erin spent tan ilf w lh lilt ton mr j h matthswu mm mil iii morton rejarned thl wk roct tttr p etttat wtlt tt ittdowvtle m and it u ttmtk qoodtil both well ipta 1 tho lime hit week with friendt la 4300 m t w ce i v ot uibridgo it pending twi ik ot 1 a tilth her dtorhtr ifrt h ktntutw if st iti htautnmtof shlbutneit ht juet f her rttodftuwr kfi wm htndrest 1 m we itony who has been indit- dom i for 1 irel weeks it tbis to attend hitlotioeti tpita t triea 1 a aetoaof mr vtn 8nydr exte id hear l sympathy ia the lost of hit oong f 1 last tharsday u robs r crtln4 hat disposed of hit late ttttn 1 11 berlin trunk factory tnd raid nied wi unit family lo acton b iv j a kety of ahi baptist church dot it t hitrried ba the 12u of aug o 1 1st ea lain beaker of fort bowtn the happy c iple spent the hontymooti on a tt p to mtsintw and returned home this wee v r dttiojj btirton l d s who had hit sg broke torn time ago by a f tit tram tho ss tali d nlheitairs of hit brothert offic t in qoe eh last tharsday and had hit legi stlnlnja fl h hopes to be sroand thai liy bow ier boherji grtn 1 niw novel tht ctrl- lonsj published by robert bonner sont is the best u ot hi stjryti 1 1 the humorous delineation of niw eoglam i famuyiite the children ii uaj when thty grow up women as they do in the rtory they re more inter estini and chsrming tbe book bat the tttnctphere an lootl color otnew enlnd tplotnrtot boston tooitty truiteteting into mail and progpestof the and its ratanl uting butt ctsure luck ea the 0 uh ot tfn- wm k gavder who 1 adbtuaathtit iodtad father eaa tbe 1 that w jssrmore ea earth ehajrsce trsusfct 4lr fqnn her besatooos trace her kln hr look hr toed sweet taoe t ttrrtkrkaowtbst shall wo dp aagb b to thee bow the knee t ffiall tft t ae creator of thy skill trmtn ojudtsthr rihtoas wiuf s eanul toderstaad hat will bat shal la thy rich promise still rjutsllcja rust foe thoa hut said that t 1 it things woctoth for nor good 1 at twos art years have passed atnee we had met 1 erouso hspntly fwas tsa re taw her a fair i lor of o 1 heart her husbanit pride fitnoe thai t learned to toil her maris soinuci opart it trievtsut sore falthf ol itasi she oer did prove sjo pare la asart so rood so suld wed uk 1 bar 4 gold rsflned far hoof 1 fol sadaasslssh wars oft oiled or hearts with luppiaa is was a l iter leviagae spa 0 work sret held a view 1 tuuifal 1 id tlndkeartod wife well n 1 fartet her calm sweet life it levtos h 1 hand she has left bsblod sorrow hosbentt 0toaethi lo hlnj wis more dasr than all 1 is other mendaoips here rlarllng ids baby boy a few da 1 c oidhic fathers jar 1 isorsaiaii hit molhsris tracs rsftsrtsi a his winsome face parlor oil i is wilt thou dispel from 01 r sad hearisthe filtom werfoct hoasnoi st best the pants of death batoah t in eternal breath 1 it not i led ko tfi but sleep that cai he pallor oer her cheek hedsen 1 dui the daa of ujht and life 3 eroalrfer bright ascaouo eeheribataheuves i oh ha net oqurfort that uiaatht tlvoj alp as 0 ard hat we ray rise to meet i or there abovethe skies t ij lis rtg edicines oiro kwmwt ifirssctsuu beiiwxinyesrf of agelliadatevere attaefccrbeuaatlsm and after i recovered usdjo it on eratthea- a rear uleriorotola la tit form ot white weulngs topeared da vsrieot parts oi my body tact for it yean i wujaa invjuidj being confined to my bed reus ik insf time ten or eleven itoret tp- pessiklbralie eaaslngine treat pain tad red i never should cet well t went a chicago to visit a tned to my bed most of the in july i read 1 book a awhkh were sutementi tfitisaparlua iwassolnv 1 success ot this medicine ihst it to my treat cntlncatiah d and i betait 0 feet urns e was np tod edtojtake hoods sar- t year when having ued become to folly released hat i west to work or the ratlhjfmfg co and since then lost a tmiti niar m mount of stcknea i believe the disease tt expelled from my ystem t atsftyt feel wefi am to rood spirits tnd have a good appetite i am nowrr years of are and can walk si well tt any one except hat one limb is t little shorter than tlie other owing to the lots of bonsj toot ha sons formerly on my right teg to my friends j my recovery seems almost mlraculoasv tad r ta p borupsrillt is thef alngol mecueuiet wixuxit a txaa s bsllrotd st kendauvllle lad food sarsaparilla rrllnoqd a mapeisul lowell mass 100 dcses one dollar lariat ife latlftaltl sister bot wui uhwriiti dsywlthac of cares by 1 tirtjwdtlutt idetldedtou tbetoreiioodi beter and is oatf doors apavuisfori six hat from the qh funtck vts crfbbjfng bookt c e xerctso books scnoblbaiks mr oh 1 corey grain buyer hat just taks 1 posse 1 ion of dr lowrys farm fa the jttt enj jast vtcttedby ifrwh baitdge t it trtnsf rot the toronto street railway tytf on to h kielyeverett lyndiettei ml dot effect tuesday afternoon and the tyni ietto at ace assumed control d its dltt rent varieties also slates iand pencils pans and ink uaad pencils 1 isad a 1 school reoulsttles j uo st6r0 mltl btrset itrrfvlf these abe watmhmakef kannawin r 4lotqk mlyemaxm for wbjdbinff pbesents loyltltacodsth 4ss sarte saw s bustti is bflt i ptppsr crater syrup jugs bon boa duhsi knlvttspocrs i- b after jdurearb kkw goods iust ik gaelph j 0oia has toe i lest instritrnents and acct jories bnpysa for edel kf v iroifincialveputatidn ince ij- i iv klij slibciver djinog angiigt y will rojake a t desperate ettfrt td cltjar oat gnrtty light weight goodn we have thousands of dollari i worth too mnctt in this uaean4 wttt trioaey thia rrjeapg an ovsrbauliag aiidpnttirig dowapf prtgeg to cost aadi in ixjm caaeji oiach b weiartj ogjanng dreaa gooda that ware 10c loi j 5c 12 jp tor 9c- lscij iqr loc j for 13c 25c foil8ci antf j the cat wilt be jetat tkwahn mo eicpenaiya dre fabricay we still haye apme loyely raakea i iu tpearl qreyj alaond and eaivea ko reaeanablbiprice wil bei refused is welwarit tha room anotharcatou gtlltt goaythig time the price js 65 cantiyithe goods are ch htllloo only two dozen left thefearly gets tbe p atnw j qottjrh and ltete liogiery ara f edqeed 7id gilk taffettaandiiiate gloves in all shades bia6k and gray mitta and g fovea which arago mnch songbt afterimlrnot egoapib btit mnst go at 80ldigconnt phallies iake an ithetl tamblar centi pynaet toj garpy th abodt goo yoa iqiowtheriniir ace antfijon f know pretty d cool these eoocts look when m ide up i oor yntihiim wdonaldj strata 6ue tblresbergi pfakmers mm 6ers a i v y dotit faitto get a supply bftheijiphs i yov wifl find itpvestfeatisftfiiajoiii jx j i i i h lewre of ijitadofis t jtjjt on nli w laatob touw dated this twntyflntdar oa lfnttj thos t is ibb 3rkof the said irm sefkmblsr 23nd 23rti ftmtti u poblle wulnotbe aamineqi -f- wedhsssat sm thtjbsastalt steeai mast be sn abeoronods jmt 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