Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 3, 1891, p. 4

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v fit 1 v otc xctctt pect jprcsff tiirusday sirtihiuii a tsm- lir jouftgjjfofks o rtrsrsreisa tnc sr law- ik l fn tlw rtv autstt it rattiew t i tllrsl line itt fi1 nj rm ytrt im yivu tvv inlwo 1m hi tass ti mt fr lj miclitj rim ftm irf 1 lv mjv n tta statu i it a tci1 ntitflrl frm nf mist ll a rriiilodiniq of trrmitx niter oi a cmi of iuj atiftivst h ifvtlv frf ilip tutt rtvrr rm t vftilf 1utt fcj ealmtj i hip i it i cr cfwtif thtvush 71 vi i it foii rtf n tvrtlift tikt r i ivl ml cr hoi s 1 tli ini il ffr vj eimrxv lt r xtrjlt tih rcl i oihi t at fvii ortiv firtm 1 iriu i- liatfcluiillig i i f iti hnil hiii luti rtlr i i tt l liv ivrnv i hnri ithiv mv ciltebced poet ir i went jo n yotwl volomr of wliat the bok- ktss here and there item of general interest to frea t pnb8 reader lincuallapses tin ntt i brojc lit jfflu jfciirr callel tbem imirtyrino rent cilti ift1 i ani now it just the time i rrr it for it i a liuitvunly rainy nifibt nltlic lirop iy the rwflratlle so that j cav pwth tn to slwp let me w trhat tn cilt cjtt3 poet has written atxt ah to the ufaf ti i trt tw i4ttiirc via vipxuninc ro fl lo urlvr i vv now tint ii not very oriiip or every nidr pxt who hu ever writtm hu i thrk nd tiftlnrj about lfce soothid 6ci of the rtioi the rrof tut it its ytric av7 lr hid jutt tbouli it out kiri ijv t the root uritltt- it 6i ro txitbf it it jun visible that it may lisli frti ujvii the ihincjc but ufa piui cf tm it todcji aj though teu tiousjliij cit were oa the rampage and i cilcatoj to kti the iepet pertoo awake i r bw ill turn to tha next 0- litfril tucrs tmj tlroet whkijtlip wopeepaiii i x dr to ln lcrjbred a thick itrk krasa hibd tp be 1 3 at ky kiijow hterjay ao that the ti r1ii wake me at bi riling neil to the run ca the roof at rugbl the wort anvaroe i car think of is ttret-arly- rrcr l1 hit in your ffccrwtittc slifj aui civi joy pani jn your js for t c rest o the dw a a for ttittrik uf with that luaucirv that is i lfct to leiti m jay afttrtbe coffee n nae a5 when the griddle cakea are hot i hitcnt iczi anuhmpto fait me in my itedged poxt yet hat oea he aay here iio reir ktnn lwattc wbe we se tw hik ciircaat kir jlty 1 o tri my giltedgi poet ht hud rejy hte espeficnoe a- genettl thing chilirec at their play whine bellow rob each other of t l e i r toya run tocooiplain to their elders of robbery and injustice and iht for the bifiit stick cf 5c3y t faricudy ta co fiht for a bone one child alone temttimea is arpeiic but two or three oh caji them by tome other cict fcr they are the reverse of angelic gitedged poet i should like to irw witb you in acme cne thing what ia thia coe on babbatb to the cbrch ixtte behii ctxh tcrhii rare nc- a tiiosht of gid tr silvtr of lifti isslj litce l this nimt be pleasant for in moct churchea the debt ia mentioned at tvtry eervice tnd there is quite little tik about the old d tilver necetttrj to 1 pay i off and having paid or pew rent we cd eer bcndaj in the pew an envelope sohciticcoctribations larper thm thotc we expect to drop into the plate i wisb my giltedged poet ha3 given the name of his church veil here ii another specimen more semantic tc wtanibe bnjit bettothal ring tbtt to btz vo be trae fortter gilt- eded poet i doee your covers yoa are entirely itexpenenced you never lived in thia vilbe there isnt a girl here who hajnt been engaged tt let four time and what the modern be- trolhaj ring tnetua is the privilege of the aolitary parlor every bitndty night ttd lots of aleubridicg icecream and kieiicg cntil thley cbooge to break it off love forever if a motto no jeweler puts od o of thcernb dowadayi u a i rnuiaritiot ipwh arc atioual ami cotnbinod they pnvlhco a diilwt which it oittinctively aonuicrn or wcincrri or new encuutt w the ifo may be who tould 4oau that ywnkrr ot ytnkc majle thia apeech j i dont atmf there ahit tiobody tceti nthiu of no old felt bat nowhere the rdauaucy onetatiealoiie would bctrmy orient the atkiuattiiaiuwerint a qaeation in tiie earoe breath and th imihar i dortt apofc which in thf wfl would be changed to f donl guesi and iu the eonth v 1 dont reckon there ia aoractliinc picturctsquc in the brevity and construction of the aentiico t conaiatent with ttic tarroundinga tate a fpeciiued in half gmwn lad ao4ntlt drewi loungiaig of- to a farm houte and asking witfi the alow drawl of hia- kind i dont akhe ou dont know of nobody that dont nt to hiro tmbok to do noth- in- then thrr i the hsulur misapplication ot romemberel word win oil thrut them- aelvea umo fonverliona misfit with ludicpou effect we all know what terror strike the rural breast al tght or one of tho mimvf of hasty ifewa the telegram an old lady said with some excitement there muit have aomttbiu terrible hrp- pcaed over at tikes cornerafor i see abo on a cyclopedia a rsdiog over there with a dispatch ir thirty vrarv johnstown n h march 11 w i was troubled for thirty years with pain iu ro side which iticrtaaed and be came very bd 1 used st jeoou oil wid it completely cured i give it all prue cra wm kyder the fastest mile ran hy a railroad train vra1 made in 0 ii teconde mrs m steplkiif of albany n y writes us as follows my stemtch was ko weak that i could not cat knything eour or sweet- even frail at tea time would caute hecrlbbrti fulness or cpreioa of the cheat short brecth reucesues during tleeg anjirightfiil dreams of diccgreochie light so that i would often dread to go to sletp willi the use of northrop lymans vegetable discovery this unpleas antness h all hetii removed and i now can eat what niit mv tse nr fktir the fniel was made in on a tricycle fcnds it i cue of thpcititst thfnga inlho world to curt a porn do not uio acida or olhjer cattstic prcrtrasionnrtni dont cut a kdto in your boot it is simply to apply fat nams lamlcis torn extractor and in three dayii thcorn can bo removed without pain sure mfc painless take only xutuartts corn xtractoc it it fokel bot to- txv ribft m it is to to wrong all neon and conditions uf people may use national villi without injury and with great itcnclu a poor man lias at much right to hii gtvn kit b king irt a- m or urns oxygrtiiied emulsion of pure cod liver oil if yon have ilifliculty of breathing uio it lor aitle by all druggists kvcry itep toward heaven ia a teat of courage and lovo the third page of tho toronto jiv mail i notevl for want adverticementa i you want to buy or sell anytbfngr j you wtmt a situation a tbcchiuio a huti- ness machinery lodgings if jou have loat or out id anything or if you vant to find out wbcro anyone is advertise fa tho to- rauto ixitfy mail and read the advertito menta on tho llurd page of that paperi the charge is two cent a word each in- acrtion address tht stnil toronto can atla no man enn please god without making tho devil mad dont you ttirprl it i will never forget that dr fowlers i tract of wild strawberry saved my life kirc years ago i had aterriblo attadcoi f utumor eoioplaint mid was given up by tho dtor and my parents a jfriend advitfd lowhira strawberry rtifl at tho seoqiiti do st 1 was relieved and booh was well aa tut maggie mcgllivary 1alkenburg unt tibt worlllp will kill the aoul aa quick aa no worship ilany people make drug shops of their stomachs is the attempt tn relieve a mople attack of liver complaint when with adwo or two of dr thomas kclectric oil the complaint might beeatilyand pleasant ly obviated colic pilep hurts corua umehsck and swelled neck are also among the tr u tilt which it cures of the most deadly castor i a you tnkr n llij i in bovine hoods sarsaparilla for it in everywhere recognued as the standard building hp mediciue and blood purifier it has won its way to the front by its own merit and has the largest bile m anv pre paration of ita kind any honest druggist will confirm this statement ii you decide to take hoods saxkapaxilla do be not be induced to buy anything else instead be sure to get lloode the fastest mile made in towide in a tingle boat was j- minutes and 1 eeooud it xan do no harm to try freemans worm towderp if your child is ailing feverish or fretful the mile seconds i fastest time on i recorded as i buowsboea for i minutei 3 i- solomous wisdom- stop your horses iu tbefce j5ays of multiplied railways few country dwellers can ride jar without havitg to cross a track the grade crtiing is tilll common oand will no docbt continue to be where either road caceot be bridged withoat great eipetise it would seem jha erery driver knowing the great risk he takes in crowing a track in csse it ie not vbeolatefy clear woqld take the precaution to see that no train was iiear yet it appears to be the exception to do tr men take the chance and drive ahead though every few weeks come terrible tales of the sometime results in view- of such facts stern so awful why will not ttry driver of a horse make it a sett ltd rule lever to be varied from to siop his hore or team look and listen beje venturing on the tract only an eilrtufdintiry condition of the utmoephere will prevent hie hearing atrain at hand theiosf a tmt ie a trifle it may mean the eving of property health and life icr b ijbnjrcf years the writer lived viert h- hd frfjuenrly to croes tracks on country rajs adojled the rule jut ejoken of never regretted the flight time it took fj- luring a loeina buggy heuieregard- ed l tf u icrt on the track he looked ot and round nearby curve came a trfcis 2orticate there was time to escape but what might have bted ae a bur- den en hi- mind for the jest of the day ar3 the fipniiiint warning was not for- cotton stop your horses country gftstlhtt the philbfeopere splcebo ambition irouiv vanity ennobled honor irelf is but the highest form of ttniiy what would the world do without ambi- tlocf ttplb without ambitious people the world would never get up matter people on their absence of vanity- vt wh opportudlly offerg and you can do what yoojike with them vanity is as much a virtue aa a vice it is a pueion that can move us to good a a well ts to evil the wisbom of bolomon were he alive to day would lead him to choose burdock blod bitters as a remedy for all diseases cd the stomach liver bowels and blood it cures dyspepsia bihouanes headache con stipation and all forms cf bad blood from a common pimple to the worst scrofulous sore in running the fastest mile made by a man was occomphshed in 1 minutes li 34 seconds golden date p h earl west sheflord p q writes i have been troubled wijh liver complaint for several vears and have tried different medicines with little or no benefit until i tned dr thomas eclpctric oil which gave me immediate relief and i would say that i have used tt since with the bett effect ho one should be without it i have tried it on my horse in cases o cuts wounds etc and i think it equally aa good for jiorse aa for man faith never wears a long face a narrow lrajf i would probably have been in my grave today had it not been for dr- fow lers extract nf wild strawberry for two years i suffered from bowel compuiut afjfl became very wek aod thin but after obing half a bottle of the extract i was completely cored and have since had no return of the complaint misb hilton 34 huntley st toronto head love looks at everythmc through money wsw baby wr rlk rm btrt her rvnria wtea the ra a ln rr ctii f r t sior3 wbea ciw bream misr rh dung to cwnrir wtaa the bad children ahe tve thicaaiani it taken great trials to keep some people faithful if you want to buv or sell a furm ad vertise in the toronto wrrlly mail that paper reaches 106000- farmers homes every week and your advertisement bhould meet the eye of aomeonevho wants to par- cbate advertisements of this claos are n- serted in the toronto wuuy mail for five cente a word each insertion or twenty cent h word for five insertions address the mail toronto ctmrida a note obtained b fraud or from a per son in ette of intoxication cannot be collected illoori 1nimn the newgpaperas ah educator any boy or f irl who reads a epsper and takes the trouble to loot up and uk- iliarizihim5ef or hereelf with the iftcatiin of all the libcef tnenioned will have pretty tljorocgh iaiowledgf of geography by tbeendof the rear without having worked teryhard forjt the cewa makes he ocy interestioe and flies locciitiea jthi m b0 rtqdy rf ult ecadbpnceffld jniou ie very liable to follow contact of the hands or face with what mknown as poiaoi ivy especially in hot weather or if the body is perspiring freely the trouble may sub side for a time only to appear in aggravated the great purifying powers of hoods 8araparilla thoroughly eradicate every trace of poison from the blood as the cores it has accom- pushed conclusively show it also jcarea scrofula salt rheum and all other affections arising from impure or poisoned blood the loan who would climb the ladder of fame mustiit linger too long onach round of applttiite i i if your children are troubled with worms give them mother graves worm exter minator skfe aure and effectual try it tnd mark tie- improvement in your child kuutrds uolnteat fur efcematcun tmlntvepiitii of all jaritr n ural sramhis for fcteral seasons i have ntcd dr iawlers extract of wild strawberry and find that it make a perfect cure even of the bgverest attacks of summer complaint and darrhn a it is as precioiu as gold mns- f c wiii fonthill ont when difticulties are overcom become blessings they a tinglfc scratch may cause fettering tore ictaria carbolic salve raptdly heals cuts wounds bruises bums and all sorei syiibs oil promptly and pernuwtljr rheltuansbi lombafo hrstlaciie tootaetie w eu ralgia sopf throat swelllaci frqctbltec s c x a t i c a kprtilnn itritl barns rcelds iililu kr ii ill ti llesl st rzhlo 01 diamoiwd veracura dyspepsia and ll stomach troubles imoigesjiom nausatt soar stom ach c 1 dd inoss heartburn con at 1- pation fullness food rising disagreeable tasto ftervous- ness aj trujxlitfl nn1 ljr0 n ftxlf of i tl tviac r tntby rnnlloa aoi iu tamps ttriipn deiji u m t5 im iltcrctm qu a t dumioii origin all bkfu diseases of whatever name or nature are caused by impure blood bar- dock blood bitttrs ib a uatural foe to im pure blood rermnibg all foul humors from a common pimple to ihv worst ecrofuloos botb it s aujtit as easy for a beiuuer to keep hia seat astride a bicycle as it ib for a ven tqtesamt youth to ride the trick donkey at a qircu tlr w ij thaver wright p q had oyfpepsia for twenty ears tried many remedies and doctors but got no relief his appetite was very poor had a distress ing pain mhis bide and stomach and grad ohiwrbting awny of flesh when hebeand of and immediately commenced taking nojthrop i lymani vegetable discovery tlie painb have left und he rejoices in the enjoyment of excellent health in fact he is juite a new man a distinctive feature of thisseasonb hats for the indies in an exceptionally low crown not to the price it is as as high a a ever mr tho bell of mcmm scott bell co propnt-tort- of the wiiiyhmn fnrniture factory wnteb for over oue year i wap not free one dny from headhche i tried every medicine i thought would give me relief put did not derive any benefit i then procured a bottle of northrop and lymans vegetable discovery and began taking according to directions when i soon found the headache leaving me and i am nov completely cured cain one pound a day j a cain ok a roundja day in the 1 case uy a man who has become all kun down and mas iipcun to take that remarkaule fleh phoducet- s h of pure coomer oil with mypoptfosrhites of lime soda s notmsg unusiufr tins feat has keen rerfoemedover asdover ahain palataple as uilc en- iiorsep- bv piiysicuxs scotts kuuuiqn is tvt tlp osiy ik saluoh cojr weappers soiu bv ail dtwjj cists at 50c asnl03 scott-c- rowne ttillmlh 1 1 1 vommssd itu tipwiitonw into th uuot wprlu so u supenrarslo c flfcot tmlllcc thia oux roach it 9 hi tutor dlooml iii peop endot best noti borct for infanta i cutatuti so a dict to cholna uiu a atarac it d rdet brootln k t cm orl tt 3w1 l so uqlreral tnd tht it vxmm t orfc endono it row tre th rho ia hat kp cutarla oat ititttkdd kow york cttr cvd bcformod church are y la bl 5 trcitlto 001 tome euro whi dr abpletid nd children u daaf rom naiici intliohciii do you fluffer senfl 8 ccut st mp ruiti will send n tsintnfull psrticultri h costs comprtivdl i work on desiness snl oi the vil for noth he 1 tr address iljocg inm mpntrctl at nth him for ctttmim eont colls qsopauofi boar bioouelt dufttuwt erucuuoa tin wotoi 1t stwo ud promotai trilhqutommkuctiot di fot strdj ri t htro rooininen1i rotir outorlc aod shtll tjrsi codtinui to ao so tfl u hi lottxtiblr produood xeaccul ntulu i lewnkppuumhia t6awtafliropl5hatrbadtth kewvotkcit 6j tws corrnt qatcrirr tt ntutinm ns vori sapper tho otl or cvquind ioblewitt r brasqaely bide th tmo girl civ some ssuco lo got wiat ho sskc4 lut somehow d d uot in to rulisli ii ilir vulrr f llir tftie t iu every part of rules snd sc burdock hid surest log drives out i and impurity blxid tod perfect health tlws ft follows its u if you underuko will ind it very lrca ty x hvi ludi vega able tnill citi fli fori pltil ts trj cm fell taffejri aod will this with utiu stan p 820 tit adsjtho voice df tlif 0 vq1c0 of tllo pcoplp lllood lliltcra ni the purifier known u blotches humors juiekly as 11 i bj with bright clear skih i jrwi the crostf job litim jurn constjll nov itukii old physician ig had placed i misbionary t remedy fc nt euro of cou rrh asthmaa ions alho a po evous debiht after havii vo powers in his duty to np fellows i i desire to reli nd free of cha recipe in icrir foil dircctioi sent hy mi naming th powers block re are twenty inhabitant of lo dn t- rctiretl lirom prttclict his iuihjh by an kast c forinuhi of a simplb the speedy and per- tiinption bronchtti d all throat aud dung iuvl and radical cure aud all nervous cori g tested its wonderful loubsnds ofcsses hu it known to all ik ctuatod ly this motive ve human fuflcring i fie to all who desire i trench or kufilisa for preparing anjd i il by addressing with paper w a novih rochester n y three acres of land o ho globe h nnke uea rs c c ilicn g nts for eom years i have had ouy part strai 3 i have use i a use of my ar ti caused by a sudden withaut efiect unti of mnaros ltl i received from it aueed r ti ue and now rr- is cqnpletejy res tor id gljimts ti e flai has to streigth can be kn b di writes seized with severe e head fro en ffered until thosats eclectric head etc and have onl a ing cure tie te fths liked eh wrfll hoc aers artbahaskavile years ajo i ws tttack of kheumatietn w nich i nearly cflnstarjt- fter having oec4 ur tor nine days batb- 1 w completely ti irteen i ill ben 6 of u tt may succieded occasionally petrified ren is to betaken i have been thos in mskin crity of ingre npounding m ne wine the ou couldnt gel them at you baid the old itll be rare let me tell you buj ardg lialmon nearly every remed i got a sample bottle ment the benefet to contipi happy to ssy rny arpi i it v hauuson be broken before ts used half abotte reads of the dircovefy ins of human being indicating that thefe in days of y ore wbo themselves eqlij i ieuta adu accuracy e mmhurus aromatic riterion of excellence teaks as raro s yqu late boarding houcb bourder to the net nough- youll get tbetd detroit frrrprcti for rheumatism teult called thei ibifll uly gusmned u amphlfits badm 120 kinff 6t ktauiactures of tmposltl 8lej tstbi war la ju wlib t st testl no t chined cr mqcey rcfandai nltls etc feee- kicef qb killec co ltd toronto ont for the domlniaaj l 8o our trademarfc m a pocjurtj ttsifij tee uw thyro szlcua hjilk i icnwuvii of cut of lie wont tlad tnd of lmfc 4t hvb beta cored indeed to troe u erjttfit rfbact uui 1 will ni two b0xtle3 varo- valuable vtzk 1se od thi fiiivswo to toi r who will icndiaa lb tx expbs3 tzi po ubtti slooum m c 138 adelaide west torof to ont f wv x uf i on c do nod nuur trwrt if to hep ikem loc a time tm latm mi turn rttara ui i rva a t4lea ut i hat buffo uu dlm ot itk ullcp- it 0 rxluxa sicxkuca ueke ttnj i wnart mr rrtftedy a ic th4 tvetitu 1nuv litri harq hued ta ao ntki acikxbj ncrfime a rtrv jni ad i a trriult sittl a jtrr rttlm rf h kulxui mmif oivt alfaiw irt posrorficc h a root mc 183 adeuide st wear torofao omt j fisos cure fo the6estc0ugk medicine ceu it iimmt tmrmn i- mbhchrnj opened up tpday stjfw gruny mr- i t6 farmers and thjsherat usaoavourjaoltinetvoil7the8liaiown crantf trunk jfaflway ooijf a irrst x ootxatjirr kinrcis- 1 uwmtinkm 1 w looom ptstensct m jiajiu eipa ii id 16 jtfm mai i s d j jr m wired i10 u datctclotna iriils oolnj woatij aiii sjids pju i qoic eastiffaoci an4 s 30 pm tbls ciffie tabic went fato effect on tsji- f i t j bjs peepwless oil t rii wirgoc s and tlohoipowtfrs tliesa 0 aro ask awl hffihtjr reoommecdectit thjiod farmc farmers tsk for tliemaasoaoither u4ufmtnratqwti0ltyoiltjrkiy samueli rottkiisfccou toronto qurlllbound wo wish to call the attchtion of bportameo or 12 gauge top lever laminated ser barrels cho rcboanding hammert well selected pistol grip shooter with 100 loaded sheila aoy size or guage if wi in kll ror 20 oo address all orders thechas stark co 52 and 6b churoti st toronto th ooaning season summer is fast urawfog hind ones thoughts torn i arises where shall hind tnc object is to solve thib problem early in june mr ryan of europe going to germany a comprehensive business rounded out his oontinenta manufactories ur u van hu become a v made him familiar with style ments of the gnelph trade fsihipnablc oeatres of emape of the locality for whjoh you mr ryan has them and you behalf his letters speak in the goods he has selectedrand fall that you will long reme what we style our ju1 kottttd dohbla bacrelled breeoi eoaiiflk gon jo bored exasion rib dasa hardened breach anav moofitfugi law mt circiiir at stock anil patent snap fore end checkered rubber heel plae i- goc close proof canvas flannel lined with haailei a cose and the cool brisk autumn weather it near at rstjnctively to the subject of fall clothing and the iiuestion beat value in stylish goods tor my money oacpcesent for you r lftguelph on his usual visit to the mane factoring centre or berlin mantles chemnitz hbisery elc after mdcinfc oo the continent he sailed for great britain where he purchases visiting the great english and soqtch l sdptlhoi9 r crcmlfer ancbetteifhart eycm- 5- coibiliti with wstruttfon via amusemckt newlpeas latest inventions superior attractions it wrasowi it rmi prexiileut irsnsyer totiomto k r m the largest scafe works ovgr fob ifetyles hav pcaces grain farm scaues tea scaties jmproyed showcases drawers ifccifotfm juti blttchesssoifues tnsizii rxrtu r i t f wou ix c wla80wn 6 0 espuatnaqe street east i toromfctonit v tals p ier tr err ixcira write- r m i is i vtj li- teran in enrofein markets hia frequent viiit hve- and values of goods with special reference to he ecjnjre it is sery easy to select handsome goods in the great the difficultyj year selections to the deravodt liiy and to do this reqmrea both tisteandjadgemebt nay rely upon him to eremite them to the itmojt in jodx arong terras of the beanty qnality and excellent valaee o we have pleasure in promising you a stock of goods for m wr with pleasure g b b yrn stfgio canadian i can furnish you with the best p country and at lower auelphr s for country news and jab work to be had in this prices than for any other new cylinder press purest strohoestl rer rorjt in enr ciantar for m sottoilae waijr ilirfr srtt a himarea c uses yucaaeqcaii3jpmultlsou tatf- fcjjalt croccr tuid brcgiwu xi vw dfrttitihl toniaia if 4- wlilpure or reueye biujjyssess dizziness dyspepsia iholgesnok jauftotce erysipelas salt rheum heartburn headache stcuain b kr okibioad t mittinirl rjsrsgiataaia 1 buij 1 -j- rsoxtp- drofsyj flutterimg j qf the hear toityoer j i the stomach dryness of the fog coke tci hcton kisd see fluti improved country prouty presfe the free press is printed on j c no 1500 drum cylinder vm have fun the prouty for eight years aiid the saay to handle ooita little for repairs and is easy on day for the money come and see our press atwv hem ve can give yon your choice of a number of d think 6f it v new 8 col plicj e aboyfi pjress and the work illustrates its merits ress cap dp better newspaper or poster work 1 j f the tatter we like it it is simple eaay to too easy on lype pofcket boob we call it t ie bes fresa to be bid inthe wprld for them and w will gliavi furbish jrices or kn 8 col boole full particulars from for only s6oo-tipsod- 0anada acton qht i summer touri pj11cc sriancar f j- low rtt detrpit mackinac tsun hemttej- rt k li hirca ufu ererr bveato satirwn detrom and ctevelanb srrcr dif ja jslrjlsrwiad our lllustrateopampuet be aslniaiak riskiu to bofimuisa bswtot tieuti aemt or adsiw r a scktktz j s j- ocfion- mick tke detrw1 clevstnko steist uvcb drf i ext0f jndleraimorfiuj ft and awu summer amdrtuxeis oritht- it is safei and i sriuorerqr r complawts bowels rcuable f oft adults miaajoli lthimeiit if or bieumatism rbi

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