i i- 4 v cc jttott jree grcss tiursday kovtloer cite jtauttrj jfthks i main slc to cood vo m i it rod aa i roold be t ch anf ivoj l food t hf tj s lrilnrtftllnicl3 or rj4 lie fcw rue vlutilm pood crl1 a bsti llieruissjtmacnfitlest m lislnvrnabeyusmb notes hegeand f here tumt of qnlat interest to frt prssj rsdrit i u 1 illo lur toriunuh ric dont hurl but ltlfurtl ktv t nut icti i cry 11nrn tv uttljoirutrojibte hr itenry mtoolnbs uj jtnd sbi kv feuiai4tiok ut saettin eloll the kqee wan to tu became vary painful and tetroinitedlb wljtt doctors call wlifta tcellii she vu treated by the beet medicsj roeo bat jreis worse fmtllyjst jacobs oil aa used the eauuatiqf one battle comiifctely reduced tc irtsutoit vtlldi we psjn and cared her c utli cry an i pood tin i r i f uipmlcn flic rut fta5 un mi iudok fo minis clothes an hrtrmy ti hu hem to te sc lore mm iupt u uiucb u uie mr lujt so tolls blttl all i laid aticr in urtd t4u nty bfld ai 1 liucbuiihetrtif iv an lio ticii iurt nlch much is its a talk with bovs 1 lxva j oai for tits boy khaia about vo cuter basinets yooare atyiattolanncb yotr boats id new stater the current isstvft somctiraei it will be for bat ofti time tfiitst a always carry yoar ratthir near our neu sbe loves yon the irceiei for yoa et no one ele will h dobi accompanies you in the commission o any act think what the would say wot j the approre if you care for her a little voice will peak however far removed from thoae kind eve yoa may be if you lore her aayou shoald yoo will then heii lift oommtndf and coanaelt yoar skiff will alvtevt find calmer waters and levs dificot to stem a lery trying time it is to some nnocp- snwdysothi transition period aboy wth all of a boys foodoeaa for play and hiralcts t port boy with a brain ready torectirethehundrede of impressions daily pnrseistei to itr a boy with no conception of the word responsibility bat tery little o doty how can he bat make mutakee at trsi ije oinnot bat oh if ha coald only prp5t by these errors few of n i might almost aiy none will receive the errcieoces of thoae who care for ct the cfcild will oot heed its motbera waroidga bft the little htnd mart be pliced in or tir the f te for the luting lestoo to be tifiht the boyscoffa at hi fatkera cajlisa ajaititt eome uoall vice tmokicc ptlups and liter on in life with weak fca j icrvts cr impared digettion he will tav hid i only listened to father the rras confident in hia ctreagth and the itiilesi experience of ten yaare ksgha t ibe advice of an old friend ritka and loses so it is throngh life jtjlwiae take and yoiperoca will he be if the errora of the put are allowed to uide to fatore sccei ltt me illuitrtfe the anconsczoai wrong an honest boy did hii employer it wa in sptmberihe hsight of the bay settoa firylic7rxtttftfoy hajobiaicjt curk juidsty bein to aid in cbirgtgaiidahippiglgfoda hot a week he had been at his poet sat- crdir cane andit waa the first be had ever wcrked it came to him like a shock par ticularly aa hn nine for which he pitch- eawastb play a cract team front an ajicicio town membership of this club he hvd noi thought of giving up after dinner bis employer waa told of hie desire to leave work about two oclock well my boy there are thoae billa to bcchirjtd he hadnt thought of theoi and but heart sack hie blob would be beaten and all on acccoot csj bieabaeooe so be mtuttured up courage bat sir i procsiaed the boya id be ttere and theyll be leatea tore if i dont pitch the response caixe quickly yqu oaa go but dont let it occur again that eight at upper flushed with victory for they had waa a close gamerthis boy tch hit fating- of the cu aodthi raralt adding hes a bally man father ater a few momenta thought tiia wise and somewhat aetere parent said vy boy had a clerk in you poaition who made inch a request involving work left undone he waa to perform 1 should have told him totret out and take up baaeocil aa a means of livlihcodj yoa are pajd k for a weets work and before the first week it finished yoa shirk yoar duty leave your club or abandon f oar positioti atocoa the toy thought his fattier tohi buf he was only just acd wtebv oa moptiky morcinp he learned that his baliy em pbyerdied taken bia place and do so what he hd undone the implied todtcefit- ed rebate cat himv if anf oily he tpofogized for hu sliortsightedneta and never again in the many following yearadtd be allow any personal preference to intefere with his plain duty wnerever neglect it trouble will follow shortly amerkan iajfr xlwtitd page 0 the toronto dttii uatt it noted for want advertisemeata if yoa want to bty or sell anjthing if jtaa want a situttlcn a ruechauie a bssi neas machinery lodgiuga if yoo have lost or oand anyihtog or if yoa want to find oat where anyone e advertiae fa the to ronto daily mail and read tue advertise ment on the thul page of that paper the charge is twojcenta a word each in- eero anaaa i ieiijzoreoto can- queco yictoria ht prohibited smokidg in windsor castle 1- 1 k levels uek dear sttxjjiqar iweca taksn 111 u uleetiec sore throalc bordering onj diphllutls i hsd oqthlng la iht hoase tiatttayard rilld oil whlcu t oaad feeeiiam5ab into dlplitttetta it li t ipteudld madfolne mks li caue tox moores falls oat ooeor twobotuec of karutropdt lymaut vagjuwe bltooty u1 not lut olood teraifo ijyipepaia tn drt katy that trein tired feetltjg which cwsea simach dlittae to lthoindvilthlwt in spavaont o iedtttary afrw kbufs drar eittfcneltn falls wrltea tha vewtabla discovery it seltiig well and giving good satisfaction a hmarlcaolo lalt lake his been dis covered- in the nitvattan rslauda l ffcilts always come from the ate of ullharaa aromatfc quinine wine i tiv chicago houtekeepcra have had to pay eight cents per quirt for their milk oi i- t rain uturli iteralty means bit tr loitpnout germs tritltaa frora lo inirshf laod or from deejiig feietailfl trrebteaiia into the lungs taken up by the blood and unless he vital flail is pa rifled by the use of a good medicine like hoodt sfirsaparilla the unfortunate victim is toon nterpoarerad even in the more advanced cues where the terrible ifever prevails thla tacceaafal medicine hae ejected rernttkable cores thoao who are eipojed to malaria or ether poisont thoali keep khe tilood pure by tak ing ilooda bartaparilla spanish fever haslbroken oat in thocin- cinnati stoct yards t f advl keep the head coel the feet warm and the bowele recuiar and no disease can attack a this itj a celebrated german phyaiciana advice and best beaocompllih- ed by using bardok blood bittert tie best regulator and paricer known it curee all disorders bf the stomach liver bowels and blood europe and the far eaat it has rained only twice in twpntynine ara in ajjtn then only enough tolay the dnst it is tctimated that the treasure lying idle ij india in the shape- of boards of crraircnte amonnta to 250000000 la cores ieets of paper pass for money orcsheet bflngs one quart ofriceor twenty ehcct- piece of nemp cloth the iccomsdatiflna of the vatican may be imtkincd whenthe pope put 3p0 beds l it tt the disposal of the frepcbpilgrims fne of charge oil ireich forts are being sold very chtapl a french artist haa bought the lot do jjetclin for abdat 1000 ir t tlomms oiygriid emulsion of pure cod liver oil if yon have a feting away of reth vu it for tale byf all areggiat 35 cents per bottle ptirf ul lurce bruises scalds and cuts are quickly soothed and heajed by victoria carbolic halve wewt chean snowy white vow want the vtuah surprfseaqoaistiai aatfw wrapper of margtrce harbor alfred a taylc aays one bo tie sfinarda ltulmtut cured a sktllingt f the gamble joint and h0 saved a hone wor ttiowvft piywof bathurst aaveddhe life of a vaiuable horse that the hit had given up wltwa ferf bottles of ifinarda jintminiyp t tin us i its nnrlu at cutorjais to wen adapted to irecomme lutaasuberfertoaar fcnoiratoi s ft a aaarrs ft d 1 joigtbnoidriikr of otatort la w universal and well known that it aesma a work ortmxmr muenteeoderasja ftwarethe tutelirreat vanlltes who do not keep caatona v i ciato kaamridd twyirfccttt lite piste dfooaiiiruletlatormod church otvrtaru ttrswra u wot kltiioslnjttrtwt medleatioa oxwaioatfa oeetarfpattbiw 8ffsomadurrbai4 tntclaclm lyila worms it tea sleei tad proinotm dl- ibr lewrti reara i have reeonnnentel ouf osatona aad shall alwart pbnunuu t so se as it haa invariably produced baueuctul retulti esaroc r faaan k d ltowuithropmlistrocandruvav kswyorfcclty lax oawriux oosaairr tt uuaait brt kar yoac vmmmmmmmmmmmmsczj wake low joh bunyan qpt out f prison a sturdy coatrpversaliat quakers he inter canada is being congratulated everywhere on the excellences p her masnfacturea art stamed glass is prominently in the front rank of her improvements fit tots to uccautland a sooj of torontj who for 0 years havelabored not only to accumu late money nut to mfvke stained and orna mental g lata of aildunds a craiit to the btcstgrotvabto ddtciniod i i- p ell nccqtumeiided dtir sirs i am pappy to say i have used halyards yellow oil fee puma bruine apcajca and cuts and find that there is nothing tetter i recommend it to all my friends around here aials g hcjcri souris man fabeah smj gtinning cove rf b writea i ru oomnletely prostrated with the asthma but hearing of dr thomas electric oil i procdnida botueanditdone me so modi gooa4iati got another and before it waa uma ltrinr well ify son waa cured of a bad oos by the use of a half bottle it goes lite wildfire anofmakea enrea wherever it tc used aq old physician retired firom practice having bad placed in his hands by an eaat m indif miaaiiparytiiifcsxnnjcialfipll it is safe to use freemans worm powden as they act only on the worma and do net injure the child are you deaf or do yon suffer frotn noises in the head then send3 cent stamp and i will send a valuable treatise containing fall prticoar for home cure which fioet oampsfttirely nothing 4 tolendid wort on deafoeea and the ear adireaspror gi cnisr ilontreal purest stromqest best octxlsa no alma amntocia tmac r ptotpafctoriojrf4juria2t tliecrsrof litissla the ciar of rufsia probably had his own troubles as well aa we commoner rnoriala where we have the advantage in such troubles as dyspepsia biliousneft consti pation bad blood and the like is being able to procure easily a perfect remedy in burdock blood bitters natures grand restorative tonid ald purifier the deficit in the ilsmjlton saengerlest accounts is 162700 if yoa want to buy or tell a farm id- vertise in the toronto wttilj mail that paper reaches 100000 farmers home every week and your advertisement should meet the eye of someone tebo want to pur chase advertiaementaof vhnejateare acted in the toronto hfithy taitjorfin cental ward each insertion oclsreaty cents a word for five insertions addreee the mail toronto csnad alexander barclay is under arrest- in guelpb charged with biganjy iprdriolly sppermkmatly rheumatism liimbtcet itstjacha rljttjcti goret threat swiiine frotthttes s c ija t i c a sprains ftrntiaa barna beatda sold br dripti i ii fralers everywhere 1 cman uejt t 5 trains st rrau ou diamoivd mraguka i fott d8pep8ia asdall stomach troubles cdiqe8tiom nausea sour stom ach dlddl nersc heet tburn conctl- pettlan fullna ts food rlttng tasta kervaut- at tlrurxttts rnd i -i- m nr wat t msll oe receipt of ct uti jlixi in tuunpa caafluiiocttti i iussli ntinito as coxklmhiq cured mineat cure of coos impuoxt bconchitit catarrh asthma an 1 all throat and lung affections alto a positive and radical cure for kervous debility tnd all kervoua com plaints after having tested lit wonderful curative- powers in tb ptzaanda of cases haa fell it his doty to ma e it known to all his suffering fellows ac totted bythis motive and a desire to rellev human suffering i will send free of charf e to all who desire it this recipe in iermai french or engliia with ful directions for preparing and using sent by mail by addressing with stamp naming this paper wa notes 820 powers block bjehester n y j several of thefcnoaufad police wereinjiirect in runaway atfeegiuja on boddty ur heyry gdiham wingbaia writes i was io north dakota last stay and f took a bottle of 2voriiucp lymans kege- uble discovery with a te as i did not fed safe without it whili i there a lady friend was suffering with ind gestioo biliousness and headache ilrecotimended the vege table discovery to her ind she tried it and he result was that it did her so much good that i had to lqave he balance of the booie with xtstv i i voraje a sea voyage is kn expensive and exten- sive prescriptjoii fpec ally whin equally good results aa regards healtt are to be had by simply fakini burflopk blood bitters according to d rectioit it is a specific for dyspeflsis desntea the blood regulates the liveribowe is and kidneys and removes al imparejmatt r fro rrjthesyttem rev dr weljb cbngrei ation at ifontresj gave him a parting pretit of slooo mother graves worri exterminator ia pleasant to uke sure and effectual in destroying worms maiy have tried it with best results bickles antigonsumpttve syrup is a oombiuation of several medicinal herbs which exert a most wonderful influence fn caring pulmonary consumption and all iifeef drieases of pie hiiiitj etkst jn4 throat it promotes free and easy xpeotorttion and gives ease even to the greatest sufferer cougbt colds abortnees ot breath and affections of the cheat attended with weak ness of the digtiifc organs or with general cjfbjitjcejri to vanish audesr its use no other remedy acts soreadily jn allaying in- fktnmttioo or breaking up k sevreoold ieveo the most obstinate cough lisefcorne its penetrating and healijig properties fvben children are jaffected with cotds lbs jofiammattoiz- of thclung6 croup isytndsoti throat this syrup is of tat unportanoe the number of deaths among children from these diseases istnrly alarming it fa to palatable that a child will not refute it andis put eu at such at i r like lighteilng i the rapid action of the greatpalncnre poisons nervlline iin rdievindt the most intense pfin is a matter of wonder to all who have nted it thete it ncjthlng sar prising in its results for it is made of the strongest purest and most efficient reme dies known in modicine i nervfllne cares tootliacbe instantly creeps in five min- nteti neuralgia after two applications rbeatrjktism ia at once relieved by ita use and the seme may be said of all kinds of pain sample bottles costing only 10 cents at any drug store tne large booties only 2- oenls poisons nerviline told by all druggists and country dealers a double effect i dctn bins i bavelused hegyards pen- tflral balsam for bronchitis and bad cough arith the besrqplts andcanhigbfyrecom- mend it to all fifffererif r i lloxcoz ptfeiirr i 250 delaware avtoronto- j safe certain promnfe bcopomjcr these adjectives apply with peculiar force tatrtw tiiittril dili t ttsaitrrf external and internal remedy kditpted to the relief and once of coglitaor throat hoarsneai and atlffeotonaiiahenratii irig organs kidnsy in sores lameness and we powdered jyreirrstflpkcsatj r rrrrm sal xmut w- orxxtxjxlf van vt banyan and was oftei very severe on the bathe louq id that thraagh asstioa of thit sect he obtiiaeif his re lease from pi ion it is a ton ewhat noteworthy fact now welt iilheol ated thai charles if liber ated qaakers and parittns froi confine- meat through the personal intert cation of the qaakers among whom was richard carver who as the mate of tha fishing vessel which qarsyed the king tf france after the fan bus battle of winchester last this isuett quaker tailor after twenty years ltd rolled away apbealed to tha king tn pe ion in behalf of those who ware in priso i whea th fagi ire ling fled for life tl is sailor conveyed him on shore the v ttel was bound f r poole coalladeo wi h two passengers ho past ed for mercha its running away ft im their creditors tt s fugutiro king aid lord wilmdt were 1 uded at fecamp in nor- manqj apoa ho back of a quaker and the retsel rtc bated the channel to poole when the hi neat tailor appeared before ms majesty the king eipretud his atmdishmeat bat us had not previously sought tame twtrd the tailoe replied that he had i wrely done bis dity and god had ream ded him pcaca of mind and now i re i ask nothing for my self bat that oar majesty wouldido the same for my f ittnda that 1 did ipr yoa trt the poor p aas tafferers it liberty that yoa may have mat petoe and satisfaction that always fa aw good actions ktug charl t thereupon pardot ed four hundred and teventyose quakers and many indeoen tents and baptitta- among them johnbc lyan ever after 3anyan was ft friend to the quakers thlra for knowledge tramp with an old schoolbook atftter will ye tetter this ur certainly no tir bq shant rest till say kindly tell me wa what readr coats l cant yoa i pm tryln ler learn an i i do nather i sm deligl ted to find to laud ibe an erawuah in an i of yoar class y a have taken tha right sonrte st las yes air it a mighty rough on t trav eler like me not ter se able to tell wnether aatgnssyt beware o the dog or free lunch openinj the earl of lberdeen haa purchased a 12000 acre race is iojbrittan colombia sick headaea caiited by caceaa or a disordered i iomach is promptly veiiy using na tonal pois if bits relle btooke ikllttl fretful fthotrtener ct vtut nd w sffc j fortiffund fxrfw untrtupsbyllt ib of sodtts tin of pure c d liver oil ano hypo hosphltes i of umet ahsaeu ptisttmt u sttt is i rketevtite it xnoroacaii d coukr m iotk mom mb to iiirr it ohtmauo sttstm ttsss tv csttlaaowatbsra ai4anfr t au dnujistt 60c ijti storinq 1 boms years a o itj occurred tonwto stack a little ice trouble of taking building id the e outdoors oat doors to save j tho it from tie ice hdjise the stack was max e an the north tide of a sipeotttion that- warm weather would qt icily melt it bat little was pat up it upt i surprisingly aud therefore targe qiantittet were stacked yearly until for u era years past the out- ofdoors stack has urnllhed ice for cream ery and hoatehold until about september 1st there being a scarcity of ice tills year i hid to use it infeiiorqnality foarjor five inches fhlcfc thirty feet square has furnished ice to aftatik per day refrigerator in hoc spread a few inch ground for the ice t the stack was aboat md oar feet liisp it cool about 300 quarts in cetmery besijet ly method it is of to shavings on the reaton stack the tee and cover with shav nga to a depth of about afoot i have font d a low stack best as there teems to be comparatively utile mtlted from top or 1 bltata bitif an opel ing through the aid aovifriair lets the air in it will cutaway v ry fait and thohlghlr the stack the more d firoulty in keeping tie tides covered i i aveused the sinja thavlngt yar after j tr jl doubt whetbir it is important to 1 ave the stack in tlje shade i the ihivings ettidfe moisture fro the ice evaporation i wps 4owb the tempe store austria will keep three dtqobe to protect her gunboats on the commercial interesti the oaoadiao tb unbsxge soverelgi losdei with grstn fi om port arthur fo kingston tank in life superior on sands morning the sovere gn had the schooner sligo in tnyr slfo gr tin laden and th latter managed to ttsei the feoo fn a batter ed condition with tl s sovereigns eras aboard the lost vei lei was owned hy capt p kerwin of ssuia and was valaec at1200c flod the cargo was valued at- 20 if yon wunt firstclkss oqelph sjsn and dooris at ctmlpfa prib i x emat cp fill yonrordstf at bis p jafng mlif plbo i lurt roh the best cwflh medicine ijljittmiiilllllhitw ijidluasusst j d low s worm syrup destncte ano rch0vc9 wobms or au kind n ohildften or i fdklilcatibcmibo m proas- bli malt l reliable mkxm cocks new stpckjust openeco savages jewellery stor e ef m- fr j iprsilf a vwav tlm tabtfc iv crand trunk j5rtress- 1sisei ullod v- aoiko wastj iil siri- j10 to t mi 4i pitta s it pm pastolipcrj jotpmj jnror cttsiko xiins doing vestas fi stn taf 5 30 ptri aoiag estip 30 sjn tnd pu this liaao iable real info effect on jons osv rli r ii universal mtdicinesjfor m worses ianidcattlei ciciffj ibooo roaurasii fll rewtrrt mil ttsjes si hbfjerei in 8ontam raild eeoseeiisas- tastalssim cattle- that mkr btisissi aboat i snnrsl tilt nil i il in fnisll uon powder now ostd asitloosmsiue bids eaabllnstbe sittiosl se eaat lis islr gives s trade map fioodsppedtaad ue and pints sltoanoaiaijuijgi ettof- bblaaad worms i dices bliktbb i forbpavinsbtiiboaajs curbs 8wiimr- a- causes no trrifatteo j loaves no blsmlsn j utjes ita wprk bettat aafll quicker than aav cthtr blister v dicks ounuzst u luvaloabla la all easts of cots bruises saddle galls bores sctattis ste m i i uu dices irstment is hlgtlr recofflrasndsa for sinaltst sraisat cdntotlone aa sorea eietii aaa erbeasi and s bbotnustistnlt is itoplr wondsrtsjl thssste mgutbungoiloruulbicntfatbe can detd4 to tampan with ft blood parutm soc busto soe olatmant is lintoeaf for sale ij druggists sad dealers tverwj l jfo 14 j liiidk bojc 482 1 1 towtksulvj j dunlfe ft thecookskst friend urficst saut ih cfao ordered and tweeds rea3mjade 0v cents furnishings dry coods ssr nd reasonable offerwi shrts tfes rwear and cuffs refused for and caps to boys and mens overcoats at half price a flfst-bltass- ii e storeys we are givirig up bosiiiess and aire determijiea clear out the stock gvit made to order for about onehalf the anybody wanting a suit can it all this month inorder to clear out fche tock or overcoat made to order at gbou half vlans suit made to order for 800 the regular regular srrice rrfci ahcf anybody who wants to be sued for not paying their accounts canhavethatt3c after h oct 1 store for 8ate or to let f 1 j i cart furnish you with the best presses for country- news and job work to be 5xad fa this qountry and at lower prices than for any othfer new cylinder press cohb to scton rnd seb p improved country prbxity press 1 st sork the key to milth tl bowels kidneys and liver- off gradually without weakening the sys tem ill the impurities and font bnncs of the secretions at the eama time c wotlngr aeldityoftne ston cunng biliousness br headaches dizziness he constipatloh dryness of the j dropsy dirrmessof vision 4 dlee salt rheiun eryslpelasvs- fabt flnttertag the heart ftr toosness and ganaral debility ib these and cxttny other similar co yield 0 the hopsy infiuenoaot bo atooo bioths t 1 teisbuma w trlmabttl im x the largeist scale work j- 0 e r foo s tt les 6 i fay s crtain stales j j jt farm scales tea scales ii smp80ved show osjse iioielf tikmp meafcjioppers j m biltciers siboaasa nttxuii lj c jrvlcsom it spft v 3- 0 espwffaqe swcet tkst tolontc 6wt m pi jtsb sm h 1 m pi sv- r 4i jtz k v ii tca lstl ihi m rnca iaiier tf err ritottwiil m ifiijrlfixsj ttajtt i tar i nre i da not tneu jnuj w oh blssi fore tunc tad lita htr ihan txtar- tusun 1 tacm a ncoal can i lu- mute fie dttcmu i tlts epusbu tx k riujxq sickness a ibcjom ttaij i nimi mr rckciij- ia can umitom tua tvaukh etmr mr uiju arrttsaiiet t raw rwritlm can sostfef aam tor 1 twilie ttd 1 vn bcule m to h3s mtwdr- otn exphcis ud lrrrrict v h gi root mci 166 adelrmoet w8ttpr0kt0 p w m m r the fre press is printed oa theaboye press and the work illustrates its merits no 1500 drum cylinder press can dd better newspaper or poster work 1 j i l today for the dioney come and tee oar press as svorlc ii yon desire tamptej of work tend for them and we will itadly farniah them wtou five yoa yoar ohoioe of a namberflf dlffennt tiies and styles presses at sliprioes thin c it r a new 8 colfpjlio or 5xoiqto power press fdr only 600 fd8700 0fan8 col boqf- press fbrjjrsqo full particulars from f t canada acton w summfrvfoursi piaetsttacts v low ras wtvipwi detroit maokjnac tsland i2 jaufqttflli bad detroit asd clevelarto b7 thlu jamljy lrtw satpicmw oej j our llluetrfe6ampkctlt8 halts rlqlridneketwtu bo furjuslma aaiscniktz aasjtfljwxdnsetf- tk dctfoit cuveljnfbsttam ifiv tiyilo- wberffif m iv t-tt- bit amdatlslmmb toml mo f luxes orfthc owl rris8ae0 t r -k- i rm mm i- m