t i thihiay dtltmtlkk 17 1p91 hr iouttjj jfollis wtnosn to ocktesflvtzr v i lvvl li hlli ikiiciii i vrtr 1m ihipts it vlinitnias rtmr rr in- in liiilht yl- y r-n- i mit li ivthlchcn v w in sss mvve v- ie n mnldih svl 1 hr it ivlrr ol 1 ur imrr wc y cl ii p liapj urlcmr 1 lb- t-s-1- r w vl- ua w i- i- tint v htti w vl ar i k r thr thittrv -rccr- vn hhckj irirrmup here abide i ilii wt sirc iv tnssurul i in nvta lut it itwt r siv v a-n- rcv tioa thm rri uif vuu o uwi m vxn v uir ar 1 i a r ili vrr suell i k 1 rzri iuruht notes here and thefte pji j i- itbm of general interest to free press reactors sviitiv ciutix j v ietmi h iir i- j vri swvt i u lain pn l ii krep t vlt khs up i he si i i 9 l vc vui n ys kv tivi aiaim iii- u 0 u j j rifii r i t lt- h rirvni ii ch uluii in irri trf i c cr- u lne k c irrcs is peace v r- in the air i i j- th iu ihf morn r b liirv cnn the cr a r rr vri m sa v- 1 c ciirti iltr wis i i- r- t tr the crth inn slixrt tlnii mramircw iiowo aim house droit- tiew dcrbjfhirc knj ivtitcn voc mmij ytfcm i hil been sorely uhlicusi with rlioquittio otit fotnr vt i hf time in tmilly ibu to fciiup btfcim ou my liatuli ctd kocci i coulil dot walk or do any work 1 had tritii a niit many rcmcdici witb oat obttiaine auy ltij benctu 1 em- playodtucjical men but tliry iliil not accm lo do mo titiy kockj my feet wcro at time wollcci to tico their oatura air and i sufftmi the 5rratct aony i had about cite nop huce of ever beinj rell again when my ttcmion a dirtcted to yvnt irthlhbki rcmuly sttucoha oil which i appikd with niot inarwlioiir cltcctn i tatiiijk r short tunc tixv from pain aud 1 hac in urf nutmitc nvamcl iho uip of mv fevi mnl limbs i like to o in baihtui with my wife why well phe1taid o twine chok ed by the brvsticrfj to ilniib h certain am rit o iiifiictiji m itnncihiii leittl alio to in a kt in i thut bet nuiiith n article lakes luiii if miikxi diceaao like nthlliroj v innin fetatile lift- cot it i i k like llnlc mifb t tcniitii wriu- i lim to thank you for what neuhropa ljlnsna wyetablo dn- covcry hue iom- for tne i had a tore oft iu knee as lari e thr palm of mv hand aud cvumiei uuthmtj to do any tood until 1 dted tu discthtry 1our bottles cam- pletelv euru1 it some children grouting- too fast becoms listless fretful without ener gy thin end wcib fortify and build them up by the mo of nrak thi bells cv iir 1 c- iclcr ht- chlcn sircini ii rear i u htr iirrr luir hrir i ji tf richt iirr r ht ht bells lit r rh t nh happv bells irr mcri chririrris bells kv c all ih cr hiit i js qhtcr tr etr cis irr i- s c lr- hr hpntri lrs mr juhi bukvtll of tfic hmk of comnurct toroiii writes hiving affercd or over four yeirt from iyifvr- sit md flrtak stomach and liaiiuc tried numtroiis rcineiics uilb but little effect 1 otm l last adiifed to ive northrop a lymaul vetlablc discovery a trial i did so th ahappy rtsult rccuvidj creat benefit trom tm bottle x tlieo tri4 t second and third bottle and now i find my lppetite to mach rejtored and 6tomacb itrencthtntkl that i cln partake of a heaity reeii wilhoat any of be tmpieanu3c t fcrrrpry eiperienetd it ii ofter said that second thoughts are best ho tbey are in matters of conscience in matters of doty fir thoughts are com manly best tbey have more in them of the voice of god f e 11 seldom kail vril f iui took two bottles of u yards iectcre bisrn tnd it cored me o hoarsness and tightness of the cbest after other thinps had failed i have also tried d b b it woils splendidly for weakness and headache silll m bearrjsville ont mr6 spotty will yos love me jost ls moch darluc when i arc old n mr 6 more dear vou wont be to silly th2n ch oi 1 lt erlh il cuciess i urj i k- mrsslosary hvms r- crtr a her jmit she ii oi the tuden fields ci gi- i en c rrt- yjyoub souli icrti prl i the unshared unolel gie it rrermis chorus roll iv c i as earths thirst k and streams c- o- id r harvest cias oi- reclj gc hi binrvtha mts our praise cf i i 1 gfc 0h h- wits zboc ft lv titcxi tf abnding love gf iv of pure cod tlver qlt r0 hypopkqsphites of unto and soda citable as kilt ii a pceventlte ou clue of rolgus obj colds n oth tkeqiduo vojks it is ukeijauuo gcbbise xcs bl scoft ft bcwtlf belleville stlocn wrapper it all drujshi soc ani tl 00 i- t- promptly and perrnioently rheumatism lnmbaco hclhe toothache sore throat snrlllpcs frottbltee sceatica pprnln itrut- barns pcams fsld uy vrils il den everywhere cmni ir unw lsaiit ftrotu on diamond vfractlra dyspepsia and tll stomach troubles ihdicestloh nausea sour stom ach clddinoss heartburn consti pation fullness food rldng disagreeable taste nervous ness at imisrii receih ii nt 1 y irrilrie r il ttjimpa ftrai ik u li fean ttrtwnsii puiiccrs of if int iiwl adijrt utsr src i bate ben troubled with hredtche for over iorty rrer tnd had it ao bid about once a week that i waj come- times not expected to live- i teaa ulutd uj ae ii bi and hive nsd s bottlej i now have fco attack only once in four or fve trtlh tnd feel that if i cootinae uing it i vill be entirely eutsd there fore i rtomretndit lnily mi j a fiiiiev shetland odi zlzz flannel tt sriowy white 3 ww the cheap t- oa tt vrzpper ii we were allowed to look jnto the fuiure and see the fatal consequences that follow a neglected cold how differently would oar coarse be could wc realize our duncer how speedily we we would seek a cure but with many it is only when the mouster dispose has fastened its fangs npon our lons that we rwaken to onr folly what follows t neglected cold is it not diaeaeea of the llircaf and lanes bronchitib ftfethms con sumption and many other diseases of like nature it li worse than madness to neglect a cold and n is folly not to have some fiood remedy available for this fje- rjoent comr laint oue of the most effica cious medicines for all diseases of the throat and lunce is dickies anticonsum litre syrup this medicine 1b composed of fcereral medicinal berbe which exert a most wonderful influence in curing con sumption and other diseases of the lungs and client it promoted a free and easy expectoration soothes irritation aud drives the dieeaeefrom the system lsdy to tramp tins is the third tinfayoo hate called heretoday tramp ttlt ia true madam bat i am sure yoa wouldnt want a man to ffet along with any less than three meals a day new sarnnl notes dim sum i have tind six bottles of b b- b i took it for liver complaint before i uik it i had headache and felt stupid all tins time but now i am healthy tud entirely well iu tddition i have a good appetite which i did not have pre- vionsly limiit pobvi new 6anim ont prompt potent and permanent raulta alvrayn ooute from milburne aromatic qoujtie wiije kostrda ltotmcnt curei dlpfttberti hnvtytittnctttlttful if you r uuetiwiptbbf m rlgi and invo frujec io get wtuedy that vill 5ot4 rclui 4o kauyoa to try poisons ijcrvilitio vtniejyinlv market itmjijivcn miy thlrijr llv kb vtfiu drgttso uf tutiilrtction lit action on iho nerve pain is simply marvelloap end u i is put up iij 2j cent lollies no grett ex ivnse is tnxplveil iii clvlug it sijtrlil fol- sons servibtia is tltemottpletitnt power ful and cerjain pain remedy iu the world sold by all drurst incftudeklcw lit nicdlcino 2smmi bolili i unjorttand now raid a gaest tl t fashioimbloiresort ikhy ilwjf rjilljttll hi overlook itoure tlnteytjija vrtlppltui he ler jtll he lris jtmr stint trs completely ovcrloolttlii f ilimi a tin third puce of the toronto duf anil in notel for waut advertlsemeati if you want to buy or sell trytning i you want a tituition amcchtuio a -buti- ncsa machinery lodgings if yoa hive last or ound anything ot if yoa want to flud out where arjyono it tdvcrtlso in th ronto iriy luail and read tha advertlsa- nuntson thp third yoga of that paper ttio clwc s sljij ceptai dsoixl eaps iu scrtidti address the tiail toronto can ada tho young ilramatist ufllngtil ttv pi hi new play to tho now maniger aaid as the two crawlln at the win dow the clock strikes oao ahctld the manager which one c r hicmiii ico 1 have used your finardb liniment successfully lu a serious esse of croup in ny family i conhider it a remedy no iiu aooadbitliout cape iklahbv j f cikmsciihu that stiitiiiou iny flngcr means bring home a bottle of miuardit liniment what is he price of that tea asked a voijng housekeeper of her- honest crooer two dollars pound maam was the honest grocers reply but but isnt that rather too steep she inquired to steep he exclaimed well yes they always steep it iainfal burns oruises scalds aud cuts are quickly soothed and healed by victor carbolic salve kvrrilody may bo useful to others lu kiic way no mutter how mall their talent a lame man mi point with his crutch the naj in winch a strongman may go and the btrong mtn may need the iijorniation which tho lame mau im puted fur pain or tolili gfvtiriits fifteen months ago i had a bealtug breast i tried a number of remedies but got no relief i then tried hagyards yellow oil which gave me in stant relief it is the best thing i ever used for all kinds of pain or oold lira jobs column bt marys ont young ladies should not forget that goliath died from the effects of a bang on the forehead aa we travel through life let as live by the weigh as the coal dealer said when he tied his scales to suit him if you want to buy or sell a farm ad- vertiaa in the toronto wttily mail that paper roache 100000 farmer homes every week and your advertisement abould meet the eye of someone who wanta to par- chase advertisements of this class are o- sertexj in the toronto rfceifji ayaif for five cents a word each insertion or twenty cents a word for five insertions addresa the mail toronto canada in a few short days it will amount to nothing whether we have been rich talent ed or honored but it will amount to everything if we have been true to god a cltangr for che better sir i have taken three bottles of bur dock blood uijters and find it a splendid medicinefor constipation and poor appetite i will codtinue taking it as it is a great blessing and i feel a great change in my health siace taking it mua j v gules y sydenham st toronto out a map whols advertising lodgings to let for early risers adds cochinchina fowls of unusual vocal powers are kept on the adjoining premises lonesso smith you speculate in wall streei do you did you ever loce any- thing there smith i was married in trinity yoo knqw and i lost many illusions john hayb credit p 0 aays his shoulder was so lame for nine months that he could not raise ihb hand to his head btrt by tha use of dr thomas eclectric oil the pain and lameness disappeared and although threeimonthb has elapsed he has not had an attack of it since i admit said the young lawyer that i am not a very good man but then how conld yob expeot it of me its practice that makes perfect yoa know and that i havent got canada is being congratulated everywhere ou the excellences of her manufactures art stained glass is prominently in the front rank of hor improvements thanks to mccansland a son of toronto who for 40 years have labored not only to accumu late money but to make stsjined and orna mental glass cjf all kinds a credit to the dominion kdltorta evldeqre gevtjhtnvjyoar flagyarde yellow oil is worth itshseight ingoldfor both in ternal and external ube during the late la grippe epidemic we found it a moat excellent preventive and jor sprained jimb etc thets nothing to equal it wh ikmiiftllton editor urjmrltr delhi ont eaid a lady td the famous aotor garriuk i wish you were taller madam replied the wit how happy i bheuld be to stand higher in your estima tion it is safe to use freeman worm pov den aa they act oulyon tha worms and do not injurethe cfrild public speakers actors and vocalists find and state that dr thprnaa eclectrio oil relieves hoarjuneis andirritationin the throat better thtjn remedies specially avdvet that diftutalty this oil haj a widje ecoie since it curia external hnrtj corns frotbtte pilea auda vanity of other nilhealttv condittoui dimt pu in me said aunt breetb no strain dr no muskaetef nettin for haunatt ictontwaiit to ltd air i oxyenized emnl if you have a by all drdppiata t- a kjnrnnii iou of pare cod jtler oil otuaj u it for tula ssighttfbottla i ialjasxmiaaj a yn iaasiima 4j i caat eta fa so n adapted to children that it u mperlorto any pekrpuoa it a aicsxx it d so oxtard st brooklyn k t i tooto feeostm ail lite ft merits of sui intelll within for infants and children of oastorfati so universal and so sratl known that ic somca a work ration to endorse it faw are tho amine who ia not keep outorf raah- cixtoa euttk dd i ksw vork city i raat ir luoomlncdalo bclormekl church pen ojrauoi ta lamfli caatdrtavctms colfe ooostfrnuon bota btooach dwiuno eructttlo i eflu wonaa rival atinp and pr uotea dl- wltuoct injurtous ntedlctii lotx for atsterai ystrs i hara rscosa raur gastorla and shall always con ear imendel inuuuoti io so it uia luvttrlauy produond ihtoecual rwolta eowih f pattnit kp ito wuthroii 13th strcrt and wtt are kcsr liork city ttra cnrrina coariar ituaait stasatr sa foax clooctuv gtwlhy gxklby with grateful hearts we raise mrpartlng chorus for well wc know whereer we go our path ts care is oer us chorus- coodby 1 g wdby drighl moments lly but lea c a gift in passing by cod bless u all cod bless trs all goodb goodby goodby giodty in varied paths his loving hand may guide us but good or ill tis blessing still when jesi s walks beside us clio goodby g xxlliy the nu year chimes will soon e gladly ringing and greeting i fond inr days ttcvonil kind frlcni s in song vere bringing clio cootlby go xlb reitju iu alt whove sh trcd our chrislitias pleasure the joys thai last whctl tunc is past be ours in boundless measure clio i cbrl itua8 uavcarol iliu joys ani here the jnerrie t seasun a pleasures of lhrisiiius are happv and fillet wnh gixnl to shades uill fall our hearts ir chee becjttse iters chuucs with hcj rts so full of goo cheer we met this glad chrisnn iet ihesc arches ring wiih t aise to our king who bins cs us now and fur a i the children j reet its returning each veor as glxdly ti if twere iheir w n then praii tl e savior in songs sueet anil clear for bleisini s so often weve knoun cno when dcncli h life and its changes down jiere well eater he land far aivay where parting s end and neer fallcth a tear a neer endi clto ig glad christmas day coxsluftlomtlikd an old pbyi iciao retired firom prtctice having had pi oed in bit bands by an east india mils ion ry the formula of a simple vegetable retm dy for the speedy and per manent care f consumption bronchitis catarrh astl as and all tbroal aud laag affections alsc a positive and radical cure for nertodi d- bility and all ncrvoui com plaints after having tested its wonderful curative powers in thousands of cases has tell it his duty to make it known to all his suffering fellos a actuated by this motive and a deaire tl relieve human suffering i will send free of charge to all who desire it this recipe in german french or english with fall directions for preparing and uciog sent by mail by addressing with ittmp namlna this paper w a notre 820 powers blbck rochester n y when baby was when the wai when she becantv waaaaoohadcl it is only by made healthy labor can be rtck wn pare her castoria niij ilit crlxj ipcactorlx zlss ehe clucj to caatorir jqildrcnthocvetbrm uatforta abor that thought can be tnd only by thought trtit nade happy aud the tiro tanuot be separ itcd with impunity t- f sick hetdachi caused by excess cf bile or a disordered i omach is promptly relieved by using nation u pills aro you deaf or do yon safer then send 3 oen valuable for home cure nothiug a splendid the ear addres i a rousing d growing boy ont from noises in the head stamp and 1 will send a treatisesoontaining full particulars hich costs comparatively work on deafness and poor g chase montreal monitration getting of bed mother graves worm exterminator haa no eqaal for destroying worms in children and adults beejthat you get tha gebmne when purcbasini powdeteo lye ax to- sh purmt 8 j arfwlnai yejomtltr for mamae aoap tanfiw wstar dt farvunr ind a hundred otijir a aeaaeqnau ipticdsealtsoda tttttr xtt i fcers sal dnortsta orzx ffhl xoxfoxato lohs c0nsjmpt10n ctjfre thl great aacceaafal confijouption withoat a parallel all druggist are positive guarantee care can aocoessfo ly goofh sore thro t for fivill oars yac croap oc whoopii and relief is rare oasdktte cmkrlomptfon aae it it will oarf aafc yoar draitetst prlos loatt eoatf tangs are aorsi or porooi plaifer aodoii cure this cure ii a the history of medicine i atborlxed to sell it on a a test that no other stand if joa have a nr bronchitis use it iffoar qhild his the cough use it promptly if yon dread that insid l dont fail to yoa or cost aothintj for shilohs cure u and tfoo if yaar lick lsrae use shtlohi sparks ofsolance tim use ot gaa for illumiaatittg libraries ia found to destroy tho leather bindings of books j the skin of a boiled egg when carefully peeled and applied when wet to a boil will draw out the matter aud greatly relieve tins corcncis germany stands at the front in electri cal icisace although the united btatet is far ahead of any other country in the practical uio of electricity a frencb scientist has perfected a device for obtaining oxygen frotn seawater by electrio means and carrying it to any part of a vessel to ate as a disinfectant it baa been shown that the life ot a flih are still alive in tho royal aojitnurn in st 1etcriburii that ner placed there more than 100 years ago a mixture of powdered alamnam and chloride of potash will give a brilliant flub light it give no smoke and thai is far better than magnesium for pbofogrsphio purposes kecoiit experiments upon the electrolytia geueiution of precsure from gases- formed in a close space have been very aaccesif ol and a pressure of 1200 atmospheres has been obtained 1 peas for stretching hleh boots at thi time of the year after hih boats have been used iudamp weather c ii not unusual fortheir anfortauate owne to had it impossible to get his feet into them especially ifi tbey happen to hi ve beea carelessly dried in such casii it is a good plan to stretch them in the following way fill the boot rather more thatr lialf full of dry peaa if you pt t in too many you ruu the risk of spltttng the scams therfpoar in water and a low the peas to swell to the utmost in wh ch pro- oei they will effectually stretch the boots restoring the shape to a great extent let them dry gradually which will take some days then shake oat the peas grease the leather thoroughly and if the hoots arc not quite as good as new they twill at least be usable i gliristmak akmtwawrw sl i wc arc making great cuts in i i ladies gents fursl for the holiday trade see our nev stock of mantle goods they ire mar d to sell i i i large ran je of j ribbons daces silk hancfker- chiefs and fancy coods r of all kinds henderson mcrae 4 co drug store ge-txbxi-fs- dojvov want a cheap laitjp if so go to smiths drug store j burners shades glasses- etc at lowest prices best americati and gan adian coal oil t cor wyadhfun bfaa4ottidistrtauelpb fuaway tajble time gfrand trunk tallvvay if f fj r r 31 j t noirca west rtrprea v i li ifsll- rhrre mail passenger i t r3aui i ai rui for pm b wpia ootxa riir kxjfrcss ttsjn risonet hsil ittxed vlajn- illosmi rfaipm m 11 run t whers vlsltlne the sick do not go into the room of a sick person with wet clothing on and do not atss or touch the patient if yon have just oome out of the cold do not rock your chair bang doors or walk abont in creaky boots p short move quietly and avoid making any fusi of any kind whatever dont talk too loud or fast never whisper either within the room or at its door for there ia hardly anything more irritating to the nerves than the sound of whispering or only of half heard remark add let your conversation though sympathetic be as cheerfdl aa possible when discussing the patients disease dont rack your brains to remem ber all the parillel caseoyon ever hestfd of but lead the talk aa soon as possible to to more enlivening topics 1 salt as a remedy a weak wash of salt and water is slid co be of pauch benefit to weak eyes while a strong solution of the same will prevent the hair falling but if presistently used for a time for a sore throat a clotb wrung ont of cold salt and water and pat on round the neck covered with a dry towel is aometimrs odnd nsefnl salt and water may be also used aa a gargle to strengthen a weak thioatl damp salt bound over the place will relieve the smart earned by ithe stings or bites of insects while ifor neuralgia in ttie face or pain in any part of the body salt is au excellent remedy when made very hot in a frying pan oyer he fire put inth a flannel bag and applied to the aching pitt in africa i a clergymans wife now iu the transvaal writes thus it seems strange to think of what is going on in this bustling city of 40000 people johannesburg where five years ago werea few scattered farm bootee tonight there are fourteen prayer meet ings in various churches five or six missionary meetings a congregational bazar a grand temperance rally ienten services in the high church and catholic cathedral s skating ring entertainment at which one of the novelties will be a race between native boys who never pat on skates before a rendering of passion musio in mubic hall the jubilee gingers concert and many theatrical performances making it plain the london spectator tells a story of a clergyman who was once addressing an audience of children now children he asid i propose to give you on the present occasion au epitome of the life of st sul perhaps some otyou are too young to no derstand what the word epitome means epitome children is a its signiflcition synonymoub with synopsis havingmade this simple and clear explanation tc the children the speaker went an witti his story little georgy to s sponging old anile i say uncle youre a sort uf cannibal haint yoa uncle sort of canpibell why what do yju mean georgy georgy i thought you wis a sort of a cannibal causa ma aatd yeas sliys luvin offen aomebodyj muuxcu tuxliest cares dtpfttatrts rpisojrcimrror thebesttcough ke0cine sou tl csu331stj inxtteoe consumption i s s lets j- dmows l termsyruf destroysjand kemoves irvoitm s of all kinds jn children off adults sweet at syrup and cannot iltarm themost otter seal beaver arid persian lamb qapa also collrf5s hnp cvirps i shaw grundy 1 trfrttsitllt merchant tailors a geeat snap d that woivt go your way every day i you never httve the same otter again just think roailloq bebtqnalityjoyephineeidg 7 cents j every pair guarante and sta rbqil bet q josephine lady who jmyjs good gloves kuaws dealer eyery dak 12 toc this line j positiv wecihnos r them less than 8125 we coul only get 12 dojz ofthe but we hqve the colbr an size you want she whv hesitates goesjvithout or ptrygj tnlt figure this lot will so go ffor the same price jwe can jg yoa a superior make lined an iblv trimmed mitt i millinery has takeii a tumble for the balance of the season there will be no money inrit for usj we have box upon box ot wings birdb and t and doz ofr trimmed and untrimmed hats that must go out at a price thats enough to make as turn grey but we would rather have the mduey tbaii the goods jrepe jii colors fortie 60 cents per yard biucly loiapthe cloth 55 eeuts this isa new nako of drfss goodl i is persian j cord on one side and henrietta on theother no better cloth can be got for a halftnore w e ha ve a great showjing in black dress goods from the 20c wool serge up young men if ypizwaqt to by in thoavsrim yoaii red tie6ui i ui n jj 0 what w6 c8i1 d6 in oisccinber r jaotaff vcst sftl tn vl 5 wpmi going rixt10 1 tm md 5 o pna tktc time table went fnt effect on dics tjnlvereirifcdiciees for h0rsesland calftle qigks j uiood etetflir wiirrcmovtvill lin of fever in hone ilid cttu ahd ccrcqa4t ir ptertot ay ahet wai mr join tbcaf it i laflbimlr- ffapcrtorto ihy ejoodi- ttaa ttoinicr aamutd m ii otfrcn the hldt enbliaette utimtj to cue lu b air gift flcxxl iripeue tad nir itle m tyiriu it ia n ftttihdcru31 citoc bt lou tad wpnsii etlckh blistefl iotfiparimkidgbope gattk ffrnaips otc uaiei no irriutlaa lesres nalbletniia dots its wort hetez tad nulciir tb s car other bhsixr dicktointiitst i iflmlailjlvin tlltut of cats ifruifci sldala gitilp sorfit kctttutt tc r dicks liklif est is bfgily recoameddd fc kweuiotjf bruise contubloafcbcldcold sor etc m ruin or bnitmd x cvtir tot rneomaxifimit is simply roodertal ttei u oo gfrgllcgou orliciaent in- the mexket thfc- ca liesria w compartj vith ii bloopnrlflflr 50c blittcf mc ointaleatljtiiiaia3eiit 15 for rejebj drngciiu ud dealer etarrwbtiw dick poboi4s2 monbejli 1 r scfentlfle aflitricu ajeriey fir traotmark atents cavtatf desion patiiiti coptmomtc t rw nfaniiation suit tree handbook write to kuxx t co el beoadtxt kiw yobai oidasc nareaa far secaruisrpatiu4 in aaarlea ererrpataot takes lout by as is broaxht before tae paflc br a notice ftrea free or charge in tbe fttfiffc lmitt lirpmt circclittfrn pf tst klenflflc pter la tha year tljj ej- mouuu aquixaa nuxa tunu4cas 3ci brosvmr n r art dunnlst powde tflecoolcsfiestfriend i largest saue w can aoa j rr 1 ii yhe largest scafe works in cafadaj over- 100 styies of hav scale gratn jjcatesi farm scales tea scales i improyed show cases aoher i drawers- mealcuojppers ah0 blftfjhas sbppuej tnosrss ix f eii wrias jx erins cl wl80n 4 sow 5 0 esplanade streeteast i toronto ont- henotoa tais pii c- err ic nwrilai r4- vi i cure fits 1 ttta i iij- hi n acui xsszvla stop tbeti lac tic isd lira tatve lhca kuta uin i nru t txiaj erki i txt eac lm coctu ct i its kp1 tp- et oc yalusg hcksts i llfc4o tsrij ii u na rraa for ctc but ncrldnt a car seed at f a trraijff id 1 free bxife olbit isfaiua nijtt gbe exfirzss tii postrrnce- h 5 roorm c 186 aoelwoest we9j toronto ont it the kev to health unlocfa ih tie clogged atenrjes ci tbfl bowels kidneys and liver jcixrying off 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