Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 14, 1892, p. 3

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sp jtettor ah anr turtle ahk p kkilb orrick lutfcitdj itjkbrrt casatsa hamilton ttaiclton haw moojw 1 b 8 stkvbk i atttcuatra ouumrnjlisjos frawtaj- rtrilaenti a j bawsar v iwrtw iljoene piiacta caaa gtaoarxfi to roac aj t wood a btlm r ft to roaca aj t wo ill oeobpetowk aoek0t jttii dieotlm end advances bud a mlfcutjjfonurc dtirooaiupuant die hajawviorraa 6rrk ar binw jx j5lutmi mjie wu wea total on iplknnu krai 1 avlkct9 dsuttukkt tjawsrrs tcwrd of itetipnrteuia tnv gwiuolfrrm date depotu m tl of twsrtwti krkcut qemn lhe wnd tt curraat rslet f tntarat jc tdsoftitniiaactettnwt j h 1 bargains note paper sets per quire just trink 24 sheets of paper for jets i envelopes 5jts per pack age 25 envelopes fair qual- ity for 5ctsrschool bags school books i anything trie children require for school will be found atj g hytids all kind of nteim docks jewtlerv ime- t sjgw of the iig witch i geo htodsacwnottt if 1 1 dip jufoit jfrte fjfcss thdrsdat jak itijak 1 1892 a the ke yr home tlffl 3 mr- jno hill former ly i tali plaoaad tholiatforha at olgt t monthi been 1 atldmg tl cbjoagoj u f pawing hate jyid hearty l 0orge tbtdfordj i brakeman on lb 0 t bu tlylatfla the paerai hotpltal aaelph fromtliareiultol in accident at routorood tha ejthcr day w baa ii bad hit leftj hand badly oruehed while coupling cat tbiajflnt finger wng oimrluy uksq iff tbftatt 1 pouibilitr of wvlng h othor ingeti j tb timing riuk kuopeiitdaabitacdty will be raa aadar tb mv iirdtncnc of tha i little lo b which cught trteyatt or ear of fre press rpottrthtwmfc vcad u inming ip pretty freely aow otlrille bu orgxiixed botrd of tri htltoo donuaioji bleetibo thuncuy isth jtaory 1 hhr ve oansidctabis ibxrp wwcher lb pitt rk here hu teen a nod detl at tickoen is men utlj- t qtil4 iumietu oar chizcom xe crferioe qpt irt qfipfei r the m iinieipll council will meet next kaodwy it eterea odoct or orkkoization ker i v rte pfwcbed inoitecmry eennoo ia the freabylerdm church edeo u3kusbamur uettrt w h btaxy 4 son ire pat- uog c sew corroetted iron cejiog in the txaetscnt of the factor r ir uckeutr of iltmiltoo is holding plymouth brethreo i ervioes in ifrt becorls hcil over btal r meat thop mr little of em x college occupied the pnlpit of knox church on sxadaj in theahhnoeqcbetjt bee the boerf of trofttot fll hou ihetr trtt meeting cf the jeer oh watoeediy next 10th ioet ei on p m ia the town bi gotad hear ber edges leetare on ctnidi tui the ctokdiciis tomorrow eiaiinjrin the ibhodit church admu- tioa uteenu j keen w koleoi i co giorretown offer tockteiinu barnins is ill deatrt- meat ten per cent dilcoontuuibegfttn off ill drteiitooda 6 ihetr lanoaabement the well caown whxte brother will kin t ooaoert on j taeeday ereniag lg4fc febrcary- in the town hall- acton nader the aatpioec ot the baptist cficrch fall particalan later xta winterfaaro j employed by ir arthur narrit farmer of trafalgar went oat to to bit employer dam after dinner on friday and rery thortly afterwards died cetue tappoaed to hate been heart dr weutof ueew rf 6eing wu vbo ha an ahtnt defc- t tot fmutneati 1 mtued dowa to tbeaoiual fl ot domeauq life and taken n apimit toaharehiajoytandtorawa oawedaot daremfnjflth inat he vu nnltedta roatriag to xtat bella wlop ot komi uchiixaofearuat alter the bare- tnony- a thott reception wat hold at the parental borne actaa torffeaocn oo the evening of jtnniry 5tfr i6w eaj officer of aetou lodge faotllw were installed by bro p m w cu ham aaauted by bro kobride danej8 or royal lodge ko 00 goelpb at tollewt uro a 1 secord pltw i franc uw i jaalfctattihforaaiatt jo tfolmea btuincr ul mcdonald ueeorier r d uraharn kctrt f joc e uauhait financier v ttioasauiaatlvw wpeltosott the acton meniberi provedrrhattfjiuog hreuiern are made waloofale u a nfdfatf at sximisea koofneoba the otkville star girce the following partiealare of the marriage of lfi nellie the hihlyeteemedcanglift cfawarrin iiohinion trafalgar itjon ittw year eve a nambcr of gaceu aaeemued at graa- mere place omaghtowitaea themarriago otkeuie f eldeat daoghtet of henry robineon ertfarden of haltop to str v p hant oooiervatoryof m toronto the ceremony waa performedoy revjohn tieeday of ial week tuelufbr hud at tgrgeig- germany and the bridey fcekffiterrjo belle robinson while little hits dot rote acted as maid of honor after the wedding dinner and the usual toasts tiie happy couple depf fe4 ifof bciafa aqrf other ameriatifeestua t shower if ricaaisl the best wishes of their friends wtlker lodfr afjiajc at the annual installation of officers of walker lodge af4a sl acton oo the festival day of bt john the evangelist the following brethren were installed by p u bro pettiford of waverly lodge guelpb and p m bro scoooer of speed lodge gaelpu assisted br p ua bsat shaw pearson and ankjp a if w msjohn uwi v s s wjohn keonir jr j vvtfaac fraicia caap job anderson tsxaaj b peartoo srctt w b keonry s d harry jrads j d thoc keuner dot cgorte bynda i g jaaeskofjtm crewa 1 the sunday i bohool- leimeeting bald ut thursday ereofag wu a grtnl luooees the choroh was ccenrded w the doors a iweu seleoted prirrnmewaawutendettl a grand addraaswia given w rev j w rao oasapday bohool work the admit tion wu only twelve tad i halt senuyec the proccedf ambatted to tis j s jfr aiex ctlppt hat sold bis arm tot j con 7 eramosa to wultam oibara ekjuesing consideration hiw what does it meant rblot art leeo frequently troand the neighbatliood it look u if lljey htvt torgoiten lo ro away y ttiuibloaf the ianior pastor it seriously 111 with ia grippe j i 1 knatchbuijl i j t a publio meeliog was held in the piue grove school house ko 7 nnagaweyt oa aimarw- 6rot assembled to hear tadsee kr jobard cfiqfevjot sweeuvilletrht etin wii called to brdir wheft uttioibtoriy rat ttrared to take the hatr the- ehair- bsaa called oa ihi htdiea to open with masic after which lie john d ucgregor ih4 patron of tndattry candidate for the bouse of commons in the coming eleetipo was irrtrodaced d opposition forward and took his seat on the platform kr lfegcegor was the firs speaker he gave aa able address dwelling priacipallr on the platform of the patrons of industry after speaking far nearly an hoar and a half he thanked hit audience for their kind attention and sat down whn cheer after cheer rent the haute mx irvine wax then called to address the people be said laatilfr mcgceror wu a brilliant ipeaker after he bad talked for about an hour be fatted to make the favorable impression desired and closed hit remarks by saying that he had- not come to talk against the patrons the meeting doted with cheers tor the queen and for sir ucqcegor sleigh bells are ringing the sleighiog it very fair at present sd the chairman alto invit- wbw nfjr joha irviae came at the cenclusiooyf yhe csrsmoaies iho visiting brethren were danduetted a num ber of appropriate toasts were given and responded to and it was a vary enjoyable occ r tkrexteat44triti a awv-ofsi- the georgetown htmld says at noon o hoc day a rat insignificant looking and fairly wall dressed tramp named lot brown aboet thirty years of age stepped iinto yoaj ilo time ctaytn5a sennedy with presence of mind said wait a min ute she went is to the aaxt room where mr kennedy was atsbqer and called to himteiliag him that a man bad threaten ed to shoot her ruii jtranger made for the door bat was captared and held until a constable arrived d locked hica up he was brought before the beevi and mr jtlckena wejoeedaj doping jnd oo a charge of carryfnvretovrr was com mitted to jail three months on a charge of felony he wtfeomntitted for trial oar count sfwfvr schools it is well biiifilfiatsplfloo is a banner coonty ia the matter of sunday school organization and in this respect leads the jrtoviace the year justopened promises to b aaeofaaffloat spccrnsf al in the his- tt if fp r association the korvac itr w h stnrey porchased the other day a couple of beaatltal fawns brooeht from alatkoka they are wild aa a deer and one of themseeiagaepodopportoaity on saturday jamped cletr one of tha stable wihdowe taking tub and all one of the bosiett men in town daring ttst cold snap waskfri ftlgruidell whose ahtlrty in steemfitting had ample oppor tsaity of being provett steam pipes re- qnirbd hie attention iia several quarters sad be worked all night at hr storeys boiler when it went wreog lttt week to make adwrtisiag pty it sboold be liberally honestly and tudicioosly if yoa woaid gain customers advertise in this way if yoa would keep customers adrer- use in this way if ydn want to reach he oooacming popnlation of acton sad rieioity adveruae ia the frx psxss we notice that it f ttclean of the huron ezptxilor ame bryan of the laeknow w aad j a aald of the amherttburg eclo were retleeud at beeves of their respective towns this year it is said that beeie bryta stand a good show for the wardens chair in bruoecoabty 1 an eschange veotareetbe opinioothat a newspaper editor who hatot backbone eooogh to speak bis miad when the occasion dteaaodf isnt fit for the position he occu pies- h man who is afraid tossy what he tflinks when it ft the right thing la say for fear of offending some one isnt half a h- the gtreeurillefevteir baa opened it it lb tolume and was bever characterized vrilb greater energy land effort to keep abtiaat of the time tbao today cho ktnewitoondaoted by prtctieedbewt- peptymto of erperieoje sod is not only sopetibr una b editorial notot of tkw bati typograpbiealiy xeaueot ibr btbt brigadi is the latest form of mistiooan work- the object ot the babf brigade i to get boot motbert tp go 10 dtofeb by ifeepic tbe btbfs away xbb pride termed ft yooog mfet cot arerat to babi who ofthemolhertand oosanday tnorniug dttrdtblaxeal for annual convention to behelrl at georgetown oo tbe an3 2sth february will be re- peite with interest af3actcal character for all interested in sunday school work the programme airioged it ooe of the best the executive has ever been able to provide and includes a pumber of prominent and taccessful speakers aad teachers from a distance in addition to those more directly engaged in the work within the coanty much of the success of past years it due to thtaorfafigabteeffjrtsof be 3 w rae the ttatistical secretary the present year mr raeiq6caevetficit shool6 of the county to assist him in plac- infi the association still another step in advance it is his intention to present his annual statistical report fnllypriated in tabulated aijj iat tf syyiaibsleii ia the minutes of the past two yean at the meeting of theconventioo sohat erery delegate atwctwatlrfe time whefi tae ngares will be m tag to do thii saooeasf ally will demand promptness on the part of superintendents anotsecrevariasrecmrrif the blank forms for statistics sent oot last week rahjis ports shoal4 be in his hands by thari of c febraary- sir rae has the facovry of makthgvctr fignres interesting and with tha md of printed atatittioij report at the conventidn a pejw interest will be- aecared the georgetown friends are busily engaged in preparing for the con veotioo the superintendents andifiistors mevoohonday and appointaolrev jos fennell of the cbg0i0ti to gtre the sddresa of welcome they alto ap pointed reception and billeting committees and made arrangements for the singing at the evening service itis proposed to have at sm on the evening of the jotb a social tea for the delegates and all interested in sabbath school work the ftantofioo wilt be held in the presbyteriancearch the election campaign opens here this eveoing hr d henderson and mr r blaio of brampton are aoooaaoed to wfc- the anniversary service of thclletho- ditt church fln suaday and monday were very successful rev a cunningham of dublin st church gaelpb preached mormng andetminxtoffwdoosgatifini 1 hi diocjort wtre tboagbtfftl and inter atjicdg and mnohinjoyea j una uaoal teameeting was beltf on kod- dty ereoiag aad was alto well attended after tea the audience went to the auditorium of the church and a lengthy programme of speeches and music was presented rev ifr gee made a moat entertaining chairman and kept the audi ence in constant good humor excellent speeches were msdeby bert j edge acton i loveaaddibachauaaagorgebiwa j argo nocval g willooghby the junior pastor and sir h p moore editor of the feeepeess tae choir of the church deserve great credit for he splendid music dis coursed an abundance of which they willingly rendered the proceeds of the serytoe readied between 60 and 190 an amusing event occarred 1a froatof the ifethoditt church hoadty eveoing after the tea meeting a bu load of georgetown young people turned out to past a rig and its icasd of lads sod isseet werec into the ditch koonefwat iajured hnt the accident created roach merrimorit for tbeioom of ipectttorar- i the presbyterian eoogregatioa bere will hold no tea meeting thlsyear their frrrfdc will be raised by volantary off efjpgt thipsrt upolhei ousivnol jftly wtj biiiavnm enhtneedt bjaie b aumsr- oaldeaim loh had jfa fttftfpr the oonvutioaj orjonod on wednesday morning wljh mriw flsheri prtaldent ia the chair iof shauliworthbf tho oa c guelph presented the first aubjeot on lha roui a of cropti thefrofestor commenoed wftu j tht itattment that variety of p tjdace it reqhlred on the farfc aad a rotafo 4 ntoaatarily tand- to farauh tbft weed ij sad thltuet mutt not to allowed to iov certain oropt he laid rood for i utaam afford the farmer sn oppohunltv to clean ihe land qertalt following tp 4titiiwoian toil in which to grow t i cultivation requisite for the beat growth of parucaur crbpt etpeoiatly prepares toi for a laootedldg crop the eoohomy of manvre itbeit secured by a rotation otjc opt eoofs draw heavily and long rfpda rftrtientt cbmam lighter ioede a bat cave special capacity lb extraot comaaed conittttitnd frotit the soil they joooteqaeafiy ihbald fotldw roott in a ro tlioo the distinctive char- acteritticc o crops at to their period of growth rang i of root growth capacity for assimilating different kjadt of food are important in deterriliiiriaitrrjbitfoa to be adopted a fixed turbar all places coudiaons e p oaskst be followed ai ajpsn toi fejjk was brought oh t in the discuitiol which followed in the matter ot killing taiiuea jifr jitohi suted that ho had al way ibeen able to effectually kill thistle by ti y crork ot cldfer f hi same li atr holtermaaa t bttaffatd gave an iadt ittef vweba begin beekeeping a the farm the beekeeper thoald- h c aimed be k caful clow ooaery ing pi rioo the ttility teleotcd require plen y of alafkalorfwbiteielover with thistle katwoodbodkw heat and the viatialvarietyciwwerft i the lime la aartluae ilsjmiy the honey crop i t gathered in jane aaa july tad by bayfa in mny yoa btvie the leaaoa before yoa to the profits jjoa can soon ret ftrailkr rith beet which if veryneoes- axy before inter the season much dread ed by bee low iera j j- j 11 j to judge n good ppjony the hamber of bee flying i a t floe day the more the better indict e attroaghitej have all the frame movei ble j j j have your uah ready for the hooey flow take comb b oey away the moment it is ripe for if ii ft ioogac it get soiled aad appearance ii much in comb honey the queen shoal t be good if they begin to fail in the p odaotioa o eggs should be replaced with good yovg queens in nreparii for winter begin about the 1st october c u soon a the queen hat ceaaed eggla ins saffioiently to free the comb from b cod see tut every colony i applied wi it at least h poemds ot hooey for winter lit wintering if yoa have a good patt of oat celiac divided off and it it dry with a t equitable emperatare and pore atmotph ice itwill mi ke good quarters otherwise pa ifc outside pack in rough damps moat i tad waterproof in novem ber aaddp a t remove until ajtiied warm weather ia tp iag i r j j i theliees at 1 hire are often considered aaimportautj at if taocea is to be achiev ed they inntt reoeiva attention mr yuih if cailetoa ptace gave in tdret on v inter dairyi and affirmed a one of h s first and mott important requirements that worn a matt help to make winter dairying a lacoeta other necessary fea ore are thi right breed of cattle for ba ter mi jang and good wsrat stabling will a temperature of aboat so degree covisshoaif ki october itryajll ieaee in feedii g the sad the great rslae pf it posts him tl oat feed etch cow and nit worth of batte mi raited each o w was year lfilkinj tots-r- om id a thli stmlsnt sddreir mr joba doff ioflowed although thi boot watttut bytra address opoa ttj boat he fioto dwelt ttpon ho fraportiboaet 6d ltitt jtoi broed from gom a bait nid ptrent was liable to transmit delects to the offspring it flu vroupied that ja vm thoald rive a pecla address opoatbibbri at loms fotars time iomaahjoterrt bngntalfatteilib subjeotf j j the initltqle was quite suoceailul aok had ft not beta lor the stormy weatker no doobtmtny other itrmers and ther families would havebeaa present 1 4lttjarjimt comino and0 vltltora to and from aotdn ant various othat rftomttw6twrl ifisi toty fikipilritlr of ojokgo iii la tlfltiog fritiidi ia aew- i mjii bowaiof 8t marys it the gutti ot her iltter tars dr ucta mrs t e m 6ecotdjp ipendjpg a ew weeks with friends ia gaelph mr c uattlit visited bis ton wllllim at his homi oaarmltobejl lttt week j mrt aliaamaanbf dakota was vlsituig attbabomeofmht a m4- ihatyjavr id lobrsetatal johptoo n t mater jamas brown qeorge hynds wej thi dslagitis f to ihlioobiarnilihjj motibba ptwtaasnmtwi iiu ip isir-lt- j v kann j- iii ii ii iii 1 1 i ii 1nyallyoot ip jlb r- sqiuolbmju- jcbttbjw howraar buakbaok aadaaner15titiantj ii at tbi vv if il ci stationery holiday 0si so be rashed off at eztremsly lew price r r j v kannawin aamoir bwioa fltbt took at pni jim irwa bntmaaoittnrakb ifatlcaoatebejai naam toflad jbreiitittr lma4nbfyl taw 0adjtti adaaprcafitoa beaacband cbi maatwu t- iti illj i l i ir rrjf wiwiu gaaraatw pwfettlflt beat of wortrhab blafnoiwbrtf owiaiaiw i tft iff v7iii i- enuv turnltrllrtgs w- weeilbi it- wban warecetive ar atoek ppnt forget tooal tbdat the unde nd ae qr j feit tlesr y slatim id vwapvwl nders gloves a x bhirul olsnjksm v i ftt itfttyrr mes mill street aotewf wewtnt sty afiw ward to tfiaaatb pawl iaertadolt utfcu thivaf j pfrj son oomingto oar or with eath la their band oaah in awro good ad beat j thaii thsyssi got in theit lives i diaoaapaiiiiiedi oftbaqmgngif frieadi in oanada pmo yaftaei fgepaltlsj3 aayj3r5o4 wait held on sonday tut edge ot acton was preataol sermons both monani and evenloiv jmr edges many friends a the congregation were delighted to heir him gala aud liilefedtrith marked tted lion pocket book oomlnlon floanca fnraly mnnfha- i k fairly qoool showlns i orttwivjaa lith reveauo retarat foe the past six months are oinencbnr- agiag character the following is the statement of revenue and expehdltora for decenlber and forthaiixmonthi ending december sltt j beraaua x deceuiber cuitomi its1ot1 baclae i 746x03 itoalce m uw jooxxj pnbue works l stl lbseianeociijjii leju total- ij jimb luvenno to kovomber3ali toul elt7a expssdtturb for deceuiber iwi exfonduureloxoveinberx vtfitsjms varthe 3 most interest j thear f- m tha olci counoll ha wound up tha bualnaa of their term cult to tnaki bat no traabl caws all the what was probably the last meeting of the conncil of 1831 waa held oh monday evening the affairs had been pretty closely in hand before and very little busi ness required attention at this meeting members all present mmatevof previous meeting read and confirmed committee on finance presented their tivaotyfoarfc report reoommeading pay- mentf thefouowing aecounte 1 fl if atthews cord wood 00 lg1fattbewscolouandglaaa i james smith work oastrests toj c c speigbt poilteg booth sco qertipostsjto i- j- t j moved by jos anderson seconded by j harvey that report of finance committee be adopted carried oo motion codnsil adjoarned r gool j batter ia wiiiter to veraged 56 oe of calm him hoc a ba allowed are fed yulll ba are would while the hajnnir the i 44if mi ll waiav b fresh sttok of tbemtn plaotin aaa mj kelly wjml mm ii 1 cjil mrf fjpjr ivte svmf ri vtv i iivi r has coinnivhiced j jt- j-e- 1 tvl- vf h nl ouhcentfe tables will i be cebwded with i i ii fi l lk la rid lv qne pinceionly r tvihf khf jf r m total learfasasurptasof sj12jbq tha revenue at the oorrespocding period lut year wu fll418c7s and the expendi tare su0ji3ct a sarplut on deeeoiber 8ltt 1890 of 15160310 a i ki thedeoreat it dae to iheremltsianof the tagsr datiet tlienet dsbt aa deeeav bsrllst was ffl5ws3i a decrease lathe month ot usssn the ttatemaqt lor january will however tppresf ftw able u tha liabilities will require tobe added an amobht of nearly 1 1000000 doe to the bancellatioa py the qoverumen of thenotlhfihore railway beads whioh will heaceforth be mooted as a federal liability and swell tht daot to that ainoaqt the expenditure on capital account awt a decrease daring the put half year the figures being 1890 js27s 1891 utt790t ate niy sentfment8r makes the weak stafftewigfc out to tba bofces for tbeittle jane ttfnttti tbi ia bltalloi isastw r ijasm d stwaad k tjjsafjeii i t alcat tts town ball oo fi ttafbmubt ji5ai l thefaee prtas job ojtjsjtji tr oat a aeat cheap and yittflltiy- kiad a any other offi mmritfo fi all orders receive prbmpt tji bring yoor prlaung a the fsia office or send it by mail and yi receive entire satisfaction wil past twv months the faee cited scores of order for priniii tamer ranging at various pofol betijaen feterbotoogb and detroit and wtiilbpfoj no canvasser xjur work tell oar merit and the pttlert 1 40yrrfrupelmnonebtloatry mfj h ftmprjftfa frptfr sllniffirlltswerfloau 11 you rant flrtbja 01 your order at hit plasring ijtlt u diffl summer he milks his round and sails oil his batter altwen yffveeents aponnd prof bhatflewottti fpilpwed in an address on the evening lessiqu opened with a fair aadieoce tb rfleitadareit 4gvwd by prof shuttiev ortli hi sabject being the ontario agrici ltaralf jollege tb speak ergatetmoa interfcttingj aoponnt of the linlory and d alga oftht institution also snoutline of tl e work done by the students both ia and oa tide the eoljegtj beference- wsi msde to he txperinjenta at present being carried m thnagpat canada aad tha meeting c the daioa to be held fa guelph ihortij to receive kird ditcuss the report of the everaloetegales f prof in pressed upon the aadieoce thwi tbsfernu rs aadlfarmers sus shoald be tally educi led iii their business and that they shoe id posses a good english edtcation- h raid lljatjwhilo there is great deal lob proud of ir our syatcm if publio school nork yet tl e tendency un- doabtedly was to edocate the pupil away tforatfhe fara especially oa eutrauceto oar high 8cho lis there oftea oar moit prctaiiinc f ott ll veeie account of their ipvnes linod a toother pursuits after a souty tie msple leaf quar- jette ciub4 mesirt mann qibboni kannsdy go don- most interesting paper was rest by mr holterraanbis sab ot being be tip the fajnni i tbit was to lowed by another song by ihe qttrtef te liib then by one rendered f iwtinji wa j i- lf3 beni erson irst the next speaker i short itime i on the subject os ecially that ofcoragrow e 81 a tod lbow ed himself to be iniwciveria rt witbima tart pertajuing tflhe farm r ingt song and encore by the e clu came a lelection finely ered by si other of oar popular young jmy tlagers 1 s htmslr let the lut adc rest was thi t of mr joseph yoill on batt it making this waa oue of j tba jjiost afiatk ff tbt tetaioti and ir atjjelrsfoj rgj jhi ipeaker la pfato oommoi iejne ienil with a good apaddbamoi brown ft 47fcvfblli tiic narked benctit tfacu people lonn j dawn cr weakened itifc of health aerlve- fprtu kinds sirsaiaamscoacluslveiy proves iliccliiliuuiitthtaic iyne mokes tnewe strrai it d nc aetjike a sflmataaj liinnrllugcctlltoittpiifcmwmelrttre t must fcillow a reaction of seatervfesmest una befure butrn use mwtatiaralwjy hoars ssrsaparllu overcomes f- that tired feeling ereatci in iiictitc irarilles he blood slid la abori gives great bodily nerve menial and digestive strength i i derived very niuch lieuedtfrqmhoodj garsaparilla which i took fpr goieral debility it built me right np nud gavemeanexetl lent appetite kd- jevuxs htsavat mt fagged out- t last spring i was chrapletely lagged iat ify strength left me niul licit tick aid mlsi crable all uio time so that i could hardly attend to my business i took one bottle of floods sarsapsvuia and if cured flik tfhete isnoltilns like it b c bsaolh bdttor entsritise bellevlile mich worn out hoods 8ananarhs restored aseed health indeed imlglit say trvtatafly it iivcdmylifc to ouefeeung- tired and worn out i would earnestly recommend atrtti mi hoods sarsaporula vxs phbbk haass mbrooksstreet east boston kast kbj it yoa decide to kke hoods 8ats liarulado not be induced to buy anything else hvitead insist upon having g ryij if 1 iviv amjttf h 6vt- fim mm ijivt ii jttsitrj ij r -ir- ii i ir v uioiw -to- tijts ji iia iiix j j m bepcb vboodb immen8ely bedtrobd jilj jaakettromutbf9lltoltjw h0to6lmto88toj longm 4134 to il18 ttpettry carpets trom md oarpsttgreauyredooedlo prices silk pi redoied to price embossed 8ik plathet oente dnd ladies oiotm offering far lea cottonath io bbirtibta the 7a i r f jaflsortmekt of bbmnastbok ofjlor8belllncr xt ut8b beduckd pmoeb vlkdj bweepbbbi thbt whilbavb 1 remembeb obomptoh8 oobseta other maxss of corsets of evbp tear mr th0ma8ww btjmmer stocks and 18 drtebl 04ada for beauty 8tymstfashions q weekjcontistiiigots bale bmaea cav cod uining s000 package of pins and 8 shirtiagt colored oaaton flannels ete jplavmal do not get into the right hoate rq-1- r i rh rcla1 rtfcii ii- vi irii jv i a jtii it fls mto adwnjromlft ims wuliii lito 116 to ilq quilted- cifcvtartlrribi 60 9m to w beat brasaelaoanfeti bam v semnanh fromljo tbijoeio tjnion analicwibaiwid- ly alfcolonpntdpwn vary low fte goods rulladtry 6es selhniat iirf onnei iwtl urioseqaaly jutt s mibtaliw ablt alili xi pobohasing bliseds et8 iybefobe i the wb ompsftsfb corset thbjp not bkoblid btitjiy iand10hbapiibb8 satmwkageaof ejaitkli4f npy gocvl awcprst jeaatll followet v stir xsr qbwf oaiiapcaiittw 0ffl 8oilbttiiilnkiliui ii ilxtor 15 prepafoeonir by c r pood k co ajwtnecarlssioieb hssl 00 doses one dollar 13 offindi ik eiihti htirtoripeoks la iailiy t- i vol ril tnulmiad sh2llief jiaj- ig b e ed not be iic nifiidri withe yoa a merry christmas and happynewteaxv he still wants to see you fur ha has a large ttook of oa haadabd will u oh lij 1m v iii- i ial 20 lbs granulated of dlwi bright yellow 8ugax m l iponftl ifim jaij i enlzed ethulsfon mk tsms3j l i r -v- sms ijgwipjilij ar ta4il afes a 3et

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