Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 4, 1892, p. 2

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t- bee5smtt itokk hf iviihi erinca lb ttth juuarythe if ct ur u lsteveavooes ft too jmrrteo mi kit- vtlvvnrll u liwmt pleasant tsh- dm elnrxh mrlr li tlie kev hr rokteo en therthjarmiiy johiiautktyljttitt ih ittiqihwf rt ur john ickchttl all oi trslstcsr vifrit liinuirm tlie miluik oj lb im u utacr torwihv tojaaciary loi by tif hc win varhnc unietcsoaiiatiatii i jt4m uilchir juq lo w k campbalj lqikinc henderson victorious i i k rttuuud m th bkjqum with a qu majoht largest vote eve potleo j thej byelection in thursday retailed la this county great victor for v pied impiln krumom en tbe th january i fxmxv ln dtn ofj m v lin bartmvwcrilloon tlie 2tb jauaarr htdiiir 1 ii lltcr vonumtrr aged rr yecz ihllai nlic dsiika on the tstrt january jtmt only wn we william bysrs acsd it rmtsai milton on j jinuary iiltt- i tli tuck lc til holktt coatm ton clett iif1 1 yctrv iaiwuakiuclplioa uoajay feb lit emtoa a ittmnonj lolciwl vifc of jobu crowe acvl 41 yrt anl t month irakiieiuat brifnrrtlhcr guclpb on tin to januari william foaol junes cham- ln acvi 7 yean 1 mouth citiciartvftat tbeticralhoittal suclpbcn lli stlti jcetrr f1i voaopwt danx hter of jtuica ctniuitri afm 1 icr an4 d uoultia hr nicvdcrtott who htt new boon telirued toho jhoaao 4 commons tins third jjtituo within our jccr from the time ilj wa deftnllily known hut ihe contest wttjlo bo 6clrtomr henderton tad mr mcgregor the representative of ha patrons of inda- try tbje itnprettion wtt pretty general that the former would bo tacoetsf ul in th con test only hit moat sanguine frieadii ex- ircttcd the hope however that hit mtjority would ireaeh anything like the urge ntrtnbcr of uqj uau felt that the anuria oonfl- ienoo bt hit aapporten wai kirstkvoji and irwij irrttut through inactioa in tnarrovr majority beveraj infiaenoca cootptred to j defeat kfxjfcg rctjor the meat important thfrsdat kebrvary 18m notes and comments au ottawa dcfjiwrli aa s there i a tumor currvut that 6omeof the miuistr ill prcieeiti to wathtngton early ncjit week to dikuis by appaiitment with the united states aatboritica the question of reciproc ity between canada and t initod state the romor however laeka official ooofir- mation aa iliniitera decline to jay any thing on the tnbjeci it ii behetrd that the stiuutars will be hon mr bowell sir joan thoaspoo ana hon mr poster it ii regarded in political eireleo that the reelection of the goremment candidate in cumberland and the return of col ooitnet by acclamation are tnattereof comparative ly little importance aa the real trial of ttrength will take place today when trince kdward and lennox will be heard from and next thuraday when east mid- dleaei eaat brace peel and the two vic toria will give their verdict the coattnoo pica diriaional coort at toronto haa delivered number of jujcemcnta aotne ofwhich were of penertl mtcrett the conviction and fioei in aeveral caaea of illegal liquor awling were jastaictd theae dediioca of magiatrate deoiaon bad teen attacked oo the stoand that the defendants evidence in hia own behalf bad been tendered and refused the case in question was a proseostiob under the ontario w while the legisla tion enacting that a defendant can give evidence in a crimical case ws pasted by the dominion goiemment and was held not to be applicable to caaea undcrvthe provincial statute this decision draws the distinction d hesdersok m p njb iultok the name canada is btoomin syuony- moot with products and ichievementabe- 1 jjgiag to the first class the tendency ia cod let it go on tbe c nadia n steainers on the pacific ocean are earning a great came for epei a hong kong paper of reoerit date says his excellency sir w robinson tbe new povenorof the colony arrived at hong kong oh december 10th in the iitrfw ofjajtm the stemer was expected at 11 a m but arrived two boors before that time having made tbe run from shanghai in l hours the fastest on record japan advices to the same paper complain ed that while letters which had came via vancouver bad been delivered in yokohama three days before that date the steamer from san francisco which left that port foot- days before the canadian boat left vancouver had not ytt got in tmftre prof saunders commissioner to the worlds fair has returned to tins capital from a visit to chicago where he tcada preliminary arrangement for the canadian exhibit- tbe commissioner says be sru received most oordiallt by the director- general and officers of the fair who were gratified to find that canada intended to co operate heartily to make the fair a success he interviewed tbe heads of the different departments ind informed them of the amount of space the dominion would probably require the direotorate however have more applications for apace than they will be able to supply although tha- buildings iceludicg the stock sheds will cover 150 acres after prof saunders had concluded his rounds and made bis calculations tie decided to atk for 96000 hnare feet of space bat thia does not in elude provicionfor canada in fee fine arte and fisheries annexe ao that he total space required will be in the vicinity of loodm square feet rev chash spurceon dead summoned homo by the masterfha had served so well of these was no doubt the fact that he had virtually forced the reform party from the field at a time when they felt confident that they coald win this feeling rankled in the minus of many reformers and instead of being fnduoed to aid the patrons otadi- datewhose platform wasin many points similar to their own as was hoped they either voted for his opponent or remained neutral another weak point tu the jack of proper organization it is true some section of the county were in excellent shape for the fight but it is also true that several districts were almost entirely neglected the itlrst cry of the supporters of lir xfegregor when tlie remit became known was thai the town and villages had secured mr henderson his victory but an analysis of the vote throughout the county giv the matter a very different complexion it may surprise sorue of the fane pabsa readers to know that inot only did the fanning community fail to back up tbe farmers candidate with their votes bat they gam a majority for hr header- ton thirty five votes in advance of that secured by him when elected at tbe general eleetioaflatt march every municipality m the cottnty gave hinva majority except assagaceya the stronghold of the patrons bat even here the adverse vote at the previous electionwa redoced by seven for the firittime in many years there is co talk heard in any quarter the 1uzc pccts knows of of protesting the election fn the first place the large majority proves that mr henderson ha a strong hold upon the hearts of the electorate and the election itself wax admittedly one of tbe purest the county has ever seen the public is beart- ilytiredofprotestsand it istobe hoped those who generally manipulate the protesting business have bad enough of it the elec tion was conducted in a manifest spirit of fairness and at tbe official declaration oo monday a vote of thanks was moved to returning officer dice by mr robaotl agent for mr mcgregor and seconded by- mr henderson for his gentlemanly and un biased desieanor during the contest the following statement gives the total vote polled and tbe majority in each muni cipality hxacdea- mr- i acton aox gaxoots no 1 polling subdivision 78 15 ko2 do ib it 1t0 i 79 majority for henderson 91 blkuxgton no 1 polling subdivision 7i g3 no i do 72 oj 17 103 majority- for henderson u georgetown so i polling subdiviatm 73 81 no 2 do si 81 1g4 102 candidate ool o k clusholtn om the nearest loituu4 in i w r th uatlatt pitron ot industry oandlj dlte trill now ooufiut htt altetittou to pt ling podc ohwptt than hit utlghboc cm ott thinking to whisli it much tht same tctmltton siktfator hsndemtt gained it every tuuiticinaiily lu uio county aa follows aotoa 23 iturlittgtott 71 i georgetown 5 milton 10 oitkville 107 eaqueaiqg ci i kassaga- wpya 7 kelson 8t trafalgar 10 mr uondocsou give tha ctadidata of the patrons of tnduttry i severe drubbing in alien and obtained a much iirger nnjority tban he would have been able to g4t or a regular dtberat caudidite wa are both pleased tnd turprited by the reautt of jctterdayi work htmilton rtmc among the numerout congraltlsry isle- grams received by mr henderson were lie following orrtwt jsajr t9i ubt accept my warmest cougrstulatteus unoa roar wslljaruej ami brilliant victory j 1 j 0 ajjmtt ottiwt jsay 83th list llcavty cougnttulstlous oo your ftroat victory j u t raokmok lu the halton contest tha cousecrauvec increlted their majority from 104 to 0 tbo opposition caudidata was cot namloeeof tbo liberal party which pro bably refrained from giving him tha support of its organisation in tha county in order topunish the patroni of industry tot their independence by subjecting their candidate to a humiliating defeat in view of the result of tha haltoa ex periment the patrons may decide to accom plish tvhst they can within the rank of tha two ok parties their caudidata in that fine agricultural riding was beaten lu town villageand township tbe townsfolk tam ed on him tory patrons would not touch their standardbearer and evsn lha grit farmers deserted him political agricaltora got a black eye in helton on thursday toronto ttlrjratn we ioubt if in the long list ot reverse which unrestricted reciprocity hit nut sinoe t first began it illstarred career a more i isastrous defeat ha been encounter ed thku this verdict of haltoo tha platform ot the patron ot industry was to seductively drawn up that it was hoped many a conservative farmer might ba attracted to support it without cutting quite loose from his old principles and policy bat the bait has tailed to take furore had the contest in haltoa been left to the old combatants messrs j hendsrsoa and wsidie it ia by no means improbable that tlie ministerialists woul4 have taffered a defeat there gut the action of too patrons of industry in nominating is cftt- didate induced mr waldie to retire with the result that mr henderson the unseat ed courervative was elected with a largely iocreated mtjority the caddidata ot tha patroijs failed to secure the full reform vote and he ceems to have received no majority for henderson 2 hilton no 1 north ward j 57 no 2 south ward x 3 no 3 east ward 47 zr hr 132 majodtyfor henderson 14 oakv1lle no i ward 73 21 no 2 ward vi 31 no 3 ward 10s it losioii esr feb 1 mr spargeon died shortly after 11 oclock last lssi night he had been unconscious sinoe the morning and had opt recognized his wife and daugh ter mr spurgeons end wo painless he remained nncohsciopa to the last his wife dr fiuhenry and mits thorne were present when he died tbe morning papers toutsiu long memo ries and obitaery article on mr spcrgeon llie ckroiiirh appears with a mourning border it comparss the dead pastor to martin luther tlie teltrapli character izes him s a great fearless and faithful minister it adds albeit of homely genius and eloquence all agree that lie leaves a void that will be filled with diffi culty charles haddon spurgeon was born at kelredop essex june 18th 1s34 hi father and grandfathers were preachers in the independent denomination at the ace of 10 be bees me ao usher at new- market and subsequently at cambridge not lon after going to cambridge he ooa- ltcted himself with a lay preacher association there and before he wt 18 became pastor of asmall baptist caogre- gstion at waterbekch in 18j3 be was called to the tie tarfc street baptist chsptl t 6oothwark loudoo to which bis preaching attracted such crowd that the congregation removed first to exeter hall and then to urrey music hall in lwil anewchopelcapabieof mtixag between toooaud xxiowas pompsed tor hued- grtgation io ne wingtotibuj kpurgesn bos received- more than u person into bis church and ho erected 47 chapels in london supplied with ministers trained n a college of hi own fwodia- he has published numeroa work i the goderich slnual asnoaooe hat oo and aftr feb 1st next sttkeribet u arrears win be take i off tbe listi and rery py of the af p inied srfll be paid for i 274 124 majority for henderson 150 w esqlesjng no 1 sprotts school 85 w no 2 korvsl 133 92 no 3 stewirtlown 7i 88 hodobhni ii 83 no c thompsons corners 101 72 no b glenwilliams s 122 75 570 497 majority for henderson 73 j nabsagaweva no 1 campbelhille 114 82 no 2 brookville i2 97 no 3 knalchbnll 54 1s3 200 812 ik of the day ta an ftpltjsta erf trt durlnt th orldt doi ifi tcrvai rnier kefarmers were togry becaitaof the 4ir cunutonces which forced ur waldie to decline a nomination ottawa fnt pro in hilton the conservative mtjority ni increased from 101 to 40 thl if the most unsatisfactory of the day resaltc and it no doubt due to the fact that mr henderson was opposed by a patron of industry instead of a straight libera mr jeicgregor docs not appeal to hare gained any considerable number of tha conservative farmer and he certainly did not poll the liberal vote there i wo no doubt among the liberal a feeling ot oreues at tbe fact that having gone to the trouble and expense of contesting the elec tion they were forced to choose between going into a triangultr fight oraccepting the candidate of another party the patrons no doubt understand their own in- terestu best yet they must see that in this case their action has led to tbe roelacttoa by a large majority of the candidate of the pariy which is least disposed to help them wm j the gaelph uercunj says the result is disappointing for mr hendersons majority has been increased from 1m in march to 40 it was supposed that mr mcgregorheing brought out by the patron of industry would receive- their unit support but the coctemtivo former stuck to their old principle irrespective of their platform and as before voted straight for the tory candidate who has invariably roted against their interest in paruameot it also appear that mr mcgregor did not get the fall reform vote and this wu no doubt due to tbe fact that after loll their efforts at previous elections and the traabte and expense they were pat to in ednnecliqa with mr waldies protest their candidate wot in a sense forced atude and they hoc to accept the candidate of soother organization or risk a triangular fight the result it that the effort of the patrons to gain the riding ba ended in a decided failure and that politically tbe member are aa far apart a they ever were at hit thm lh a drop la lot pilot of stalil at sir moi ttl maksatis it dawn with i con ahitit ur meiosjfes majority in kingston eiaall- ll 3 qibaou milectd in jlinoola by 100 msjot y tha u ngplitn rabaltli a ia china heeu lapr tted prinolp i eattou of woodstock coltie did last rrfday hoo w lutid laarier hi qaila reob er- d from t ronohitis a big i dt vein list bu itntk mi t farm at v oife wand john d ran an old res dent of oatsph died lost it geki agad 8i briilsh jambis legialitura astembled uviolorii last friday i tha poi i year hat beta aa of solid ptu- psrityfor utilish columns it itraoaared that th british patltt- ment will x diisolved ia play north i akota had an avenge whekt yield of 25 58 bushels lutj year thec k is going wljaildabig rs i- way lutia i in the heart of winnipeg jastia fccsrthy is willing lo preside over tha i uia wing dariac tha session last yai r 2sj19m poueds of fish rolai at 194075 ware shipped frtm manitoba the ex nnmental tlnlia held it su ual mattin at gaelph college last week flia on uu system of land transfar h county council rial st morris been adopt d by the elgia bolton i all who it on town tem t said to hat a killed 99 tneu hoo jol a catling mia ster ot agrical tart will london both an msud the pablio life a type agtin oppota mr hyrata li ning ptperc tn montreal dt- banishment of mereier from foundry company fa seeking incorportti a in toronto with a capital of fl50ooc balance oo the sight sido in tha coacty treasury there is over 3000 weatworth sir gaara btdeapawelllh i left tor washiagtoc oa friday jo discuss the bearing s difficulty an fame sa amoaat at rsijwsy legisla tion will w opy tha ateation of parlia ment ia tbe gaming session caltlnq andgowq vltltorttt and pram vtrioui other portonilnotat acton and a day or two mr j j 1 stxtoa ia vitiljiug friend in toronto mr d r bhristie spent ia town last week mr tad ii rs w p browjn of tocoutfi visited frien t here last weak mr john ladertoa was home lut week he it about 1 9 remove to biteebridge councillor harvey wa over to ancaster last weak attending tha funeral ot a friend there mr jsme spent a few friend ia tata mr john actaa from caverbill of new lowell dayt during the week with majority for mcgregor 52 kelson no 1 freeman 38 f no 2 nelson village 84 78 no 8 cumminsville 84 50 no 4 belts school r4 74 no 5 appejby 124 52 414 317 majority or henderson 97 j tkapalgak no ltbeboyne 84 77 no 2 drumqain 122 no 8 postville j 82 00 103 so 4 manns corners 79 70 no 5 palermo 03 f4 no fi bronte 64 m 473 before it leaves the kttry country jourc pnuslfcuj office after that date al should do likewise majority for henderson 21 clear majority for henderson 440 blecnox couioaiii only fifteen ballots were rejected in tbe entire ootmty mcgregor gained on hendersoa at bronte where he had amsjorityof 35 t the votewa the largest ever polled in the county and aggregated 453 votes j in lie megregort own division drum- quin he loot heavily the majority ogsiiiat being no lets thin 02 tiin haltpn pafroat of industry will know heit taiielaot to come between the grita and viitory hamilton roter 1 the polling pltoec in georgetown each gave mcgregor 81 votes while at three place ib nelson henderson bad he tame vote 84 mr wtldie it evidantly he only rata who coo keen down matoritie fa the front of he coaaiy cfclcvilwdid- 107 ber for mmvfianfolooarejot i tha mjoty fwhaddmoau okkviile u he urge wet brfwtjteatbr u7 her majestvs sorrow queen victoria addrease a letter to her subjects for their sympathy lovixw feb 1 the royal oazxlte hat published the following in relation to the death ot tbo duka of clarence and avon- dale i i osscbku jsn 20 i mast again give expression of my deep sence of the loyalty and affectionate sympathy evinced by my subjects in etry part ot my empire on an occasion mare sad and tragical than any hot one which boa befallen me and mine a well at the nation in the overwhelming misfortaae o tbe death of my dearly beloved grandson suddenly cat off in the flower ot bis age fall of promise for the fatare j that he a so amiable aad gentle tad endearing himself to all readers it bard for the sorely stricken pareats bit dear young bride and fond grandmother to bow with submission to tha inscrutable decreet of prosidence i i the sympathy of millions touching and visibly expressed is deeply gratifying and i wish in our own noma and that of oar children to express from oar hurt warm gratitude for all vtieso testimonials ot sympathy with us in appreciation of oar dear grandson whom i loved at a too tad fhoie devotion to me wot at great at that of son cqald be in help tad consol ation to meond mine my beretvementt of the lost thirty year of my reign have been indeed heavy tad though the labors anxieties tod re sponsibilities inseparable from my position have also been great yet it it my earnest prayer that god will continue to give me health and strength to work for ha good tnd happiness of my dear country tad empire while life lut vipotu t brown hoi returned to toronto and wilt make hia home here a un mr k b ermyn bat been laid up with a severe attack ot the grip tha put week bat it now recovering kev t a foore tad his little claugh eva of ham ton spent a onapta of day last week will 1 friendt here j mr and krt w e smith spent sareral days s mount forest at the home of mr o w jmith last weelkl j mr w h tatledga tad family hare re moved to ton ato xta ho gone into tha meat business oa queen street mr tad ur john walkerj of stratford have been tu ttiag tt the home of ur lather lyma t the put week i ur john ifcdoagtlf write that ha arrived in sei tue washingfoo state oa he 20th jan iary and found very sua weather in tlejpocifio state lir a s i ortter pf the oakvilla star trot in town 0 1 election day tud made tha fern facta a pleasant visit friend foster it not 1 very ardent politieita and tha election 1 enabled him very slightly he tarn oat a spicy ptperi and bouts that every s tbtcriberhe tu pay in advance i the cocdit n of those who ore ill in town hot mat rially improved daring the put week a t we go to prist we learn hat ur w h storey is able to be in his office again an i mr will stony it improv ing ur job i lawson br ill tome batter and mr john lrtbart expects lo ba ia hi store ia a day or to rev ur ciitrllca it tbla to be oat tgain metsri robt wallace and that perrymaa br aro around mr thomas eastern it better than for a wee c put urt james moore is gradually re ainiog her strength tad ur samuel johase a expects to bej ia hit usual health very s lortly mr tpd mrs r agnew are bitb improving mrs mo- phail sr hat i een very ill ti a pub week tad mitt ciev toad it antbi to perform her datiat tt tl e pablio tchoo both ur tjii urt lymka are ill mr j c nelson it ooavtletcei and urs si a mist ctmaroa t very ill aad mr duaoia kennedy it ao expected to recover- te grip continue present there ire fewsr thai for sarei t s n catiecittnitcd extract of baruptr lit vellaw lluek iljuuicwa janljir ben ict uauilrake duulcllou tud other vtlui bio ngvilitercirdt ever ingredient h itii itrictly itire stna bo best of ac kind ut iussllila lu buy- ft rittml ij thbrouflily eoaiieeu t itttj iiinem in iho most careful luauucr by it iieeullar oimbluntloii proiwrtlau tn lmeesi gtvtng to it cunttlvo power ill 3 iiv mi i r peci to itself it win cureiicu a lha power pf medicine txrululi gjlt elieum blood poitoatacj cancerous aud all other uumars mala is llysktt lllllousneit- sick headache cilirtli luieutuadsm tnd tl ttiflscul lei wlili tlio utcr tud kidneys- it nutohtics thnt tired feeling cretttt 1 ainietlle oud gives iiieutnl uerrebodiyj and digestive strength the value of hbodsi sarsaparilla is certlucd to by luousaadao voluntary 1 -it- iicuses ii over uio country whom t i as cured of diseases more or lets severe tt it sold by all druggists ii six for prepared only by c i e0od tl aiatuccare lowell msts h b ifyou decide 0 take hoods stru it- rllla do not be laduced to buy any other ioo doses one dollar j v kannawin bay til yoar scioolfloojor eitrelst books pas pvlcus crtjvas i scrtbbltn suttt ink pattltot xrutit bunkbockx aid giainlsuxiontrr attha drug stationery stors mitt street afawljncsof holiday gtoods to bo rushed off at extremely tow price v kannawfn ghemiht agto h i wtat bemstr forcatsmt is oi fm bat euiestto itki sndcjxanest catarrh faltl br drosttau ec toot by null feh consumption xbcsnabrewr tdt qw sfcws iimhtfcf m ktat sat at w hsfraarta mr uitu iruxv taaaac tt us nitsvaxoaale nxxntt m au ataer ba ui mai las thdc kxrazst sat t a i kfl sloouk m o i8 aottlaloe t west tqrokto okt 1 obscr uttt i ct stat two bottxxi i syauui fartie thinking about winter clothing t lould call and inspect tha stock of b ficklip before parchaaing elsewhere m erchant tailor cuotcestoct of tvajcoatlnga chavlot wof st d and tweed 8utnnse trousartnaft ac eff poh 6ia vj mm j v- 1jfs w irs i- i oi i ti v m a p- sm 8f ill c6ntlnue8 the prices weiare offering goods lat make it impossible- focthej public w resist tuyin we ace mating peiple happy with 6irbarga nseveaylvhave we aregivmgyoui 25 pr gglktt o mahtles 1 rr i 20 psr c6nt oftiwitermatlexloths a large line pfwool goeds at half price below we quoj flannelettes at sc wfncey at 7c crey cotton at 41c canton flannel at 5ic cfnxharh at sc a grand chance to procured astrachan jacket v have juit closed oot amajiufac5 turer stock at an enormous- redtierionrand cantndwsaytyourora8 to 10 eachdeaoe giving you the choicest setefction ever swwn in guelph bichose from t t alt woof hoaaf at 7c up a fewpalr kid clova al 25c fleece uned gloves at 2jc 8 fancy hahdkercttfefs 25c- a fewmare reductions l- r m 4 fric 1 emfirdidory at 6c lace curtalnsat 76c black merveilleau at 49c fur muffs at 35- 1 fur toflarsiat i820 1 1wixlimmwgoi 5 and 7 wyniham stgaalph 34 ogwald stjchasgowi 20 packages itmr 9oom lust aiaitetl at tie f thlq rtighthovs r li consisting of 3 ctkt of bliokstt ia ltrga bizet hettyweightt pare vl d jmacli beldw ibeir rej wj cuet of corseu one being cromptont celebitted cortau in ythoat maket from fioonp to the best nartlickeittbldk- wtrnert cortett tlco beehtruilngpn americts corttt which ue beoominggentrtl ftvorif tad these bare sew patbrl improved suffcnlngt ia them which atk the corteti at ey ltd ore tory durable i cote amerfcaamit of tjaxtxm whit gatoa chesp tnd good cuet tnd t btle of taw priatt a ohkitnlng ttyle tnd anatntlly goad vtlae 6 rolst ctrpett 1 btltt 8tairpadtltletctrprttinlngf tad boyt dsortraj tn toi klndt a abundtoce selling off t rei until profit 8tabtlino beddcti0n8 to clear otj goods befogb reuovinff to new premi8e8l hand80ue madba8 cortatn8 down fbom 11050 to k5 tsitjalft to if chabuing velvet otjetaiks ifrom iso to 8 tnd ih75 to 17 magnificent ohenulb oobtaotb fbou j lo f hj iu7s lo 17 tntt iiojs to k betatifaffnrnltare coferiag from lhi to 11 todfljo to ii vtti saperioribwist ltee carfthn from 117 to 111 old tnd middleaged ladies mantlet from tl70 to 110 115 to9 lit to ft tad 19 to ladiet ulriart from ii fo7 tad 8m to m liditt jackeu from i liuo to 0 113 to 16 and 19 to 6 4 circulars i u 50 lo is tad 1 10 to 15 dtatla clolht fwea ifia to ii wis to 110 tnd is0 fo 75o brpoided 8fllrri utatlidgtthsif prioat colotad vein teens tnd silk plashes tt half price colored grot grain- silk immense- redoeed is price drest tod utntle trimming going tl j- heir ratae nbwe8t 8tyle8 feench awokl pbe8800o08 at ekorquodb reductions crossleys bea0t1eijl wilton carpets gpinq fab below their valob oros8lex1s fifralfb uagfificent brub8els cabpets pot laay down cb088ler8 ru handsome tapestri carp reduced greatly hoate 3ts aowhl at a big reduction allw please enter the si ore next the new building many make mistake tnd do dot get into tbebight etmilton february olh 189i and union cabfbttrl hi tl thotstas o yfrajizkjlnb fe ins fgr this 5feek see our one dollar corsets for 75 cents i a v- iifl see our grey bottori at 5 and tc mi m a fflft 3fc t- y 7 i ibi f-t- m l r- see our dress 3odds see aurselett08 a the special prices we axe now seliihffthem il hart ng opened up a merchant tailoring bi slaeu in acton with k view of staying h re tad making it a success i would itectlally solicit a libertl share of tha pi troatga of tha pablio c will eadeavor to give perfect latlaftetiaa or d seep abreast of tha timet u regards style price ac inspection invited weeks 8ometlujfs nanguty sbnietimcs nice the civic expenses of hamilton amount to a straight million of which nearly 1200- 000 t tbsotbed tor education ii a reddiog of streetrvihe lu entered an action ogifust the ff t b j for fdm0 clamtsesfwtht dettlvpfhis idtle dtagh- ter edithat riimfod ttaiion t fawitdonttif tsjo i this little chi p mty tt limes be ntaghty bat for til that iait the joy at the hoate in this ittter r pect he retei ablet sun light soap wh oh brings joy- 1 nd comfort to the boise wh oh assent le iseniug ihe jtbor of wuh di y string the i lothes from wear and tear i jtag twty wit i hot ttetm and bringing lh i clothes tnowj white tnd lpio tbe ban it soft tnd bet itby be t fitppy ater of laolight bote j termt slnotly ctsh hespectfully voart briggs nicklin the press new york f0r si2 eif s ikrjer dally circulatlsn than any other kcp abllcon xevsptpar la imcriea t t i l 3 3 see the mantles jackets in our windows and at the a iheyi are ticketed at gbrylns3i ill eaily sunday weekly the sggretttve bepublieau journalof the ifitropofs a ytwipoper for the hastes founded doccmbsr 1st 1s8t jircuiatiou over 100000- copiespaily 1 juz patss is lbs organ ot no fsctlo pulls ao wl res has no sulmosmss to avenge be most rsmarkabla newspaper saeeess la ki w york the patss is a ksuonalkewipaper hbespnews tdlgsr soosstloos snd trssu flud or plseblntbseolaniasotthkpnzst tit pnxss bas tbs brightest editorial page in ke ir torlc it sparklet witb points he freest scxnar epotok i a splendid tw intysgepsper covering every carrsut topic of atexest i aa plitss weeili- eoctiov coatalus all the gc d things of the dstly snd sunday editions rjor tboso who eannot afford the jdally or are pn wi venw loklyli ted by distance from early rtceing- it the r it a splendid substitute as an adtbrtislng- mediom taepatss bu no superior in ksw vorfc i i the press wlhla the reach of all the best aud cheapest kswspsperla america duf tat saadtr one year o z7liytnjy- one rear 8 roar mantis 1 sa id jo oa ytt i wi akjr prtss ant fear r i ad for toe pigst clrenlsx bi tuples re agent wsnted- averyw are lib irsl cominiasloas address i thh rbbgs park itowj r f bottle difficuitj of breainin tigetrtess ipf the digest wasting atvay ot kjesh throat troubles v consumption t i bronchitis weak lungs asthma coughs catarrh- colons dk t a s j t l v oxygenized emulsion of pure m sale by all druggists laboratory toronto on i -ii- i i

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