Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 11, 1892, p. 2

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w hs 1 0nt i j j j ibokir sowta tetoaea tin tlb rbnarr lie wife omr ocarje soiter o a ton ktxsemo0 tie irt fttcaary the wife ot kr jutuc hsodefroo ulltoo ot daoctatet bmtucucwtrs at the num ccum um xthtxulbtr f sri iijp k j w kse rail to and kaocbtcr o j oh a me- urfuauotfrn tttviw aaksraafct at uutltm sfnat toronto at the rjd nr of w vj atmata mr rt o h stttttl charles rnid to me yoeoxt dtactittr of tin- tele john 6 ana- tttoo ot kratuot died klskkltin acloo eu tbe till fettharr dauran krnmdj scad 70 years 7 months llxii- in artou joo le th febnitrr itsry kerr rifatf ltttertljmtnkgccftjfars awcrtovcia acimi ca ibe th february lltt tlr ctilw of edrsrd trtmtrocc cw 7 months tm rstvvjla toronto on tbe kli februsrr rr lfrrw tbcntoqcuuctitfr of cbutoiber ustslc actou pj st fr 6 months uoliuiai bla rriljioe ttosthant auelpti frtitrary th ttcunss goldlo utrov of iolih fmt so of jttucs uoldieqsml j8 vauv rxav bt cuiruiohoo tb oth jsnm jto uculllso hoes rtllet of the ut john hoec d t ornitrty pattr of aodrrtt casrttitiaelpb fyr thursday jfebruart 11 l9x tijej country around mwbltmt8uhpld by q rr txmderau and t tockwoqd i i 6 tt eiegler pay tit ijjrt offictet visit to rockwcod todge ac uw ott friritycveairig next before going to oread lodge next week there will ne doubt be k aamtec oc quetph bnthera ptc i sat the i carnival in the rink i nder ha auspioas ot the bind oa taeedt evening wa well attended the skater 1 1 id jolly time both gflclph uad ac loa were repceeciitad the epicortli letgae will it ottly pty actoo league t fttral iit itcv i stncluait preichtng lor rev i v iue acton in hit ipcciil te vtow ttitf talk of thk day an cphom at th world t dolnn durlnctht wtc tlrecdjr i for f tie it their the bcidei init by notes and comments fhe 1 8 concrete thors t diipotition to tet oa the tajjtioo rtlttive to tfety tpplltaoee tar rturocd cut tach u ill prevent iccideate to bntemea tad other etoploveec thrie boie htve been offered in the home thi meuare to mtfce thor- oaf h invettijttioo of the tabject meet wijlr ttror by tnd bye thtt detirtble reform iil be brought tboat some interettiaj tutiitict pi the kork of the ifoatreei cletrinj hooee e riven the tout cletrings ia 1891 tmoanted to t5uc07000 thi figure it etoeeded br gait nine citiee in korth america thoigb eoqtrttl tuadi 001 fifteenth the aifcberoiupopalttion theincrette ia tnnttetioae in 1831 over 1s50 it ffocoo- 000 n xew brantwick the prtctioo af uw ii tid to be do longer a maaejmtkxng profetooo there it ka litigation tnd fecer heavy cater in the proviiioe than there were thirty yeart ago the retail it that many who have rtadied law now loot there it a reneral impreatioa that the x uwyert ptt the bett alioe of ell thtt it going bamoor hu it that ur bute hat deter- mioed to reenter the hooae of com moot not at a follqwtt of hi ixorier or a opporier of the poiicy of the oppotition bat at an iadepeodent liberal it it taid that heparpdtet itriking oatoa anew line of policy and that be will freely exprett bitepiniont asd coovictiont on all pabiic qoetuoot wholly regardlett of the ooofe qaencei to either oc the old ptrtiet vail j tvere are now two vteaneietin the ontario attembly xorth ileslrew it wthoot repretenution in that body owiag to the nntimely death of ur danlop and kingston ht become vacant by sir met- calfet reaigoation to become a candidate for the hoate of common at the ugiautcre will meet thit afternoon at three ocloci the byeleetioni to fill the vacan ciet will not be held cntil taetdty feb 23rd the cujipi ttyt lr jicgregort weaknett wa not iahimtelf the trooble with him wat that be represented a losing ticket and it it doobtf ol whether anyone elce coald bre made at eood it of it or have polled at many rotes on that ticket at be did bad he been elected he would have reprerafed htltoa well bat htltoa will have no reason to be ashamed of ur henderson the repretentttire the bat ch he ia a man cf exceptional ahility bat made thit apparent daring the two sessioni in which he hat figsred at ottawa and may be expected to do it again ten electrical tabolating machines are now in operation in the fttt branch at ottawa there has beea ereat competition among the yosng ladies employed ia the branch to be placed m charge of th machines ur johnston awarded the care of nine iartrameots td- a oorretpoodiag number of the fair sex and then had great difseolty in deciding ahont the tenth finally he decided to hold a time test ia addjtiaa similar to those held by the civil service examiners in great britain the anxioas ooes were riven three tarns of 32 lines of five figares etch to sdd np and the sdcceaafol competitor did the threesome correctly ia five miaate erin ur w hall oar new editor tdrertitttig hit butcheriogbdiii ur d craig the wehkuown cattle dealer is at prtteat ill with congestion of he tangs hit mother and father ur and 1 irs robt craig are both dowu with grip borne is bramptoa married at the residence of parepta belfoantala oa the 3rd rev j ball ur s mcdonald to uut p iccdonald both of bcltaantain i the trin woolen factory owned it doora lut twito a fall force of a nptayee after aaiergotog necessary repai t daring the past month ur d uekorris sold hit pltiiiog fao- lory to an oraogeville firm last w efc drl uartint ehettoat eolt took t tpiaap the street one day lut week a cfigariog the cotter at almost every ttnde mtil the shafts gave way and freed the f lightened animal from the vehicle when he aooo came to halt little the worte afcotate milton jfciliaivsirvjiiivttafe jjvvv- priacipal gray was absent fast week attending the funeral of his aged father rev dr shaw preached the anatul missioaary sermons in the icethoditt chttreh co saaday ur wm clements has been appointed assessor ur rich hemttreetsr collector sad uettrt u clement it hollitrake and a mckay a board of health one of ur d w campbells hones driven by his ion ran away last week makingacircait of main tnd martin streets and aroaid by the mill after taccejediag tolerably well ia demolishing he catwr la other soarcet tor t iiring in onttriofit ni ctaght at the old hotel sheds near he town bait fortunately no ore wat hart early one morning last week night watchman downey taw same istaiog ia rear of h wallace house he immediate ly rang he fire alarm and he trirsdet respoodeccwilh tbeic ttsual prornptnett the fire wat qaickty drowned oat and wat coofioed to the osthoase in which it originated rrformtt geo j if urooalet msass settle btw aid bootlrt measta little book doai hztlet meat a uttie potl aad baut means liuie eh fair day last friday x good friday comes april 15th ur john hsrley is able to be oat again urjaeton of goelph preached in the uethodistjcharch sandsy morning reia hail snow thunder lightning thaw freeae and la grippe not t bad record for feb 7th thetheintxmaa piano co have agaia opened oat to assortment of their elegant l instruments thit time in the uceinuy block fair day in town was a day of anosxsu the highest coort of the failed states has read the death warrant of the loois- itns lottery it was the last hopeiol this concern that the postal act of congress against the traffic would be held nnooo- atitatiootl and set sside i the bopreme coart declares it conttittttionsl and heoee in fall force the law is stringent and- sweepiog it was oeeeeseary to make it no to render it of aoy effect against the evil at which it was aimed it closes the maila to all lottery communications letters postals circnlsrs tickets money orders drafta 4c it makes it a criminal offence for any person connected with the lottery to mail inch matter or for aoy person- to mail money for a ticket it declares newspapers containing lottery advertise- meats or any announcements of- drawings unlawful mail matter the postmsster general is empowered to direct any local postmaster not to deliver registered letters to auy person or company teogaged in the lottery traffic or any agent of such com pany supported the petition wat in attendance the bishop of huron iter stephen bond rev george boyd her w 1 clarkj and dr arnott being among he number it wat argued that the reduction would still leave the proportion one to every 750 per sons much shove that of torooto which was large enocgh a motion to grant the prayer of the petition wat carried yeas 11 nays 4 there being four absentees i the bylaw was read twice the tbird reading being postponed till next meeting yhen finally passed the law is to take effect may lit 1 in commenting cpon the recent election is 4hjt ooanty the uilton ilrformrr ydrfcses its readers as follows now tstotnefatare it teems- to at that the liberfl party ia halloa should be reorgtn ixed oo a new basis aad take in anybody and everybody opposed co the present policy of the dominion government let the patrons uuite their force with the lidil party and fight thoalder co jshoaldor with ihein for lb ttuiameat of tbeirplttform so nearly identical with that of the reform party with taotgta- izatiaa on that basis and a systematic oarse adopted io regard to holding pablio meetings throughout the country from time to lime sad thus heroughiy aroate the people to the importtaeepf havings chaoge- of gototmepf at otuwfc we believe hal- ion can bejwor back to her allegiauce to the liberal party aod take a stand for pore aod honest governmeat and the work of reorganixettoq should begin at ooar tfae soooex the better it it to be feared che liberals generally will not fall ia very heartily with the rtftirmai suggestion st to aaioa with the patrons ofladcstryjierthreiptrieaosofthe 28th little dnliet are gold o pint to fatten the mantie of codiore wcurtly tboat at ulm business activity besides the two lalet of real estate mentioned in i oar last there is a enrrent rumor that an esqaesiog farmer did tell a pig on the market i the fire company were oat for practice on saturday tftemouo there jit no doubt now fiat that we are tie people at far at fire protection goes some fine execatioa was done on a mock fire bat oa a real window at the high school damage uncertain the congregational church are offering their yoang people fine chance for a displsy of any latent literary or musical gsnios they hare a very fine social club going full twiag every taetdati evening everyone welcome adrniasion freei peel ele taa today it a dead certunity for one of the two candidates of the two we prefer the other bat we think both have the best chances at thit a real down political fight neither being a patroa candidate tbe heelers here say jacksons success it certain as p l is betting the other way kow it may likewise be urged that featherstones prospects are very bright since tome of oar most prominent boodlers tre down there pulling pint for jacfcton this is not an editorial i th hon soout btjuiat iii it otiltd tot march j v i bulgaria lauadt amatociit iti forces on thtarmtanitiury plan th prinoetoc wales it it laid wsntt to adopt hit dead ions fiancee ytilsod pott offloe ntrrawly tiotptd de struction by fir oa sttardsy th lilntoriaoidappomilloxdoatttioak ia virginia h beea barned r lieutcot a uaaro hit jul died la jatdbowagh township toad 90 coaotd lsatity italian ioatiar v qerrasny hst died ot tollaeass john riddtll btiiktc aad broktr ot htmlltoa died uoaday aged 71 j i th late ur spargeoa wttitjoagly op posed to floral wreatht tt faatrtjlt i an- inspector from ottawa is larttugtr- tug the custom house st hamil on the manitoba stpartt schoo qosstion it again before the ooattt tt wlai ilpesj tlie people ot st jolincoaaty j s voted la favor of repealing the soott aoi i oa tat day michael greer senior hst ben found froaa to detth oa spook isliad rice lake sir uorall mackenxie the sminent phrt ician died rather suddenly in london sat- urday uittsteveaiatt wat killed by hstlerator at the clarendon hotel winnipeg oa stt ardsy a yoang rata named hall of g trtlraic was killed at- fergus tuesday ir being thrown from a aletgfa ur forbes liberal wat elected la queens ooaaty ks by majority of so againct 101 lut march all grand trunk employe hare beta told to vote u hey please bat noi w take toy active put in ho elections i the east simooe tleotioa foe the commons will be held oa feb 15 and ht qaebeo west election oa fb ts ev j b armstrong died ia oriuit tuesday he was ocdsined iailssi and retired from active work la 137 mr bala the conservative candidal wat elected to the comatons ia saalanget que lut week b 118 mtjority william h been president of the ktw sack life latartnoa company has retired with a penatoo of 15000 a year i cuartet farnbara died at biughamton nithe other day to tqotlor hi old valise wu found to ccutaia hoooo on going to a fire ia montreal ooj satur day night the firemen captured th illicit ttill and seven hogsheads at whiskey frank clark aged nineteen tell ta a fit at pickering tcetdsy and wat drowned hit face having been immersed in a pall of water u vidal the french explorer who wat travelling with a caravan ot yirghlx mar- chantttotaktnd ia chinese tatketlta hat beea etptared by btigandt i the chinese government it ptying all the indemnities demanded for he killing or injuring of foreigner daring the recent oalbretk ia northeastern china j hon aleraader uackeaxie it ia a critical coadition ko hope it entertained for hit recovery hit physician sayrhe doe not suffer pain john mcgregor of petrolia wit killed while erotaing the railway track la a boggy cev brigdea taetdty john morrison hi oampanian wat badly iatred ur wilton conterrative was elected in lerraoi county uoaday by xi mtjority icdl mr uiller conservative wat retteot edtp priaoe edward county by zloinujco iyi j heirs of a ktnstt man have jast fbaad hit fortune 130000 ia a keg many a man before fits tank hit fortane in a keg bat it hat seldom htppened thtt hit heirs have been able to get it back again j we dr it u o i h i i etmlv if bin i he power o hoods strati i t tiwtaime of i mim rijtalih blood in irivtl wirpttlc4lt 1 1 1 1 f unlramlly koown ii 1 1 i and yet there jut ii 1 1 m vry few peoplj who wi j hr perfectly nttra blood u taint ol sorolult salt riieiiraror othet io 1 honor li lienwlted awl transmitted os ttne tttoos as tttluf untold stuteriat tad wt tlso maoaltte poison tad gernu at i it- i esse fi rai j he air wt btttt tlljl ht io id j wt ett or g aiiv w thera li nor em ptor in poiltl r ittt over til ditetet of th flood this medicine when isl 1y tied di ei eyt etei- nee ot scfofuu or salt the m removes the taint which osofes etlsrrti neurtlltet ii lie arid ttndrurea rheumat sro drives oat be pni of lualtrli blood pol- tonlng e it slsa vlttllies tnd eu- ridits tt e blood bat overoomlnt uist tlrtd feeling md building up the whole tyite thauttn it testify o the superiority of bon i tarupti lit it a blood partner fall low- auuaa s id ilatenents et cures seat tree i hoods sarsaparilla tambjil iratziks ftixfktl pnoarsdealf rrctlt ootctapmlcl tartlt us 00 doses one dollar asp a ldleji dressing casss and manicure jets insrrscoka 014 fold crfauon tad feaeoekblue j bolrirushes combs 4c mirrors la celluloid sad hsrd bobber whisks for wall pockets perfume atomizers perfumes dr slilbt best iiiaktrs sponges bath tweols eto etc cortici and see our gooids sftcj smith st ico piensing chemists guelphoisft ciuelph business rewar s f bibl readers qrett winter competition of the lt diet home mtfftxlne ycxtrto tt whti doe he following word fin tppetr in the old tetttmtalj kjrowuav it wtrt and doviff whan io t th following words first tppetr la the he r testament jcuri futz tndkctc r faxxir pairts eveiy weekthrougfcqut thii great oompeutioa prixok will be ditl triruled it folio vt tho first correct answer n xired the pottmark date ott atohlettei to be lien at the date received tt the ofljr i of tie ladiu home uaaazina each tad ivery w lek daring ibm will ge ijoothe second correct answer i 00 the third ho fotrth a beautiful silver tervioe uut five o jock silver service and the next 0 correct aoewsrt will get prise ranging tram 115 c iwn to ft every fifth correct answer d respective of whether a prixe winner or not will get a special prize competito t residing in the toalheru bttlec well ti other distant poinls have an equal cat io with- those nearer home at the post rk will be oar aolhority in every ate reus- each hit of answers roust be acoomptfiiidby ii to pay for six moatbs abtoriptic i to one at he bett home tntgsxines a america rtrrtrn xs the ladia lioaie ifuqa- tine i well ibl to carry oat it promises feterbou roagh cthtdt 77iior a splendid p per aid financially strong hufiog canadt star every prize winner wil lie sun to receive just what he it ea titled 1 1 kprwood canada rejuur money the old be tent by pott brace order or regittere i letter address the iadut route uaf jut peterfaoroagh canada u college tsititt 1 n wp i i m for 60 pr i i v 1 r kelly bros i- 3 a 1 s birtdioiiw to liiion oqntook by btlf mut jv sotlbibkwawinttllgobai for lb next mitvm inrrrftinglr low prioehle intnoottaxjdkwyoriteootformovltooou- f i w 1 la ordmmt to otrrrovariny winter ovti0tingmr tfag w isffl maj ij ia oratr oo 8aj for leaf moiiey ttan will parohai th o order for tbc 3iothnd trlmmftt tltewha tod any bymtdaovereott or mt to lha honi e it tboat htjiprfoe com it jts me for yoareelf j offer for toy wa btrt eteri kind oictp thttit rprt tid- jwfji- not rtfata iamtaioai aayofjlbetbu t 0ltookafuarwetrahirtogiot htallwrth co suspender umbrella cottons ohtontnei fttnoebi shirting j toeilg tthlmgt io wtll go regtrdlemat oott wa m guieliph ont sad affair at ferqus at a recent meeting ot tbe ldodoo board of aldermen petition signed by 127 citizens wst presented uting the council to pass a bylaw reducing theaumi br of liquor licenses to st for ttvernl and lix for shops at present there are io tavern and ten shop licenses nineteen hav ing been eat off a year ago a large a young man kllleid and his father iniureclthrougn coastlngi i fxcuit feb 9 a ttd coasting accident happened here this afternoon aboat im to a farmer named joseph hall ot garafrtia and hit ton aged aboat 17 wha ht lost his life they were going ap tower street bill with their team when they encountered some boys coming down the hill oa a hand lieigh the horses took fright throwing both father and son oat of the sleigh tad ran away tbe yoang than wat taken to dr johnsons surgery where he died in aboat two boars afterward from the in juries received it it not known yet what injuries mr hall has sustained he wat taken to bit home near belwood j coksultfttosccted an old physician retired firotn practice having bad placed in hi hand by an east india missionary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and per manent cure of consumption bronchitis catarrh asthma and all throat tnd long we are now offering eduottionarad vantages tnd toil on bates inch at hare not hid erto been offered he canadian people by any selfsupporting inttitation the loop tnd thoroughness of oar commercial coarse it strikingly shown by the fact thtt tev rsi of oar student daring th pttyetf have been offered lituatlont on son lition thtt they took the commercial course it the goelph basinet collage la oar shorthand and jtypawriiini department the two leading shorthand syt eras ot the present dty tre ttaght oar method it the outcome ot eu ystrs eipirieaa ia fetching shorthand and eadt to he but practical results in the ihottsst possible time i i ia out modern language tjepar freich or german while partoiog chtige both languages are ttaght by the ketartl method which enables the stadent to read write aad speak them thit ft a rant opportunity which the tmtitioat tad eaergetio yoang man or soman will not fail to seize in penmanship oar work it the admiration of all who te it send for a specimen sladenu from england and ualtedstti e are now in attendance for terms etc address i cepartmen rou can get a nraclicai oommandaf either rtaiog the commercltl coarte tnd witboot extra m5iaec01lhi0k principal a short those tanjerfag ettiimt amort orlantmed by the iatrqdacfiaa ffective ou re m rxd to health wa opened to from chronic coughs ronchitis catarrh lumbago earns tism excoriated nipple breux and kidney complaint of the inexpensive and iedy df thomu ecleelrio olds croap painful ailojentt changeable remedy it i yards yaopw the best of for the care palatal are qaickiy cttbolio ist ill easily canrit tore hroat and many are easily eaoght ia hi climate the neverfailing at ettiiy obtained in hag- oil which is uadoabtedly he many remediec offered of colds or paint bruises scalds and cut oothed and healed by victor 3 sal re affections alto a positive and radical core delegation of ladies and gentlemen i who tor hervoo debility and all nervous com coasting accfdent goucaicb feb 8 about 8 oclock plaint after having tested it wonderful curative powers in thousands of cases hat fell it hit duty to make it known to al hit tattering fellow actattedby thi motive aad a desire to relieve human suffering 1 will tend free of charge to all who desire it thi recipe in german french or english with fall directioae for preparing 1 and using sent by mail by addretsing with stamp naming this paper w a nona 620 power block rochester ny i frompii potent and permanent resolf always come from uilburnt aromatic quinine wine sat urday night a party of young people were coasting gjo tbe harbor hill when the tteeriog geert broke the sleigh dained against tbe corner ot the ocean he use richard cattle had one leg broken and the smaller bone of tfae other leg fractured andhe was injured in the face a yoang lad named alvin wallace son of p b wallace commercial traveller bid one of hit thighs broken miss straiten daughter of a straiten g t r agent wat knocked senseless by the concussion tnd wat slight ly inland medical attendance was pro- eared aad the sufferers removed to their homes parties thinking tboat winter clothing shoald call aad inspect tfae stock of b kicijin before purchasing elsewhere sometimes naughty sometimes nicje the third page of the toronto dtiif uoil is noted far want advertisements if yott wint to fcay or tell anything if you want a ittoition mechanic a busi ness machinery lodgings if yon fair lost or oand anything or h yon want to find oat where anyone it tdrertise in the to ronto dailf kauiai read the akrertite- fflent on the third ptge of that pper the charge is two cent a word tech in- ertiorr addret the xtlttnato ctii- tdt thi tittle chip may it time be naoghty gat for til that he it thi joy of the boa la ihitlatler respect he resembles sen light soap wliiohbrlnat joy and oomfprt to the house which uses tit lessening the itbor offish day taring the clothe from wesftjtnd ear doing away with hot steam tad bringing the olothet tnawv white a id keepiogtie bsnd toft aod healthy b liapvy ow oi b ttrililbr bfjifl- i for ooagfa r coldtbroochititand all long and throat t noble there is no preparation of medicine can compare with bicklet anticonua nptira byrap it never fails to afford prt rapt tad permaaeat relief it remove all oreness and heal the diseat- ad part i immediately soothe the most troublesome cough tnd by promoting expestorttio i removes die mucous which stop op the air abet which ctate diffi culty in brt lining fnereby give relief to hat depress ng tightness experienced in the chest pablo speakers and singers wttl findbicklei anticontamptire syrup of inettimtble slae at it speedily tnd effec- iually allays all irritation tad hat tine fa the throat and bronchial tubes tnd give power to th i vocal card rendering the voice clear ai d sonorous it parent wish o itve the live of their children add hemtelvet i rem much taxiety trouble tad expense let them procure bottle of bicklet ant icoiuaaiptive byrap tad whenever a hiid ha taken cold hat a cough or hoai ssnest giro the syrup accor ding to direc iont bid worse went iqold first and htgyerdt tailing famil tbe throat healing in pa cock it consumption to cure the teco id tnd prevent the third ate bectortt balaam he never medicintfor all disease ot la lgtand chest a marvel of mon try complaints stock taking opportanity fo per cent discount off all 0eess fob cash clearing said of dry goods dress goods mil inery mantles mantis cloths knitted tvioollen goads furs sleighrobes reaymade clothings tover coas flannels tweedsy carf carpets boots sc shoes over shoes cun i big aad startling bargains ill begx j all o for spring new prints new 3ateens kew cottons new checi shittiagsj new sewd masli embroiaery and inscr- tiansj i i- i the m awmotrf ivmcleobco aaorcjetowk stifbblitt slitsr crtvns buik bookt and geattlsutiaimt at the drug stationery store a few lines of holiday gools to be rushed off at extremely low price j v kannawin ohemtflt letlll stebbt aotoh merchaut tailor choice stock ot i overcoatings cheviot wor- sted and tweed suitings trouserines c jhaviqg opened up a merchant tailoring basinets in acton with a view of staying hero and making it a success i would re- tpectfally solicit a liberal ahara of the patronage ot the pablio i will endeavor to give perfect satisfaction d keep abreast of the timet at regards ie prices j do inspection invited termi strictly oath respectfully your briggs nlickliri i i bare thti the chin oe remember tblt clearing 81 will ittt for 60 dty poly tad rffl aay ritt i the pabpus anton and riofnity nrr bedotac tgai have bad or wul hart oe 6o7ytejgoodti loch low price for oatb j1 v 1 vkbiilt broi f u hi m tl- m at i grli- ma utd mtai w 3i m rv m 8ilverware silverware j 4 a new slock jott in of i cake baskets sugar bqwls spoon holilejrs match sfes biscuit jaik j kruitknivetc- p 8 fmtfetchbpiring speciality a i loldi t 1 razui eariitgsa i i- j l i for days h i p6r 3a dayb we wm offer great btir- gains n mantleanri a woblooods fursi fepyercoateatgreat- 1 ly reduced pricaa ko reasohable oner refused henderson mcraect co 0 i i hi rpers weekly i tt japropo ol the eightythird birthday of president lihooln harpert weetlf for february ist i will contain a taperbly illntirtled t tide by charles carletoa coffin on he ancestry tad early yean otjabraham incbln- the illustrations which ere at meroat iaclade views of the iootlitie mt- ie famott u he scene of linooins chi hood and youth at they now tppetr tnd t ie portrait ilt from the tint evrr ttien c the president of hit piotare mr c ffia ttyt it wat taken in 1847 ia chios o itnoolh wat visiting hit niece ifrs h rriet chapman in charles tori iunele at i the said i want your ptciare hattie i b ivs never hsd it taken but i am going to chicago fa a few dayt tnd will sit for yet be replied a tew dtj a later he picture wag re ceived by un chtptnin i obtained thit oopy in char liiton illinois octobtr 1890 and received i he above information from mrwid ch pman kj we bestt couch medicine tei tfl tnstzmitunmitwstn m con sumpnia l iju iu ii the press kevvyork for 1s92 hu c larger giuy circqluaa tiia kay other r pabhcmkitippefin diny sunday weekly the ifgnaivo bapaklidda joarntx ot the iff trojpofii x ken ptped for the mauds foandtjd decamwrut lftffi grctdatiou over 100000 copies daily tsefi tst is uis organ of no faction iiolli no wires hi s no animosities to srenge tbs m st remarkable newspaper iue hewxbrl tbepbbssinnitiooaineiip i cheap i lews rdtsr hnsstloaa sad trsi ito plsce in tbe eoiamns of thk prxs i tbe pi ess bss the brightest editorial page la kw yorl it ipariles with points t j taisp xss scxssr editiok ii a 4ilenhj twenty pi ge paper coreruig eratf corront topic ftnteres i i- tsx pa tat wtttxr eihtton coatalas alt the good thin s of the dally sod sunday editions for tho a who csuuot toord the dally ol ara irerentee bf distance from early rscerag k the veetly is s splendid substitute f as a a advertisings medium theliuieshainosuperloruikewvoik thefbess wlthuiuiiretchofsli thebeattalchstpest newipsperlu america duly an i sunday- one yaw 600 8 moo tot v 60 i dtilroa r oat rear fourmoaths cents p a iii fi i- 7t4j boitlie 1 xifbtctiit m eaiiiiiig tightness oti tie olie wstiug aay of mean t gption 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