j i j 1 flic ctatt jprw wss n rcsutsocn i rvriw thursday scorning -arrest- i r r- f frm steam vcuubc obee ulu htkfrt acwx ost tr or f rsecsuxrroxoa dollar hinu il ril fa aivwse oc tolthta three tsaauxa from hettnlnc jw p w it st so natf twulw which every saberripuoti it ptla li aondty tbeectotilhaddrelkbcl afvswmia raves transient j 4rrute f eeota per xonpaml ho or firif in- i 3 recta ptr tine tvr etch luhaeqasnt iosti covrnirr uatwtii fotlowlcj table shows cct j forth insertion of advertisement for ipaam kriovu perfumed koto paper and envelopes sweet s reader vrxnojitte stiplllmoul ktf blossom ffsetaer street violets ltlrottbtvtllty moss r0s9 jtsmlno ric k 1 1 in lexo j ico 1ko a iochf uicchr slcere 1 itch 1 o una j0 1 60o moo i to lttn jjo co lt00 too s7 00 sco 8s0 100 without specific directions i and cheftd accord- aarettifemenle willbe loctti un forwd inxtr transient advertise menu meet be paid la lranec adtertisenietit whl chnd oo- each raoctb ft deairtsl for rbaccee fcttener than one a raoaih the coikkiuoq matt be paid tor at rtulu rate chtcc for contrtt fclvr rtimincnu mutt be la the office by tiooa on tuesdays ii t- moore i editor tad proprietor hushttss binctsrtt xxt ii l0kbj7 m b mops v ortdcateortrinitycollfuembero calwitrtiixici nd surgeons at tbeliee oftf restrict wr hare much pleasure id calllne your atten tion to the new and faahlcoablo note paper andfutelopea ot which wo are now thowiug ui abore taiictlee each sheet of paper beam a kloraj delu iq uatural colon cad both paper aud envelope are perfumwj to corttiottd put up in boxes 35 cents to bohfcdcqy at days bookstore 5 day sells cheap the traders i op oamap f wishing to cultivate a connection with good rottablo aruioti and kaovtac hov dtfsoult it l tor them to contonn to fixed ralec will alirayf tead lothcm tnauc prtvu4oa thaa iotouim claw at buiiaea mco r j tr4ders bank opoikidi itrio ornct tonoxro i ram vt otpitat eoitnau itect ftncd h tspxua quelph branch lve call jroar attaaltoa to uia coaaataacaa offered by our saving uaalc dnartl4tlt d- dotluot land upward reoeltedani inunat atloced at tbo rata of t i of par cant per annua t to vlthdraval paid or com- bank of montreal capital rest 12000000 6000000 oece ui reileoc- actca j f riles m i c ji tridity tn- trtrttrtloncondaaitcvictoniliittri 1u mcisoiil i 0rc i rileuccornit mill a frejf rici itriru ton lioesnett ldb denti8t t aca mttovx oxtuczo m clejck a uclean batftrttrtsolicltoct nourici coavcrtac ac prirftufnadi u tocn oat0trn hill actoa wm a liclrui i jsoa heltuc n t a mowat blkxxstcx soucrror notit pcxuc uosayiolon orncr dati tai2y and 5tordy drrtce isinniwini block actoc upuin a savings department ha been ojcncd in connection with thij branch lutcrrft allow i at carrrnt rutcs jas hfinlav banatertorelph bkascic w barber bros paper makers georgetown ont from dtta of depottt paoda htlfycttly ou utt ur tad 80h ho- ttmbcr- tadrtd tudo to rojpotulbu ftrtars adriacra mtdo to armor ott tho locurity of eajm nothc a specialty made of collccuafi farmeri otea and o charge made for collectlcm when pyttile laouslpb vehare uaurraaod ftatlte foptrtnttiiit ticfi mooey to all pcrta of the oooatr accncrtl hantldchutliiem ttinsacted a f h jokes j uaaaceeaceliiti uraac crndells machine repair shop iq addltiou to machinery rcnajring i am now preiuirca to ao horse shoeinq general blaokamit in a most taticfactory manner palia alto made icrxi a srlcuvri or machine mm book papers uiuh uiude weekly xkws r j ucnabb covvxttvcxu collicttiu etc tcnu and accoacm collected acenl iire aod life amcrmccc property tocrht and told uoaey to loan on the act favorable terma j amowatsofflec acton the paper used in this joarnal ii from the above mills wm barber ft bros steel engravings troof ftchiuc colonel picture ltoom and piclnre uoaldincf ivory pfk latiiffrl stlver oak irkanreiicii ailt chilton wallbridge4 stoke barritrf solicitor ii tolovto ixd gtocgctont office creelmani block georgetown and trdtnllank ciimbcn c3 vonce t- toronto jtnutqjtrx wn wallrxnxie htsrote oatents secured fob inventions heniiy gust ottwa c as ad a twenty year prmtiee no pateat no pit vymhemst3eet liccseciv arcnoxrcb kor the contiet cf wellington and hillon- ordenleri at the fexe prch osce actoa or ii my retiience in acton will be promptly at- leadei to tcrrci retsonitle alio mo dc j to loin on ibe mcxt farorable termiind it the lowest rate of lntercat in cent of oooioj enwarda- john day architect gceliu okt ornct wrnilia strtl c1rancis nunan bacceiaor to t fqjapman bookbinder stgeorgeisinarft guelph ontario aecoant boski o ill kinr mide to order periaiicili of every decrijitio3carefuliy bound ttulins neitlrand promptly dose artists materials a full i toe a of wiuior i newton f white double tulcf howney 10c h x id deep pboto fruie complete mc i fct cornice pole brail fittid sx oar wall papers are iviij to be lb btit stlcctfd id tbo city waters bros established is77 st ge0rge3 square gtjelph i careful attention gtren to mi wofk lirought in 1 any machine or imptcmelit by wnomkwtcr mauufactnrod wlllbd rerurwd in a work man like manner plow andmachlner repairi coottautlj on band henry grihdell smson- lft91 t1thilb retoroinc thank to our tuaaypat ylj roii for thelrflberal rapport in the pact we wftjj to tntonnl yoa that w hare eotenvl into aif arrangement with r stewart oiielph cokefpooaatantltoo haada fall stock of the qrdictry tfxew of sash doorsj etc nd wilt atto supply any tpecial tltca on ahert notice atgaelpb price i frames of at kinds mid to order wealiokecnlactoclc a ue of bie window and doorcasinecoraer bloetu yoar umber drfcd wuue too walt price c 55 per h pumps being better ible tica heretofore we rill ipply cither wood or iron pnmpt promptly all work cniriutet aaticxictory before parcbacinc tffos bbb4ge haaarcr pleace call and inspect cite where new planing mill axp sub and door picttfry john cameron contractor haa fitted up the building po main street litely occupied ai a trunk iittor with new micbinery and u prepared to f cnitsn plini speciflcitions and ectimatefi for all claiies of baildingi and execnte all kinds of t he hanlan barber shop millsteeet actos aneny ttiive aitrliibbiircutacomteifoam is exhiliiritincsuicjpooilwyaiciten iuxon bonfrdandpot in flntcliti condition lidie and children biir tiitily cut j h wobden toaioriil artiiu irelands desiccated wheat for dyspeptics und anyone with weak digestion try it dufssino hatching and u0uld1nq make aix sttlzi or saatiea doors and windows and doot frames and dressed lumber and kep a stock on hand all order promptl attended to john cameron gentlemen order now yoar fall suit and overcoat acton- livery bus line the undersigned recpcctfullytolicitstnepitron age of tbc public ind informs tbem that well equipped and stylish rigs can al ways be secured athuiublcft a comfortable bui mcela all triim between 9 a m ind 81ft pm cxreful itumtion given toeteryorder the want of commerelaltratel- lcrt folly met agents wanted fonthill nurseries tjirccst in canada 700 acre we wint reliable ennetie nun to tell our noraery tock prtvioui experience nut neeemry niin with tact atid energy can lecceed termi liberal oqtflt free our acentt hire itjiny tdrictifet sacb ii celling bomeerown hardy canadian itock choice nw pcliltie which are of great value and wbicb can only b secured from ci we bare ciren ptrticnlar attention to tbe projgation of hardy virietiea caiuble to the nortbern ec- liom of canadi fof terms apply to btone 4 wellington tdrono out wellington mutual fire iksurhrge compahy estaeushed 10 head office guelph inureibuildincii mcrchandiw ilanufactorici and all otlur description ot insurable property on tbe cash and premium hote hystcm p w stoke ohas david80k president maniser john taylor aqekt new goods specially imported for my trade choice patterns j fit style and workmanship tbe best prices the lowest my specialty perfectfitting 4 pants to order r e nelson fashionable clothier 09 upper wyndham st guelph rattan chairs rocking chairs agents wanted in ever township to sell tha pictorial cyclopedia of lire stock and complete stocfc doctor the mmt complete and comprehensive work evryuiihed luaothorsaund at the head of their prof etfioa and bare a continent repu- utioo worth iu weight in gold to any one baticfi horaea bheep cattle kwlne pool try dog or keen a crtnd opportunity- to make money becore territory at once addreti e k koyerspubiaher 120 yon e st toronto bell pianos we si awhtded coal wood james brown hi on hind ilirfictjnmtity of excellent coal which be will jrofjijftly deliver to iny pirt of he town at reaanable price hardwooj and slab cut stove length always on hand telephone communication s m coqk co qeoectetown tummed amticnmti appnlmn vala- atotx coluctar bckl estate sad aenerai cnd agentf 1 tot the cofkttta oc hakob jwl wellington stnsooe yor tod ontario hont to loan torn fla av at t ii wr cebt vaties piklbi tbetr sale or other boataeac to 8 1ns1b4 oer8 arncataro ulu books 1101 gcoorp- jst adtra boa ms 8 u ck st ane3ooax bcaxcsomcstl queaa sleaat toronto g vl cook co auctioneers aor etoira and toronto organs awhtded the gold medal jamaic alnternational exhibition 1691 lu competition with american tioraiiu english and canadlan manufacturers t sideboards writing cabineis in abundance at lowest- prices j pspracceco upper wyndham st guelph j special prrce8tothomotenipkuog hoawfcmplqg back ojct fa aqaihi back on t lataroi agatal acurolcaie from noli a and itir to uiu dotutia oc poaco thacityi rmtaaiiod iaau citacr mo with brie c and mortar hold artuoactda of hatuan llti with no clad f npaln frtfl ruatao t louchod by human tilfcry waal hi jc tja watat and tia ani vlrtcwmcet or walk cothor through tbeccawde4ilrqct oa i tic farm toaly wo i kali w la hoc parity f floi on bloom and gruhmrow ppw i the saada i plant oem am or frain i ohooaa sad find kat ro to my want tooting and tha wtudc unread am fnw iq t cr lilcaaod mlnrtry ful of health andodora tiwt fou id not in tbserotdfld ctroet yuii lct4ioytab fro a tho clti turmoil frej cft uud itarbodby tho ducordtut din of mldnlj bt rcrcls from tho haaots of fin audtojl mvaiodby tho unholy trifo tuat la t to tity f reta aud fv ufa liicfc on i no farm aaln ii twarjio mcro tho din trade with it ireauadotiac roar or wao rtde throagn ttiskiu dcfitd mtdo at krljh eat noonday bat a nouotuo shada tteoojjh rlilch the iort ct a fott decay tro wafu i freely if by nulht or jlay i where titer day tho tread of irflaryfoct v 3o ech inz down tho loo tiresome ctrcel on ho farm tho clovar growi bra h u cweot aa any ro9 kvx the wlngxof boay bec fly he oer theco crimcou scaa hgt oy ladca tell uiat they dtt yseclle with cheer obor kx lotho merry- ttficklob birds kui wing not tho form of words in 1 language all their own pri to tho lord tofmcrcica ihown clt choirs and orrari not yu al not their tuuctul throats in grand cathedrals city- fkt may try to word p god but uudenicaui tho ky in uaturi a temple god hhniejf fa there his ear a tent to orery sonc or prayer hack on nio finn again tho rro i spent iocity 11 0 weramoro thaa banuomaut thay fill 1 tqy tnuividi autloai caret uurt for hot my children loved and chertched hea shut ant cram nature with ao liealthfafptay 0q grau lavoa ai day coootodd day no frnita or dowers in caay reach fresh grown no trees r plant or playground all their own on be farm tbe children know vl re tho swect4at bcrriea grow v1 a tho uuta are ripe to fall wr retheapple largo orsmalt thi t u mellow tart or sweet go- d enough for king to eat an to seo them in the spring op ncyedand wondering aa hobadatobloao grow an their wealth of color thov th u i know bow great tiie charm ch dbood finds ujxjo the fans- ahthet it la the city socma torn tbo bani of childhood life amockery in cellar damp in garrcu dart and chill for cbllcjbood these breed only human lib 1 v ilack on he firm again i look around all sight i but pleiso and to njy ears no sound h trail 01 discordant earth aud air and iky tniteaii i blend in perfect harmony thelatk scape glows with colpr and the treea wave i tlmi of joy in every pasalng broexe aud sun and cloud alike their bleaaluga bring a rciliu my own and i tho happy king on tiro farm all dajs iicj blest bo no with toil and iotui with rest al ays near to natures ueart fib i eau rarest gracd impart wi k tho dawn the morning light al rys shows some new delight ac 1 the noon with radiant face is minister of grate ac i tho days declining light w lcomea tho return of night bi da or beast or great or small lc re the farm cod eares for all earth h la no heatenbut on tie farm i ceo 6o mucl of god in unndloas mercy free so little know of greed and wait and tin my boa 3 is here a castle well killed la sficrmau 4ci jfsmiln luktet j th jfeiress uf meiville- llac hv an olii contbitutoi ou lteutlily or quarterly raymcuta only at c w kellys music store j 3 iower wyndbitn street ouejph tele phone 17fl hamiltons marble jworks hauiltons block formerly hatcha block tho gore corner of woolwich and norfolk street guelph ont john h hamilton proprietor wholesale and retail dealer and direct importer aud manufacturer of ill kind of granite and llarble uonamenta tombctone etc bating had an ertenaive ecperlenoa for tho laat id yeara tho public may rely on getting all superior irticlea at a cheaper rato than any other dealer in tho west v- nb 15 per eoht off on a direct order re ceired for the next 90 dars job printing including boots itoptleu poctarf licu keadi ctrctilars to 4c eiecnted a uw best style of tbe art at moderate prices and on short notice apply or address h p liooee kuee fuesc offlce actoo l actou lodge no 204 toof meets lntheoddfellowshall kills blt erery wedqesday erenlds visiting bretb reo alwkys welcotne for copy of constitution and lavs apply u the uudertlasd or any of tha members w will1a118 hbwobijeh gecreury y agents wanted- if yoa rant to males money tafcs hold and sell oor chole narsery stock kir if the tlmevritonsatonosfcrtsrmc 1 may beotrebg karserymea frank burce88 house fainter paper hanger sigh writer etc is prsiisred toimtita orders ijsiiy of the ibots taea la thsbestmanaer sadatreasonalil terms ererrjobharlngmy wrsonsuttenttoo i essasmi castomsrs eomnlsta lattstsotloa arslntaglttallwojdtaspseialtr orders left at my wstoenoo slo st acton ficstester k f jffi5gi sastbs ueldl e place was tie home of tbe tril lionalra jimon who had made his fortune in australia and had come to america to spend it and noyr lay dying his son hastily summoned from lie college whero hi was finishing his medical studies wis sitti ig with bowed head at the sedside lieuiofof to words that seemed to tear his very hea von thought the- dying nun said that al oo barclay was a penniless orphan whom i nd adopted oat of charily because her lath r was my friend she thought so too bit i cannot die and carry the harden i have ionic for sixteen years into an other lif beyond the grave the noney was all stolen from alices father wo were partners but he had all the men ly invested and i had only com menocd a save a little he died aad there was no i ne to dispute myclaim when i sold the bus ness out realized a fortano far greater ban i anticipated sed left austra lia a e was a child notifoar years old and mol lerleas yoa were fa boy of seven with yo ir grandmother it fnew york i brought alice home with trie and i have been a 1 ind guardian two years ago i saw tha yoa loved her j jthc i i thought everything would be easy tou would marry hej and the money onld be yours and hers when died r o i tried to bind her by a promise to marr f you she was furious 1 1 never dreamt fucb a frail gentleirlcoaldshow so muc i temper she refused resolutely one an ry word led to another until she declare the would leave the boose and earn her owi living rather than givethe promise i requi ed i told tiertogoandshewent i have tr ed by every means to find her but i cannct whit means- 2ty ate detective advertising inquiry at all 1 it friends an how long has the been gone net rly sir months a lo g 6ilence followed harry sat with his fae i hidden trying to bring home his father i infamy to see the flhastly truth in all its laked horror thfclfaint voice from thebe roused him ksxyl it was for your sake say you fargjyi me if he started and bent over his father his i p moved ba t no voice would come to hii i ftfter a vala effort to speak he preisc 1 his lips to the dyjpg mans face and t icn his self control gave way and dropp ng upon his knees he pot ills head down and sobbed like a woman his heart seerned breaking hit father dying a tl lef the woman be loved with all his stren th lost thrust oat of- 1 home- that was aer own robbed perhaps dying of want it mi maddening to think of and that inrsi of womanish tears probably savec the voting mans reasoni vj uen he was i aimer he looked at hitfather to see the taper that precede death creeping over lim very wnderly he spoke to him narsi d bim and tried to convey to him his love and pardon but there was no response in tjie dull eyes and consciousness was gone forever thefunoral over harry metvia put tha house in gooif care arranged ins fathers butfncis to tlikt llioro was no ritkof loss and made a legal transfer of every dollar lo alice barclay kot one dollar would ha over touch i i from his mother he had inherited a few thontdnd dollars this incomo of which would keep him from actual want until his profession began to pay him and he secured his diploma k month after his fathers death j his whole life was a search fqr alice two long years patted and harry began to consider with a shuddering horror the possibility hat alice no longer lived what more likely than her delicate fntmo had refuted to bear the weight al poverty and toil he imagined the delicate little face wasted by hunger the tiny white hands rooghened by toil tho slsnaerhtlle dguro bending under burdens too great to bear and then ho would tpring up even fromhisbed at night and ruth intoworje or ttudy to drown thought it was morn than two years afterhut fathers death when harry melville inher iting a tmall legacy from hit mothers brother resolved to go abroad to try to forget something of his trouble in travel his lawyer promised to relax no effort to find alice and the young phyickn had but few patients to regret his absence ho was iii paris in tho height of the fathlonable tcason when he met an old friend of hia fathers at tho hotel wwo liei was ttayingi and after refuting again and again invitations to festive gatherings consented to go to one partyr they are lamtricant his friend sir morris told liim mr graham ellis and his niece tho prettiest girl in pans and probably her uncles heiress he seems to worship her ho hat- lived in paris for years a bachelor while his niece i pre sume was being educated but lined she camo home he has taken a house and receives royally tho young lady hat had a title offered te her from more one representative of foreign countries bat the seems to bo wholeheart dr mehille being presented to mr ellis made hut most courteous bow and was turning away when a cry of- harry i oh how glad i am to see yon i mads the room reel round him for a moment out ot the mist he saw her alice barclay in a dress of inch white laee over creamy silk her sweet face lighted with pleasure her little whitcgloved hands both extended uncle graham i the gltd voice said it is harry ilfelviile i and lijs host gave liim warm oordial greeting adding there alice carrying him off to the library you mutthavoa thousand things to say to him and still dazed and bewildered harry was carried off to a cozy room book- lined iwitho sofa made for confidential chat i i here alice still glowing with pleasure sat down and motioned him to tit betide her how deadly white you are sh cried yoa are ill no but the thock we thong it yon must be death alice why have yon been to cruel for two years i have been seek ing yoa in agonies of fear how id yoa come here t i were yba troubled harry iam sorry i i thought yoa yoa would be giad qua toloso you harry criel for getting everything tut his lore i who love yon do you lovp me she whiipert d i thought your father you neverjtolti me i and here she brokedown and sat te picture of thy confusion and then harry routed from his c lomen- ury ieliriarnwhat right hid he to talk of love to alice barclay sodden y piti lessly ho toid her the whole gliajttly truth steelidg himself to a hard tmoothing nothing extenuating nlithing she lietened half frightened your father i sho said believe it i would to heaven itwere not trie ho said but tell me of yourself yon come hero it is not a long story not a very itntnge one alice said amongtt the things that were my mothers were some letters from cncle graham written ironi paris i had read them but i never wrote to him my life was such a happy one that t never stopped to think of my dependeu upon yoar f atherj until one day tjhen we- we did not agree about something and i wi inted to go away then i remembered my uncles letters i had money and i packet up thei letters my mothers picture and pome of her trinkets and camo toparis alone not knowing if he wasjaliveor dead i yesl i had no trouble everybody was very kind on the steamer hajvre and i otrxsutp mr8 this it always a good gameto comment an evening with at it is exceedini simple lo learn and provokes t good dei of kindly i laughter the playact havii seated themioltot two pertont tre chot by lot to present the gilts and deicril their usesi the firtt vitltt each pjayi in tucoettion whltpering to each i pi sent yoa wlthi table or a chairl oc hone or baggy or anytbng iht ma hsppen to think of while the secoi follows in the tame rnanfier whispering etch in turn the nte he is to make of hi present ait yoa must light the fire wit it oc yoi matt wear it on your head or yoa mast take it to the kitchen when the gifts have all beeu dtttrihato and their ases described etch pttyerii call ed upon in tucoetsloti to- declare aloud what he fass received and what he is to no with it tha sjmott iuevittble iucongrl- ity between the article presented and the ute to which the recipient hat been in ttruotod to pat it to is very provocative pi laughter while occ4tiontly the pecalitli applicability of both gift and- inttrncttona proves ver amusing coixcuvekcrj this is a game tomewhat similar to gift sn4 tjiei the playert being teai- ed in a circle each one whitpers to ins right hand neighbor the name pf sdmeperson who is more oc lets ntte having j done this each pert whitpt to nit left hand ntighboct some qaotatioa j or familiar laying i member pjaying thit once when the cin included all tge from orer tixty to seve and some of the lilts were very good one of the llttleoqcs gave- bit grtudftfne name it being to him the most noted i could remember now the old gentleman wis famous for bit gallantry to ydtng ltdles so that the tnnonncement of his ntme coupled with the proverb iif well tobeoll wiih the old love before yta are on with the new was received with thontt of jtppreciativetpphtute a staunch republican was given the name of a te- centlyeleitecl democratic qoveniar bui he anaoniied the sentiment every doc has bu day with an prnphasit tusjt pointed itt application ajd showed fervor of hit political faith i the oamaii a divine nhohadgottea himself into wsi places by his loquacity wai tccompani by the quotation silence is goicteoj these few illustrations show how game it played i runorek noicn of uoosuias when noise is not objected to this be foaod t qjeerly tmuting tbaaeh a v timplegame in prepiralion for it there thould be copied oa-ttpte- ntt atmesof railway and other corporation t taking the names from the share list f any newspaper but if there is no time fat thit the- game may be played with blank oirdc the players sit in a close circle lor in two tors facing each other the leader then hands a card to his neighbor naming what it is as he does so the second player pttscs it on meanwhile the leader hts continued binding the cards whlab have in turn been pasted an so that jby the time the first hat got well started on its rounds half a dozen voices are cheating oat at the tame minute as many diftajeot names by the time the first card has reached tbo leader again the rcsernblahce to the wall street brokers it said bj those who have been there to be perfect ptua cautbo this as its name indicates is a great oontraat to tha preceding game antjin- ber of players having leftlha room the rest select some word which has a number of rhymes the absent players ate then recalled and told that a word had teen selected which rhymes tay with cai and their task is to indicate in paatqtmne first one word and then another until they finally hit upon the right onet tor in stance inppdsing the rhyming word to be seme years ago young lad applied at my itora for a petition j he was bright and i took a liking to him and put him to work he remained in my tin ploy a number of yearr doing well and fitting himself for a good successful business career wuecrha was about twentytwo years old he hsi a position as one of foar talesmeojtaliry u2to a year after n absence of three months in earoie the writer onj coming home rallied theyoung tsletmea frcuithe iter on ukfog lor hln i wss informed thtton account of some malterin which a yoarjg woman wtsinleiefedhedtcided lo go west he went onr firm gavoj him a- good letter of recommeodttionnd he got a good potition in chicago ihnae years aftetward he again presented himielf for a position st clerk in oarhonse saying that he did not feel at borne elsewhere we took him on again to f ravel at talesmen on the road ha did well for fonr- five years bat we noticed thathja looked iisjs a man that was drinkinglagerbeer he admitted jhat he was bat thit it did not do iim any harm ha grew lirgetjtnd icon weighed 200 poundt i after wiich ha gre w to be iodolent and lazy te we decided toaijc bim to get anolher place we tacceided in tecuring him a poslliou where woili not have to travel at the lame lime tdvising him to give up his drinking habit two yeatt rolled byt met th s yonng man oocasionally and he awayw teemed very much pleated to eee me but noticed that he itiil looked as jthoogh he took hit beer t heard that his employer did not want him after july lit wiwcelc after a neirtpeper reporter called to euqa er aboai hia history while with n on asking why we were informed that be was sintqij had writlea hie father ihihie shoatd heer see kid any more and that he had written gome letters bidding hit friends rood bye in ant wer to notice abotit irixi the pab- lionreu it wis discovered ibitj his body wufoaod floating in the sokadj and that bo had been baried near where tcey foand the body k basinesi card was foand iq the pocket of ibis coafc with pta name as repreeecialive of the firm pijinted on it moral ligerbeer leestociiqe toaag- raeo beware vca yea jodge thackai hes the man is all tbe folks are pr isht how he caraetcbejedi a wquqow yoar ignorance i am irin x hia dad waa alwayalec ed siaii bout etflry time ho r in and when the old man lied webilcbed tho title w hta soa and tears the coionelcoar5uowqcrec fieeni like youre toq lnqtirra old colonel blood jzoi latolyvasw hia tlue came cf firfw whatd he fir a on why on do fourth he made thieffs falrlj shaken he always touched the fcannon off and kept the boys awake 01 1 capn coddle he t io old tharr ikaicly any litin as knows by whom orwhator bow his rank w him wia iirea pears like toine thottghyearrag it used to be the talkf and that thej called hjnepb taco i he always walked the chalk tell yoa wnatt whea tojfaetii yoaro pinned be high or low- yoar sutfon us kinder hsid to be esaet wfthoateiatfratioa and when yod ask me for the truth j own im rather soi l at makes a iitle geapowin wfllldaniftisiflknjiirl brvcnc parinam i- m t j- i v 1 vv a y m i- j cannot how did how to bathe wlthaud no bathroom is required at i there it no need for the ordinary large tie bath or tabs of water of any of the usual p traphernaiia often difficaet to procdrts or tr lubiesome to carry about in ratellingr 1 he i5alh it takeu in the bathert bedroom immediately on getting oat of bed the i nly reqaire- menlt are two ordinary ied towejt and a rodgh bath towel the nugher the better uncover he- nprjar as rt of the body leaving the limbs to n the loins downward covered apply tl e roajhbath towel to the exposed part of ti e body wib firm add rapid friction all qvir take up one of the bedroom towau previously steeped ia i little water 1 1 the basin press it ont so as to avoid i rijiping then wall rub the whole upper part o the body with the wet towel pasiingovet tbe thaaldert and taking these opened out endinboth hands to rub the back wink ont the toweland pats it again ovi r the whole trunk or the first dry after which rub thoroughly sll over with a dry towel and- then apply friction withthetewet until the tkin it in oneglow when putpnthe sinufll jacket then repeat the woole operatiqi on the lower part of the body i yoa msj open yoar window bfget an ajbandant sup ply of oxygeon and yoa ought j to tain- a tumbler oc two of fteth odld water in iipe during the operation of dressing after which go oat into the open a r for an hoar before breakfast and yoa wi t return with most ancomprouiisiag i ppetite and thereafter go through the labt rs pf the day with a bonrancy ease and e asticity- that will be a new anddelightfal i xperience eat two of the guetsert lay hold of hearthrug butdetitt on being told il not mat three or four girls fi among the gnessers then come in and apparently talking earnestly foe a minutes a small brown he blaek object is poshed across the floor the girls show great alarm jumping on the chairs screaming etc but again they are told it it not a rat and tooni throogb iptt fat etc until at lengli the right wordy it guessed when tbe parties change places sometimes quite pretty scenet can be im- provited in this game as for instance to represent the word grace one of the actors appears to be on the point of slaying a prostrate foe when a lady rushing in falls on her knees suing hambty for grice or to represent camp a pretty picnio tiene can be quickly improvithed bath injury from cigarettes a boy named eamael bjmball jixteen yeatt old chorister jjo r iiusti mary church brooklyn died r recently in st zonas hospiteh aim isthit last words were let any boy who imokes cigarettes look at me now and knew how maohe have tnffeced and he will never pot another-into- hit mouth ho wt a bright boy andtexqaisite singer and had msay friends he lived with lis grandmother and worked iirs chtndehi r factory here is hit ttory s he told it lo his parse sater cornelia tame is confessed that this trouble tad brigmadd from cigarette tmokiug somedayttu saidhe smoked twenty cigarettes at irtt hkept jiis grandmother in ignorance sthts tndalgeaee at he cpntinded tp sm ke the appetite grew upon bird withjiah force that he could not break it off an it began to effect hit comlitutioo iwhy i asked him did yoa not stop when yoa taw what it was briugipgyoaw oh i pould hot he re plied ie i could not g t to smbke 1 almost srent blind i could bins bt nothing else that my grandmother might not suspect me i would fork exxrajbouw idttead ot ipendiog rayregular wskrt for cigsjettesj fnr monlht i hske kect up tins excess- altborigh i knew it was iitig tue then i seemed to fall lojpieeei all pf a eudden his disease took itia torn of dropsy in the legs and wai very pniu 8itter cornelia continues the swry rinc all his safferi iegs he never forgot whs v brought him to this terrible condition he kept asking me to warn ll boys i gainst their 1 oie before ba did he called me to his bedtide and taict that he thonghl bad not lived in vain if onfythosc boyi rho are itilfjslire would profit hy his suffe ingi and dekth there is no other for n of tobacdp o dingeroas x at cigsrett a becanta the nicotine in the smoke it not absorbed in thelocnertonaccoandimikedclen op to the end bat itltiken annltefed and ahadolter- ated into the inngs it was uot the ptiioq mpipe but- the poison ot the tqaooo which killed samael kimball and ii rain ing the health al thosiahdt of other pale- faced boyl the joy pf glvli have been ntessare in my uncle was so glad to have met he has been to kidd i have every with of my heart gratified i am glad of that but dp no forget your own fortune your f athef t mo ley only wattsforygu toelaim it vi will not toncri it it is yoors not one dollar of it is mine i will nevertaka it notnot ifharry do you jtow why 1 ran away to escape being my wife no i ran away because i lojfed yoa f i had no isison to hope you itfved me and by your on love i wonldipot be forced upon yba father karry yoq ncjr tity harry leved her and the gave him her british prlda touched odly those on whqra draltt made and who desire maol ming good can ever knewthe joy of giving thelholidays am fnllet it red ttiuiiy thus afforded breaks akfihness of our nstarea the oppor- down the broadens 1 make coming of- the tly past into and heart in return the whole ghaji with its error its agonies of tutoei fear rolled away and only love reigned in that hourpj happiness mr ellis made no objection to iiis nieces marrying the ton of the supposed million aire even contenting rather than part with alice entirely to spending six months of the year at melville place where alice once more reigns the most beloved of wives while harry finds hit time fully occupied by his ever increating practice in the neighborhood of his own home when three regiments of the english army took poisestioa cf csstiue maine in the last year of the war in 1812 a lrga detachment was sent np the river to sjiire neighboring towni as the red coats were leitarely mitrohing through the coantry they taw an old beut white haired man titting at the door of a tmsll plain house the young officer at the jiead of the troops deigned to lay aside military dignity for a moment and condescendingly hailed him old imddy did yon ever see ta many men befdrel yes was the protapt answer and whtte then with wolfe under the walltotqaebeo the officer ttopped good natared con descention to the old yankee coantrjmtn was changed to respect for the old colonial toldler ind and 1812 were forgotten he ordered the command to halt and wjth tha other officers shook- handt with the humble old man proud to dd honor to one who under the british flsgad followed general wolfe to his list victory oor sympathies and nelps to better we always ihsil the chriitmas witk pleasure becinse we are ed drawn oat toward tpce we love that we we find ourselves interested inrnany other people and prepared for missionary work in their behalf do not angete who are rent forth to- minister to tjhe heirs of ialvattonadd to the general rejoicicgiwhen they report hearts melted and made liberal to others and in the gifts men make which cost them ranch tacrifice and does notthejoyof receiving add to thejoy of giving and thus multiplied these doubled joys find au echo in the con gregation above the lelfish man knowt nothing of this pare foy eirraot set in motion a pulsation which is felt on the heavenly shore so we really conclude that he is twice blest who opens his heart to give and thereby really prepared tor a beitef life here and is made suscept ible bl richer joys in heaven shall we practice on it does pot all we have belong to the- ijatd shall we therefore not dedicate all tqhim and have tile joy which comet of each a dedication and learn in time the luxury of anchgiving until it is done with a holy abaddon whichj nijver even thinks of the cost but leads to a tablime content coiparable to that felt by a weary child when i clasped to its mothers bosom tnifreeifrojro knyctreand fear for rheumatism wintergreen and oliveoi affords re lief i giycetilo md rosawater mixed in the proportions of onetnjrd giyeerfte totio- thieds rose water nr very goosb for hands mothers who have several children- to send to school will be glad to know how to mike their own ink instead of baying to many bottles of it as are usually required a vety eitellaat back ink mar bt mide as follows to oae gallan0x water add qnaeghtli o a pbnnd of gam arabic ooeeigqi ot a band of tagar one- flighlh of a paani of tspperat and three- eighths of a pound of lewdered nqteails and let it sleep m an in n kettle one jhoors tomakejred inktpat me teatpoonfal bf- aqnstratnanisin an nt nee vial add gum- arabic the sizei of two peas six grains number forty tannine eight grauis num ber six carmine fill its bottle with soil water and it ii ready i far use to instke blue ink add raid wale r to trutsiah blns until it isot thejeairerl ihiebotutholi golden medical i dit- the wpnderfnl progress made in surgery is sbowmfrem tlte fset that only nlns per cent of all operations in amputation are fatal a woman is uever so tptto with she was a man as when ebo tees iota get up from the tbe and wafk awat- beakward look or thought of tjii without a i dishes it is not what its proprietors salr bat what hoods ssrtapanila does fhat lell and wiat the coiifldenoe pf sick headache caused by exciss cf bile ora disordereditomaoh is prom fitly relieved by using natlpual pills r j were uot waiting forjthe bats andmoles bat for men andiwomeu who havoeyeaind ase them who- have ftraiut and rtaaen theres a new world fbr them layering andt sickly aa they are a new worldareatfed from the hrain of a iftilf ul phyticaae- disepvery the covy ycarsigo dr pierce found ont thit the secret of all scrofula bi onehial throat and lung trouble lay in thi beanningax least in impure blood ant jthe wetkutneof the sysletnvthat the wty to cuke these effects was to removi the caote that human nature being the same the tame results might be looked for in neatly all cases so confident at he that the ex tionsware uucommpn that he took the ng ine medriine to those it didnt nefit tbc uothiug and the results have proved that he was right f and golden medicil dicoyery it the remedy for the million 1 the only guaran teed liver bloodand lnngjremedyi ytmr money back if itdcrrt help yon mrs parlngdrigtarts halrrslster 1 b l ti m tv- life firm and f reside liniment of oil of t w mil luf -j-f- ii m y w m ffii that mans a fool or i am at a reception recenllygiven in london to mr i n stettin secretary of the ne- tlonal temperance socioty of new york dc b w richardson paida tribute to thi temperance work of america- in his reply mr rjlearns told the folowiag ttory in regard to one of dr bicbardtooi tem perance books alocatdoctorcgoing into ona ot tha reading rooms took up the book and after glancing at it for a moment or two threw il dawn wiih the remark that mans a fool a few days after he name makes it he people a certain maine woman ivho has plenty cjfc dollars but arel hazy idea of bnglith orthogrtphy reiareed from a visit to new york lately bsidshetp a friend t oh i hadtqcha perf4y lovely time everythingwaa to conyeoed yoa know we stopped in t house where we rode up to oar room in a refrigerator and i always had my washing done at the foundry right there intfie hocaje it jwat awfiil nice then there warntub tioe end- no clatter ia the rooms there wss one of these legislators right in the floor and the heat poured rieht up tbfdughi how did it happen that yoacamo back so soon 1 oh well yoa e ssiry didnt have no sppetite i had the hsrjfest work to get we havh seen man set a farm kiu in again took up the book read on a little f her anything the could r isjixe hooettly farther and isld that mans a fool or i am the next time he came haread light through la i the end then looked np and said quietly well im the fool after ail t- f susards mnlmeatreuevesgo uralgta when i got her home bp was slmost an individual l perhspsit was this womknt hutbatd who said that ihen peters got kilieatlhis morning- ind tbelcornerpas jest gone pot to hold tn insect ou him ii i a youug- chant break ind die a farmer ipeod so that there ytas cothl looking after a worthy farmer prime of bis life iu his career in poverty a farmer too lelfcineeitea to mend hit way and too obstinate to reend his fcot- a poor boy grow rich by industry and i i wbww ipsof vent t much time i i ng at lomo j wbruj idle away the and nd and a rich boy grow v jditsipatkin money in loliy fhn gfi i jnily fa comforl iaor fields overgrown wi ingjoa a neighbor paid j ask yoor elraigist for kbenigs hamburg dropsfovtbe hood on liuipation i v good mansgement poor by idleness snd a man spend morej would support his fa independence a firmer deliver ilftne orvlionat the agricaltaral fairwitfehis fenceall down it weeds sto4 oir- ffeid and hisiiif nn km ifr 1- aagtut