Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 3, 1892, p. 3

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iv8i kw oat ta the 1 out i tfte methodist church aotoh v ptbr bctiosxpk koe fertosatbeer aveeas rmcrtmlj0mu4u0njn ittwr eseeluo bible c3umndact4ltum paster all cordially lavttad i tttaafsrs lad visaore always wsicomt stive tsher it u4 doer bank op sxio ornaz cutnxruicr kaaxsvx rnto tlllllx hamilton hakaros iww b 8 ktuvk alst cui1u directors jojoc grxwifcr ttvldsnt a 3 rikur tveftut jotr piocta cue htlvxt qo roicw a t woo 4 b lit akorastowk aaihot j kctee dlteoaoted tad advenes made aa ill istitsme k1u daim oa til parts of cuc- imuie ctcrrxd stltu a tut hamr tad u owttxnct or snore boum xad hit oocucnon mm oa til i no ft to points oa savlkas pwabtxist i tlirosrrt reeefwd of 91 tod towards lad ln- urr allowed croat dau at eapetit to dit at rlibdrxwtl srecul dermtk alio rwird it ttttttt ruse of iaurtrt ko ckioe of withdraws required t icroy treat attention your watch needs cleaning your dock needs oiling pet htps you have some jewellery nieds fixing up your spec tacles are broken if so bring tr era to the sign of the big watch we will give you stufactton charges reasdn- it kttttabwttaocujwl- lmlt- ttrr itnmn comlnc into ed- odutsn for wsddluf u bnihdij rtsats- qgq hykdatfton ont- ttklrrdat march j ibm jfv little local brieflets which caugtit the eje or ears of frse press rwdortera this week the moath of marco march oxme in rather fitreely l tstterdxy was ash wedoesdxy too ieotsn au ku enmmecced coaaty cottnci wt in session it milton oo tuesday wm fowls hire beta seen flying both north tad aoath the put week a report nf the agricultural societys meeting will sppeer next itsne carirti clxareh brunptoa bid e ptrcaxe tadil the other tracing mr robot m beowa bi been tp- pctnted postmaster et cenrpbeuvftle j a student from knox collar occupied the pulpit of knox ehordi aa bandar abbot forty delegates from acton tt- teaded thecoanty siadxy school coorcn- tioa xt georeetoirn fxtt week there nmfira atoddxyi ia febrtixry ihkjeu it itlto bondred xod tveaty fosr yoxrt riovot thxt htppeoodr baforo rer j w rxa railed puxlicb saa- dxy school annrfitinn but cerfc xsd occa- pisd x prorainect plxnton the pragrxmme rev joe ede daureredxa xddreis oo hav ta lntenct the young people ia uit- luaxry uxtterx xt toe ooarenuaa xt godot oq kaadxy a raatlemxa who receouy reradnd ram ietoo to taroato in remiuine his ubaatntion xxyti i xm itiu oiore or laxt intenxted in actoo xtrs welcome the ftrx pxr into my home the xnnaxl mixxiaaxry krriom will be beii ia the icethodict chorea next san ity rev dr hxcnba of gxelph ehxir- mxo of the diitrict will praxch mornick xodrrecuiie the kxniraodi hoaee georgetown tmywyed thn wiek x trie rite of dresc food tod the opepmr of kew epriag oaodx thie hooit i noted foe flae tpodt xod x big xxeortmest the pxtroni of lulastcj ia erin towcxhip hxte ippointed henri tookey xod if ceeeaaie to eo to toronto xad bay eed crxin u cbexn u ponible tad xlxa boy b kxrretx of facxr ine dafferia coanty coaaed xt iu ncect snaoa decided to ipead the torn of id100 in usproting the roxdx ta the oooctrf dorifl the yexr 1891 the money will be rxiaedhy uxaing debeatarec to rsn twenty yexrt a member of the civil iettice who rexdx the fkex pxzm ia the cattoms i depxrtmeot xt ottxwx hxa been kind eaongbto tend the following note to ihic ofioe i xm tempted toxty thxtthe acton fur pxrxs it the dexseit nekteat briijitett pxper coming to this office xod we txke xbost fifty pxperx there is only one o compere with it s ptper pablished xt lonenboig k8 r h bxlrdvtdrxmxtic coy opened x weeks engxeeenent in the ton hxll oa stondxy ereniog a series of new plxyt tad firoes ere being preseated by x rtroog oampxoy the scenery is xttrxettte the xdmiatioo low end the xtteadxnos of the putermiogs woald iadicxtes tacoessfal week a complete chxoge of progrxmaie is etrea etch night xnd those who hxrs xlteoded tcexk well of the performxaeex a mttioee will bebeldxtzjo bxtardxy tftemcoo for ixdies sod children when very child will receive x prewnt the news at home i mostly tf locst chsraesr srid ktvsry uanunurastlri ter8aareafon the report ottha soadty bchoot con venlioo tt utortetown ixtt wek wilt no doabt be exd with to teres t bylhthondreds of 8oodxy school workers xmong fxxr rsr rtadatf the rspott eommenom olhsrrt pxs xnd it ooncladed oa this riuxat t ctutck mit the xaoaxhexmasuog of the coupe- gxuotixl ohitch will ds hstd axt taesdxy tttsrhg xttrxeilve pwgrxmtjis will be provided the tixt of ipexkorc lactades rjrx bobextson k xdlll xod doff toronto wrx hxrt xnd kllckftte rockwood i xad firjr r edge atflon juoxto will br for- tniihad by the itsuwdut choir qeargttawa thk utpla lstf joxrtetle xnd ultsss blxckhtmmer xnd helexo otpringe urh p uoore of the fuxfsxxs wul oocopy the chxir coareyxnota will raa from acton pott oko to the choroh from 6 10 7 pm xnd rctara xfter the eatertxin- meat serf ssstdec dcmtk th news of the dexth of mrs e 6txf ford oa kwaxy- morning bxtas with s hook looor oiuseox mrs suxford weat oj clxrksaa but week to see ber sister who tx very ill xnd while there wxs txkea tuck herself she felt well enough bowtver to retartt home xnd scoampxaied by her dkaghter uitt celixsuftofd xrrived home oa stwrlxy she grxdoxlly grew worse xnd died an uoadxy morniag her troable wits pnntapxllr broachiut bat wxs xmorapxnted by other ooraplicxtionw the fiaerxt took pixce yesteedxy xueraoaojxnd wsx itrgety xtteaded sermaa o foresters lxtt soadxy ereaiag the members of daart olive brxach i of acton xnd x nkmber of lrethrea from georgetown xnd eden uuit between fifty xsd sixty in xll jxtteaded service in the uethodiitchorcb tt hsd been taaoanoad thttrev ilr edge woald prexch x ipecixl termoh to them tnd the chircb wis crowded gxlleriet xnd xll to rich ta extent thxt chxirs were necewxry iu the titles the ooocregttioo njamberedbeteea 700 tnd 800 the t gectlemxn btxed hit diicocrce oo i im s 8 bat if toy provide not for his tnd ipecitwv- tor those of hit own bsaeev he htth denied the ftith xnd it worse then tn infidel he thowei thtt the home it not x hacaxn argxauxtioo bat it htd its origin in hexven it involves rwpoqtibilitiet xmoog which is thxt of pro ttion far it needs to sooomplith cjhii reqairet the exercite of thoaght before kind which is in imitxtioaof the xctioa of god himself who nude temparxl proviuoa for mio before he crexted him things ire to be honestly provided xnd the provision matt be taitxble xad xdopted to the rjecettibes of those dtpeadiog a poo at- the deoitl of ftith wis dwelt apoo yoa roty deny the ftith by word xt peter did when he denied jet at christ or by let ts in the neglect of known doty tbetpostles estimxte of sach persons wxs folly portray ed the chrittixn tboald not be inferior to tny unbeliever in respect to xny nrtaa xnd he tboald never give xn opportunity to anbelievcrt to tlight religion throagb their cxrelestnees of home duties the sermon wxs listened to with msrked xttention by xll xnd wxs highly tpprecixted by the foresters to whom it wxs etpecixlly xd- dressed ur edge hxt since been request ed to tilow itt pablicxtioo in the orgxn of the society lititosunhysc th thirtythird annl pdjnyartj tlon thoroughly buoof stf credit due to qborcsown ul february examinations the stendlncof the pupils in acton public school the monthly eismiostioaof the scboltrs jo the pablic schools here were held but frtdxy the following ire the nxmes of pcfpils tinling highest in their cltxses nxsr irjitke3rr era rr arthar pexrsan rollie smith xnd wo lowry 218 robert ucdontld ito bexty perkins fred rats chtx moore cbts iowrj- gordon detn 238 ses hi elsie qaittner 278 lisggie wsrwick 2g1 wm swtckhtmer 200 jlirtt posxible 300 t t moore tescker scom iepaetmprr sparthatkoore14 kettiecabbxo 234 uianie holmes 29c utrkt possible too i lsrox xellie fortane 250 alios lowry 21s fennel smyth 2s2 j ex kellie holmes 22j iltad ryder tit jessie hsrvey 210 uxrkc possible 303 c ucphxil texcher td3id iietletlcext sts- a bells jfcdoaxld xnd jennie smith ls3 j john ifoare 189 tommy henderson ids sts tar ii clxrx cobbxn 200 kellie lowry 188 ads holmes 182 isttek ouie cxrr 1g3 howxrd crtine xnd robert wilson ico ernest wilson 158 jo gertrude dtwsoa 173 i jtae cooke 104 cuirlie holmes 165 f mirls possible 209 jlk clevelmd texener roctth utrixtiaai stsfred jvylds j83 joseph bing him xad mitmifl artbars 180 chxrles hynds its ixrrx edith wtrwick xod willie lxird 179 wilfie gsnling 17 george cooke 170 jcx george arnold 175 j usggie hxrvey 170 albert kckee 1g5 uxrks possible 200 minnie kelson texcier ask xior drnggist for dr axgast koenigs himbarg drops for the blood if yoa wxot firttclxxs gaelph sxth xnd doors it gaelph prices t eoeaae can fill yoer order ki his plxsing mill tffrs heslop dead a most important witness in the ancaster murder cts cone hucrltox feb fw urs heslop widow j of the morsered trettcrer of anextter died xt ber home near anexsier rillxge yetterdty the venerxble ixdy hsd been fery ill tors week saffering from conges tion of the isags broagbt on by sn xtttck of the grip i her dxaghter hsd been hef sole oompsiiion sinos the morder of jier naxocndxboatayexrso the dexth of mrs heslofwifl smbxrrsss tie exsa in the xprjrotoinba adst ct thesoppcsedmoidsrem b woatt j been a rery importsat witaeax fctrx heatop wss s dxaghiar h tuta johtt aikmsi who urad fa haot to mxnyyexrx she rnsrrfia lb badoa 0 yexrssgo 8newsjsoal7jtyatjlo ill altsa aolitud i h rooorai bsyvaaery firijrf i hxre si twos bows o h bast fundy xboold hate xt opes s bottte o lbs bart j fsmtty remadt byrep olt um systeni when eostfta or bfliocs for j axle in tse i bottles by all lasdltw afffw i ibbircs ijtaiartrustsic- toronto hxs sent eaoogh ordert to the mxllexbleiron works xt windsor to keep them xt fall prewareantil jane rpott from xll pxits of mxpitobx tnd territoriesgo w shorthssoswaaa rxoch es htvs wintered remtrtxbty well xnd sre in good condition thomxs getry chxrged with borglxry xt rxrioasplsoesin this diitrict xnd who es- cxpedfrom two oonstxbles xt the jiil door hxs been arrested xt detroit mrtgxrret fxwcett the widow of the blind postroxstergeoertt of thtt nxme is the bast plxtform spexker ta epffjiod and hs x simple feminine nunoarivi s l 1 rockefeller tho 8ndsrd oilbbg ntsgi inillioi to chlcxl itwsity xs x specixl thxnkoffetjiftw ilaiighty god foe refarning health mr robert cromsr clerk ot pilkidth township died but week xt sxleta jbf sgaof7- he wss xn old settler it tilli- tngton xnd wis a nxtive of aberdemstirs scotlsfld j three oar loxdi of oorn snd floor pxssed throagh londoo from cbfcxgo xnd ikil- irxaxe oa taesdxy riirotfe to the surviog etixntry ofraxsix the rsuwxy bom ostflat m carry tog tha freight free the form opening of the engineering department of the school of prxctlcxj bci eooe tototitorjsst wsdnesday night wss sueodsd by fifteen uoadred psoplej sad jjjiomt delivered by mr g w boss priociptl gtjtirtith dr oolewn ul sxnford fleming tad ur edwxrd bisks j tr1 -0- t oontisutdfio n irtt riipl xay other qasilsexllaa hejmjit be a focos for the genial rtyt of tbs hanoi ulgliisouacu to shine into best ing into lilt the hidden germs of earnest d irt and sending forth bods thtt will dsvi lop lnto- uetal fraitxgt any baptrliiuud ml who does not enter into hit baadxy bah ml work with xt aiaoh vim tfid pub xt it does hit stcatxr basinets it not xa ftp inent of of the ntaetaealh oentary ot sands school work the old itkga cosoh oar stolen wiadowlest list in x negtocted oor ler oris kept s t rsllo of tntiqally the old flat boat rets an the ssad bar ind uy super intenjent who itill rldst on them leservm tho sympxthv ot hit friends tl e timet atrasod the patli of the engine tin oiiokof ths tsiegnph xad the rlagot the i lephooe a avary movemeat brethren f wt oellave thxt the world thxt tin tin t christ tnd heivtn ire mil we matt itelhit work the raatt tateaw taergy of o ir wait let as look xt him steoadl it stadonv he hu lo deal with alt bates of life from the iafxaf to the gts rhsired tesrehec xfter troth to his first stady oat itde of the book of books shoajd be ha oiodet of childthoaght the key to xll hexru he thoald be x aloss itadeatot edacxtioatl methods leleoting the best tad xdoptiag them to wisest ends ha thoald ttady the science ot oatlint thi plctore he pxintt is to bo looked xt from t ilttxaee xad it viewed tiara he proper xagi a thoald revexl well rounded property t he thoald ttady to be a power oa of tight he thoald ttady the specific lotion a hind with sview to sdtptlag troth to exset in his own school the bandxybcho it thoald be a stepping ttoae right into tho ornman- ion ot the charch ha thoald i ady the word ot god itrgely the gtaen t ixck at sach knowlege is traly ismeatxb ei la oar country it is slid of sir itxxo k wtoa he woald think tnd think npaa x problem aatil its troth woald open like thi heart ot aflower to the getiiil rttt ot the an so shoald t workmtu iu the otnee of superta tcadtnt think i thirdlv tt hit work we htve not time to outline a wrekt work which roold be very prxcticxl he does not wt t longer thxn stbbxth evening to commence pre- petition cac the next saniiiy he tees thtt his teachers meet onoe x w iek tor x short time to discots the imparts it texch tngt orthe lesson xnd xgree ou t aaiform preteatxtioa of them to their oti ises tnd go throagh qaick ttepdrillt on bib e history or normxl cltss work he it thet ia time to welcome sll the officers xnd hi s x word xbaat or work xnd fiadt oot cues if ipeciil need xnd the boy looking tor x i itoxtioo or the children who htve lott a treat or dexr friend xre not targolten in tb eppening prxyer and now in order to oaa lease we ibtilimeutioo some things he tb laid htve xnd some he tboald do withoat i ii close oar imperfect pxper he shoald hkve two good eyes or it lent doable ss n tny eyes xt moathi good order it giiaed ji aca more qdickly throagb tho eye thin th oagh the throat he tboald hxve two good feet like the two hinds ot a good clock they tre xlwxyicn tim ho thoald hxve two good ears iltaitrttions xre gxthered more rexdily throagh these orgxnt thxn we think he shoald hxve x good broxd back xnd he will hxve ass far it xll daring the yexr pile anon pile will be liid opaa it antit he will think of thxt old mxn aitxs whose pictare ased to xdorn oar geography oover he shoald hxve x qaxlity xnd qoxntity of pxtieace thxt woald overflow the barrel thxt j belonged to the indent mxn of ur like the lands in a bank it it sare tobedrxwnapon he thoald hxve every member at the school libeled ia good lxrge let ten thxt he my read xt sight henry johnson dont wint to be called percy smith he tboald hxve x smile bora of geoaise late x smile is the inner mxn spexking h thoald hiro x big took ot penerer- xnce in carrying oat his plant petseverxnee like killing x inxke creqaenuy hxs oar own preservation bound op in it hs shoald hxve t tempertnoe pledge ia school tnd work it it he thoald hxve tt lent xs aitny new tails coveringhit ptint ss there xre sextoat in the yexr becxata he read xltcrrittely with the school one sandxy is no rexsoiifor doing so for six months oc x year if he closes with the lords prxyer x while why not commence with it tome time let upring simmer xatamn tnd winter tttnd tt prompters to badding blossoming gxrnering feasting he tboald hsve x blackboard xnd ose it ts a helpful intlroment ia rest teaching xnd not is a wooden horse to mike fxntxttio exeqnient to the mystical fields of symbolism he tboald hxve gamption in cxrryiag oat his convictions which shoald hxve x solid up root to sit oa the plxtform xnd look wits will not rtxad the test at the brighteyed interrogttioa points projected by qaiek boys xnd girls of this trotting 10th century he thoald hxve x fall programme mtds bot before echool of everything he expects htodo daring the testioa he shoold hive x register of school membership xnd x specixl historical record of etch member of the school he shoald hxve s witch thxt stops xt the right time it is j ait xs im portant for a train to stop xt itatt on schedule time belter to stop oa one ckmxt thxn try to bridge x possible chasm to reach mother enow when to stop he shoald hxve plenty of fresh pare air in the fcboet room he shoald have voiceless boots kothing lets thxn the tilling of the roof thoald be permitted to distarb x texcher while endexvoring to drive x nxtl in x tore pliee he shoald hxvetnlntensity of par- pose bit will xmodnt to x perpetaxl inter ns shoot kot enthasixsm thtt tarns s crtnk with oae bind tnd gestures wildly with the other he ihoald hire x cars for tnd specixl interest in xll the ulerttareof the school xnd not bay from those ocwhom be bit sexreely heard does not know if they hxve been over the roots or capxble of goiding limply bectase x little cheaper id money bat dear in txct be loyal to yoat owa fiinily he ihoald uxvi a p toe for the ottechismin his plsnt xod shoald utvt froqnoot reviews we do pot know thtt we bars taaght tnything ontil t get it btoit fromsobolarswe thaiprovs or lest oar workr his shoald have qnartarly baiinest meetings omcelttmggiiooihbthbywxy of improveoeni and sneonragaaisnt to iu any rteaooies to tpnolnt oommhtsts to the varioasdaliftf ooonsoud with ths wori asaperinftndenrwbo gets unto workst t job is x jbelter mxn thtn the one wtto dots it all himself he shoald have order of the things he ihoald not hsve we mentioa thit important ione fits a saperiniondent who fats hem tr things will not fit tho bill fiuof imptlieocs with childhood liipecting the frolt of mttnre yextt where only baddiagiot hope ihoald be wti of fretfol faisfaess going roaiid with x vuegxr fxoe when the mile dt god ihoald beam la the eoaatea- tnoe fits of ieifattsj getting ap atjiw tjn on snsday and ft jo sjn lo carry out bis own basinets plani going with slow looaraotfon ismseaooijwdl asriaidly take l at bat bi eunot wlu h arts b ahotild hart pi w of drnacslm jlo bis baodaar- j ohlai mae a m a mt po ik tlilrabotitf ukm imwhtra on tt xwjmd hi uxi hlismp irom momtnro a idveyi fin of digally ii a itrtngsi cjdmm in hi u doobtless mpresssd if i a net or iassivaa a grasung r a seat fib of despbndtney oomplalo ig thsl his to lool is oot so wall atatppad riih sppllotntnu others lnittxd of axing mind jid en rrgy to bring bji school op to tho urns tndsrd of nsell- snoa f is ot ilottntii tat allowing tbs room lo iba look snd 1 m use a dongaon when bt i lould bring u raooh ohter light sad ttlnt oiht mroafjbiwbaratbiyoitst fits of ix k ot itilh in g d whan hi thoald bs often 1 1 thaalomt ooviilnt sxrbestlt iba bast gifts fits ot lalkii ig and xlking xnd talking ai 1 not laying dylhiog fin of lads ptadi not mpioltll i ot the pxitori presence i nd infiainos voaui probably ready to sty this i all vtrj wall bathaw abat a baly working taaa or woman tod liana for slilhii erarspi raon bti fragminti of me fnoogh to bolld to hlnuut a graid riooa mens o it la bristol eogund wxs mtds frbai a oo itribntion ol bram ping irom ths oitiiefii t id then it ttsfads today a tab- ittatltl t ilnett of what smsu things may do bom i of the bos eat peo ila ot ou country live tsleii toe cl i 80 four yesrsoot rssofrsadlpgkodhsvi htd their mindt bn sdened by it kow lit si lay gnat prit cfples ihoald i used bat there shoald b i ta iatelligt at flei hllily ot mttbadt david oodld not llgh la baals trmour ndividuxluy noit stow ftsalf brethren liter irerythieg ilse 1 said the 8apern ideat ho do i not hx s ta iadtx finger on every ipptix ice poln log o the cross of hjuit who is t ot wiilisg to mxks lxrge iso rlfices of timi esse jar money will not i nomi thsldtx 8aper4tendsntof fait or af jother lime ms j the lord beget wit in the heart pt every superin tendent 1 1 oar itad ta rnex yetrulng xfter im aortal tools lad then methods wilt bt h an of bat trsvxli of which wt hxve ieaijalyxjthoagbtinow the ne it subject wxtj obsti cles and owing to be tbienoc ot mrd 1 harrisoa who shoo d have ialrodaotel i ha follow ing ladies and gentlemen were tiled upon to give tt raerainate tddrettes a the tab- iectim utnglehxrt kits spe ght h w kennedy wm hampshire mrsj lbwry uisahoo i mr w bobbins mrtl lfraneta ur vic liter miss hopkinij mr w j armstroi g snd rev mr norton the half 11001 was ipent in k very interesting manner nd mxay poinds ot value brought oat i this w ixtolidvedby the report of tho statistic isecreurykery jwraeactoa before jo mmeacisg hit address imr rae presentee each delegate present with a beautiful y rated tod printed copy of hit address welling apon the grettladvxace opan former years in has having the printed i rrwrt circulated xt the conveatioa his tddi x wxt interesung snd very in structive the following is x synopsis of tho repoi t kan iooi tie rerjortsd this oir tain ever before in the hiitorj of oor assoctiuoa the uiereim uiues cram the sddillaa o bchools rixrtlr la his county sad pertly in soother 1 tee wohka bchoou in irertnea it iropea ahoeuieiammeroalrbcaoolshxvo teaiperi ice ovgnnuitloai hive pltdg cards vhile is 1 tve ooae praetiesnr sll oar sandty schools i nfew tfaa lettooc is schools report mtpcta bltckbaxrdsltb4iiooisboldtesebers meetuici is schools ients5 the tut conveati m i the w0etkeoistttre ire ml tttehen sadolbo rs of whom sk sre professed ehrutlsas there irt cm scholtrt aa the rolls with sn it- teadxaoi of 3017 or tboat xi xoffr shoitrs sre rntmbtr of the church or pushtlr oter try tt schools sport sn ivengo jiin of ul scholsrs whuelt vport in ivtrsga lass of lt i suv 3ar school lrtkbattjae-koljj- ill ear schooli in ttujiappued with ss luerlta e one pablitaes x ptper f lis own the lib tries sre hurtastag lit number xad la the crtul ty of boots rsported l fik ixces5 schools la whole or put are lopporb 1 by their churches at irf collections sadtbv eattrtaiamentc tfaewtekly ofteriogt is the i andtjr schools smoaated to iut the tots nreaae to lsjk eexijs wis ti ven to mlssi as ij0rito beaevoleaas sad the sup port of he churches schoats contributed ttg4s u our assoditioa worxltlt vetr 6 de oinxatoxsbitillclurcb ot eneltact cocritlooiuitildliclpiecl union fntbrtertuu liilhodiits piobt t it teen la every department ot oar work teports hivobeta seat m more prompt ly ud satrlbuuoas hiva been siore auaieraut thin is former joxct the whjls taae of the work li healthr the prints reports of lut years onvsntloa xad stitlsueji met thesrty welcoa e the icsxioawts closed tttti the bene dictiai el esrxo keksio at 1 ic evening session lie charch wis crowd d to the doon tbji united choir readesed x number of tath credit ble manner to the indie ce the address of welcome by re joefennellof8t in mc it felicitous terms ion ei trj delegate felt il extended wxs hearty and t in a most oymentot the was delivered orgee chorea i st its conclas- u he welcome uncere irills replied in if the delegates wwftxfzk t iniptotor ot pablioooli ot nrwrwkt mr davidson oatltotst the objeotof joldlig iniututa their valns to biuiaky bphdol texohart tnd he suoooti whloh bxi ittenft- ed hair introdnotlan in new tfor t presentation of tbs matter oonljrn ad dalegateain the desirability ot inlndaolng tterleof iniututei in htltoi indno i doabt thli will bo aooompllshed ejaijlng the present year i utmxoox lixiiox thi prognmmi was vary all sjad oan lalned mnoh of ginulni interast j j mist cannlnahtm ot st ciiiarinsi ttughl a primary olssi with mar led lability various mallsn of impotuucs fo the securing ot lacceiilul rnaltf we teterred to sad rainy hlnliiugnested bjch tie prlmtry usohers pteieul glsxi d with- 1 viiw losrjsptlng u thoir own oltsies kl home the lesson for the irasesding sanday wsi ttoght indmm ct nolnghtm proved hersslf a letohir wbo hi i throagh osrstal itady laocetded ia fladi ig lbs kiy to aolook thi hesrttot tbeilttiletrners who poms bofonliir r4i jotepb ztff ol atlori then addrtsssd the largest mssi nesting of ehildrtn aver gathered at a ooi vibilon to hilton hltinbjeat wu aiiratjihdby bis words tnd apt illnilrilioi s hold the undivided ittinlion ot the oclldren foe halt sn joar whie he imprevseri- appn them mto vtlaxblt tratht tod warned tbcmtgalnit he gianii which tr tboat to injure the life tad protptott of the obildrsn j j under the title ol acspitsl cenvealioa ia i csplitl city bar j v7 has lave so eicellent review of the proceedfagt ot the recent proviacisl convention it ottxwtj greeting from feel coaaty sandxy school workers were here hetrtlly ei pressed by mr h stern xad rev mr qlfuford of thxt coanty the eleotioa of officers then reifikedii fouawx rxxsmxetilev b u abrthtmi flaiiii 60 6 cilagtba i jw use udenoa improvements irt the manufacture of watches fte rtrtbe front be ploader njiywin soperinlendent jal rjwer over land and 4 mr john barclay of oi loital le words oa behtit xnd i id he knew xll preteht htd found the fact the welcome xs reejxt the expression wis t earty th i presidents xddrett- thoagh brief wis clear at tnd pointed in concluding be said the moral prosperity of the coani ry depends itrgely tpon the sandxy scho is if onr iegittxtort woald take a great ir pertonxl interest in rar sanday echo ils there would be vastly jess bribery tnd orruptian extant mi mabel land of burlington then recit d in a most xttrxctivo manner sister xnd ai inrpiring xddressl was delivered by mr hired day the general secretary of the provincial association his subject was forward the devils foroas he said are all tnd xlwxys sggrmive oar 1 oppc rtanity it forward forward to x high it type of ipiritoalj consecration and we c tn get it by uvtng near christ there is of en too much study of the lesson snd too ittle devotional ttady if he said the choi ch would make rip its mind that xll the chil iran ot oae generation are to be won tor brist the milleniarji woald be here jby tbomat of toronto followed to a i addrew on the 1 comparable book in hloh be threw a gn it deal of enthusi- isn he described tho bible as the king ot ookt no book like il and said there it rao e interest taken in l is word of god to- daj tbanataayprevionadatein the worlds bi ory the proaeedings at the day were brc ight to a close with he hehedicioa by reatrfonnell tkcbsijav mol iter devotional exercries the first sub jeoitobe introduced wal the sabbath sc icol ia relation to misioni open which re r s s craig otoakrille gave a re mi tkahly terse and inl iresung address hi i matter was new and araoel with the m isioaary enterprises ot be day the cen- tn 1 thoaght was that thi children of to ds r will be he onrittfan orkeri ot twenty ye irt hence and will hav icontrol of the ch irch and a large propoi ion pf the wealth of the world it it tberef ire of tho highest in portanee that the iplri ot missions be in mlcated in the sanday school of toaay ii iny luggostiotrs ot value ware biade sanday school institutes was treated in an sole manner by mr a b davidson iu at- 1 aborvttmt u tanini lib tbla lo rnll snd jottnn vk a pnstoueato i j j j aomiocloohjbj qt waj ha vtho purehsstd ilr lileubil im prepared to pay tie hbjneiteath prios or sll kinds ot tttln bros acton vies paxstnont w v hopklni i sod rsr j fsuasl deorgea8 btitittresr stxwtslirkev aoton v sccxetiiittarjitvrtee ultsiiterr oikvllle i i erjrconveb u wurcu it ill uoare tschlia arxat hw kennedy j i 1 a auiqae event wst the iocutei pro vided by the isdjei ot the tawp ifar the delegitei xad their frieudx it ie close of xfternooa setsida the occxsloawu matt lojoytble xad offored nuny opportunities for social ntercoane which wobjd not otherwise have been given thej rjelegales wiuiaat exceptioa tpprecitted he tladnet i otiielidia l j i i tue cxosiiia sessioy ths lut testioa wss chxrxcteriied with the ixme spiritof enthuilttm which hid mxrkod the proceeding ones xnd thexadi- ince wss large tnd expectxntr rev john pickering of miltoo xnd rev w g wxllxce bd ot toronto delivered two most intereslingind oiplrlng sddress- es which owing to lick ot ipxcein this xsoe we xre obliged to crowd out the report pt the resolution committee wxctpcetented ind adopted the people of georgetown were thtaked for their hospit- tlily tnd multiplied kindness the choir for their excellent diailc tad the speakers from xjuslinoe for their aid ia miking tho convention so msrked x soccett htvlng decided to lesson out stock hy halt le- mike room for sn ihormous spring stock wa will sell goods for the next oodsyi tt larpaislngfy low prices which mean ooit and aovay under oot for moat goods i tu order not to oscry over tny winter overoosiings or suiting we will make 0 order fair he cert oo dtyi a 8at o over oot t for less moosy than irill porches tbs cloth ind trimming eisswhere any ratdyaiade overcoat or salt in be house at about htlfpfioe tnd see for yourself come in we hxve every kind of csp thst is worn tad will not refuse offer tot tny of iheai oaritookotuaderwetrbhlrlt gloves hshilkerchiefs tietilcolitrs caffs baspendefs umbrellxs cottons cottonsdes fixnnelt shlrtiags towsllfng tabling 4c will go regerdleis of coit remember thit clearing bile will lut for 60 dayt only and wi will jiay tsgbf i here thst the people ot acton and vicinity never before ot tgila htve bd ot will htvef the cliiace ot baying roods it inch low prices for cash kely bros toy reasoaable gcyand clearing 3ale 30 days a few years xgo we thoaght there jwu aothiag left xboat witches thtt could be improved oa that the walthim xad elgin hid left nothing undoes trrraiktx perfect timepiece bat experience proved thtt the balance wheel being to neir the centre came right under the weakest part ot ths case and wxtchmxkerc hxve been making dollar aftec dollir by replacing broken jewels caused by the pressure of the case on the bridge over the balance while the wearer wst leaning against some sharp earner or x knock with the hxadle ot tome tool wxtchmxkers tlto found thxt the bxlxnoe wheel being over the mainspring barrel prevented the taking oqtotbat part when needed for any repairs withoat first removing the balance wheel which it la unwise to do if not really necessary for msay reesaas first the fset of slleridg the running rate caaung the necessity ot regoliting the witch over tgtin second the imposibility ot any workmaa no mttter buw tkilltal putting the btlicoe pivots into their jewels without working a some of the dirt which had gathered xround the edges of the boles snd which would not be dolug sfiy htrm aulesa the bxliuee pushed it into tbe holes when being put in pltce thirdly the danger of dtmtge to the pivots sad hsirspring while being put ia position by careless or interior workmen and even watchmakers are carelest sometimes kow the wilt- him tnd elgin fsctonet have done nothing towirds remedying this defect in the move ments hot other factories have- notably the colambat duber htmpdea tnd the rockford etch of these have evaded this fault by moving the bxlaace from the oeatre to one sidemxkiag it to come under the round of ths esse iustexdof the springy pert in the centre this improvement- xlso xllawt the mxlnspring hxrrel ta be re moved without touching biltnce ia any way the rockford watou ouinpany have mtde other improvements which miko it next to impossible to bresk the bxlxnoe jewels or pcvou by pressare on the case this they hxve accomplished by turning iwxy same of the piste and power ing the balance which cannot beddde with those movements whoeebslinue is in the centre bectase of the raiiatpring barrel which it onder it the lowering ot the balxnce irt the rockford- 1 xllowt rexm for miking the bridge much thicker which hxt been done they tlto mike the btrrel bridge out of x solid block only turning out of it enough to mike room far the barrel living it very much stronger thin the other mskers the rockford his tlio faxd great luoceis with their aew tneaut ot taking up the wear of ths balance pivots no attempt by tny other witch company has been mtde tofiud x seu by which x witch repairer could prevent the balance staff from jumping backtodforward from end to end ot the jewetholes esohstep j the wetrer tikes loiii more pity the pivots have the worse ljuit ed on the ends raikipgtlje tntob go ir- regnlarlyand perhaps itop all pivots of halluces muit wear in time more especially it the watch runt too laagwithoat cleaning the rockford witch hit dunged the method of patllug id these jewell so thtv bt upper and lower ones can be sorewed nearer each other at the amoontof west oa the pivots realri it they still make the old model bntpringla of qailoh has all hit man altar tia new pith prlugle keepi movement in hli itock nxdiby every- american jaetory jbm bu the dirtsreht onts tlrssjy te pieces ind will be pleased ta tapiaiarta diftareo to aoj one even it ojy iraxtl otplirjo iy frcanvtbt oansni reljarni tt 1 iu beta axtherect tbat toronti hu in eited in minndoturing oooberr it80p0l00 with iktoowo thi averagei abbarai s8 v ittty th vtlne ol th i produotsof tbeae induitriet wu 55000 the ritirni ihow tbat wages in toronti are much higher thxnln thebtatowbee thesveaao it bat iwtyearr ill pfferigrrjai bar- ia mantle and wool qoodt furs ovev coats atgreat- f ly reduced prices i no reaeonablq refused henderson mcraerfc co i thb oldest drg stre landscbtiei array of goods offer c tit class ottilea the very latestl detisus uafdles dresalrg pases and manicure sets in terra ootta oik oold crimioa tnd peacock blue combe prickets come and see our jgobds bolr brushes mirrors in oauuloid tnd hsrd bobber vrlrlsks for vya perfume atomizers perfumes by sjl the best mikert xsponres batri tweols ttjc etc lit g s7titht5too dispensing ghemsts guelph ont actopaagltui 1881 rockwood cieb vnml ths bookwood cidsr prssl vful open w bill sss oa wednetdsr uth c iu bet tnd will ran wry tuetdtv sad pridsy aring tbi btlsnet afl theussen applss left on ol her days wulb pressed sf ler six oeloekif ind w 5 bbaoo v flockooa04 kerr- public school buiiding sealed todn for the roomad brick icbool ni i tbe 10th uufctrbr the m doriiged offids pltiu and tpedcxtk v maqcedcbeqapfoieniwr n tee4taptdx tvae the lo rtti aotieeii4rtlf uctfpted 4- 0 acton ont fefjruirf 22n tobs bdobbt erection of s fou be received op ta nlsesd it who rat be seta test of tender mc lor tnr tsndts dhn5si cbiirnisn 1891 valuable jprbpeity for sal a bosh ftrm on lot it tot- ii in tbe tt ihip of peel ui icra wllfc lot dwel ifzls umberad with boecb msle hedl pins cedar rock snd toft elm alto t itont tnd rough cast dwelling of 9 rooms tnd twojeellin trune stttiie with ten lott 08 lsnd on ouelpb llixit sodnteeo streets in tblf vulxfa of aetoa i 1 h terms htjf cash or exebinge for other prch prty- 1 pplrio i f i alaefacton kxeeutorsjvotiet in the imatter of the itate of margsr4 andefson late of the 1 of aotcrn n coanty of haltoj beceaaed otice is beabv givea nj iiursusnee of b i 0 im chtp 118 tec 3it sll creditor htvug elsims sgtinst thi estate of the xbov l aimed i uo reqa red to send by pen prepsid or deliver to john mektbb boelrwooi or jessie aadanon acton als executors cf til 1 tio credrtorf estie aodononacton jtte exbeoton dee solicitor m deettd or to bagli uttillan galph tbtj tliimt duly terlfledl by uwtoryde uioavba or before tbe jet diapiij iaaar and norther uke notice iittt after the mid dy ot april uie tsid exw iton will proceed tlitiibttt tbe ueu of the taid deeoawd ititied and tbje ald the pcmooi eniitled and this said executor not b liable for tbe aaity imli or any thereof to anypmon of vbcae claim they nothateli bauooa oot bate liadvotica ai the ituci of rxah dirtfi- hugs lcmilias boltdtor f of be eiecutoi gaelph feb ttth 189s theneetmaeke osttilil v v ji hu pleasare in annoaoi lnc to the dtiiena fit aetoa ud tlcinitt that 1 e iuaa completed ar raoeemente to open a xei if eat matxst in tha baitding reccntiy exectod 1 1 the- corner of afpl and min stxeetivby mr t eoord i hextttltuj j uoxtsinjilqdinitafall itodfof all- klflda jot t i fresh kestts fowl elc will be opened the- b atf qaaut- aljfiltt itodcr 7 hatlng had exporieneo a be btuiseu i oan acaore all wbo favor kse n tt their orflcxa otr aataafactioo highcat ch price pah fa pork biieitu loir xtc f partiea ha nog cattle fc l to kii are requested to call- r u j m mm -otm- i annual fleeting ths ahncaa meeting olihe acton union asrt- cultoitl society wi i be held in the towri hai lacton j friday 26tlifibniary 18 at two 00 opfc pj whence beportof the loditon twoi tmlptes- eoled snd other qei enl butkieas wioi be txaoiscted whtidctf qeo ecysd8 president atrsasatr etonjfejjleihujb tj mortai sale- valuable farn propertyil uicdbb ud by virtue of the pruritic audi codditlonrconuln d in a hdrtgigv wbteh l will m prodneedxt the time ot stls sftffrpopa whlea ctefsult of pttmei thst been maw there tbllc to ition jby wauambatn- will be sold bj peofu aofuon street auctioneer is agpeva se of aeton in thaoeastrof hilton otrraday a isth otrol ittreh p m it s ooloci pxl- m ujby suc nusmhtni oteliottul- mefoucrurindstnd jt ahin ilntrlsi tt ifeito pt or timet of j oompcaeddfuiesouuiwpsttai is tbe second conoeuic 1 of the ssid towoshlpi of bsqntsing eontaizuiii bj sdmeuuremeatotjo hundred sctss of land r ore or lets thli above ii fa slthstca tboolbne aaa one palf miles ronr ho thnving rulsge sff acton tod it hi a very igb stiteoreultivattan tnd tell lencedl k sll i bss a goad dwelling houst snd oot building tbe soli is ftrst ttsss in every partieulir nesdtyfour teres fill s lofd with id farm been twn ihhfe wheat in tbe gvousd tolb about twentysvt doaet labout lndlipsuble ten tere txahsir- tea par cent lo be pt 3500 in irm 11 fall pjoafhing tm been uartwood boah jdorxdairot aue n4 iqfflejent amooat to mi ke onijdonsaod dottaar wijnin thirty dayi- fy tarma can be thavtel fottha bilancei for f itnor parucnlars aply toiwai hetnstreet aac ioiiber or to v p sfccdllouqhs f iprlgageea bojieori uardaie out t rews- the oajiaoan agripiirlstsoreatwmter literary fonjpetltion j i uamoaaa ctonont has the best instruments aud accessories tiirjns out tlie best photos in the county come actoh for p6btrajt8 xn the fifth hilt teti r cltenry combetwon f6r che winter o 11ss l itlffi cutidluftoaltol- ttfstst americsl old ind reliiblel lllastxatafl fimilv uxgtziqs is i ow open tie fouowtng splendid prises wui le blyen fxoe lb psrsoat leading ta the grcxux uamberof words raids out of letters eonttioe l la the words tax ilf lcstnifan agbicui rmst i3rever7 one lendlngin t bit of n it tots ihta ud wurdt u1 receivei vilusblepre ntofsilvomre 1st orsnd bswsrcu- i isicii hi w tad 1 qinariaaoirijoedstsec srd i 1 w85mn gtofl 1th i organ vslued at earth sth i- in israeli stb gen ioowwitolrfiaueisr tth u led es gold wstchtalljetel sth u- v 9th j msiaqeju- lobowsifls of 10 etc i i sls kest x priieiso 8 iver tel bet 4saathphi plate wurinted kext so prises 50 sll rer deuert sets wsrranted beary plate- kelt 100 prises 100 silver butter dishes 4c warranted heavy p ite i kext sou prizes eensi u of heavy fllitd silver kettles butter du let prpltbuscts biscuit jus bugtx shells uottof knives 4iieiu lullrwsmnted m kings total of etplendvl rewsrds the vslu ol which will segregate 35no r 7 this grind dltertj v comptftitlon is opeq td everybod j everywbe e- tbe following toe eohditlods i 1 the words must be eonstroetad only from letters in thewords astillcrrxiixdaowaii tvuust sod must t ctuy sueb ss are- found hi websters diubrmii dthetlodsr tn thobodvol tbe boot none of mi supplemeiitto bensed f tbe wonts mast be written in rottxloh snd numbesed 12 3 ipd loon far ficultatlng inds- elding the winners lli s betters cannot e used ofteaer thin tney sppear in thewords ins jtlcsquixp aoal cultobistt for la itsjiee the wore egg not be used m there ttbnlcptva la the uuet words iflr 1 the list couttii tog thor urges psmbdrof wtords willaatirsrd nrstpxlso sejeato order ot roarltr e us wltlt reajdll bt aurabered sadl two or mors receivsd wul b i sstded inrtt ipxhtftj ou thsrefora- the b oettof soodluc retdtly be seen j s btchlinmusthsedropsiiiedbl i

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