Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 24, 1892, p. 3

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j r the find toe on he 1 r l lr tee methodist churcjh aotok rrraarkuak f6feacbmr armut fnuertteeukamaii4tjuvm saoitar pastor all eocdloltr tattled 1 at tome aad ruttec alvar t auhnituidoar i bank of hamilton ked oztice kajatltok ctrnxi ptto rr tuooorn turkbull cuktu oaan k s steves asst cttwtck directors okk brattar pretdfeat 3 rimit viepr jotre rwectoty ck li lastr o to hotel a t vyooo a b lsi oxoroetowk aakkax natei dtseoaatsd ud e4raace mad oq tuitbcaruc daarr oq 11 parts ot tax irti uotwcd stints auirutituic kjxt the osmek3rtr or ector boasbt i ciusctte ma oa til accessible i ttot rtvocabu tt kavixofi department prrott received of ci and upward aid trrvn allow4 rota sate at deposit to dau ithtmal special deposit aid rfeetwd it estreat rates o lntrtt notice of vitadraaal required 1 uroy a s wall papers youll want some this spriji our 56 7 8 9 10c w papers cant be beat win dow shades fringe and b ar- dered with spring rollers from 50c upwards curtiin poles in ebony and walnut no trouble to show otjr goads give us a call qeohynd s acton o ntj note ss end 12 inch window ijuod paper 5 cent per yard flrswr t i j fc f a a all ntptiit 4ttk ot ko the ne at home mostly- of i local charactf arjd i evry ttam inurattltvej ivtaei ta hjuiea bond aa fnkraung tvent wt oonaiprdlii u prospect oolugo the hotneof mf k ic wordso hut ewotag wbea mia em cat otavtc iad ifr thomiit daww ot orogevtu wen united in the bnudt f malrtmnoy nr j w rt pturmed the aercmoay th wedding ttu k qatet oa bit joyous nevtrthele sermae 6 iter r c bowife the tpeciei tecvioe hold iu the church oq sunday afternoon waa sell at tended rev r i bovllle of himllton pnchd iaaicucqt eerraoa ram luke 1310 foe the boa ot utn ii tmo to kok la3 to uvo tlttt which wulat t a qturtetu trom ih ofwtofn jbiptut eooit utttttd ia tli ifikin a wry liber al freevtil offttiag iu ucen at tlte olote altogetlwr the icrvtce wai very inliereiting and profitaile teiote soetetr 1jmorroir erean the aaauti meeting o acton bnnoli bible soqiety ttl be held inthauetho- diat chtircu toworrow ening r mr roe the okent ot the moiety ili dellvt hu annual addrear the ttrioat aliniiten ot the torn afe invited to be prdeot and take part in the proceeding the oollec tore have been hirtoinfi their ictnvau daring the put week and their rtporu for to yeanvill be tabmitted theehristiai peoplt ot the eomraanity ot all denominl atioaeardinterwled and cordially invited to be present vetr dttff of fie eijor fre cfon jfrcij 5refs thorrdat march 2 16jjjx litfle l0 b which caueht tha eyes or eins of fr proas reporters tbl weefc thkoounf ryroujnb new uimi jut plljl by bowt- pondantatn 1 exthange ron tuetauetal ot thj ute otoj dmpy liok plioafrocnitinjlliquu frjdiyttler- neoo rett w b ottttin aadae millar offldilad it the hoje and uer ut andrew aceompantad utafanaral paxty o ulltoo where it wumtby 1 urge nam b ot trienda the femilht ware ouvay a to lha family lol in lluoo enietery th pallbearera were j t flhauiaca itckooud oyroa crrol1r q uanbar v p ot sheuwari wm pantoa and victor chlholtn j bcolfiermlaf ncphewe of mr dempaey burltngton f and dajt and nibu ot rqaal leoethj jut choice clover and timothy teed at t ii hardiaga grocery acton the wm uoore form vac not old vbea offered at aactioa hero iat friday rev hr kortoo preached ia june st btptitt chnrcb hamiltoa oo satdtr it a pretty centrally hoped the paw atotm of thii veek vat the loot a the ieaion number ot oor ctttxeos atteadea the faneral of col ilerrty at stekartloco yeaterday mr jacepb aodercoo haa the brie k on the roaod or veneering his new hoaw on bower avenue the library ol the disciples si nday school bu jast been repteniahed itb a new lot of books kotioe the chance ol system li the style of doing badness in kelly bio- ad- rettiseaieat it is worthy of note the contract for the new tchosl liaild- lngpjee to a brampton man his tender tot brick being the lowestttt76j oo treat the whole f smily for the r at of the year by sending in 75 ceota fa the face pacts it it well worth the money llr a- p bymou late ot denver col will neat week open a new jewelleryj store next door to kenny broe boot thoewtore owing to the death of col lftrray township clerk the township cooncil met oa ttondiy and adjourned wilbooti tran sacting any batinesa rev henrv cildwell of ponlonby oocspied the palpit ol the uetpodiet charcfa on scnday and preached earnest and practical term oat a fracas was kicled ap by an irrever nt toailiatlbe stlvatisu army barracks oa- fidndty oibl those who ki the kauiodiit chdir ot barlagt4ogave a ooaoert oq friday iwnii g forlh idaable parpateot honoring tho holrchati er mr jirnee witlton an 1 paying ok small dhl the retail wire highly aaioetstul ker dr brethoar ooeapled lh ehair the programme wot eioellently ei en and well received befn ihrocnte folloi red and then the preaentatloi ot alparte ot gold w the cholrmaiter mr- jamec wlllaoa accompanied with address took place mr wuitoo woe the mott tnrpriied man aver seen in thla oommnnity and waa enable to even tttmmer a reply kttend boal bchatv tbemselvea actoaacococil is negotiating for the purchase of a piano for tbar tow hall this is a good example for another carper attoo we know of otkville star j itisluted that dr t b orton of ifoaat forest nephew of the late dr richard orton will settle in guelph and carry oa the practice of the late dr keating jferrsry rev mr edge will continue his series of sermons on he ten commandments in the methodist church neit sandoy evenings topic social purity or the seventh commandment mr w h storey will deliver an ad- dress at the meeting of the epworth league next taesdsy evening on a trip to great britain and the continent it will be attoccation off interest edward dynes has received the con- tract cor taking down the old k 4 n w railway bridge near kennedys hill at georgetown mr tfecnuoagh purchased the bridge for about mdo the first of a series of articles on defects of sight by mr g d pringle gaelph sp peart in another column the articles to appear in following issues will be illustrated with diagrams rv father malouey and hie parition era in and around dundalk are uniting their strength and famishing their means to builds r c in that village this summer durham rcvkic the ladies aid of the methodist church gave a social in the school room last even ing aa excellent programme inclading musical and literary selections was pro vided after the tea a pjettaot evening was spent l j the annual teameeting ot the presby terian church oiprioge was held isst xburtdajr evening the choir cf kaox church acton the maple leaf uartette and mr john strachtn of rockw d pro- vided thebalk of the programme messrs g b ryan co jot own sat beea gaelpti find their extensive trade increasing so rapidly that they are compelled to seek bfore room they hare now rented the two coaiisodioat room over toe adjoining premises occupied by it brown the btreetarille rccuv calls a bwright a tadduf ajet hot riobingwith tb milton flefotmer snd other grit leaders of puwio ooinwn lately m aayt ha has renotmced hit tliegfaoce to his old party and become sit liberal a soene of bratsi eroslty toj each as is ttuomasjn la acton nested oo main street on mood ay after- cl a aleffh iieavily laden rith logs ttaok 1st toe mast and the ft or horse spare anmercifolly whipped iwr inability to draw it by looh eon duotamaa ditgraoes bfmteli inthyesof ah right ihlokint people fitw eotfcjtaate has tppropriaud 300- awujtoeworldifair 1 ore ot ontario are required when making their assessments to enter in a book to be provided by the clerk the name age and residence ot every child between the ogee of 6 and u years resident in their respec tive municipalities and the name and residence of the childs parents oc guardian and return the aid book to the clerk of the municipality with tho assessment roll for the ate ot the truant officer this it in aocordanoe with a cltuse of the truancy act pasted ittt year the said act alto provides the penalty for noncompliauce with this duty sobs of scotland sapper the first annual tapper ot ivanhoe oamp sos wat held list friday evening after a meetiog of the camp the raembera adjourned to the dominion hotel where a superior repast awaited tbem after supper the usual toasts were given and responded to by the following brethreo chief mcssbb chief kiulty and p 0 grant georgetown col allan john duff dr lowry dr lren and olhert piper sharpe manipulated the bagpipes to the delicbt of the scotchmen prefebt the addressee of mean finlty and grant of georgetown added much to the interest of the occasion death of tfco jfnrrsy for nine weeks past ltcol murray of ksquesing was a patient cofferer from on attack of la grippe followed by distressing lung trouble until about a couple cf weeksogo it was hoied be woultl be re- stored to usual health it was then seen that hid recovery was bey ond imraan aid and gradually he sank and departed this i life on sunday morning the colonel was one ot the best known men in htlton aud hib demise is- deeply regretted he was bom in ireland 1k32 and scttloi in canada iu llt he tts txco very closely identi fied with municipal affairs in the township of eaquesidg for forty years and occupied the position of clerk and treasurer for the township council singe 13 he was commanding offirer of the 20th battalion halton rifles for some years and was out with his company during the fenian raid bat reached the frontier too late to partici pate in the engagement he csrrrod oo mercantile business in stewarttown for many years when it was one of the mast important trading posts in the county but of later years has occupied his time in farm ing and performing his official duties he was a prominent member of st johns church at stewarttown in lktfi ltcol murray mirried the widow of the late ithard tracy and 1taa ooo son living mr c g murray who is wellknown to futi pcis readera to fill the vacancy caused by the death of this important and experienced man will be a difficult matter particularly in connection with the town- 6hip council i quarterly review foil he santay schools the international series of sunday school lessons commencing with the pre sent year provide far a mistiooaty end a temperance lemon every quarter and t general review on the twelfth sunday of each quarter- latt6unday was review sunday and a good deal of interest centred therein among the schools ia town in knox sunday school rev mr rte con- ducted the review this school has beea giving special study to normal drill siaoe the beginning of the year and the review proceeded to tomo extent along thatiine patticultr reft rence waa made to the three prophea and o the- three most important kings reigns the lestout covered i the general teachings were dwelt opon the attendance wo good in the disciples school rev mr charlton reviewed the lessons the golden texts and afemoty nrsea jwtre recited and general outliue of tho lessons presented in consecutive order the prominent truths taught were forcibly presented at the con clusion of the review at the baptist church mr john warren bad charge of tie review he went through the various lesrons going more or less into the detaila of etch in an intereeting manner the methodist school prepared their program in advance and famished every attendant at the morning service with a printed copy and aa a result the attendance in the after noon reached theeoeog aggregate of 221 the vas led by the superintendent included a review of the titlea and golden texts which were given in concert by the children the topics tbd teochingt the lessons showing tho bright and dark sides of the life o the people of judah l the letsona range of bible study and concluded with a brief eitmtntlfan into gods willingness to cave as ihowa in the various lessons through the whole the teedltonght that vlbzie it hie king was carefully tancht tbji pncmdlige were liberally interspersed with hynjns and aittsia by tbe orchestra ot th school end mits emma m moore sang s eatoloa old did story is true in an impttliire manner rev mr caldwell of potion if spoke a few words of encouragement at the close of the programme oakville a big ooaoert will be given tn tile town hall next wednesday evening under the satpfoe ot the knight templars mitt cttio alexander if one of tho principal altractiaas a w dodd is moving to toronto the special services in the methodist church have been brought to a close new chemicals booka etc have been put in at the high schoolat a cost of o59 the sar says people think they are hear ing farkaale on tho train at night now when passing oakville the electric light leads them astray erin at a meeting ot the directore ot the township of erin stallioa show held at hillsbdrg aa saturday lact messrs a mclaughlin and djtchillaa were instruc ted to secure suitable grounds for the show the show will bo held in hillsburg on either the 10th or ikud april the ladies of the mission circle of the methodist church erin intend holding thetr annual entertainment oo the evening of good friday mrs j 8 milloy fell recently and broke two of her ribs but we learn that the it doing nicely ueorge davit his disposed of hit cele brated entire horsed fetrocleus to mr george berry tor a handsome figure mr berryhae ttkea him to the northwest we understand it it the intention of tome ot our enterprising young men to call a meeting at an early date to arrange for a queens birthday celebration iit erin maple tugar making will now soon be the order of the day tbe following paragraph which appeared in lost itspe of the canadian emuyelid ia a pretty direct hid tor a cal by oar esteem ed friend elder monro theandertigned erpecu to close a five yeara term of serrioa with the erin centre and erin village churches oo may 1st next any churches not having preacher that think they would like to have tuch a preacher as the undersigned tre invited to correspond with him at erin oat geo mcmlo gftoetowrf the assessor it going bis rounds 4 raman of a wedding ia hard wars circle ft current the seventeenth of ireland was duly honored ta town by the wearia o the greea mr will freeman of toronto medical college wat callingoa friends and relatives oostturday mr h veasey was also with george town friends over sunday both look spruce u ur leslie af cbiagutooasy was in town monday buying ahoute 8lie will pe a welcome addition to aar town thit is almost thorp enoagn for a yankee trick in ewjtetfng oa sunday morning 20th march the wife of wm sharp of triplets beys mother and boys all doing well mr henry ma ex- niller of george town left here oo f friday evening en nuie for san franciseb via vancouver mr maw was highly esteem gd while amongst us and we wish him er iry success in hit new venture i 1 some of oar cuny sc 3t hive been en joying a carl 00 tile pat d during the cold the tenders opened k now bohool to be of brletc and i to cos 476 a brampton contractor hh preieut hu bn aa important week ilu the ptttitio bohool board the fndon have beea optosd aud at ihowo slowtusbosrdhitdacidedlotrtcta btk traclare attar receiving lendtri for bt ok twatdaclded toau for itone 11 wtlf the rwult wat of a character which olear- if ihowed that oontrtctort are farfrotrj knlform in their calculatioui while mm vre willing 0 build itona for a thousand dollars less than brick olhert teadtrt wei jiigher tor stone ban brick the board met oq monday evening all members except mr wallace who jvas reported 111 were present the minute of last meeting weto react nd confirmed an account of i0o from robert browa r wood wat ordered to be sent to the ponucil it having been ordered for use in he town hall the chairman reported hit interview jvith the teacher of tho third department moved by g b cooke seconded by jat mclam that- tho commaoloatlon reoeivod rem teacher of third department explain ng the treatment referred to la connection trith ootnptaiatf made to board by parents c certain children be accepted and contd- rod tutltfactory carriod tho tenders tor new school to be built ot jtono were opened the amount of each j cnder for btjck and for ttono is given pelow after several hours considenttion of the following resolatioo was adopted moved by geo b cooke seconded by vllos h harding that having reoeived eudcrtforboth brickana ioaetfollowt iitticc irrokc xb suu 671s wj ssao tsm tsoi its haute t sttsl rjeortotowu 1930 199 fuxioabraopuiu th ess nd finding the difference between brick ai atone so slight we hereby decide to not a building of brick believing it to be norc generally satisfactory and that he coder of j mason brampton being the owett tender for brick bo accepted provid d satisfactory arrangements can be made vithhjm for work necessary in patting in witing apparatus carried the chairman was requested to notify ex r mtsrja and ask him to be present at l meeting of the board the following even- ng board adjourned at 1110 oclock load dup rsoalvtd with qrmf pomptjnrs- entlng hi crtjdnu in p irl pikis maroh it lorj doffsr n tu new british ambaaaaddr to frtooa pr- natedhltortdtottilt to preildidtjounot thli afternoon the omaionywat bon- daeed with grtai pomp a iqaanrbu of ouicaufera asoortsd lord dufferio f f om tha amboisy to the court fare ef the palace of the ely toe in the court yrrd wars mats ad detachment of infantry and aa the brltith htmbaisador drove to the square drums were beaten and buglet apanded this greeting wit followed by lbs band playing tha brltith national antheti god bavalbaqaeea after lord duffariu had made lb formal preteniafloo ol hit crsdentials to the president ha- aud m carnot entered into a cordial oodversatiop when- lord dofferin left the palace be waa glen the tame honors that had marked fati boming the ooly diffefeno being that th- bam placed the marseillaise 1 r m i john cameron aetoa thomas eubage do w a itccuila drtinpton p jllalrt do the board wat called to meet on tuei- iay eveningttor half pott seven bat awing to the abteace of a couple ot members the meeting waf not opened until 915 members present g hynds chairman t h harding jotmclatn r holmes mr mason of bramptoa whose tender was favored waa present to confer with tho iboard it waa arranged to prepare tho contrac tors sgreement to receiveht securities and meet again tor completion of arrangements oo monday cveaing next at eight oclock the luectiou of heating hae been a per- piecing one the smead dowd system 1 been favored but owing to its large increase ia cost over other tpparatue it is generally uaderttoad that the board will adopt a cheaper app ratit the board adjourned at 10 oclock rewards f bibl readers a rest winter competition of the ladles horns mtgazlnsi ytetiosi where doss the following words first appear in the old testament bjcowudox win and dove where doe the following words first appear lathe new testament ootx ifutk tadkixaf wtsixr parxxj every weekthroaghoal thit great oompetitioo prixet will be dis tributed as follows the first correct answer received lha pottmark idate oa etch letter ta be taken at he date teoefved at the office of the ladkt home ilaqathc each and every week daring isdlj will get 200 the tecond correct answer 10ti the third 50 foarlha beaatlial silvefj service fifth five oclock silver service and tbe next 60 correct answers will get prizes ranging from i2s down to ix every fifth oofrect antwer irrespective ot whether 1 prize winner oc not will get a special prue competiton residing in the southern state welt at other distant poiattnaye an equal chaace with those nearer norae at the postmark will be oar authority in every case i roies etch list of answers mutt be accompanied by ii to pay tor sii months sabtcriplion to one of the beat home mogoxinee in america rirtxxcnsrthe iafic utm uaga- iut it well able to carry out iu promises peteroourough canada tines a tplendid ftpec and financially strong hutiagt caoada l every prise winner will be sure toteeelve just what he is entitled to norwobd cenadafitgfiicr money should be lent by pott office order orregittered letter addrett the imiei ffoiae lagaum peterborough qanada ayers sarsaparilla makes tlie weak strong ayers sarsaparilla trepaiecl by drjvp iyer k oo ltreu itaat sow by all draggijte has cured others will cure yiu doe what no other bloodpurifler tnej istefice cai do it searches but tlfe p poisons oil scrofula catarrh hheurat caftarrh tlsm and debility nnd expels iheii b harmlessly through the proper harinelj it is uie gri at healthrestorer and health- deiblllty malnainei l purifies the blood sliarpl p ens the appetite strengthens the nerves and invigorates the whole 1 ijrstetn dr c d lloss of rjabell cih v vs voices the i ixperlence of scores of eminent pljysiciij when he testifies i have used aytns sarsaparyla with abun dant succei a in tubercular deposit and ail forms6f scrofu lous dlseasi have scarcely ever known it 0 fail m an alterative ltis beyond allprajse both for old and young i am convinced that after irving beensicii wholeyear from liver tmplalntayers sarsaparilla saved my life the best physicians being unable to help pie anil having tried other medltlnes without wneflt i at last took ayers sarsa parilla and waa cured mary schubert kansas city kan we have just passed intostock a job lot of 00q0q worth o readymadb clothing dijy goods which we bought at 65d on the in 1 int yontht boya and childrens 4 suits and odd pant t ticknfir shfrtingff weeids towels towelllnr cbttons cottonades shirts susrfenders hat sand caps thta is the chance of lyoar life for bargains aa we are determined to undersell say of the que hooks but remember the cash if you cant bay the cash we dont want your mott be done in otdor lo other cash hoates mens ah wool8uts worth i pants worth white and grey cottons worth hundreds of fitilf bbtttistrntfasl it 1 yor sale or t0rens jh the soebrtck koukj lid ivo aerti tdjc4iiui i j r si receullr occupied by wia-qrliipssrdn- i j1 cr is tor lals or tovreut it is s very desirable 1 ry perty s a price prel property sad wniofliold or reotedw a reason- da vtd wiltlamsbk havelsck st ouelph eotdu- rjklig purchased urkicklhis aarehouwl aj im preparod to pay tho highest cosh prlct jor all kinds ot grain i johke coiuvt acton augmh 1891 1 agents wanted ii i iiyoavct o mike money take bold tad ictl ooi choice xorsery slock kow it the time write as at once lortenus xtat brathebskaiieryraen bocbeslory a ph or toronto you mast pay socks jobprlxting lkcludikg lioofc ttttcbleti tosien bill hedd cixcalir 4c ttc cjectitcd in thti- bic ttyle of tbn xt- t moderate prices tntl au ihortnotfcc ippljcr iddrcsi itcp mqore 1 fireeetts30eceaetaii t frank burcess r house painter paper habgdf sign writer etc i is prepared to execute orders- in uiy of the tnnf etctyjofa aiaviatttmj perwilalitienuoa r cm isuaxe custosaan complete uuffavtruoii tjrsvlnaflaliicvuvqoftipeciitr t r orders losi it my ztsldtaco iit a st actcrx wijlreceite prompt atteatioa valuable property for salef abuse farm on lot ii con k la thtoirn thip of peel lid icrec villi log dwelling mxlfi timbflretl witii beech maple uemloek pine cedar rock aadtoat elm- i also a stone sad rongbesst dvelliiig o9 rocn and tto cejlars stable witb ten lots of land on gdclph vtxria sad qaeen itreet in tie riuafie of aetoa terms haii casit or cxchange or uwt pro- pertj- apply to alaixg uof f y asbim this compete with now for 1 bargains l a 00 for 450 3j00 for 1 50 foc for 7c suits to select from in ail sizai and styles kelly bros acton tee new meatmaeket f v i v oystutl hu pleasure inaiiiiooocidc to tool citiilms of actoaxod tieznltr tbatbd haf compete4tar- t rtagemeats 10 open a sevr lleit kforket in tbe v baiidingrecontiyetectedttulfl comer ot uiu w sad tluii streets try itrs heeord next triesdky uornins22ndinst e fail moot ot til kinds of fresh meats fowl etc wul be opened ftbo- best quality always iu stock i v f- kavii asserb a satisfaction hiahest coib price paid for pork hides tal- loo 4c larticbhavicsiattictobeuaretoquosted to cau l i ostovji aviutf bid experience fh- tbo busioets 1 can ore tit bo favor me vith tbeir orders cngre sfsclioa 1 r i u 1 snap jfr baker immirsed ijeven the baptiatry of he laptiat friday afternoon a debate on wotnens irightsl interest at the kigh bchoo afternoon six cf one of the other was the vkrdict ore told the girls hid the bett meat if r- and mrtijpha gnelph oa tbatday and relatives ir alei secom wo on bia way to tha j len the faraituce rockwood ifr john wright it visiting frieude in hanover hist esther richardson is spending a few days ia toronto with her sister mrs goo grieve another grand carnival will be held in the rink next week at which good prizes will bo given a special soog service was held ia con nection with the regular meeting of the epworth league in the methodist church monday evening which was very intcreetingand largely attended ernest walker a young man in tho cm- ploy of ur jat ramsey had several fingers of hit rigfia hand badly mangled by getting them intoaj turnip pulperon monday morn ing this will necessitate hit lying off work fat a few weeks gundsy april 3rd being the lfch anni versary of tho pastorate of the bov d btrachan in tho presbyterian churcb special services will bo held morning and evening and wilt be conducted by itev f faroes of ottawa on monday evening following ay meeting will be held in the church and a discourse given by mr farries the choir assisted by a number of musical friends wilt also render an at tractive programme pinnacle lodge royal templars of tem perance is making big strides in rockwood every regular meeting night new members are enrolled on tacsday evening the following officers for wham a beautiful now act of badges hat been procured were- j installed- past councillor beth bailey i u u 6eltcouncillor jchainnis vieecoun though we- ejuo-jji- knowlcs- chaplain wm bf the argu j kcoorfing g ed strango j j t financial sec- j r strickland treasarj converts in church on drew much on fridsy 13000 sewards the canadian agriculimata great winter llierary comptstitioiv i tle fifili half tesrly iitersiy competition tor thnrinter of 1493 01 tim cakiduk aoriirci- tmust americas old sjii nfiiblb- iututzbttti f amjjymagajffis is now open tbe following lendia mtg is now open tbe follow prizes willbe gtrtn ret to persons cheep cod onscrapaloac imjtittotic tre meca methods by pablic sanltcht sotp ctnnot ceasfully imitatevi tad it is aseleai try lag to tug st e repautioa sacb t op other iosd in tha world eum far parity renetilj ei oeltenc iud extent of bi sdnjiglit 6op brings comtort and cleanliness to tnijhous of homes add joars to the namlkx by usio sauhiihti bawrre ot imittttions a boom higgine were in filing i in town thartday n bat s still ou friends er mrs strickland herald mrs bailey viceherald john gibbons guard ed nets bent cory closed down on busy stock- hat struck the opening trade ia prints and satteena oar great offering of lja goods for 7 o has made veritable sensation such elegant patterns spleudid cloth and im- mense variety and at such a itw pnee-f- hsve given tha the trade a wpodertul im petus itsonlyoncaia a loaig while yoa strike such a range ot goods we invite yoa to make yoar selections at once as after thia week there will not be a yard of tbem to be bad people have carried them off by the niece and large a the piles jrere they tre fast melting away no wonder new choice elegant prints and satteena at 7 cents need uo effort to sell j days gaias in maiatle aud wool goads furs- v gvercoatsjatgreat i7 redjiced prices ito reasonaule coffer refused henderson mcrae jddiiig in tbe greatest nnmlxir of wools made out bf tatters contained in tbe words iks i- lcstluted agiuc1titxbist tateyery oo iendungtn a iistol not less tban ufiwotcli will recelra a talnaue present of silrerware jst grand kanaxd z 8500 in gdia ind j grand piano tallied at s50o tad a 5ab0inoold ith i j organ tjoed mi 6j00 sth fajrbinoolfl 6tli gentsgoldtattainujeweued ntir m tadieseodwaiebfimjrwelltsd sth ii 30ucoh 9tti sslngold 10 btrwards ofj f 10 bacii z t100 keit 30 prizes 29 silver toe sets quadruple plaw warranted kext 50 prizes wtet iess tts heavy plate 2extffl0 prises 100 6flvcr batter disbeti 4c wstranted beary plate ixrwiiescoafastsof reary plated barer kettles bauer dishes fruit basketsbteczdi jars sogax sheila butter knifes ac 4c all fully wairantmtqajiagk total of 689sjandja rewords the vajas af which will agegate j35tt this grand literary campetitio11 is open to everylody ererywhere the following are tbe ontidkions i 1 the words most be constructed only from letters in thewordatiiz iiicstbiteb tnjactv- tctust sod must he only such as are orandin websters unabrldgetrdictionary in tbe body of the bookilont of uosupplementtobetuobl ithe words must be written ill- rotation and numbered l 2 3 ando on for fsnflitaxingin de- cfding ewatiuis i 3 lettetscaiinoi be used oftjeoer than they appear inthe words thsiixcstnatei a4- m 0v magee sentinel w soper oyttere fruits peels and confectionery at t h hiauims grocery ardent autmsls wu wit- he isnt fn it it an expression it is ttld which was first used by an editor who died and went co heaven and looked aroand for the man who toot hi paper for three year tad left it in tbe post office marked refused1 tlii nisn resllywa not tliere h hadn to the other place miss lundy who ho been with massrs g e bro for the laat jfew years his been engaged to open a drest sad mtnue makiag department a aotoa mitt lahdy ft wellualifieti toe this cai tion and we feel sure aatoa udlet will highly appreciate her sffocts la this ilotc jimet- street baptist ileffi an nsrnest foroefnl h urtlm the attention oaghjot hit rernark ie tf tb poutioal ntjbojrrwifery terie monday the ait gnee taking and no ahioanciraeult will mads until after the scat meetidg of creditors mist a gordon of toronto it the guest of her cousin mrsjf w barber the b t of t concert which ended the labors of mr mills of the life boat crew hereon friday evening was a rare treat for tbe lovers of good elocution and praoti ca tense mr miili it a whole concert ia himself tnd he was abtyaecaadsd by mrs tracy of brampton who rendered several very finevecel selection during the evening mr mills efforts in tha temperance line met with a lair share ot success during hit ttsy he will always lite a favorite here the baptist anniversary service held on sunday tbo 20th wen tondoeted by one of hamiltons most pobalar prtachertrer r abotilt churcb mr- ppeiier 6d a of fait hearers thi in tb sreuiug pb tb pr and fou ol raeaolns goad attendances and good mutlcjwjuli we tn toli a good eollmtioti went to pakelup a nott tucoett- tul tnnivertary the rial good don will b rportd on ltjr j got afnrray at wat expected just lived the old week out hej died oa sunday morning ea wait patiently awaiting the nd bloh meant to hlatreleasefrom much psin and suffering his widow and child ren are comforted a hit thought and la thit iltp that tiey sorrow nor without hope he wait an eximplary genlleman tad wat highly respected by all who knew bim hts funeril ou r wedaetdty to st johns btewarttdwn wot ooof tbe isrgett this oommaolly pas itnaad in year tswttfftdjr 4am hftem iafwhloji skjess os enjova ktltufa idsuiwbt euere netuil both the method- and results when syrrip of figs ia taken fc is pleaaans and refreshing to the tasteand o4fi f itlyyet promptly on the kidneys jter and bowels cleanses the sys im effectually dispek colds head- acheaand fevers and cures habitual constipation syrup of figs istha only remedy of its kind everpro duced pleasing to the tasto jnd ac ceptable to the stomach pre pt in its action andtruly beneficial in iti effects prepared only from the most bealthyandagreeableeubatances its manrexccuentqualitiescommendu to all and have made- it the most popular remedy known byrup of figs is f6r sale in 75t bolflea by nil leading druggiste any reliable druggist- who may not have it on hand will procure it promptly for any one wlio wishes to try it marrriiactuted only by the caufobnia fig strupc1 itit reucoxsoo oal uorjttvitlaiit rrr7toair dress goods smiling and charming at anything yoa have ever seea eru some af the spring novelties that have emerged trom cases and packagea daring the past week dress goods the most fickle the moat caprici ous of alt the goods that stock a store- no good unless they ere the very latest ever changing and like aa unstable lover constantly ttanterrlng their sffec tiont from one shade and hue tc another they are the subject of sonata it thought and anxiety but we think we have caught them right thit time rthe right cloths the right shades the right ityle and what la mora the right prices wbfah cannot fafl to pleats these no doubt account fdr the irnmeuie sale of spring dress goods which hat already come to is ourdressmakers are all at work again after a ooaple of weeks rest and recreation the high repu tation of this department will be mare than sustained ve ore constantly on the lookout for the latest prodactious ot fashion and no sooner ta a novelty upon the market than we place it before our customers we are stilt the sole producer in the city of the elegant seamless and dactleat waist which have become 10 popular we cordially invite your patron age l i exfbrt opt then buy a pair of isighfj fine steel fra ti zit ccttnaist for instance uie word ere can not bused k there is but ope ff in tne t etbrtie words the list contaxsicg the largest huniber ofj words will be swatdodfixst priiaando od h order of merit- each listas it is received hfilli be numbered and if two or more tie abe first teceiwd will be awarded first pilie and ni on therefotcue beceflt of sending tuearlwm tfiadfljibeteeb vesfcji list qrtwt 10 accompanied by 1 fotalx t xaonths inbacxiptlfcit to thb atibicua-tcmflr- the following gentlemenhavektadlyconaet edto act as judges i j g uacdenald pityclerk palcn m peterboroutjri ovjrlut gompc fitjon got 61000 prlm all brandons vancoutof b c4 richeu xbanxs for 300 prise g w cunnjajghamv donajdbc prize received 0 ksj t baptie west superior wis 300 prrixe received tbanks 3 bobcrtson toronto and 800 others mrhltedswto and canada this is ko lottery merit only will coaftt the reputation for fairttess gaiuethy the aofcl- tidxtuiust in the past is ample guaraxiteav thai this competition will be oondacted in ukeman r nor send 3c sump for tuhpajtitnlfa to the1 agiccltkjstpeterborotwbc4na4ai m t r teeth teetlirf ft gbodospeetacles exactly suited to we have a eboastoci of i teeth or the nut three mouths mjo and aoo per sott forfoct at guaranteed asd- bestqaality vdstirtpnlds graduato of toronto school ol dentistry and royai college ot dental burgeon y orficzit post office aetn ij gold spectacles and eye glasses -also- ed and rubber spectacles on hand savage coy j jewellertand opliciarfai gjelph f if you intend- papering any partof your residence avait untilyou see our as sortment of american r oar general tfock it about complete every department it filled oar policy of nice oholce reliable goods crops but everywhere ton eee no old lehelf linen with in or goods of doubtful oharaoter i sellablllty in everything it our leading principle we know ometul t peoplt are arried away by aenttiloual and olaptrao advertisements and quotatloat of abeard prioe for uuh bat the generally find eqt their mistake and gladly return to the goods and principle la wbioh they can trust we cater ooly for a trade that toeordt at tt ooofidenoe because we make oar selves worthy of if thats tin only i rr- d kind of ircefww w r y e r bltiivr fl5 4 atlowtsr wyndham st

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