Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 28, 1892, p. 4

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jc jkztah fm flrcfis thursday ariul 2 162 cij fitting folks srrrosr y- o n utile udy vriit doll nbrwti trev htt limt ttlj oir rm mhf were n ait1 wocmiil ii w plrmiiler i to lrvt it a jovrl u 1 m on ir cul tmiloh i atl tuh your lea tlitl ltae i mi im jouro tlnm or w ilviiic x comct jvurirj ilotn ill n drir cfl iny tvuicr lvrautr 1 01 fecu nl lron ai 1 ovnl it w nicer j lm ipu t utile llifcn out it 101 vc tnimir 11 tlic livi wlcc llklv ih tiiiie whuvt suijvt your utl my hale mui it vrn liimtft w ill it irnlt it my par ir cm to nt r frvt sr wormti t it le ii r tlin mtitr ulr iliuv- t p to work ii fuitt aul lurn tlirtliv t 01 e n ip itr trf ii lme liork au1 oiif 1 ojacii ai llr w til it trr oalc than walking tom 1 iin fftix ar twv mrt it ik uomer to it t urtt iktt an 13 wiir tic art lc llnnktul y- 14 uih iioiioar fwl si tu woiluloct p1rm you ncrtlio w i-vih- cope dc do you ihitl uii whole cretiori will l ic rtsl juii for you a 1 itrt it i kv cr rirl tle it lrfcrrt yw utntfosrui cvxc or doesnt romc to do the be tyou cwi 7 pkebe oirv notes here and there items of qaneral pre readers rttrtto fr safe fare tn i patulets what a world ot meaning thic ttaleraeot embl5 just what roe aft looking tor it it not putnams painless cora et- tractor the greti tare pop oom careaot ia triit way it mi tot no ion spots i rale tctaispeedily and with tertalnty cure and mildly without loflath icasly ik not be imposed upon by imlta tiout or substitutes j the manitoba legislature prorogued oo tuesday i j mra u u young 1 street liverpool en contents ot one bou ot st jaeoba oil cured licr ot lumbagu up all hopca of er br when the color u the parte pain euuy street grove critee that the ittet the had ta ac belter good wood will ihowlu wily 80 utbadbood the one fa a h ajllhy body and ruddy completion the i titer a til health motcbee plmplet bottai kai mtc and freqoenuy ia inttoiet qtmi aboeeaeti eryiipeiu icrotalooi dtieuet lalt rlam to ery otgia ii lh body ualoerfj and vital when the to potent om hekiaa to deaert a womauri face the ofhu takee to paintint eiui then the never dc icrte her colore t i c c itianrii a- co ienta my dauiihur eraa appareutly at the point of death nit ithat terrible diteaae diphtheria all reintdiea had failed bat mikardb liniment cared her and would earuettly rcooomend illo all who may be in need ot a jood family mediciue john d boutilier trfnch village dependa apou the blool for fores ity aad it bat tciiittly mctfi btood it itopare no remedy i 1 u a blood parlser or inoce tap if prodm new and healthy blood hid bardock blood bitten which aeatrallitl lit var- but pejaona aid realorea th 1 vtuldlpg power of thle all important di at au iniunoe of thla read what mr it b ntff of alpena uuit oat uyi ia a recent letter i 8im a year ago i aa triibted with tpota breakiug out all over myj body the effect of bad blood i oocaultejj three di fereat doctore who gave me nudiciae bat did not care me i wae advleei b u oad after aiiug two botilee i noticed the ipote gelling leaa i oontihaed the ate of b b b which entirely earedrao giving me atpleadld appetite rlinoethen i would me no other medicine i mr william edgar general paueoget agent et the entire grand trunk tyatem died at montreal laat week tie lies been ailing for several mootht bul reset hii officeos and oadnringtheatweek th caate o his death wae heart failure what a clergymans example did at a temperance zneetingin philadelphia some years ao a learned clergyman cpoke in favcr ot wine at a drink demourtraticg ill die quite to tii 4wn aatittaclion to be tpiritsal gentlemanly and healthful when he tat down a plain elderly man arose and asled itatc to say a few words which was granted a ycang friend of mice said he who had lon been intemperate at length to the great joy of all hie frienda took the pledge of total abstinence from all that coald intoxicate he kept hit pledge faithfully for some time straggling feet- f cllv with his habit till one ereoiog at af eocial party glasses of wine were banded around they came to a clergjman pre sent who took a glaas saying a word in vindication of the practice wtll thought he young man if a clergyman can take anglais ot wine and jcstify it so well why nbt i it insuntly rekindled hii slombericg appetite and alter a downward coarse he died of delirium tremens died a raving madman the old man paused for utterance and was jus able to add that young isth wai my son and that clergyman was the reverened doctor who just addressed the assembly if you have a cough or oaki do not neglect it- many without a icios that heredit ary disease have drifted into a consamp tivea grave by neglecting what waa only a slight cold had the used bicklea anti- consumptive syrnp before t waa too late their lives would have been spared mr a after suffering horribly for years fron scrofula iu its worst form a voungton ol mr it l king 70s frankl u at rich moad va was recently careu by the a of ayere sarsaparille ko oiher medieim can approach thii prcparatiool u acleause of the blood the libel cas ot dr metcalfe of dstroi against the euex fittont has beeii decidet in favor qt the defendant w levy mitchell ally grew worse nntil consumption and hi i think bicklea anticonsumptive syrup the best preparation on the market tor oought and six years ago 1 caught settled on my lungs 1 had a cough i severe coldi about a severe cold which and for three month had a physician site iding me but gradu- i was on the verge of ad given up hopes of judge and jury a story s told ot a wellknown jude who is noted for his fondness in conveying to jurors in his charges to him his owe opiniors in regard to the merits of the cafe in one case be had done so with great plain- cess but tohisimazementthejury remain ed out for hours without coming to an agreement the judge inquired of the cfscer what waa the matter and learned from him that one juror waa holding out against the other eleven he sent for the jury at once and stating to them that he bad plainly intimated how the cse ought to be decided said be understood that one juror was standing out against the other eleven he proceeded to rebuke the juror sharply the obstinatejoroc was a nervous mjftle man and as toon as tbe jadgp was done he rose and said your honor may i say a word yes sir said the indlgnaotodfie whit have you to say welffwbat i wanted to say ia i am tbe only fellow thats on your side oneforthe lad being cared when i waa induced to try bicklea syrup before i had taken one bottle i found myself greatly relieved and by the lime i had finitbed the teoond bottle i was completely cared i always recommend it for severe eoldaand consump tion lb compliance with aa ancient custom the emperor francis joseph washed tbe feet of 12 poor men at the imperial palace on gcod friday it it not wat we sa but what hoods sarsapuilla does that makes it sell and has giveu it such a firm and lasting hold upob tbe rjonfidence of the people the volontrytutementsotthoas ands of people over and beyond question that this preparatiob possesses wonderful medicinal power i or do you suffer from noises in the bead then tend 3 cent stamp and 1 will send valuable treatise containing fall particular i for home care which costs comparative nothing a splendid work oa deafness an 1 ihe ear address pcor g ciiuicmontrea she tta musical do yoa care tcr meyerbeer mr wabath iewellj br i generally take lager when lean gt are you deaf wjthoutak eqtjilll curtra rheumatism nburalcia lumbago 8ciati0a 8pralnu brulaoc barns 8wolllng charles a voqelbr company bftltlryiero md oartaitan dopoli tor ont castoria for tnfantf and children caaterslasowlltiapedtacildiestbsi rccoaunea tsssupextartotw prescription tncwatome ii a iscstx 1l d ill ki oxford ec th- use of csstoriatssotmlteiialand us nrltsto wsll kyowa hsjlt seems a jo- atloataesdorstilt fersrethe lies who do tut keep cottorts ctrapotrofsuo lnulllcit tre vilhlaesit sseh joseph rusan percy writes i induced to try dr thoojaa ecleelfio 01 for a lameness which troabledme for three or tour years and i found it ithe best ar ticle i ever tried it has been a grest blessing to me how did you contrivi to otiltivate such a beautiful black eyet aaked browri oh replied white who had been prac ticing upon a bicycle i raited it from a slip hoods pills cure constipation by restor ing tbe peristaltic action of tbe alimentary canal tbey are the best family catharic phaor are yottlf himly than you tbank whor wtiy the airflator of s ion kftihcr critrf schoolboy ts he euter- lhe houe nd bicced the door ifter him ite got coenndrem tbti all origin i1 ciuee i mtde it tnyeelf all alone and witboot any help from any one th prood father delayed throwing a boot at the yoduceurb head and motioned for him to express i why is a drunkard aked the lid like a bad politician ctcse the jonncster iaid hes alvayi flicking hi dote into meisaree to hart the oonetitatiod no saloon in odd fellowship ttit idditna ioof grand lodge has declared agaictt saloon keepere in the order eved demanding thai thow who are now rrjembtra tnnet retire or change tlieir bocicess thliapplies to wholesaler and retailers the tame enbject ii being agitated in ibis ctate and the prediction made that when the grand lodge mecte in november similar action will b taken iii ro give tkatii for its discc cnr thit it does not mate you lick when you take it j tilt it is three times as oldfashjoncd i give thank the ecxciaus t cpd liver oil git ikcntl thil it is tuch a wonder ful fiesh producer gtvi ikzktj thtitbtliebestrrmejy fir coiltitmptiouserojul sronekitit waiting 2ii- caies cottght dndcoldt ik sure you get rue gen line in salmon color wrapper soid by all druggists 50c and 1 op iwttfc iitwntv hetlevrir oh what a cough will you heed the warning toe tigsil perhaps ot the sure approach of tbatmoiv terrible disease consumption ath yoir selves if ou can afford fortba sake of saving ioc to ran the risk sad do nothing for it we know from experience tht shiloht cure will care your oougb ever fail s a married lady of st louis has heen in a trance state for sir weeks and her hut band wont have a doctor yet he says seems so novel it mr john mccarthy toronto write 1 i can unhesitatingly tay that northrop i lymans vegetable discovery is the be it medicine in the world it cured me f hesrtbura that troubled me for over tbiry years during thsttime i tried a grest many different medicines but this wond r- ful medicine was tbe only crue that topk hold and rooted out the disease when the architect spoke of the grett nave there was to be io the new church pious old lady said be knew to whom pe referred coxsiiiption cured the third page bf the toronto dtiitf hail is noted for want advertisements if yon want to buy or se i anything if you want a situation a mechanic a basi ness machinery lodgings if yon have lost or ound anything or t ysn want to find out where anyone is advi rtise in the to ronto daily hail and reek tbe advertise ments on the third page of that paper tbe charge is two cents la word each in sertion address tht hail toronto can ada j the empress otichina left uongkong on 6aturday for canada i a big deposit of coal has been struck on 0 farm near qnappelle jrfold physician retired firom practice having had placed in his handa by an ei at india missionary theformnla of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and per manent cure of conspncitton bronchitis catarrh asthma arid all throat and lung affections also a positive and radical ct re for nerroos debility and ell nervous c m plaints after having tested jits wonder al curative powers in ihoaaands of cases f fell it his duty to make lit known to all ids suffering fellows actuated by thit mot and a desire to relieve human suffering i will tend free ot charge to all who desire it this recipe in german french or engl sh with foil direction for preparing tnd using sent by mail by addressing w th stamp naming this paper w a nor 820 powers block roihcsur n y i received two orders today one foi si full morroco the other to ge out wrot 3 a book canvaaser to a firm ot publishers im ploying him mrb jaae yanaickje aibertori ont waa cared of liver complaint aft year of buffering by oeing fi bottle of b b b she recomtnendfl it he no womad knows what real happi- dejii until fche is married she yee when she finds sbe has jde lost it forever uocertapn tg trxe peach crop toni my proepecta sre in the bad jack of ooariehut fhat if her parents wont con- beat sick headline caused by excese cf bile or diwrdereid stomch is promptly relieved by oeidg sational pills the offites thatair lookin for tbe men dont pay piuch pare mapje by tup cd maple bugar mported direct from wilkidi tcpf maple grove adamsville que for said at t a mjlsonv powder stmnetkst coirffna aa must ammontt ltxtm ptmbpfcatet octay mjvitat kt t- i wbea eshy was di wo txia her castoris wiwn she kcs a c sb cried for castoria 7ha she becssio ua she clung to cteiorir tfheo the bad children sho jare ttoo csstoris i sm verymucb attached to you cbaries said atrxy then yoa are very muchlikoefogbefl it fogbell yhow vby dont yon teeyon are attached to a buoy r bad blood breed distressing ills- eases burdock blood bitters banities boils and blotches with every other sy t ip- torn arising from bad blood several boys were thootirjg with a i lo- bert gan at a mark in the back yard ii private residence in london ont yet er- day when fred wilton 13 years of 1 ge pasted between the pointed weapon and che target the bullet a tmall cue pasted completely through bis body he ill probably die there are bartiparillis and barsapar- lllai but if yoa are no careful in your purchase tbe disease w lich you wieh to cure will only be iptentif ed be aure yoa get ayere sarttparilla and no other it is compounded from the honduras root aud otberhighly concentrated alteratives a hull apd partial remains of a man have been found in an outhouse on tbe hudsons bay reserve in manitoba and tbey are supposed to te those ot john knox a catt e dealer wllo disappeared six years ago from winnipeg snd who is tup- posed to bavj beti murdered for his money ore couch cuke this tbl gkea suceetsfal cokukpxion cure it without a paralleijn tbe history of medicine all druggists are tjatborfzed to tell it on t positive guiranlc a test that no other cure can taccessfa ly stafid if you have a cough sorejthep it or bronchitis use it for it will care yt if jtoar child use the croap or wroopft e ojaah ate itprornptly and relief is sarel iocs ditessecokt uuptiok dont fail to use it ic will cat yea i or cost nothing ask yoar drwisjt fog 8hil0h6cure price wcu wpft lai dongs are re of parens plaster jf yoa rlrecd that intid fk i sine uie flhiloha isett wby gb limping and whining about your corns when a 23 cent bottle of hollowi ya corn cure will remove them give tf trial and yon will not regrflf it i fund to assist in the prosecution of prnce michael and relieve the witnesses foe the prosecution who are nearl all destitstp was troubled with con inual headiche and lost ot appetite hat beforel had taken many dotes of b b b apr etlte and he tlth returned j b titoiscsox eletbesdalorjt ii you want you linens flanrta sweat clean urtowy whlteiv you wrtt s cton the easiest eft the qulckatt e way 1 kr caatos ks liatnrdd hewaotfc ctcy late vutan bfaomlnpftln eetonneil ctwrcb tax qarranx oowurr 7t ifotaat sraaat it toar casteria carer 0ue obssdniucn baca- stocuch dunhoss erueuuon xsu wonnt ttvec sloop and promotes 41- wltboat lajortoas medieatloa for seversl ysars i hae reeotiuiwndeil roar otstoris aal shall alwsrs conmmie to do so as it has luttriaalx produced beoenclal remits t eorti f paarjxa k d tsn wlathrop 1 25th steoec and tib ave kewiorfccitr i ij diamond bet cold filled how can they be made tot tho money t people ask us wo cant answer meclueition we kuow they are made by joseph fahey watch caaa gompatiy aud thit in itself is a guarantee that the cases arb good and serviceable and the workmanship perfect wo have some nice ones cases savage co jewelletf iniormi iraiuwaytime tabls grand trunk railway ooora wist oonto iist exvrttsiiu i sm hill 9 ssjn eioress j mim- uail- 8 t pm pusentr i co pm nsprsss 10 tm raahofsr ik ajn 1j lutjb t os pjm jo 11 pja epre hill tfirtd m time of ctosoco itlllm doing wesl9 j5sniadjl s0 rm- doing but id o aju tndj 0 pui thit hue able wepf frrtb effect cu uecemltsr tpwl i i i iciinf gjoelph bfurdock jblood bitters the guiding star to health urn pair bixrottsinsss rhettmatisk jauntttoe a pqvttvk qvru dyspepsia scrkbrjoxa coksti ation haj blood eeada che sottl humoes njid all j tscascs ansing from a disordered rndition of the stomach liver bowels and blood bb b sets on all the organs of the body to produce regular action rtrcnp hen purify and tone and to remove all impure accumalations of iobid 1 iattcr from- a common pimple to the worst scrofulous sore tht usands of reliable men and women testify to its good effects in the abov diseases is it not worth at least a trial in your case price 1 per b jttle 6 for 5 or less than ic a dose b b ab bmb b l oass aoaac su a ye pure8 r strokqest best ls4jr for ci jlnnnrccxntltr for daklqa boc kritttofne waqer iluxalocllitsard a hanflna atlut cal 1 33 1 mi oil f si kla all tlroc- m4 rrwrttctt cjxtith -aj- toronto the coug jing and wheeling of persons troubled wi b bronchitis or the asthma is eicetslvely haratting to themtelyea and annoying t others dr thomas eclectric oil obviate all this entirely safely and tpeedily ai d is a benign remedy for lasae a detroit firm has established a pufelio 1 pess torenus injuries piles kidney and i wafc cottoni s alwayi the waah the clean- he aheap 8rprse8oaa tftesuj prft way without bolllngeif aatdlng gfvea tfttke reeutt harassing headaches make many live miserable needlessly to when a prompt care like burdock blood bitters is obtain able i txy neighbor hodge what are yoa fencing ap that pasture for forty acres nf it woald starve a cow i right re plied hodge and im fencing it ap to keep the cows oat t0ukists- wbsther tn pleasure bent or business should take m every trip a bottle of syrup of figs as it acta most pleasantly arid effectually c 3 thekidneytiiveraod bowelt preventing fevers headaches and other forms of tic mess for tale lii 75 bottle by all jefdir g druggists 3he univ jnily of edinbarg has oonfer red the defee ot llj 00 bir oharles tapper paiofal e arnt braises scalds and cuts are quietly loothed and healed by vietori carbolic sa ve it it teid htt calves two or three days old are killi d in considerable numbers at campbellfo d and the carcases 6ent to montreaftc be made into boneless turkey mr j e humphrey 43 bond street toronto says burdock blood bitten wrought a complete care of- dyspepsia in his case after all else bad failed yoa will never offend anypne by rirjical- ng the average man for the reason that everyone who bears yoa thinks he it abors the average iutom work and eepairine as scotch treed stiiiings it yon wtnt to bay or tell l farm ad vertise ih tl e toronto rfoky ifaii that paper reaches 100000 farmeri homes every week and your advertisement should meet theey s of someone who wanfa to par- chase ad ettitemenu of this class are n- terted in tb 3 toronto weekly uedl for five cents a word each insertion or twenty cents tnd for five insertions address the mail oronto canada i think ny profctstoo ttid aviolinist is by far j referable to any other it it the easiest of ill how to becaase i work when i play and i play when i work northrop lymans vegetable difcot ery has worked wonders fordytpeptics and we dont think there is a cue of dyspepsia- to be found that will not cure if the dlrcsj tionsare followed mr cl e william druggist wingham says the vegetable discovery is selling well and i know ot oee bad case of dyspepsia that it has cam pietely cared ef a candidate coodent make promiiei fastern he brakes urn things wood come tc a purf y pass nothing creates more disease discotnfor and distress than constipation of tbe bowp elt in b b b we have a remedy taro tp remove and care it i itterier to by t vote than it is to git the goods delivered plsos beafldx corcatsrrte is the oetc csstert co use tai cbespsst catarrh 8trdnicluof sratltmdjwo et ilaxduflo warren pa- u a a- i isnt this a common sense shoe 9 v kenney bros acton 1 v 1 1 l i fl big safe of- drfess gcood8 i j j- j r 4- v have bought he entire b iocs of a boot a nd shoe dealer away woirregular prices and will tell otit their mock at wonderfnlly lbiar hgtires i j j kow u the time for cheap ghoe doattilimthigatppporttanity monev saved m koney made we are marking doim die prices ot bar entire stock and ia addiwn to- this will fire every customer j m 1 0 percerttd on all cash porchites oaf efloeki very large and we can tail yon if yaalwant a good trunk of yahe thit is the place lo getit scount kenhev brot quelph cloth hall largest and inest assortment we have ever shown shaw gruncly meroiiuit taiio b t mechanical dencrcil- woqpengrayinc r0king st easttoronto send him your order for any class engraving you desire he parlor the dining room he bedrooms he hall- he kitchen 1 of wood and new spring goods arriving jaily at wxmmcleodcbs ceorgetovvni welfe opening out heaps or new dreascoodsj newuillinery- new priuted satccna aqice as silks new priufs new staples new sewed muslin embniideries new mtrslins oew corsets new- cloths tor saltings new cfeats furnishings new carpets new curtains newrcadymade clpthr- ing new boots and shoes i also we havedetermined to have f bigsale pr dresi goods the prices v of the said goods were- from 3sc to 65c and tbey shall be sold all at 25c par yl come early andsscare first choice big bargajns dont miss it cfnr milliobry openioof will be an nounced shortly- dressmaking first class tailoring nothing iu canada toibeat us we have at big choice stock price right akd- we are anxiona tjr do business patronage respectfully solicited the mammoth w mcleoa co oeoeqetowk m i t h 1 may need tiewl furniture this subject may havo been in your mind foe a mouth or so tod i sill pay yoa ad a little time looking for something that trill please yoa a visit live yoa an idea of how i safely promise to ta rr t t nach caa be iad for a relatively tmall ampan i it money ve tyoa undertaki g n all its branches speidktst son i j a speiht manafer tpiaal troa lies minister dining with the family thit it a ery nice dinner isnt it bobby bobby euj yiog it it ought te be pa figured it o it that it was going to cost him over eight ollart i canada ii being congratulated everywhere on the enellences of her manufactures art staioe 1 glass if prominently in the f root rank mccautlan 1 f iter improvements thanks to si son of toronto who for to years hs te labored not only to tccumo late money but to make stained and orna mental qiss of all kinds a credit to the dominion i dont we but one man in the world well yoa e more fortunate than i am im over in id and ears in debt so am i too th i bill 1 owe it for the wig ive got oo my i tii prompt always coihs qaiuiuc wi a fellow to pick a to send him voteot and permanent results from milburns aromatio it it safe o ate freemans worm povr dan u tiu aat only on the worms and do not injure t e child rent to newport for his health t little and picked ap enough to state prison for three years i can furnish you with the best presses for country neps and job work to bel country and at lowlr prices than for any other new cylinder pres coite to uctom rnd sei our jj improvefl country wojuty prefi had jn t us tc k wm 0 sw wi it jiiaoir ilnlis 1 -msjm- lv motie busy lomrs it pleases evebtboot btlas frances wh lard- tbe brttht est ootlooir window- ia corlsiendosa for bun mlirtiratuh vtalff p4wailawael i frortdence telegram- aires i lathe busy the lazy sod the ecoeetoical theoncresationullstt1ilimcsitlilv oas ua peer ia ongircuity of design scope aaa accaracy of vision hqroocqqess lu ex 4ft5ieljlotra tu imdeflwc- tonam ttl imdef otsleuo interior itki ibvm r rlrror of sew york lias come to the name of bgsy people we know of one kirk rihed io trbo for a month has woraee ooin n tdoir at otgiit and yet has kept well tolormed of carrcat world eveau he rcadttbts mpt it gives him a ru oning commentary oa unportass crenis besides a djgesr of uic best arucks is contemporary ma r prfce 26c 8260 a yeafa lamvin ajaaaia sostwcrma the be7iew ofbettewsv j doyquicnovy nything about r- horse trademark those wuo bat made a study of an the diseases that animal flesh is heir to bferoosr ly recommend dlest b purifler sje dieksbustar soo kicks olutment s3e dicks unimeav se traest in tbe world tor bones s cattle tlbjy htti stood the test of 30 years dont wait untu your beast gsts sfck but send a postal card at once for full particulara about the medicines ask ally dealer tor thmu book of preeiout household medical yelin arjs farmers becipes sent free sa tppllcatiou dick coi- po boz483 montreal them or anr8 the free press is priiiti d on the above press unmsthe work illustrate it radritit no si 500 drum gyl rider press can do better newspaper or posteijw rk ws like it it ii simple easyjto nheasy on tiasyoa the printers pooket book we ball it the best preitjto bi had in the we have ran the prouty for eight yier and the longer we run it th better ws like it easy to handle oesfts little for repairs at d tasyod the printers pooket book weball today for the mpney cpmo aud see our 1 ess at work if yoa desire samples of work tend for them and we will gladly tarnish wecan give you youcchoicaotini riber ot diilent tires and ttyiesofipressett at allinriees j think of it i a hew 8 c 3j folio or 5 cql- power press for only 6pb to 700 boek press or 800 full particulars from ijft ssems agent or canada ac a a fsjrwhisgsjpjigkiate on oni it m

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