rije ctcn jfrcc tps thrumay slir vloung 3folus tiu matsrrk asi rttt bairss tlixaxtt in vr cvt fccxe tahtu jftmi acr tt 1 an lhtifcrrtvk rrub0 mid rrooittl roun an crrn isr lirftrp in- ititih tt- war miiln u iliic urut ltvuir iiiiliip wf wnr wr fit jhiliq tfcp cnxvl atjic an tif c tlr lua it the mniftcrniir lit tip n critvl txlrxvl vorit twnr birm ttiit it- fine tct or you kim i imtnr oot tlir rnwl it u tlir mnmi r mi i at ttirr tunicl bhi ai tic cmiuitsi tlirm roun linn lmr lir mt liftu rmc culm krw a it chlhc nm tjnii rvin lini wlur lie t ui mtvilit uu ir nni lfcir a lr fail u hip molntif silt r fowl tj ftl oi divan lmi hiiro ml l i ttiius irr llh hiit mulicr tvis louon learn tt lintlia in t itr areas pstr thttunt hlr tliii r belrtv1 an lip thtt w oor litit an kin hut a irri- f the tar ana ltfttrnl tio woe aii in tut airui an vtctfm oifui tvrr in a notes here hems of general press lllo 1 the rspid sctit and the time may at any drug store i 1 interest to fr4e readers iplilrnlnp great ptln ro poisons ntullioe in relieving the mot intense iti i a nutter of wonder to slluho have tiled j it then i nothtng surprislug in its re sits tar it ic mtdo of the ttrookt puiest sod moil efficient remedies known medicine nervtline- cures tcelhiche in ilsutly crsmpo in lite minutes neurslgiiisfter two applications rheumatism is at oace relievid by its aw be ij of ill kinds of pun sample hot ice coaling only 10 cents the lirge bottles only lie ji cents polsoni kerulino sold by drug gists rtnl oountry deslers iriwle itb the old thrrc sre itotipecu of n heavy cttle country this sotion riicils sl djlilt btdlildod brilaastuss conilintlnn sk he tdiche to infest ns the hosti systen tarn uiem out snd keep llient oat by ailiig burdock illood niltets the njtars1 toe 0 diwsfe which invlrorstcs tones lid itttngtheni the cntiw ylcmj aclssrstore rltl jin kew york his got 115000 snd 1001 costs jfrom iioqto 8ehlts s rich bschelor brescli ot prom bins a yesr so i wss uroauted with spats brsskln oat kll pirsr lay body the effect ot bsd blood i ooosuti ed three dit- ftreat doctors who gsvo me fiedielae oat did not care mo ws sdv led to try 13 b u ond stter utiog two bottles i uotlaed the spots editing less i ooatlaaed the aie of n b d which entirely cuwd megilhg tmesipleudldsppetite rlusetheql wottld ace no other msdlolne i there still coatiaues a be dcrosnd isud in manitoba shdthe korlhwcit a little girls danger mr henry macombe leylhoo st niaefcbtirn txrndon ejif ulnlcj ll at hi utile girl felt and struck her knee nga inst tt ctirbslonc the fcnte began lo rjeh becama very painful ttwl terminated in what doctors call white sttelllng j blio waslreatcd by the besjt medical main but grewworsc finally 6 ranlctclv reduced the swelling killed j right t stjaoobi roundpe79 in sauare hsles a prct iiti o raiaircctcd effect in this blundenne world ii doe to the hcx that pople re compf lied to cncife in work which they ditlike when jnit around the corner to to cme it work which they michv jove ameiticat parent decrte that the udwho would make a painter wlicwe eye or oolor and form i true or whose toal tetponda and tnctra thrill to the mbratiuc chorda of melody thill instead enter a counting room nd be apprenticed to a bnine for which he hat no aptitude similarly a boi who wonld tucced in firmpiii or in the carnter thop i de- dettinel to n liberal profcsiin and com- plevilo ondcro a lone cnurino nf traimnc for ibi wljch owinc to hit lark of fituei8 i alnit ibrtic in its reut half h4 fajlurt e and deftats ii fife rna be attrib ctel to the placincf the round pee in the uire hole men and women are forcej to work at that which they diilike and which does rot enlist their hichest power we ought never to forget in onr ettimate of toccef as opposed to failure that there is a hicher iundard than the merely material one to sawed fidanciaijy may be to fail morally and in oar ardent push ing commercial country we need constantly to tet before our tori and cirl the lore of workforce workrowueke the immortal words of agajiiz when invited to under take a certain eaterpriae with the indaoe- ment that to doinj would be financially very profitable cannot be too often repejt ed i have no time to make money noble work is consecrated work it involves sacrifice lfdenial pain it re quires endurance it may be wrourht in obscurity and over its victories no tone of triumph may be raifrei but if the work er love it and his toijing it fallowed by his iinderityby generous impalse by nntelish devotion to others welfare the work will be its own reward vbct baby waa riot wt r her oastortft klkta tha vu a cliti u cried or cclorta kwa ite became ka k clanc to caaterir- urakeman mutth loat hii right arm while coiipline near garden hiver when the merit of a good lhinarecon tidered tt only requires proof like the following to convince and settle any doabt nmitinlinc mich xk b a feb 1g 1k7 wm troubled 80 year wfth pains in the back from strain in bed for weeks at a time no relir from other remedie about 8 yean ago i bought st jacob oil and ratde u appiicaitoat have been wejl and strong ever since have dooe all kinds of work and can lift at much as ever no returrj of pain for year d m lutuick i aro vou deal 1- right lift lrj willim bnhop jr yiiflje if dead lcdlirkvs the episcopal or do you sailer from noiles in the hf id then ietd s cent lump snd i will tenii a valuable treatise oqouining toll particulars foe home cure which costs comparatiwly nothing a splendid work on deafness and thoear address pkofq cfukcltontrjal the little daughter of sirj donaldtoul of the behlhastie krsklnecoj victoria bc by accident rot chiked by die kcrnil of was used 6t jacobs oil the jacobs oi conwnti of one lain and cur i dlb it peanut two doctors mde incffeol attempts to save her lite usl by ll it very important in thii age of vast material prog rest that a remedy be pleasing to the tatte and u lh eve easily taken acceptable to tha stomach and healthy in its nature and effects possessing these qaalitiefbyropof figs is the one perfect laxative andmott gentle diuretic known rev dr campbet of collingwood has accepted a presbyterian call to victoria bc sick headache caused by excess cf bile or a disordered stotnach la promptly relieved by using national pilla an offey of 120000 bis been refuted for a nickel mine property near st stephen k b one girls work a few years ago a little girl applied to a ptitorinoneof our large cities for admiss ion into his sand school she was told that the classes were so all there was no room for her and that the ceorch waa s3 emtll that no more classes conld be organized much disappointed the little girl begin to save pennies her father waa poor for the purpose of enlarging the church in order that she and other children like her might be accommodated she told no one of her ambilioas parpofe however so that when the pastor of this church was was called to her bedside a few months later to comfort her in her severe illness he siw nothing on usual only a frail child of ii and a half years the saserer died and a week later there were found id her battered red pocketbook which had been her garinebank fiftyeeven pennies and a scrap of paper that told in childisb print the eton- of her ambition and the purpose of her 6elfdenial the story nf that little red pocketbook and its little contents and of the unfaltering faith of its little owner got abroad it touched the heart of eaiot and einntr alike her jdepiration became a pcopbeey and men labored and women eang and children sated to aid in its fulfil ment these fiftyseven pennies became the nucleus of a fend that in six years giew to 12 j and today this heroines pic ture life eize hangs conspicuously in the hallway of a college bnildingat which ioo atndeots attend aod connected with which ibcreare a church capable of teat iog 8000 a hof prtal for children ntmed for the good samaritan and a sunday school room large tnongh to accommodate all the girlb aod bojb who have yet wked to enter it the little girls name waa hattie may wiatx and the eplendid institutions de scribed are located in philadelphia ffarfsr young proul inconsistency there arc many people wbopride tbem- aewea on what they call tbeir contistency who claim that as they are now they were in the beginning and ever shall be these 6elfetled consiftent people ipiio are always the most ignorant as well as the vainest of mankind are id truth the most fnconejttent of morult inasmuch ae cod- sietency is shown in nothiug more than in change and improvement when a man says 6ir 1 think now just as i did twenty years ago i never change my opinions sir you may bafely write that man down as an ass who is laboring under the hallucination that be is an oracle of wisdom although a eensible mad is not giveo to fickleneas fie is ever growing in knowledge and constantly modifying his opinions as a mighty river torus with its channel and thereby maintains a vigorous and healthful current but your oncbaogidg man whoee composition of conceit and ignorance ib stereotyped is no bitter than a sullen pool festering in thesunand feeding npod its own etagnatiou you want your cottons linens elannea a i way tweet clean snowy white you want the wash 1 done the easiest the clean- est the quickest the chetp- 2 est way surprise soap the ar- pffse way without boulngcr scalding gives these results kwft pqwdeb erial sakjkg powder the 1mb purest strqwest best costxia oo alaa asuaonla liaac ptaoapba or aay lariast 1- e w oillett toronto got an enfrf ruin hotel kjin it is stated that a hotel man in toronto has posted up a notice stating that all diners at his place who useburdock blood bitters to tone up their appetite and strength will be charged so per cent extra we do not know how true this is but ti b b un doubtedly does the workand does it quick ly and well john moore of madocthot at charles la mora in a quarrel and i now a fugitive fabeab snow gunning cove k 8 write 1 waa oompletely prostrated with the asthma bat hearing of dr thomas tkcloctric oil i procured a bottle and it did me so rnoch good that i got an other and before it wafl used i was well my son was cured of a bad cold by the use of half a bottle it goes like wildfire and makes cures wherever itts osed the logs cannot be moved because the rivers dorth of kingetun are to low and a lumber panic is feared c c ricnuurt a co gentlemen the top of my head was bald for eeven years i used minards liniment aud now have as good a growth of hair as i ever had mts aujebt mtkjty wheatly river p e i i have used minards liniment freely on my head and now have a good head of hair after having been bald for several years it is the only hair restorer i have ever found- mtb c anderson stanley bridge p e 1 an epidemic d t potted typhushai broken out among roesiao emigrants german frontier the nu more bother gkktixmes i have used hagyards yellow oil for my chilblains and it cured them 1 have never been bothered with them since limit krowx victoria b c john garvey vas drowned near ogdens- borg sunday while attempting to cross the river oa a rift no other sarcapanua ha the merit which hoods sana pari 11 a has won sue 3 a fire hold upon the confidence of tho pco ie no other combine tha eoonotriy and strength which make 100 dose oria ijol lar true only of hoods siuapatillt no other powwes tha combination proportion and process which make ilojdt htrtaparilla pec a liar to itielf hoods pills euro sick headache the betrothal ol prince george of wjales aod princess mary of teck is anuouned oh whatacoueh will you heed tho warning the si tal perhspsof the sure approach of that riore terrible disease consumption ask selves if ion can aflord or the saki of saving ooc to ruq the risk and do ootliing for it we know from experience hat shilohs cure will cure your coughj it ever fail t emperor william has donated looo marks to the society for theencoaragecient ot outdoor games in germany prompt potent and permanent results always come from mil burns aro in quinine wine lrscmaine lirliaieuf the orgaa of arch bishop fibre on 6aturday vigorooalj de nounced theatres consljption cured an old physician retired firom practice having had placed in hit hands by an east india missionary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy affection also a for nervous debi for tha speedy and per manent care of consumption broaemtis catarrh asthma and all throat and luog positive and radical sare ity aod all nervous 3om plaints after having tested it woud xf ul eorative powers ix thoosende of case ha fell it hii duty to make it known to a hii suffering fellows actuated by this motive and a desire to relieve human cafferiig i will send free of charge to all who desi re it this recipe in german french ot en li6h with foil directions for preparing and using sent by mail by addressing with stamp naming this paper w a nprn 820 powers block rochester n y an indian died at south bend- lad friday who is known to be 103 yeais of age but he claimed himself that be waillo years old the third page of the toronto veil ualt is noted fori want advertisements if yon want to bpy or se anything if youwant a situation a mechanic a ban- nets machinery lodgings j if yoa have lost or oond anything or if ypu want to find out where anyone is advertise in the to ronto daily hail and read the advertise menu on the third page of that paper the charge is two cent word eaxli in- sertion address tht hail toronto pan- tda orders have been given to keep the land canal closed all day on sundays wel- aad no boat will be allowed to pat through seven years suffering gevtlehks i bad suffered very nach from inflammatory rhepmatism w hich through wrong treatment jeft ugly run ning sores on my hands and fet with tb se i suffered for seven years daring which time i bad neither shoe nor stocking o i i commenced ubinr b b b externally and internally asidgithe pills also and i can say now that the sorea are entirely c ired and have been for some time 1 believe the bittera were the means of eaviof my lifp mis6 annie bare crewsons corners acton po oat an unbocceetfpl attempt to bargl the sooth grey regi saturday 1 ry office waa made on i it n sale to oie freerosns worm pow ders as they ac only on the worml and do not injure the child a msn who rn en illicit still in grey otwnihip has baen 6ned 1100 and tent to jail for a mouth stifcljrsb consumption cure this oreat codgh cure this suceaasfal cossdjtption cure is without t parallel ntbe history of medicine all druggists tfi authorized to sell it on a positira gasirtea test that no other tare cao successfully stand if you have a cdtigh bore throat or bronchitis use it for it will cure yoa if yoar child has the croup or whooping couh use it promptly aud relief is sure k yoa dread thst iniid- ioas disease coksuhptiok doat tail to use it ft will cure iyou or cost nothing ail yoar drait foe rjhilohb cure prioe locte mcta and 1100 if your laugs are mrearb tameas sbilobs porous flastsri ucti canada is being congratulated everywhere on the ercellences of her manufacture art stained glass is prominently in the front rank of her improvements thanks to mccsoaland bon of toronto who for 40 years have labored not only to accuma late money bat to make stained andorna mental gla6s o all kinds a credit to the dominion frank hick of bothwell had bis arm crushed off at that place in attempting to jump from a movidg train painful burns bruises scalds and cut are quickly soothed and healed by yictor carbolic salve m uasisstc thank you ris is tttb cxirebstci tesrr- iivsycf cutio teha have tuffervd from cuiioxio naoxcmiis coaabs cmua osisssr iviiji op wxsr- of ii the and sodxu it 18 alucist as pilatibte ix htlk it is a iroxdenfvl tlesu pbx duceit ii u fuot ami endoned by imitation m til ilrwiijliti scott i f phiiulani jioald all inbtluultatu i salt by at sqc aiul ttm bovnrs dhiniae ilmf cast0ria for infants and children cast ttalstliljape4tacwklmcittat trcools adltusapsrlartoaarprstcrirxica ksowau me ii iaacra il d i ueoorfori6tbrookjtik t 7 the r i ri ot csstoru is so universal aod itj ta wsu kaawii that it seems a work of sarst maskootoswlorselt fswsrtthe inwilsrs tmfllsawioaottotkeep oastori kswyodccttt late t tor bloomtocaato betoroed cuurch oastori a cures oolfc oiuxitaues boar stoaactt dlarrhaia ktucjkiot tola worms it sleep and rouuko ill- llout loiarlni for soversl yourcastoriali so so salt ns la ius medkatloo vears i have rscoratnenm and shall alsr ooaunua ti tsrlalty produobd beneficul resuld 1 i eowik f plants h d tha wtathrop 13th street aid tih ave siwvockcltr tta camunt oowaat tt kuksxt fitasat kaw tosx ei n os ikmedr coecuarrtt is the boai coctesfi to use soil cuesnst wonder in catarrh i bolfl by tlra jtlxit vv rrit liy miisc s3 tf klua vrcn ta u b a m a representative farmer speaks dickies anti coninmptive syrup i combldillou ot several medicinal herbs which eiet a most wonderful influence in caring pi imonsry consumption and all other disc aesof the lungs chest snd throat it promoti a a free end easy expectoration and civee aso en to the greatest sufferer coughs c ilds shortness of breath and affections of the chest attended with weak ness of tli digestive organs or with general debility i sems to vanioh under its use no other i medy acts so readily in allaying inflamtnat ion or breaking up a severe cold even the r ost obstinate cough is overoome by its pet etrsting aud healing properties when ch ldren are affected with colds coughs iu lammation of the lungs croqp quinwy s id sore throat this syrup is of vast impo taaoe the number of deaths among ch dren from these diseases is truly alarming it is so palatable that a child ill not re fuse it aud is put at such a prioe thst will lot esclade the poor from its beneqts mayor i laicherof hamilton has returned from nas so not so much improved in health as io had hoped 8uperfortoaqther9nthtoown dettiupo of finger bar for low cula a simple itranfr durable drlvd gear a light strong grain divider made ot flanged steel a dsnged steel frame la a single piece light aod itrong entire elevator frame mada ot flanged steel j j table trsme ot flanged slaol in one pieoa with strong sunpw oonneotionf a drive wheel simple in coaitractlon iargedarabt and neat fn apoearanae powerful caltink apparatus with direct pitnian conueolioo j 1 both ends of machine raited or lowered by driver without leaving his- sear i conveuientarraogement foe adjalllng machine to suit variations la crop the lightest binding pert and simplest kuotler ever produced a kuotter thatpositively saves tra two to four inches ot twine forevery band four discharge arras making perfect separation and deliverjr ot heal a machine of light draft easy lo operate and eontatna fewer dart baa any oi her i i noxon ibroshfg cp ltd ingersdu f vvm homaraet agent acton 3nt steel frame grain over 125000 hoosiar drills and seeders with faed la aae la canada drill ourpoaltlvs ptrcp a yound lady of jefferson west virginia declares tl at sho waa all rn dovn before tail eg ay xs saraaparilla but that now aba is gaii ing ctreogth every day ayers sanaparil a is certainly a wonderfully effective t nic for the feeble and delicate if r job i eakins of sueetsville for 20 years clerl of toronto township is dead agedtt barest anil best care for coughs hoarseoesi bronchitis and asthma 50c and 100 per bottle if you v ant to buy or sell a farm ad vertisa in he toronto rfretfy hail that paper rei ches 100000 farmers homes every wee and your advertisement should meet the t e of someone who wants to par chase a vertisemente of this class are n- serted m i le toronto wttkly hail for five cents a w ird each insertion or twenty cents a w rd for five insertions address the mail toronto canada use theiafe pleasant and effectual worm silerhot ler graves worm eiterraioator nothing equals it procure a bottle aud take itboi ctll tt mr c c hjaum tho following rcmarkapo facta aro f oil j certified to as being undeniably correct in bvery particular hr haiin is well kno wji in the vicinity having rpsided hero over fifty years and is highly respected ss e man of the strictest honor whose word h as good as his bond as will bo seen from his letter physicians bad attended him and it only after lie had given np hope of- that he deiided to try burdock b bitters on the reoomtnendatioa of neighbor who had been cured of a strc ila j disease by its use hr haun writes ai 1 follows dux bicf i think t have bean on of tlio worsti suflerers yoa havo yet war of having been az years in tho hands o four of our best doctors sjrithoatobtainini permanent relief bptooujtinatily gnurini worse nntil almost beyond hopo ol re j covcry i tried your bitters and got r die g x jt- o i- i in a tow days every drgan of my 1 od unburn cod liver oil emulsion with w wildcbeiry and hypophosphites is the and torpid the heart and digestito 0r n coldjr kriously deranged a hrp3 abscess in m back followed by paralysis of tha righ i leg in fact the lower half of my body ws j entirely nscless after using burdoc blood bitters for a few days the sot ee i burst discharging fuuyfivo qnarta of pu i in two hours i felt as if i had received i shock from a powerful battery my rt covery after this was steady and the cur i permanent seeing tliat for the four jeai i sinco i have had as good health as ei er had i still tike ah occasional bottle n i that i seed it bnt because i wish to ue i my system in perfect working order can thini of no morelremarkabla ea i than what i have myself passed thrc ogl and no words can express my thanifi nei i for sack r4feei recovery 0 ojetcic i wellsnd bd in this eoanection the following mfefe from t cumincs esq a leading drateii i of welund ont speiki for itself he srs t hilburn co toronto osimxicsx i havs been personail r aoqnaintod with hr cj 0 haun for thfl last 20 years and havaalways foond hiti a very reliable man xpa may place o- utmost conlfidenco la anything ho pa with regard to your medicine he has many occasions within tha last four yea told mo that it was mirvelloas tha tra tho bnrdock blood bitters had cored lira and that ha now felt as able to do a c ay work as ho over fek in his life althi qnita well ha still takei soma b b ooeosionsut as ho saysl to keep hi 1 perfect hearh i yourstraly tuonis cmmrcs wellandojii tha stoadily tncreastn ealo of b e b the length of timo it hw been befort tl 1 people andl the fact tha i it corea to sts cured attest tho sterlijig merit of th i monarch of fnodicines th peoples favpril i blood purifier tonio and regulator re oereo milburn cod liver oil emulsiom with wild cherjry and hypophosphites combines the carsti e powers of the pectoral remedies mentioned in tho most perfect and palat- able form price floo and tl00 per bottle nathan lones an old merchant of belle ville died n friday after fifteen months illness ag i tg tbe ma i who called tarsaparilla a fraud had good reason for he got hold of a worthless mixture at reduced rates he changed lis opinion however when he began to t ke ayers sartaparills it pays to be care ul when buying medicines harassi ig headaches make many lives miserable needlessly so when a prompt cure like lurdock blood bitters is obtain able dr pietson tho american divine has been aske 1 to occupy the late mr spur- eeons pal pit for one year if you re despondent low spirited irrit- aud close byrnes were tak w crand trunk rallway corsa wtsrr iwrko nsv v einrets ll js am i express 10 ass mill ea ajn ratmbcer 1 11 ajsu express i m pm i express ul leash halt obimnjmsll 1 ossiai psssenjor- oopmlmlxett lollfjs iiijrlor cusrfo suns saint wcsti5 isjun uid pjn aoifljbsjthjsmsud5llis i tnlf lime table went lalo ffctoa dssnibsf fthlil vh 4 ti ssssssf iv mm x jm tw v t4 3 m 3 guaranteed the best p the worldand the only drill that cn be instantly regit ated to ranthe desired depth in hardand soft grbadd while moving i the hoosier is the only drill that sows all kinds of grain iud seeds evenly it d to the depth desired in all kinds of soil j the hoosiec is the only drill thf t commences to sow the instant he horses mov the hoosier is the only poskivi force feed and is tha only drill that deposit graiu evenly just tha depth yoa want tt in hard or soft soil remember this the hoosier combined drill wjh cultivator teeth is the best cultivator made is the only implement made with teeth on independent draw bars that can be se hard and soft land while theteam is in motion thb hooiser is lighter on the he i than any other drill made the points of excellence in the hooiser that otier drill i do not have are worth more to the farmer than any drill in the world- the combined hoosier can be changed from drill to seeder or seeder lo drill in time than drill made send tor our new illuf trated catalogue and testimonial si eat bewareof purching drills that infringe burpslent i koxox bros mfg co ttd ingersol wm heiwstreet agent acton also agentrieorv- plows tha and for rses on i ghielpji cloth hall- scotch- tinreed smtings largest and finest assertmebt we have eve r shown i shaw fc grundy merchaat tall rs newspaper adverting brightly started purest strokgest be8t nnnntllr for mafclrc bocu il almndredouici i ilrpcut able and peevish and unpleasant seusa tions are elt invariably after eating then get a bott e ot northrop lymans vegete- ble disco ery and it will give yoa relief you have dyspepsia j ur r h dawson st mary 1 writes four bottles of vege table d is overy entirely cured me of dys- pepcia r due wis one of the worst cases i now feel ike a new man all the saloons in new york were closed y watched oa saadty aader sapt rigorous regime 120 prisoners rightly stuck tq solidly backed upj ensures business suca ss u hdertisb i1m tlkbprse pr6ss ulijones mechanical generab woqdenciravinc ki0 king ste astjoront o send liimyobr ofd r for any class of wood engraving you desir i can furnish you with th i test presses for country news and job work to be had in 1 country and at l wer prices than for any other new cylinder press icb to hcton knd see l our 7 improypd country rrouty prss plt work northr ip a lymans vegetable discov ery hat s orksd wonders for dyspeptics and we dont hlnk thers it a ease of dyspepsia to be tout 1 that will dot cure if the direo- 1 tlons are followed ur c e williams druggist wloehsm says the vegetable i discover f lelltns well and i know of i oo bad ise of dyspepsia that tt hat 00m 1 ptetely c ired h trirt the free press is r uted on the above press and thejwork illustrates its merits no s 1 sop drun i ylinder pressjcah do ibetterl newspaper or poster work we have run tha brouty for eig it ears aud tha longer we ran it the better we like itj it is simple easy to ran easy 01 easy to handle costs little for repair 1 1 id is easy on lha printers pocket book i wecall ituhe best preti to be had intbe v today for the money coma and 3 one press at work if you desire samples ot work send for them arid we will gladly iirniih them wecangive yon your choi ofjlnumberof jiforent lizea and ityles of presses at all prioes i think of if 1- a newjj cot foli or 5 col qtjo power press for only s600 to 700 ress- for 800 full particulars from or an if c il book p sc2drrra-rgr- ag fit- f fo i 1 canada acton big sale i dreste goods axd new i- spring gcobds arriving saily at wm mcleodcos i coorgefovyn wei arc opcnhig out heaps of kcw dress coods new millinerjr new priuted satccna as uice ns 6tike new priiits f new sfaple uew sewed raaslia- embroideries new muslius newijcftaeta new cloths lor suitings nesr gents furuisoings new carpets naw curtains new ready-made- clojhr ing new b oots and shoes al60 we have determined to have a bigsale of dress goods theprices of the said gdods were from 35c to 65c aud ief shall be soldao at 25c per jd come early ancrseenre first choice big bargains dont miss it ooc miliirferj- opening wiube an- nouncedishortly dressmaking first class taiotiag canadatabeat us we hare a big choice stocit prices rigbf ani we aro ansiona to do businesi patronage respectfully solicited the maiytmoth j i wmcleodco-r- seoeastowh s l iv k- w i busy vmqk ssrml idmaits kmfcyu it pleases evferybodt hum frances wuurittbtifat esc oqtiot wiadow ra quisteodom or bbt psmtk rto west la see irfs k cofaoq fa th wocu protldencis tcleffram- tolhc bttsy thciuy aod ibe ccooonugsvl 1 tcocriionalutthnvdatih us do pcr in ongiaality- ot dtsiscope tnd iccancy oi rinatt thonnrbnesa in ezeptttoo tmd tbtdsj la fra lu reader two cuja tftist vsil cslcairo interiors review f r- ctvnir of kctt york has came tdrthc rescqe ot busy people we know of one iip rtfrmd e tftcii who for 1 ibocth ku toriedtnuil ii a clodcix nicbl zed y has kept well inforacd of currentworill evenic hertatytbhifctitiac it gircs fcia iniiidniir coinrienurftiuimpattl erenu besides x digest of ynibest ankksil roacmnorxry- curmaes pdoe 25c 260 a year icern wifrtxn clrautzaoinueinnst ttwrni thehuvlkwopbiivlkwi far sstaw cpr 11 uut nan 1 ar u this isknyhors xj worth 20 if heis not healthy andsound the wul sett better a horse wtll do mers wora- picks horse and caltlflmedlatnet i i are tbe best in tbevorld send a postal card for toll parircolani and s book of valuable household and farm recipes- will bo sent tree dickt co ph box 1st uosrasat i s0i4 everyttbcte- r scledtlflc american enoy for atents typ world oldest irareau 9avats v tradi mams j cpptmohta ato 1 sad free handbook writs do baoinait krw ttoax- wartns patents tn ainerlas oat by as is brosssbtefore t brery patent w ibe pobllc bt dotlce ttea tree ot oaaqre ta tbe rysr ujasli montbs aodrettql 00 hraushxsabrlwhswtsr dunns if out thecwcsbestf tta