titnnsi lt v t ay ma0 uw auna oi little it tvpi clone riftt nr tu m ttijl two nr ihoaibt tl t rc ri our little like littlr witlioct our two lilt p i a t it n1 lie 7uh mm t -jtolks- notes here and there intarettto fr items of gertettv c c llutumma oj gtiulemcn the tdp ac my heifl m c tn null tot til ttuki iirw tlrwc r of rouinl new rii u 3 ohlatid wis orr little pit fthry call th moatti tli from north toioath- flitvbtbr utollallia if to to li r vit liitw tv r of u hide toot ho much wt tn liklc vifc vv htt t fhtm tvrti ici not rrrj ii tint um lncumii nolkxly knows u nnutli anl chlti lie witiit a witi tint lbv ivru corn dihtaverclat li tt a remedy that isure miff and lainliaa rotnama vaiolem cprn kitractor xcz faiu never ctaiee pain nor etn the iilit diicooifott bay putnams com kttractor and be wared the man- cheap denroa and filieaiiiig futntioum in the market s that it 11 made i d it t rets to the ind aedcnurv habiti rolson t co kiupton bald for acvrn yeart lis1mbnt ttid niw havo a rood a croath of lair t i cv whcatly luvtr l m i ttd utnards r had m a auant mtka el i have utod mikauds liniment freely on my head ard uaw have rood vinif been bald for iony hair rtttorcr rac audrnaa head of hair after h even yearc it ia ti i have evee foatid i stanley bridge i old rimeihal with lhat big doc t kmart boy cau rcipion him an a wt old grime 13a wafioo smart boy hit jail it a wafiiu aiut it toca baby to cfct w pvn her cvtori wiwa tbo wit a ctitlj t xs civd or castorli bea b becarrx kia tba chine to catcif vtteo tb4 u4 cblilrca abe cre ma caatorifc lo bub bab doin t jt txo ive cot ip rmoatdriviiiv haint got ub i k voice from beotltatl dcu 8tutvt cau ulihly iwwraratod hapyatda peroral batiam it oarad my athlr of cadrb iho had bi troabhd icitliauoo childhood ho u iow twelve years bid i i mm u katttcntlo boollatid out there is nolhtaft cqttal uotliec qriw worm ijturmtnator foe daalrotajtwarcui ko article of ha mnd haa glvao tacb ulk- ucjuon are you daf ordoyaa tuffee from coin la ilia h4 then ictii awat ump and i riu od a valuablo tcntlia ooouiaing fulljparticalara foe hotarf caw which coau cootpaxtuly nothing a iplendtd work oa d ciaet end the car addrempcurqctuiujuoalnat sydney smith said that rainnen are thothadawi of virtue gectiiily boye behavqk ic iaalarne cuajut leoatward eipretaioo of what hetallj it a cooking tlubthc rolunrpin one or trobottlr of northrop a lymani yecetable liacove y will parify the blood rftaove df pepaia aud drive airay thatex- tre me tired teeltnj which caate ao much iietnoai and peraons of mr w e ellia dro- pit fenelon falls writes the yecetible discovery it sellii rell and civinr pood aititfaction cndscicntioa pump milkman never weara wtirt 610 a bottle j dnit silsi hire nsed burdock blood bitters fcf dyspepsia abd have found it to be the bett mediciae i evernted i could not eat without kusericr from a terrible barm np paiu in th nsed six bottles of 3 b b and am glad i did fo ot i should today it complete bottle every eprinc cut it if it cost 10 pit of my stonach 1 3ave been in my grave v cured rae i taie lud would not be with- bottje an anctionter fi man as be is direct davii- peiitt motley alb as he ts bid a poet- the third pace ittil is noted for if you waiit to bay you tint a situation the toronto duv ant advertise me nta ir tell aoytbrng if a mechanic bsai- ness machinery lodrings if ou have lost or oand anything or if yon wxut to find oat where anyone ie j advertise in the to ronto dautf hail anfi read the advertise- menta on the third pare of that paper the charge is two cents a word each aertion addre tk hail toronto can ada a bad little boy rutbed cayenne pepper well over the back of hii jacket the acboolmatcr ttirahd him briekly bat dismissed achoo immediately to run to the nearest chercist fcr eyewater johnny you may aome wild flower near beingjwild flour of cunsujipt the flowere that liloorn iu the 8prinfi are not more viorom than are thote per- aoni who parify the r blood with ayera sartapariua the fi wed eliier vita could scarcely impart gniter vivacity to the coanteuauoe thctf thm worjderful medicine give me the name of tatd the teacher in botany johnny tuo iht awhile and then aaid well i reck a i injao meal cornea aa ts any thing i know ox cubed an old physician e tired firom practice having had placed in hie hxnde by an eait india miationary th formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and per manent core of consumption bronchitis catarrh asthma and all throat and lang affections also a positive and radical cure for nervous debility and all nervous com plaints after having tested its wonderful curative powers in thousands of cases has fell it his duty o make it known to all his suffering fellows actuated by thia motive and a desire to relievo human suffering i will tend free of charvtoall who desire it this recipe in germap french or english with full drrectiond using sent by mail stsrmp darning this 820 powers block for preparing and by addressing with iper w a- notca heater n y trqg iks it is very important in this age of vast material progrere that a remedy be pleaaing to the txste and to th eye easily taken acceptable to the etomach and healthy in its nature and effects possessing iheae qualities byrop of figs is the one perfect larative and most gentle diuretic known painful bams bruises scalds and cuts areqaickly soothed and healed by yictori carbolic balve since it is now a wellestablished fact that catarrh is a blood disease medical men are qctfce generally prescribing ayera sarsapariha for that most loathsome cotn- plaint and the result in nearly every instance prove the wisdom of their advice sick headache caused by excess cf bile or a disordered stomach is promptly relieved by usiug national pills is jiur father a christian asked the new minister ko replied the boy he sings in the choir ofa4ve sore cared dm sits 1 take pleasure in testifying to the great healing qualities of your medicines i had the misfortane to injure my leg and through cold and neglect it broke out in a running eore my leg became inflamed and very pfjaful and the dis- charge was very offensive various reme dies failed to help me when i had the good fortane to try your is b b and burdock healingiointmcnt before i had finished the second bottle the discharge had stopped and in two wteks more my leg was as wril aj ever i ftc1 justified in recommeodiog it to the public a cure if only riven a fair trial or limn portage la prairie man 1 mr henry grahsm wingham writes i was in north dakota last may and i took a bottle of northrop lynani vegc- j tabje discovery with me as i did not feel cafe without it while there a lady friend j was suffering with indigestion bilioosness and headache i recommended theyegeta- ble ditcovery to her and the tried it and the veto it was that it did her to moeh good that i had to it are the balance of the bottle with her f it it tele to use- freemans wdrtb pow den as tiiey act only on the worms and do not injure the child the codl thlt helps tocuro j tlhe gold the disagreeable tasieofthe olweroil ipated ia j ofparc cod tirec oil with hypoph03hdtes j of ume u7e soda j the i aticntputcjing from onschpttos nitockiu atcca coin oa 1 un btxetkm tiikm tin j tvrsedy hr cnii 1 ut nllt k pr- take noxtlirr al tcitt f btckw anti coiltsmptire syrop i a combiottiod of fevertl tedicinil herb vbicb exert most troaderfql influence id caries palmodary coosaniptiod d ail other disetaecof the lanchct ldd throat it promotes a free a id easy expectoration atjd eireiesxeeren la tbe grett afierer coogbf colds thoi tuees i of brettb and affeetioni of the cheit attended with weak ness of the digestive debility 6eems to organs or with general vanish under its ase ko otber remedy axis so readily in allaying inflammation or breaking op a severe cold even the most obetii ate cough is overcome by its penetrating i ad healing properties when children an coogbj inflammatiaa of tbe longs croup qainsey and sore throat this byrap is of vast importance the number of deaths among children frori these ditease is truly alarming it is so will not relate it ail palatable that a child d is pat st each a price that will not eiclojle the poor from its benefits a little bay dit petting with his sister recently exclaimej satis is guaranteed to hoods sarcspnlu directions this ii of which 100 voir truly said have yon wen balloon puzzle v c i hood 4 co lowell mass hoods pills biliousness nick hea and appetite sboolc always be respeci i yoar parents and commandment bat iiot beep revoked barrie island out sufferer from ueure years but being ad n mcrae wyebridgo writes i hitrs told larga quantities of drtbocitt eclec- trio oil it is used for colds sera throat croap etc and ta fact foe any affection of the throat it works like magic t is a sure care far haras wounds sad bra ie oh what cough will yoa heed ths warning the tigtal perhaps of the sure approach of that more terrible disease conaamplloa itk yodr tolvesif oa can afford for lis take of i4ing mo to run the tlilc and o nothing for it we know from cxper eacie that ehilohs cure will carts yoar noagb it ever ftili prompt totent and permine it results always come from milbarni aromatlo qainine wine dnijqttti socloo iryk wrf ulr sffecud with colds its true for ma says eo and it masaye toitia eoif itaint to taction every ooe who takes latrly and according to the only preparation one dollar can be icods rainy day snd o particulars send to c liver ills jaundice dache constipation tired languid prople who lack energy take burdock blood bitter the best tonic tlreugthener and purifier extant able and deferential to superiors the fifth a lady writes tbe iimpletruihstfellows i have been a great igia for the last nine istd to try st jacobs oil can now heartil endorse it as being a most excellent remely for this complaint at i have been grealiy benefited by its uec mta joiiv mclcxv stromcest best t shiiohs consumptfon cure i this great cough cube this saccessfal cokstj itption cdke is witlioattpaxmllelin hehittorrofmedkinei all druggist are aa borixed ta sell it oa si poeitirg gtuiate i tat that no otber care aa laoomfalir stand if yoa hare a pure powdered l y e purest stroncest best rjadtferwsiornrflnanutr roe rsauor sou gofieaioc water t4afcctlne ar4 a hkalrwx oclise vasa aeaceaals33iuscdtialbcur sh kj atl crwer it4 dnxj xi s orxaxxi ttnronta if yoa want to bay or sell a farm ad vertise in the toronto wcdly kail that paper resxhes 100000 farmers hornet every week and your advertisement ihoald meet the eye of someone who wants to par chase advertisemenu of tpls class are n- terted inlhe toronto watiy slail for five cents a word each insertion pr twenty ceou a word for five insertions addren the mail toronto canada i core for chapped rtantls dear sirs i think it is a privelege to recommend hagyarda yellt w oil as a care for chapped hauds swelling sore throat etc i recommend it to all mrs geo ward josephine oat yoa can tell more about it mans charac ter by trading horses with him once than yoa can by hearing him talk for a year in prayer meeting canada is being congratulated everywhere on the excellences of her manoiactare art stained glass is prominently in the front rank of her improvements thanks to mcctaalartd son of toronto who for 0 years have labored not only to accumu late money bat to make stained and orna mental glass of all kinds a credit to the dominion i 0ring mefb eemedy st jacobs oil thr qrbat pemsoy for pain conn rhiumaflsm sprtlm bruuei ctt wouodi sorww 8flffnm 8welllog btokuht mi rtlgln solatloii btrw thsi0harlis a vocilir oompank pltlmojrt md gmjjiwjjpoti toronto oht t caste la as wen t lots 6 istarsstor tp j for infants and chudren sopjartor to any prescription hixaoailtij ixxord 6t broours k t 3sstorte is so unlrernl ssd known imc is seems a work tosadorsalt rswaralhe a who do 06t ksep- caatcrts caaxfli kismr dd hswvorfccr- nxlocdale eetonoed qturcf 0rfa txfeqie ooofpation boar btoatfca dtantiau esucuun tills worx rt alaep and protnotea dl- wluot ugorloos medtcatioa tcraatcral ysfirst hare rseommsdet your osstorta and shall alraxs ponuaus to goi su bit lntariailr produced beoeocul eottir p piaon k d the wlathrop tstlt street and 7th are kewtorfcckr tins cjaxrunx oosnpiirr tf koaait sraaxr saw toax his th befet instruments and s ries tirns cjtit the best photos in th4 cbinty enjoy far i having nsed burdock blood bitters for general debility weakness and lack of appe tite i ound it a safe care hesbv hoaii bro owi nsville ont safe certain prompt ecouomie these few adjectives- apply with peculiar force to dr tbomas licleotric oil a stan dard external and internal remedy adapted to tbe relief and care of cojghs tore throat hoarseness and all affections of tbe breath ing organs kidney troubles excoriations sores lameness and physical pain a little maine girl in whoee family there came on addition remarked with a sigh now we shall have to cd t tbe pie in six pieces thousands in fewards cough bore throat for it will rare yoa croap or whooptog or bronchitis ase it if yoar child has tie joagh nse it promptly and relief ia sure o yoa dread tbatinstd- iotu disease consompt10n dont fail io ase it it will care ask yoar druggist u price locto soctc yoa or cost oeihiacl r shixohs quki and hm if roar lungs are sore or bi clc lime use shiohs poroas plaster iscts i 17 0mf5 asapa the great weekly con ipatlon ofthe lardles home m tgirlne which word in this advertisement spells the same backward as foe ward this is a rare opportunity for every madam and misa every fatberand son to secare a splendid prize i wrxsxi pjcuxs every iveek throagtoat this great competition prizes will be dis tribated as follows the first correct answer received the postmark date on each letter to be taken as the date received at the office of tbe ladte4 hopie ilagczine each and every week dnrieg ir2 will get t200 the second correct answer f 100 the third 150 forth a beautiful silver service fifth five oclock silver service and tbe next so correct answera will get prizes ranging from 25 down to 2 eviry fifth correct answer irrepective of whether a prise winner or not will get a special price competitora residing in the sootljeru state as well as other distant points have an eqnal chance with those nearer home as the postmark will be our authority in every case l i j rdxe each ii6t of anewers must be accompauicd by ii to pay for six months subscription to otio of the best borne magazines in america screeescus the ladifi hdmt iaja nne is well ahle to carry out ts promises peterboarough canada timet a splendid paper and financially strong hastiogs canada mar revery prize winner will be sure to receive just what he if entitledto norwood canada trguier money hould ie sent by ikh t office order or registered letter address the iadiu home magame peterborough canada youi want your cottin i llrtortt ftannofk always i weot clean fnowr whlta you want thl waih don the eaafoat the clean- ttt the quickest tho bfieap- ett way surprlseboap thevsur- pri way without bolhngor aosfdfng gives theea result ixutrda hadxstew rsdftrsf iftorelfui sk jfawaa photo art is acton ont pee come to a pi ovincial reputation esc alienee acton for portraits of any kind feetbl teeth haflfiva ebth 8i beft tnalit d drtdattioflrc kofsiipol tor 4 nit three motbi wco and i tcrfect fit coaraattmjrl an4 i im lds wondefin eebool at dentistry and ii ege of dentxl borgoons cmcepcext lost offlceacton ive farmer boots fc shoes we havejlstreoeived oar fall stock of boots and 6eoekffirbe best manri- factrtrers ia gaoada infcssfsbu petition in either qaahty ityle or price wo make a speciality of wriectl dress goods will nery oiy wednesday april 6th and following days big showing of millinery a grand display of dress goods icfa extensive arrangsmenu for a fa never before have we made such millinery trade is weliave this season i ox upon box o fioe french flowers anditackiocthe finest laces oar ribbio coantef s- taxed to lit almost capacity add oar milliners know the isle mess and can irrsnge them to suiti lovers of fine headgear it moat not be foi gouen th oat prfeei are u low u new g mualin embtorderiev decentgoodfcanbesoldfor ii- i j dress clood bedford cords tweed effects aodlcbepoi fawns anil mid greya ar nndoabietflyoir while to inspect oar stock in the above lini better and few can do u well for yoa in with the limes and our prioes are daws to some lovely designs ia french wool wethrgoods is very complete dont window shades extra value in this d dsptrfi 4 ma hare toe ran thia year and correct aciade it is worth yoar ko house n this eoantty can do the matter of style we keep well tip tbe towest nofeb we are showing delairjes and ssteens oar stock of hot aboai oar carpets curtains and menl f oj get i eb jeemyn watch chhi1h the bgy b0ot8 shqeb which for style fit and wear cannot be excelled wm williams acton mb c ci kaun rhe fcllowii g remarkable facts are folly be rtified a as being undeniably correct in er try particil r mr haan is well known in the t dnit r hiving resided hero over fil y yes rs ki d i highly respected as a m in of t ie t iciest honor whose word u u good i s bis bond ta wi 1 be seen from bis letter four pi ysicia is pi d attended him and it woe otlyfur be had given tip hope of care tilt he aek led- to try burdock blood b tten on he reoomniendation of a n igbbot who bad been cared of a similar si tease i y it ase ir haun writes u fo lows deis stus i think i hivo been one of the wirst i offerors yoa biro yet beard of having p n six yoers la the bands of fo tr of efir be it doemrs without obtaining pc nnsnent re ief but contintttlly growing wi rre rintll iltnost i beyond bopo of ro- co cry i trf yoar bitters and got relief in low dajri every organ of my body wkdersogm tbe liver enlarged hardened at d torpid 11 s beertond digestive organs se rioasly dsrs 3gad a large abscess in my ha ck follorwe i by paralysis of the right le in fct th i lower half of my body was eiurelyl tiifll is after using burdock t ood uittrs for few days the abscess it ni dlschai ins folly five quarts of pas fr two hours i felt as if i bad received a slock fronf o powerful battery ify ra ce very after f its wait steady and tlio care pjrmsnsntj se ing that for tho four years ice lnave i id is good bealtb as over i d i ktill t to an occasional bottle not tst i needj it bat because i wish to keep y system ii perfect working order i n think of not mora remarkable cose tban wlfat i b tva myself passed throagb no words i an express my thankfulness sicfljperfe t recovery o o eirrir j wedand po in thi obnlectioaitho follawing letter i ram t cam es esq a leading druggist i f wehsiidj o it speaks for itself ioirs it mil km ds co toronto iri i have been personally i oqaainfsdjwi h hrjo ohaan for the i ast 20 years md have always found him i very reliable man i yoa may place tbe itmost cosrtd race in anything be says 1 ritb regard to yoar medicine he has oa nany ocpaafor s within the loot four years old me that i was marvellous tbe way be bardock b ood bitters bad oared him i nd ihae hej nc tr felt aa able to do a days rorkaapeevec felt in bis life although- nit well be still takes some b b b tur i he says to keep hiai la y rars truly tboku ctntms i weuandont dfly incteeasingsale of b b b of i ixne it lias been before the th i foot thai it ouros to stay ibe sterling merit of tills ofjme icine the peoples favorite sood purifier onio nd mgtdstot vjji t- r lmuivg i t crindells machine eepair shop id adciitlou lo tuacliinery repairing i tun now prepared to do horse shoeing st general blacfcflmitahig in a most satictactory manner woodwor re- ihifrs also raado careftil attention given to all work ucouglit in any machine or imptctneut bv whomsoever manufactured will bo repaired u avocfc tnaa like manner flow and machinery repairs constajtly on hand hekryorindell oar stock oe furniture is now complete or ny article yoawant at the lowest possible prit ef raad any one in its tcanafaotare bat we pa s any dealers lo the trade i can furnish you with the besi country and at lowe f we have 5d strong and vbandsomely mode rolled golarpiata watch chains mrwiaffjsjdsjjted for boys and yoaog1e2i send them to as wilb a two douatbill i fs shkoefxco vstf hmiketsaad jeweuen guelbaokr watch chains john speilit fc soil lurimrture st lrieertrkinc we can give you a bedroom set com wove mattresses springs for 3 sideboards at cost lounges for s75q extension tables chatrs at any price utfuem a full line oe coffins caskets eobesietic alwfyt in atiifcction as to prioes we desire ta imprest ipon the pabli oanectiba with any aombinatidq and oar pric sare not govern ssociation wectn give yoa bs best the mki good hearse and ojj sps o presses for country news and oij work to prices thah for anyjother new cylinder 5 to kctjon rnd sbb yj com improve i country prout tins y cash yorth of p ieasurefor that ioh efyori pw iballlwavh 1mb f ablk crand trunk ifaiivyayi aoritakift ejprssl hall i mam 1 am kspreu- lasscnsor ws f lfcaoi kitircts u 10 am uh i6tpm uud 10 u pjb aixaiwu exprsss- u pm mall t 06 pm fssssnser- 8 00 p m nhaor cx ootag west- jssm and i wfa qolog esst 10 ts ujsdj s 0 pm this time ublo went into effect oa deoemlr tie mm i j i dresfe- spring arriving wm mpeeop kigs georgetown i we are opening out heaps of new dress goods new millinery new priuted sateens as nice as silks new priuts new staples i t new tnuslins new cwraefs pew cloths lor suitings new ents furnishibgs ijcw parpefs new curtains new readyrmade cloth ing now bqotrand shoes also wchave deterniined tol have a bigsaleofdressjgoods tlte prices of the said goods wire from 35c to 65c aud they ishall be sold all at 25c par -yd- come first ctjoice big miss it out early and secure bargains donjt millinery opening will be pounced shortly first blasfe tailtfriugfuothtdgin canada ta beit us waj have i big choice stock pricee rightands we ara anxious to do 1 gvk hu aivearable chain j patronage resfally soiieite v- the mammoth -l- wmclbddicol aeoeqetovtn thi spring rrade and we can sapply we don i steal oar furniture nor or it and fori4 tkkiisc can tell aa low for cosh ik we can give ypa the fact bat we bare no by the undertakers afford at r ry reasonable prices tfltfprfu neral8 son t press be had in this ress the free press is printa on the c pfessand thefwork no 1500 drum cyli der presjs can do beter newspa er we have run the broaty lor eight years land the longer we ran it tbe batter we like it euy to handle costs little fortepatrs and ts ioy on the printers pookst biok wo call h today for the money come and see oar fr u at work if yon desire samples of work senjl tfot them we can give yoa your ohoioe of a nai ber of different sixes and styles of presses at ajl prfoei think of it a new 8 cc i folio or 5 col qto or an 8 coli 5qok press iojr 800 h mgfoi4b agent for ower pres i fc r only 1 j full parti iu us from ustrates c r poste s mple b at press k hem and i ocx ishbssssssssssssssmaaissssscmla mamamlaw bhamahssllssvhams l its merits work to ran 0 run easy on typ be had in the world jw gladly furnlah 0qjitof70o o canada t cton ont huu france iv m lard c outlook wiodorr la 2otisado pspahwawwttttyisa wtalit pkmbtu protldedce teiefrtm- to the busy ibe buy and ahejgcoaamav the cnaeyauonanatthiimcctlih haa no peer in onairulity o doigri scope and uenracy ot rtsoo tjxncehaesi lit executioo mt jiittrita intkdbra bs risdtrt wi dtlttt ctrwtth chietco interior- tafrmmju- puwr of sew york has cohe 16 tbe naoxot busr people- we kaour ofooe kigk railrtd ijioi vha far a montb- tiis odled anlliv ii ctdock at night and yet las kept va isjoamd afantrot vorld ererua herudatliliuaande it pites him a m naini cssmmentsuyoq unpoviam ercat besdea a djgt blithe best aiudcsk cootemporxiy bigaiuietv i a- price 26c 8260 a year ictjtl tut clca ttfn m iw sra4tacu te2 rkv iiw of sibpiron 11 nf inltt 1 soujnfl rat winter y ii if heis not hedtwandi every arrimul that la worth ksspint btcidcrrtiuil ii 10 i kl em they till soil better a horse will do more work f 1 1 woks horse and cat tie mecilcines aretbebestintibworlal seadapostw card foruutnaxtieulars and a book ot valuable housbholi asd lam recrpet wlu 60 sent fxeev iltl iju dick i co k o wtiiuontiuut 8ola overjttciere mm i l3 y- iifl i i- v 1 1 t r it i 31- wmia