ii i tfcijc jxtott jrce pcss thursday may k ik6j che feaurtg jfolks notes here ihimiiwimibtlbltfiliiniffliffirnffir lnd there item of cnrl interett to fr prtt racr that ttcwl feetliur one year om it bir in the tun it ukhiowomiipuw hit in little kiy wllli me lie i on vr om totuy itp i onr tu toiclit muitlrwml itrt how ttr run totm to tutuoiffltp win u icad tus mimic rvlf0 wlio febne 4r eu tuy wliou otic in limtuclitrr rur lm cy icliivt mi iui ttr tcrinii of iluo sc1h to li i f ivvli new lie upne ytix oh to of thi vim tint ini j itrlii none ytt lar titfllns lrul fctij rjr 1kttv1 t to ot f artb nj iky tlin1i but ore yer cm toj only our lift iof pmc oft drlsy y if wunj nx ft r i root r miti j i true ia foiil to irrum nj itt only one it- ith furim til in thp ly iiftm cbic m fitlifiil ot inuoj i oirtr liii ifcckuinlplmrc at lut mhoi cap rr ou tcwuv wlio li one tialvktxxl it of too the tottatme ot icttoai itlrit which my bo broken ap it roo4 tonto like hoodt 8tittprili tt tken in iwo thii mfriliciuo iaviroritm the ktdueyi nd liver to remoro ih wto frora the yttctn parifie iw blood nd buiuu up iho strength dnitipitou itciuicd by low of t ho per itultio action ol the lorclt hoodi villi rttorc thii ictioo ami in vibrato the liver there it never any icavenly tnuiio in i r corny heart a vol dim fiiai hagyacd btttam kuhur of couftk ih litd with tlttcfl chudkood j8h e from cotj nd oau hlhlr toommaod it ood my mn troabbd now twelve ytacaold mm t firacttttd suand oat j tha yoanc lidj who hkbtlaally uki owder o her cliecka in d jncc of harlofl them bticted i 7bea bf brcanic mix ftea tiw bj ciaklrca bo rwuiw citlfc nfrirtercvlorta jclalforlrloria hacljafftocwtorlr klnaxda ltalmattt x in all caiea where nature of thinga be i the toronto home for incanblef rukwte ont feb 27th 183 -gentle- rnea it prveame pleasare torlet you know i have derievl creat benefit from the nee of nerviline i have been a preai iufferer from keoralia in the face and last two ye nr wai quite a martyr to the malady so aoon aa i observed the nervitine adver tised i obtained a bottle from our druitta messra john gray it co parkdale and thecffect wax marrelloai pain ceased and i can enjoy rand leep at night and ne refreshed i cannot speak too highly of it and hertrly recomrnepded it t alcxanilc steen lntil god ii beliered in everj thing he ii not to be believed in anything the third pace of the toronto dtii hail is noted for want advertiement if you want to buy or tell anything if you want a aituation a mechanic a basi nets machinery lodgincsif you have lost or oand anything or if you want to find oat where anyone ia advertise in the to ronto zxiiiy sfaii and read the tdvertise- menu oa the third pae of tliat paper the charge is tiro ccnu a word each in irtion address the hail toronto can ada kcuottcm mild but effective tired ltngatl pcopto who tack ehcrftj and appctita ariould uko bardockbloo uiicrf tltt belt onto ilijstiglhencr and parifleif extant arp yqu oeajf or do yoa a tec from nai ia iho head thca tend 3 ccit itamp aaj i will wad i valuable tretlio ccnulafng fall partkatara for noma care which cotui caraparallvoty nolhidfi a cplmdid worktja deaiaecanl the ear adjrtiarnoracuucuoatroaf atw t uaviau col- wyttt tpiiawiuilowlrwilh rhumuinifuimrtnwm 8t jaoob8 oil ia tw mvm i ctlfcc tfllhout ptln i- j lj ltr tivrt roskltt l yom btjlownto 0nt bm i it is the best iperienl ii deeded aysrt pill ire the butt they improve the ippitite restore hetlthy tction promote digittion ud regauu every function no ill u in greiter de tniod or more bichly reoommended by the profession why thould people never be frijhteued at the ippeirtuce of i fhott dectufe if it ii cbot its ppi iricce muit in the nmtteriil no winilcr why thonld it be t often repeated that it ii the tarett protnptett bett remedy wbeu doctors are knrjriied at ita effecti lawrence kana ii s a georce pat terson tell froai a etond itory window atriking a fence ijfonnd him usine 8t jacotn oil he need it freely all oxer hit hart and 1 taw him next morningat work all the clue tpott finally disappeared leav- ing neither pain ten nor twellinp k kcruixn li d canada it beins corieratolated every where on the eicellencet of her manufactures art btatned data ip prominently in the front rank of her imr rovementa thankt to mccaoaland son progress it icvery important in this ifa of vast material progress that a remedy be pleasing to the teste and to the eye easily 4sen looepubla to the stomach and healthy in it nature and effects possessing these qualities syrup of fii is the one perfect laxative and most gentle diuretic known to know some people is a standing invi tation to go to heaven painful bums bruises scalds and cau are sciekly soothed and healed by victori carviie salve mental gilts ot all dominion that one of his lam n ucrte wyebridite hti haw sold largi quan tiles of df thomas eclec trio oil it is i ted or colds sors throaty nronp c atid lo factfor iaj affectfeo of the throat it w rkt like msglo it is a sun cure for burnt vtocmdi and braises i am writing t novelette aald 11 tutiior to s frierhd why jo yoa call it k novelette became it isnt a novel yet i became oh what a cough 7 will yoa heeil the warning the tigitl perhaps ol the sure approach of that mo terrible diieate contumption ask yo tclres if 10a itn afford for the sake it sating 50oto un the risk and do nothing for it we know from jtperienco that bhilohs cure will cure voar ooagb it evr fallt j dollars whioli might otherwise be thrown away by resorting to ineffectual medicine t a saved by purchasing that inexpensive specifio for bodily ptin apd remedy for affections of tlie throat langt ttomtci liver and bowels dr thomas eclcctrto oil which diet not deteriorate and thorough and pure astoria for infanta and children k ay ossfoha enratcolic oaamrpatfoa boor stomach dtarrtki lruetatf kms worma live icfl tad proniotes k- bunnaca wonn wlieslnjirc tor twerat rears i have roeommeudeit roar oattorls and thai olrsra ponunuo to oota as it liailatariailrproduood batmoaul results eowtxffiiuiitltd kq wtnuirop ttlt 8iekt and tux av kcr york csv of toronto who for io years have labom not only to accumu late money hut to mike stained and orna- kindt a credit to the a shoemaker wit i one eye complained p did not burn one of bis ahopmatea wto ia a genuine aoa of the emerald isle claimed faith with too lamps ith actooiebment at d what do yoa want yi havent but one eye sins a year aco i waa troubled with spots breaking out ill over my body the effect of bd blood i coctulted three dif ferent doctors who gave me medicine bat did not care me i waa advtaed to try b b b ond after using two bottlet i noticed the spota getting lesc i continaed the ate of b b bwhich et tirely cured me riving trie a bplecdid appeti fiiucelfiea i woald aw no other medici ie a lady in syracaae writes for about teres years before taking aorfhrpp fc lytnaas vegetaiale duoovery and djtpep- tic cure i anfferered f rom a complaint very prevalent with our sex i waa unable to walk any distance or cuod on my feet for more than a few minutes at a- time with out fosling ezhauted but now i am thankful to ey i can wtjk twom with out feeling the least inconvenience for female complain u it has co eual people wfo have to live alone never find out who they are ofliolve pore cured diui sw 1 uke pletsure io testifying to tbe great faealicg qualities of your medicines i had the misfortune to injare my leg and through cold and neglect it broke out in a running sore my leg became inflamed and very painful and the dis charge was very offensive various reme dies failed to help me when i had the good fortune fo try your 15 b b and burdock healing ointment before i had finished tbe second bottle the discbarge had stopped ind in two weeks more my leg wu as well as eer i fttl jpttified in recommending it to the pnblic aa a cure ifonly given fair trial geo lacue fortageja prairie man mr henry graham wiugham write i was in north dakota last may and i took a bottle of norf drop tt lymans vege table discovery with me as i did not feel aafe witboat it while there a lady friend was suffering with indigestion biliousness and headache i reconjniended the vegeta ble discovery to her and she tried it and tbe result wsb that it did her to rrnch good that i had to leave the balance of the bottle with her by the obedience of one shall many be made righteous it is safe to use freemans worm pow- derr as they act only on the worms and do not injure the child worth 810 auotlle ieui 6its i have used burdock blood bitters for dyipepaia and have found it to be the best medicine i ever need j i could not eat without suffering from a terrible burning pain in the pit of my stomach i qiedfix bottles of b b b and am glad i did so or i should have been in my grave today jt completely cured me i take a 1 bottle every spring and would not be with out it if it cost 10 a bottle iuvui pedlei horley alb powder ttst8tr0mestb5t cootata pa alont anqook uac win ofany tsrfafltl fcwi effjlfttv toronto tjufc run down and gain oiepouho a day pore pfjwcered l purest a eaa equals su by w o sthonc ist het n nny irnntll tor bjrteir bosv rlula j i drnlrtt if yoa wsnttoboyors4u k farm ad vertiae in the toronto wttlkj tcall thkt paper reaches 100000 farmers hornet every week and your adve isement thorjld meet the eye ot someone wfu wants to par chase adertisemenu of bis etas are in serted in the toronto r7eesaf icnil for fives cents a word each insertion or twenty cents a word for five insertions addn aa the hail toronto canadai candor- intuited gentllman yoarn indebted to my cowardice yon youfag sooandrel that i dont knock yoa down sick headache caused bjieiceas cf bile or a disordered stomach is promptly relieved by using national pills ar i yr biftle buf dock blood bittefis t rthe guiding star to health a osry qcrkfott sororrjla bhi017shxss xt3n- bad biood rhettkatism che fotjl htjmoas jatjkdioe ispsc arming from a disordered condition of the stdmaoh liver bowels an blood ib ac s on all the orgins of the body to produce regular action iacn jurify and tone and to remove all impure accumulations oe tter from a commbn pimple to the worst scrofulous sore ancsof reliable men and women testify to its good effects in diselks is it not worth at least a trial ia your case price i for 5 or less than ic a dose b bb b a 5ais of a pjuxd a riatts tire clseoajcje wh3oaskec0isx au cas eegus to taei j that t ft fa scotts emulsion of fuse cqdpteit oil with kypophosphites of lime soda is nothlsq ckcscal this feat has eies reefoejued otxa and ovei again palatable as mdj en- ixiksed y puisiaass scotts exulsion is put i only is salkhs coloe wtarpees j sold ey all dtuc cists at ccc asd ttco scott r- bqwke btllrrillr bickles anti cobsumptive syrup is a i combination of siveral medicinal herba which eieri a most curing pulmonary ooderful influence in consumption and all other diseatea of the luucs chest and throat it promotes a free ajnd easy eipectoration and civet ease even ko the greatest sufferer conght ooldt fhartnett of breath and affectiont of the chest attended with weak ness of the digestive organs or with general debility seems to vanish under ita use ko other remedy acts so readily in allaying inflammation or breaking op a severe cold even the most obstilate coogh is overcome by its penetrating and healing properties when children ark affected with coldl codfiht inflammation of the lungs croup quiniey and sore tbeoat thib syrup is of vist importance he number of deaths among children frota thtse diseasesit truly dyspepsia has driven oan early nd even auicidal grave many a man who i he had tried the virtues of ayert sartiptnlli would be alive today and in the enjoyment of health and competence sufferer be warned in eeason and dont allow the iys- tern to run down i a schoolboard inspector asked tbe tn m- iben of a girlt sewiogcjau the other day who can tell me what baating a turkey means 1 there waa silence for a while and then a little miss sonified that the knew well what is it said the intpeo- tor sewing op the place where the stnfhn goes in was the reply alarming it is to palatable that a child will notrefoseit a id is put at such a price that will not eiclcjde the poor from its benefits a shrewd old lady cautioned her married daughter against worrying her husband too much and concluded by saying llychild a man is like an eggl kept in hot water a little while he may boil soft but keep him there too long and qe- hardens c c ricnieut k co gentlemen the top of my head was bald for seven yearn i used uinaifd8 limuent aud now have as good a growth of hair as i sver had ilts aliiebt mcka wheatly riverjp e i i have used wizards liniment freely ou my head head of hair after several yeart it ii i have ever found stanley bridge tnd uow have a good having been bald for the only btjr restorer sire c anderson ei shlohs consumption curl thw great successful rilhodt a parallel fn ii druggists are podtive guarantee cure can succetcfullk coogh sir throat for ft will care yoa crotfp or woopfdg and relief is sure ioo disease use it ft will care ask your druggist price iocu socis langf srs tore or faroas plaster uaarsta tvsoiatsat ifj consimptiok mdgh cure this consoitption cure is he history of rafdiclnc suihonaed to sell it on a at test that no other tand if yon bars a nr bronchitis use iti if yoar child has the coagh use ftprorapuy yoa dread thai insid- dontttflto yoa or cost nothing bhtlchs 0ube and iijw at roar lame asvshfloht frl btckl care forcuapiwdiiudt dear sirs i think it is a privelege to recommend hagyarda yellow oil as a c ire for chapped haudt twelliogt sore throat etc i recommend it to aor j mrs geo ward josephine onl a wag seeing a door nearly off its hinres in which condition it had peen some time observed that when it had fallen and killed some one it would probably be hung prompt potent and permanent results always come from afiltiarna aromatic quinine wine i upi ratltlons stop and having used burdock blood bitters for general debility weakness and lack of t pe tite i found it a safe cure heviiy bowaii brownsville out to listen to i devil doubt is covsujiptfox ctjeep to listen to the an old physician retired firom practice having had placed in bis hands by an east india missionary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and per manent core of consumption bronchitis catarrh asthma and all throat and iluug affections alto a positive aad radical cure for nervous debility and all nervosa cord plaints after having tested ita wonderful curative powers in thousands of cases has fell it his duty to make it kiown to all his suffering fellows actuated by this motive and a desire to relieve human suffering i will send free of charge to all who desire it this recipe in german french or english with full directions for preparing and using sent ly mail by addtcssiog with stamp naming this paper w a notes 820 powers block rochester n y johnny is just beginning fo learn geogra phy he says that the hples live partly at one end of the globe and partly atthe other he knows that it is so because ft is marked on the map j- atioardvs liniment rellcvea kouraljl ftoe surprise way you want youtj cotton linens flannels always weot ofean fnowy white you wnl tha mih don tft eatiwst the clean est the qiftcifceat the aheap est way- l 8urpri8coap khesur prfso way without belltngor oaldlng gives these results anyone hearing dogt howl sh3uld their ears fn it ii a sign of bad luck when a cut ws ihes itself and pats its bind lee stri ght i p behind its ears there will be rain pat yoar rfght i mt oat of bed first and into your shoe an yoa will have good luck that day a spider i in yon clothes in the morning is not good nek at in the afternoon or evening all s well anyone going u bed without moving the chair they kt on ast will be a tabject to the nighttaare toitcpjvtra bild will htop it from growing oq ess th same person steps back the same ray if any ouo meel s a hare or a rabbit when on a jouruiy it ia xtter to turn back unless the person turns round three times if your airs art tinging it means some one is talkjhg abo it yoo if the right ear it it something ic your favor if the left ear it is sepethit g against yoa anyone pat hi aa empty pa no should be carefal the nei moon does not thfoe m it cr else that p me will not have any thing in it aa looj as the moon doth last curious fa t about names the mm i previ lent tarnames la scotland are smith the ui me ot one person in every alitynlne mao onald one in seventy eight br jwn oi e in eightynine robert son one ii i ninet roas campbell one in nlnelytwnj tho npson one ia ninetyfive and btewsrt on i in ninetyeight one person in every welve in scotland taya sir betocwill mawer to one or other of these seven namep thousan 3s in rewards tha qrejat we klycomnetlon of tho lejdles i- orris magazine rogui dark d 16 and jtfrtou i ds will insert teeth at is per sal for neit threa months extraction free filling always ohhintheboy teete teeth tee1tk for the nest tbrce mootlii mjxi tnd mjo per itt- perfect fit gntrtnttad ad beet qoiiitr dstirto qradoata ot toronto sclicol of dentistry and koyal collirci of dental surgooua oftick kert eott offlca acton cct c ld8 actaarda ltalment relieves aeoraitla soi vit on top the comet bicycles call and see me or write for trices and terms wheels sold on easy payments 5atfsprffggb iopper wyudham st gqelph watch chains we have m strong and handsomely made rolled gold plate watoh chains especially adapted for boys and youag men send lliemto as with a two dollar bill give him a wearable chain rr railway time 1 al llilkil m iii 2 worth of pleasure for that son of ybtirs skkge co watchmakers tad vswsusn i auelehonx watch chains -4- jphk speigiilfc bn f oar stock of furniture is now complete for the spring trade and we can supply j- article yoawant at ihe lowest possible prices iwe dont steal oar farnifare nor de raud any onein its trjanuracture but we pay cash for it and cao sell as low for cash my dealers in the trade i f we can give you a t j 1 1 bedroom set complete for 4 wove mattresses for 4 springs for 3 stdefaoardsat coat lounges for 750 extension tables 7w j chairs at any price i underthkilslc r t we can give yoa a fall line ot coffins caskets robes etc always in oak afactioii aa to pricea we desire to impress upon the pablic- the act that we have no ji uection with any oombinatiba and oar prices are not governed by the undertakers aai xiation we can give yoa the best the markets afford at very reasonable prices j coodhearse and outfit for funejrais i ill sipioht tx sq bigsle t i of i dress r goods i and new j jo spring gojocls arriving daily at wm mcleopa0 ceorgetpvvn we are openina oot aeaps of i new dress goodsin millitjery j new priutes satieha as pide as t silks pew prwfs new statjee new sewed rauslia etabroidefies new mualinfi new corsets l f cloths tor suitings new gents furriiahings ncwxarpets new curtains new readymatte clothe- ing new boots and shoesi aw we have determincdj to bare a uigsaleof dress goods the prices of the said gods wbre frptn 35c to 65c and thiy jshalr be sold all at 25c per i yd- come early atid secnte first choice big- bargains dont rniis it onr millinery opening will be an- pounced shortly dressmaking jsrit class i tailoring nothing in canada to belt us we have a big choice stockprea right and we are anxious to dolbtisideus patronage respectfully solicited the mammoth w i t dljones mcchanicaugcneral woqdengravinc m0 king st easttoronto send hi ai yqur order for anyclass of vood engraving yottj desire whlchlord in this advertisement spells the same backws a as forward this it a rare opportunity for every madam and uiss every fath r andi son to secure a splendid ferize wazaiirpirzs every week throughout this great oompe iition frizes will be dis tributed as folhws i the first oorrect answer received the postmark date on each letter to be t aken as the date received at the office of t ie ladkt home uajadni each and every i eek dariot is32 will get m0 thi ieoond lorrect ankwer i0o tho third ffbbrth a beautiful silver service fifth fivi i oclock s lver service and the next 60 comet answ will get prhass ranging from 3s piwn ic 12 every fifth correct answer irreipeci iva ot whether a pciza winner or not rill get a tpscial prize compel iters resit ing in the southern state well as other distant points have an equal chance wi a those nearer home as the poatnjark wil be our authority in every o- rolts each ist of answers must be accompanied by 1 to pay for lit months sabacridtion to one iof the beat home magsanes in am rics sarraixcrs the ladia flame ilaga uie is will able h carry out its promises patetboaroagh canada timet a splendid paper a 3d financially- strong hastings canac a afar every prize winner will be su e to receive just what he fa entitled to t orwood canada reguier honey should b ten by pott office ordir or registereil lett r address the ladkt llpme magailite peterborough canada 32 packages of nw qpodseeqeivodttiis week at the rlbrt hovs p contlttiug qf 2 caies ladies chitdreai iftites and gents liile hose 1 cue eiadiea and hisses silk and lisle gloves and alltfes silk uittt 1 case ladies shawls i cite ladies cloth tor uaotles i case cuhmere hose 1 bale i aaa ladies and aeotscolitrs and caajl bale erinu 3 ases of corsets 1 caae se sateens cases dress goods s bales orossleys saper or tapestry carpets s iets 5 rolls china matting i bale felts 1 bale heavy sail dock i ease carpel sweepers ladies will please remember thai cora btoami looten and pall oat the file ot all carpets thkt have looped faces by hamilton ifay 1th 1892 pfm cotwvb a the knots or stems catching in the loons and rawing themjoat wliila the bissell carpet sweeper never injures carpets in the itut watkin8 has a variety gf 3arpet sweepers at variod8 prices ahij even the lowest priced will hot injure the rja pet in the least and will cleah it off perfectly and is h0ch cheaper than br00h8 as 3ne will last for seven years and theif wwjll boy if new brush for it and it will e all riqht for seven years more and not cost onehalf what broomswould cost for b 7eepino carpets fob u year8 besidfi thtsi cabpet8 will last about twice as long if 8 ept by ajgood sweeper as the brush does not wtac the carpet scarcely at all the various stocks of fine fashions is goods suple goods carpels ot the very newest tyletiaadjbett maka hats ruga floor oilcloths window cuftainaand windowi fixings fa gieat variety table and piano covers mahtjeandulsiercloths tweeds moleakihs cordurope and an imoat endless variety of woven andlfancy goods millinery- and maiitle trimmlnga in great variety andvery latest styles thj corsetsj have an enormous sale watkihs has to order from one to three cases of th 2m almost every week do not forget the otfeen victoria corsets whtch are now in stqc c and will haive a lady from- new yore to show them more perfectly from may 5th to the i2th pteabe enter at the new stqrerlorner king street eatt and hughfon street i- 1 1 1 r thokas b waeeriisrs i mcleodco- oeorjoetowjs- i iwvth 20 ntcas bxood jponnnsa j soe he isnot healthy and sound err anrm al tharis worth keepiac over vtnter idhavebicxsbioosprnirnbam tbe spring ii will tak leaa food to keep them in ooadluon tfcer itui fell batter i dicks horse and cattle medicines i i are the best in t eworld r- send afpostal card orfnu partiealars and a book ot valuable bonaebola and farm eeefpe mil bo teat free dick co p a box isj uosnusait 8old overywher l- ei 11 i can furnish you with the best ressesfor country news and job workto be hid jn this coiihtry and at lower prices thkn for any othsr new cylinder press j 1 to hctontrlmd see our improved cotintry prouty press vaai stab yoh man with a mean letter while he is on thi road wait until ho gets home then pat 01 the toves with him and have it oat the fsrie press is printed jn the above rress and the work illustrates is mvjrits mo i5dddrum cylihc eir press tan do better newspaper or poster work i the better we like it it it simple easy to ran he proaty for eight years ai d the longer we raojit the tt little for repairs and ifeajy on the printer s pocket book we call if the best press to tie had eel moat at home in the special pars given to offioe mi thews block aston iy tifcsijasjftjil uy on y i in the woril coma and tea oar eresaat work if yoa detfrejamplet of work send for them andwe jwfll jladly furnith hi 5sm we have ran ihf 1 tq handle coats ay for the money them we can give yoa yoar choice of a numb r ot different aizas and styles ofbresees at all prices r think of it 1 a new 8 col folio or 5 coljqfq power presslfbr only 6ci 0700 or an 8 colbojok presp for 800 full particulars from agent foi panada actpm out aysjiii iws prottdenee tclebmsnfa t pleases everybody ihier frances w niard- the bdaht- at outlook window in qlritts3msoiftviofbsit ptmpwi waltossa boos oprahh npeand to ibc iwsyi the lazy laad uie the conarcpatjionajlat has no peer tn originality of deai iccnracyof dsion ihorouilineain taljiokjioianitra lu micniuvcaiamarlam busy people ejteul who for a moouv 0 i yort lu come to thertscueol we knew of one klrknormd oclock atwht anebiyarss- o current world eventa he rs it pivcsiin a ninnine commci events besida a direst of u cootemporary ma t tfioe 26c ss50 a year snttacm the kbview ofbbvibwb ii- jf vi a i i- f 1 r m ii v3 ck tf lh i 5 r zzste agww muismniimtosiimim i