Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 2, 1892, p. 4

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the acton jim vcss thi rsllai h m thr floiing folks tin iu i i km iiri n ftlo 1 lllo t n l 11 kl l il r t i 1 ic r rn i n r c i i i 1 1 tr r i k m t 1 t i 1 i r i 1 t t r m i oft r i i p t om rr wl rvr c ft il ft f to r 1 if v ftt c t i ic 1 1 1 r r i 0 rifilt fata1l in jure d b a snv notes here and there i- item of general interest to frco press readers 1 u in lli ljlltutnl i the lri i he t mh tin pcrfcil safe j uilh li i u 1 1 1 mat tl c hie ii iml iruit laiativi ri i 1 1 in un li r all lm lilinim tllakr il ll in li r it imcl ll i lea i ant u llio cc ai 1 t till lnln m i lie let elect ill n aetint i lllekiliof va r mill i mu tin liiitl 11 ft in 111 i w vi rasa ivnim m llircl i i in in the numb i iell li ijn i ml niit 1 lit sc ursl 1 i ii lrc 1 upii mill ip till lr srll a lam ad i lerlite in tliotor nlo hrtlh m ul that 1 paper rcichffi 100 h0 1 arniem liomra l eer neck and naur aidicrtlfeinei t should meet the hi if rineoile ttho want to pur lcha0 kdrrlibrnienl of tt m elann are 11 i mrted n ll e t n i i ii i l i fi r 1 lie el ifi a uirl eat 1 msirli it it twuill c el is a in rd fir tl p llmerti i 1 lrops i thr mail toronto cariala 1 1 c i i l 4i i ai rtful i tl r j1 tin tiivtri tr tin era i u allow the h 11 ulilli ri han 1 of i ndon 1 i l i conic li tana la s mi mintrcal jf ntlcim i had r xpfl t 1 1 fat tilt bal d an 1 lahi i uir urn 1111 111 l mil ion w ll it when ribr imt pi t m h- r it hbtdi n il r thkuho hra mumirclift l tfnea aae tuul lmlrcs the ravo uiei uwri thr nllilerftll sliced j ot hood a barnapinlla a bldod purifier eulillea it to jour confldotioe no other preparation ha audi record lot cures ol ren liil salt rhoum illood poisoning or oilier bloo1 dikoasi lo tr it 1 to know hi merit 1u ure to iet hoods samapar ill 1 t itrnl lamili lalhartk ko eonll ilililh rei mm end hood pills i tin j sin ill he in inn home tucdiclno cbest a mm lann horse line taken in hand hi a usance committee oouoludeil tbat this in rid is all a lump tie shdw liumumuu ilraccbridc utiles hr thomas lelectrie oil 1 iho best medicine 1 sell ii ahvais gives eatistac lion and in cases pf cough colds sort thrmt ac immediate rillef has ixin receued by those who use it thin aro inoro men non luttlk who hie hem i on ii i il tl bate bill than there an left i those uoiuilcj in iho entire mtxual m r aro you doaf or do ou buffer from tiolbgs in iho head then tci j 1 cent stamp and 1 will send a i alnable troutse oonulning fill ptrtleultri lor hotoe outt wlilch cou doraptrtttrety notlimr a splendid work on deafnets and linear ddrceipior q itkai montreal a loiuis ladi ipnlant olten depend uiiou her onii quahtie than upon the stco of her farther s bank account thirty years jultiuton k b march it 1ss9 i u istroubliil for thtrtj jtari w nil pntns 111 ttij lick winch incrtibcj and became vcrj bad i used st jacobs oil itul t einiiktel cured i iic it ill prust m m 1 ot t ma oniv mar rrv 1 fr ii ibt oli c n tr nimrj u fm r3 11 hnlbort mcrrfeld 6ivrillatmokt uagrcb 1 it j oer tl e tc l iiv i 1 e i 1 m bali1 c el upeu it h b le iras jl e an 1 le d ed a few l t later k 1 cajael cle t plcct c b le c ad odeed 6 cia 1 r mpl i re eled b c- a vatic iiri- b i 1 t q 1 a 1 a turt e arr 1 a e tjf u 1- a lul i ico n 1 aelt ar an h rv r hinajd ftltnlmcnt fur rhcumatitm k u u tn m riicup w rtte ffn ciri bf rr tkinp ll th u i t c r ft c j n i qf fccil r c t n tic pfirht od don t cat l en inr t t it is simplv to tpplv i cl m r i uric n i itractor rr i r t re l 0 c cm t renifl n thnji a1 iat 4f j1ij1la tkt onl i t ftn i wru r nbtnt northrop 1 n ii e othe i fcoiert m d i pf p i r ure i m trrtre j rom a conl la nl er j rvmilet t n tl ur si i wtvb unable to walk ft dflarcc or etai d on ui iet for more thai a few mmr tb rt a lime nitl oji feci in j pxhai tt d l at now i an tl at kful t 6m i car walk two miles witl jt leelii t tbe lul n cor ci if dcc 3 l r f alp r mli il 1 ba- i o p la ll ma j tl iv flwull the i ixtalti u j esfb al tl c 1 i l uci era clc tion i lirii mr ta r mr 1 js nt w 1 c ter ibf uou of 1 f i win cc it i lire l 1 c j irt cauxtts pure powdered i mrs m kydhr right i st mobs oil bio it t kvl v v v castoria avvwl k ror infants and children caitorluowr ladrxltociiilitntiiix rpcommtcd itucu erlor to tny prascripcioo tnowdtome ii a aicrm ii d ul bo orlt ril bt drwtl n v thr us of catforiftls wunlrcral and mrrlta bo if ell tn wn tht it twna a work endorteit few crothfl rho iu not tewp outort of fupreroeljon t intelllcfqt illl within ciwy itaeh lto rator blooml 11 i i it i ii i tii 1 11 a lm t bs tct i r deilc ut-ier- i 1 uriasce eja 1 jropi a loadt 1 h jx b s 1 it ixst c mb nut rl rf ulu ronat c l tl s fcurt f 1 umat li ct nie j t i lie fhf o obt t u 1 s 1 t l ifout us tic tit r- is co rllted eo prrnft cd at thf eanf dmr ufllual at j p tatatit ais l ibjrn s od i er ui 1 mulfc u mr tl id i cr and wll l1 i the ittt and f hi t c i n t u rem tjt irtc j btjj 1 1 1 t i t io bl irooio ufulhl h r ekat lye purest 8trohgest best ndf lor u- in nrq amity fnr mtttcc bocj ficnln wiin 1 7 b ft i a hundred oth mes acanpiiual i istnit la uu bj vi era drtjceutt 2 w oiuij tt i 11 mieeiti ii hi const i alio ib meant irregular action cf il i boutlr- oiut called coticneb ami c mnioih canned b dpepflib neglect txctss i eatint or drinkmj tc uni crrtiu fuccccsful rrmcd ib iluniock blood knur 1 itl if failhfull tried neser fan- to tftect ft runpt and ustiiir cure c ii the orst ctiseb the follow ril ci trt ironi a letter from mr jb m carton banff nut will speak for itself i hae bten trouurd with constipation and ctttral 1 b i l aud was induced to aw our i h h thr ub wcint our adver ben ci l 1 i w take tret pleasure in rt on wv aitf tl to all nn frienda as it cc tu lei cured me m in l m- lo m i b iu ut to cbrut n aittr 1 w utile it u if ou desire a absolute free frorr punf gur blood nc i sc guelph k lirfst and ifinc cicjtb hall tch tweed suitings iiita it abhortintnt shown shaw grundy mercwt taliors csvctarfa cure oelle ctooihpauoti bout slmnacb dtantira exueeallon ellla worma tdto alep and pruiuolea dl i ljonesi mechanical general wood engraving h king steasttoronto send him your ureter for any class of wood 1 engraving you desire wli uuout tnjurti nua mmlicatloa caoa harm d ii fl ncworlcttt i jdate eeiohnol church for aorrral rnini i hard racoinmrn 1 i itotiroaatorla and shall always corttruoi do ao a tthaa lntartalilj producod benefldul pcsulta t dti f paacn u d tbo wlnlhrop ljsth 8urot aad ill ro seork city uall fi uall i 4l railway time table grand trunk railway oiv j v j t us 1 i ri j ui 11 ai r pi a c ncr flsi na mail i mlifl tcrci it liatr llfli 11 liatr 6 if fdi 1 1 n r in in vii ii- ul i it 1 1 hi j j i ul i n 10 i r i at j j i i in titjic tabic ren lut itc ojueccajlier tn clxtice ookpjlmt 77 uurtat tet ksw yokt beiutitul complexion pitnplca and blotclief bj the uso of aver i hirsapanlla lcn3tetbo cause of these bc skin will take cro ou get vcr a barsapar diifiurcmcnt and of itself he lure ilu a uowl formii following repolutio permitted to drink native beer or tout 1 v a r tl i re if ll a a tvat tl t m nit c rat jarifs c jetc r i lift ir ll r i i 1 1 p b ut i a i rr l 1 lit t 7 f bad b 1 i c ej tt 1 three dif ferent 1 clor v 1 o ta e rat rmjic ut bui r t i at r j tl e sat fact n ai i cral f it f emu 1 a ot of one wbo v e t t e mr v masnc editor of tl sr- h ford f f t i t ad e frorr a farltner tc ie month withoat tk s ul mo c a l rtuef fr ra the pain wl r i fbbej ilc kcee thoroujih for tt r to w it t jacdb e oil tt at ei1 t i trat ej 1 miles b rftiwa t ex da i walved mile and tie ra i bad e tirejt c appearei i hate lcc lid the tl cbtttt re ltl of l ce iat d hacftt a o d res dent of kmc t emplcved as niht watchmar od tre teater j artan fe 1 it t- the dn dok rk juiaj m n irt and wif drowned i e j b ha 7 i- 1 rt ce write i 1 art rrtl pleat- jrem tetif nc lo the com e9ec6 wli h i htie eipr euctd froii the c6 of nortl r i a l rran e ecetable lip cofcr for ifrpp ia for avtral eare near j a 1 k nds of food fermented od rfi j ittscl to tbat afitr tat i c i lid er dietreu d aat cjcb bat from tbe t me i cottperoerd the ue of the ecetatle li cotrv 1 ob d re i ci be i j s 1 fe6 ordered for hrr iv- er k it fl iris r rr tr n i lu rt r i h o 1 of ibe s l ie t e 1 of li 11 li alilut rt nie a t 1 i j 1 1 appttp use no other me cire lw ed id b b- lit i nol ccj lt i uij tl o ue in j m l ui t cu ud ai ad ilx i congratulated even where o ll t i ice ik i ct cf htr mmiufacuirud ut u uj cdtttb 16 jronnnenllv in ibe rui t rai k of her m rt vemtut thanks to mc aufi at 1 vi son of toronto io for 1 tar have labored not only to accurnu lit- m ev but to nuke sumod and urna me ta glass of all kinds a credit t the ixmitnot j i i e v r 1 it si i believe that tin is buck na lobg fti it pat well a some i children i groiviny too fast become listless fretful without ener gi thin and we fortrfy md build i them upi by theluse of i scotts emulsion of pure cos liver qh aho hypophosphites of lunxfl and boda ptuttile milk i a peetemttl or i cire or torofls ob colds n both 1 tkioidmd toukgit is cttqwlleo j genome mtit by scott a bowne bftletll- 1 salmon wrapp al all drvfsisu 50c ani tl 00 lius f lull v l c i co ct i frt it r j to bad v tl at litdt 1 r e iot t a carrim irnnfr i an v t p 1 minmih lin i ii t fr t tvid -i- i oar cc i 1 use lr r v tl tr j lm ho a rxt mi nt ur filfr mars f m1nai i f lin1 ti r ur 1 e cat lumbago bua c u i j t i hajv rd e e o i i a i t o ttur remedv fir t j 1 i m s i r tit- red from relief i t i tired i mjr khv i iitid juje i f s un ivl o i j ih 1 oi t itep rn 11 i i i mjiios mil in j jlucai rtrtifron prut ice i av 1 1 al j so 1 1 it- 1 at if bv ar i fct ildia mite oi tr tl f rilula of a eimple testable remtd i r tr- er d and per rrartnt cere of c j rrti i broncbu s cfctrrt k ma dr d all ll r at and lmjij affctiorp alvi a poeitiw and radical cure for ntr u dfbiiit end all ntrvoue com p air tf afu r liamnc leetexl ite odderfal curalfve kwtre li thjufaudb of catefi hai fdl it his dut to mik it known to all lm elfltr ic fell wf c oated i this motive tt d b def ire to reliee bamad iiifferm i will ter d frte o tl artt to all who desire il ii is rcc pe ir german i rtneb or li pluh with full dirtctulb for prcfivriofi dd u t stntlv rrafbv aidreh tk nth fttmj i an it tl is psiper wan n i wert hi k i hletr n mu r i i ii li nil hi ft i 1 ave iat j v i it e txbt rot t l lnrtf r te 1 bt ifci al l i it c liurdo v i n d we cnu njw cvrcbider at i fit d teae there re j rocilv f eentimnt e j f anadli n r uaunc d b iter ilit verv best llxi p r f er djhrqii and htaduche tmukiv ant- t t tral loi ic rei ova ting med i e before the r ubhc lhoui1 ink mtt fi nj a broker i other mn tvtt propounded o roanv fcto k lutallu lucwir ul wc 1 t look into the future inlut hi fnt c rise jut nces that follow n i eclectetl cold ho jifierenth would onr coarw be conld we realim our dancer how fpeedih we would seek a enre bat wihniauv it ii oul when the monater d st le has fastened its fane opon car twns thai we awaken to our foil what follows nccltctcd cold it it nol diteatea of the throat au 1 lunifi bronchltia aathma coubixnii tiou and inanv other dietasee of like nfciure it ib none than madness to oeclct a cold mil il ia folh dot to hae bom ficxy remedv available for ibn fre qutdt complaint one of the jnom efiiea ci tn mtdigintfc for all dibeafceb of the throat and lungs ib bickle e anti consump live hvrup tins medicine is compoed of beveral medicinal herbe which exert a mod wonderful influence id curing con gumption and other diseases of the longs and cbtst ii promote a free and tae ex pecioration boothea irritation and unvea the diteapt from ihe bjatem ilcaveu wnidoh are alwavi open to those who art ullv iruelin the third paee of the toronto deny moil if noted for want advertintmentn if ou wnt to buv or sell anthinj k vou vaut a situation a mechanic a busi ntei machinery lodcinci if ou hae lost ix ound ai ihinu or if ou want to find oul wl ere at jotie ia advcrtim in the to ronto daily mini and read the advertise menu on the th rd pate of that paper the charge is two cents a word each in bertion addreap thf si ul toronto can ad a proe her hatmlit smiling bell ll on her i ins jiu hurch ha ihe no member shall be the uhie man e groor t u ith hia lipb n mckae webndce wnten i have cold larca quantiti of dr thomas 1 dec trie oil it it usee for colds sore throat croup vc ai d in nct for tuiv affection of the throat it work like matic it ih a sure are for bunif wcinu ai 1 bruiecb the salvation ann m hiusas cit wouldu t let a irl join it ranks until she jumped out of a f coud 6tor window to thousands in rewards f 5d any art she m now known as hribltai who in ol d wonder n welland a representative farmer saeaks il ib safe lo u t jretman u vi orm pow dtri- as tl e n i j 1 o ll w nn and do njt m jure ll c c irl w nrre u oti 1 o ai d ihtt uulwer wrote nilht a 1m n n bj t dickens wrote all the ear kjund oh what a coukh w ill vou 1 ctd tbt wan ul the nnal i erl ai o ll t ir af rocl of 1 1 a i tr ore it rr bk iim b rtumitici afi jour klvrh if v tar afl rh f r the take of lavmc to runtht rnk ai tl d nothing for it we kn from eikricnct that 81 ilol cure will cure jour eoueh it purest strorfiest best coctiic co alca xmmooic time 1 phoipftttfit oc axy iraal s consumption cure ihi giu at colgh ctlltl thu autmbfifu conkumption i uli n without a parallel n the hutorj of medicine all druetfl are 4uthoned to uil it on t positive guarantee a tt thatuo other cure can bqccefftly ftand if you have a coo kb fi re thrott nr bronchitis um u for it will care o i if jour child bee thtj croup or w hoopi jg coujh ow it promptly and relief ia cure zf ou dread that maid ioiib dueaec conbuuition don t fail to uft it il will cu e jou or cwt nothing afikyourdrttiiai for 8hil0h h cukb price locti 50cu add fl 00 if yonr lungr are aore or back lame usetshtlohs poroui placter jku kinard ilnimrit i tb- ilrft it fcot er w here ezc j itvrk m lob h lime rij1 t ovtrl ead mr c haun the following omarkat lo facti are f all oertifled to as be ng nndcmabh corroct in ercr particular mr ilaun ih tll known in tle ticinitj iiwing resided 1 ero over fifty ycara and is highly respected as a man of the stnc est honor whoso word is tva good as hib bind aa vail bo s wn from his letter four phjhiciinb hs4 ittcnded hfin and it was onu after he hid gien up hope of cure that ha decide to try burdock blood painful burni cruises tcalds and cuts are juickl toothed and litaled bj iclori carbolic balve lake the moi ev oul of the wl iskev bubi ncsa and it couldn t live a tear mother gruveb wtrtn i xiermiuator jiai no e jual lor dtetrt mil worms in children adults bee that jou get the genuine and when j u chabidl w hen a vount mau and hit best tirl et into a bhiul bj theniflelvea it is remarkable how the will mix lip oscillation with osculation boils carbuuclcft and eluptionb of all kindn are nature a ft jrts to throw off poieon from t lie bl od tbip r htilt nav be ac comphshe i much more efftcluaf a tvi ii ae atreeabl ilirouh the proper txcretorj channels bv the ueof ayer b harbaparilla you want your cotton llnons flannels always sweat clean snowy white w you want tho wash done the easiest the clean est the quickest the cheap est way surprise soap the surj- 0 prlseway without bolllngor scafdlng gives tfroso resutti tfeetii the credit weekly com petlon of the ladles home magazine which word in thu advertisement spells the same backward as forward this is a rare opportunitj for ever madam and miss every lather and feon to secure a splendid prize w elm i piulh 1 verj week throufrout thib tjreat competition prize will be dis tributed au follows the firbt correct answer reeeued the post mark date on each letter to be taken as the date received at the office of the i alien ilvmr va a nr each and every week dannfi 12 will get 200 the second correct anbwer 100 the third 50 fonrth a beautiful silver bcrvice fifth live o clock biher service and the next 50 correct answers will prizes ranging from 2j down to 2 everj fifth correct answer irrespective of whether a pne winner or not will get a bpccial prize c ompctitors residing in the southern btate as well as other distant points have an ejual chance with thoe nearer home as the postmark will be onr authontv inoerv case itnr- 1 ach list of answers mubt be accompanied bj 1 toiaj for pix m mths j eubscnption to one of the beet homo magazines in america j llmiimis- the a ir- 1ti n tii is well able to carrj out ita promisee icterbourouh canada 7 i ir a splendid paper and financially strong hastings canada slur bvery prize winner will be 6ure to rtceive just what he entitled to norwood canada rrgtktrr monej should be sent bv post office order or registered letter ddrcss the atliet fi m 1ji au peterborouth canada a man who was creating a disturbance at the salvation army barrackb in inmpec on sundav had hia jawbone broken by the fist of one uf the soldiers named itham bmndel i d 6tirion l i s will insprt teeth at i i j and 8 per het for next three months lxtraclinn free special care riven to failing jfiice matthews i lock acton juat arrived a tine aeortment of i loer potn at t ii hai un grocer bloarls luximcat reliovca neuralgia john speight son nderthktnc ar btock of 1 ardiluro is now mmplete fdr tho bpridr trade tn wo ctn copply cle jou want at the lowest posubla rinoes wo dont itj our tornitnre nor delraac au one in its manufacture but wc nay cash for it and can tell as low for cub ealers m the trade i c can gic jou a bedroom set complete for st4 wove mattressajs for s4 springs for 3 sideboards at cost lounges for 750 extension tableis75u chairs at any price undgrthkinc k full lino of coflins caskets robesj etc always in stock we aa give joa satiefi tiou a lo prices fte desire to impress upon tho public the fact that are have no couuei ion uih ans tonibuiation and our prices are not governed by the undertakers association q can give ou the best the markets afford at vereasoqible prices cood hearse and outfit for funerals v speight st son oldest tho drug in gjlelph store bitten on th recommendation of neighbor who h id bee i cured of a bimilar disease by its ec mr hun writes ai follows deab bins 1 think i have been one of the worst aul r yon hato yet heard of having been tx jears in tho hands of four of onr best doctors without obtaining perrafcnent relie t but continually growing wortse ontil balnobt bejontj hopo of re cov en i tried four bitterb and got relief in a few dajs lvcry oriati of my body was deranged tw liver enlarged hardenod and torpid tho icrrt and dicsti o organs benousfy derani c a lrgo dbscesa in my back followed bv ptraljaisl of the right leg in fact the owcr half of my body was entirely uselcs i 1 after o3ing burdock blood bittera 1 ar a few dayb tho obbces buret discliarg ng folly fivejquarts of pus m two boors l felt as if i bad received a shock from a owerful battery my re covery after th a as steady and the cure permanent see ng that for tho four cara binco i have ha i as good health aa ever i had i btill tal d an occisional bottle not tbat i need it 1 ut bccauee i wish to keep my system in perfect wording order i can think of i0 more reijiarkablo case than what i hae myself passed through and no words cj n express my thankf ulnesa for suoh porfoc recovery c c hajt wpuand p 0 in this oonn otion tho following letter from t cumin s lsq a leiding druggist of welund on speakfl foritself meiers t mill txrn co toronto gettlehen i have boeji personally acquainted wit 1 mr c 0 haun for the last 20 ears mdbatealwm8 found him averyxchablo an loumay plac4 the utmosj confide ice in anything ho says with regard to our modicine he has on many occasion v l thin tho ljsst four years told me that it tvaa marvellous the way the burdock bl od bitters lad cured him and that ho noi t felt as ablejto do a day 8 work as ho evei felt in ins hfo although quito kell ho till takes eomo b b b occasionalh a he sa6 to keep him in periecj health y ore truly tlloluh lciftklls welland ont tho steadily dcreablngsilo of d b b the length of t me it has bpen before tho people and tb ifact that it cures to atay cured attest he bterlingj merit of this monarch of met icines the pooples favorite- blood purifier 5nic and regulator big sale i tress r qoods r spring gcpods arming daif at hi mcleod cos j ceorgetowni we jie opening out heaps ot new drestroods new millinery new printed sateens- as nice as silk new print- au staples new sewed muslin erribi oidenes new muslin new corsets new cloths tor minting- new ents fuiuiliing new carpets new curtain- new readymade cloth ing new boors aud shoes also we hae determined ta have a oigsale of dres goods tueprices of the said gxiods were from 35c to cjc and the shall be sold ail at 2oe per jd 5mc earl and secure first choice big bargain- don t miss it qox milliner opening lll be an nounced shorth diessmakmg first cla- tailornvfr nothing in canadi to boat u- yc have a big choice stock pticei right and we ireiirious to do business pationage respectfull solfcitfed the wrammoth i e ou ever been inside of smiths drug store the nct time ou come to guelph come to us our drugs prescriptions perfumer c w g smlfh sco th i r if i w meltod co geoegetotth dispensing ctiemists guelph ont 32 packages of new goods received this week at ight house f cotisibluii of 2 oases ladies chililreu s 1 case ladies and mlfeies bilk mills 1 case printed muslins 1 case farmture fringes 1 cal ladles and misses ilat lease elvetb 1 ca iisseb mid gents lile ilose 1 ci se ladies and missea silk aud lisle gloves tes shawls 1 case ladies gloti for mautles 1 case caclimere hose 1 bald ladte9 and gents collars and caffs 1 bale prints 2 cs6es of corsets 1 case- sateens 2 cases dresb goods i ibales crossleys superior tapestry carpets 2 bales crosble s luejualled ainiinisur garptfj t rolls clnua matting 1 bale ielts i bale heavy sill dack 1 cite carpet beepers ladies will please remember that gsm brooms loosen and poll out the pile of all carpets tbat have looped faces by the- knots or stems catchinc in ihe loops aud drfcme them out wl lie tho dissell carpet sweeper never injures carpets in the least watkins has a najihti or cllur t hl lplhs at auioub prices anu e ek the lowest puigld will not inilkl ihe gaint in thl li ast and will clean it off perfectly and is mijgii ciilaplil than duoomb ab oti w ii l last toll si en yeus and then 50c will buy a mv brush for it and it wili brl all right i or slin i ears more and not cost one half what ilkoomh woi ld cost for swklping caupltb tor 14 itars bhside this carpets will lafet abolt twice b long it sw at all the various stocks of i me frashionablc goodt btaple goods carpets uf ihe ver newest stales and best makes hats ruts floor oilcloths window curtains and w indow 1 nines m crcat varietv tk tweedt moleskins cordurops and an almobt e dless anet of woven and tan creat tarietv and very latest stvles thl from onl to thru car1 8 01 till corslts which ar1 now in stock moiu phtttctli i rom m and hoghson street hamilton ma lib 18ji orbits hal an lnoiumus sale watkins has to order j almost 1 1 r wi lk 10 notiorgltthe queen mctoria an li will ii vm ladli from nlw liork to show them t bl a good swllplr ai the brash does flot weir the carpet scarcely lit ble and piano covers mantle and ulstergloths goods millinery and mantle trimmings in th to tl e i th pi i asl i n ri it u thl nlw stori corner king street east thomas o watkhsts printers i can furnish ou with the best p countn and at lower prices than for esses fur ctuntr news and job work to be had in this other new cylinder press gotce to hcton rkd see our improved un country prouty press 110 the i kars u tmst r m tn in lcct l osaixa vekism ksle xral tcfml f- 1 4 1 eusr mm ix pleases everybodf kin francct wluard tcbtigfct- est odbofc window is chritcpdckii fecbuy protldeacc tcteptafti- tdthe barj the uiy mi the ccoacnual frlio poiurcsattcaalucttaid6nthfy his no peer m onfjiiuli rf desalt scope zad iccuracj of vistoa 4hoctcess in eitxutlar odth f is txiijfi u rttje-i- rtcimajbrftscwtrtl clxtctta laterlor tc rrtcv tf ke- rstci new or hai ccce 13 tie rescteof trjy people we fcnow of ens tin raurva v ti who foe j cwmh hs orki anui ii o clock at nifjhu ard j et ius kep wefl icforrned of current world eeits he reads tha magnac it ctveshirlamriincoss caidpcrtia cvcnte hcsiuca a digest the bcsc uuitet in coqacapcarj inararnes prfoe 20cr82leaa year str tessevhxofseviewli ri t scientific aneriaui agency for k caveats trade marks oesion pattnts copywomts to for infareatlon and free handbooa- write to klw t co a bbmokat kmr yoe oldest bureau toe secorinc patents la america erery patent taken outbxus la brotmht belcifl tbe pobllo lir a notice given tree ol cuarg la lie larcmt rtrcntattan of any kifnufc paper lotba itotd snnrtdlt lllnstrated o lmulitt nan rhoum be vlthosl it v eeklr s3qo a fat tlso fir noniia kiiis mt3w z lhuuaxlabroad teeth the pkll prlss is printed i mo 1500 drum cylind n the above press ind r press can do better 1 wc have ran the irouty or eight years au easy to handle cocti little for repairs and iaess to day or the money come and see our press the lonfitr we run it tho better vp like it it is simple jy to run eaay on typ on the printer a pocket book we call it tho beat press to be had tu the world i them we can give you your clwico of a uurnbe o jiflerent si and styles of piuses at all prices tpl1 th or tli 1 jl 600 wr ft be6tqu llty d3ti qrcdtate of to koyal col omcr next i tqn cxt tlirei urkct f outokeljool el 0 of uutl burgeons ot oittce a l oijtllb 0 0o tlj t guaranteed tud ld8 i of dentlitrj aud think of it a new 8 col folio or 5 col to power press for only 6oo to 700 ton t work if you desire sample of work seud for them tud wo will gladly furnish or an 8 col be ak press tor 800 full particulars from h p moore the work illustrates ltlanents ewspaper or ppster work age it for canada acttfn 0t duftatm bakiimo powder thectjorissestertekt i apgeet je in cn1p i- if- siiaro tltc att ertuemeiit sloll the riisiueas tnil is the contio aloptect dur inj alrrii weather by thpatandt orrreu who would uoteujoj heme informed that tbej were arnthiob bat clear headed icanaeri it is howeieta fact bat those nerm rnen who uvo sdiartisiug space m abandauco flurilr the tummer moatha secure business- which would not otherwise be theirs to- tlecp dutins the raouthi ot jane july august auo september secrot suicidal uontensa it may be the old fashioued melhod but buitues certamlv should not bo douorioitoa auy audi jmliqualed basis lue nun u i pretty fast that ihosa iuo adver ue obtain tlio ttfde laud thoie who dire to lecace trida all the year must advertise id the sure- m as welln durtirg lie bsilane ct the jer i 1 1

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