Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 16, 1892, p. 2

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borv sutuuk aetaaofi the 111 bit ili ifeecifcitirackamrt asn j kuonrtn gacihn tlii- mh iiw the 0 tj moore filidps m liic l kbofladrtl tr nirit trtjiwl i duchit 3 tnorlii and rtl iktnii tio vf lfb jcn hsur vaouta 11 ti tm arro dlclll it vi ni- ml wlr il liritnacul talk of tije an epitome of th ww dolne durlrttfu wrftfc if rt khprnrlofi thi ii rtucgtitrr of j5ttattyrcrss tiluftspay jlnt l 1 notes and comments rreiv hvrtirm titt tccrivel ihe he- publiyi itintoi for ilio vitucncy buine im to tptutc ttic couveulion l he hopoj there will probably b ft hkrp treble bjtwo ittrruou mt cleveland at the ootnios election concit ths act pitwi alvtc rccenl ffion of the ontario leduturc to prohibit the tile ol tobicoo ciam or cifiarette to per- j mtia under 18 cr of ce canie into opcr- atian on june kt the penuty jor sciuqg or citinc to aach peraont it iim less than 10 orniorelhan 0- any perton actual ly onder is year fouod usid cicara cixrtilefr tobacco on the atreeta or id an puukaoe ii liable to a sue o m to v for each otlcucc f caut lialletin coiiuintnr he firt of a writ ol report gpon the mauufactoring induetrieaot canada has just been irsnei it jives the totil dumber oft iuduetrial e5tablicbmets in canada irrespective of tnininc a ttttvi u lsl the number wti an increxs during the ten jetr of j4j or uctrly fpercent the tota1 number of employee in the eatab- liibmenu in 1c1 wat s77w an increase c 112vl or 11 per cent while ontario baa had an over fcban- dtnx of rain the drought op the lower rio gnn3e border continue tfnbroten the iisstvllycrceu rane there i aa barren aa sabara aud aec4 planted in the spring had not iproaxd iu tills particular- refiioo the ossei erf live alock will be ninety per cent great destitution exist tniong the meticin population which comprises three- fortha cf the lbhibaunta of this region and bat for the coctribttions forwarded from various points in texas and by tbe ited crou society bandreds wonld have starved to death the equalization cf the assessment of the vtrioas municipalities o the county as effected at tbe meeting of the county coun cil last week waj not so much of a farce as that of last year the batik this year was an addition of five per cent to the assess ment of the townthipa and a redaction of five per cent from that of the towns and iuace- the county rate for the vaiiotn municipalities for tbe present year as follows traialpir 25212 lvsqaeaing 2wlty nelson 10164 kucgawejt 10ipislilton3c5t2okvihe 4731 georgetown 24j03 acton 217 ji bu ington s31vw uctops appropriation rrri 3431 less than last year msst xh day ftvi lalm iai lute of kite t 10 i i is drovn- irdey fembiukc tiae 1 ueehed l uttliodul niht ied w trying to itop n gilt veil ran t tlicpwtsowed dmali4 mil- cuba is dctlficd wt ill li fiaod tol wlkcr iowcil ajuunt qentttl it ill at otuwt iuxcclou8ptln it la dkidio labor riott tbe new inclido railvijy at hamilton ai ojicnod on ratunlaj- the decthe ftoca cbol rtit imoant to jo dai a1j andermnatidbthii frlavf rwiipcd from lltlleville city coawil charlca ktlland a oy od at iiiiidou coic nn hal tbomaa diaoou 1 c lccn made county juilceo uenttew it will uk tao rleto repair tho damaged alcertaa in kiuatoa drydock iuv ephraira kv died in loudon tucaiay year jobncbaur afiedco i rauaway horae tueaday over and inslanlly killed the price to bo paid lor tho liujbtrn goldmine in halting cot tity by an amer- ictn ayudicate ia j1co000 the governorcentral hu ofrcially con- jratulated the 11th rcplnint c hamilton on ita toldierly appearand the si leo tailed tnm brooklyn oa sainrday veilb lsco ton ot floor bcaidea other proviaiona or atarvine iiutata tbe mackturiememoriaj fond for toron to alone amounta to ard of 10000 several conttrvativea aio emour the tnb- tcfiberi heibcrt mclaaihlid a younr man ol alymer waa seirtd with crampa while halhiua al sprinpwattr kills sunday and ni drowned a emale parachutist named greuman fell rdnia baloon at betlin germany on monday a diaunos o kp teet and wat in6untty kihed while on hit way to pf y the men john a two ctlcc o nvec- am open lwt awmrstoreys bjepwyltq mt warrkn ulljoirxwwuiawf v stn la repljlng to your uva and abate cqaulatd la ittt weekc iuae o lltlt ppc mred lo mo i ehou4 prefer to be eofcrnod byj thom aracnulea prompted by geallemanly in- ttlacu and not descend to the low ooane doggefel of pononal abate which clmrlctcr- lte your commualoatlon it it iby no min a diflicult nttttcr for jpcrton o dlaooier lua origin hla patttoni wd hit early trakting by the nkltodt it idopu in coadncting a diaciatioa gnartnee may indulge in vituperation and ttucrtloa at ita but retort in ft lott catue bat td carry conviction to intelligent rainda it nioat at leut be lattninod by tvtdenoe u oat oc the fullnett of the heart the moalbj tpoalc- cth then the batenct ot your tettox be- ipetta ita origin take from it those por- tioaa oonutting ot villtcatioo diatribe aud talicliood and there remain but little to deal with i prnpote however to deal with you in tuch manner as to convince the public ot one ot two things either that yo are ignoratit of facta oc incapable of itating them in doing to 1 tball not itint neoestary action to capo malicloat centarc now air you have tuted oa two occationt that i wrote tho grand trunk railway cot toliciton on the quettioo ot compro mise in the ooontyt init after my letter denying your first ttatement you boldly re iterate tbe statement in last weeks iuae in these wards i it jjoaf ims iiiiiirtbniiiiiif hi i riinriiiiiwiin know ol anyons wh wsre aftslf san p itok yoowhy oplhloni j idgen rai of influenoo wr ot nsidsred of i ny ii lo to the coanty 06nci did they w puo yon on the ball- way bt it cororaitle i and not ignore you you charge me ilth gotltm and itri- padenoc pmywhe twil roatermpadonc exhibited i jiaq by your comlsnl sir walter shanley haa written in favor o prefect as thebet of a large prain ele vator becaaae it is really tbe foot of lake cavitation in canada and has a deep water front where the largett vessels now navi gatinc or that ever will navigate ihee watert can be brought close alongside the roil which also can be cheaply laid close along the water front and where elevators can be to placed that long fraina of cars can be poshed throagh witbonl break of lengthy instead of as in most ether places coming end on to them this alone signifies a large saving in tbe moving and shnnting of traina and so cheapening and expediting the handling of grain two beltreliant young women of phila have demonstrated the possibility of european toar for people of moderate means by travelling for three months on the continent doing fifty places and several countries for the moderate sum of 350 this incioded every eipense from the time they left their nauve city nntil they returned to it they travelled with out luggage except tbe light and strong linen bags which eab carried without in convenience in her hand the travelling dress consisted of a union suit of wool a divided skirt gathered into elastic binds below tbe knee brcadsoled spring heeled shoes a dress of genuine scotch cheviot with a skirt orsilk and another of wool for coofort in extremes of heat and cold heavy reefer coat end a felt hat a bevy of twentyfive beautiful swedish girls wteb red cheeks blue eyes blonde hair and trim figures reached new york recently boond westward with avowed ob ject of husbandgetting before baying their tickets in stockholm they had sent their photographs to minnesota and so enthusiastically- were the samples received that as one of the originals coyly remark- ed some of os have had as many aa a dozes- o5ers of marriage commenting on thu thepmla1elpbia llirurd says while not precisely an evasion of the al ien contract labor law though a farm ers wife in the west can bod plenty ol labor to turn her hands to this new swejifli cure or tbe ills of bachelorhood in the agricultural fitattf will betr watch ing by our borne market maidens there are thoaiands of the latter who with a little knowledge o milking tdd the knack of turniog out pies in sufficient number 4 tbe bartet time would make ideal farm wivei and this isthe their year togowest and embrace their opportunities among the notices in tbe house of com mons this week is one by mr w f maclean of a motion to add a clause to the midland boilway bill stipulating that no higher rate than two cents per mile be charged for way passengers- it it probably tbe first attempt in canada to regulate tbe rates of a railway company by legislation although such supervision has long been assumed in thf united states it it not generally known that tbe railway rates both for passengers aud freight are tabjecjt to tbe approval of tbe railway committee of the privy council the railway com panies are required to fii their rates by a bylaw that mutt be approved by the governorgeneral in council before any i change can be made in addition to this bit excellency may at any time declare a modification of tbe rates although he may have previously approved of them if the ditcutttoo of tbe legislative experiment prolaecs no other good result it will at least serve to inform tbe people of the domtniop tbtt railway rate are indirect ly under ibetr cobtrol- ao official document issued from titus- vtlfe pa place the loss by the recent die- aster si f 1 000000 and states that 09 bodies have beea buried while several persona are still missiof money aid- is asked for the losses fall cwettj- on fie poor colson o the judon frisco saturday by- promising young robbed of tljooo an desperate rascals tbe hamilton and barton incline rail way which ia mo fcot ong and connect hamilton with the mpuntoin top was opened on saturday herbert mclaughlin man of aylmer ont vat drowned while bathing at springwater uilltsandayafter noon he took cramps tbe ptoffic at iterrickville out wat burglarized friday tight the aole was blown open and soma jioo worth of stamps stolen together with a small some ot money a tew nights ago a ura corkey of barriefield near kincsun hid 30 in the stove fearing burglars the im helped to ligb fast the government revs uue ss coostaoo sailed from quebec uoiday under sealed orders sbe is gone to sake a little trouble srrnng the whiskey cmt gglers in their well known hsuntaion the lower st lawrence a man pving his name as sam johnston and who said bit father lives in toronto went crazy on a railroad train in michigan tbe other day and terrorized thetrainmen and passengers firing la number of shots with a revolver no oae was hurt in the morning the fire for break drowned in toronto bay a young man and woman the vic tims on saturday nlgtit toeosio june 13 i tod drowningocci- clent the particulars of wbich t proba bly always remain a en stery took place on saturday eveningi a oang man and wo man frederick wing i 4 st patrick ttireet and miss eva birkensiaw 2ol bsthdrct street went oat for a row on tbe bay when midnight cami and the yoang couple had not returned tbe latters father became uneasy in co npany with bis son and brother inlaw ifr cox be visited the queen city boat housi the proprietor james conacher totdthem that he bad rented a boat to per out answering the description of the miss ng ones and that edward hales 306 eu did are bad called in about an hour prior to state that one of the queen city row xuta bad been teen lying empty between iiltnd park and the lagoon becognizing tiiat it would be im possible to institute a i earch at that time of night mr birkeoiiaw returned home te wait until dawn ajbout am in com pany with james conacher ani sales he started fot the island the boat partially filled wih water was found where it bad previous i been seen after three houra unsucceiiful work with tbe grappling irons tbe boly of jtjung wing was pulled to the surface and shortly afterwards about six 1 et away the body of miss birkenehaw was alto obtained no eyewitness of the tragedy has yet been lound it is probable lbat tbe latter fell overboard and the former being a good swimmer jumped in to effect a rescue in doing so both lost tbeif lives the crops of the province reports from 600 correspondent give a very prorr islng outlook totomo june u peputy minister james of the bureau ot industries bos a bulletin on the state of the crops through out tbis province tie report shows that fall wheat it in a very warm weather bowrver would be very desirable and if that prevail for tbe next few weeks an extra gc od coop may be ex pected spring whea in ks good condition ai the fall wheat but present prospects ore and success is now i lepeddeut upon con tinusd warm neither the acreage of barley is decreasing crop the high lands tbe low lands very condition ia fair but lockward peat are reported backward but judications are for heavy crop hay heavy with respect is backward applet it not on tbe whole up i to the average with respect to this ook very promising poor tbe average and clover will be to fruit vegetation promise to be a good crop however and slrawberrie will be fair raspberries suffered a good deal but tbe majority ojje reports on grapes are hopefal tbe fruit j prospect on the whole is encoarsgiug mrs carruthers free a verdict ot aceji ittaj in the rainy rlvar murder case at bay city ificbj oa monday mrs george beaadry took i ler little bay aud girl in her arms tad juc iped into he river all three were drowm i pobt abntrs janells the trial of mrs margaret helen con others which began here oo thursday cfasecl satartjay night mr b t osier q c made a telling address oo tbe pritoai rt behalf and after an able review of the i se tor tbecrowd by by mr r c clateq c tbe jadge charged impartially tnd gave tie case to the jury who found the prisons uot guilty jld isdv onlosi it pure fowoered kcspceuns the assertion you make that you did not write tho componya solleltorsj oo this qucatlon 1 kiy that you did when at a tneattqg of the council subsequent to the com- mkua meeting wltb ths solicitors the chairman rejected to the council and was aakadjto stats what was tho cause ot delay he remarked that ibis quccuoo waa asked by the eouitultteo of urb n blake the companys solicitor and be replied of nadirs letter and holdloc up licfore tho committee taylu lliafe the cause of tho delay ceutleuicu which soccectod uottiloc tnoro or leca than compromise now sir these are your words and as i have undertaken to prove you guhty of malicious falsehood i propose to do so by producing the following letters that the public may witness what a model of truth and righteousness yon arc xlnsers dlaan lssu cusus ilattisteta toroato nilton v a tr dcsa 6io i wub to get a letter frotp you aa to wnetber 1 ever addressed a letter to you tug- cetio t eooiproaiue or iu ay outer way relating to this action your answer by return uiall will obllre yourk truly iv h krootr acton june llth li nlilt v hstoiuit kly acton out hsltox v u t n dmn sin your letter of llth june duly received we never received a letter from van suggeatiuc a com promise or in any other way relating to this action ia fact we uaverhad any communication from tou in tho i matter either vcrlial or written yours truly i blacc lasti cistnta toroutojune 13ui 132 1 now sir i think these letters to ase a homely expression settle your hash and cover you with tbe obloqay yoa to justly merit your overweening desire to cast reproach on me by citing an untruth and publicly attempting to defend it stamps yon as vicious and proves yoa gauty of moral obliquity i ask you now what yoa think of yourself and your brazen eff rontry doubtless you have some other idiosyncrasy or subterfuge to which yoa can resort in your extremity a man professing to be so much superior to the ordinary ran of man kind should not be discovered in jthe in famous attempt of injuring his fellow man and expose himself to humiliation aa yoa have done this world would be a delightful place for the sons of men to dwell were they to be sub jected to the gross malevolence of people such as you you say that my assertions ore prompted by a spirit not foond in the realms of religion perhaps not hat they are at least prompted by truth ahd very much at variance with your own which to say the least are the best exemplification of total depravity i have yet read anyono who will try to analyze yoar ats and motives will generally find by the weapons you employ that yon are not so mnch act uated by a desire for the public good as yon are to inflict a smart on a supposed enemy you charge me with being my worst enemy thank yoa for the admis sion i prefer to remain to rather fhan be classed as an enemy of my fellowmen i make no loud professions it is true hat i do claim some stability of thought and pax- pose and no kinship to that class os persons who are everything by turns and nothing long whatever yoar estimate of me may be and it matters little i have not fallen so low in the scale of civilization aa to fol low your leading or behests when i do yoa may charge me with imbecility yoa go on to say in yoar delightful epistle that you did hot charge the editor of the frre pcesk with receiving hia inspir ation from me and told him to well air if you did not where waa the necessity on his part of chastizing yoa in his reply to yoar first letter for yoar insinuating that yoa did yoa also kindly remark in that amiable mood so characteristic ol yoa that he would not be wise in taking his in spiration from me unless i received my in spiration from a higher noaree well sir if the proof i have produced of yoar want of desire to tell the truth goes for anything it goes to show that the inspired epistle yoa dedicate to mef came from the same source as inspired two wellknown people of old named annanias and bappbira perhaps you have heard of themmost good people have your further inspired utterance says that the county council never were in favor of a compromise why then did tbe county council place on record that it was pre pared to consider witbont prejudice any offer that tbe g t it desired to moke or words to such effect again what do the minutes of the coanty council at its last meeting exhibit i quote from your sons paper the george town herald the it ii committee recommend that the council glvo the itallway committee power to recelro and consider any proposal the ots co may make and tnay if they deeoi proper sub mit said proposal to the council the report waa adopted j pray tell mo how does this tally with your statement tbatthe codndl war not favorable to onmpromise j perhaps yoa now begin to feel tbe position in which yoar utterances on this question have placed you respecting your denial of j obtruding on the oomtriittee if i am correctly informed yon were challenged by a coanty official far your intrusion before i rpf erred to the matter at any rate if the chairman of the committee invited yia the committee as a whole did not j that i know and com mon decency if common tense failed should have taught yoa not to interfere with what was- none of your basinets yoa charge me witlr laoonaistenoy in ac cepting the chairmanship of the railway knit committee when representee a muni cipality wbich was not interested in the ait well sir i did accept the tribute paid me aa hat occasion or d i assure yoa i honestly did my daty certainly the coanty did not saner by reason of the ap pointment aa it won the suit nor do i lnlorf circnoe in maltork i t wlrtch yoa had no oonoetn tn thltj tnut fcipakly what greater impudence was iver shown thau yaar litter to tba n lent era of acton pab- usliod in the actoa fltcr pittas somo yesrt ago bi i the ove of a vote ming taken an bylaw about ted fir he erection f a tawn hall f yoa rat n e to the necessity as rot ve on hat o catic i a combat yoar altera iocs by lufor natic 1 to the public- on the morning of hi ol tioa yoar want of infl icnco on that oca tiari should baro bees t lesson to yja a tho bylaw was carriatby a vo4 c for and only u agalm t yoar jadgeme it bas invariably been 1 1 fault on pa lc i awlions if pablio decisions go foe so thin yoar patty in lerferenoa has only rttu ted a making yoa enemies where yoa mlgl t have bad friendf village communities i tvo no sympathy wttblhe pessimist and jcrtaialy very little foe yda j yoa ask what right i as she a munici pality who never paid a cent cc the bonus to the railway to tay b w tho suit should be settled let me aslt you does the not pay tba levy which the cocrtty i cits upon her anna- ally tpbear her thar4 of be costs of basalt and baring so to dosh throagli het repre sentative is entitled jta ay how this matter thouh bo settled f wl en yoa spend yoar own money it is yoi r matter if yoa spend the money if otli r municipalities it is their matter i in conclation rcspot iing youri estimate of me personally i am pleated that it it unfavorable as yoar g od opinion woaldbe a damage to me j i an qaite willing how ever to place my irccor f of thirtytit years in tuiaoommunityalo gtide ot yours with out the least fear at it suffering by com paritun though it knlg t by contact yoar cone udtng reference 3 storeys factory and others is bat one t ore instance of yoar petty animus and wil be remembered if the village- of acton itch knows its busi ness better than yoa d i chooses by reason of the ctpenditaro i f toventy thousand dollars annually jo ex mpt these concerns in part that is tier lusincss not yours and to cast a reftcctio i oa these concerns it timply to challenge the business intclli- genaoof her citizens when you have ac complished foe tho vi lago of actoa one- tweatieth part wliat t e conccrni yoa have singled out have accot iplishqd in her inter ests or indeed what nany other ot her dtiijens are constant accomplishing for her i yoa will than bo atitled to some con sideration nntil ivhicl time yoa do well to suppress yoar etisliki i am only tarry that your illnatured iriticlsm and malic- atpejrsioas ions of my elf have called forth a resentment which i d em in the interest ot myself and the muni npality oci acton iv justifiable not only i o but i regret yoa should have deemed i to yoar interest to pursue with relejatleo bate those yoa desire to tpjure with tee va n hope perhaps hat on he rains of their i cstractioa yoa could erect tome visionary tructare to challenge the admiration at tho le less informed acton june utb lw 1 i i w h sionct p s i may tay lat the briginals of the letters herepabln hed can be seen by anyone interetteti cat ing on tbe editor ot this paper- lye purest strokoutbltt llssdy for tim in nr quantity for jntxlas- htvulns wuir jimne ilis snd a iiundrod oth ifntei liijrsed a buwlnd othil ncvuflswlsoea tlt t ii erwmjvl dtiatm tv ar vosrosatos youll be sorry i i llav ssdh jtt rpft i a ic llsrb 1 9 irffiit et i d if you dont call and sea the j 1 priiigle t rocfcfotd watch beforei you buy one it is the most perfect and durable timepiece made i g d prlisfgle ouexph ken n ey bros acton ha r rwntjvbfeitlnt i- i uiinc june 3 3 only pjrniture fxlundehtkkinc whs hljhes award at the univirsal c nkary aad food ei- hibttioo hell ia loa 3a and opened by the tort uayoc kay so 18m messrs w g dunn t co ot cc lydoa london and hamilton canada ihtained the highest awajd tor baking pc rder painful burnt urt iset scolds and cat tra qaicily toothed i nd healed by victari carbolic salve dtogtri of delay if we were allowed to look into the future and tee the fatal oac sequences that follow a neglected cold ho differently woald oar coarse be could w i realize oar danger how speedily nre wc lid seek a cure but with many it j it on y when the monster disease has butene i its fangs upon cur lungs that we awake i to our folly what follows neglected old is it not diseases of the throat sad lui gs bronchitis asthma contamptioolajid n any other disease of like nature ft is w xse than madness to neglect a cold and t is folly not to have soma good remedy i voilable for this re- qaent comnfaiat ae of the most enica- cidas medicines to all diseases of tbe tojoat and idngt is j lieklet antc-cnasamp- tire syrup tbis a ediciue it composed ot several medicinal lerbt which exert a mast wosdsrfat fa luence ia caring aon- tamptiaa andl other disease oti the lung and chest jit pram ites a free and easy ex pectoration sodthes irritation and drive the disease wtn hi system co801tp 10s cckeo an old physician retired firom practice hivlng had placed i i hit hands by aa eut india missionary t e formula of a simple vegetable remedy to the speedy and per manent care it cot lumptioa bronchitis catarrh asthma a id all throat and lang affections also a po itira and radical cars for nervous debiiit and all nervous com plaints after havii g tested it woadetful curative powers in housands of cases hat fell it hi duty to n ike it known to all his suffering fellows xtutted by this motive aid a desire to reli ive human suffering i will tend free at chi rge to all who desire it this recipe in gera an freaoh or english with full directloi for preparing and aiing sent by m til by addressing wltb stamp namlne th paper w a notes 810 power bjock rochester n y canada is being c agratalated everywhere i tbe excellences ot her maaatactarea art stained glass it prominently in ths front rank at her it iprovementa thanks to m ccaasland 1 sc j of toronto who for 40 years have labot sd not only to accanja- late money bit to nake stained aad ornt- iental glass ot 41 kinds a credit to ths omiatan the third pss lot tb toronto dtuf fk is noted for want adverttseomnt 11 yoa want to ba or tell anything it yoa want a sitaati n a mechanic a bati- jess maihinsf y l dgings if yoa have lost ae oand anything or tf yoa want to sad oat where anyone s advertise in the to- rjnto daitif mail i nd read the sdrertun- c lent oa he ihi d page of that paper 3 sis charge it twc cent a word each in- addf it die jfoif toroato can isrtloa sda prom pt pot mt j and permanent results alwayt come fropi milburns aromatic quiain wine job 1 kcludixa b k hoods clreuars tstitruolthsirt short uotioo apply jr address 1 plrintinr pamphleta fosters bll c c eiscuted in thi it moaarsts priest tnd ot p voobe fsks potts offlotacloi w- hit the mammoth ceorgetoian i jwfll continue safe bfboots shoes c during tne mon iloving ten per ih of june al cajghipurctiaei gorrtc thfs mbnthjfypu winf jojjjcriefit by thereductio u tflunkf a full stl to the firm are requested to call and settle t once r9pkihinc ks usvsl bros acton j v their discpunt centi ort ali and valise k all indebted a hreat dry 000db palace jloim speigwts out stoik ot furaitarer it now complete for the spring trad tod w can lappfy want at the lowest possible prices wo dont steal oar farnitais not snykrllcl l v datraad ai yoae ia its manufacture but we pay caibfor it find can as any det ets a the trade ve can give you a bedroom set compltfo14 jwov mattresses for 4 sprlnna for sideboards at cost toungea for 760 extension tables st60 chairs at any price tttittacti j connect to aitociatic i j sdmracr 6ae otj press goods slnslins sowed kfughn embroi deries millinery imantles para sols t oloakiugs priats batcenb ctiecked shirt ings ginghams table lineas tdwellings apey ot all kinds geag iaruishiags fonts bait ings readymade j summer cloth ing carpets pitejotfis ouctains boots and shoesl wc have heaps ot tho above stock and yoa wil find among them genuine bargains nice printed muslins for sc per yard nice dress goods for 5cperyard and 21 yds fob i0c we have the loveliest fat of dress goods ever exhibited toa di icriminating public we have a clearing line at 25c that asfionishes tho people parasols 25c tip oar miinnpryi dgpartmeut is replete with all the novelties for summer decoration i i our dress and mantle making department is in splendid working order onr dresses equal anything that can be got anywhere and far cheaper ai tllllasofccfbnaicasksu robes etc always in itoilt we can gcre yoa as to- prices we desire tot impress upon tbe poblio tbef set that we bare no with any eombiaation andoui price are not governed by the undertakers we can giro yoa the best ths market afford at ti tell- aa low for cash good hearse and outfit for furw peiglrit st soi eosonable price rals wren you come j toronto bcarin mind thai i90j020p yo lije street i a mcctfrtjr arul res ing and vaaitirf fijaco as yve 1 as the biggest itorc ih ca lada there arc jrcading and sitting- rooms i fjryqu tclphoneteicgrapa matl i fac litres your pirccts will be cared for without charge w try to make you welcome wl ether you bu or not fou know that jtrtcrc is no wc rthy thing for wear or home us bat we hayc itj if you ca itlcomc to the store write foi whatever you want sam- oli or goods shopping by miil has come to be simple an 1 certain a few scratches of a pen and all tiej- facilities of the store areycu in short we shoji for you asl we would for ourselves arid such servicecosu you jic thing extra thc t paton ooy ttb ih up eartft w ti vl luid ztotxtistamti ileevant waited 1 j goc d noeral errant foe the pntlrf njr tfrrfscmr i- l tespassefs tfijke kqtipe 1 bo frc0 txsrpaashisontb uddenitaiedj west bait lot h soilas c afoobe- isfcrti prtm ms of lbs tn5 act n april mthiwu rv grlasgolar ilouse this season we are showiug the large t and best assorted stock in this line ever broaght itito acton our tailoring depajtmeut few equal us and nouo surpass us we are anxicusi todo business and inspection will convince you that we can igivo you genuine bargains and to the farmers we would gently remind then that we would like to have their wool and will give them the highest price in cash or jinorchandiso at cash prices the mammoth w mcleoe 6 co o1s0hoet0wn the goods are all new and- jnst on bast wp received 50 new pieces country 1 j- 1 the same quality of print that wfe sdld at 15c ind 17c last year can be had this year at 12ie saturday uol the pattern are all new and variedio that yoa have a large range to choose from we hjivo also great bargains in 8c add loe bttnts of whiqh we have stacks that must be sold i our stock of dress goods is most complete and a very large rauge is nu exhibttiou every day at ground prices our black and colored cashmeres were bought from the largest house in montreal and the prices are tho eiosest we evor sold goods at a call will pay you 1 lendeison mcrae m co i can furnish you with the bestjpresses for couiitrj newand job workj to be had in this and at lower 1ri es than forany other new cylinder p cokbto kcton iknd ste- our 1m proved country pouty press ess the free press is printed on no 1503 drum cylinder 1 u lie abbve press and the work illustrat s its merits press can do better newspaper or posl ws hove run the erouiy tor eight years and ft i longer we tun it the batter we llaa it it d timpw rr lt pocket book we oalllt the best pr it yoa desire sample ot work send for them at easy to handle costs little for repairs and is essy 0 today for ths money came and tee bar press at idrk them we can give roa ybor oboioe of a number o think of it a new 8 col fo ot an 8 col booli jifforent sizes and itylo of presses at oil price o or 5 colqto power press for onl pressjlor 8pp l fuo particulars frbm agent for canadu yi4vi bstffma imkh i tnrimjhwps iiwsr8pi5ssbibsp9s rwork y to ran typ to be bad jn the world wewlll gladly turnfth ppo 10700 i actoh put twp eoltscwneduodsctl mtotd romhispremisea ots6maekttro iars old tlh one wbita httai f onfmsheod the other- hlt star oa forehead cr irrs ix tj rea for fnloniatiotthat winjjad tai mtotv thomas sirrth- xaaeaaawsyq- vx caed 0e- thanks thfcunderafawherebyteneitbaarianerert ionos to the efttsens o rarosd oot so prom ptlyaod amdaorit1ealrawsnt- luiiytta tubdutaj tis br hish sjtaaksdoor pretr sea last fruay jnornldt wejk nx inly tbroujhthe wejpireetedi eflbrta wo colts hind foot and aotpe ler la otr fmjtta ow d a ol tibia reward yd fi v so cams helnathot oi block ol buffi inst andcontahu wusated wears hi i arairfuliti jsaa jajie8afxtthkjis lohatthewb aejoa ioul one 1632 j i for sale a oo btmmguotzkfc rf aoton r j lofts lv sin block is fa the voiam of acton good tittar itbes lot srs sltaa- ted 1 1 ths centra ot the vitlstt snd qufts ejos lo tt 1 two lorte tannoryssna ia wsalr jjojl- able jloci of lots in the centra of tb yinase a tr nfl site for tnieroent houaaoi wnleh ereo l needed will bs told en ble br arpsk- iu pervinrtted the week wtnlbe toktir abasxht jaifes miwhiwb aetci april 5th ism r i t- 1 r t valnable kpterty for sale th bcshfsrmonlotlienirlii tfwti o ship of peel us seres wftji jpgdwr mil timbered with beeehj mopl bt- puu cedar nek and toft elm e kw 90 clea ed except bnruing ths troth j al o t stone sod rough cstdlllat of i and two cehara trams stab tth ion tots oc land on qnelpb uorlo ana queen streets in tb tuii so ot aetoo wula ptotsu bofldmj lota tepoxotely if desired i i ti rms i oiietbird cosh or e prcertr pg sbhool debenture cosh or exebotsse ft other acton oni vi tice fs heieiraltn etut ibyjow a 1 passed by the moscipal cotnieil ot tb vu1 ie of acton oo tba ssthday ot laprfl a d 1893 proridms for the isaso of debeotons to tbe am unt of eisb tof the erteuon lot a public ach olhoosavintb vmsgbiol acton and for tho nmc heating aad eotdppum tb ssms and that such bylaw woti resusteredl io thereos- try iffice of tbe county at haltoa on the ttbday oharad183i i thosjtiudohbl aerk ot the uunldpollty i t ffi new meat market 0 btuial h is pleasure la aooonoeloc to ths dtiaess of act in and rldnity that he has completed ar- rso temeata to open a koir ifeot market fn tbe bul ding reesntly erected u the corner ot hoi main street by lire beaord ne tuesday uoutogxsndliistatuutpck of auaindt of fresh meatav fowl eloij will be opened- tho best quality aliraje in to k i i arina bad experience in tho boaiooaat can asa inatl who fatbt mo titb tbeirr4n mtira utafaeuon 1 i 1 i lghest cash price paid far iorkj hldas tal- ioac 1 srtiea hariog cattle 4c to sell tnxsqaested c i h i j ostull 3500 in fiewajlds tie osmvusxi agncujtaxisls oreat half yearly liter oo tho fifth rolf vearlt istcrary lootopocltioo foi ism of the canadian abtlenlruriai amar- tc s old nd rouobli jlilustrateofaniny jligaaine ucloac jtjuelhallllertei betr- oatmtrl matter uu foatsltrkoot later thoariluiia 90th wfil count vberoi poaujdil thp fouowtnc rp eodid prfies win jsopjursa tret to persotu soi diag lake anatoat avribec ot iworda mode oo i ot letters contained la the wons tux li- lt itateo aomcultpbistr f tetsrt os so ding- in a list of not lsoi than im tad kill re eire a valuable present of silterwora is grand howard 1- juodlooem tul qrao piano si sr -j-v- tti j i orson t st t uszz st oentsooldwott hl i ladle gpmwofc 9t iii 10 uecorda of s10 each n- it 80 prliea- silret too bstl i late warranted i k xt so priaas90 buret dew heary plate ksxt 100 prise ijiiraitadted 100 silttri butter iwshes 4c rsrrsotod hoary plate i -b- k xt e0o prises cooalata ol seorr elated sflter cstues batter maboatrnlt baokota biscuit art sugar bhells buna kalre jtc c all ally warranted tnakiufja total of s99 splendid warda the value ofkrhich vtil smosaislii axo i cbls rand literary- coinpstluoo la open to tortbod j everywhere tuo fonawlns an tbe eanditlona i r tbo worda muat bo ecaittroctol only from toxsln thor aiar and v abaters unabi leton in thowordtthx li4cstbatxl aaucul- muat bo only such aa art hamdln abrtdasddteuifiaryuttbbodyet tl a book none of tbo aopplamenttobe osed i tho wards most bo written b mutton and ambexedtisaodto6otos1acultatbiciade- l hog the winners i lotters cannot be- a pear io tho woxda th c ltubirr for inatani e o t bo uaed as then la bi t wirdo l the hat oootoloisg he w mis will be swarded inn prias p dot ot merit each list sis it it b uumbered oodu twoj rooired will b await o i thtryfon thebeqeflt nsdflyboa 5- each hat must bo a old jfftuon- thonka for ao0 prise ipswttilrtal ipuied by slfor six i jkflbtotrltoaiat -lortkindlyceosent- i ugomawattclork 0 ban in thifmo 1 mnpototusaterli t ila wspatftwal b i at futl8atttmllbr owpwyrub- li- m i o than they xptmutkld aoai- ieword ean tn the three i- ot ioxoa in wiu- toon ttst the first i first prist and tat seeding inearly wul b leutt ot itat til all o wcontunsbam and so fwtqieoant taaai- that tfle v

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