Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 16, 1892, p. 4

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mmmmmmmsmmmm rmiuriuv arses m iw elir llouttg jfolhs w4rr vitm jltn not vticiiit fit ftiiil win nctfraitlit itli iii or sol rftuh iu tiioutitiin i- noi ottt iili parioti millet nol rrt ili omt hu wanted lien not vrrlof tnsin not not iitoocbti from w nsnots not iuy uncid irtjrr nol oe of eccet tud crwjs j wanttm tvde men tunl deed uca that rq d od do kol loecihe for uiocc n ot ittaiotjs of uj ow ltoodlithcuoa bolj- tlv th occuoo uv men ami tvodt ottwic0jkmpntiyfti notes here item of arerl prose whm and there the colorof thlngrs a newrpaper reed the wind bier a study brown a country boy cru a cat purple a small bottle vialct a baby yeller a good mill whit ot perfection pink detroit rrrt 1rrt i lidded nl die tin ill ttiinlhe liimliri mimtii in i i i if ftwltd ttr kii it truly tood sam iar curative ocr u cioeo trvterottto freo aadr timcrr trtir f knxiriv rirkmr i if ktieremiiituiamy rvillnii riir- 11 ims t rcmmlinliid tilel rilla pustcucspccul- iknown to other medi- rue srijttv of cifs cf it llnojn imu cure iur the periditho t canal they re utittipstion by rector- ion of the alimentary best family cathartic ih tho man who deserve to hve i ever praise hit w t xx one it yoa want to bav or tell a firm d- vertite in the toroo o paper reache 101 every week tnd yoc radvertitei meet the eye ot chase advertittmtata serted in the toronto cents i word etch cent a word for fi the mill toronto irwy uau that 000 ftrmere horcee meat iho id i who nut to pi r- afthiaauuare rfc- uad tor five iatertida or twenty iniertloat add 3tnadt ibe unit dellrlted effect ipwtrdt of 1000 eminent physicians and rereeoa in great britain engaged ia every breath of the profession have de rided that total abstinence tram alcoholic liijtior wxiald cretly contribute to the health the procperity th welth tad the htppinest of the hotntn rtoe this u ctroacly confirmed by the tutittia of tempertooe life ictortaoe cocapcaitf the ilnited kingdom tempertaoe tod provident iiutitalioa loadoahu beeo fa echitcuce 23 vetrt tad 1 j ride ud give the following camaury of the work the 25th retaro it u temper- tnce section expected citimi su tctatl dtims o general lection expected claims j2 actcal claimi v8 tbil saowa 7ir per cent in the temperance section tad 1002 percent in the general a difference of sfi per cent in favor of the atxtainen this is a little hichir than the averages of the whole 2o years which are m7 per cent respectively a difference of 2gt per cent they eet off for worse rearona young lawyer gentleman ot the jury 1 beseech ou acquit my client for my sake for this ii my fint case hok can i et rid of d- torroedtingorna pet rid of them without pain pet rid of them quickly and tffectcafly without possibility of return the aaswer is use putnams painless corn and wart cnre the creat corn cure always safe sure and painless putnams extractor ise it and no other frauds are in the market dont run the risk of ruining your feet with such caustic appli cations if theres anj thing i dislike taid bficftins as the editor returned his witty effort iu a man who wont take a joke a ay off the pleattot with which ltdiet laxative eyrnp make it their ftvort tttt to the eye and effectual in acting bowels aud the perfect safety use the liquid froit under all conditiace e remedy it it pleat- the tatte gentle jet the tidneyi liver tnd i ad permanent results ifilbarns aroma fo prompt potent alwaya oorae frbn- qaioiue wine the ortadkl la grliie followinr this train of etila in eome cough lung no remedy so prom effectual tnd pi liver oilemultioa hypophaephitct w best combiattioa of ediea price 50o et aocjqrge of homtnity oot je shape ot obstinate rouble etc there and at the tame title t at ililborns cd with wild cherry aid tich it the latest aid tnttcootamptive rem- 100 per botue fejlow i ever tcv en ler the bark ider then cbanjwl to only the tame old ttorr tjld iu adlffcrent strain bomctituona ttullopf cltdiicas and lliou astab of pain j bomttliuet a null o mulfelitleilii tho trlltti i l 6netiuc it iceini to bor rew from the rose its crimpfw huu botuctluim iilack wlui uiu iirllllnt 1luo kouutlturt as falw as ssu sometimes sa iccru true only uie sinie om stoo but oil liow vlw cbsiicesrlncl prophet aiii iidcat aitit toasatit soldier aud scholar and klos j someuuecthe waruieat baud elaitlcavcsla uie llm t ttlub j sometlines in tbe butli of eveo sotiictliucc ia the midday strlto i sometimes with dovelike ealuiuecs sometltnea with paulota lift we dream it write it lire itthfs weird wild story of wo i biucoh trameriiil ajd youre the lucki why if yoa had a would grow on it sick headache caused 6y eicett cf bile or t disordered ttom xh is promptly relieved by nsing national pills c c riciluu a co genta i sprainel my leg to badly that 1 had to be driven lome fn a carriage 1 immediately applied minakds lini ment freely and to t8 hours could nse my leg as well aa evfcr j johi- wtsictht bridceaater nj b that string bring home a bottl uent j eof your 6ncer means mikakdslini- the third pace ot the toronto dviii mail is noted for wact advertisements if yon want to boy or tell anything if you want a situation a mechanic a busi ness machinery lodgings i yun have lost or ound anything or if yoa want to find out where anyone is advertise in the to ronto daily hail and read the advertise ments on the third page ot that paper the charge is two cents a word each in sertion adjreas tu hail toronto can- ids t teacher kame tome ot the most im portant things existing today that were unknown a hundred years ago tommy- yon and me the bvehertioni have passed by and we can now cansider the beat protection agtintt disease there is unrestricted reciprocity of tentiment between all people in canada in pronounc ing barfoefc blood bitten the very beet wood purifier dyspepsia and headache remedy and general tonic renovating med icine before the public he who oonrtt and runt away may live to coort another day hot he who wed and osoru prjtatin may ge iatossigrttgtintt his will if yoa feel itngoid tnd mica try north rop rl lymans vegetable discovery snd yon will find it one of the beat preparations for tueh oompaint mr a b utfiinn ethel nsed nbrthrip lymans vegetable discovery and cured a severe bilious sick headache which troubled him for a long time when the regular patron goea to the barber thop he can tee hit own mo with out looking in the mirror a iwl rjurtemlim by constipation is meant irregular action of the bowels often called costiveness and commonly caused by dyspeptia neglect txeees in eating or drinking etc a nni- fiirmly sneoesjful remedy is burdock blood bitlert which if faithfully tried never fail to effect a prompt and luting cure even in the worst cases the following ex tract from a jetter from mr jat if carton banff n w t will tpeak for itself i havebeen troubled withconstipation tnd general debility and waa indoced to nse your b b b through seeing yonr adver- titemesf i now take great pleasure in recommencing it fo ail my friends ta it cctapletelyvired me the only vts tacwin an argument with a woman is to wdk off when you havo stated yonr side of it v it is safe to ntehreisni worm pow- deir aa they act only oh wormt tnd do not injarwtha child xlntrdt uilmeat li hie lint the i mbs purest strdi6est best c so alsa ascaoaia ucae pb kpatea or aajr bsjorlattt e w otllett toronto ont one trial of mother grarea worm ex terminator will connnce you that it has no equal at a worm- mdicine buy a bottle and see if it does noi please yon frieuds and ene nies are manysided and while we may correctly tee parts of their characters oher parts are veiled from aa every one has his virtues and vice hi exoellencie and shortcomings and while much we tee in him may be actually there therej ia muck mere of which are never dream there t kefc in it what must be the satisfaction and grati- hcatien tt so small a cost of one who writes like this itr w maton editor of the retford and gamiborough news ret ford eng says had suffered from a sprained knee for twelve months without being able to obtain when i robbed th twenty minute wit bt jacobs oil that night i travelled 200 miles by railway the next day i walked 2 milee and the pain had entirely disappe red ibaveneverhtd the slightest return t it eince relief from the pain knee thoroughly for messrs stott joi y chemists bowman- ville write we would direct attention to northrop st lymao i vegetable discovery which is giving perfect satisfaction to our numerous customers all the preparations manufactured by th s wellknown house are among the most reliable in the market the tackiest thin about the borteihoe over the door is thtt it doesnt drop on your lead 6ins a year agoj i was troubled with tpota breakiug out til over my body the effect of bad blood i consulted three dif ferent doctors who jtve me medicine but did not cure me i wa advised to try b b li ond after niiag two bottles i npticed the spot getting less i continned the nse of b b b which entirely con d me giving me a splendid appeti e since heo i would cte no other medici le every ttej of the ray to ho veo t paved with promise like this to him that you wnt four cotton lineiiiv flannel always wosjt cfeart snowy whfto vjso want tho tvaaft tofthmpult tho cfoan- oat trtoqufckaat thoohoap- t waf irprtsoap tftofur- priatt war wfthout boffins or caldfng ghrac tfioa raaults s j bead jftfts5jl overcometb will i gi je to eat of he tree of life i shflohs uonsumption clire thtt great cough cjnae hit sucoeaafut coh801 cptiok cube sritboat tv parallel in i lii bittorfpfflwrfwiw aflaanf t untaepf ft all draggiiu are tat lorized to tell it on a poddtc gnnatee i eat hit no other ear eta taeoreafolly stand i yon hare a couth bore throat w broae irtit ate ft for ft will care yoa if year child lit the croap or whoopiag ougt ate it promptly ta4 relief it tars it yoa dret that iotid- ioo disease c0nsui tption doot ftil to ae it it wfll care yoa or cost nothing atfcfoardraorirt fo shtlohs cure ariow tocu mote ut flo if yoar tangt are lore or ba k lame pte shiloht poroot platter 25c c ifiettest in qod w8truat tho motto iu god jwe trait which it now itimped ttpoa all gold tad tilrer ooias of the united stttoe wit taggetted by an old farmer living u iltrytaad this ooascieatiaat chrttkin pintlomtn hoaght thai oar currency shoald facuaate a tome wtf the chriitian chartcttr of sac nation which he argued could be beat dona by patting a motto upon oar ooiat expressing a national srelfanoe on ditina support ia governmental ifftin lit waiinlsji when s p chan wax secretary of he treasury thtt thit man wrote towuhiagtod res poor tiug but pet idea hit letter u refected to mint inspector pollock who diacasaed the nuittaa ftt hit report of 182 pollock and chate were la favor of in- trodoefot he motto at ottcc bat coogrea gave the laggeauoa no tllentioa whatever ia hit next tsaaai report director pollock again referred to the matter this time ia firm theological argument laying the taotto suggested god our trutt it taken from oar national hymn the star spang led banner the sentiment it familiar to every rititen in tho country j the time ia propitious tit an hoar j of national peril let at reverently acknowledge hit tor- ereiguty and let our coinage declare oar trait ia god a two cent brouzo piece was authorized by oqngns to be coined the following year and bu april 22 186tj tho tint united states coin wta stamped with the legend in god we trutt st louia tfepastic selfnagiect ho who neglect himself tt to that extent weak it he exbantt hi energies hey diminish if he strain them still more by continued endeavor they grow yet feebler discouragement follow difscol- tie torrouud him and he hat no adequate strength to cope with theui still lata has he toy reaerve of power tor active enjoy me it or to promote the btppinet of othert pe htps he began by a tense of obligation to othert and a willinguetf to ttcriftoe much for their sake bat be hat mistaken road and has involved those for whom foiled in bis own misery iota are yod deaf or do yoa suffer from noises in the hetd thn tend 3 cent stamp and i will send a vajpable treatise containing full particular home cure which coat comparatively ing a splendid work on deafness and ear address pror g ctuisc montreal 1 theres nothing like poached eggs ai the man said when he robbed bis neigh bors hen house jahn uayi credit p o ttys hi sho ilder was so lame for nine months that he uli not raise hit hand to hit head bat by ibe ase of dr thorns eclcctric oil the pain and lameness disappeared and iltlpngh three months has elapsed he hi had an attack of it since us nrers of delay i we were allowed to look into the future anc see the fatal consequence thtt follow a njglected cold how differently would our course be could we realize oar danger hoi r speedily we would seek a cure bht wiia many it i only when the monster difc ase has fastened ite fang upon car idd t that we awaken to oar folly whit foil iws a neglected cold i it not direatu ot he throat aod long bronchitis attami oontamption and many other diteasec pf lit nature it is worre than madneu to nej ect a cold and it it folly not to hare ton e good remedy available for this frc que ut complaint one of the most eeca ciou medicine for all disease of t thr at and longs is bickte anti-cnnsamp- tiv syrup tbii medicine it composed bf several medicinal herb which exert a most wbnderful influence in enriog can somptioh and other disease of the lungs and cheat it promote a free aod easy ex peetoration soothe irritation and drivt the disease from the tyttem a gentleman under forty year of age whose hair was rapidly becoming tbin and gray began the me nf ayer hatr vigor and in six months hi htlr wa restored to it natural color add even more than ila former growth and richnett many person are twept over the ctar- act of rnin because they fanoy that thejy can nibble at a tin iu secret and not be found out face this fact now o man of wrong your sin will find yoa oat soootr or later secret vice will blaze furtb secret tbeivecy will be deteeed j when baby wu sick we ptwhercastorla when she was o cblld tlio cried for castoria wfaea she became hist cue etuue to castorfr nroea toe bad cbildrco toe jtre them ctstori s r sins for five years i tuffered from inmbtgo tndcould get no relief until luteld hagyards yellow oil and mutt tty i find no better reniedy for it jons dnsnutbix sandwich ont pb i alo an old having had india mitt vegetable rn mauent care catarrh affections forttftvoai plaint after curative fell it bis lufferiog and a desire will lead free hit recipe io with faif fi asiog sent stamp aim 840 power ion atthrat dosvirt efal y ffl w it it conjectured that a specific may ynt be found for every ill thtt flesh is heir to however thii may be certainly the belt specific yet ft and for disease of the blood it aycrs btnaptrillt and mottdiiei originate froi i impure blood co cbuhption cubed sician retired firom prtctii seed in hit hands by ad east ary the formal of a lirapfe edy for the ipeody and per- of consumption bronchitis and all hroat and laae a positive aod radical cure lebility tnd alt kervoat com having cited ft frottderfdl la thoattndt of cases hta to make it known to all hits actuated by hit tnotlv lo relieve human suffering of charge to til who desire il german french or englisl ectioai for ipreptring tm b null by itdlrettiog vitl hit paper wja horzf block rochester n y iisipiuffiswttim mwtssa cbmpl little girls danger mr henry- iftteombc lcylarid st blackburn london ling stales that his utile girl fell arid struck her itnco against a curbstone the knee began to swell became very painful and terminated in what doctors call while swelling- sho wis treated by thejjest medical nfcfl but grew worse finally st jacobs ptil was used the contents of onaliollle lily reduced the swelling- killed the pain and curled her all riohtt 8t ja00b8 oil did it i t castorfali trecofoiheadit knowatotne ui60 ike use of tt raeritx so w of sotmrerojratl ia latellursac fara 1 withla i icaajte b for infants nd children refl sdaptod to children thai ouperiorto aay pnacrlxafoa iljl itnrrxllp dtfori st brooklyn k t t- asttorla it to iinlterial aud knoi a liat it seema a wort itaeatdorafttt fewarauie its woo do act keep castor hittntjdd kew york otf late pastor bc tnncualo aotcttaed chorttt culx k cooatfpauoa outortaeonscoue boar btoavick dttrrnce cillc word ttteroeep and to inedloatioa eructxuvjr and seomoti let dl- for several yeort i have mooounended your oastorta and shall always foaunue to so so is it has invariably produced beasoetal results t j i- eornt r piansa k d tbowiuirop13hatretiuidtthata kew york cr wx cxxtxck ooirrat tt kuaur fitaxsr kcr yosx wonder in wellands i mrchauf the following i unazkablo fact are fully wrtinedto a bej 3g undeniably correct ia every rjeirticular mr haun i well known in the vicinity 1 living reaijed here over fifty years and it highly respected as a man of the strict t honor whoso word it as good aa his bo id j a wilt be te m from his letter four phyticiiss had i tended him and it was only after he ha given an hopo pf care that hi decided to fry burdock blood bittersj cn roc of t neighbor who ht 1 been cured of s tmjlur- ditesoby its u o ic haun writes a follows dexb eras i think i have been one of the vront suffi rer jon hare yet heard of having been s x years in the hands of t oar of ar best octacs without obtaining perrnan mt relief but eontiaoally growing worse zatil sin ost beyond hope of re covery i tried j lor bitter and got relief fn a fev dayt 2very organ of my body was dertnged tho liver enlarged nardened tnd tor lid the h rt and digestite organs seriously derangi i a large ibsoess in my hack followed t r paralytia of the right leg is tact the le rer halt of my body wu entirely useless after using burdock blood bitten fo a few dart the abscess burst duehargin fully five quarts of pus in twohoure1 cit at if i had received a thock front a rx arerial battery hy re- corery after this was steady and the cure permanent teein that far the faux years sinoe i kva had u good health as ever i had titfill take an occasional bottle not that i need it bu i because i wish to keep my sytenj in p irfec working order i can think of n more remarkable case than what i havi myself passed through and no word can express my thaxuxfulnes for soon perfect eoovery i j 00 hick i j welland po in this eotuiec ion the following letter ftomtcomines esq a hading druggist of welland ont tpxks for itself iraiars t ifilbui h oo toronto gxxrnticcr i have been personally acquainted with sir 0 0 haun for the hut 20 yean n hire always found him a very relithlo m ih ton may place the utmost jonfidenc i in anrthing he says with regard to yo irmedielne hahaaon many occasions v hhin tho last four years told mo that it as marvelioas the way tho burdock bloc 1 bitters had cured him and that be now lit as able to do a days work a he ever f it fa his life althooih quite wu ha sti 1 ukcs somo b b b oocationauy aa i e says to keep him in perfect hiaith yotn i truly tecous crnokis welland ont tha steadily increasing sale of b b b the length of tim it has been before the people and tho f ct that it cures to stay cured attest th sterling merit of this monarchpf medic nee the peoples favorita blood purifier tot io aru i regulator lye purtst 81 ronoe8t best 5f 9 r- for mattnt soav bottsafiy wster jl nferliiiari s huadrwl 0ui tuts a caa eqaab 3 iuuci a stl byxlx ihr alt craccn old dnrcxtstc sx wl cixjcjirrt tnroaw fas jtwwe cts fflsj oh what a cough will you heed the warning tho ligatl perhaps at the tare approach of that more terrible disease consumption atk your selves if yon can afford for the take of aving ma to run the risk and do nothing for it we know from experience that shiloht cure will cure your cough it ever ftils i there it not a more dangerous data of disorders than those which affect the breathing organs nullify this danger with dr thomas eclectrio oil a pul monic of acknowledged efficacy it cares lameness and soreness whea applied ex ternally aa well as swelled neck tod crick in the back and at an inward specific possesses moat substantial claims to publio eoaffdetice canada it being cougrttalated every wherf i the excellences of her manufactures art stained glass is prominently in the front rank of her improvements thanks to mccausland son of toronto who for to years have labored not only to accumu late money but to make stained tadorna- mental glass of all kinds a credit to tha dominion dont be a shuffler and a thamhler but lift up your feet bravely andpdt them down so squarely hat it will mean some- thing for god every time yoa step wednesday april i ii i i- i and following- days j r a g showing of millinery a grand display i do my spring cleaning at all seasons of the year how ia that t i aro a watchmaker piehent award at the universal cooker and food ex hibition held in london and opened by the lord kayor may sri lii itessrt w g dunn co of croydon london and hamilton canada obtained the highest award for baking powder painful barns braises scalds ahd cats are quickly toothed tnd healed by victor carbolic salve it would be germi a m o qn-v- 6th of dress goods never before have we made inch extensive arrangement illiuery trade as wa have this season box upon box of una t nd stacks of the fiaeit laces oar ribboa counter it uxsd pacllr and oar muuners know the ufa ideas sod can arrsioge i iters of fine headgear it most not be forgotten that oar prices went goods can be sold or dress coops bedford cords tweed effect and caepons hare tha awns and mid greys are undoubtedly the correct ihade hil to inspectionr itocidintha abote linef nojboate fn etter aod uw can do as welt foe yoa ia tha matter of sty ith the times snd bsrpcioec sre down to he lowest notch imo lovely designs in french wool deltinet tnd sateens eather goods is very complete dont forget about our window shades extra ralae ia thia department i for a big french flowers to its utmost them lo init are as low as this year and t is worth your is country can do w keen well up wa are showing oar stock of hot carpets cartains and r jb jermyn guelph cloth hall jotch tweed siiitings ilargekt and finest fassortmeri we have ever shown l il i shaw gru tidy 1 orchtuit taiioru olly wejtould not produce for your iorpection exactly it advertised our cotton arid silk hosiery is unsurpaased in canada hildrtns wear and we can speak with authority on- thia nee and knowledge oar buyers have gone direct to or cotton and lisle hosiery for tha whole world and have goods combining he most favorable qualities we that r other goods fram the mill direct and we hare secured cotton hose irom a eerttin german manufaotarer that try a pair to be convinced that for quality of material snnot be excelled these hose are of a perfectly fait hosiery is dyed by he beat dyer in the world loait th exper nee it see also ourc udc kini ly f to advectite gpodt which wo stae most decidedly his season foe ladiea and j point from personal chemnitz the headquarters there selected the lines of purchase our hosiery tt such special value in lisle we need only ask y6a toki j and permaneaoe of dye they black indeed alt ouc i hermtdotf i il f we have i guaraateed bose at i0o- vla and 15c but especially reeomtneud i oar 20o 2od and 35c lie in cotton an ioc and 55c lines in lisle hosiery we intend to maintain a repatti on for these goods equal to that we hate always had for i cashmere hosiery i jitle and silk uiffs at ioo ijoc and upwards aud in taffeta aud silk gloves we have secured to sell at popular prices trafe in these goods thitipting we have just receiaei boots and shoes fscfqrers in petition in rtyle our fall stock of rom the best menu- canada and defy com- either quality ir prioe ws make speciality of boots a shoes vhich for style fil tnd wear cannot- be eielled j r actoa1 ijaikest drabl man b tear u0 hi prauaaiaa with our new make o addition the lines of we propose todoabte oar sa ss judging by the qtfick the impression is untvert 1 assortment g b ky c mj onvfeprioeonly g b jryhn 5t cjd cuelph spec de for wa right house in plejuing vsriety i the new i this lesson haudsome printed nslniook mus very charming aro the blouses raids from law correct for the hot lesson balunecesssry tt french and american styles ranging tn pfi reduced from for to 9oa blouses formerly m at the new store co nee of king street east and ughsou sti hamilton jane lu i i and the many rolls of carpet leaving our store continually that for quoiily price betuty of patterns tnd large t is the carpet house of gnelpbl dress in a cool manner duringlhe wai t months saitable fsdrios to cover these requirements w 11 mm kmuu atuusuuis nimcu iiuiws uu us aiso awis apaiua atusuus tast tfiaex tflatn urgand purposes beaatital french printed dress uai ins and manyotber attractive wash muslins in large variety al provision i 1 m eatlier requiremeiits mi flouncing ini whiles wi8s mnslin embrofderi- at alio swiss spatted maeliuf fast blaek plain organd aepheri snd fanoy printed goods they are good fitting fashion demtndt their nse a charming variety of he newts rom llo upwards i 8ummer corieu and walit are i temperature downj kda will find them in the irset department in right styles and prices a surprising offered in tfe corset pepartmt a genuine one dollar c0r8btwhich this 50a corset is jwsll madegood fiuiog and oerta 1 over he houm la well assorted and new goods arriving daii- follows china atattiagjast the article for covering son for fifty oent8ja pair his just srrivi i christened he surprise atk to see it stock i have been reotved this week i cottage 8 bases carted i case laoecuruini surah bilks at 60c jvery nice quality of oloth nik nice variety of new plain pongee it 25c two at v v u to v beaded gimp from europe printed delanessim ribbons new veilings ribbon fringes and narrow colore i underwear all kinc i forlidies jjieu and childre correct weight for sommer months to spend mone advavtage rliab the bargains 01 ered allwool dre88 goods foruerlt 15o a large lot of allwool dress goods forms ly 20c reduced to 12jc balanoe of his seasons jackets reduced to bargain itlcet a itrge variety of od lot in black colored and fanoy silks reduced to nearly vtrioatloteot glov wand mitttrvfduoed to deal ns prices fanoy cheffon in wide widths reduced from ajaj4 ffaaa aixtr- ft a da dlahiifl siam afl j ff mj if tsv uj w im m and l50 rtdaoed to 75o each a good variety to aeleot treed thokisp wtii eeirj i be found at the ii i new article daalins for dress i atk to see thetn lartssntt the style designs in english isefuf to ksep the no bargains will be 80ld nrtoiplaaa it u 18 packages in yonr beach raa bilks 8pot i soo per yard jrda and poplins limps 8amtnr colthe be8t to 24a isdoekd to jiantohudreoi ha f fhcmst prioe htol5o obaffon fnm please enter 81 o tdiaa niuvraneea wiiurd est oouook window i in cnraaedom or obty pmobrta wvatuka wtslk sotasnlaasl providence teiesrrsani ta the busy tiielazy and the econonueal theooneetinallttlikracsthr bas napeer ia originality ni design scope and accuracy of- vision tbecongimess in cxecntvon iidliulrtfasabaalulmaaduaasanwaia chleaso rnterilor 7ir areav- mem ot sew vock has come to the rescnens busy people we know of one kirk nilrmd who foe a avjeth has worked nam it o dock al night and yet bas kept wen informed otcttrtent world events he rearhs magazine it sires him a rnnningj commentary on important events betides a dices of the best arudesn contemporary maeaxmea- price 25c i 8260 a year iarxts waj ctrxaarxsosaniacatisa snavnonk the bfcthw opihrvleto iwtosfr t tluhaslnik 3500 in jeetods fl he canadian agriculturists great half yearly liteiary cuanplsutton ti fanvcaiyuttarjj compelium ir ism ot the canadian inrtcalturist aiujer- i as old and reliable lfluatrataa faknllr 1 anajuno will elo se jtne 30t4 sal letters bear- i grostmtrkuot later than jiine joth will count c i matter where iiostedj the ollowins i ilendid prizes u1 im given- f to persona i nding in the ereatesti number of woidamada 0 it of fetters contained in thelwords tan it- i ajexted aomcuttvaiai ufevery one s tndlng in a list oc nqtloss than iuo words will r ceive a valuable present at auvezware g- 1 t grand bewardxj sjoolngom s id id 111 so 6h i h 6h bh- powder 1hec00icsbestfriend laromt sale tn canada i grand waap valued t noo usssofnoold j organ valued at 8xd alooingpld gents gold watch lull jewelled ladits gold wstch full jewelled onia gold sslnoold li kowards of 10eaclilr aihj lextffl prizes- bilror tea bits quadrunle v plan warranted 1 juiiujuo i ext prites4t silver dessert setarwaxrantea text so pssjslcb b lver buttsr dttnea c warranted hoavy piste mo prizes eonatati of heavy plated silver kettles butter dish s ftuu baaketst biscnit jars sugar shells e attaz knhea itijl fuut ing a total of spiandh gwards the value ot which will asres stij l competltian is open to c slttas rh thefosjlnt stfi i h wards 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