Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 7, 1892, p. 2

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pfem i j i j h7 wt i aow house of commons rrowctu iletkipothtftj jalr lb wlte of j aha kcdlict nf oa gitk inrrinfili in julv ihc ltc of ur dctf glrc u of uuctter cnrrrttn niinootbrffth jcce ui ue of mr um crip ot diajtioer lntitta acton on uie wu july hie ifc ot rck harpm of duf irtcr irridtrpolullcoiitic jaf tike kiio o vy use tijlor erf ft dcuculor ftinirbmtmuiuirmo fcxh inun vt ky 1 wupp mrksmurl tsuuilcf arton tuinhntuli 6c ell at liotkwwd ttilvcx j rctj wltcmr ujtonktanif ccucnj nittrhitkt uulc current mmkoallu ulsiidto hdcd iconciit diuchtcr ot met irtirt ij acton inrrrvittalu ujtrtlic on fith juno at ite rccidtufc c ilietiridck itutnts tyllcv oit arton vjr wtluim hrtvw of iliftworuv to lit ocuiis tuuctiicr of wltliiiii wlatrr ti plttrmnpllpavon jolt fcld ft tllc ictultticc tiltlir imdr tiiotlicr by tlie kct ur wardtvlc guclph mittod lr ibc it v town j tiorirn prorogation uk ly wukpca any day and th mcnbr a paotinf lip notes hef t and there oru july tv xxivctutioa is th tirorceto kutlicrltdd ud to helen diucbtr ot tlie iv m ituchuiko kutlirrud4md v ul jmirt uadiy lq liruehoutaj out anirmvrivrno at st goorwi ctiurch- xuictrrtlcotburidivxh ultby the jtev ivin crmicbm mlm eui ccunsron rtaditt ofthutr june cmronof acton ka titter q sir joctph iuttttll ol tbltcity to john vi aodrni 8uirintndnt mctnv poliuti klcctric uttlwtt of toronto lirurogitiou will tal e plfcoe so fttr as the uouto of coinruou is coaccrucd tho work is practically cotnp cch and adjournment could bo arrived it thescnatc has iutkndtfall tho senators uro now at work at a pretty ititf paco and vrorogttion will tw likely beddayod longer than ttcu monday in any evctit pxed jim 1 1 osln guttlpli on thr 3rd july alpcraou- ttitl ton o ju e jtnilrn atvl is jrin miiii vi lu klori ou vtsium4ty juqf till mm mrnru ifc or tile kcv jfciuv mil lrnif dd od t xrs l xic rton jfrre lwss thursday ivly 7 1602 a word for free press readers x- previously tnzoucced the free iress ytnll ca the 1st of juiutry 1893 adopt the ctsh ia advance system ia the mtttvrcf subscriptions trd this de- cixittfl isreferred to from tide to time so thst u may understsjid it ssd be pr ptred to help vs carry oat the ew jrtccaenf we solicit the sid of til our subscribers mmyatvrhoaharebeeb recxilsr refcders ot the free press trcsa the issue o the first number seventeen yetrs o cd ioojr upon it as tn eld ssd trusted triendtjid erect the institutions closely connected vnthac tons proess thenevpun mllwe sre convincedbe ixcre sjltzstzctory to sit concerned notes and comments a special f ectare of the oensus by natioa- alities ia the comparison of the french rpeaiing cmtditnt with the rest ot the population for the whole dominion it is hown that the french raoe ia relatively i mailer than it was in lfl its proportion beinc in that year 301 and now 29 4 in quebec tbeie has however been an increase of about one per cent on theotber hand tbc french in the northwest territories have been entirely outstripped iu propor tionate crowth of numbers they were ten per cent of the population io 16s1 and are a little over two per oect now a wideawake exchange comments upon the proposed reduction of ptesener rates as follow it is very doubtful if the re duction of the railway passenger rate to two ceuta per mile upon alt the railways in canada would cause any falling of in the reoejpti o the roads reduced fares would increase passenger travel and it cocu co more to haul a loaded passenger car than to haul an etrjptyooe bui it will probably be difficult to induce those cabinet minis ten and members of parliament who travel upon annual pastes to think that three cents a mile is too much for ordinary people to pay in railway fares the united statea government has itsutd a report on farm wages across the line vie have not seen a copy bat the detroit frrt prttk gives the following as the average rates of wages ehown per month new england states 17 50 bonthern bj4tes 10 02 western etaw 15 86 mountain statts 21 28 liacific states 24 25 the average monthly wage paid in ontario as reported by the bureau of in dustries for the eight years of lfc280 was vtlo thu it will be seen is higher than the rate in any part of the united btates the licit tyii instead of bonutin the politicians who have unduly prolonged the tession of parliament the country tho old subject tbem to a vote of cetiure an em ployer does pot pay the slowest workmtn the biggest salary neither should canada set a premium upon the verbosity ol its legislators between the talking proclivi- ties ol some and the inactivity ot others canda is annually saddled with with the expense of unnecessarily long seshious of parliament it is the heigbth ct absurdity lor those who are responsible for this to want an additional indemnity on that account dec 31 pasted tho corrcut topo ofc exact dto at which mr a t imxtixo ok ke vkllx ffctutl at a meeting of the debate committee it was decided to i odace tho first issua of ttic daily debates from 17600 to s00 or m0 and to scad out to the press revised copiea of the issue instca i of tho sheets as first printed tho 300 oc s50 aa the case may be will iufiee to apply the members and the prcaa gallery at tho end of tho session those newspapers which received daily copiea ol the hatu int will get a title page and tndes ko tltvimos brukttl tkih ytuu after the reaiaitderotthecaiincstimatea and the whole ot the supplsmeatary had been disposed ot m saturday hod kcr pattersons bill providing that there shall not be a revision it the voters lists thia i ear and legalism j some list reoeived after 1ttifcisctilb4tk tiailwm4ixiin llsuano arrlvnt x cordlall rtoelved on moyllly owollf i to talk uoviks it hon edwird duka cri by the alun lta 6 8 rcwilj thlraotolngitmoville 1 1 to jippwttod in ciocllcnt health md ipitl t j bt very tatiooat it bdag genecll- mdetttood lht ho will uy nothinr till he hi wowed tlio positioti of affttre an ita noino reception witod the krivtl ot l i iwnior lir blkf ropanicd by ills san bid on sffectionato fircwcll to ii i thaatnud nd more mali with whom hi i ifcly crow ed tho attinlto utid whit ho iteppod oa boird the tender en roatjs or londonderry ho ku received with doau ot farewell nd gtopeccl from hlil ellow -oyori- the irish nitlonnlltt psttv at s depot- ttondown to meet the dlitwalthed cw dun tad welcomed him btiberaun soil with open irmi tho gre itling was trott icfectlng one for edwwrdj buke who wrung each ol hit ihih ciinnttriote warm ly by the hnd in icknowlfcdgment of their welcome even in movijlo ha ilgne of bitter political truggto wjrevldent but mr blake almost immmtacly prooeodod on to south longford hulthoeen oooititu- ency to plaoo hlmielfattjnojiliposal ot tho electors hroogh committee and borne interesting reflections are selected by the recent industrial bulletip aj the an- eus according to the statistician each workman intrsi produced fitj2 and was ptid t271s0s diiproportionate as this diruion appears it is more favourable to the wage earner than that made in 1681 on the other hand the employers spent ti3ji321j in raw material paid 199- 7ci4tl in wbe and had products valued at 475h570j their njt profit eoppos- ing they were able to realize upon the pro ducts weald therefore be f ll700ots or naarly s3 rir cent epon the capital of f 375wo they had invested there is however another way of looking at- this the number of industrial establishment wad 757k a division of the net profit among all these woald leave only s157j etch the figures indicate that for the money invested the return is large but for the number of employers ilissmall what we need is more capital rather than more factories the new criminallaw consolidation bill among other things deals with betting in the follgwihg terms fveryone is guilty of an indictable offense and liable to one years imprisonment andto a fine not ex ceeding one thousand dollars who t uses or knowingly allows any part of any prem ises under his control to be used for the purpose of recordioj or registering any bet or wacer or selling any pool or b keeps exhibits or employs or knowingly allows to bo kept exhibited or employed in any part of the premises aader his control any device or apparatea for the purpose of re cording any bet or sriger or selling any pool or c becomec the custodian or depository of any money property or val uable thing staked wagered or pledged or id records or registers any bet or wager or sells any pool opou the result i of any political or municipal election li of any race iii of any contest or trial of skill or endurance of man or beast the pro visions of this section shall not extend to any perton by reason of bis becoming the custodian or depository of any money pro perty or valuable thing staked to be paid to toe win oer of any lawful race sport esrrieor erercise or to the owner of any lasrtol race or t beu between individuals fit cade on the race course of an tooorpor- ateh association during the actual progress cf a race meeting i u stands tor third n adlog tomorrow un nioh mi iosiuts iaiuwixl tuesday was th last day ot mr hugh john ilaodonald m p in parliament he has mode up 1 is mind finally to retire from politics w aile ho is deeply sensible of the kindness of lis tricudb in parliament who waited upon lim on saturday last and pressed him to rei tain in the house offer ing him an ontar o seat if he found the representation of 1 1 western constituency at all irksome he has judged it best to retire his law practioa in winnipeg is worth 10000 a year to ihim if he remains in parliament he will havo to let it 60 he lias found it impossible to at onoo properly attend to it and his duties ns a politician and ho had to make a choice of giving up cither the latter or his law partnership with mr stewart tuppor in winnipeg further he has io great liking for public life he and mf t m daly m p for brandon wctt wtst together last night it is likely that the ministerial members of parliament will signalize the- occasion of tlie retirement from politics of sir john macdonalds son py presenting him with a testimonial of their great regard for him uoroh is tiir iiorsr summonses were issued monday against the caterer of the house of commons restaurant on a charge of selling liquor without a license the restaarants are said as stated in the information laid to have served liquor to outsiders during pro hibited hours and to have sold to citirens of ottawa liquorjwhen the understanding was that legislators only shooid be supplied gabrieldnmonthehalf breed is in town and bas been andbject of interest in the lobbies- dumonutas just returned from france where he was irsthe show business his honor lieutenantgovernor schultz occupied a seat o i the floor of the commons monday evening ur frank g hail assistant chemist of the geological lawey department was married on tuesd ay to miss butterworth eldest daughter w elald e b butter- worth mr j c forws the artist was in town yesterday he is at present engaged on his duplicate of the portrait of mr gladstone which is to be presented to the canadian national gallenl the directors of the worlds fair have requested that it be placed on exhibition there sutts mr thomas dticon qc of pembroke has been appointed deputy county judge of renfrew it is reported that mrjustice fournier of the supreme court of canada will shortlsresign his position the writ for a lew election in marquette map has been usued komination on tho loth polling on t le 2jnd inst mr macleans intendment to the rail way act for a twooent per mile faro was voted down on a division of 128 to 20 the annual bit e book on railway statis tics shows that here art 14033 miles of railway completed in canada and 14000 in operation it is reported that mr desjardinp lltlet has been offered the petition of clerk of the legislature of queboc the matter will be laid before the government about fcrty ministerial supporters last thursday waitec upon premier abbott and asked for an add tiohal indemnity of t- on account of i he length of the session the premier promised to consider the matter death of premi srj robson british columbias cr taf maglttrata dies in london ene vicronu b c june m hon john robsou premier ot driti h columbia died in loudon eug at 0 pn rtoday tho dead premier wai fa poor health when he left victoria foe london on busi ness oonneeted with cr fter colonization scheme lie was taken i i io london a few days ago and his weaken jaggravated by a slight accident liasteuel dissolution hon john robson was a son ot tho late john robsoo of sariia lont he was born at perth out marh 14 164 ana in april 1854 marril susan fourth daughter of the lata capt john longworth of goderich he emigrated to british columbia early in 18mat d established and edited the brituli co radian he was mayor of new westminster in lsgfiand sat tn the legislative council of british culum bia from that year beojmtug provincial secretary in 1683 and pttmier in 1688 he tj an uncle of j r cameron ot the hamilton sfxctator stories of travellrv many lands the current issue ct aldcos illustrated weekly paper knourlnljtl begina a series of illustrated sketches and jtorie ot travel in many lands by many travellers which as indicated by this issue will prove biihly entertaining and instructive the i nrst paper is by e g squierjon pern or the land of the incas sudj has several fine illustrations this is devoted tohis personal adventures and observations another paper will be devoted to tho ancient civiliz ation and the antiquities ot pern scne ot iu monuments and fortifications dating back it is supposed to the age ol the pyramids of egypt being illustrated a specimen copy of aoiefje may be- had free the price is only so cents a year amazingly cheap as aldens publications always are jon b auty publisher st rose st new york four men scalded a boiler exploslonfour fatalities may result winxirro july i a terrible boiler ex plosion occurred on saturday on the farm of fred lewis south of morden near the fun a license any resident o says hereafter amer- will not be allowed to an exchange ican poachers slaughter our gs ae without paying for the ee of f23 must be paid by the united states who shoots on the itid or waters of the prov vince whether he is a member of any gon club or not vhe penalty for violation may be fifty dollars and ousts the canadian house of commons has just voted s100cw for worlds fair par- poses some of the proviaces have gone into the work io the extent of 25000 each and others have appropriated less amounts in addition to these legislative grants the canadian pacih tyill expend a large sum in advertising its territory and putting it self on drees parade before a great and dis criminating audience evidently ctnada means to put ber best foot forward in 1853 chicago cfliitiata amrrlcan the statisticians have made a calcula- tion of the comparative cost of governing quebec and ontario it is abundantly clear that the neighbouring province has too much public mahinery quebec has one legislator for eai h 15340 of ita population in onloriolheriiare23234 inhabitants to each legislator though our population is onethird larcer thanthatiof quebec we pay for sessiona allowances 1 34000 our sister eister province pays i77g0o j aeranauts killed bostoi- joly 4 the balloon ascension from the comiaon this afternoon one ot the features of the celebration of the fourth prepared by the city government had a sad ending the aeronaut professor george a rogers of maid hb me meeting bia death almost instant his sseiitant thomas fenton dying li ter and tbot third occupant of the ballon bring now io tbe hospital eufleriog from the shock sod inhalation of gas prof reg rs attempted to open the rtlve when up a few hundred feet as the ballqoo was get lug oat to sea in his efforts to more t le valve he made a rent tn the side of the b illocn the immense bat descended at a p rrible rstesudasltitruck the water eolltpi ed entirely rogers sank st once and his t jdy has oot been recovered fenloo and goi smith straggled hard ta men finally rest ued bos fentoo died be- fare reaching he city boundary line by which four men were terribly scalded one of whom will die j the victims robert bothrel terribly scalded two limbs hrpki n rtvill die thos campbeli burned aboul the head face and body injuries very serious newton lewis severely scalded and struck in the abdomen by piece of icon john drumm scalded all the victims hail frbm different parts of ontario the eause of the explosion is a mystery but it is supposed to have been occasioned from careleasqcss the bullet fo and york count probably die as 6bab0x ont july robinson who purchi cocking revolver from week since was showii a view to induoe him accidentally went off mrs robinsons aide not yet been able to iii woman is in a precarioj ud a billet v woman will the resujt a man aimed a 32eeiibre self- toronto visitor a lit toafriendrith pnrchase when it e ball lodging in two doctors have the ball and the i condition niagara fal s tunnel nuoara faixh joly according to the calculation of cootractir rogers the great tunnel will bo oomph ed in about three weeks tho rock etca rations are finished the brick sidewalks ha p been laid and the wooden archie built is soon aa the in- vetvjhss been laid which aa before stated will require about tbrie weeks the great bore will be ready for the reception of water and one of the greatest lengineeting feata of the century a triumphant success literary notes a timely and very interesting feature of tho last number of r7oper wnlly pub lished june 22d wa a series of illus trations of tbe festivities recently held st genoa ia honor of christopher colornuas thase illustrations will include views ot of the columbus monument at genoaknd of the house in which lie great discoverer wasborp with portral s of columbus and of vespucci from tliel paintings in the museum at genoa tie same number of the viiilly will contain several illustrations of the democratlo katsinlal convention in session at chicago incj idiog a doublepage picture of tbe wigwaj in which the meet ings are held amon other interesting features there will te a characteristic story by john keodrck ibangs entltled a sea tale appropriately illuetratecj by a b frost and a ptg of pictures prising a number of jbstantaneous views of baseball players in various posltloni at different stages of the game inle y the stclaodul slaaakur for july 1892 prioa2 a year 1 far six montha 20 cents per namber jtojoato wflltatn briggs in this number which begins the thirtysixth volume of his popular iisgs- rine we continue oar strieti of articles in giving valuable infoctkatton arid hotly illustrated of that great ocuntry of fuiia the editor portrays with per and pencil tbe tremendous canyon of the river of lost souls as the spaniirds called it and other sceuio woideis of western colorado a timely pt gee on ico opera tive indastry by i h burton of toronto shows the roaderfal pregriu la this direction id ireat britain and franca ths vletorii u age by rev b dmaoarnma b v will mi iht patriot pulses this toi ohfng sad graph io story oc ills la a loo loo hospital by the wife ot a minister t ill louoh a ymrk thettoohord oar lady frlmds wills ways find something ot specltl uterest in this tnigiii lly talk art bujtbmsj it ah wbrldlbolngs v tin tlnoirio irol ty i now in full operation it hatrjllton j i-j- cytui w fiate i phyilclans say ho may 4 at shy raorae it j thsdensasrel ret ot canada bf nation- aliuettr complited r g m oittui r ot fott beoomoi jill- erotlimbtoa w anty 1 a thiaisnd hi ids la tli rolling mills of rullidplillhimitfack nmtiy thocii rid ilioetoskcr opecsttfes sro looted out in england the whole sou hern shore ot the caspian sea it nfested w th cholera aeuldldweil jf california l the frail dentlaiprohlbili n candidate- cam dlaa gral ils again taking the pa4 in the pen mar iu ot tho wocld i frai es has oc tfally approved ot holding a big i iternatioi u cxposilion la 1900 a k i of itr ilchle of lladsay aged years i ell into tl irlvec and was drownej he wife of hun senatoc kemer ct new ilambarg fiedoa doratnian day 6iue januar 500 dakota- farmers i have settled in mautt- ba with 1600 head ot stock arthur web ter eight years btd wis accidentally drc irned at paisley tuesdak four vouug c suadianc were drowned in a lde off ca ks uudge b c on ftidak zhos haywo id a fish pedlar hu bei n killed on a railway crossing at lcndoi ont j the baptist uurcb in windsor said io be tho oldest in j canada has been barn id down as much as i 000 rat realized by i is sale of smuggl whiskey in quebec on si t- urday archbuhop i ahre ot montreal recon- mendi hit clerf i to pray for the eessatbn of rain twi prisanei inow in custody at sola have confessed o a plot to kill ferdiua ad of bulgaria there are at present only 1022 ameri cans ia china tocording to a recent con- etzlar report hoi w mcrea judge of the district ot algomi die at baa it ste marie last fridsjy night grind duke v aldimir fell out ot hit nil- way gar in rui lis on saturday and briko a leg and arm i king humbrt aqd president car jot have each been asked to name a bebtiug res ccmmitti ner upwards of 0000 orangemea areeipec- ted tol take pai t in the sarnla demons ra tion on tho tw rlfth thi governo generals sailor son vic or of h jit s ca ada has captured 53 lb trout in the cs capediac coll s m ji rvit ot chatham wss to md drowsed in a ustero in the cellar ot hit bouse on satur lay night james armi rong the horsethief vas tenter ced to lie central prison for loe year at wellan i tuesday a b rewery h jid named bauapby fell i ato a vat of hnt pol terin philadelphia on fett- nrdayj and wat scalded to death winnipegs 1 iland revenue returns for the fiteal yeti just closed were floojooo greater than fo thoprevlotts year from crop i ports appearing in the i jly press it it sho n that in only a few sections his the wet we tther dooedamsge an exhibit ill red fife wheat grown in manitoba his taken the gold medal at international le ihlbitidn in london 200jworth of otherwedlolna dut ziof irifo sartapartlfs i cutfd it lswllli pletsuro ttiatl tell of lite great benefit i derive from hoods ftiartn for 0 yean i se been badly afflicted wit erypelaf i tlfr nut wilt runnlna sore durintr liot then diriui ths kmmor wat twe to do my housework tad watli twb miles which i liad not done far six yean tonji- sseired of erysipelas and recommend any person io afflicted to use hoods sarsapar ha hood ptirtfler known mnj h uwtsr oiurcli itrcet coniksllu hanlsa defn tedhosmer in a threenile tcullirjg race a hartford monday even ng the tune giver is 18 minutes 65 secoaov col volney lthford the canadian vhb was pit under srrett for treason at qauo- lalu 1 as been eleased and left foe frisco animbero ctniditn letlert and j the tteam r qoc illan bars been kkeoj in atnk n water i by united btates crullers six member i cf the grand trunk boat club rere dro rued at montreal on satur day tl rough tl s capsiciog ot a urge it i i feared hat it will we impottihta to save the inrt i steamer city ot chicago ashor on the riih ooast near qaecnitown it vis blood poisoning that killed prem ier ribson of iritith columbia hit little finger had beep smashed in the door of a cab hary steptenson a lad wis grabbed byaiaptlve biar tt havelock tho brute cbewi d out i li pieces of flesh and inflicted t iittle so i aged 11 accidentally dis- ed a gin and thot mrs bnllit the hart this was at stevens vl a young mi n named w glenn of mor ningt in towps iip was killed oh thursday by a i wnt falli 3g on him while assisting at a barpralifni a despatch tom niagara falls n says he work of constructing the c p from jwooditc k to the falls will commence within a mon h martha bis ce the elevenyearold dsjigh ter of jobnj i blake was run over killed at pap i avenue crossing tort nto tuesd ay tutor ing denes of mr and mrs moots n who it serving a terra ot imprisonment in dublin for having caused the death eje 1 sr little daughter bat given birth jto a bo in prison thi hymn jesus shall reign whereer the nnj h is been suppressed by the turkish gove nment as incompatible vith the claims of mohammedanism mr kdmui d deedet sheriff of norfolk county died fxudsy morning at the fell tr- m tt c t c psttesoo eutwood near voodite k in his 82hd year r burglars hi 3ks into and ransacked the grand trun station at nwmsrke on saturday j nig it bat only got foar cntt they bacevi r secured some liquor from the freight it sd the boy- fo nd on the island dribvork june20tb ha confessed that heia will iam d attains of ancuter township he de- slrtd notorit and delaret he had no tccomplicet bey dr ilhrows tourist party to egypt pale tine turkey greece and fftatoera and central europe hat retained after ji very cceuful vxcurtion otelgh thouiand milet rton ld8 qnt oatf of 1 oronia sebcol of deattstry s id koysl p illsgi of dsntsi bnrgwas orrtcthkei post qfflcs acton sii33ja hoqw bt utw mlifwm the qratbill manufacturing qo ltd waterlqo ont uanufactubebs op i bank office school lode aud opera fariiitarei the oifobd autoiiatio tlitjeoasonwettres asgortgcl stock ia this ike lpwuigtlieilar ayer bwagtrf intb tlio sanio quality of print that we iwld aud 17c imt year caa be had this year at wi arid best acton the opds are all new and just oq last wo received 50 new pieces saturday dontfail to get our estimates send for circulars and ctfalocues latest improved and perfect ed school desk d sullivan malcolm ontario writes i have been selling dr thomas eciectric oil for tons yean and have no hesitation in saving that it hu given better satisfac tion than any other medicine t have ever told i consider it the only patent mad cine that cures more than it it recommend ed to cure hoards liniment cures la qiipdc it would be to advertise gcodt wt ich we tttte most decidi dry this season for ladies ai polut from personal ex chemnitz the headqiiart there selected lbs link ot purchase our hosiery at tich special value in lisi the paftorus aceall new anl varied so have a largo range to choose fromi we havo also great bargaiau- in 8c and loc biinte of which we have stacks that must be i at 15c that yoa i old a- smart icliowi has made popular the phrase j a nostil applied to shop ping by think for a minjjtc of thwtimc and ex pense and bttwcn of a railrpad journey sana then consider that there artr no difficulties in the way orurchuing goods by rnailcithcr tmiginary or real whchvpanntjr be over come if proper care is exer cised manyivho have become familiar with the simple de tails find it oftentimes less troublesome than shopping iii person the t eaton btyv ito ih rge jlrttt teriisil fete irtistmtnti toesalaej our stock of dress goods is raosteompiete and a very large range is on exhibition every groundjprices day at odr black and colored cashmeres were bought from the largest house in montreal and the paces are the eiosest we ever sold goods at a call will pay yoa j henderson mcrae fc co john speiglit fe son furniturec undertklng and we can supply oar furniture nor ell at lav for cash our stock of furniture is now completa foe the spring trade i article yoa want at the lowest pottlbfe prices wa dont steal laud any one in its manufacture but we pay cash for it aad can at i ly dealers in the trade we can give you a bedroomtset complete for i4 wo vtf mattresses for 4 springs for 3 sideboards at cost lounges for 750 ektenslon fables t6q chairs at any price undertkklimc a full line ei coffins catkeuj robes etc always in ttoolrj we can gits yop tat taction as to prices we desire to imprest upon the pabllo lbs tot utat era hara no eoc lection with any combination and oar prices are not governedlbj tha tjndertsksrt aseiciation we cangiveiyoa the best the markets afford at ytiemonahle prices good hearse and outfit for funerals i ir speidjht 5t son ix nntelatt mflcti eows 1 part jertsy cash o- ofbaqkabts paper aim ssjlkwagcci and cam taoifood mates for sale or sxebanss tor young caws apply to thos c moobe aeten trespassers take notiee n otice is herev eiven that the nubile gener- i- aur to totbibbsn rrom w thy actao april ibthiflol fobr iule aoqp swiijrw inaxsrtt w t otsiijsljbodlsln te wg li lciin ocxxmtl these lots arj fltss- smtbermtithevinttaid quite don 1 s1w iot i jmatit deeded wfllb told enueecr trpat jrlmsyitedj tbe block wuib toldv abaiin- xetonaprutkh mw aj48ft uattheb yalnable pj-onei-ty- for salej a bush farm csilot 17 con it in tbe twrir ship w peellls acres- wttb log dwegm mugjumtnied wtuiboeeb maple bsmsqek pme cedar rock and soft ew fc or aets cleared except btmsng the brusd- l lwa jj nd two cellars trage stahle withten lots of a land on ooelpb ktssrla sod ooeen streetsta i lbs tmotaaoat fflauleeijbnflaiiis lots sepaialelr daslrsev teottruilraiaabcicexihansefor other thfenbwileatm f ly t could not prodace for your inspection exactly as advertised at oar cotton ani silk hotiery it aniurptised in canada childrens wear and we can ipeak with authority on this rience and knowledge oar bayert have- gone direct to t for cotton and lisle hotiery tor the whole world and have heta goodt combining the most favorable qualities we that io oar other mods front tbe mill direct and we have second tnd cotton hose from a certain german manufacturer that wa need only ask youtto kt idly try a pair to be convinced that for quality ot material and permanence ot dye th jav cannot be excelled these hot are ot a perfectly fast black indeed all oatf gerrjiaa hosiery tt dyed hy the best dyer ia the world tonit hermtdorf we have guaranteed our joo 25c and intend to maintain cashmere hotlacy 850 hose at 10c i2jc tnd 15c but especially recommend fines in cotton an jc and 55c lines in litis hotiery we arepotjatlon for these goods equal to that we havo always had for with oar new make addition the lines of ws propose to double oar judging by the qaicl tho impression it anlv tssortmeat g b kjtta i gb iiisla and silk mills si 35c 30c and upwtrdi tod ia taffeta tnd bilk gloves wo have secured to sell at popular prices tjde in these goods this spring 1 lie ales and the many rolit of carpet leaving oar store continually nai that for qaolity prioe beiuty of patterns and large cos it ibja carpet hcasa of gnelph e pkice onliv ryrn5 5o ostotx hsl measure in annonndog to tho dtilesa oi aeiaeiod vfdnitr list be has oompleted sr- raogements to open a sew meat market in ths buudlns recently elected at tbe corner of iub aod malu btreett bv mrs eeoord neirttnetelar uorntniixgdmstjafnlllstockof all unas- of jlpreah moats fowl etc will be opened tbe beist qpality always to stock- i 1 having bad experience in the batlsettl can- latum all who favorie with their ordsisentirs satlstaetion- 4- highest cash priespaid for pork bides tal- viiun havinf cattle ike toseuuireqatstea o asl i j0tetvll ovelphi specil attractions kt th m reduced friges on hany i right house the numerous depsrltd here the ilsatle department offers this si formerly- li new 13 jtokitt formerly fl i higher priced gtrments the millinei bonnets all at reduced prices ontrimmed millinery goodt eilss ot drest gcodt redai lot ot tweed- drees goods double width jon reduced to 15 tad 16 etch dress qoodi fo ttl2o see tbe ipeciti lot of allwool coli formerly 2 a far doten ot ladies whi 10c j lois ot hosiery tnd gloves at reduo gcodt are being received daily- io keen the n ladlet new silk tnd chiffon tiet ar ideas in fani new fancy hair fink hew from 15c a beautiful atiortment of newsli an perfectflltlng garmentt tnd will giveyot pair ba tan aud iee the surprise coi eqalpolte wslstt jdtt to hand special at will be made to purohasert of that goods carpets are held and are made on the loams art uoslins and 8wis brmaeli and other c king and hoghson streets daring july ti 1 1 from next saturday y hatahlori oalf ethlhw right moye nes of 8pr1no and sommeroodshave beek made at the nts tee crowded with attractive bargains a few of tbem only esin be mentioned isoas itylesiu ladies and childrens jtokets it greatly reduced prtcas jackets iwtl jackets former ly 18 now 1550 similar redootiont have btien made oh the i department is offehinq stylish trimmed tad untrieimed halt and itrawt thli years styles olearing oat at very low prices ba tore aud these cheap id to olearing prices louble fpld dress goodt rednbed from 60a to5c a bargain 16c a lot of stylish costume lengths of very choice goods formerly isto 1s r if rednoed to 600 lots of allwool drest goodt in goodthsjkt clearing oat enriettas h inches wide at soo a yard blouses at 85c tomi ot ihtra wan mile uhdetvettt with short tleevet at 606 worth about wl each ptioet many lines of staple ind hoatefurnithing goods at tp iaeront departments well assorted with goodt that an wasjmfor ihoioe atsortment ot new belt a ipeclij lot at ladies belts tt cotton underwear good white shirts at 49a cbamltes sic let in white lawn fancy silk and bits sarah 8uk bloasas jnst satisfaction another lot ot those desirable summer oortelt at 40o par pair i they an really worth ii thar it a bat a the carpet department dating joly sad august liarge variety of wiltont axmlntltn velvett brnatsls f the bait makers in the world f oraltan covsrlngt bilk iruint lit profutlon pleue enter the store at th door of iba augott the bight house will dote on sttnrdty evtningt at 7 0 loii aerly olog ed he tite ui iced p ot hi yfih thomas diet vestattt prices new aoujay trade totieb kaw corset covert lesind thty utt tj5o par rash tor tbto al indootmsnti iter and wool orstooatv tooroar oomraeoclns a wtkijsrs 3500 ljrjsewaels m the canadian agriculturists great hill yearly literary compeution t r yi- the fifth half toiilt utersry competuosi orlflta of tbe csnaduu sfcicultniistvajner- leas eld and rsuawe lllosoated famfly iugarlmwilldoaf oe30thcah louersbear- lng postmtflmot laker than jtme nth wih coons no matter wbeae vcatej tbe tonowtgf splendid prises will be givsnfree to personal sending in the greatest number of words msde ontoljetterseontalnedbitae wordstab ltr lcstsarxn anbicantciiitt tareverr one sending in a list of not 4ees than 109 words wiu receive avaluable present ot silverware 1st grand bewaid i t sjoo in gold tnd grsndbasovsraedattaio srd jjshnoold tb iorraniaiiidattano 5th 1 mbjlngold iii onfiooldwslehfnlljawitol tth udlmgoldtatcbfultjswelled 8th jhz taouoom- 9th tl etooem 10 rewardi of 10 each 4103 kext 4 prlseatq suver tea seta ijoadrople platemrarranted ksxt tffipriua 50 bfl vat dessert settwairanttd beavvrplate i 1 1 next lot prises100 sever batter dishes- warrmaudbsavy plata 1 keit 500 prises consists of heavy plated stiver ketuet batter dishes fruit baskets biscuit jars sugar shells batter knives e tha 1 fully warraated making a total of splstidhv rewards the value of which wiu t ajsnp 1 t i this paid literary coropetluob is open to evervbody everywkers tbe following are tbe conditions j l the words most be etastraetad only from letters in thewonbythx ilcurxmaxxn agbicul rualst and rnusl be only soon as are found in websters uubridged dictionary in the body ot the book none ot the supplement to be need y 1 tbe words most be written in rotauon and numbered 1 j land so oa tor facilitating tn do- cidlnsrttie winnen ix letters cannot be need ofteoar than they arieariaa vcrathbiucstiutat aobx cclrosist for instance the word sag ouj not be used as there is but on la in torn words t lr li s the list conts the largest number of words win be awarded nrst prise aad so en to order of maris ekcb list aa a ts reoktvea will be danrberea andju two or more tie tbe first reeelvedrwul u awarded first prise and so on therefore the beneflt ot n inearly will readily beaten j 6 eiib list mint be m parried by 1 fsrala months sobsetiption totns aostcntroaurr the touowlns gentlemen havskindljfcotissiit- ed to act as iodaew 1 q macdopald atjrclerk ptterborougb canada and oonmodon calcutt- peterboroogh j- om last competition- get sum prise all rtghim if brandon vvanceuver b c thanks for qsxvprise q wrjnnningbam donsldaa rlse recslvsd- o k v d baptle west superior wia m prise received tbankaq v bobextaoe toronto and joo others in call a t and canada this is no uwtirymarit onl v will eoontc the reputation fotsairaee talned 6v tstaoxi- c ltoarst in tbe past la ample marantee that this competition will be conducted in like man- 5iss partfcalars toitile aqjucultukistj retertiorouih canadv youll be sorry if you dofit call and seethe sockford a watch befoteyou buy one it jisvtfie rhfcst perfect and durable timepiece made gife pringle eamalsvfjrjsae i- i s

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