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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 14, 1892, p. 2

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kt prertcutly uinotzacef ci ftte pwa vzlia tie xt cftiatrr if 9 j f a ca fa xtfruice jrxtn a lie mtfter ef tubffcffpcjmt end tix t- cixion it reftjtf o from time to um o ft mil my udctta it tad he pre- ptred to help us crry cut the new rruixvnwjrt we roiicu tie ucf o tjl ouriubscpiberx muifotwhcmhtirebeeji th issue of the ttrst aumbt xeraoea jretrs ro ad ioot epos it m ta olef tarf trvtted frit ad otf oa eica lait ciowij- coaurcf ei wita xcc6aprorr taecewpua vnllvrejecqii core 4fitctdi7 co tii concerned ft ljc ctan jfrcc lriss tiiunsnay hly 14 notes and comments ofn lltll jul nielit was prorogued pa saturday afternoon when the governor llcncral congratulated fcnators ami comi noncrs upon having patted the uodiitrib ttoa bill and bid them hops that the treble with the united slate over the cana toll will bo luccdily removed kcvcr b fore was there a les imposing prorogatiot of parliament tho day begin with dri ling showers which became heavier in the afternoon the bedraggled flas wlich dangled from tho flagnole over the baiming were the only sign to be icon on parliament htll of tho fact tlia wt wa the i ay ot a state ceremony of mast notable po np and circumstance the terrible detraction si st john kewfaqndlaud by fire i oe of the great ealamalies which ever betel a community and should call forth practical ympathy treat every tectioti of ths fair land the call tor assistance i ineettnc with ready recpocca in rainy qatlert but the repoote should be general aut prompt mr fuller works is at tor the canadiai fair it is reception pui ch good i fef architect ot public t engaged on the plans building at the world solely for office and 1ach ot the province of thc donkaioa will lie famished with quarters and it is expected that the inter ior of eachoffice will be finished in woods froci the proyinoe to the purposes of which the roonwill be dedicated the total cost of the bbiuing will be about tlfooo it will baecected quite near the british head- qeartera a fine baiuing in brick and terra exit which ia to coat tgo003 la enactment has just come into effect srridiag jut foreign newspapers and iriodicalsbroacht into canada by mail or otherwise may he posted in canada by news ageuts to addresses in this country at toe rate of one cent per pbaud parable by portage stamps on each separate pack age and british newspaper and period icals brought into canada otherwise than by mail may be posted by news agents to addresses in canada at the same rate pay able in the same manner partly printed and partly written notices mood by toe- ieties for the parpose of notifying members of the date and place of meetings to be hell most in future be prepaid at letter rate to the overcautious and conservative oppjicrs of the enfranchisement of women on the ground that the right of suffrage would pervert and corrupt woman in- ttincu and purposes would cause division and discomfort in the home and would reiult iq the neslect of children there is interestincfood for reflection in the his tory of the pcsbtical workings of equal suffrage in iceland in this nation of 73- 000 people where men and women are ia every respect political eqaals and are governed by representatives elected by men and women together not a single illi terate child is to be found every child be ing able to read write knd understand numbers at the age if seven these vot ing mother who educate their own children have produced a nation in which there are no prisons no police nocriminahj no paupers no enormously rich or wretch edly poor people aid where the citizen are educated industrious chaste temper ate and intelligent in peaking ot the coming presidential campaign 7arrr uyelfy shows the posi tion usually taken by political newspapers and then defines the doty of newspapers a follows we trust that in this cam- paign the world will maintain the distanc ing which it has justly won ot presenting a truthful picture of the contest on both sides the irorw supports air cleveland but that is no reuon that it should represent tbe harrison campaign as listless and dull nor that it should deny enthusiasm to the harrison meeting nor caricature the harrison speakers and speeches usually to judge from the papers which espouse one or tbe other side there is bat one side represented and the result was afore- gone conclusion from the beginning the reader of the weekly edition of the london timer during the present exciting campaign in england will need no other paper to furnish him with a fair picture of its prcgres every morning he will find the chief speeches on both sides accur ately reported with the mot truthful ac counts of thesiie and spirit of the meetings the tjrt is not friendly to mr glad stone but it will open its column to all that be says and neither belittle nor satir ize his meetings the feeling of crowds and their reception of tbe orator will be photographed so that the reader will know that he understands the aitaation thi ie the function of a great news- paper this is to be a mirror of the times whatever the editorial sympathies of a paper may be if it permits them to dis tort and misrepresent the new it abuses its trust yet in the heat ot a political campaign how many newspaper are guilf leas of that abuse the tobacfo bill introduced by hon oliver mowat last sessioo provides that any person actually or apparently under eighteen year ot age who has io his poss ession oc smokes or in ady way uses in a pnblic street or any other public place cigarettes cigar or tobacco in any form shall upop sommary conviction therefore before a justice of peace be object to penalty of not ies than tl or more ban 3 for every offence or io default of pay ment of said penalty to imprisonment in tbe common coal for any period not ex- eeedicg seven day auiir case of a fine befog awarded if the same is notupon con- viction forthwith paid the justice may corcrmit the offender to the common gaol there to be imprisoned anyterm not ex ceeding seven days unless the fine- is soon er paid any person who directly or in dirxlly sells gives furnishes or pay for cigarettes tobacco or cigars in any form to tbe said junior shall be subject to penalty of not less than 10 or more than so with or without costs of prosecution or imprisonment with or without hard ittor for any term not exceeding 30 days or to loth fine with or withoat costs and i imprisonment to tbe said amount and for said term m the discretion of the convie- ing magistrates in a note to tbe bill it is stated tliat law somewhat similar to that have been adopted in new jersey ifassacbosettfl nevada arkansas- maine hinnetos pennsylvania michigan south dakota alabama wyoming new hamp shire and the district of columbia gome people say the law may do very well io cities bat it wont work ia smaller places and there is no need of it io that they are badly mifakea ss there is staple room for its operation ia acton as young lad not yet in their teens hare learned the manly art of both smoking and chew- rhj tobacco the legislation if aloofptb rtrhtlme when the speaker common chamber there wcce two or tl tho 12h of july took the chair in tho an hour before nocn ree more tlran a tooro of mcrnltrs in their istccs wori oittu sntmos the session has la ted four month and a halt there were p xsentod to the house f petition forprlva c bills inconncctlon with these 54 bill ere passe j eight were withdrawn and in hi case of five petitions there were no bill i itroduced latt yesr there were jy privati bill assented to but the average numbe during a session ha generally reached 10 there were 32 g aicrnmeut bill intro duced and of these i passed both houses and were assented to the measures dropped wcce the lorthwcst territories hill the infernal economy bill the wit nesses and evident cs bill the fisheries bill aid the judgei salaries bill six teen government bi is were introduced in the sccate the most import int government bills which became law w ite thcuedistribution bill and the crimini i code the wmste v suniiurs smuggling whiske on the st lawrence must be a very pr jfitable business when men will take np an is agiinst the govern ment rather thau uit it it was time vigorous steps were aken to suppress thi system of defraudin the revenue and in seriously grappling kith the matter mr chaplean has shown laudable activity if all the reports are tr le smuggling procliv- ities seem to have permeated whole com munities on the st jswrencc under the old system contraba id whiskey was sold by the customs of icials to the highest bidder as a genera i rule the smugglers bought it in at a ridi ulotisly low figure and then were able to pis x it on the market with the sanctiorof the government tbe new regulations prov de that 6pints seized shall be sold only to listiuen to bo recti fied by them aecoord nf to tbe canadian standards and then lay the excise duty this lias caused tl j revolt among the smugglers now tba t the government has taken of its gloves tc deal with them their illegal traffic should i c totally suppressed rcexchclxh lo ieceeise sir john caldwell lbbott has promised senator tasse that ai t enquiry wilt be made to ascertain if there are not inaccoracies in the figures of the i tst census bulletin re lating to the french canadian popalatioo of ontario which is represented as having decreased during tpe lakt ten years by seventybae individuals the premier agcees withmr tasse that there is every appear ance ot some serioui error tn a statement that there are not is many frenchcan adians in xmtario iow as there were in lr the iohimos i balance lueet the statement ol the revenue and ex penditure on accon it of the consolidated fund of the domini in to the nigbt of june 50th last which en a the dominions fiscal yeaej shows that th receipts were 3o902- oit and tbe ordin try expenditures 31- 267211 leaving tb apparent surplus i4- c3481 the net p iblic debt on june 30th was 235010174 a msttxgiiehe v1s1t0e a distinguished visitor arrived at the central experimen al farm saturday from washington prof b c fernow chief of the forestry department of the united states prof fen ow spent some time in day motniuk sit john ablwtt w tan i this all president disis hai sgaiu been elected president of mexico jacob johnston tie oldest oratgcttia in hamilton died on monday a celebrated by total oraugemcn all over c anadt tuesday the xiii baullioi baud of- uamiuoa i colng to give fiveoiucerts in detroit the postoffice at forest eras robbed of io worth of attains to thursday uight the cablegram announcing the death of w w aator on monday wjs a forgery the manitoba crap this jetr promises to be tbe largest ct proc aocd it that country srriblo oo ltiagrttlt dtxlroyel tbout tw city thifitorlg building oa long moauulo this i heart ot h city water supply wa i where ilid flra otti nothing effectual i hon g w rocs hi beet dent ot the dominion tcactbera lion a force ot cavalry ha kl bandits in a terrible opnflict frontier tbe prohibition commission meets at halifax dnrinc the week of july 22 to take evidence looking oyer the work which has been carried on in conntction with tree planting at the farm he expressed his gratifica tion at the progres which bas been made in testiog the diffei ent sorts of trees in this climate and in the planting of windbreaks and other experhi ents witif forest trees in an interview wi ji the minister ot agri culture this morxti ig prof fernow express ed his high apprec ation of the work which was being done nn lerlfrcarlings direc tion at the centr dexperimental farm and stated that he regarded the tree plant ing as one of tbe most practical and in structive example of this claes of work to be found anywhere in this country leath eentl xces commute the death sentci ce passed oh sam the ncz percee indian for killing a medicine man in the vicini y ot fort mcleod has been commuted to imprisonment for life as also the senteno passed on two indians soak sins and or lis kamis now in the penitentaxy at ne westminster for kill ing chief long ja k of the encletaw tribe in a drunken braw near kamloops the oieixc lotteey illegal a prominent off cer of tho justice de partment said it w is a mistake to suppose that nnder the pr iscnt criminal law the quebec lottery is legal the lottery com pony never had a legal existence for the reason that the quebec legislature could not authorize a con pany tocotnmifacrim inal offence under the present law the promoters of the lo tery were liable to a under the statute which it next the company of 52000 and its mem- the body ot john hollerao kingston last novcmler has recovered bessie tarner s ybang drowned in tho catiat at thursday spoooer a chicago bicyefi it established a new worlds record by rtdii 375 mtles ia 21 hoars mens clothes in ifontreal have ben fined 10 or three mouth each william webb a cprigbtlj mad preti- associa ted ai armed m the chilian of 68 wa married id loudon saturday to a widow aged 4g a new union railway depot to cost c00 000 i to replace the pretest inadequate building at toronto philip low q ccoantyj crown attor ney of prince edwaid ans exmayor of pictou died monday drowned mar only just been girl of 14 was ilraotford on young fellow named albert jones while bathing at a nineyear old boy was drowned fondar caunifton near belle 111c mr alex afarcille or 39 year connect ed with the peoples baok at montreal dropped dead on saturday from juuo 28 to july 2fi urdays there were 6o death fromi iholera reported from various localities in turkestan john wilton was instantly killed in- a runaway accident in cam en towuthtp near tamwortb on smday morning a terrible landslide occur red in savoy burying tin village of 3tgeijvais tes baint ontaesday over ho lived were lost isaac flewclling tannic living near troy out was instantly killed by light ning while pitching hay on afooday last governorgeneral stanley s eldest son a conservative obtained 1110 majority over the liberal candidate in soatheast lan cashire i at the town ot gle xtm idaho four men were kilmd and several injured monday in a battle between anion and nonnnioa miners the total loss by the fire lit st johns nfld has been 120000000 while 3000000 the centenary of be celebrated in ti and 4 it is expect will take part frb a sberrat of fergus fully estimated at he insurance is bat snadiaa masonry will oto oo october j b that 45000 ifasorjs fell on the tiat recently committed leeches m over hir died from exhaustioo penalty of 20 takes effect on july ib liable to a penalt bers to imprisonment for two years while persons purchasing i ickets are liable to a fine of 20 the neces ary machinery is also provded in the new of justice additiona search ct for giving officers lowers of seizure and vm i jtloartu uoibjeat cuts 1st cfa the election protest against t b flint xiberal member to yarmouth n s was dismissed on satuiday the only import lit amendment made to the criminal code ty the senate was in creasing the penalt for grave robbery from one year to five ifr george e gi iffin of the house of commons and senate restaurants was last week dned 50 and iosts for selling liquor without a license robert oliver kirk of bmntford town chip and james ball oar architect of ham ilton give notice of i pplication to parlia ment next year fqr divorce from their wives already hastheinersescional quiet re turned its reign oo lartiament lull pat liament buildings an given op to workmen and charwomen tl ere are only a few be lated senators and mjembers now left in the dty sir william dawac n was in tbe city for sidewalk there a fetr days ago and broke one leg she i hi years old and her con dition i serious nez perce sam sentenced to be hanged at stony at ountain penitentiary an july 10 has bad bis sentenci commuted to impris onment for lifs j an old man name i catteu of tilsonbsrg was attacked by tvo balls and received such injuries to bit back that hi whole body i paralysed a woman in pai suicide by applyin body and in that w of the captlary syi edward nelles 23 of brantford fell overboard from a steamer i ff chicago in lake michigan on saturt ay and was drowned the body i was no recovered v the kingston ci y coarlcil hts decided to exempt mauufictaress who ran ninb month during the year and pay 400 in wage weekly on buildings machinery and plant three white men and 101 1 kinsmen were killed in a gunpowcer explosion near san francisco on saturday the concussion was terrific and property wis damaged for miles around l w fisb sboimaker of ridgetown committed suicide sunday t y taking mor phine discouragement on account of an expensive life insurance po icy is said to have been tbe can william william 35 a farmer living near woodstock while turning home from the orauge celebraion tuesday nifcht was struck br tbe cpu express and instantly killed tbe canadian pacific railway company propose tcr establish an it dependent eh state by building k to niagara falls eoo a bridge of their traoce into now yoi a lino from woodsi and crossing the goi own to be construct the vicepresiden ian endeavor ai a few hoars satardaj for consultation with chosen by toe christ iation held at new york last week include joseph ball hani toba e ahardyl ontario george r lighthall quebec and rev t f fother- ingham of maritimi union the canadian rifle team at present in england shot two matches at cambridge monday and won them poth the first acainst a cambridge town team by g3 shots and tbe eewod against tesm of third suffolk volunteers up 52 a terrible smashup caused by cattle on tbe track tookji lacejba thursday morning on tbe canadian pacigo railway wharf at montreal one mail was kitted and two others sll of whom were stealing a ride were iojured property toj the value of about 30000 was destroyed a great astronamit al even aug 6 that nigbt dart w 000000 miles away from th i earth only once in fifteen yean come as cloie together as thi t lathe past fifteen year the imp ovetnsi t ia telescopes has been so great at car end if trie lias that important disoovetfe dr arm and ifr la wreoce lamb of the geological surrey xrat certain publica tions which the daps tment and the royal society arc about to ssoc count on yqar boots bros acton will occur op ii boniy85j do the two planets may b i looked for jast arrived a fla sasortnent of flower pots at t h exbw uloo eery you can get a good roe ad cash di- iia tnd n yotterdsy has utterly thirds ot tils ancient uated la i small woodeft ill near tho lop ot tho rest runt ihroaju tha o tho waterside tba lefticicnt at tha heights lusted and there wi stay the furious pro gress ot tho roarlt elements the hlgn wind cirtd live c abort la sit direction sal loonj a icoca ot cooflsgraliooi were spreading destruett o throateuingflames swept toward thai arbor licking up every thing in its wide sv ath this included tha uethodtili collage the ilasonlc cmple goweritreet moth dlst churclt tho jmajat- tio eathadkl of t is english and rocnta cslholio churches wo of tha cnestj places ot worthii on the c intlncnt built at a cost of half a i lillloa d liars the ortngs ball tha palace at bitho jones tho stpstrickt hall and ohristii a brothers school the presentation convint tha supreme court house and police h- adqaartert government offices overumeit saving bank tha atheniuni the uni in bank the commercial bank the imtbytc ian church everything in tbe pat i ot tha lames was swept before it tho liiole ceitro ct tho cityj is ona smouldering miss f rains notsbafldidg ii left ttaoding in i ie path of the de jfouring clement down 16 ytter ttreet where tia great stores fish warehouses aud wharves soon yielded a reac y victim to the roaring names at 8 oc ock the telegraph and cable offices were 1 arned i tho latv great ira wa ia 183a when threefaarths of lb i city was destroyed j hturitj n s july 9 upon tearing last night of tha errlblo conflagration at st jcihusj nfld te tvtog thooiandt of per sons homeless the mayor called a meeting of citizens to take step to provide relief todayalirge nan ber of citizens assembled at the mayors ofl ce a committee was appointed and mmedlately purchased 000 worth of pr visions and lumber and the tcam r uluuc t will leave for st johns this evenii g with ha same i the mil tary an naval aatborilles alio sent a lot of tent and canvas a publio meeting w ii be hi id monday to establish more gene tl rcltei j it is ver bard t get any particular of the disaster but it is stated that twbthlrd of the city is eoti ely destroyed and it is reported t iat so far as is known six chil dren and mo ma i lost their live in tha fire a di spatch received say that- the fire destrt yed th s parliament buildings according to the i test accounts g00 build ings have i sen des roycd muchaqfferiag exist iino ig the t eople who are homeless and the m ijor ha i appealed to other cities tor relief hiurn july 1 careful estimates of the total tits by fire at st johns nfld will retch tot lest than 20000000 while the intttrai ce is b it 3000000 rain has fallen u etings of citizen bate been held in st john nb and frederictoo nb and prompt action taken toward helping thi laffenra halifax has already provided ft r the t ndiog of lic0y worth of proviii as etc to st john every tdwn in th i provir ce will hold meeting to night to pr ivide ft r contnbations forrelief fund telegrtms are pouring in from all over the province it nov scotit sledging turns for riief of ictirat j the cities of tne dominion arc all moving in the matter ot h iplng the ttriekeq city st jomfs nfld july 11 thojmesgre details heretofore sent from st johns gave bat vtgao idea c thehorrortnf thjej titua- tioothe sppalline nature of the destractioa and the utter ru n in which thecity aad colooyis erwhe med by the fire i now t new danger tbreitens starvation seem certain anl tss sue or comes from the oat side world the loss of life i 3 far as known gives a total ot 10 person firemen were drown ed in the harbo white carrying away goods and two c ntdren were burned to death in tie secon i bouse that caught are one man named lindley and woman named hutay dripped dead from fright the actual numbe lost will probably never be known t it wi s impossible to get the aged and the child ren awty from the fiery furnace thb accr rate lit of streets wiped out if waterstreet mil itaryroad duckworth ttreet prejcottstr et queensroad coch- ranestreetigower itreetriingsroad ctth edral hill tnd loi gvhill i iathtches on15 emvjoys both the meth xi and results when syrup of jfigs ii takea it is pleasant tind refreshing to the taste aaji acts ntlyyetpronptlyonthekidneys iver and bow els cleanses the sy ri ven effectually dispel3 coldsihead- aches and feve s and cures habitual constipapan i vfup of figj is te only remedy its kind ever pro duced pteasxn to the taste yai ac ceptable to the stomach p- ptin iu action and t ruly beneuuial in its effects prepare lortly from the most healthy andagi jeablesubstances its many excellent jualiticn commend it to all and haemada it the nxpat popular teraed r known fiynipjof fij s is for sale in 75i bottles by all leading druggigta any rcliiblodi uggist vho may not have- it on h tnd will procure it promptly for my ono who wishes to try it hanu loctured only by the cahfpi ri hrlip co bastp i flal ujutsve y0hk it teetkfor tgopei 4 shoi t ksnnar i orsduataol itoral best quality dstirton allege cracine l post toront rcbool of dentlstrr aid the nekt threemoaths iftoo and fertset at juaraalesd and it duutal aargoona ttlce acton ifr devil kl jordan of edmestbn k v colorless emaciatoci helpless complete cure by hoods sarsavarlhtx this is from mr d mi jordan x re tired tanner and one of the most re spected dtikoj of otsego po n v fourteen years ago itttd an stack ot ilia gravel sad have ilneo beett trimmed wlui mr liver and kidneys gradaallfjrrowing worio three years go i got down totow utat t cam klr walk looked more like a eornsa thai a uring being t bad no appetite and for ttyt weeks i ale uukimr kit net i was badir emaciated and lisd no more color tlian a saarhle ta v trrlt heeds sanaparllla was recotamended and f twoald trr it before i had haulied bolua e nducd tlt i telt better uf- tered less the ittlaatwsatlasi t lkel- uiouirtit i weal uielrtt ser had subsided the color beean to return to my face and i t rt ftv i iisdtaken three bottles i could eat aiiythlnir wttliout hurting me vhy i got io hunot that i had to cat b limes a day t have now tolly recovered thanks to hoods sareaparma i feat welt aid asm well all wiio know me marvel to come so well u t jomiak hoods ptlls ani tho belt atturjlnner mtc aattst dtaasuaa ears ueadactie aad wlloasaetc if yojir watch don fiije new stock purchased of lgin and wiltbam watches our prices are reasonable co de o well try uk as ye malie a- atch repairing pecialty of satae fe co f we have just passed into stock a job lot c s adymadfrolothifeg sgjdryobds the qratbill manufacturing co itd waterloo ont icakufactuneits of iank office school lodge aiidorjeiufuiiiitaue dont fail to get aur estimates send for circulars and catalocues latest improved and perfect ed school desk view ot any building residence or section ot the town made at any timo and kept on band for sale h rutruw d stirtoo lds will insert teeth at oand 8 per set for next three months e j traction free special care etren to filling jfoe ualthewt block ackon ktuards liniment cure la giiie worth bf which we bought at 65q onllie m mens xoatht doyi and cbildrtiif suit tma odd panta tlchksrtlnit tweed t cottons cotttinades shirts 80 cks susdendert hat sand caps l thi is tho chance ot your ufa tor bar- gait isreexedelxauqdtoaaderll any if liraguelpii or toronto housai i bat rianmber you mast pay the cash u j is cant pay the cash we dont wan your custom this must ba done ino dec to competo with other cash hot tea s alt wool eults worth pants worth j whia and croy cottons worth met ti quelph clotk hall- sctotch 7 tweed suitiiigs theimidsaramer month tore we dont etpect yo oar ceaseless activity and ale prices that are right and the will show show you these in all variety wo ask yoa to remember which wa cannot mora than 4on uow 7- gloves veilings corsets laces i great dry c00d8 palacfe 1 t6vvel8 now ro barjcain8 800 300 fod handrods ot suits to select troro in all sixes and style kelly bros at ori for4tw for i 50 for 7c largest and finest assortttienl we haje ever shown shaw grundyi 1 merchairt tallora midlsummer 1 allows hard an the most- active jane ever known is oar to be interested in oar big sales except as an evidence ot tness in providing the public with- the newest good and at oast month otract retilingis a proot o this your thoaghu thi moat will be aoa goods for thinnest lammerwear foriths woman who wants a light we jht drees this is a harvest time ax the following prices fine ak wool 40c dress coods for 26c yard fine ad wool 66c dress coods for 35c yard finest french sateens beautiful patterns and quality r iduced from 35c to 25c and 20c mew french 1 lelalnea 50c eood325te yard best i2ic prln s 8c yard ginghams 8i a nice line of prints at 5c yard black and col red muslins 1 5c goods at 8c yard thru we show yoa all thi materials for a handsome dress at only about halt what you erpect to pay for them the woman who has pdo known the comfort of a blouse wairt will not willingly couat thauj out o tha samni r outst neat cool and next to nothing in cost we it quality and style that wa can rerve you well also in the following lines embroideries belts i shopping bags ladies rain cloaks on 3 rrice only gbspykndo mt jthe jrioht ijlouse mnnkn w 3 op spring and summer goods have bees mad hl fc7iiuniliv toe bargains a few of them onlycaa b t 41ooty coeltme length 6f very jhoice gwfomsy islolls r lai 0 w dan qo f f 1 todaoed to oio rjot of auwoptdtes t ooods lo hidat atl2ja- sea the tpecial lot of allwool colored ianriettas inobe wide at 80o a yars blouse at otetiotof formerly i a faw down of lde othltali 1 uoduveati with short leave tt 60o worth about tl ch loo lotofho ry and gloves at radaeedpr 1 hamilton july otb 180 j utl 1 daaring oat thm war ladi vetta at many lines ot staple pdhoosefurnlshlng good at peciaj n lea new afnana i1 khavibj b11ij 1- n j j i t v w uj v gwra uviuniuroiauink uoooi a apeotaj b ica maw good are befog recatyad 1 daily to keen tha numei m department wel assorted with good that are wanted iorrt b lidly trade ladle w8uk and chiffon tie a vary cho assortment of naw belts a apeoial lot of ladies belt at 336 new idea in fans nawfinoy hair pins nawct ton underwear good white bhlrtal at fto chemise sio otseicovar a ss 1 itif i nm ouiiwiai n chamimt 55c odnet cover ttom160 a bentuul assortment of newtyleit lia r l are perfectfitting garment tnd will give yoa e v js a 8a corset t uoo per pair they are reiilywortb h ihaalglrajrorhes bqalppi ytai1 jut to band rfpeoll attraqtl niu lb carpet department datlau jairuvatig9rtpaelul damdianto will be mtda to purdnaaar ot these goods a il rga varlefy pf wilton axmintr yalvata bnusals tipasfci and wool clf l bai i m xn of u ibest makewsfi th wtttld farnltnr corertng silk draparia t cratonna art muslin and swim bruisel and other curii ai in protaion plewe enter ibaatormtt tha door of the twboll ting oorner king and hughsou streets daring july and at at tba bight house will close qn saturday vqlng at t oojock ommtoclng from next saturdy v r t sssb or ai the k mentioned prio jacket ten i itda oo tha untrimmsl hat and tbase cheap a bargain wbaiir when you cope to toronto bear in mirid kat f 90 to 200 yongc street id tt racctjngand resting and wafting place ks well as the biggest store in- canada ithcrc are tcading and sitting roorhs for you telephonej telegraph add mail facilities your parcels will be cared for without charge vc try to rhafcc you welcome whether you buy or not- jyou know that there is np worthy thing for wear or homo use but we have it if you cant comcjfo thestore write for wtiatever you want sam- pie or goods shoppingi by mail has come to be simple and certain fcw scratches of a pen and all the facilities of the store are yours in short we shpp for you as we would- ifor rourselves and such service gists you nothing extra i thr t eafiqn otyy ito tlhrmgesswrljiirwtht ci jfuto jvfrriismntfs f0si e orstclaaa mueh cwttech jg or bankable paper ajso ralttwagosr and i two ood mans tot sale or axeosota tar dff cattle prtrta j t jteton trespassers take notice v the undersigned hereby giv notict6tfler 1 thta date tar penao at pstssna toooatajj- paaaliis 00 tnaupramises eaat and treat lot a s hor th a 6 wrlbt firm lt fteoaltf nihfngshocberrrpleklniorln tany stbtr wirwmbeniiiawntedaceorduatajaw i 1 josbphlabbt- thos cttophet aitoujulruthlh valuable prowty jme r j bush farmon lotltiea lbursih a ship of pselus sets with lof awstttaf reireedsr rea sadaanalm js or aaaen fusbrosd isld on gdelnb uaria knd qiseattw teo vi lags ofvlon wmairlv6rjtrtnaiaia lc a sepsiateljilt deairn terms onetlitd cash or exchange for oor i he nwktjpjsfiet lata- at 0- j kfas pleasure in aasoaaeisg to tbe eulsens of aloa audi vlehiift that beba ectnpleied ar- bmeub to open ikow meat taartet ia lb idlux recant ereetid u the corner of mm aadilatn streets by hrlbeeord kaprttvasda i afpnins hal insi a fall jsteekstall kliidaol freahmeatpyjpwl etii vu b oped- lti beat quality alwar fc stbek karinf tad erpeneoee iff the bnshias i eaut ai sura all who farce ma with their erdaaw ssttare u sfaetian- i 1 i aigbsst cash price paid for pork hides taj lcivac j j carties harinf cattle its toteuare rmmsted ltil v -i- obruiai1 3500 ibiiwaffidsa 1 the canacliail agruniltarists oreat hall yearly literary cornpetrbon i che fifth half yearly library competition i far 1eb of the canadian aericoltsrisi ahler- leas eld and rallable ljlnstrated- fatally magasine will close jane 90thvatt tottees bear- 1 ing postmark not later than june sotb wm r n matter when posted tba fot- rplendld prise will be- glvan free to 1 tuning in tbe greatest somber of words nude ot of letters contained in the words tav ii lcstutznacoacrjxrubist s3sbvery ops sending in s ustdf not lesthsn ltp words will rscetve a valnable preatnt of silverware 1st arandsewaid i 3 ia oojd xnl grand piano ral oed ataao 3rd a swtoqold ua organ rained at 5th ifmtn 6th geotsooldwatcbfulljeweusd till f radiesgoldwatcbfojljriraam sth 1 au03d 91h i sssingojal 10 bewards of f 10 ch eia ktitsd priieaj30 silver tea bats quadruple plate warranted kxts0prises503ilvrdessertsetswsrrsntad heavy plate xsxt 10 prises u0 saver batter dishes- it warranted heavy piata veil s09 prises consists of heavy plated surer igattlas batter niabas fruit basaeta biacoit fan sugar shells batter knives 4c tc all ullr warranted making a total of go splendid nwanlatha raine afwbieh will agenesia w503 cais grand literirr cotnpetitioa is open- to etbttbody everrwbet the folloifuig are tbe conditions h 1 1 tha words must be eonstraetsd only fxotn- leiters uthewordaklixcstbairai aoucav tusist and miut be only such ukre found 1 wwriunabridgrf dictionary lb the body of tbabook none of the supplement ia be nsedt t tha words must be written tn rotation aad ndmoered i a 3aud ao on for facflitatuig in de ciding the winners j 1- letters cannot be used oftenar than they aupearintba words the 1xjnrrkatxi aoai- cortuaurr for instance the word ess xaa- uot be used a then b but 0noj5g is tbathim words j i the ust tintng thetlsrgesi ndmber of wards will be awarded brat priaeiahd so do in order of merit each list as it is received will ba numbered and if two or more tie tba first received will be awarded first prise aid ao on therefore tba benefit of wndin inearry wltl readily be wan i each ust most bs armmpaniad by al for six months subscription to tmt aobtctrtadiuat tlntouowingbebtlemen hatakiadtaoonaant- ed to act ss iudses j quaedooald w clark peterborough canada and commoaorocalcutt psterborotlgh 0ur last compbtltlon- got alioo prise all rbibtal m brandoa vancouver b t r hank for asoo prize tq w abdlngbam btnald tt a prlsa rsealvad o kj d wpuewest8urorwla7aoorwiaerecaivad i toanka o v- robertson toronto and 300 others in united states and canada i ttuiunolottebymaritoibywuheountu tbe reputation far fairness gained by thaaaai c atciut in tba past is ample guarantee 1 tha this competition will be eondnstad in use man ser send sc sump for follparbealars to the agricultcb1st peterborsoeb eaiiad- jr you ll be sorry if you dont call and see- the rockjfdrd y watch before you buyine if i is the most perfect and dprble tirtvepiece matie i queilpti irinnliaiiisji sii wool 1 woox lirionlitlii i srait- ad zvtj oc n liimahouse j

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