Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 14, 1892, p. 3

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ha p- i i s v- r the methodist churcu acton the news kfv josepttedse rartviratxroiret auoe at hove character and ranaav triors ililleljtmtjlumljydj rn mltarvlla lnvltd t wottly of o toe pato j every matir tfc wfijelsimrn n town the rejetonce ot si tely bicycle- ou our itmuituvomiui n nch les raw a the slrnri- mil viston atwavs welromp sen n- st lliejor bank of hamilton head office raxtltoh kii st lul it hi llm kwwo s srrvrs tssr cicnntti tlduvixm n- mr tar lymmrut a lr joliv tiiihtvu cum oiiit vvi- ahlrr georgetown agency sol tsi m nwl ahaiieca inaile on til tntavr fviiilii wins on all iru ol ts unlit lnip sthis lirut llfcitliln uk it cotivt er ki aorr louclit and coltrn ov oi all arrimc iotru en nc favorable terms muni vltr- s pmutthlnt 1 tel snt upwanis ami in- uio o iltvil to lat ol linesirs lrrst alio uvrs j4ioiu nrimsits orrwivf1 ml imiit latei or iiiurrtl o j atllrwl ttvjuum j muov agent ah jewellery our slock of broaches liar kings lb by pins gold band kirn stone kings gents cuff and collar buttons scarf pins chains seals and everything in the jewellery line is most complete give us a call if you want anything in this line our prices arc right all kinds of jewellerv repaired charges reasonable r 1 uc iii llilcj geo hynds acton ont tlir afton jfrcc 3rcss tuarsday jfiy ii is t little local brieflets which caught the eyes or ears of free press reporters this week teaaou prcyreste- v fine english ju t it i putting lail drou it umli brautford every il stark no ridea rduuthricstthog practice on a gen t looking for a h 1 mooro rides keddick eug towiscnd machine ind master eddie acoom cat little victor there wheel toronto who mod comet with cousidi trtott rvliic lit at ui tut meeting thecouttfy around nawt ttam3jd4tlinl 4y carrt ekcnsrikst oondents and ospri nqe n n its hltn with hi safely t present ire several vidian in town with among iikpi v p brown ot tits liis piicumatij rablo pride ut acton lodge rio wl ioof list wtdnesdiy evening tho following officers current utm pov wiuum nl- it osnln vtlkkwlii hk tuau rs nr mooip tusii ftincli worjcukl ilcliim coiitirtorjm ucl ni iitlicusrilisl outknlisll hkscjlytkli issth clllltt uro h p moore tufive to crud ial wiudfor licit uioulh in tfnjvyablc fvcn ro mililled tor tho sis clcclcil rfprcscn- c winch niccti in the filth snnoil rjithcrint ot the mem- coples cliei ot tho the msplcs ihc trs ot the youni mclhojin church homr ct the leader lt vridiy cveuiiifi wai i every rcfkcl the ihe crounijl sttrsct- 1 the younj people in in evcninfii enjoy- ckly pined iu will l entity iuksqec wrilher vcb perfecl ncly illarninitcil the ixt of pirit fo nient the lime i tnti rttiirvc inies lid smuecruents raiiflic ind fewioft djr4c led by hev j ldije the etlkrned rcstot of tbo church uctrethaientc vere sexred on th uvn in j ur od ttre ioora tnd their corps of w illinp vielptrs en rle4 the mwv to cd- futc pltirurc to ccr ore ot their soocstv stid it the cloe it e kind coodbyei ind wlmpt red thinki jie srnple evidence hit fully ipprocittctl ind mborrj bv the host of ill their ilttli were would tie fondly rem voui vople prctrn 1 fnlirt fiimlly jcetliiion a ftncwhm uuus ill but very lutercttiuk wild ripocrrics sre corning iu toicn tbs firmcrs hid splendid luvms vteither ttie ptut sreek the sir i redolent with the vcclconu- perfume of new moven hiy j ildrrutoa his the fnme up for rc hoci iu cooks sarvoy a new udecilkiijatt being completed on willow hrt from mill to river street an sdjiticlil boilrr is srfortly to be pliced ia the actoa tmcing ccmpstij wcru mount icrttt town council tin deciied cu s tite ct 1 mills on the dollar fcr tt year the sni ct seoilitd hive cecidtd to hold their irden pirty on wedrcsdiv tvenirp 7 tb irgt it the home cf col auan the wtirtoo salvition army hid the hct tcmed cpon thecal tew evenint since fcr disturbicp the quietude of the peore there the incerkiu town council has pitied sbvlsw setliuglpirt the second wcdufs- diy in aurret of each vrar to be obecrved as civic hohdsy the dircctorbaf acton fcioa acricul turil society met on saturday afternoon revised the prize lilt and arranged for the corning exhibition ui october the tbunderbtorm on monday alter noon did very iillle damage in this eectiun it was comparatively iipnt here and no raid fell cit of the fourth line the tecliun proeet arainsl mr jo keslberston m- i- was dismissed at bnmptoa oa siturday by justices street ind filcoubridgc no evidence wis offered at the durict meeting receuuy held t streetsville mr ii e hirriwn ot ieoretown wai elected ddgm ot the independent order cf odd fellowi for this district the fill piisb is id receipt of copies o he berlin frih aisr from mr g b ijan o guelph who ii now on the continental mirketi purchasing for his urge basinets mestri geo a jones f b thrall tnd j a pallister of oltumwa fowl pneed through acton on saturday after noon on pneumatic bicycles m rw for st john n b messrs btardmnre 4 co have been putting in new furnaces at the sole leather tannery the past ten diys ind a number of their men have coceciuenlly been having a short vacstioa numbers cf fi l iil subscribers ahote subcrirjions expired od july ht hive renewed these hive our best thiuki will a tew hundred ethers follow their eiuftfie without delay as usual mr hugh mcdonald gar deder u the first en the market with new potatoes a liberal sample of the n ew tyueeu an excellent variety was sent to this office jeslerday morning always read the advertisements in your local paper they sho just what live kutinees men are about and every one uho hta to do trading will find that itpays tj trade with lliose who advertise the glcrious twelfth was very indif ferenlly observed in acton u it had not beiii for the party music by the band od their way to jicrlington and a few orange lilies the day would hardly have been recognized say young man there is one thing you cannot do you cant make a success in life utiles you work better men than you have tutl it and failed you caut lf hiliii ilred tornerii ami tllouns tanoke cinrs undtell foolish stories drink wincey a i i porigt on somebody else with out making a failure in life the acton flll iii has celebrated iu l lirlhclay and in energetic editor h 1 mixire kecp it up to high wsier mark in uddilion ui the other multifarious dutie- ne- attendi to acton people should not only b- proud ot the iick 1nri bat should give it their heaity support brus sels v event look place a ttatilgsr county hj it s ilesig mr tloberl ilinlj aahdale farm in ot haltoii on july 1 d by the relatives ot ibanlcr ol toronto to celebrate the till it tl year since he first left tho tmrily heme to reside permanently in tciito going to t pper canada college iu revisited the fa m with in broad v0 acres on lcy 1 uas met by about l0 relatives from varii us parts of the county an 1 l neighbors snd was escorted from ivaty station on tie c f it by a long calvacade ct carriats loaded with tricndl who on theerrivsl of the train received the hero of the itrtir with loud cheers after the troctlsicci to the house and a grand banquet there nerc speeches by wgbbors and ftirttds coocratolttory and ricndly to t great degree mr robert best coming in for words of kindly remembrtoce foi his uniformly kind and helpful atten tions to his relatives and to bis neighbors during bis so yesrt absence whenever he met tbeni in toronto or elsewhere john iteaty cue father ot robert beity came to that part ot the country in 120 having arrived in toronto from cavau ireland the- young peopla ot leallos school pro- tited mr ii ueuuuhiiiileniidc4ub sjt his deptrturo at tliu close ot tlis school last week mr miller llioenth aslisllfl superintend ent ot tho presbyterian bsbbath feejjool here has introduced ito tottl ibiltneuca pledge tnd presents eich pertoa who lakes it with a bctntifttlly lllatrtyiiiicct pledfia card sultsblo fat- trim tho crops look well thd hay crop is botti housed thesd ot list year fishermen havo pvtrotilted ibout is freely is utuil opened their ettoc hiva different success but never ceased to msko virtoui milt loll he milton list v cek minctrc ictt villa onsatu dsy mrs john wltufrleuds othi wan in tt 00mik6iind going vlaltor tc am from aotontnct rpononatnota- ilia liercsaouts just uow tt is far ilia river hum ha lesson met with in tins mosqultos have liemiateea felt scotch block part psrtook of tho sud mrs hsrdy and i a splendid bank barn was raised on the farmot john hsrdy cf lot c con 5 near mnton lastthursdsy tha f rtma go 1 122 is acnooaoiud thabnildiug wtipronouuc- ed by those who atten ted tho raising one ot the fiuest in tha coduty credit la due tho frsmermstthow sims i kranioci for his oxcelleut work tter- the raising the 17 men who took hospitality ot mr tho family a number of our farmers seud largo quantities ol butter to toronto every week on yearly contract folrwhicli tho highest prices sro received mr and mrs juhnlmatthtwii of actoh spent scveril days lasit week with friends iwre i j haying has licen ill full blust for aboutia week erin the early cloaing alraugcvcnt has come into effect and our merchants now put up the shutters at 7 pmj a picnic in cotlneckioii with tho disciple clitirrh knniuty schools tit place at sinn- lev park on sntunlay afternoon the fiiiiiial of mrji peter mcciill liyst wetk wits the largest that his taken plflsee in friii for many months ovcr lv vcichles were in the proctsioti a very serious ucciilent libfell our oged and csteciinsl jimtife tif he peace mr tyler last week while in attendance at a pic nic rcocntly giveit in stttnley park to ren hall and r ifalintli mg to their mnv injld of ihtiii the old lvntltinan h the park n short time when vycarv and upeui rttetnptiilg eni one of the svyings file lost ilis balance and fell backward with such force as to frac tnre one of his shotildir blaks however we understand he inloiug nicely at present ami although so far advance in years wo hojic ere niaiiy weeks to sew our reslkcttxl justice on the street tigaiti- trior todepart- alxir assigneel ul only reached he felt a little to seat himself milton with his brother mr james bcaty recent ly deceased at tl years of age mr daniel iltobertson of acton was one of the guests ttc sew schools corner stone it wns the intention of the bosrd of trustees to have ihe corner stone cf the new school laid with appropriate public ceremony by the minister of fdccaliop or some dlber promincct educationist bnt owing no the limited time st the disposal ot the committee this was abandoned the laying ol the alciu was however marked m a quiet manner by the members of the board last saturday morning at eight oclock a document giving a history of educational progress in acton a review of the movement leading up to the erection of the present building with the names of the school board its officers aod tetchers the council the contractors and architect and other matters of iidterest was read by the secretary mr h- p- moore and this together with copies ot the full pei- hail gioj and iniirr and current coins were placed in a tjltss jir ind deposited in the stone after m sppropriste prayer by rev g b cooke invoking divine blessing upod the building and the protection of the workmen during its erection the stone was well snd truly laid by chairman hyudsand rev mr cooke the stone is a fine block of freestone sud on the front bears the dste of jits erection lfcii while the side presents geometrical figure pre sumably an index to the high grade ot education to be tiugbt in the pew building there will probably be an opening cere mony when rhe building is- completed to which the publiclgentrally will be invited the orangemen and the tlsnd iqieut the twelfth at burlington tenders are asked by tbe council for a new wooden bridge mud pathway ou martin street itev w h gradta graduate of kuox college will cccopt the pulpit of knox church during the absence ot rev mr haddow who is taking his vacation at his old home in new brunswick the fouodatiod of mcssrlwy nned sons shoe factory is completed messrb henry hendersonand wddowar returnee borne from the korthwest where they have ben on a viiit ou monday lthey are both looking well and declare themselves well pleased with tho prairie country the lacrosse match advertised for last ssturday did not loome off the toronto players not turning up freelton and campbcllvllle football clubs had a set to here ou saturday afternoon the play was all at ono end of the field and resulted in three goals in favor of cmpbelville mr bruce has icommenced excavating cellar for lour large brick bouses in his newly surveyed snbplemeht to uitton mrs mcfarreu has purchased the lot on corner ot fast uary ajod bronte streets and will build a house ou it contractor armstrong has been successful in securing the work contractor armstrong is at present en- gaged in erecting i dwbljing house for mr- j h picket painter mr d hendetstn wis in town ou tha 1ztb mr j bulterbeld of lie bank otuam illod moved his amily from here to his new borne ir mount forest on monday the people of milton refjret to part with them arnolds the business exempt street visited frletidsln or her homo irrllrick- u is spending a fawdhys ronto mrs josoqsi pat rs ot milton is spending a week with friend i here muter jojin m lean of milton ii a guest at ccdac cre ik farm mines kniml i nd katie atierti spent sunday with frlcn ts in guclpll iflasea mianla a 1 1 clin swackhammer spettt sunday with friends in guelph master fred sm thl spending a couple o weeks with frlei da near hamilton mrs a fj nick in and children visited friends at bil jtee daring the week mr w p bra ru it spending a well- earned weeks vac ion with friends here mrs fli s oat i ad mr george stout of itockwood vli ited friends hero last friday mr c virwidk srmtt a week with friends at fioulhic ptou and returned home on friday mra jia ferryman ai and flora mrs thonjas omcrville is spending mouth with criendh at west lorrio detroit and other po nl mr thomis ki spend a week or ayeus sarsarmtlua at all scasofia in tired feollngr cloansos and vitalizes itlio lo gucccsscully oontcnel wltlt tl o icblutal in the summer it quickens tlio ajincl nakc8 tho weak btrong in tl c jlkftfirii irotccts tlio system from utttlitrial litiltii etches tliq lilootl atfd invigorat ho sprtnff ifc removes that irculatlon and prepares ons ig effects oc tlio heated term to regulates the liver and it tortes up tha nerves and ces in tlio rttfifef it en- 1 t- i- s every otjait and tissue of the body chr stia and master itollie visi lug friends in ponsonby ton left ou monday tc so with friends at 6t sherwood ol guests at tnc urd ue from ottawa will now settle do iuterest miss jessie wit on 1 1 anns km oilier r lints dr heggii of iritnpton and mrg hnr in college london wen horn i of dr urcn lst week ideri jn m p ariived itomi aturdiy afternoaa hi vn to hutimssiu hisowt ren who has liecu visit lug friends isi toionto and niagr fall i tor the past six vjctks letiirued home on friday nighj mr and mrs i inry dinieu giweya irrilcd land where lliey t nasst i imo isiit week f rum lint isvo isccn vuititig friend for the past two r iputlr dr and sirs i yne and mr j colt man ot richlam luwa who havo been guests at builder iiid villa tho past week left yesterday for their home ih the wes miu uauio homssi and mr vrr thomas rufurnc i ousatarday roui a two weeks visit with y their sifter i tliein home riends at watcttown m nd children accomptnlrtl mrs alexdroan sr is startup ricuds in town hotwkhetaniliug that the old lady is in hot eig ityfourtl year she is en joying good hcalt i it ia fiftyeight years ainoo she came te acton the rev fico robcrtsou ba former ly pastor at ohur h hill who has been pastor of olivet congrcj ational charcb tacouto for over fiveyeai i has resigned his pistol- ate on account o his health tho resigna tion takes effect in the 3tst of jaly j mrs drjbigiar ot indiauapulis ind who bad lyu viiitlng mra 8 a seoord left last thhrsdi y to visit her tonialav the rev wp i evau church of enelatxl clergymioj in sloont forest for t fet weeks i i ffju lincton georgetown budget to bo brought down next meeting an explanation we- are requested to insert the following mur from dr buck jann waiinlk kbv- dtb fell i in reply j yours ot ine jtrji lint i u- to say that it was at tuy iuvitauon and re quest that you met tbeltailway couitnlttoe in toronto and being cbalruian cf the cotnmlltoe i fnay a4d that it was after btisg preeaed by tile eotnmltle to do sotbat you accompanied tbe coenluittec to the orlice of tbe railfay solicitors wjscrt tbe letter to uhlcb you refer was reaxt t your traly alllcss palrrxua jouesiuj wri 1 the council iqet on iilonday evening at hi oclock members present iecvc lawry council lors harvey peirtyjn stconl and bcard- inore the minutes of previous intetiug were read and conlinted the finance coiumittcc prewntcd their eleventh report commending payment of the following aciountfl jas t tliolais4uwork at parv e irj jss smith hauling stone 120 t t jjoore cxnsts to lierlin j j adam cook gravel stone 5 w tbe ileeve exiiensti re debentures l 10 c t hill naili ac mil i n w the rcjkirt vtbb adopted the receipts and exiiditure of the year verc conbidercd and the estiniates will bo retented at inlet netting the rate thin ear will not likely be much above fifteen nills tlc smi jreinium on- tho new school dehentureb will aid in reducing hit rate i the bylaw exempting from taxation the business and property of arnold brothers glove manufacturers corner mill and wil bur streets forj ten years waa introduced read the requred number of times and passed j moved by j ii pearson seconded by john harvey jhat tlie 6um of twenty dol lars being an innual grant be presented the lieeve for charitable purposes carried trhc council then adjourned i salary and expenses a very i spent at tl beautiful wtiat wok pet iuis the largest and most successful jora go demonstration in tlie county within t n years was held at but- liugton on tho t eelfth there waa a very largo gathe irxg if orangemen from miltoti oaknlle iron o hqrnbf gcorgctowi acton glenwjll ami korval clieltcnlutm erin waicriovn and hamilton and visitors fro n al tho surrounding coantry after dir ner procession nearly a mile in length was formed which marched through tliu ton n and thence to tho brant house the m iltem acton bronte oak- ville and ha nilton bands discoarsed music during the day which made the orangemer th nk of their grandfathera before tho jabs of derxy andatthstsoyne during the afternoon speeches were made by e he nderson mp revs r h abraham d 1 brethour of burlington andyoretcn o waterdown games and s mrtb lso formed a part lot the progra nm and a band competition so the evenin leas tnt and enjoyable time ws o st awberry social held on lite awi at the residence of mr his sects icittl salesman wanted paid beon buoh co narseyoien tor onto ont try our diishridkabla natural all wool flannel jons n turns k boss ltaehoase go to synon tho jeweller for the ren- uine lszarus ipemocles to suit all rights if you wmt boots tt bhoea cheaper than ever you bought them call at kenney bros actou the baptist apd meihodist b schools are arranging for irunion excursiou to take place very shortly the oraugemei of georgetown the gleu and norval spent the twelfth at barling- ton and took aton cornet badd with them i the primary aifd jonipr leaviug examin ations have been jin prepress at the high school this week tho revenue from thi waterworks thus far has not beei reassuring there is a prospect now however of making an arrangement with the 0 t u mr lachlan grant and family left georgetown last tweek mr montreal whecree they sailed on saturday for a two months trip in scotland itev mr bucliauin ajnd family lett last week on a holiday trip for a month they expect to visit ketter ujxbridge kincardine and other placcsj mrs a 11 oibbardl has been visiting iriends st dunn iille the pat week we are gisd tc bo abis to report that mr l w goodenou is radidly improving ajid wo may soon se him igain in tomod place mrtrankateud ishjme from kingstrin hsviug finished lis oo irse at the- military college there and obtained his diploma as civil logineer i among the ni rnea o the lucccsital cn- diditea at tho recent examination at the toronto conservator of mnsio we are pleased to ubtise thai of miss jessie h mcleod in the oilowilg inbjects of the 1st year pianofor x theory and introdao- tory theory and bightsinging itraw a terrifio therrideritorra swept over thi town monday ifterndon and was attended wilii fatal remits tbomaa hume a young lad waa down at the credit river bathing wittsome other boys tie waa walking aiong i ho raitwrey track bu tho way homo when surdenlyj his comnanlana were dazed by a sudden flub of chain lightening oo looking ariund they perceived young humes body rolling down the steep em bankment whep theypicked hltn up he wis dead hta clnthing waa torn in shredi and tbe boots i wilted off his feet he waa placed on a rry and was taken to the railway station a doctor waa summoned sud said thatieatuhadbeenluauntaneoaa fjarsaparillit 1 the knt alltlieycarrouti mcdlclno you can ind it cxpclh tht poison iif scrofiilnf anil cuts if and the aojd that causes lllioiumitlsm it nuikcs ftwl iiourisliliifr nrk pleasant sleep refreshlng mid lifu tiitiyalilt itlstlifsuierlor cdlclne miss a il colhns dlghtoti mass writes live years rilla each upring oeprgo fay 70 crel summer complaliits he lnm fcmntl tiootliei nil fall anil received ss st centre ifalls i i liavo used ayers sarsapa- wondercul txjneflt from it i gays that for spring and medicine equal to ayeks prepired by dr t 0 aycr oo lowell man bold by llrngfrjisu etery rterer has cured others vill cure you oldest thi store have you evdr been inside j of smiths dfug store if not the next time you comb to gt elph come to us for your drugs prescription perfumery c t m osmiristoo i dispensing chejmists guelph ont tho western fair tho prize list of tho western fair whcb is to ba held in london sept icth to 21th is again to hand and weare pleased to notice that tho unprecedent suc cess which attended the efforts of the mansgement lsst y our has been of tngiblo benefit to the breodcrhlof livo stock and agricultural producers the directors hav ing added nearly si00p0lo ihuprizellst of 1891 besides increasing tlio already largo prizes have been added to tho cattle clases where before omitted and new sec tions to tho sheep clasecs and a full class for tho taraworlh pigs also third prices in the poultry section which with the commodious building now at the disposal of the poultry breeders should call forth their hearty cooperation and give to tho patrons of tho western fair the grandest display ever exhibited in canada the dairy interests ace being properly looked after and the committee are cvidenuy catering for a larger exhibit if possible than the grand display ot last year a long list of special prizes are offered ono or more in each department the direc tors havo decided to adopt tho one judge system and appoint good reliable com petent men from names submitted by tho principal live stock associations this is the plan adopted by all the leading fairb in america and tho executive ot the western fair are determined to keep pace with tho best should any of our readers wish a prize list address mn thcs a browne secretary who assures us ho iu be pleased to forward tha simo nelson jackson fjatli irstone dundae steeet nel son on tl ore ay evening last in aid of the st pauls pi jsbyterixn church refitting fund re j p mcquarrie the pasljjr acted as chair nan the musical part i of theprogramm was furnished by the walter down brass be id and local talent in ad dition to i tral erries and cream many good things we o 6i pplied at tlio nicely decorated booth at ne e id of tho grounds during the cvenit g a mmoroas address was givun by rcv 3 church ergusonr of tho eethoctjst a p easing feature of tho evening was tho f icm ly feeling exhibited by the methodit bre thren in turning ont in large numbers grcgition stono for social ifyi doors at fill your or dry gfodi ol good t o hunks of st paula con- are duo to mr and mrs feitlim- thei untiring efforts to make tlio deciled success frevcocds 110 u wi nt firstclass guelph sash and gui iph prices t eunice nan orde at his planing mill woe l i iool 1 highest prices in cash mill be given furany quantity hantablo wool wu mcluon cov jeorjetown comesoonaud often clood as new christi fpnd the annual meeting at new york canadas promjlnenco there new ynnii 12th july tho great christian endeavor convention withits 20kj0 delegates has cotoo and- gone it was an- immenso succesb the report of general secretary baer showed that wiiilo in 181 only two societies existed today there are 1370200 members with 2lcio societies representing 30 different evangel ical denominations tlio presbyterians lead wilh swxi societies coming olosa behind are tho congregatioualists with 41v whilo tho baptists hold third place with 2730 oklahoma captured tho ban- ner a year ago for hie greatest proportion ate increase but this year it goes serosa tho line to manitoba whero christian endeavor said secretary baer like their wheat is graded no i hard the banner for uie greatest absolute gain wu laityexrwou by pennsylvania hut this year it goes unt to a state bat to a pcovinco ontario whero there has been a net gain of 372 societies iu ontario there aro 830 societies nova scotiai 2c8 quebic 07 new brunswick 57 and manitoba li listyexr 82 sooietiea had reported for australia now there are 232 england has 300 there sro 32 societies enrolled from india from turkey 20 mexico hi west indies 42 samoa il africa v chiua tl japan 0 while societies are alio at work iu bermuda brazil chili norway spain perth hawaiian minds- ind almost every land the total from foreign fields is wi bar i o had in his hand causing it to fly op bittj ig him on the head which might have eude a vet t hislifc asif wasit left him with y sore ftce oi oevcning last week as george gordon wa going homo from wotk in the field he mit and killed a large porcupine which wcif icd about 30 un these animals are rare y seen around this part of the country m s ann watson towuliue nassagaweys isly ug seriously ill atjireseut m ss annie campbell of kincardine is visit ing relatives and friends in nasaaga- wcy i this week killed in the r r yard i innv july 0 a boy named arnold 1j yea s of age a son of mr philip arnold o ba en was killed by a train oa wednesday hei vasstanding on a switch catching art en g ne shunting and did not notice that one of i le cars bad been switched off onto lb k he was standing upon the engineer however seeing the danger whistled bat it u too late and before the lad could get ou of the way of the car bad ran him do n when picked up it was found that he vas mortally wounded his head and bo y were terribly mangled he lived a few hours in great agony ladies and gentlemen did you ever stop and think what a di hcalt matter it must be to select a stock dry goods such as the firm of e r illert co carry especially in thia age vrfien the demands of fashion have become exacting 5 where ia there another man this city or out of it that his had the experience iu buying dry goods as j rm v i- hot weather i e r 80llert knatchbull itliutrdjiual uteat is cite best na i it c it matter whether the dresa na mads if a fared silk dresa goods musluj ir m iterulso long as the colors are run igiit soap will wash t perfecl ii splendid way togetaueir lutojtaaoldauellrylt farraera are busy with their bay which ia a fair crop this year tho tine weather is helping them wonderfully strawberry picking is almost douc the tenders for tho building of the ebcueser chuich sheds will cloteon satur day at pm tho rcbuilding of tho aheda will commence as soon as possible mr and hrs duncan campbell c kin cardine returned homo last situreky- and miss tda ind tlltie kitchingof coewhin accompanied them mr and mrs henry daniels of nsisi- gawaya returned homo from englindon wednesday july gth they bad a pleas- int trip mrs ford srd mrs sturdy eif west wawanosh aro visiting relatives and friends iu nassegaweya this week mcs jas mcgregor ot natsagawoya had the misfortune to fallaridbroakseversl of her rib tha other day on friday a john tay lof ot nasaaga- weya wesuklnroff nones with bis stone raschiuo the wheel of the windlati btokej whenlhjo ttona was about hajf jipiuiet mr herbert taylotwent jo knock thjidoi back and let lie stone down when ueuiri y down part of the whael ilcuck the cro 10 has been iu business over thirteen ar in this city end daring that time has en constautly studying tbe characteristics the dry goods trade snd who it cow in iuropeand will therefor weeks search io different mahutsslories where the nest goods aro to be found and there jilect our fall andwintec stockt j i but tako our stock at present and where nil you find a better asserted one that is be better class ot goods j i i the cheap shoddy goods we have no obm for and it we had would not keep nch goods as they are eipeutive at lany irico and do the trade mora harm fhan ood it is better trade pe do and that la shat wo cater for t i tho time is past vnd gone when people would buy a stack of dry goods became thoysreold fashibnod and cheap people nowadays just buy what they need sod that raaitbo tho very latest and not iopds that ace half worn out with age j i woliavo no old fashioned stuff jlo throw- away hut throughout each atjd every department will be found nice clean freah seasonable goods and at reasonable prices any person wishing to bay a parcel of dry goods will do well to call ancunfpect our stock no rouble to show kopcts erbollebt co b4g 27 lower wynuwa bt cfuijiii e rtss i qoo dsr delaines challiespcinla and sateens the very cream ot wtsh goods in slock now- colored challiesat 5 refits which coat ss to maaafactare some one has lost moneyed them we didnt bat theres no plunder in them for us this is a plum that cannot be picked np every day the pile sding down fast dell is dingerons deikines have the ran this ibmmeraud deservedly so there fa nothing prettier or more servictblo go where ypamy you cannot sad a nicer variety then we show in this line think of a pretty delaine ati2jojahd then irosgine the iavetinessaf a coc one ffyoarpurse limits you we havoi big variety at is 20 a3 0 and somutr prints we open this week a case of ettrawide fine quality pritit fast colon ttlo cents thia la th6 fegslar 12j cent print ail pier the country another lot of bloasea in this week jbatair bengaline and cottoti very cheap and jmt the thine forjthe hot weather theyre going like hot cakes ind- no wonder the price anil style sells them j i extra valve iu stainless cotton hose the- color will not wash oat or rub off sizes in cashmere and lilk hosiery i 25per canfti off millinery for thebalance of the season if fi i i l r-i-i- fa r b jermyn dljones mechnnicalc geneitu wqqpengravinc r 10 king st east toronto i 1 ii- send him yqjir pyder- for any class of wood engraving j desire otise h ti i 1 fhisseaipuweare showing the largest and best asoittbtock itt this line ever brought iutd actob y im mt i jthc same quality of print that we sold at 15c aud 17c last year cau be had this year at 12jc tho goodsate all irbw and just ou satuctlay last wo received 50 new pieces the patterns are all new and varied so that you have a large range to choose from i we have plso great bargains itv 8c and loc btints of which we have stacks that must heboid our stock of dress ijoodais rapst complete and a very large iiugo is mi exhibition every day at ground price i our black and colpredfcaahnjeresercbtiugla from the largest hou6ein montreal and the prices tho closest wo ever soutgoods at i i tv ih a call will payyou henderson mcraeco john speight fc son v il m t oar stock of fc furnirruresi vjndertklcinc ruiture is now con pleta for tha spring trade and w can supply any article youwant at the lowest poasiuje prices we dont tteal our furaitare por defraud any one in its manufacture bat we pay cash far it and can seu u tow for oasa as any dealers in tbe trade we can give you a bedroomset fcomptete forl4 wove mattrwimsfor 4 8rrfnkfor c f sideboards at post lounges for mfmidv aixteniion jtawes750 chairs at any price untae ataki nc afnintneofmcajkei4i fvbe etc always in itook- w i can dv i yoo satisfaction as to price we desire to i npresi upon the public the fast hat wjj naw connection with any combination and orr prise are not governed bythe llnaenaaara association w oaa ttw you torbest i te markets afford at very reaaonable pnoea n cood hearse arid outfit for funerals speic r4t son tvjaeffl m it

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