1 a rl tan jtce j pay jrrv21 u92 fflje iloung jfolks nrcrmrrs r tvovr itame of qterl trvtrt to fro pr readr wlicn i row npllrtit arc wtiie ihinct ti t 1wu nmrrrto ar5 tlio fvrv u p it crrn il 1 inlrtt kirmiic ml nvrr mikr im fithrr ltd i tiif tor la my tnotlicr ntr cur my tin ten run ton vrrim love oar brother i vort in red i wotv 1 a iirver aft with ruducs to omfdk ml nrcr l vwiifl to ny little ctitld tint rornw tor help to mc ill tirrcr rrfuw to civc a liil pr itroul mil nft to roe who hczi uy imn n4 d- and cat 111 nrvcr i ml iwtf r wpr i no cciilin im trrr4uivdm that ill untr fia lad frtwrj without itiltif my iat iti hirer drink ftrocc drina oh fio not rvcr unoac or chew a tyre a praj ti ihrari cnxra an i olct arr hlut- i wont indeed i wont harpers weekly lu ttarprri wrrlty pabluhfd july gtli ipecial mention it rlren to the rtttt ntl tonal tncftiug of the chriituu kndtv or atfocittiou held at midi too square garden kewyock city th ataoctation lu history and it objects it the abject of a hicmy iutcreatinr article by frotsor amo 8 well oue of ill ceding protnot- era and there u a portrait o the rev dr clttk iti foaudcr thj fame uamber of the mrrlttf contains a rtaphib acootmt of loeoei and incidents it ho intercollegiate bottrtce written by ckfpar v whitney and coptodcly illastrateo fiction it well rcprtccnlrd by a itoryj by lime liyn eutillec mica wniowriiht ttid itio cotitin uatioii of mn mcuttusona chirmiuc kentucky novel au earthly paragon there ia tlio the uaal rich variety of mil- cellaneoui articles pomc and iilattra- tiooa for the high character of which the tlreiv has alvtyi beco jattly fimoai i by one arm ncarslgta a oa at hji motij wmmoo and dtttrmlng corrrplali t incjdjatslito tha ollmt it ia not ooi unset til juajr par tlcslar reason tor whlltt most f petal ia the winter masqat yet mi ny iacc u ax- crocliune aonjr in tho 1 eat of iumraer in lau ytara uiia torm ol dlaeaia hu be corns belur known and anmqttmlf h meant ot relief have becdn o treat y iacnaa ed in uttrabert at well aa it 1 efficacy among tho moat powerfal and pinetraling oomblnationi placed wi hla lh i reaob ot tho pablio for tho reilof it noa alrit wo can mention no remedy iqual to or root certain lhau tolioaa kcrviilne ttapakar orer pain i icmetlilni windercol and we adtire a trial for neuralgia or ipy other painful oomplaintc it u eatler for ni to thfnlc a an rrow ins in grace than it it for oor n igbbon u think to no dentist requlrcd ss ilisa matter of sarprite to me re marked a man who u a keen obietver re- eectly that half the children of thii coun- trj dont prow tip minci an artn but wberefor asked the penoo to wbctnle a cpeaking ihrrl is an illcntratioo continued the ettt speaker do yoo tee thtt worn in icatkicg with a little child now notice her wha the crotrfi the ttreel at the corner the woman lifted the child by one arm it danpled in the air and ita fet did not touch the ground until it wat tcroi the ttreet when the mother dropped it en tho kidewalk welf the arm held didnt it but continued the phitoeopher i waiafnid at one time it woold oe wrench- ed from ita socket now thtt it a eight ycja cn titnesa every hoar in the day nfothert dragoon children out ot street crj tcrwt the street or op a fiicht bf stain byjone arm i wonder how the mothers woold like it if a being four time is farce asthemselve ahoald caddeoly cvoop down and lift them by one arm id like to tee it tried oticel just woold man and dog compared it ia a poor tort of a dog thtt hasnt mpre soul than some men and what is cvinj to become of all thtt ezoetaajf soul tiki a writer it is coicg to loee itself in oblivion while the tricky fensnal ooraitb f ol man goes on and od forever take the beat man yoa can pick frtim average life deprivetiim of speech blight him with popaltr prejadice let him go without food of water hound him with a doecatcher and a laso cue evilhearted boys the right to torment him visit ytmr wrath oponhim eferyime hepens his month or frolico9 with an old sboe or a discarded cap just to show the fun thats iu him tie tin cam to ids coat tails tad clab him if he manifests apropex reentment and if yoa will show red at ranch cl nobility longtartering patience forgiveness in tha mans tool after 24 hoara of such a life as u manifest ed by the poorest utile mongrel cur that trou the streets i will draw yoa a draft for fifty dalltrs yea sir if there is going to be a beaten for come men there will be an immortality fprjl dogs some boyi think tiey is awfiil good cause their folks never mtenea chorcb rain or ctviue but i notice when they hu an apple they never offer me ft bite they always churat with toy wots got poor front teeth little jottnny qhwhfttacoukh victoria carbollo btlte careniulbattit cores bruits woandt cl tppedraaadi tad cold tores price 25c a child safed will yoa heed the warning tbe signal peruana ot the sure approach of that more terrible disease consumption ask your selves if oa can affota for the tke of saving 50c to run the risk and do nothing for it vte know from espeiieoce thtt shilohs care will cure yjrar cough it evtr failf an engiueer has receiitly devitedia new electrical machine by which weeds and ob- noiious grass can be dclroyed in i minim um of time itisprorxkodtoretr insects for oruraeutal purposes the same aa 1 foreign flowers and plants are secjimatteed in hot- hoqses and gardens mr heory graham wioghtm writes us for fifteen years i havi safferl with indigestion tnd dnrintj thtt time i could get nothing to give me relief although i tried a great many different kinds of medi- ciue recommended for thtt cotopltint i now feel like a new mm tgd this wooder- lul chaoge has been accomplished by the use of four bottles of northrop a lymans wanted a boy a jolly boy a boy fall ot vim a boy who scorns a rte a boy who will never smoke fc a boy with tome stick to it a boy who takes to the bath tab a boy who is prond ot his big sister a boy who thinks bard work no disgrace a boy who does chores without grumb ling a boy who believes thtt in education it korth while a boy who plays with ail his might fluring play hours j a boy who littens not to unclean stories from anj one a boy who thinks his mother above all mothers is the model a boy who does dovibink it inconsistent to mix playing and praying a boy who does not wait to be- called the second time in the morning slat- ofpinia took her at her word maria said the stalwart young man as he gazed ardently at tbe blushing little fairy girl by hit side do yoa really aod trtily love me ftc more than life itself dear george was the earnest reply i would even go through fire tnd water for yoa if it were dtcefrmiry make no rash promise in recrd to water maria unlets you can swim rf jjiutd the noble young man in fond and loving tones but in regard to fire if ytrj re perfectly willing to promise 1 me that even mi cold wintry mornings 300 will lot hetitsie to get up early and wrtle with it 1 will summon up courage j enough to ask yoa to become my wile and theu juet for the- privilege of going through life with this exacting masculine i gitnt ot a man maria promised uy little toy was akea very bad with diarrhira hi wuvery dslicato tnd got to low we had no hope ol hi 1 life bat a lady friend recommended dr fowlt eitrtot of wild strawberry and although he coald only bear a few drops at a time he got welt it saved my child mm wu brcwattt cnjnpbelille oot there are people who seem their religion tho minu e hev can have their own way the jesalnc of hoods samptrf hi i rim frieods where- ever it is fairly and hiaestly tried its proprietors are highly gratified at the letters which oome eittrely unsolicited from raeo and women in the loarned pro- fetsioub wsrraly commeidiog itoodi bar taparilla for whtt it bti done tor them hocdi pills cure liver ills j tun dice bil iousness sick headtohe constipation it is hard for the locd to make much use ot a preacher whoso head ia bigger than his heart vegetable discovery valuable medicine fr mo it has been 1 a lady having asked dr johnson whit was the bet way to flecure comfort in 1 storm the old moratftl replied madam comfort in a storm is best insured by tak ing shelter in some friends house about the time he is going to dinner making him bring oat his bet port and cracking walnuts by ibefiresidesftef wards madam are you deaf or do you suffer trotn noises in the head r then send 3 cent stamp and 1 will send a valuable treatise containing full particulars for borne cure which costs comparatively nothing a splendid work on deafness and the ear address ptorg csjse montreal the spider probably think that the bee is wasting time making honey all beds seem harij ta the rhetimitic then hearken ye peevish sufferers i apply dr thomas e electric oil to your aching joints and muscles bply oq it that yoa will experience speedy relief such at least is the testimony 0 who have used it the remedy ii hkewiso s access fully resorted to for turot and lung diseas es sprains bruises etc it u hard to be a frjendrto a man who is an enemy to himself dr ivowt worm sjrop removes worms of all kinds in children or adolts children cry for it 6in will behave itself a yesr to get to have its own way an our mrs harry pearson hawtrey writes fott about tare moo tea i was troubled with fainting spells and dirtiness which was crowing worse and would attack me three or fear times a day ti lufi my hus band purchased a bottle of northrop lymans vegetable d wot cry from which i derived considerable benefit i then pro cured another and betore it was used my affliction was completely gone and i have not bl an attack of it since pearls of truth paieions as easily evaded as impossible to moderate tomorrow is tbe dty on which idle men work and fools reform it is very easy to find reasocb why other i people should be patient the msn who works for god alwaysgets his pay in advance a mans worst difficulties begin when he is able to do as be likes error will slip through a crtdf while truth will get stuck in a doorway j- the saddest ftilingi in life oome from tbe not putting forth the power to succeed thoe who oome to yoa to talk about otbert are tbe ones who go to others to talk aboat yon ver gakmc powde quttt25 vinegar in a jug is a good thing iut in people it is a nuuance ifyon want to bejjor cell a farm ad tertise in the tonntd ifwty uau that paper reachea loowx farmerb homes erery reek and yoaradvertibement should meet the eye of eomeonejirbo waota to pnr chase advertisements of tbia clasaaro o- aerted in the toronto irixy iiail for five ccnta a word each insertion or twenty cenu a word for five insertion address the mail toronto canada thousands in rewards the great weekly competlcn of the ladles homo magazine which word iu thii advertisement spells the tame backward aa forward this ia a rare opportunity for every madam and fclisa every father and son to secure a spletdid prize t i weeelt peizek ttveryweek throogroal this rreat competition prize will be dia- triboted aa follows the first correct answer received the post- mark date on escb letter to be tkep aa the date received at the office of the twliu home uaijcane each and every week during 1802 will get t200 tbe secoad correct answer 100 the third 50 foerth a beautiful silver service filth five oclock silver service and the next w correct answers iil get prizes ranging from t25 down to 2j every fifth correct answer irrespective ol whether a prize winner or not will get a special i prize competitors retidiugin the southern state aa well aa other distant pointa have an equal chanoe with jthoae nearer home aa the postmark will be case rules each list accompanied by 1 subscription to one erial baking p0w0er hbstv8tr06estbstc ftn t majja flaam tiw cillctt toronto pnt or registered letter uotu uafjajta petetboroagh canada o6r authority in every of answers must be to pay for sir months of the best home magazines in america errxiesces th ladiei hume ilapa um is well able to carry oat its promises peferboarongh canada tiaut a snanifially strong hioti splendid ptptr and huftog canada winner will be sure v receive ia entitled to kora ood canada register money ahoald be se it by post office order every prize uit what be address the iadut love never coropli baa to pay is too mu iina that tho price it lih ooootbo yaor boou bros actoa jatt arrived a fin taisortmeat of flower potaaft h hum ica grocery yoa can get a cod roand cash die- bhoea at kenney nothing ao suddenly bstructs the pera piratidn a sudden tram ition from heat to cold ileal rarities the ilood cjuiekeni the circulation and increase i the perspiration but wricn these are and lenly phecked the conseiuenoea must bebd the must com mon canseof dieaao is sbstrueted pertpir ation or what commonly goes 3y the name of catching cold coughs colds sore throat and etc if atter ded to in time are easily subsided but ii a lowed to ran their own coarse generally pi ovothi forerunner of more dangerous diiaaea kinetenthi of the consumptives date thiir amiction from a neglected cold a 3d the liseaeeetbat are caused by wet feet damp clothes or exposure are more nam roas that are gen erally supposed one of tho impat efsca- cious medicines for allc iteaseaof thethroct and lungs is bicklea anticonsumptive syrup it promotes a free and easy ex pectoration which fries the lungs from isoid ph legm by chaniing llje secretions from a diseued to a tiei iltby state the first time that a boy geu ten miles away from home heflhi nks that the world is a whopper tha great sclttw n t wbsn disturbed oanglraniorspalkth n any natvt of the hamak body fortat tlely it it easily tab- dosd by th rhthlmro idy at the tlht time on lw aabjaol mr rviluamslagdea of edeuior bakawtu derbyshire en write t tu la l iffanc rom sciatica foe it o jort st i oobt oil completely me ailed five itilea are tepfsaenled lit oocgreii by pertaui not bora i thin their limits rawaj nebtvika kan ai nair hampshire and minnesota qured me iwhtalall other remedies had iferlt joe beandin m o hull p q writes pr thotnaa eclec rlo oil commands a large and increasing i ale which it richly merits i have alwaj i found it axoeedingly helpful t i matt la ai cases of rheumatism as well as fractures and dislocations i made use of it raysoll to calm the palna of a broken leg with di location of lie foot and in two days i was entirely relieved from pain it it the man who has to live on corn bread at homo who lade the most fault with the pie when hi travels k catadti it favorite tho season of gree fruits and summer drinks is he time wl en the worst formidt cholera morbus dlar facea and bowel com- ptaints prevail aa safeguard dr fowl ers extract ot wild strawberry should be kept iu the house lor 35 years it has been the most reliable ret ledjr the man who thit iu that his neighbors homo is too big fill soon be complaining that hit own it too i nail sevru years iaffering gentlemen i have suffered very much from inflammatory rieumatism which through wrong treatme it left ugly running sores on my haoda au feet with these i suffered for seven year i durink which time i had neither shoe nor i itocking on i com menced using b b b externally and in ternally asing the pills also apd i can say now that tbe sores are entirely cored and have been for aome time if believe the bitters werethe meant of saving my life mrs aksh barb crewsona corners acton o ont as there is no royal oad to learning so there it no magical ear i tor i isetxe the effect however of tsii ig aye ft ssrtapej ills for blood disorders ss can be expected ol agency this is due strength the trouble with tbk mu nothing is that he ia ai rays tf o last to find it out highest a vard at the universal co kery ahd food ex hibition beld in londo rand opened by the lord mayor may 3rd 1892 wears w o dunn it co of crojdon london and hamilton canada obtained the highest award for baking powder it is a lean pig that a seed that will not than one that is rotten people are not 6opi jscd to gulp down everything they read in the newspaper any more than all they fin i on a hotel bill of fare neither is it good paper when something to ita unearmagio any nere human parity and who knows i always squealing grow ia no better sense to stop their diitaateiul appears mi because peculiar any more than toleav the something unpalatabb to jdar tute is found among be viands when a boy has to be washed he is sorry that columbus ever discovered america was prostrated with a severe bilious complaint writes enistas boathworth of bath me afier vainly tryiug a number of remedies i was finilly induced to take ayers pills i had boxes when i was coi scarcely taken two mbletely cured the old eemtdy gentlemen i have ased burdock blood bittercfor my blood and for pimples and two bottles made a omplete care of my case it is tbe only r medy 1 coald find to help me miss jclu yi cicn trenton ont it is so much easier telling other people how to walk than it is showing them how ia there anything bore annoying than having your corn step led upon is there anything more deligh fol than getting rid of it bolloways cirn cure will doit try it and be oonvinc id coksuhptljncuekd an old physician r stired firam practice having had placed in lis hands by an east ipdia misaiopary the formala of a simple vegetable remedy for i he speedy and per manent cure of const mption bronchitis catarrh asthma and all throat and lang affections also a positive and radical cure for nervous debility i ad all nervous com plaints after having tested- its wonderful curative powers in thousands of eases has fell it bis duty to mat e it known to all his suffering fellows ac aated by this motive and a desire to rellevi human saffcring i will send free of tharj t to all who desire ft this recipe in germai i french or english with fall directions using seat by mai stamp naming his for preparing and by addressing with paper wja norxi bij powers mock b xhester n klnardt liniment fi restaflrtliiie tteibaiitwasffec i e pars her caatoria woeashavatacliiu ha criod tor costoria when she became itta slw eluee to outoric vrqeaaaeaadchjdrci abocaveuic3ctorts you are poor are yoa pot young man yes air and ii yoa marry my daugh ter you will take hei from a home of luxury and splendor to an lamhts sphere of life where shs may be very uuhappy i harethoughtot tha air responded the young man with eep emotion and it occurred to me thit if clara should bo an hippy we could tire with yoa until i should be able to carve i at fame and fortune worthy of the beauti ul girl whom i adore todtt edward linl that his h pitchfork on liniment e livery stabl tell oar agents oat misard cost tbroaghout tbe otk most from german the 135000 of tin few mire thin th k ithers 7vt mammoth 5e0rcetown t el colds headaches and i evert to cleanse tho system effectually et gently when costive or bitioat or when t le blood is impure or sluggish to permaai ally care habitual con stipation to awaken be kidneys and liver to healthy activity without irritating or weakening them at syrup of figs in america as it france tho average aire of families hat been steadily decreas ing for the laat half ntury the average i now a9f where i i 1859 it was 550 canada it being co igratulated every where on the excellences of her manufactures art stained glass it prominently in the front rank o htr ire jrovements thanks to iilccaotiaad sac of toronto who for o years have labort j not only to accamn late motley bat to r ake stained and orna mental glass of al kicdt a credit to the dominion in near holltnd he women cat them selres with shells ai d keeping the woandt opeo a long time fc m deep scars which they consider i ighl ornamental f oil 6i petere c baays irse was badly torn by a ixttlo of minaudb ilm me i all over tbe dominion it icy woald not be with- li ment far twice tho according to info mation from constan tinople the turkish government has de cided to make vaccination compulsory man empire j eapll relief deas ha i for years been troubled with dyspepsia at d tick headache and found bat iutl reli intil i tried burdock bipod bitters whit i made a perfect care it is the best sedi ine i ever had in my life and i will neve be wilhoat it i ii imr davit clinton ont loudon socii ty is somewhat startled orec the newe that the nrtrait of paderewski in the koyai aetdei ly is the work of the marchioness o lor le tho third age i f the toronto dui uau it noted or varit advertisements if yoa want tc buy or sell anything if yoa want a sit latio ia raechanio a bati- ness machine y lex giogt if yoa have lost or oand any tl log r if yoa want to find out where any me i advertise in the to ronto bails uau ai d read the advertise ments on the thin page of that paper the charge is two jcnts a word each in sertionj addfess vfrejail toronto can ada emi rants last year came fatherland furplthing ircl nd i zt c0000 and italy a t number and kurses au vho hat e the are of children should know that dr fov lers extract of wild strawberry nay bi confidently depended on to care ail sue mer complaints diar rhot dyaentry cr imps cotio cholera la fthtum cholira m irbus canker etc in children and adult it is stated that i mong every 1000 bach elprs there are hirtyeight criminals among marrwd r en the ratio is only eighteepper ic0o sahimor sale ot dresi goods muslirls sowed muslin embroi deries millinery mantles para sols hoisery gloves cloaking prints sateens checked shirt ings ginghams table linens towellings napery otttll kinds gents furnishings glints suit ings iteadymade summer cloth ing darpets oilcloths purtains boots jand shoes iwo have heaps of tho above stock and you will find among them genumo bargains nico printei muslins for 5c per yard nice dress goods for 5c per yard add 2 yds for 100 wo have thb loveliest lot of dress goods ever exhibited to a discriminating public we have a clearing lino ati25cthat astonishes tho people parasols 25c up our millinery department is replete with all the novelties for summer decoration jourj dre6s and muiitlo making departmeiitis in spictidid working orlacr our dresses equal anything tliat cun bo got anywhere and far cheaper 6ur tailoringtlepartmeiit few caual us and nouo surpass its we are anxious todo business and irspeetion will convince you tliat we can give you genuine bargains and to the farmers we would geutlyl remind them that we would like to havo their wool and will give them tho highest price in cash or merchandise at cash prices i the mammoth wmcleodco georgetown shilohs gjoumptioncure this great co0gh cure this slccessiul conbouption cure it wiithou a parallel lathe history of medicine all draggitts are aathorized to sell it oa a poritive gaarantee a test that no other cure can successfully stand if yoa have a cough bare throat or bronchitis use it for it wilt care yoa if your child has the croqp or whooptag cougbate itpromptly and rebel is sure if yoa dread that insid ious disease consumption dont fail to use it it will cure yoa or cost nothing ask yaar druggist tor shilohscure price wets- socts and it 00 if roar laageare sore or back lame use shilohs porous platter 25cts j ruos baaasf forcaurrll it uw h dest cosiest to use and cheapest bsb catarrh 1 sold by dnicjtjtsjsc scat by maluvv i etv nocdtlaa vrrrcn ri uastp pure 0w0ere0 lye pure8t strongest beit jkattrfajrvaslnarqiivntltr for rasmna botu fctena water iail nmltt itiuuirats otlifi t4c jacaacnusthrfi ykkla td by all f iid rmrksca mmimmm unlocis all the clogged i avenaes of tha bowels kidneys and liver carrying off gradually without weakening tha sys tcmau tha imparities and foal humors of the secretions at the tame time cof- reatlng acidity of the stomach- curing biliousness dyspepsia headaches dizziness heartburn constipation dryness of the skin dropsy dimness of vision jaun dice salt rheum erysipelas scro fula flattering of the heart ner vousness and general debility ou ithese aid many other similar compuintt yield to the happy iaflaenoe of b0rdoch jlood birfehs j fm salt in os ptalm tklbum proprietors tomto dunns owder thecooksbestfriend jtrtactt sale in canada without lait eotjal marku nltufialcia j liimbaco rempwain4 i spraii3 qrulees burns 1 swellings m 0harlg8 a vooeleri 00palt baltlmoro md conadlan depot toronto out castoria for infants and children calorfakto well adapeatocmdren that i reccrfacid it u tnpertor to any prescripuoo fcasircitoine rr x ik w w n flit 6 oxford st brpokbtli k t tit use of oastorta is so universal and its merits to tu known that tt seems a worfc otsurrrauon to endorse it fewarethe tatellttint famuies who to not keep oastorl f i i kewtorfccltt i lata nstor bloomtndale beformed camcia i i ossterfa enref oolic ooosfpsfcn bofflstocaacvwaritiaalictatlco ms wcrrn tres abes and rnmoteav al- medfcauao u for several rears ihavs reeommended roar cort add shall always eonunno to ia so salt nal iniarianlj- produbod benenaal resulta enwnr t fiamrt k d ine vttiaip w street aod tui ave i kewrorfccitv crand trunk railway esnrs msll eii doixa wxst i oorsp tisr lllu einrtst- loam 0 2 am rasssatfer t eipreu lmpm hall h 06 pm rasaenger 8 09 pm inini or etotrxa una aotog west- am snd 5 ia j ootac east 10 ain and s w fm thlsumouuiaseritlnto cfoet on dsetmrbsr tthmm klpreat ll wam mll pm mixed 10ilpj s bootssliges we hsve jutt received oar fall ritock of bobu and 8bdes from the best msno- uetsrers in capada and defy com- pelitionf irt either qaality style prices we moke a tpecialilyaf firi carries coaaist tt tfossxr sraxar kit yotx jolm speigm son ffupsnituresc undgrthking forw o r stock of farniture is riaw complete for tho spring trade and we can tapply spy trtii is yoa want at the lowest possible prices we dont tteal bar farnllare nor defraud ny one in its manufacture but wa pay cash for it and can tellaclow for cask as any d alera in the trade j ecan giye you a bedroom set complete wove mattresses for 4 springs for s3 sideboards at fiost lounges for 750 extension tables 750 chairs at any prlcei a toll line of coffiai caskets bobes etc si wart in stock we can give you aalijfacyoa as to prices we desire to impress upon th public the fact that we have no connect laafth any combination and our prices arts nc t governed by the uaderfakers on we can give yoa the best tbe markets afford at very reasonable prices- cqod hearse and outfit for funeralsi boots itsaofis which for styfr fit snd- wear cmnn 1 1 excauedj wm williams 1 acton u social speiohltrx son ih 1 ii ifyo r rigbt here form highi form cly special attractions ht the rlfjht h reduced prices on itany lines op sprik and spsiiter goods hayebees- jia4e illhbr t house the numerous departments are crowded with attractive bargains a few of them only can be mentioired the uantle department offers this seasons styles in ladies and childrens jackets at greatly reduced prices jackets lyu new3 jackets focmerly g now ti- jackets formerly 18 now 1550 similar redactions have been jnade on the priced garments the millinery depabtment is offering slyliih trimmed and uhtrimmed hata an j i all at reduced prices untrimmed strawshhis yeart ttyles clearing oat at very law prices be tare and ithese cheap goods piles of drees goods reduced to clearing prices uonble fold dress goodsredncedfrom 60c to 35c a bargain ed dress goods double width only 18c a iof of stylish costume lengths otrvefy choice goods formerly 9 tqls at and s each dress goods formerly 1 1 reduced tdgoc lots of aluwool dress goods ii igood shades clearing out see the special lot of allwool colored henriettas t inches wide at 30c a yard bloosea at 65c tome of them were j 2 a few dozen of ladies white litis underveats with short tleevtv at 50c worth about ii each ladies vests at lots of hosiery and gloves at reduced prices jmany lines of staple and hoasefamishing goods at special prices new ara txrifig received daily to keep the numerous departmeiitt well assorted with goods that are wanted for the holiday trade eiv silk and chiffon tie a very choice assortment ol new belts a special lot ot ladies belts at- 25c- each new sus new fancy hair pins new cotton underwear good while 8nirts at ioc chemises sic corset covers a beautiful aseartment of new ttyles ia white lanfancy silk and blsok borah silk blouses just receives thet tfitting garmantsand will give yoa satisfaction another lot of those desirfble summer corsets in tvhite at 75c per ba sure and tee the surprise cortels at 0o per pair they are really worth jl thereiit a great rath for jhetn dire waists jutt to handr special attractions in the carpet department doling july and august special inducements i made to parohatert of these goods a large variety of wiltont axmlniterf velvets bruseitpeatry and wool s are held and are made on the lodmaof the best makers in the world furniture coveriogt silk draperies cretonne 1 ustinsaud swles brussels and other curtains in profusion pleaee enter the stores at the door of thenewbohdingjoorner tntlhaghton streets daring july andjlugust the right house will dote on saturday evenings at 7 oclock comnencib el l saturday a bom its milli er lot oi teed redm id at 12 3 form rlj ma good lad ideas n from are par equi willi cirp b arf kin from prf g tnitl ham itc can easy t tods them whtches r r new stock purchased of efgin atfd waltham watches our prices are reasonable watch- dont go well try us as we njake a specialty of fine watch repairin sayage oldest mrasa iftmcmat pats l a pjslmat everr paten tasao oatbrn t ttttsm tarpfe sepolebr t notlesslyen tree or etssnrs u te latfat drenlatlmrf any sdepube psf wortd bplenlldlrllna p man ahoald besmboat it vtel rearrluo sir montba aadnas rcsushxbsn broadway hew 1 wsrh smwrf i chot lis i e d stirton lds will insert teetb at is snd 8 pec set for next three rnonths extraction free special care given to filling office uattbewsblock acton ii a july gth71892 thqmas o wtkilrs is furnish you with the best presses fprjcountfy news and job work to be diad in this country and at lower prices than for any other new cylinder press jis i i- cotlfvb to kcton knd sbb our i a i i improved country proutyi press u tie free press is pnnceafon the above no 1500 drum cylinder press wi folia can press and the workillustrates do better newspakrdster tulye tan the erodty for eight years and the longer w 1 ran it the better we like it it ineunule easv no rnn ilfle for repairs and is easy on tho print l vjt fy up too uildle costs little for repairs and is easy on tho printiris pooket book we call ti the beat press to be had ic f he money come and see oar press at work if ym desire samples of work tend for them and we wiir weoan give yoa ypur choice of anamwir ot differentjisel and styles of presses at all price 41 its merits i york 1 eisy on type n tbe world farrrish rltdly tink of it a new 8 col folio or 5jboaqto powbr press for only 600 to iook pressor8oo full particulars froriv i 1 or an 8 col book 700 agent for canada aptoh iv4 vl ui oiwr m