Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 18, 1892, p. 2

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irj jl i wtrjt auiwkat knalchtmtl em the wi tuswlbc wife of levi k rtllwn o ho coitatknatchfviitloii trie lsui ainv the wit o rolwrt oste ot a dauchtcr tootto toreoteoo ave lothel tjm lheltt wlax ceofi irlrtcicri uiiauatrtaitietu actcra otikli lli aomhl k it coo rthcih 1 hmlcatomre itary helm ttiacte ixithcj art j ipt pviiallif r kiwi lot i krln f llralftu it huartiiic tit ohu lunal u vat1 1 uiouli ii 4 fire jrtritt yc jwss thrksdavalgtsr 18 is92 notes and comments lord salisbury hee tcratetty jeudercd the rrtigiietioirjof himself eud colleegnes and mr jledaimic has received tl e royal commands to priu e ministry propbectct have bu ventured ti composition o the new cabiuei silted ihit mr gladstone in i t5 hit home hale measure fori intend to formulate scheme of fialionel gover iimcuttor india various to the it ll ddition ireful it eppcarafrom a lecent legal decujoa tint when su i auctioneer ia cmplojed to kll farm stocfc or other goods be rnas make a cartful natch in the proper offioea 10 nj out if any mag baa a chattel tnort iabr oilier lien or claim against tho same otherwise he ill be held liable to any oee who may have mch a claixu and wlioe tights are inwrfoiel uiiti he virtually guarantee the title to all goode eoli bv biro talk of the day j art epitomejbf the wortl jdotntt durw v the loada loh atafwt mi trt ildot kewtoaodiead ni m wsooo kdr boring for netsrugts 1 galoe ou it simcoe and judical ianc point to a jerg opply foroato tlnlverail f grtdaetesare talkltig ot erecting a ttate o the late bit deutti wileoo f the wheat crop w li average w buthets to the acre all owe i tmltobe leeording to estimates of good jai fit i brentfords civio ulhoritiyfr eqatld- ming the tdv aibd ly of owning all the wire piles on the ell r alreett four men were lilted and tilve badly injured by the collapse of tbelmlioa build- iug at qgdeo n viloo friday i jaraea caanally yol lalaud ten acci- 1 denully killed oa saturday by th prom a tare dikharce ot a flan he raa carrying if n barttett r daw of tap lata mr smith bartlett b ru tha nrit polka maeittrate ol belter lie died on sunday the town of rec uotrntaio colorado ta totally deatroyi 4 by fire bo sunday rnoreiuj loacfj7i000inturanclt50- ooo j a cablegram aut lliat there ia every reaeon for the belief that the eail of aber- deeo will be cauadaia nett gorernoroeo- eral tho treaturer of th annuiiiss of th qratnd lodnjooc ti wlrtdaor thapfmrttnontli kekmi tha populii one foj tbt tiaoal jivlwdaif of itit rarloai bocmm tad lhamtitftrot th orlnd lodaot tha tadapetttittt order of odd telio at wladaor leak cetk wwoaa of oiamauy xtiej baby city cttdara 1 a cordial ai coma o tha viattlrig bred iratt of tha three ttaaa rocelvrd iheat tilib open arma d- lighted a infaeely dojot iiioif the itraatt and hojitdingw aiict did v irythinff poaaibla to eaiarlata and tend ir plaataot and meraojrable the viiit ot olllxeat of irtry city tiwn and village la the prorinca th beaulitul high solool building u placed anha dupoaal of ha q rand lodge foe luaeaaloat it waaa imlrably adapted for tha pttrpoae tha grand lodge tea ion u full ot laleteit oomparaurely lltua new legtt- latioo aa enacted bat a large amount of ound pottntjhrv urtipld bi1cotta- heneral baalnfh wu graua secretarys repar 1812 jwliea the lutgnui traaitoted the ihotred thai la lodge ru held iu windier there were omy go lodges la the pcfasdarrtttmlbxohtjtfi tha rwalt cjf the rtotat uhtiiflohool a iranoe ai ami atiooa j appear lafaawhare a the fmi pni i r fioraoj ui hodlat oliaroh hild a i uwn boalai ai tha reaidaaoa of mr j wrt tit- clatland hh i at trtf algae uitartnlog tha yo mg i ita lsan and arraittong charged ithi laallng harneaa aaddlea etc from put a i i oeorgatown lait april and who ware arretted and brought to milton iall plead gal ir lut week aad the jpdg allowed tl em a go oa luipended aenleeoa h t iaco ic attended the hixh odurt 1 0 f a ba rte aad i larerj ihe grand lodgtlijo p h wlodtor laat weak bav b rja daw hi retutued from hit trip to tl a ei it and occupied j bit pulpit received a hid of tl the world fair baa xttooo tor the ts500- a prominent 1icjiclicauadiaii wlitician iu montreal rcftrrm to the mauitob school question i reported aa tayioj that uolcaa the lomiuiqu gdveroroent can find toroo way of obtaining juttice for the catholics aud thefredch in manitoba they will form a aohd parly that will only per mit a ministry to carry on the affairs of the country on condiliou of acceeditie to their idsnanda- they certainly have a verv lartt contract before thero out iu touvenir halt dollar voted by con- jreaa g muhtli a ootntlercial traveller waa killed while inardin a street car on tues day at the ooruer ol york and king streets toronto mr john unitbtw 0 tr aent at blair diel on sun long illness aced 5 he teemed the ii c r at ition at amheratbqrg nkit destroyed by rre early on saturday morning suppose loas 5000 the juriidictlon of oata o harlag 6070 mstnberi now here tr i 111 lodgef with l2l members the r lief paid qatia created from f 0277115 iu is72 to nwj338 dutljr the put year the officeca etocted for the pretaat year af qluvo ulstkttirev t w jolllso drfctrgtuknuastiib fee oliver uiiaxoeccucruit 1 bklag tlicaxdtbeaa w ftadeokch iiuvn ktriitaiktitivrlh kouertaan uu wanninrw h doylo among the many coprtealca ettended were an addreaa from the city council j an excursion bu the uew tuamerpromiao up and duwn the river abound belle isle itetrt a vltit lut bandar the g irge owauioa ltcroeie raitch taaaanoef oi lut week wet postponed r pari of colorado it here on raoullii kcr a loraetownj after ia jiueit which laated tjiieea vvauoa diad at hit reudeaae ndaj aatl station utter a highly ea- percy ifolwell ot jamtcie iho wu at tending upper canada college toronto by the censua statistics receatljriubliab- ed in ireland it is shown that methodist arid jews are tbepnly religiooa bodies that ih- creased during the decade ending wjlh 1801 the catholics show a decrease of ulhg or 10 1 per cent aince 131 lrotetant epuoopalians have decreajed s7tl or ci per cent presbvterians have declined by 21017 or sl per cent there are at the present time 55230 methodists in ireland as increase in the tea years of 0300 or 131 per cent wffcile the jewahtveadvtnc- ed frem hj to 175 ottawa fne prtu the new imperial parliament hu re elected mr peel speaker ot the house of commons mr peel is a chioqut a liberalvniouist but bis reelection aigni tie nothing as to strength of the paxties for usually when a speaker hu served one parliament satisfactorily to all parties he ia rjteced by the sneceedipg one even though bis political opinions donot coincide vcith those of the majority the speaker c a british house of commons once be ia chosen is the servant of the whole hoase ind should be and probably ia strictly im partial in bi4 rnlicgs and in all his duties cause incendiarism roueau near brace turkey ilaud oveno detroit dofll td the bro hern ot wiudaoc chartered the boat and those oc detroit wyandotte and i farnie a statement of the business of the post- oce savings bank ol the dominion tor the xst decs i year and for eech yeareince oonftderation hu just been issued by the nperiutendentof this hranchof the service it is of a most gratifying nature indicat ing u it does that the limit ot decrease ill business following the reduction in the rate of interest by the government and the correspondingly increased rate of in terest pven to savings depositors by the chartered banks wu reached in lsjl the tiital number of poetoffice banks in existence on the 1st ulttcu 0t2 being an increase of eight over lut year the total amount of deposits received during the period wu 7056002 an increase of half a million and the highest amount tincc 1 the number of withdrawals wasv733l being a decrruebf over 7000 and the smallest number snce 1bs0 the total amount withdrawn wis 7230 a decrease of half a millionwhile the num- ber of accounts dosd during the period stows a decrease of 2700 the amount standing to the credit of depoeitora on june 30 wu si22ht01 u against 21- 73toas lut year the election returns of ihe lut four years give some interesting information u to the ttrength of the prohibition party and its dislnhjtinu in li at the lut presiden tial election the party cast 210007 votes which was a utile more than 21 per cent of the total vote io the congressional elections two years later 100 the vote wu lighter being phsso but the percent- cge remained very nearly the eamebeinria little over 2 per ceat but while this was tit proportion of the total national vote the iwer of the jarly in the several states is by no means indicated by it in 1633 there vere electors narfced in every state bat one south carolina and the vote ran frcm il io nevada to 30231 in new york in yueuufcinit was 11277 in minnesota 1ji li in peunsylvedia 20017 in michl- gil ubmi io illinois 21cs5in ohio 21ryj insomeofthe htalts the propor tion was dearly 6 per cent in several it vastetwtcn 1 aui 5 per cent this isnjt a vote that can elect a president but it may easily defeat one and in state politics it nay k very important as it is in stile- initiation that the principle of pro hibition molt ix carried out theee figures art lignificart iur widhj was dmwned in lak bridge monday james counolly wolfe island while drawing a tan roa a waggon by the mauile wu fttlly shot the hammer having caught i the late mr jo in roberti druggist ottawa left an estate valued at over half a million his char table berjuitte include ho000 to qoeena university 1 mrs frank wilson and child were drowned near keswick ont in uukin onge river on sunday evening about 8 oclock by the npsettiog of a boat a deaperate batlla hu been foigbt be tween the rival factions in venezuela in which the government nt defeated nearly 500 sen were killed on each hide british columbia papers bring the in telligence of the drowning of ib indians of the bella coolla and wake lias tribes while engaged io ft sea lion ihunt near queen charlotte islands j on saturday a dynamite cartridge wu exploded under a fasttiooable cafe io ortend which it a summer resort for the aristoc racy of earope three persons were killed many wounded and the cafe wee complete ly wrecked the st mary a mil complaint be cause the guelicb oocipany is charging its town 20 cenu a tquir foot for artificial stone walk while it ii doing the came wock in ingereoll at 18 cenia and tiltonborg ia getting a similar wait at 15 cents two more bodies of those who lost their lives in the furious sfixm which prevailed at wiarton on july 2 were recovered from the bay on fndsy morning they were those ot mrs currie and ber daughter the bodies of steveasand wife have alio been found the members of tke ancient order ol hibernians who assembled for a holiday provided the refrethme its which were elaborate and unlimited a reception by hia llonor mayorreed and family at hie beautiful residence oa ou iette avenue wu a most hospitable event during the stay at wtt dsor many of the brethren visited detro t and oatlyittg points here the feci em repreteatt- tive sailed upon messrs i g hill j w uugbes chester and he ry hill former actao boy a all of whoa are engaged ia butiaeu u photo artists aod doing well they cierted themaelvea o make the tritit thoraagbly enjoyable t st clair we spent a few daya very ptei taatl with mr and mrs l s butlin anl amily who are wellknown here i aifew hours at the newltennel under tha st ifclair river at pt htroajwu fall of latent j xeo splendid spring crops which are jatt now being harvested renders a trip through the country most iuterettiug they pre sent a magnificent appearance all the way from acton to the line in hamilton ont tuesday ootriog from toronto bufialo ana syracuse carried a large number ot american flags without a single uoiou jack to rriieve the monotony and the people of the tmbitious city were naturally indignant columbus duplicated the caravel sir ta maria again starts put on able v yage her mernor- a special meeting of the newfoundland legislature began- its sessions ou friday in the speech made by chief justicecartcr the acting governor special reference made to the recent fire which destroyed seii a large portion of st johns and hearty eipreasiont of thanks were given jothe people of great britain canada and the united sates for their generous contributions eudof newfoundlands heart felt gratitude for tfie aid so promptly ren dered special mention wu made in thil connection of halifax which led the van in relief morements measores for the rebuilding of the bqrned portion of the city the relsying of streets therein and the erection of new public boildings were pro- rmsed and the necessity of a bill on the land question was strongly urged this tfrevtrhiie so disastrous to the people iu that colony hu given occuioa for the eiefcise at is generous liberality oa the part of ttie people of canada which cannot fail to luste a good effecton the islanders the prompt measures ot relief which were tajem by ourrities and towas will help to do sway the bad ftelag which had existed for some titue between tho two peoples and oil do bach to foster more friendly relations in the falure paixjb aug 3 thit is the four hun dredth anniversaryof the day on which columbus set tail frum paioe westward on his voyage of disco ery and the etlivi- celebrating the day reat eelact the wever wu abtcured linns over the river ble to see more tban ties arranged here for were carried out with view from the towabe by a thick mist which and rendered itimpocs a dim outline of the hills of the vessels ly ing at anchor at six 3clock the hour at which columbua begtn hia voyage the caravel santa marie constructed iu imi tationof the vessel of that name beloogiog to the columbus eif edition which had been lying off shore all night cether sail for her paetge througl the lines of war ships anchored outside lbe bar bat owing to theprevalence of a dead calm a line rua to her from a gunboat md she was towed down the stream foliokid by the spanish flotilla in single file liinister of mariqe montigo wu ou boar 1 the warship le gaspi the voyage do n the river put the monutery of lxebida on which building the flags of all the american states were flying to the bar occupied bout an hour outside the bar were moored the vessels of thi r foreign aqutdrona which had come to take partin the celebra tion these vessels were formed in lines between which the caravel passerl amid attempted murder at berlin bjieuv ont aug hi a bold attempt at robbery and murder wu perpetrated oa one pf the oldett citixeat it appears that about 2 oclock yesterday morning uoeee erb residing la kingstreet beted ripping at the soar aad thinking it might be tome one io distress or a friend proceeded to dress himself bit white to doing be heard a noise seemingly iu the haute he wu ba hit way to make kirch when be wu pounced upon by two men one of them osing hit revolver with terrible effect over the head of mr erb wbocooa became prostrated and fell to the soar where be wu kept urt erb tried to make her way to the nearest neighbors to raise the alarm bat ws3 met by one ot the gang who threatened her with death were aha to make any noise urt erb retraced her ttepti aad before doting the door gave a loud ebout for help which had the desired effect and attracted the attention ot neighbors aod the scamps scattered there knatchbu franklin elfwodei thawofii tt in her ft the binder after j they had 1150 jtrdi they threw hra rain- the best ir strumencsanc accessories thoe watson formerly at uccollitr dt lut waj u watson hat resided la t tad aatit health tailed wu engaged la the livery ba ifaeu he letvee a wife ind hired chilir a civio hi iti ay next monday the c h its church will bald their an sual pica a ert uoaday a gtrdiia party under the auspicet ot the baptist church will be tietd aa the erauads o h betsey aa friday avert ing 2giu ai just the actonr band maple lett qaarti tte and other popular talent trt exoeclei to tek part the ed r at the herald attended the high coatt i 0 p at barrio lut week the sppe iraooa ot the baptist church grounds it i uprated by the removal at the froat feat the oirefsker of the high school it get ting thin j la order far the opening of school co ll esoth lutt mr w t itltlsx cutter at he mam moth haas hu gaaa oa a trip to rachea ter aad otn r amerrcin cities acton cornet band uu oom plated arrangtmealt toraaraad band tournament ixv athletic 8port8 j tautheldut i ax tuesday 80th august when the following handsome rfrixee will be offered tor competttloii- tuns out the best the county etijpys a provincial reputation hr excellence band tournament ojiou to seeaud cltu dt udl only ttf pyrt irattel e first nrtse its locouiejo third 15 eutiuce trlf e austu wu i bait equipped hand uniform luslrucjitauud feoi euti 4aor wore augest ttrd i knatchbull aa a runaway aoctdent at oa friday the hortee of mr amthaw ran away i with the mrs rtmshtw who wtt driving tki binder was cuttitig spring wheat whei the hortca becamo frightened at some 1 ing causing them to run away with her qr runabout inuat be made with secretary tuttted eusrsi tpptarariee to b cotuldenx i special prtsa slacaut ouplsx gdare drntntalue 13 naeoted tiy whaler ilavce t co music house oraali j 1 1 i lataraits matofttt atml prisoallvrtfiuntwatotritchoriudaomst rratao 10 gutranoe fee at hitch toj be nlerad uudsr 0 l- a kales with qtsclal referee 1 athletic sport 1 1 mile ofeycie iueadnea eatrr li 1st prise guvtrlfsdalralaatu ladndseaqlifhmded caussjle4 luille bfcrcle race oouuts ofstltbri oalr eutry tt- 1st prise elwuy clock ttlua 110 tud prhm6tlrer cap valae e4- j f mile foot race prnfautonal 1st prise 110 and prise 45 purse airsa bv campbell hease entittl r tnfla foot itaoe amateur eutrrttlst prist stiver water ptlchirrtloei bj lad lirtse toilet case valaee i i xv yan foot race profeetfoatt eutrr l purse by dominion house 1st i0 tad i amateur eutrrsoe 1st aiadstone bagvalue ti tad cigar case value i i 100 yard i foot race professional eutry t3c une by station hotel 1st tud w im yard ifoot race amateur knurr tic 1st stiver uedal as snifluiercnp inirferiois mew pp i- slmltiis mmg tore teat on to the table of behinder the struck her the canal tolls montreal corn ecitange thinks tha question safe with the i government uontckil aug 11 the montreal cogn exchange association met today to take action in regard to tho dominion govern mentis proposal to abolish the rebate en grain icomwg down the stlawrence canals the meeting wta a perfect firzle the committee of the association sub mitted a resolution to tho meeting protest ing against the withdrawal of the rebate this season as all oontracta have boea made on this basib and any interference woald result in a serious loss to the trade a d sanation ensued many of i the mem bers- ittaeking the united states govern- ment for what- they called highhanded prcceekingj after a good deal of talk hugh mclen nan of the montreal trantporuuotn com pany rwod that the resoration baltidon the table and that the matter bo left o the govereraent mr bfclennans amendment carrit d counterfeit coiners arrested on suspicion pfmaklngand clrculatlngrthe queer st on the brace at the back of he table an suiuin- edbruuiesa that the ieanatjiatabenroand at all tt i binder rafferej pretty badly and will a d a general overhauling before fit far week again a aad ci ae at sudden and fatal illness occurred i the family ot mr duntde of carwhin last week from the time the child took ii ck till the time of its barisi was just nil e hoqrt the doctor ordered all the clot ng worn to bo burned immed iately th sorrowing parents have the deepett ayti pothy of the comuanity tn this heir si 1 bereavement some of iho farmers have tarted to ploogfa thei fait wheat and barley stubble ground 1 1 harvet tii 1 will soon be over for another year if th weather keeps fine for a few days mr thoe wilson threshed last wednes day his fall i heat aad barley the wheat averaged ab i it 28 bushels per acre aad he barley aboac si the wheat it a very fine sample and s dear ot weeds of any tort and will mej 3 grand teed for sawing this fall tenders it e called for the carrying of her ma jest 1 1 mails between knatchbnll aad acton 1 d actoa and spcysi de the time of closih j tenders being friday ljth of august j on haadav at mr oliver t ingles was cleaning oat ujia hone stable at mr e l wevti hundreds otempldytet threescore separate ifepartv mentj and safes are counted rihehundrtxttrkjusapachir buiincs is dry goods- jshd home outfittings j that b evejything for personal aotj- honwusel f tbu and we may be quite a distance apart measured by miles yet by reason of our mail oracr facilities were vir tually next door to you no- thing inthercntire establish- ment that yotr cant have prey j cisely as if you stood in rjerspif before any counter and at exactly the same price- we snd samples of 4u mailable merchandise frccfof course if you want a house ful of carpets or draperies a- new or atoothbrtfet weexpect you to buy iner- son r but you dont know what a help shopping by mail is tiltyou- have tried j i tht fa eaton ootf wb iyytymswvvriaa j tritr jmaiismtnii root ex4btf tlnntia oalr ia aalfonn 1 jf alaarardl tex tadtl ko eatraaee fee all round athlete county of halloa only kutry f 1 ettau reuulug lampn- sad put ting ibot j fitse dresstug cue value ttx ipohvajluug eutrrsjc iat plush shaving 8etaluec tad leathsrcoliaraudcuttbox vaiaiex tuc of war open to any munlcipalltylo msa prikjtli eatryel baft etee tm rtrds under 11 yctrt 1st it ad k entry toe in all races to satar and i to start oraad oaaeert in town hall la the evening at which 1st prtie baud will assist snliadidipark axceheat track good stating ueolffia bauds will panda at town hall it 1 pm slurp aud march to the park i arrangements have been made for loir rail way ratearetom u fallows as to a ss u s brsmntsa korvaj geartfatovi lhnehoase stswarttavn cbaltsaham luslewood cardwell farpit i elora i hespeler prettao gait korriaha jii fartune to ge the horses wfi a few days miss anni ajsssgaweya he had the rn it- kicked on the teg by one of ch will lay him offwtirk for miss lixzie k campbell of kincardine ueekwaod asloh i bnsfta btrurt ttlltos uanstwood bandsmeaus unifonilcarrrlrujmoafcallnstrti meats half i the excuraloa fare fasaenfars allowtd to start the avenue- of jhli tud moruiue ofxkhrsturuiuc aug tut came aad eafor a pfetteat dsya autlus la one afthe cleanest most lbrtvtag and pievareaque villsgaw in ontario admission to park 15 cents carriages is cents extra i c hill a- e sicxxne w htxduc i couduetor a cb treasurar secretary i ranted v a few bntliw agents to asll uersetv steak asjary of shil per niootb and sxpsstet write or particulars j db fattt itoraermao ill exefauge st- oeners nt trespassers tale hfptieey tbk ondarslgimd beiebr sitisdotiee tost attar ihia date anrptob ot parsons found fm- taualog on their premises east and west let st eon7s7ir tbf a b wrigbt ftrm lot 90 eon ajoy nahlut shooting berry picking or in any our ws will be proseeated aeeordfsj to law joseph liasbt tsokckloobe acton july bthistnv idontiwaste tinie and money putting on adulterated safts gjji bafcame direct to headquarters or ithe pure articlet we handle only one kind namely fpure any sal c smijth 5t co i ho 12 wyndhani st gujelph ont john spexlit son ii utoy just st arrived a fine usortmeatofftower potsat t h huuiccos fjrocery tstool i wool 1 highest price ia cuh or dry goods will bsgirenfocany qaaatity of good merchantable wool wit mclxou 4 cot georgetown come toon ard often ibar stock of farnitaro it new complete for the spring trtdf and we can supply iti icle yea want at the lowest- pottible prices we dont ttesl bac farnitar aor detra jp say one in itspaaufictare bat wo pay cub for it andean sell u law far cash dealers ia the trlde j ij we can give you a bedroom set tjomploto for4 wove mattresses for4- 8prrtgsfor 3 j sideboards at cost f lounges for 50 extension tableaj 750 chairs atany rrlce und6rtrkng k fall line ot coftint cuketi eobe etc always iti itonk wt can give yoa sitisft tiou at to prices we desire to imprest upon the public he tact that we hive no connec ion with any combination and our prices are not governedy he undertakers attoaiaiioa we can give foa the beet he markets afford at very reasonable prices good hearse and outfit for funerals speight st son i i li- i valuable pronehfforsde a bush fann fen lot 11 eon ii in the town- abip of reel iis seres with log dwelling taxu timbered with beech maple hemlock pine cedar rods and sofx elm sj or v antes cleared except bandog the broeb also a stone aad nngb cut dwelling of 9 rooms and two eellars frame stable with ten lots of land oa oaelph uarie and qnesorstrestt la taw rulage of acton wu tell ivt or all bouding lot separate j if desired j terms onethird eash or exchange fox other fnftttt kv acton ont i holiday procih2w7rttioam whebeab a reqnialtlon hubeen presents to me by the aare bflodae and others that 1 i friday lflth of angait be proclaimed a cirle holldar br ta klunicl- therefore proclaim the 19th jy of ansae the civic holiday for this vnitft and would ts- apeettslly request ut all dtiaens obsemtbe same w6vl0wbt beers beetesomccimhjolrlssl 1 v im i ie retarned honn lut week accompanied by tchiog of corwhini thundering aalales and the mist aud tbe smoke made it impossible to wtch themanrarre jjof the caravel which followed for some dis tance the route taken yearn ago ai j oclock returned and reentered the town of huelva vititora and all tbe baildinga private and public are gaily decorakd- tbe santa marie worlds fsir at chicagc deafening cheers from th guns if colnmbos 00 tbe little vessel he river i is crowded with i i enroute to the try oar cnshriiiktble natural all wool flsinel jobs keajcsi 6o limehooie many people think that canadian havo altogether too many holidays this re mark bat considerable farce when applied to quebec where religious eoniverienee are constauuy being celebrated by partici pation in worldlyepjoymeata ia ontario however i he days of general relaxation are wisely distribated thtpagh tbe tammer tettao to u to be tuitabte fof the muset civie holiday it estentlalfy so oafaru in stitution it is the final md in cities the most generally observed holiday of he tammer there it talk i i the maritime provinces of introducing t tit custom ou the whole a holiday witef r obterved is de cidedly a benefit co he col imuolly ia if yoa want firttclatt saelph tub and doors at oaelph prices fill your order t his plat t entoricaa lug mill tuiuai aug 15 james beatty john downs and george daw of port ltmhton have bien placed in jail here on a charge ef makini and disposing of counterfeit diver coins ai both canada and the united slates beatty lis a prominent hotel keeper atport lambtoo downs is a farmer and daw ia a laborer the three were arretted at wallacewg by detectives rogers and weir fax somo time counterfeit silver coin of dollars halves and nickels hubeeo at workin fcurata port lambton sotibra and wallaceburg an interview wu had with beatty in the jail hero by permit tian ofjailor mcarthur beatty proclajmed his innocence while ho acknowledged that he knew spurious coin wu ia circuit ion burned to death on monday morning about s oclock tone of mr robert young living on la i con 5 greenock were burned loiulb un yjnog had started a fire in the kitcheu kiove and then went oat to barn in some anaocountable manner kitchen cook fire aud the flames sad ta oka toon atcjnded by tho staircase aped ire tbeeldett too aged 21 years escaped two 35 tad ran to the barn foe a ladder oa breel lag the window sad attempting to eater oa his retain the smoke and flames drove 1 ilm back an two boys thamu aged is and jgeoge aged is were u repotted above bi raed to death mrs yeang it prattrtter with grief sad the whale fan uy ia torrov stricken by this distress ng calamity a li tie boys awful death crstbii u ont aug 16 a tad accidtnt occurred lere to day resulting to too death of boy tbe only tart ef gamtel ctlfaa wh i recently came here from iowa the little fellow wu playing around his fathers hay rack when the horses started dieting hfm ia he spokes of one ot he tad crathfag hlai tgtlntt the e rack he lived hat a few jteratry notes the amerlo n recruit what he does and what ta done ith him ia tho subject of aa interesting art cle entitled tommy at- kint in he ac sttcaa army to appear la the at aamb r of harpcri llfftv the article if writt n by lieutenant aivia h sydeuhtm l 3 a and will be attctc- tirely illnttrlt d by frederio remington tha time nnta icr of the iceehy wtll coa- tsia an axtfcj by lfeateaaat j d j eelley oa he recent manecarres of the naval reacrvi tesompaxtied by several illuttrttioat its mcgiusoas eotertaia iag ttory an earthly pangon j will be coocladed tud iere will be articles with uluttrstioni oa tbe btalt ste marie canal tod the white aadrao with msjoy other attractive feaxu es on15 bxjovs both the mi tt oi and reeralteiwbea fiyrupof fff 3 i taken it is pleaaint and refieshi lg to the tasteaqd acts fitly yet pi ot lptlyonthekidrjeya ivar and jb ot ela cleanses the sys- em effectaa lj r coldghead- achetr and fe re s and cores habitual constipation yrnp of figs jig tha only remed p t its kind ever pro duced pleai nj to the taste ind ac- cepfflbla to io stomach pn tpt in ita action an i t uly bencuciai in its effects preps ta only from the most healthy andi gr teablesnbstanees its many eicelle it ualitie3commendit to all and 1 i i made it the most popular remi dj known syrup of ie 1 is for sole tji ton bolflea by ill leading druggists any reliable dr iggiat who may not have it on hajd will procure it promptly foi a y one wlio 1 iahea totry it marjuf ictored only by the syrup ca tvsjr rjuj oiaoa ax umvmum pr r7xcjutiy md frwfvht b ii v psnw few about seasonable goods for july nd kuolatst it la hardly necessary la do more than remind you that every item of tammer comfoct hu beea carefully pre ided tor your uecdt during the hot weather that is one of oar battaess principles to u tisly u near u pasiible all demtsdalii the lines ia which wedesl i j v j we drtw yapc atteatiatito a number ot seasonable articles which us more than ercr necessities at this time o ear and which jro can give you the best of value io the new meat uaseet 0 stull hu been lubosliimt in acfan know thftt vben people in to clu 1 fresh meats fowjs acttneysowbera snch can- be l we offer only tie beat to ba had sad u a coa sequence nowenjoys a paironas whieh fa aboot our blthest antleifatlon j we alwara endeavor to treat oar customers well sad u a consequence w retain the old and secure new once highest cash price paid for pork hides tal low dee i parties having cattle- c toaet are requested toealk j i j i 0 stclu yiliaaoi op aoton ej wa terproof cloaks 1 votesps list 1892 notice- of tlie first posting notice it hereby given that i hare trans- misted ordeliverea to tbe pa sow aeanoo- mlu lie tilrfuidfoursctlona 4 tbe voters list aettbe copies required by ssmtscsknto jbe so transxoisted or dellvend of tbe ifatwds nunuaat to said act of an pemns appssthur bythalattrevtaed aaseasment bin of the said oniclpsjltjto be sntiuad to tw in the said uuoidpauti s elections for uenbcnf of tbt legtilsxtrcaasembly and at itanisptlalec andtnat said list waa nrst posted up at iw at acton en tbe alxtb day of ausrost ia heptoaettet tniolhei about driven oat of ate the axil the fuhloa it la the heptonef ts tact manufactured of ail kinds parasols for they go plain parasols fancy lakes taitable for dutt and travelling wraps tbeyvo black sticky rubber garments oace ta largely sold alt we bay them direst- from leedt where thoy tre ace a ipeotality with at all wool dodinet ai 25c i in the regular way parasols ia dollar foe two foe three four fire and up u high at 1 c ad extra fancy j if yoa with to haves parasol correct in style of best quality aad fc sat price we wilt show yoa the very das yoa want the reason for oar ultra value in psjruoli ii hat price it governed by quantity and tve bay ia large quantifies cloves alt prices varieties colors and in quality not to bo tarptsted have yoa teen paj riaw german qkantlet olavcs at 35o eoot they are going ftit cuisa are the alma goods yoa have paid t5o a yard for a urge is ortmeat to choose from i gb whnco i- hatre you seen remains ortnspocuoo electors are ealladiopon to examtna the said oraiaaious or any caber arrora are found therein w tue irnmedla iptjoajadtafs list and if anr omisaions or any other stress are found therein to tue inimedutj vwooeadlnr to have tha said erton corrected eeeordid t dated this seventh ilsv of a u fust 18811 th08 t hoobb i clerk o the said mi ipellty j ganada industrial i tihe sgecial biarj ohtv hgis come and examine he piles pt goads whl reduced in price to olsar them ot before receiving ie iarly autumn goods for warm weather white fanoy ltwal musiicsl 11 variety ot makes at reduced prices dressesat 49o mads from jiioeoouob chemises pair havs yon teen he surpriae corsets at 50c ladies fut black cotton hosiery ai lboiper pair which it jatt about half prioe lots of laoee at 2 leu thin halt prioe those large airs all linen toi buythem they are the beat value in lowelt evei another lot at 8o per raid both these qlsghami ba oflered daring august st prices if bat will clothing at tpeoltlosnisin preet jjbe cabp beinti ollfarkd out durinothe mon be foond la this department new goods a blus and black hi w styles a lsdleefbelts chtl enter tee ilorss by the door in the new stare dorm evealnj dnripg jaly sad august wsjntedra fftit- lit 8epai ber htmilwin aogait 8lh im i ate beea merited down to very law prices sam net goods- have been ii a b jajvery departmet t of the high house toronto semmbkptii to mil t ls92t edltrged ocoondi new halfif ile tniok v newgntnoctutid aad many other- improvebiente never creator and better t ladies cotton embroidered might 8 drawers at jbo corsets covers at 15c ham nercovseti it jio per piir they are freauy h eorseu iiellinfatihalt pdoe i special lot of i lairs or 60o a lot of fine lisle thread white tj iderwtt at sooeaob d i a same at them formerly soa per yard siut mitw varloai lots at loo els st 18o or 1 far 2oa mutt be mentioned again it oa tee them yoa will old at tbe right house a lot at feooy chtok ging lamt ttt 6o per yard s t eryeheap printed ohalliea at oa per 7ard and i tsof cihet goods will m ike a olearanoa of tftem a large lot oi tweeds fat meoi wet cblldrens mem have bben very buby 0abpet8 op ali kinds ise h at speoraliprices a tall sttprtmentyof ioaiefi rntthlags will y 1 tylish lot ot ladleschemiseftesaw cjollarwliew c uudg t erges id ary 1 iqi bagt jjoeton bags fslit ledioa felt tourist halt ae itylet please klig andhagbian streets the stores will elote a 7 oaook batarday astj carpet uleimtn alto exptrlenoedmaulle bakers stet ly work from 1 w- entries close ajogtj8t jkew and varied atitaetlonls charuter instrtwtive and amtu intentions and grandealjfixhiblta ments 1 jt 1 tbe peoples greet anni cheap bxcnraton bn all 1 forlmselduuprogfamiieeandall address wlthrow h j presidenf irpt august pemlnioti illustrated doitijua interest of nntnbers tie august diiajuel of th jlhutriilal vomujh sat sins the i the magajtluepreotiiog six ittiojoteou are vanei and attn stirs and post ot the artlolat art over u mes wsil- known ip canadw li eratara tbe -con- tributort arj a m iacjleod george stttt- art bi wjbsndys t arnbld hirjlain artber wtir andre wtancrt f blake crofton g gf 8 liw aei ch flea isd roberts bllar 8 atfaison midge mar toa m lemolna aid hb wor a large half one edg ving ol m jwsit aocooinaniesih 1 nambei i i

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