v tl u j heuetttodistckurgr aotoft rtraobmgborvtttse witfeniftlsrauidpin bonder pknor mlexeisiiyiavttm ftreqgeni snd tiiwct always wslcotn at eltlreclir 1 thedoor bank of hamilton heap office haicltok fifnti paid rr- kmi r f ftxri tptiniuu rhitii uwj90o a0030 b btkvkn moitl toft loostv r oirrt tfils k rttwsrt president a v kim wiyei joe rcl oils atv lliv kut a t wooo arutt oeorattowk a1ehcy s madi on ill sisebltcntu dlixts oa ill rrts or clje uia rsirrr btinx atsiir uarrui is tk otinxt of ecswti boortt enol4 0tn4ui ws i eceemabi roltttt too aust ttvolc tcnus j l svinasrraktufnx ictflnlrepjireaijn cl deposit to dais of thirl alsoreerino it ttrrrot rsiec of iawrest no jlfuov agent the b9st kodgcrs knives spoons forks iti silver nickel steel ntid plate a new lot just in- these goods are the best in the market oar prices for them you will find reasonable buy kodgers knives spoons and forks headquarters for wedding and birthday pre sents tv of the uig wucb gfio hynds actoa ont thursday august 1 m little local brieflets which caught the eyes or ears of free press reporters this week llosdjj i oafctijivi civic holiday the rani scboou rere reopened on hoods tbe public schools- rt oa monday tab intt at 9 fctu the tig rnua meeting of sunday 6jkcj in the park lo morrow afternoon iloadty vu toronto tine holiday a pedal laid of excareiosisu vent through here to gulph the her gea b cjoke was requested to osaile iu lb a cuarch of aacsntior i tmilion last scaday the ciccretion of st altons charch ire prfpirjng to ham their aconi barrett thrcktiurg service it in early dat iit john utrt rockwood occupied tho psfw the metboditt church lul estday h preached two eicellent erp 21 hojufi jtle new telephone poles have been erected through tore tbey loot better this- the oi oce tot roali be improved with coit o ptint owiafi to imprtjrtments iu progre at the bpiii church there will be no eet- tio there ext sccdty rev mr korlon wij rttch ortlhe 25lh uer j w iue hu jatt completed i er- interettirig terie offertrjonf od joseph a lew teries en the ijook of job wis in- cj orated let sonsy the flnlnciat meetinj of gaelph dutrict will u held ia tbe methodist chtrcb ferci co sitariliy rev j qjdfe md am hill efj ere the delf piles frota actor aeduu g t r etcarajon to grimiby ptik nd hltgir fll it 329 m sit- crdy aag 27tb ticieu tl00 nd hio kx till mondij rht dri henton tjbr od curkeirgricitby put see bdi lad itk igeots far pirticalirs nfotitioo we cotcg on it present between the bell telephone co ind the people oj aberfojle mornitoo schtfr ariell eden 1u1 ml uockwood by which iu the pttrjeot vf a bonai by each thline will be ertzoded to these places eightyfear yetra ago last batnidaj the trtx white baby was born on the spot where the thrifty town of berlin noat ttiod itwaa the late icalc by who was boro one year after his parents came ortr from pendsylvauia with the u7 loyaliats f oifr tlul one for aagtut is capital cattber containioe very appropriate fead- i inf and delight nl illaitralioni for the holi- uf seaco 1 1 cot u onljlsc per month aal i pcbliihed by thcllauell pouiiblng cirpanv docton ifaac i i ptoracrrow has been proclaimed civic hobday by the iteete who rtqaetts that all citizens observe it- as the stores and botiasm pkees wtil probably all be closed lt oatside peblic will save theanelres tc others annoyance by n far as possible iofaj their bntiness to4sy ithe body of th lite geo teveos jr who was drowned at witrtoo last wtek sreved in guelpb hatarday morning when ths foneral took pltce to the union cem etery there wis i ltrgo- norober of fritods ol the fimily it the station to attest their esteem for thedecssed a recerjt fraud jutt heard of by oar country exchiuces iethe batter agent who mikn contrtctswitb tbe firmers to tapdle tbtir lutter ill summer it 2i cents pet poald the firmtrs signing a contract i to ibip the batterwhich contract tarns oa to be a note for i2 moral do bg iaeas with yoar town merchant and gii the tf nt i wide berth d h 1itty the nurseryman of c evi tiy writes as that he wonld like to ore good salesman for this vicinity to til lis nurttry stock he pays bis at nualljhe way from fm to 70 per rn nth stid gies steady work the year en aod his stock is recommended as the i t in the msrtet we edyiie anyone i bibg a good potuion to write mr iatty at nnoe for his trti ui agents address u h iatty nurserymtu geneva ny girlpb bine jtitlcll the tkeutysixtli snuaal prire meeting of jotlfb hiue associilion kill be held on th i rsuges at gaelph on wednesday at gust it commencing at j am there tra five jndividaal matches and one team match the total vajae of which is about t3oa br john crowe be secretary ei- peats to kave a large oamner of entries beoxnse of tbe mateae keiaeearlier iu the reason tjian formerly i rd stirtou ldsm frill insert teeth at t co and 8 per set for next three months ertracuno free special care giceo to ujifcig office if aufaowshkicjcactoa wesr etc well stfoa ooy tt foitwnt ra rtrus ttwer lh rjcent ctamtslooa ot the peace or the eoosty oif wllttiri hate qoaiided tnti taken their ostu of i he tifore che clttk ot tb peace jime ootmick itairice oooohor john tf tinooo 3 brace itops geo atmttroi c uat id ra ckat briedertvchaa 3it johrt tjeloher asiier carrerchtist art rltepftr 3ors btaw j iaiirv cavfd mocree tj dls xsjmeutklio4 w l joorfoa jtokchrcotiyjsxfiw iu jomph stiekaey c e uowitt a gaelph jaarntttii remorck kr hnaua arjnatiotm who hu been connected witu the g telpti fvitim tor the past sislsjtsi jeart 1st ksrlr u oil sditor will wntr hisooiuiern ia with tht paper on 8ttrdsy nljiht int will isate neit week ft kiepawi wl ire hi will into badoes on his own s sjaaut oaiiag the lon5 pertoi that mr n rmitrotig his beeu on the niwiis tuxi cortct biinesu to be an tbctetit and tailmi i tatnat fa lha tit- ibns capacities he okopie4 he arm strong deserves sacceei and the faipkoa joins his many friends in best wiihee for inrosperity faf ifraoia elf general ayopathy ii celt iu tbi for mr johu uaff of lit 8 non lfcrin in his core sfrictioa the 1ko his wife last thuraday ilea oaff bad been tery ill for some lime bat ant 1 a few days prior to her demise was tboc htto be rroorenos the remains t ii terred in purview cemetery acton du suarday in the pre- scnceot a rery large ciocarso of friends aod neighbors lit j doff waa the daughter ot ioniictsltrormeity of etqaeaiug now of p daley who took a prominent part in the uckenzie rtpellion of iw7s mrs ooff was o acttre men ber of the presbyterii i charch for many years and was mach e teecned by all who knew her i iricwfctit sr irfc a sad fatal accident occurred at bpev- aide on tuesday fum oon joseph haw who for soeae time pait has been doing a bacheriuf business at srjeyiide was driv- tngalgcig the road srftl an animal in the regua cae slmjitsc the horses became frightened snd ran ib the road into a clump of trees wheo t le limb of a beech ctohtlhe unfortunae driver below the chiu throwiug him ot t the waggoa in falling his bead strut k a stone aod his akoll was badly frac tared and an ear bruised and lacerated medical aid was summoned bat to no ivsil he regained conteiossnets tor only short time and died yesterday mornini mr haw moved to spe side last fall f r m barsville mos- koks lie leaves a vife and five small childreu the jassveeini ti morrow the firstnnual masmeeting and pic nic uedcr the aurpicies of the central mats meeting vunday school assoiriation qt the park tomorrow will be an vent of interest to the whole c mmunity ah the sabbath schools and their friends are cordially invited to participate ahd the rtejictse is likely to le very large the committee mil do all ithin us power to ensure the comfort plci sure and edification of all who attend itev dr laidliw of hamilton and itev hi mrc ton s y are eipectad company acton cornj fev rkwell a pliaiant 0trtrlnrid tmmely pmmnutlon tothdpwft inr family 11 of firigh- to address the t band will be pre sent to discourse swet music and the children and others will familiar hymns selected ample oppor- tttsity will be given for games and amuse ments and the picnic sill form an attrac tive irt of the days pi tasurcs acton bxad ronrnamdat the interest in the doming toarnament under tbe direction of bana is daily growing ing in both for the banjl ooihpetitioo and the lacrosse match anil atbeletic games ami with gqodweather the 30lh icst one of tht cf visitors and roost interesting days- pro ceedings that her citizens have ever been favored with the tve be most ittractive but tbe concert in the town therogramme will be following wellknown artists in addition to the first prize band talert mrs capt thompson of oronto soprano vocalist one ofj the queen city the benson of prerton merit l mrs w e ri an accomplished pian hi toronto the premie jeomiqae algeneral tavorite master bert pert juvenile dab siiugr andl others ilr j bsyley of q 0 band toronto has beea secored a adge in the band competition tbe bands bill parase at tbe town hall at one pm and march to tbe park headed by acton pornet band sing in concert the the acton cornet entries are pom- acton will tee on largest gatherings tfts in tie park still pot less so will be jul in the evening presented by the tnd the ban local ipbxowriy tho mgrogation ot knox church asscml led oa thursday evening gpodb i to ur lowryjiodltlsfemlly meetin vraa a very large one the capacil y at the cliarcii being lato1 dtmoall acton to bid the ling to la limit the chair were arranged which rtiult m succptluloandl thk moajnt hlfh tohool m mirks jtopjuil those la ilhe best cidgers of liises abbitt and renile duet isle of msay of toronto w e itsmtay jthompsoo an ex cominc anp visitors to and from actdn and various other personalnates misssimms of detnit is visiting acton friends banker itoy of geori etown was in town on tcesday mr tfaot smyth sptnt snnday with his family here miss maggie mattbeis- visited friends in gait last week mr and mri fred ssiyth spent sunday with acton friends miss annie boomer of schomberg ia yisiting mrr john speght miss jencie mcphail visited frienda in erin and hillsbnrg las week mr and mrs w lcfeogb of toronto visited acton f riends tt is week mrs h s white ol kockford iii ii visiting friends in her id home mr cleb blsir of himilton spent a few days litis week with friends here miss alice goodall ii spending a couple of weeks witn friends ii bowmsnville- mrs johnson uonst pleasant is the guest of her sifter if r john ageew mrs joiti lsing of saadridje is a guest at the home of mr adam leing mr george thnrskn of tnronlo was the guest ol acton friet da during tbe week mrs dr cooke of c bicago is visiting her sou ft st albsns artoasge for s few weeks i mm edith wligbt irho his been visit ing friends iu peuetauif for several weeks returned honie on monday miss hajn of berli i who ha guest ot miss h staffu d the psitj week t r two returned home yea lenity hev it phillrps whj removed stein oa the first of july is hard on a live circuit lilt week tbit corner ttone of auew charch wju laid at hi oauide appointmeut from the weliand 7jreweniuoetbt beeu tbe to ho at work dr mckeasrne was mske the reefptent o veryeompltmenury address from wef- ukd pott home cird on the efe of hja departare for acton and esteemed member u the ordir there he was w id circlet thraoghotttlhs building tonded to make all preuat more sociable and to do away with i the formality tut otherw o might have been present after lea had been served to jail the rev j w itae storof the cliurcli look ihe ahtir and pr seeded at orico to iho kpcclal wotk of the ivening atuiadresa beautifully j lllaminaled by jame bain sons if toronto w read in behalf of the ooagregalion by mr d henderson mp which a brief terms ex pressed the respeot mi etteein in which dr lowry and hit family are held by tho member of the church the following ii a copy of the address j vyitlowkvcsv udietaaodt dam bio tha ooacregsttou ot fcaoc charch actoa ot which joa hive b4a tor so many rears au houonsd aod rcsnectol and faithful mstuber dealrea oa the evaof rourdeiartare front amoac as to teader to foil this tddrsss as a token of eateem and good wllhea asa member ot oar coacrecatloayouharo endeared yourself to each of us by your uniform interest la ill that tended to the welfare of tko charch sa well u by the eoactosy sad candor you hats at all times manifested your work among usbu heset sliuadant and varied as a member of tho besston yoa have never ailed to respond to llie call of duty in your special crdtru session ctsrfc roar emcleocy sod skill hsvo aided much in tho orderly despatch of lustaees while tho median leal neatness of your records haro sileuuy tikeu your pniso as chalroiiq of the board of liauigcrs vou have guided wisely and pleas antly the fiaanelal uttereela eotutuitted to yoar care your plsco will bo vacsot to our choir ws wtll lults you in our homes lu fset there is no de iruueut la our church llfo whlro wo u ul aoc sailer tiy yoar sliseaco i ttio removsl of your fimily till be soijsly felt by us ill tho ladie aid will ibso its trecsarer the wfub two of its most tileated aiembon tbo sunday bcbcol ooo ot its oldest sad best tried toscaer snd lomo of tho most corteoa and niculsr tcbolsrt to saowlstoesteeoisiid spprtlirc each member of your tsmlly uar pnycr is that the tied ot ill nee- inar richly bless you in your new field of labor sifusd oa bailiff of the cocurracitlaa jiket vv rie uoderstorof sessloa l kekticasoxtroasarer a t hisk cboirster acton auguit kth poi dr lowry replied in wellchosen words to the address making reference to the good feeling that always existed between himself and each member of the session managing board and choir a gold watch and chain frcre next pre sented to mrs dr lowrv the watch which had been specially purchased by mr hynds in toronto was a valuable one the following words were tastefully en graved on the dome tinder the back case presented to mrs w h lowry by the ladies of knox church acton aogoit 1kv the chain was ttw gift of a few lady friends of mrs lowr residents in limehoubc dr lcwry replied on behalf of his wife to the words of the pastor who hid made the presentation on behalf of the ladies mrs lowry srts nest remembered by the teachers of the sunday school she having been a member of the teaching staff of knox church s8 for many yers mr j j lawson asst soperintendant after making mention of her efficiency and faith fulness presented her with a bagsters teachers bible and an elegant rocking chair finished in okl oak and boautifally upholstered when mrs lowry at the urgent request of friends near her took ber place in the cliair the building rang into cheers dr lowry responded on behalf of bis mother in his usual graceful manner tho meeting now being declared open to all who desired to speak the rev g b cooke church of england- mentioned the high esteem in which he had always held the doctor professionally and as a neighbor mr henderson ii p made a very neat speech in which lie referred to the well- merited esteem in which each of the guests of the evening was held by all rev bb cook baptist gave expression to liia sur prise and regret when he heard that this separation was to take place mr john warrcu 1st deputy eeeve of esquesing spoke of dr lowry as a pablic man specially emphasizing two marked charac teristics of actooa keeve 1 his evident unselfishness jn all that he did 2 his peaceable disposition in fact said he i do not think anyone could pick a quarrel with the doctor mr john burns of itookwood and mr t t moore acton added their testimony to what others had said each recognizing that they had lost a friend hev j edge and mr h p moore who had been invited to take port in the proceedings were ana voidahly absent the pastor who had referred in touching words to the faithfulness and efficiency of mrs lowry jr while making the pre- ienuuou to her oommeatedaa the faith fulness and ret of mrs lowry st who seldom missed a teschers meeting and who never when it home and able failed to present hertelf before her class oh sabbath iu tbe doctor he had always found a true friend and valued counsellor and viersonally would feel his loss very much mr warren had said that he almost wondered that the dr should leave this vicinity to this the doctor said that he felt that it was duo the people that some explanation should be given ho stated that for several years the idea had pressed upon him that possibly the interests of his family demanded that he should leave acton he had come from gaelph here years ago and naturally his thoughts re turned to the royal city when dr keating died the friends of the dr wished him to take his practice and this put the matter in more pressing form he did not go then became 1 the suddenness of the call 2 his interest in his people here 3 the difficulty of securing a suitable man as bis successor later the kind offer of dr howiit to sell his lite office and home gave time to consider the question of re moval though sorry to part from friends tried and true he believed is he looked over the steps in the progress of events that tbey were providentially ordered and hence t true to himself lie mast gi he believed that in dr mckeeguej he had found a successor worthy of the fullest confidence both at a man and a medical practitioner the congregation if tet siijging blest be the tie that binds add ihe iroaoancing of the benediction proceeded inlegularbrder to bid goodbye to the three friends that they had so much cause to k ve and respect the meetiug was mat happy is all its parts the undertone of saddest was lost in the contagious kind feeling that swept all before it all present rpoke of thhrfeitare of the evening j with the best wishes of ill one of the best families among ui hai gone lo reside in gaelph and may iaciett attend hem the winnipeg tudaslrfal exhibition closed saturday it will byjfsr the grest- est anderuking of the ind ittt attempted in the csntdiac hortjiwett and jwat an tatm ixml4tlqns t mil then wtrs il aamldtu f mlllon of the edtts no optional pass those tn asterisk ng wo are marked wiflt o asterisk 1 mirki to mpili tiled which 7t have bnnnuwd hji ion deptclmet t those ttkd subject rtq dree 88j marks- taking on marked wit ton pus the ml ieotf in which to make oailh d were spell ng ii candi dates mertttre jot aril u 8 arimmat jw i oeogrtrlhy jj compos won i add hii ory it the foliowtni it the ttltllvkindlng of the candidate 1 teach school uittu- rattlsoa toicher howard atar elbe stuppsmj edat barber tterudicaj leal foster tiouls umbsll john ifoleau fred ilaiiur robert 6ter hattie stanley aoalett wuioul charles o kiutjj jsaalekvfon tboe goawjsy reirsoaj joltatou lottfe bsruars ko i tnxrita uutule btoott kadtuiilsi uaad ajt ko 19 tiumuii sirihnoahim ethel bparllns luelada stefihsal wllllo sparltae ulnnio uccsrroa ernest caatiiloa ko esqtjcsn cyrsalsi vcsmrfjall geortslfsll no t esoionil uul elliott btchlrdchlsfaolat ko j ksjcetrx eraect uorrtsotz edvirdhirrofi ko t kcjsilsk g ncmlnjj tithe mbstelegarit and jopiiir hitrcjliig lujue market itito renewed activity tlie imlkruou nud the jlbarehicdayer hair vlfor for near irafojesriandmy i hsjriauplit lossy litib bccii loilt by iickiii olifhge or iieglcot totlie fialrja silken tel curea lulling and truuilewme liumors 1eeof use btsft lid lo k excellent itate ol iirestrvalitm 1 tm forty yurt oulnud have rldduit lite plains or twentyflre years wm benty ou sffamtutsjig biu sewcasdeljwfe j my stir began tiunini gntrjnid falling oi mlit js years ot ate i liavo utaly lieeti nth vi jor slid it iseaualni a new mowtli of hair of flire kcept oia sculp clean and esaineliutnorsi 1ieri ihelialr tea tlilu fnded pr gray tne ayera itnlr vlgoj briiign out t uewttowtliof tlif color tull- nesantt benutr a utssdorliad hi sss tf m at oi 121 tts 398 mo sb i su as sb teacher ko tsxrii ostiu tfaw tcaehor jamec kenselly 1 ul bertlfccann 1 im ouiefordj 4- i rulu yemen leaehsr j t c o csuipbetj taseher 6li at ttt m tn uus itastedo teacher im h j u aus h w bell tetefier j aa wjoorrljan wj llczio arttoit ko 6 esdcsiucsp it uorrfsou joseph ijttto koffl esqicstlfilfisaewltterj berttacker no 1 klscxiiwdri kast 0 gsstertifms goorge laclls sarah i utile alice ueatles itirle c stnytli vo t kissxaiwcrj junes ficket vviosor adacisoo ko s kxsriaswets iva j bortoa john h bitfea john wstsqn ko kisaiaswiraj uegrecjoi tsacfcer wdusby i iis ko t kctaox j b aoaby teacher tvnt j uckllr wilfred ooolsoo charles ulller sarah spenoe ernest tafieiiartl ko sctsat w john ifittlkvmia fruk vuliamscli viluort8hpttrc ella wulutntsom ko ktuoo e hill teacher erodhirnrf stanley sprloffer john sprtagsr florence ireiud johauiiebsa flossis cltzie i k lirsdleyi tbomsk telcer frmk ticket ko h kxuo4ulss border ida e bate km b- osoby emt ganby ko 11 kixscxj edwin vlriin amos worthfactda bertha jxclrihmj htrrsyjieklteji ko it kelsce georctna asjaew belli shleldi teas acaew tsaeher aas teacher si teacher w toacbcr a u l corrltin teacher cs9 ut ol ot kf shertdso tescoer s ml kiss eaicertirsofc teacher at ws i tea oj ass uocieuihan teacher ms u7 10 i i m ko i keuosj w w dale teacher ko 6 kctsco4t emerson f eaeher koijcsxsoviww pradbcai toscher sss co rrt ix i ol teacher l7 i w i iis teacher ms t as l a k j uoors tsaeher si oq at i independfint foresters thev high cai rt of ontario meats tit barrle when lwu aycrt hair iiiaiurai color i it us wonderful dresalnir and lutslvcn of grenflieiient lo my wife in removing dandntff rrltli whirji lu vrf dlipciiisble to her olel j livfty fpties ni i tlila it to certify that for many ywirs i dine ii litd nearly all urileit off i wis lullel by dr by so doing the itelilnt was ettllrely cured and tlti wsin it sru bsjdj y hn deputy p h hi iiis reatoreii wtlwjjialrau thai lair witch troublcalitconauitt rlj hlnt pa tessa i p j d ittt helling of uicic4jp and my lialt i qowctl tolryayri lfolr vigor hair irew out on the iiiivllle ksiu pot ayershajit- vigor hmi br dr j c afir jb co f lowh miff stld tf onid inqfkn it is tlosltlveiy wltliput e guelph business college guelphjont j i btudflats wij- cuter tt tar uma wioi flqaal cdrihusio u thtjro u xo unimor tcttloa it ittia rtotninci fotourgrtdattetugtetleraow tbli a toy former lima lacaare ui qadity four jrorkuiuoro widely kaoim 8 a larfocof tbeitiporiaroductxuoiiail tdvtuusa mtatded our ntm of atioa are uitfraoet arorablo offcrm by tay lfiaihocttif geaa4na ituujktioa tho truth ocwbieufumehtmar 4 jtbs tatuoa gixtn la oar modern lsinsnie dtfmnat is aloas worth ui rr talioo la ail tint luujecu uctght igtiie drfp taat is ivloas itortudio eritlre cewt of i ittitj tterelopmeac of itvltng clutulatru he an uuon principle fa oartftiata of mining hflaoe tho coufldctice tuu whicuoacgradiialae rbreroceirel j g xbeaelfeupparffaffkhootlcttie oijf edaoauoi i aitatioa that u toaadd oaal uolulo jaitee minding na this but tad aa uw taulaa merit of it watt bse atlaew couo nmvktfuiryiouii pamlepta4a 1 tiuuof nrtuuiryiouii pabuopta4j 1 t tho tkhih kaaait gtrciltr fllflnf full afcfnijoa and lllastntod mill bctaulat rocimoaa of ourova wadrairtag will b ioat c a riaddrof aa apptlcatioa to if juaccormickj tiincipal ta thought that comes sf lee thepludge jt4 halt with bat a single thought get tattled and then comet the seooad a obef one parei rsqalrtne saythii well tg asil st oaco eg to jfr n b wttt of cbnwillls kova sebtis 200worth of othermedloines failed hwt t bofttes o itoodssarsaskirfffa i cured m it is with pteuare quit i teu at the great benefit i derlvm from io0ds rsruparula fee j lycari i lure lieen badfy afflicted with i erysipelas hresllt oat willi running sores daruur hot summer mouth i have sotaetlaiei hoc ieh able to in e my umbs for two maailu it a time fieunr lndaceo to try hoods sarsaparllla r cot no murlt iictler eot two bottles mare took i parlarlnc unnfii uiem daring the suimner was able lo do my ifl s r avorice hotuework md 1 waffc two miles vltlcui had not done for sit ytfars ttilak i am caretl of eryijncl and recoaanead any penar4 so aflucted to tts hoods sarsaparllla l klhingtrie ibe soul jot msa more thiuja shoe peg jlelovina fhqh t0wv aflfus freclandparpoae nmorlng from acwtfllii a short umo she offers her entire ttoejc f fancy goods fjfc stl at cinsaur kodaced piiax suuf one rllrer hounted ghenr cm ted t kev armcod seirtog utchlni her ifaa vut do western j fair i lonpcjin sepfeniber 15th to 24th 1892 four rattles his done more for me than hoo wonltof other medicine i think it uie lit blood ipuricer known ill it d west charch street rnniwalui x s tive stock exhibition i 2100 added to the prize list i hctoos pllls earsurer uu coojuja- ttott uiioosilsss isttsdtea sklc lisssiht ke b5 bixetr aag tl the fiftejenth annual session ot the hu h court of ontario of the independent on ec of foresjers opened here do wedoes ay morning jwhea about st0 delagalet jam rered the rollcall being the largest mob r that hat ever attended a similar galherlui i thej reports th iwed great progress dar ing the year i ki letyooe new ioarts were organized and ti iddiuort of j 72 mem- bers placed oa th i roll mtkingl a total of i77 dr oroaiiyatei ha dvvtirered an addtese 6a the prospeoti ot the order ia great britain and atrsi talis tbe iter alex afcoililvarr wis elected by acclimation u tbe office of itgb chief bcsger v siraia was selsjeted u tie next plica of meeting of that hhfh court two mei cut to plecat i poet arttflrs aug it a pacty of ger mans who had b ed engaged in montreal to work on the ra i road here wers sent oat on a band oar tbey did not head tbe warning given th im as they passed a gang of men to look oc t lor aa engine which was en the neigttboi hood tbey were qa a trestle iboat fits mile this aide of scheie ber when the en cine came upon he ua- tottanite mtu two of the men wen cat o pieces sad foa injured very seriously sorce i wonderftil 1 simps for the month of august i i- i at views of si y building residence or section of th tot a made at any time and kept on hand foe sale h riksinv kuttrds liilmeht u the best her support xesloot unqualified success tud represeouitire paid admission bihibl fttty toastnd u werjs large people the overif ir00 going to the hones cattle jfsheep pigs and poultry classes j vis iorstndexbibitarsirepromuedmorafor their noaey this yesr than ever before fifi ingandspsee sllottedlon receipt of en tries spe 111 attractions will bo of aa attractive snd ino ste kind f i e pedal zlrcursiona onall ballwtyx for trixe lis j snd all laf ormilloa ipply to cap4jr porte tilbrowne 1 president secretary oaco daruur my mili tary lareer it fell to juy lot to lead a brigade uiroutu a desert country for a distance ot over 60o mla it fed the men isflrell it i eoald bat aa osi officer or prf tito hsd laytmajr itronj thin let to drink daring the expedfuoi aardworf in arm ox icerriedw tfi trooos wf o cif lured tel ejkebir drink lonvwoiselet says it fell to oaatrr tor a distance of ia man ssssrell u i eonic onger the men ltd partieululy hard work to do and tbey did itpell without a uiuraioxv in uls recent campaign hecarrisdwatths samonlan swnoi fib ai lomonstrated b nothlkibat toitwhich was served oat 0 them y theralaeofit as a beverage is these and slmuar facts amonalrated by tnese sod similar iaets aastalalng and intfgoratfng properties iredated by the worlosrs of the world so and sresipi that the armr and navy tha ase otteahss to a btssi extent sapplanted the use of grog the next ftjipbrfantpoiat is where to bar my tea world rapporta a woman octhe boaaebolddattet like banligtit fctoap no matter whether oosjrse clothes or ant goods wuhing dishes cleaning nothing la n the execution um it la washlug iltg floors anything ditty of greasy hit soap bat no wosjd md it the beet friend eqatl in ibd a woman ever i- i suuligbt had in her befvars of imitations erboitert gos 15 i 27 lower wyndhsm 8t gaelph commencing saturday july 34th and to eontinue all through the month of august we will offeri some wonderful bargains one reason is this that we want to make room for our large fall end winter stock which is belngj selected by mr bollert tn the european markets ttidin a short time be coating to hand ram eugland scotland ireland germany france ii5d other parts then at this season of the year we require iota of money to pay for these goods tad tlaotcj pay the duty an them to wo have decided to hive a i i i grand clearika sale to yhiclt wd invite yoa all now it it neediest for us to go and give yoa a list of reduced prices aacb it zoo drest goods foe so per yard or goods at half pcioeand to on yoa would only say at oucp how con this be and then throw tbe pipe or bill away wuhost reading further now wei do hot propose to do hat kind of ad vertising but wiftt to draw yodr akentidn to a few tpecial lines namely a magni ficent range ofj black silks that we have rtagiogfrom 5 cents to 350 per yard dress goods from so pec yard w j250 sateens from i2o per yird to wo prints at great redactibu full range of flannel eftes at ressootble prices towelling from so perlyard to i5c and one pair- towelis for sc white oottoa from 6o to ljoper yard grey oottoa from 5a to 12o per yard and a good webb of sheeting for ft 85 jiir web and ia table linens ws can inoek tbe apbta off anything in the trade white skirt embroideries at- reduced i prices lailtt vesta from 12o uh 2m ateb glovei from scj to 160 per pair hand kerchiefs at 50a psrssol atrednoedpriots now we eoald go on it great leogth upeakiugof his many bsrgsiuslbatwe art going to offer but what is tbe jiobd of it the main fflea t this we bavie a large and well assorted stock of dry goods and yoa kaow it and we want to greatljr reduce it therefore we again invite yoa to call onjusj yoa will dad as he matt agreeable atopic yoa ever met we will show you saij thing fa thej dry goods line that you wish to mi and it tho goods and prices do notiuit yoa donot bay we wilj not be at ill bfteuded as we eouaide r it no trouble to show goods bat if you iealfy jwtnt a nice parcel of dry goods tt wili psy you to call aod see dor stock and if it will be impossible for yoa to come write or tend or aamples osr renumber bit big map twill commeaceon sstbrdtyrnotnlng alymlh tod coutinoe all tliroagb ibtv monthci aagn k- mi t hamilton f 1 1100 is- s 60 6 sa i 6 10 v 6 1 i 6 lbs si lbs tny kind of t cos gocoti or i spices or bit ing powder for iloo 2d company t rjaoriaand vfpeclallfts wholesale tnd retail mdthide o uiofi street weal next banjt of hamlfoas hamuloa send 25c in 11 or ceat itusti at sample pound which it ill be sent free 6 man get jour neighbor to jdtaroula baftnl wholesale from lneoidesf largeet wealtmest cboapcat best experienced and moat rellaifb tea boase la the docahuon august sal a moiij cjf bargairt dafs via meaij to hive i want o get ourimooep oat will bay t lot o goodi in the millinery great clearing oat of summer vof them and wemda have the room staff wbil this aale lists millinery willbe slaughtered half the marked price will b line daring august press aoodst we have had in this department during august only wa uj anything overhauled and marked down big bargtins can be even black henriettes we hate reduced parasol 6 6j re at drives erabtpidars- handkerchiefs glares hoie lades and bq0ts and shoes boat it shoe department will not escape cverylhtsjr goes cheap during aagact kemoants remnants ail nave on oar counter ajatack of remnants seme fairly good lengths of nearly every kind of goods iu the lot think ot a drest length for 50c kuowiug ones pick tham qaicki r b jermyn h we have just passed into stdclc a job 500000 worth of otoi readyinafie clothing tjry gddtg which we bought at 65c on lie iq mens youths boya and tlhildrena suits and odd pants tlcklhgr 8hlrtint tweeds towels towellink cottons cottonades 8hictsl socles l suspenders hat sard caps tbit it tbe chance of yodr life for bar- gains at we are determined to undersell any of the gaelph or toronto houses bat remember yoa mast pay tbe cash if yoa cant pay theeaiah te dont want yoar custom this must be done in order to compete with other cash houses j i i- how for barcaih3 mens alt wool suits worth pants worth white and grey cottons worth s800 3 00 for 480 for 150 toc for c hundreds cjf soils to select from in all sizes and styles kelly bros acton julv 1592 11 t- shaw i gfundy ctielh il ir m boast try i i the alilatbill anufacturlhg ccfttd wterlloo ont jtakufactueeea op baikj office school lodge li r find opeia nitiire dolkt fail to get our estitnates issndforclrealors and catalogues bifii st- lafest irnprovecl and perfect edschbotdesk during this iriontk we will sell thebaanceof our largeand well assorted stock of hats furnishl ings and rummer ciothing at bona fide cost price i order to rhake room for our fall importations which vili be more extensive this season than usual this wbea6euuuieclearin2salfl x goods ioid at reduced prices must be paid for at time of purchase v i ghkw rxgluipyii merphant tailors j j r- new stock purchased ofj elgin and waltham j our prices are reasonable if yourwatchj dont o well try uk as we make a specialty of iff ne vyatcb repairing