fjt jut oq 3frcc 5 jtrprkday august 18lbtt fehe jcuttg folks t rorxvor i only vcq tnl tdfcr 1 only i 50u 1 all the wuli tiotbltic j i oarcliat true rirfkrrctnrot lew mc jr ktj i l0 no hcj ml lirctmitiotliln if jia tro ufct dfw llfl oiir rtrft tomlnp or ti iiir furutiwr liftit puiislilnecatche ci017 blijlot crow cioretriflit wtsra their tender luttr our tun i throtn tii my foul crice ptuliuj m mid ou alotif pat ling ik1 xt lutlin itn our in wt uiliic vtm vj foutiy lilfivr 1 thine nhis orly thin tlci dp poi or honor con id my rtpturvhny t anj i tliut uk uliole wcrm tjiit jva nj i trut niitolhad vlicii j y 1 lore jou i x ecr voice hlcaj i with itc hfcpjr hirf with themiile fuidilch i llicro the whole tfarh iut ou an arc we uot njficint for the jitvr of life tfcle cie for jour uutlnuj toujc tod kmy wife hccrt ni htcd with mine fwt oh the titpry tic 1 will tufcke cjl the wide world only yon tvnd l notes here and there ttome or oenaral 1 prt raider rflpl a crippled nu it cripple ud st jacob jtt promptly and petminejjuv t dispute i ra only eletk ihe said bat teen home it oa can dispjeaw harold t lofttr he had scruples a prohibition member of parliament hid been absent without leave and he tu called on for an excuse being new in the business he beganhis remarks in hit place at hie desk i ih ttatc mr speaker he be- lt i rise to a question of order inter rupted a member the gentleman from will state it slid tfce speaker it is that the gentleman mast present hts excuse at the bar of the house ex plained the member k the rule require that the entleman present iris excuse at the barof the house announced the speaker the emended member turned all the colors cf rainbow and finally settled down to a pile white mmr speaker be stammered and almost wept i never was in that restaur ant downstairs in my life nor at any bar tuywkere if the people of my district ever beard cf rny gaits to such a place i couldnt get two vote to the county i tell you acain i never was at aany bbar ip my life aand ill be dadadarned if i gk go now and down he sat with a sloth ad waited until a colleague explained the the situation to bira as in the case of many other interesting everts on the floor of the house this never gt into hansard- take care of yourself lonl be too frantically economics morld contcigusneas xs almost as bad u bk of ccascitece lots of people who tini their lives in a hardmiserable effort to save a few ctnts or even a few dollars mm to forget that they themselves their energy o freshutts and health are flteiojb tjtsiiion5 and should be ccono- raird eer so much more rigidly than aoy- thicgelfr- ip the world dont economize vya tcct the best not neceasarily the fancy cuts of meat or forced vegetable but the best quality sound juicy meat strong soups wholesale vegetables and a sufficient variety in everythinfi to keep nature strong and vigorous even if yoo are a family of women prepare ail meali as if mtn were expected that will insure less tea pastry and pickles and more of the elements needed tobaild npbrain and body it is a great mistake to fancy that women do notneod tbec elements as much as men as a matter of fact they need them more for a womans nervoca energy uses up tissue and vitality faster than she can possibly provide for it and the various small strains and bothers of the day need as much force to meet thcrn as the greater outdoor exer tion of the most hardworked men and the only reason oh earth why wives grow old timid and worn while their husbands are getting fat and jolly is that all men take care of themselves and all women dont asummerboy a mother sent her small boy into the country and alter a weeks anxiety received the following reassuring letter i got here all right and forgot to rite be fore ft is a very nice place to have fuo felio and j went oot iu a boat and the bot tipcd qerand ajnan got meoot and i vis so full of water that i didnt know nothing for a good long while the other boyhta to be bared wbn they find him his mctber came and she cried all the time a boss kicked me over and i have got to have scrne money to pay the doctor for fixing my head we are going to set an old birn en fire tonight and i should smile if we don have bully fun i lost my watch anl i urn very sorry i shall tringkome aime mud turtles and i shall bricgj time woojcliuck if4 can getem in my tfunk i a georgian editor if said to receive a bjfiel cif peaches daily on subscription srd a watermelon for every personal pat in bis iper in the season l stirtou lds will insert teeth at ii and per t for next three months kjtractin fre special care given to aiif jfiict matthews uockacton chita has a isrge garjen with lakes and pond covering an area of fifty thousand sjsrue miles which equals new york add penrisilvntrla in nze have vol hot mrw d went was cured of the lew aia lie ty tverytli like pouring melted hoods 6rsspttilla full pxrticalart will i hood co lowell kinvr rts ilrjinientccr i ciljje ntaraitto rr ess tjrost biul oorectrostblts a tact wtth- a small salary you a cornfottible with iscariee read j ot genevf n v it form of dyspep- ing he ate seemed into hisjslorriach eiucled a perfect care sent if yon write c pxatt lei thehuhettpraite tills for their easy yti habeen won by hoods efficient action i strauie to say a read and ytt be extra man is yellow he b to aa the pink o perfeeo rdely loaltl he wait rf cera rthe third page of ilau is noted for if you want to boy or 5ou want a tituatioa a deaa machinery ladgiejec or oaad aoythtag or oat where anyone is ronto daily utu and tnents on the third the charge is two sertioo address tie ida mr dollargilt ntterly iacurutficaot boodlebohde i feel to painiera at work on my coughing leads to bydrwoodforwctj beature for coughs trouble twlun ptodaostt frms uftliuikfuk tviirlilftm jalc it oajuorolv flp mblotf wllfcuie mediefnal vlrlael of plinll kuwn to be matt beoeucial to the hiitnan sjitam usi getivlr oa the kldusyi can be very well blue hat if a never be referred eo toronto dtut advertisements sell anything if mechanic a bmi- if you hare lost you wast to find aflrcrtiso in the to- lead the advertise- of that p4r a word each in jlfsif toronto can every man feele yea replied llr now i hare some home cqffia aplete topped pine 6ytup the colds and lang stronger eviry day gsstuiict- 1 have time with lame back and at times oodd not t tried ddd and w almost well i find every day yoara tru sirs l thoxrsv oakville ont into been ill for a long icid weak kidneys et up without help th two bottles am back is stronger the ruby well old have been iu- a good the diamond im a roe bat im still iu the canada is being congratulated everywhere en the excellence of host you seem to any engagement fittle ditngured its ring her manufacture art stained glass is drominently in the front rank of her improvements thank to jlccauslssd son of toronto who for 40 year have labored not only to accama- late money but to make stained and orna mental glass of all kinds a credit to the dominion he the bee doesnt feet into girla bon net nowadays she vhy is it he doesnt dare to she wt aid have him pinn ed oa the oauide in no timo a an orna- meot saddenljptat rated grjrnincqr i war siddenl prostrated while ax work by a severe attack of cholera mortal we sent at once for a doctor bat heieemed unable to help an evacuation about every forty minute was fast wearing roe out when we sent for a bottle of wiid strawberry which saved my life mca j n vax nttoh moorjt brydge ont hotel clerk sorry lot cant accomo date your trosp theatrical kanager yoo dont suppose wed be elephant on year band do yoo hotel clerk 0 no ive seen no signs of trunk yet if the ladie would abandon cosmetic and more generally keeacheir blood pure and vigorous by the use bf ayerl earsap- arilla naturally fair coatpleiioni would be therule instead of the exception a at present pare blood is he beat faeaatsser if yoa want to bay or sell a farm ad vertise in the tortoto w ally mail that paper reaches 100000 farmer homes everywee asd yosr adi ertitement should meet the eye of someone srho waht to par chase adtertisement c f this class are n- serted in the toronto ff my hail tot five ceetaa word each iasertioa or twenty cent a word for five ini ertion address trie mail toronto canada conductor are we i day no eir we are chning on lime to- iunning for cash f t her caltoris 3n bafar was sle tti ritt weeas3ja r cij uc iu ior ciorla khen she became kss che dubg to casiorl y jllglieithnsjrd s at the universal cookery and food ex hibition held in loudon and opened by the lord hayo may 3rd 12 sieseaw danni- co erf croydcjrj londcm ol hamilton canada obtained the highest award for baking iowdei fretful crying cbildrep should be given dr low worm syrup system and removes worms it regc ate the aclosecsit after suffering for three week from cholera infantum so that i was not expect ed to live and at the time wopld even have been glad had dee h called me so great waa my suffering a friend recom mended dr fowlers extract of wild strawberry whieh acted iikemagio oo my system but for this medicine i would not be alive now joux w ilnjiirsniw sm st psul6t montreal pq magistrate murphy you are drank again i murphy yeih yourronor magistrate didnt yoa promise me sol emnly when i let you eft last time that you would never eet drunk again y liar- phy-r- yeah your rouor but i wufah drunk at he tinif i uiihhnt sponsible for what i shil covsltmrtimstoftkp vou want your cotton linens flannels afuvsyv tweet cfetin cnowy tnrnite rouwant the tvmh ton the etufect the efean- et the ttufekest the cheap- ettirar upricgoaptfiear- prfmjr tahinsfttrv ttneeje an old physician- relfr id firoax practice having had placed fnbi i lauds by an east india missionary he for oafa of i imple vegetable remedy joe che ipeedr od per manent care of cpontnpi oo br focjiitis catarrh asthma and all ifaroat ai d xoog auectionf also a positive tnd tadi 1 jure for kerroas debility and ill nern as obis plaints diet having test id it w loderf a curative power ii berasa ids of o has fell it hi duly to make ft tnowii u all hi safferiug wiows aetaats 1 hy tlifi mocie and a desire to relieve ha nan saff ring i will tend free of charge to d who i extra it this recipe iu german fn inch or- jnglwi with full direction for preparti g and using sent hy mail by iddrenii g with stamp aiming lit paper w a korea 620 power tllock racbeer k t u uni uohneut is tiie hi hestorer u id bosrtli effsclaally oleanslog thejiyitsri dispelling colds and headschos arid curing habitual coasupalion i callector id like to ktwstj when joo are golag to pay ihlt bill 1 i aant be ran- nlag here tvsry dsy la th week debt or what day woaid at toil lb beat t fjslector wer i ooqld ootn again oo satirdaj dehte all rlffll tnbnow on jm cati sail every satarda dear sirs ijiare used your bb b for the past five or air year ana sad it the best care for soar stomach ahdj btlioa- neu i have also used burdock bilk and can recommead them highly amende fortune huntingdon que following the death on saturday area ing of sir daniel wilson by fifteen minute came that of bergt pbert mckii the veteran of toronto university and a vet eran of the crimean war heart disease was the cause ur h b mckionon painter moant albert says last summer my system got impregnated with the lead asd turpen tine used in painting my body wa cover ed with scarlet spot a large a a 25eent piece and i wa in snob a state that i could scarcely walk i got a bottle of northrop lymans vegetable discovery and at once commenced taking it in large doses and before onehalf the bottle wis used there wis not a spot to be seen and i never fell better in my life a our ol of perepns ii in f sot very thoa b ooir w t ul dally 4b ihuuildtim itailsm yjmt i 1 few people who ofimi ttjtb oon- ibvoamee tjl iyj ndrij nntntrof m- name b eret on w jablalotecau tefrau bom ihtylmett at ifctij itjl wrllef eajrf i know ft man lo a t in dhlc itto wbociauf orrennni leringpamea iaorpak to try ope who andto intrcduc hem to lib i took lie t dojoa feel blue and deipoideol f do paint rack and- tear away at inetva and muscle and bate yoa been disappointed in finding a remedy that will auvrd eecuia and speedy relief t it so go at joncejto any drag store and boy a botua pf poison ntrviline polsoui nerriline never fail to relieve keurslgla crafapa headache rheumatism wad alt internal and etlernal pains j b carman druggist morris- burg write all tho parife i apply apeak very favorable of kerrllloe indal- usiy parchase a second lot poisons kerylline i sold in bottle at m cents by alt irugguta and couatry deairt every where i i for coughs colds bronchitis and all lung and throat troubles there ie no pre paration ot medicine can compare with bicktee antircoasjamptive syrap it never fails to afford prompt and perman ent relief it remove all icreaeat sad heals the deceased parts it immediately soothes the most troublesome cough and by promoting expectoration remorea the mucus which stops up the air lute which cause difficulty in breathing thereby give relief to that depressing ughtneu sxpert- enced in the chest pablio speken and singer will find bickles anticocnumn- tive syrap c laeatimable valaeai illspeod- ilyatd effectually allay alt irritation end hatkf ne in the throat and brooch tube and givee power to the vocal cord render ing the woe clear and soaoroasj it par ent wfab to save the uvea of iheteehttdna and themselve from much anxiety uroable and expense let them procare a bottle of bickles anticonsamptive syrap and whenever a child ha taken colli has coagb or hoarseness give thesyrupsccord- ing to directioni ii great it000 hi bojsioasw oooie in by films tbaolerk of h d lartmeht poght doe net intfodao the penon to the olerk by nam th oltrl is expeoc5 to flnd oot the name aqd coi inianloaujit qolftly to the gintletnan net tthe doorj who 111 him alwiyi they com bank again her good flatter people and fcrie fall weilern tondoji 6pj jwt wonjtoftmto itjdaiwatj etndtiui to 17 i 1 the cruiser oomtanca arrived lit jaehec friday with lt2 cues ot orandy and til barrels of whiskey which wa captured at isle aax coadres the smuggler stronghold there are a number of vtriue if borns holloway coca can will remove any ot them call oa your druggist and get bottle at once it is the best wellealey jowji central cxaelpf fa ifontraal eipsjtlon montreal sept ioifc n e hope welletoyi 1- me thai ongh i it ptpt b 15 september sept to n centre bruce pmlslsy bent 50 audi sotrth jrr- do ham sep efflber 8f and r t 1 peeljoonnty bjramploa september 27 i4 kortiiern walkjertoa september 27 to 80 t southern liranifard bepj 27 to 2d kotth perth si raiford sipt w and 80 centra wtllfngt in eloraiootobec g and 7 i north brio pitt elgin sept 22 and ii wilmott new i amburg sept 29 tnd 50 east huroa br isaels oct g and 7 noclhweajero oderich sept is o 80 eooklon torld fair rookton oot ii ancl 12 j palmenloo he rtlcalturai palmenton sept2csni27 i acton union ai acton oit t and 6 unson at mutc i oct and 7 uj aoh wilt utiliwibilttrtnhi fti hgfcl petliap of ihj iursilpioioh6tthat mora aerfjble dtteim oouompttop yonr elveeli voq oao afford for tb tike aavlpg wototonibtuk and do aothing f j it j we iweit frotn iplen flblbh car nlli ouw yoar oot mfrttll ji a irtl in bulal tobilanbo 1u taliiw ktid candlriaremad from it mr b lhan county trsasprer of- dufferln wu on tjonoay ttenlng prnt- sd wllbj a moat fujtuing 4dret and a ponj containing 1 1800 byfrieqa la oraugeyills shelbarno grand vily and otiurptru of dafleitn peel and simooe ooonflef fifty sire pr oonl of the popntlon of indian sre german the largest tl iay jicobe buffalo an employe of the j eiptcit co says dr thomas trio oh cored him of a bad oae rof pile of 8 yean standing having tried elmotekvery known remedy besldu two buffalo phyifotan without relief i bat be oil eared htm- he thinks it cannot be reeotntrjeuded too highly in a public school u new york of seven hsndred and ten pupils only en are ameflcn born i line root lyon dajii stix for uveral yean my slater offered from liver complslui a doctor ber ao help we tried b b b jwhloh net completely i can recommend soatb wsterloo yoa woalij not llave hi headaohe had yojt taken lat night i custer ooinlyl ii montana thirteen mlllioa icret it coantrin tbe united butetj the malee tree tjiat grow in the desert ot austraalla prpvidea the inhabitant with water theyjdraw moistareffrpbi the root gait 0015 and ihal htobblflg a bardock pu contains over lirgeet is ton c c ktciuima fco j gequetnei fo year l have been troubled with sr ifalotu sores opoa my face i have spe it hntvdndsoi dollar trying lo effect a o ire wltboot any result j uathepptor ne bottle of minards ltkimektentir ly eared me and i can heartily reoomme d it la all s the best medicine in the world ronsld mclnne bayfield- one j wanted to kn w what interest view pays distanoe fcr t idingbintencharstment a recent epitaph reads erected memory of john p lillips accidentally shot a a mack of affect on by bis brothers if luirts liniment ti stick to the eight right actions spring from right princi ple in case ot diarrhoea dyseufry cramp colicsammer complaint cholera morbus etc the right remedy is fowlers extract of wild strawberry ao unfailing care made bo the principle that netaree remedies are beat never travel without the new york irwif say whatever we may accomplish bj retaliation a poo canada for canal toll discrimioetfoa we could accomplish a world more by genuine fair and friendly reciprocity without any string to it be tore and pat a box of ayera fills is yoar satchel before travelling either by land or sea yoa will find them woven ienteffkaripu and safe the best rem edy for cotitebe indigestion and aick headache and adapted to any climate economy- is wealth a farmer wife went ioto a dentist hon much do yoa charge for fitlin teeth asked the farmer from one tbtwodollar how much for pallia 1 half a meriar said the farmer turning to his wife youd better git it palled 1 and his an dollar mr h hall navirtno ny writes for year i hire been trouble with liver complaint the doctors i aid my liver was hardened and enlarged i was troubled withrdizziucra pain o my shoal- der constipatipo and gradually losing flesh all the time i was under the care of three physician bat did not get any relief a friend seat me a bottle of northrop lyman vegetable discovery and tbe ben efit i have received from it is far beyond my expectation i feel better no than i have done for year a brother ot parnell the late irish leader own a smsil fruit farm in georgia a short road to health was opened to those suffering from chronio coughs asth ma bronchitis catarrh lumbago tumors rheumatism excoriated nipples or infkrn ed breast and kidney complaint by the introduction of the inexpensive and effect ive remedy dr thomas eelectriej oil vwti t stroiqest cootafc no aton asanasnls ltas p est wuraaat princles r prtngtss prtngftrs prtfvgtos prfngtas i the shove an ellf the qalr kestort prlngles 12 watchrk u watches 81 6 watches 18 watchc s 20 watches 25 watchvjs 8teox winder in silver or nickel csa the raavemet a the nickel cases bel ng a much finer differenos la the raktie ot the cases lelcher sths ladrts watofeesall eeiae8 gjprringrle cueijph bodts shobs wehate jijtreeeikl oar fahtjlciok of tbhtk for tb next three months km and s800 per sate psrfeet lit aaranleed sad best quality i cdisttrton los aradaate ot toronto school ofdentistry and uoyal oolleee ot dental barueoat omrt- kext post office acton shilohs conumpfloncuire thii great cough curb this saccefn1 c0n8pupti0n cure is withool a parallel la ha history of medicine all druggist are authorized to sell it on a pcaitite gnarantee a leak tint no other core can successfully stand if you have a cough bore throat ar bronchitis ate it for it will core yoa if yoar child hi the croup or whooping coagb use ii promptly and relief f sore if yon dread that insii- ion dlaease consumptipn dontfiil to use ft it will care yoa or cost nothing afc yoar druggist for shtlohb cure price loct socti and 1100 if yoar lungs ire tore or back lame u sbilohs porous pluter 2oclx mm is m mm m s tm ipi ja wmi ibb vvm 9 i ts ics 3h it sesi s7jlfmrk pisos cure for i the best coue 1 ioto it owwjti itutvezhj consumption puhc8t stftonoest blft efftdrforom in tnr qmriiif fat nuuetf ou samst 4cmflth ml br ill crorers vrmgguu rv orttisritrx vcraranta9k iil dock kesulejtes the stdrftaeh liver and qowevta unlocfcs thcccretlansurinesrthe blood and removes all 1m- ptxrltie from a pimple to thcworstscrofulous sore blood cure1s 4- dyspepsia biliousness constipatjon headache i salt rheum scrofula heartburn sour stomachl dizziness dropsy rheufaatisfa skin diseases bitters 1 ne r f 1 tip i 1 w ks i v terrible slaughi erpf ready- made ciothingbcctss shoes these twp lines rausthe clear ed out regardless bf cost also big drives bress goods millinery we have just opened up a arge range of v mhaniailcvgencrtil woqpengrayinc v id king st east toronto i can furnish you with the best fees country and at tower pric comb toj lmpnrel gpuntjy proutpres than fori kctqrf s for goujtjtr news andjobfwork t4 be had in this kny other new ciyiinder iress jknd see j tiie free press is printed on th above press- and the work nojj 1506 drum cylinder pi jss can do jbetter riewspapetf we bjeve ran the proaty for eight year land the lolger we ran ft msvohsdleit little for repairs bd easy oatblprinterspodfet book we call it tbej bestpre today fot the money ckmo and see bar pre atworjj if yoodesiri aampre of work send fcjr thetn and them woan giive yoir yoo oholce of aniesberdf jifflirent slim andiivi p 11 ji j we can give voo yotfr ohoioe of a niatber of difftrtnt sites and sjtyle si presses at all pi toes hink of it a hew8 ccjl tolior 5 col mp power press f u oily sj6jcxtoj7po fullparbcularsjfroni lil ori illustrates or poster better wollka it it jsinjpk 7 age for canada li the mammoth cbffeb7siii1v- j oldresb qdcjaitdtrlanics pniftt muglins silke millipertmaptrcs parasols bemnanta of allrkibdat of dress joodsand jpriiita wo arvweeditiff otrt 0 great txeal of 8o6k tho crstotners wijli get great stiaps if they cltrly cotiseland see nice ladies- slraw jtiatb from 5c upwards mens istraw hats frorrj6capwacugrieapbar- gains will be girei thronghoat the store j remerrjw onrj earn pets oil cloths aiid car hoots and shoes snap bargaira oarprttsmakiiig and ilillin- ery departments areoperi tot orders they are ahm6u3mlliig and able- to thrij out the work well and please you oar gents furnishings ready made clothing tjats caps are in first cfass hhafc bargainstb be had bar assortment of rasingb- 0 verooatinga and general qlotes are second to nonej- antjiprjr ordered department which is fnperinted6d by onrcottw lit miliar leads in tbej van cfirt class clothing estabjishments in the province orders and patron age respectfuliy sohcited the mammoth wmcleodccl georqeiwr7h r r cfneitlas man sboffla t i kmlisbsm atbefose rxetnta wericaii its merits work to iron assy on type bxvitfatlirqts 1 will gladly fodsh pil wd tie bosr wqiums s3- 0f sissy yw naw mm smbivsas t protidenee telerrameteatboce totbabnsyrtbelarf- aadtbeesrrsiuraiy v tme oorvaaobusttiiadctbjv ha no pier in orthpalitr of derirp scope and lacmao at otjttictobgj eaeeatlcr ob iii iwcslsstlnilvdbssassssmsjvrtt jf ctibiiitf l- jsttertor 77 bad camsttp tbe on to raixul llj h uwiim sumja nukijtitcuiniyqnpcd taicatteot worttt evenu- ht j it giro him ra anfjlff otguttwortdevhuiher3ufiksll- s1iejubarenitecebbknta- events beaidca a aisear of the comeaiporarr a price aocriso asnrawaixav srueima iitialjs sufi tt t e if w m t j i- m i sit i ir fl fei