Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 25, 1892, p. 2

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kltuubd ietokumiat lhj waldaoee ma oo the lev bj mac deastoter ot cna hirtiu eao krta raiaett tort l of im i rami ob the mta last by bar dr ktraacnian hr korae rj pearct ntoatow flin gpltoms of the dfed dlintln oaelph oo the lh inl uuua ltetdjr proprietor or the qtia hotet ag 7ayrs k law at hit home on main sm acton oo taeadajtsvd init thomas uctmid jears aiw 4 mceih liivti kmiitoa oitosr toe llhuirom wiltred inlet 8 lacalbs ed talk of vtittrm inftnt swa of kr 6ot tstiac is1 fvijrttjy4n thftlptr oa hoc foe letort belotnt tf of jotepb fallert ym wortd dolnn teije ctaxt jtr fjress tuursdat augti6t 18 notes and comments the pottraester general hti eotharirad the rwating op in a ooakpicaoai place in every pott office in ontario ot a card coo taining an abstract of the ontario game and usherylewe tor 1892 u issued by the ontario fish and fame commission durtnethkwaaltc q l scott draoiat parts oau u 4d germany la batldioi lateral new fort a ahso ifanltob ia trjiag to get immigrants troaitoeiaud drumttioiii county qaebeehu repealed the scott act manitoba crop wl ii exceed those of itia laat several year fcove boouee hay epp la two per coat above the average h palmer eocidently shot himtelt dead at cadnagtoo oat drumtnoad oooatjrl quebec haa voted to sttftain the soou if- a great britain lain lieu attack at caledoui the coctiderable interval bu been aroused by the report that british official bad takenl pouessioo of tie harbor of pago- pagb in samoa with the intention of us- tag it a coaling station definite infor mation regarding jact what look place there it not yet forthcoming the labour market an uninsurable coudi natural gae was saturday at a depth cjf 00 feet george b hansler i the toronto world announces that plenty ot thinplaster o 25 cents valae can now be had at the banks and if not kept there can be obtained from the re ceivergeneral at ottawa or the assistant eoseivergeneral at toronto uerchanta and other who were aititinfi for a larger isaae can govern thcmlvee accordingly kcmora of sir john abbotta failioj health continne to be circulated oenfirma tixi of them being given by the announce ment that he is aboat to leave on an- ex tended trip to the pacific coatt where the change ii expected to work wooden for him sir john issuing on in yeara and in the nataral course of events the threads of life tnact soon be dropping from his imp i dr boarinot the dutisgaithed clerk ot theldorninioo hoaae of commons refer ring to the decicioo of the privy cocnetlin the manitoba school qoeatiod said the r day that a decision of the empire bcodectarea that no rights hare been interfered wtb leaves no room for toy other appeal or for remedial since in law andjta fact it is declared that there is nothing to remedy efforts are being raj tensive maosfacturiruj plants around by corral phnfa 3h- t the gramoaa coaou li equtlod kolba thanks of the travelling pt blto for tha ex- eeltent acock they are don in tbe east atid of lh dllagjo j ur d j johnson pnbl sher of the can adian uwas rwto toivao llh hit am ily spent hi holidays i tha a f r h raised tha prloa of rotara kckeu from kooitwood to qaelptt from so cents ta k cants batara tickets good foe oae day oily will be leaned at the old nte j a well kno4 aii- neas man of tilsonbafc is dead france is greatly pleased because berliu will not hare an inlerpatioaauair ade to establish ex- in dublin it is predicted thai uorc will be de feated by sou vocea atj bread u down to tbe official annoanoement ot distr-ba- tioa of portfolios io the new british minis try differs slightly from the reports first pabhshed tbe uarqais ot bipan form- erly viceroy o india is to be secretary of state for the polonies this is probably the grst time that the office has been filled by a roman catholic hon j b balfour is lord advocate ot scotland and baron houghton a young bat popular nobleman il the new lord lirntensnt of ireland twenty yeara ago baffalo ranged at will over the prairiea ot leanitoba to4ay the government estfmate ot the area of the wheat crop in that province is fe7g00o acres and the yield is calculated at 2o00o- cco boihek great as is the progress ii ready accompliahed however it is bat a promise of iofinitely greater things to come and yet tbece are still to be foand some people who grumble at an expendftare of fdnr or five million dollars in brnlding on tie canadian aide ot the sarit a canal which will allow an cninterrabted oariet far the goldeo stream having its rise beyond tee great lakes and which will poor io aa everincreaaicc flood towards the sea bandmaster summer was brought before j p bnrrefl satordsy last charged with c xrying liquor to tinsmith birney whose a hiikey had been ibst uff this is the it case of the kind which haa been tried ii this section and the re nit was watched ith interest after looking up the law b taring on the case which has jost come ii force it was foand tbe charge being cj early proven that they woold hare to le him 25 and costs which wss accord icgly done the fine vu paid there bj nnmhers of people in every sectioawbo will do well to take cognisance of this little bit of ber uajextys sutntea solton vtirryrct j far tkere has been a remarkable ab sence c figures u to the vote on the plebis cite in llanitoba the mere aanoonce- ment has been made that prohibition has carried tdt no details are forthcoming the ncrujwesc batter a temperance paper is asking co gather the figures asd has otjuioed them for twentyfive outof theforty ffi30stitnences the returns io the twentyfive constituencies place the vote for prohibition at 12418 and the vote againrt 4c0 thus giving a majority- of 6 0j this may be materially altered by tbe result of the voting elsewhere bat it is eascient to indicate how onesided public bentiment is upon this question manitoba has spoken very decisively in the new british ministry ur glad etone will alftn age nearer eightythree than eightytwo and or he fourth time in his life be tha chief in these two respect the event is without parallel in oilero hjetory when lord falmerston became prime minister the second and laat time be feas seventyfive years old and tcdng office tii years be retired at the age of eightyone and died six years later hr gladstone enters npon that office within four montha of eightythree facing a situation that might tax tbe mental and- payaicil resources of a man of fifty ko man has ever become prime minister of britain at sucb an advanced age thus ur gladstone breaks another racocl hold a k gcat 1 ail tb ilt iannoqnoed thst in spite of tbe coo easiiob offered by the canadian govern meat the rower pat into the hands of the president of tbe united state to levy dis crimination tolls on the sanlt canal will bet need and the lolls will be collected after the close of the present month tha attempt to itrike this blow at canadian cojnmiroe ewaroaed by thepre- sept etutaaeof oar ministers not by the wioleconneof international dealing with reference to canals and waterways cicada expendiforee under this head hu ben vastly greater than that of her neigh- bot she has borne far mora than her fair share of tbe loost of completing the i noele system of najrigation from the korth- 1 zly j the nexi election teu cent a loaf in uwea soaud for the trst time ia years james uckee a te ring mscbiue agent wat killed by a train t ear allandalo friday the great western hoar mills wood- stock were destroyed by fire strly sunday morning gabriel da moot the exrebel is trying to induce nocthcestj indians to emigrate to the states lieutenant- governor kirkpatrics will attend londons arricultural societys banquet sept 30lh mrs henry orcha d was struck by an u c b train at tlonday and received ry serious injuries i i lucxn uiddlesex county boasta of a brother and two sitte a whose ages united amount to 70 yeart the roman catholics at winnipeg have decided to carry oo t icir separate school by private subscriptii n jarae woods of si liths falls wu killed in a collisaion oo ti s c p u- at avoo imora on saoday mot ling lightning ran ale ng a telephone wire into the st thomas loapttal and stunned the matron the other day uary eoghea a t irteeayarold lon don girl was burnec to death satoiday ber clothes accidentally caught fire from a stove the queen while driving near osborne hoose satordsy afternoon was stopped by a lunatic who threatened her he was arrested frank wilson of newmarket has been arrested charged srith drowning hia wife and child while boating in a stream run nicg jsto lake sim coo hut week fred coreoey was killed oo the grand trunk track at sdiaw station below goelpb early satardi y morsiqg he wu walking on the trad in an intoxicated condition an aathority familiar with everything that goes oo at courti ays there was nothing to show that ur gfaifstone was not thor- ooghly peraona grata to the queen and other members of th i royal household at the time of hia visit to osboarnej hoose the barns and outbuildings together wieh this seaaooe op and about 500 bushels old wheat ami two tods old hay the property of john ii roberts of caradoc were totally destroyed abodt9 oclock uon- day night los abet t j000 no insur ance uichsel barns tie young qtn who brutally assaulted his wife with a rolling pin aboat seven weeks ago at goelph was arraigned saturday naming before his honor judge jamieioa he was foand guilty and sentenced t two mooths in the oomtnon jail by a typbooo laadiltde and earthquake io japan- ijo people rere drowned s000 house swept away ai d 2000 house sub merged while 23000 people are being fed by the government ai aisted by charitable people one hundred leople were swallow- ad up by an esrthquak hon edward blae who represents zjongford in tbe new f arliament has start ed for a holiday in qu bee in a farewell address to the nation jiit in liverpool he declared hia belief that in the next session after that hocie rale for ireland will become an ecconiclished fact i the port haron jws annoancee that ur john if array edit ir of the herald ot that city baa been tele ted aa the demo crrtic candidate for state senator of michigan ur murray is a canadianby birth and edacitioo having gone from tilsonborg to port hjqron a namber of year ago na8 tha event of the irason wilt be tha harvest home festuat to be held andeclha auspices of the ladfea kd of ebeneser chorea oa tuesday aftarrjoon tad evening gth september at tha hcw of ur jis adtmaoa tea wu be ilrvad com 5 to t pm a choice programme wtlt be render ed and will include selections by tha salta tion army band gaelph violin and organ dtiete by ur and mil lsfng and ur lamb tnutio and ilngluj by ha fletcher family uls catiale kra alklna and mrs bajrlow revs r boyle ai blair and g willoajhbywitriie present bar r boyle ot brampton will preach la ebeneter church on sattetay th septem ber canadaatthe vvorlda fair ottiwi ang 23 tbje fishery exhibit has been closed for the pnrpose of sendingiuie the contents of the bnikiing to chicsgo for exhibition at the worlda fair the w6rk of preparing for the exhibit will occipy tmt il next february as every thing has to be thoroughly overhaafad in addition to the specimens already in tbe museum others are at present being gathered in each prov ince and these will be examined and under go preparations new pases will be made for each specimen last week tbe ontario commissioner spent his time in taking views of the fruit farms oo the kiagsra peninsula there will briffg speedy oonjricttoo to worlds fctr visitors that canaila is not a land of snow and ice several important stock farms and the animals pn them will also be photographed prof saunders has reported that he jba secured 50 per cent dditiorisjrpaoefor canadian machinery a ud thia will aifow manufacturers to do tb mxelvia justice lumbermen hare responded most heartily to the invitatii n to exhibit ur awrey has received a la ge batch of letters from different lumber jog placing their stock at bis disposal for selection tha wtrlds fair peo pie have given nn limited space for the sh ming of canadian dogs although the kei net clabs were only the exhibition last been asked for 100 invited to participate id veek already space btaj dogs in bees and honey thare will be a larger exhibit than has ever been mane by aqy once nternatifloal wtt to tbe atlantic with the single ex oefiioo of the reflate if that he ao exeep lioe shebas tnrown her canals open io a rrfrricmn sod qanadiaos opon equal tefwia white ber shippers have eojoyed no brasifit wbaterer feom toe american bute eaoifa it would be folly to eleoy that he awhickiatoblakeo wulhurt ao im- portan fi nterest but it is felt on til sides that to max an foitbareoijcessioo m to face o tils threat would ba oo great srilsoaofor and aalf raapect exhibf lion inaugurated the other day fie lark were received by mr atrey to add to the mineral exhibit wool i wool i highest price- in cd or dry good will be gf re i forany qusolity of good merchantable we ol wk uclzoo e cor georgetown xjcjmasoon and often just arrive a fine aajjrtmtrt of flower pott at t h hutdnraal of gold ore grocery knatchbfjll several farmers have finished harvest while others are doing their beat to get through this weck i fall seeding is the next thing no the farmers programme k some of the tanners of iktsaagaweya are having bad lack with their horse his har vest in trying to make ithem tramp the pease in the mow one hone while com- ing out ot the mow stumbled and the fall ended it life j the kassagawcya agricultural societys fill exhibition is repotted tor october ith there are quite a number of fall shows dated for that day and some will hfcva to be changed or it will make a failure of them as farmerswithstock cannot attend two or three shows oo one day fall ploughing will soon commence around here tho rev b boyle o brampton will preach in the ebenczer church on sunday sept th i iti iv v orahg at 4 0orslba waala here this wi mr wuorlntofcalgai a aw i iy in hi old honn matt ir eddie liorayi la f waaks i ith man is iu toron ur i nd mraj hn waldieof baillogton lsfllss wmkohalrlpto eufopa ur 1 luisill t lomaoo ot grand rapid la yteltl ti aotoo frlaodi this jraak ur hosj ry ai of toronti is ipendlog bs vac ttloo har with hia mother j ur i h m nn of toronto spent a ooople if iijt tl u weak al the uaplar uitttlittia jpetghl and jusggieuit- thaws l iara bear visiting friends at ash- irttva t ill week i ur mime l man who uow resides a tpronl i ipeat i couple of duys last week with treads he e the misses vrtght of toronto have bean gieati at the home et ur jamas finlbrook the last week v ur tad up thomu ieadenou of milton war gleets at the home ot d htndodsoa m sit week the mines hsml sad jinnls dale of toronti w ii be he guests oclfrs william smith or i coc jis of weeks if r sod if re lovsys and daughter baa- trice sjid ur j a trootraaa ot torqoto j georgetown t the fallowing are the name of the can didate who were successful at the recent high school examination at georgetown primary certificates s kbrtaon0 wsr- ren janior leaving certificates- k mc- leod a ucgee h weaiherald partial matricnlatioo d s mooes there may be several jpupits who will get enough marks to entitle them to a cer- tutcate on appeal or to study for junior leaving without writing on the primary 8o the number of marks taken iy the pupils have not yet arrived i school opens on the 29th inst mr ernest coombbj a of t ronto univeraty has been appointed to take the place of mr clart who ws to orange- ville f the picnic io the park on monday under the auspices of the r c church of this place was a grand success between four and five hundred people were present geo guthrie oar local sprinter carried off all the prizes awarded for foot racing in the events he entered the bscroaae match between the second twelve ietnas of this place and second twelv excelsiors of bampton wu very keenly contested and resulted in a victory for the hotnjsteam by goals to 2 a match betteen acton and georgetown juniors resulwd in favoriof the latter by to 2 j burlinqtc the hamilton timet sajs burlington is to be congratulated en another of the pretty summer weddings in picturesque bt lukes church for which jit is becoming famous- on tuesday the igth init miss belt eldest daughter of canon belt was married to mr jack young of the canada life hamilton it was perfect dajr for a wedding the church was a bower of beauty friends of the bride having spent many hoars ihdecoratlag ft witii fl for the occasion mrs green presided at tbe organ and played the wedding march with her usual taste and prectsiort the ceremony was performed by canon belt sasistedbytwoofhissoas the bride own ed in white india silk with tulle veil and orange blossoms was escorted to he altar by one of he brothers miss edith belt was maid of honor miss young uiss minnie young and miss laura belt were the bridesmaids they wore most beoom ing gowns of dotted white mull with pink and white sashes and white hats iir streatfield officiated aa best man tbe ushers wtre messrs gillespie dewar gates uinty and burnt the guests in cluded many relatives of the contracting parties the bride received many useful and valuable gifts mr and mrs young will reside in burlington oa their return from their wedding tear ertn the following is the list ot successful ctndldate at tha entrance examination recently held in erin viiae it will ber remembef ed that 5 wrote and of these only 20 have bean successful the hulsburg school under mjss thomson as principal carries off the palm both in numbers and highest mirks the minimum number at marks required to pass was 882 erin ps d campbell teacheralbert medley ill ida clow 34t ella long 837 wm kerr 282 hillsburg ps miss m j thomson teacher lula mcmillan c8 lome mc- nally all walter robertsdo rj let itia mcartar 880 olive mcmillan 131 mar- qaia worden 882 ss no 8 eriu hector ixleanteacher emm carroll 390 ss no 11 erin arthur lorrfe teacher euphemia mceinron 125 liilia street 53 8 8 no 12 erin uiss ma north teacher wilfred mckinno r sts edith mallea 883 8 8 no j erin w i hansford teacher uary hurren 182 lkife hiadlay 08 lottie wabb f40 j s s ko 6 caledonethel kirkwood 1 51 eugenia patterson 88i d doherty grain buyer is now ready for the seasons business i a big rc garden party will take plans at the cataract on the 5th sept mrs john crtcof toronto was ha guest ot eriu friends last week the miaea burqn of toronto ire tha guest of exreave con boy and family ur d mcmorris of oraogsville bat lata of erin and john udlaodot bel- fountain left last weak for bay dityuiob where hey will engage ia business try oar anshriiiksble natural all wool flannel jore nrrrox t boss lfruehoam spent al cos pie f days with acton friendr ur frsik j rmilrong left gaelph ba taesds r fo ki epewa where ha hu pur chased he fan r hcrajdj prior to his remavi hii fell wwortmea pressated him with a lae jald headed canej uiss e fro land who has resided in aetoa or l le c ut five years is about to remove s is i ill spend some time with friends in mil ia daring her stay ia aetoa ml i feeknd has mads many warm i riendt ur i od urthenry t bill of detroit mich lavaj bee t gueaia at the home of mr c t hill t le past week their rdaoy acton friends si a pleased to have the oppor taaity to reaes the scqusiuteoco of ha young peopje mr h p itoore left oa tuesday in company with i a brother rev t a moore of nitgara falli tor uaskoka and algoma whira they will ipead a couple ot weak in sunday school missionary work under direction of the provincial sunday school association frtltqw i tot lawn party under ha auspices of tha ladies aid society of boston church saa held at he residence of finlay mccal am jr 1st line esquesiag oa tuesday evei ing mr g wi br nt agent of he bant of hamilton here i if t tor hamilton on friday to superintend p eparationa for moving his attests to millcia the garden pi rty at the residence ot mr wm mcctelian i of trafalgar last wed nesday eveuing i as a great sacoaas finance ally and otherwiie the sum of f93 wu realoed 1 the band loyi are practiog faithfully in tiawot acta ba id tournament next week mrs geo- j api elby left hut week on a trip to he old oc mtry j maaart chax sender and wax rasdler are aboat to 1 trs miltoa far i chisago where ur rcadi r has itiies a tannery mr c e wh is and uias berts exirtf wore married in he methodist church yet teruay sad drovninq iofl accident two sons of r iv j e howell m a of gpcterch drowned gaopiicii augl 18 yesterday alaniooa between i and 5 iclock while attending a picnic on attrill beech two sons of rev j e howeill ps iter of the north street methodist chnrcl went oat ia a boat oa the lake with a oang sort of ur t h polborne the ounjer lorne between four or firs years in reaching over fell into the water and hi i brother james is years old jumped in t save him they strug gled for a wh le t one time gettfag hold ot the boat bu be th sank ere help coui reach them th ir coenpiaioa being too small to rem er toy aaaaistanoe search wu begun a so in at possible and both bodies recoveisd the sad accident created do little excilimdit and the deepest sym- pathy is felt br 1 ie doably bereaved par eats mrs b ow i was oa tha shore with the picnic bo ur howell wu abseat ia the country aa i returned aboat eight oclock dro ml g accidents are fortunate ly of rare occj irre ice here bat the perta- arty sad eha act rr of this accident will hriug forth tt d epest sympathy for those who have so t nex aecfedly la the midst of a soade of joy and pleasure lost two ot the treasure of t ieir household the bodies were taken to bel eville for interment oa- thursday mc rah g the fat bottle i noticed that i feltbettef suf fered lest the lsusaamisuueai tt ik 4erkad sabslded the color betna to return to mre sudtswwfeltr after i had taken three bottles icould eat anything without hurting me why i got so himgry that i had fa eat r times a day i hara now tuny recovered thanks ui hoods sar i teal well as aa well ma marrel to see me so we il hooos ptllilllktcmintirrau aistst atcmueo cars iiwub tad muoasaw united st re president harrison proa lalmi a toll on canadian veaaels afterseptt wxsrxxaiok aug 22 on saturday president harrison lined a proclsmslion imposiog a oil of twenty oeuta f oa aa ciaadfad vessels using the sault csusj this is la cooteqaence otoar dlscriminatioa against american ports by tho rebate system the presidents sclion is taken under authority recently given him by congress at bis own request a new era canadas great industrial fair toronto septeicbee to 17tl 1s92 enlarged gruands new half 4fil track j new grand stand and many other improvements greater and better than ever entries close august 13th ksw land vsrfed attrsctiaas of a bapertor character instruetirs sad amaafus the tabet iataouons and oraudest exbibils tn all dapart- meota the peoples a reat annual outing cheap exeoratoa on all bail ways for frua lists proersmraec snd all fnfemiatioa address jj wlthrow hj ftlll presldsat luaicer toronto fretful crying children should be given dr lows worm syrup it regulates he ayitem and remove worm v augus month of we mean to have a great clearing out pt samniet goods want to get eiur monep oat of them and we must have he room will bay a lot of itofr while liiis sale luti wui be ilioghiered half hi in the millinery una daring august dress arg days wa ai miiilljnery e marked price will goods bay akything we have overhauled add marked down big bargains can be had ia this department even black henriettas wa hire reduced during august only gfier drives in embroiders parasols i handkerchefs gloves hose lsices and boots md shoes boot fc jshoa department will i during augurt if you wa at flntclass guelph subind doors at gaelph j prices t ebexgc can fill your orde a hia planing mill kf aajf sw lip a about sbasonabl6 coodsfof julav snd it is hardly necesasry to sdo more than remind yoa that every item of summer comfort hu been oarefully profidad for yojr nesdi daring the hot weather that is one of oar bariaeas prinoipies to laiif y u near u possible all demands in the lines in which wadesl we draw your allitntloa seasonable article which are moretaan i ko a number of i aver necessities st this time pt year and which we can give yon the beat of valae ia wa are a speciality with us surpassed going tut haia yoa isea pa new germia ithpd anii rssnlta whea i o both the isyrnp of first taken itia pleasant mdrefreehpg to thtj tastad acta iflyjetpton ptlyonthskidneyg ivar and bov els cleanses the sys- 6m effectmilly dispels colds head aches and five s andecca habitual botutipatioi i yrnpr of ifigi is the mly temedr f itsjmad ever pro- aded pleoaib to tho tat- na aoi epfable to the stomach p pfc in i its action and nily bencid in itam effects prepre only fron the most healthyandrtgi ieablesnlxtances its iriany excellent iaaliticioainendit ia all- and hi 6 mads it tho most ocwiuirrerfjed known 1 flyrop of ffs i is for sale in 76vv bottles by ill leading drnggista any leliabli di lrist who may noi have it on hi nd will procure it promptly far i ny cso who wishes to try it uapa vaand only by the fig syrupc0 rvtt tom y g remskots not eacape aterytalng goes cheap remaaiila all have on oaebpouter a stack of remnants aetna fairly good lengih ot nearly every kind of goods fa the- bt think of a dress length far 50c knowing ones pick hem up quick r b jermyns jjmjst p erproof cloaks in heptoaactes and other iakes juiuble for dust and travelling wrape theyre aboat driven out of use the ugly black sticky rubber garment once io largely sold all he fashion a a he heptonotttf and we buy them direct from leeas where they are mannfiolated parasols nt all kinds parasols for ne dollar for twofor three foot five sad up as high as they go plain parasols fancy tod extra taaoyj vl yoa wish to have a paraaol correct ia style of beat quality and iowast price w will show you the very one yoa want the reason far oar extra value in parasols is hat price il governed by qukntity and we bay ia large quantkles 8fwpp1nc by mail a ma f- fcllpw has tnade popular t je phrase a postal card trfll ao applied to shop ping by mail think for miniitftof the time and ex- pqnscffnd burden ofa railreiad journey and thctl- consider i that there arc npifricuuies g intheway optirchasing goods i by mail cither iminary or j rcalj which cannptbe over- come if proper care is ejecr ctscd mady who have become faxpiliar with the- simple de tails- find 4t oftehlirhcslcss troublesome than shoppingin person j i thc t eaton c6v 1tb lnttslnettsnitjll vaavtevvvvy m vim afl fititt bbtrtiitmttd the nndarttgnea is prepsrarl topsy the wtb- stch pttooeahkldlolsrll4sllvrt aa wareboas at gtb station asaos l oqbbti wantpd irs to sell nursery stoek permoatb andaxy write fofmrtlcillar d h pittt sanernian tu bxebaatsbt v oaoara ht sere take notice rpae oadasilsoad bartitr rraooateashat arts t c beraoo lowsd tses- aaat sod west tet con ws u a u mjw- farm lot saecti by ratlins sbootlos barrr plelrfm or la any ester way illl be rrtimcated ordln to lw c joskfbliasbi thoackcobel acton july uthlsbj e vainable p jrljtii a uu an i armloa lot lt con itln umtoiro- ship of pest lis acre jrithtof dwatlinf mxlb umbered with beeeb mage bamtoet- ploe ced toe aod elnv vor eleasad axeapt rfunrins the biualil iwedjag also a itone and rough east d and two eellars rrama stable vt tan lot m land oa qaalpb uarla and queen street taft ttuas of acton iwblu at or six boodinf lots sepubtely if desired ternunethirdcaah or exchange for other aetonobt hemoving mimm m 1 mm trtfr m isi i1 l ir am vum freelavad purpose ntaoriog ftopi actoa in that time tha offer bar sntir ttoek of ftjitc coods formla tt grtti hdamd jpifee i alio omsilrflr lfchiitsil bhpir utarf kewbtmoadamwinglciwhide j pute liilrlnr avnythldg in veil to cul ftt ooe fine win do i acton cornet bano bu eosretad utsuifsaisenti for grand bifida tournarrft athletic tobahdjln prdspe6t pkhk gloves all prices varieties colors sad ia quality not to be dianflet cjiovti it 860 6o0 theyire all wool delaines at ho i rhesa ire the safne goods yoa hate paid 5o k yard for la the regular way a isrgaiortment to ohooae irom i j i btyk have you seen th quieliph t j 1 aleamtti laaj bperitfoadoutptjwnoitomol be fqaql intui dedartraent blaeind utok haw itylea in ladles pelts ohal enter da itorai by the door in tha naw tiore oofi eianfrui daring jnlyind angast wantedafit 1st beptember cial btojjaisas at jlulql iwwllil o rsioaa come aqd examine the piles of goods w c redaoedln price toolear tbamoat before raceirinilthe early aauranrfabargain lilitrsrjr departmaot for wsrrn weather white snoy lawns mosllri io i rirty of mrteaat redaelmdo lsfesc dresses at 4o made frfm nice cotton obamisea tt msd t drawera 4l vf ooraeli ooa it i6e umm pair bavs yoasean the barprlaacoraetaat sooj irualrt tbey lire really ii wru laatlbai ladies faatbiaok cotton hosiery st tto per pair ir s pairs for wo1 a lotcf fins liale thraad which la ait about ball price lotaof laoaaam pd io soma bl thtm formerly law than bait prloa those large rise all linen li ali u lto or 8 ur wo oast bay then they are tha beat aalaa in feiwels ara sold tha bignthottaa a another lot tt 80 per yard both aba crtngbami n mj ohaao ba offered during aogast at proaa that will 0 ki make aoteai olothldgat spaclal bargain price the oabplg men havb fsllib alne baca king nd as oarpat pali riilaabl it of tbm bbnveb sabjbxltia6ol ifsmuton august 8th 189j 8th 1 i is6 samrnir oodi ban bin jtol bight house embroidarad hlght lummarr liale ioparlyart bilk ilotr ffiaek wti- ntiasmtoafauoi uyoa saetbatn yon will ft lattlsn jost tit tavsaststls fattl a fmirortrnant of budrasl suusr i iffll ittwvpa collars jswqtrtua la naty taatrtata itba 1 om ai t tfeweibaqr4ay t il j at toanta makstt bse1y worr fiom oot bea pnfmslasil j fda s10 ti- tuna rfteo oy oamjibe rooaa lit sbd tuesday 2im when the fobbwlag haodsoifa pilaaa wolba offend tor ooejpatttlonri r- 1 v band tournament 7 open to second class bands ordy limited to twenty players j nrttprtmlj5secoodw third jskutrnea fee as entries mtafbe made with baetstary on or bafor angnst jrd beat corpdbandnnuoi genersl appeaianee to be 0 prise eletast dtaplra snare drum tarsi3 prienudb7whftbotoe4ctomoafebca toronto tj j 1- lacrosse matjih 11 am pristrtlltmfwatetplteheraaddouaj1 i ralno ato entrance fee tl ii hatch to ba played under c i abalaswua r i offlatal referee i athletic sport v j t mile bfejele beopen bntrrtl latpria 8utdsi vsjulmairiaeaslevhaaav co-ylaes- v i srdill blrauasaea county ot hajaea oolr entry sl 1st prise ebony ctodt talo tlh sod priae sut cap win f mill tea prl enter u rri- i mile foot bace atnauoi iaatrhu pan aur waur pittbarjattio prise mo jjrt foot bna pbafsasbmak sitct m psrsa fy dominion hoose 1st lf hdm hoyatd foot base smateor entiy toals mdstonebiftalos e40bjaroailot 10 yard foot baoe prolesalonal enter we phmbrbtatioahtrtal isttn4t itbjartfoceae amateur entry 13c 1st 3trrar bedatm 3k burar cap v 100 jart footltae bandsmen only in 1 1st axt jnd l vo eatranee te7 n aujtound ataletb oositi entrtai etontaronnids ting shot frlse drasatng pntovauiudjk kntey bat tluatad laat nluatf i bjyflaeaup tedjti ko entry faa ukuracaastooitararjtostartf iv ndid parir easillaht traakood asstuot tiiisai nnnvaua mane for low railway bjwant6inij a v m th stil f1 1 ik prlffuksn aaarm yaaalsta im as admlayh

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