kcc fc wa asha tea e vhiumexvnin0 10 thrttim jfrct ss m rrtuaaan evkuy tmhsday morxinq -sttm- trtf rrfstcmltluiicoffi uiu stkixt actox ont r pvr tor wi froeu rrwr ptrniniovott dollar ualiacee or twvntirgot oar elmper it not so paid if i hi lt i- i aliacr or vlthtn lum meat v ttr el lo wiiirh twtr subecrtptloa u paid ll 4ermj by ttodat pa he sddrms lab arvrafliivo 1utt transient adtertlce racau crut vr sotipril lla or ftnt in- wruin j ccnu pcrllo for each cubwqaeal i8rtion vvtstrr iutei the folknelag table stows rer rcrt in inrtuon ol fclrrititaurou lor tfxvlflal ponvli wiiirf iiose 1 me i 16 ko no sunol liflo goo tun ixa1 saco 11v itaj rcrj uo too mm tioo ski 100 llhoa trel4e directions w eharcd record- j i wiiul itrtl till tctwd i ia-t- trtruir ot ulrcrtlteaienu meet be paw aarirtlknjvni will fce cuafed once ch dnus if rttirti foe efeajxcaa otteaar than oe n3ti tie coaikjiluoa mud be paid tor it ntlj rlm ciimjlit for contract tircruwacati meal to in th ot ij ca oa tceklaya k p moose editor and rroririelor justness birrriorp v hknu i cm ofvol twvacmrutt uil a rrtyienea linxu afioa lt a mckkaoue m i i3 0r1cl t4 trinity cotlece member ot ctojtce rfrbrticiaa vd1 surgeoni ucvau rf kirl ivllef p rbytieun and stetccoca ijicl-trcii- os aad reaiifce dr lowrya ate reai- tieae l3 of krcvlcntk unt acton l l besxett lds dentist gtottoetowk oxttuo m clean a iclean lurriferasotlritor xcttne coateytjictn tt prrt fuciato lon 0ctotq hjl acton w a mcliuk jso a uclcxx j mowat bltti5tct soucttott noiart ivruc iloset to io4n orncx dittdedt tnd gttcrjij- orncr kisiiin tlloct acton opiulr e misabb cmilhtr cclixrrcn ktc f- li iuirccucu coiluj affcl fire and i aura iropcrty locrtlt tnd 4oil i io icir ca xhc uk5 frrv terms- jaiiowarsoffiee acton vii f j aigxican gkass hammocks i larcse i strong specirl ldw price -at- days bookstore 0lntario thursday september 8 18ff the tradws bank oroakada wis otriqit mioktd cirrrit artvaunii curitit lvtn it imt fltd nxtoaoo 1500000 auegph ibranoh corxklt or rttnaiu vko tnxc rrscktc b4tlot buu dptrtmat per era t ilioauai at tliud uiudnm dits ot doxlt to dxto ct ulidrtj or oota- pgaoted lull rtrlroa ut wir md kxb ko- tflaiber t dtpoclt beeoljiu iniej tar adrtce mdo to rot uatfblv ftnnen ktcrlibc ecdiuco lwacht tiid lam dnui lured myiblo it ill polnu ui iho vnvm katoi cad cca4d a ceaerc bcakloc btclaou truiucted a f jokes i i uult4rqulpbdnlaeb bank of montreal capital rest 12000000 6000000 a savings department hat twn opened in connection with this brunch lutrrctl altoneil tt ccrrrnt hatr jashfinlav ktnterr grclph btwntit w barber brbs paper makers georgetown ont met k srccultr or machine finfsfied book papers 1xd high crajit weekly sewn the pnper used ih thii jonrnil l irotn the above mills wm basber bros steel engravings irool kichicjri colprrd tictnir ricinw lioaldicct ivobt oae i pramesi silver gilt chilton wallbridged stone htrrfnert solldtort tt totosto lsd giotattont 03 crwltstfii block cfaorgetowd 3d trfcitn jtfctk cliibicj xaoe t toronto int05 rt t n wiixxkje btftoxr patents secured jl fob isvestiosb bexiiy gui5t fniii cisidi tetf t r prctic no titer no pit w hehstreet licrssed arcnoxrre o tiit colutt of weltinfiton and hilton trt- ut t tbe fce psi oisce acwn or it isy rrcideac ifl acton will tp rompuf t- leciito ttnsi rtocablj alaomsrry to iocs on the moct frorbi tro 1j at the lowest rate ol intereat in icot 4540 ad cpwirdi- john dat v architect gcclrhosrt orncc jxiiiaa btrt artists materials a nil tfocfc ol uinaor a- kcwtontt i dobblc tutc rowncv i 10c 6 llio dwp flbty france complete c 5 fkt comic tolc praia fittinpa c 0iir wail papers arc fad to be the tcil aalectcd in tiie waters bros established 177 st oeorqe s square gdxlph city new planing mil itd sith tnddoor ftftory plush parlor s uites solid walnut frames complete from 30 up p sprkcgs cualph all ready for school solid leather school boots from the best makers every pair warranted pr1c9s hicht leading boot it shoe stote w mclaren co cublph ont 5w tft past iliit ojoinatir put feiy ufa nth 1u old unto fetid utrou of joy bt idnicmod tut uffilit hftd oomk uck to cvc tfce my hrt vttlj fut tuit tuy lim r lutiod vinn aa4 lritfbt obi tboia utyicaboi afldui tdaaija aad th i mll bftl luhdm vinu tnd it 7 ta heert 1 iaftfirfd by larrowi afeb a ui wnuut twft 10 fir twajl i totmlol aaoror add mlm u 1icq uk 1 ocreat aa4 td 1 latnea vti- l part tea cbccoaq with lh ncy llcbt tfao fiir icolto brow ttjitetfl ulho it iaaxtl uiawu low hoadjoa lito tnoaaulat ctut uc by a burning low od la ibfl goldaa wt iooi4 down bf lovti yoaac rr ran uohaaehty frown 10 fir away i xfala ilttik in u10 1 of radlaot aya atmrufltjfocc to atmyldrialtfmti iipokaof lirofoca had ebanod tuy aotj and inj btcct frpus thtvc evo fa tb pcti aud frotu krrbwaad obi bapp paat ao ar away ndor ugfit mytpirftbawftl weetiy bright fair aad proad fiidtrlnf iimii haufurceari biauty tarauilt fell ca far away i ryid 1q diy uecrt ajboly aurlug and wroiia from ijio fcrdod of faticy lit tua fiowtrtj tfao wrca u lha wag wcr taln to my dcq no born rod glfu i brougbt all wo waxdrowti4 a liio uitgbty to of lore tbjuwepe 0 r my bart that day iaiq i thought ma fro i awoka frodi draam 1 aad oer my tout ci thowcoo wafch tay brooctit wa all iwcnt ueare thcti thoiuu aa ib stole oer tut beext ilut never job octet tbo bcaatifijl tat loj ufa to tboabt tit an cadlcaa talu toart in peaco bad llisl tb a fleotlnc ray will cotaotfaio toqm tlicr uilak oewilgi other aye will uoptj 1 trail ii far away lliobapiiy rt u inlno dreamt could tait iuoq mnjata to ablce bctrtc refrain eta and bannera cay fotn icaltt 10 far away pli ufr thcjvl when yojang ti t one rntdutting tlia city jnt to a bc t dcjeop drctmod of thereby fitti id thort forcirm aa iroj agr at be u season1891 f 3anxis sukan 5cctor to tp chiinxtz bookblvdkb sgtorei square guellbontario aco3at bski of til ttni niae to order penic ila of erery deacriptioncaref ally bound eclicrceatltacd proaiptljdone john cameron contractor eaa fltlod apthtf building on if tin street lately ooenptfsd aa a tronfc aciory with new machlpery aad u prfpared to f crnith plana cpsiflctioj and ecumat for all claaae of balldicca and eiecate ajl undiof drkssihg uatchlsg andvouldikg kixe all rmxa op sbe voon cud window tnd door frames and d retted lumber aod ket atoca 03 band all order prompt attended to john camxkoh mrie iiaklan barber shop ilillsrrertaeiox anenyiaare acjliibbxircataeoodaeiroain tarmhjitnticccliautpooalraraplrea uacora hozl aad pet in firctlim eoniitioa ldie children ffcalr tastily cct j b wordfiv toaacrial artitta actou lxxlge no 2ui fc i jests iatttfoddftuflwahall hiubbioci jt ererj fcadcdajr evtniaz- viaitiae bretb- fe ajwajf witue for copy of coaititation asd laws apjly to tbe undmicned or any of the cnbra wwnlmrs h h wokdek secretary salesmen wanted wast bcb tix veiling and local saletroen tortirreaeat the old wublubed fontbill vcraerua tialaky paid feom the 6takt to ujerta afncnced in oar liae liberal teroi to beciuntr nda penaanent aitoatiou ikirt te lave tch acrta nnder cultivation to3 tlnulionljnrstclaxastoct olint fbef1 hard j- trjttie for nortljeru ontario and kacf- tou a iircialitr we glakaktee ocb itock apply for trn at once we went jtw now fctone i wellington toronto 0n acton livery d bus like 17h1lk ret ami dc tbankato oar tuany pat v roni for their liberal catiportla thepiaat we wiab to inronn yoo that waharo eatansd latoaa arraccement with hstewart ouelnb to keep coartaotlf on hand a full ttoetlof the ordinary aire of sash doors etc and will alio tapply any special aisce on abort notice at guelpb price frames of all kinds made to order we alto teepln atocfc a hue of itace window and door caaicg corner blocta your umber drwed while yoa walt price 1 50 per h aire he had vigor would in vain la rain i it u my drcatai cay jtdtkjfanllbfitng nifjeeqt pi orearm frwlinfiton liter if the tugh ichooli la ymntriam ind uiera lit muiclrt ha little clio fatt re for which ha tu jig bimi df timchi could tliow as pretty metro to ux itwu th idmirxtim of tbjj joang men of biiict of a ropatei million he kid ho rcrpn to tappote thtt hii od a1 pllod into tctioa fport ind irnmc- rctidenco of laor broirnrille- yoanjr friend ho m one dy thowingj off he fill foreinn before finelybailt bun of tpecutor kith raj eye picked thtt which hli gae luight bat io front ett cue vgtdr ried tarn yoa mact pumps being better able than heretofore we will tapply either wood or iron pumps promptly all work cuaranteed caticfactory pleaae call ao4 i direct before pqrchxdnx auewbere titos ebb1ge hanarer the nudersicrjl rieetfuly aoliciu the natron ae of the public and inform them that well equipped and fityuah rigs ctn tl- wejb tw secored at hi table a comfortable baa caeeta all trains between 9 a m and fcl9 p- m careful attention bittn toerery order the want of commercial travel ler fully met john william wellington mutual hreirsiirmceicompuy eltabluhed 1m0 head office cuelph iatbrenaildinpuerchandiae uanofactoriee and all other deacriptiom of inaurabla property on tbe cach and premium note byttetn f w stoiie chas davidsoh pretident hxrufier j john taylor aoemt crindells ilachine repacr8iiop in addition to mccbineri repairinc 1 am now prepared to do horse stioeing general blacksmithlng in most utlifdtorr mftjiorr woospork re- pftr tjco mde crclul attcntioa given to all york broucnt in any mtrhlne or itnplsmtct irr yturmioerer mcnoflcrnred will bo rrpcirsd in cirorfc mtxi- like inxaner plov cod inccbinery rerjcrn concuutlr oa bend i hekht orihoell gymnuiara ratny t yeiri jl did not there sir power ot the wonder- the lidyi ftther- tiityive when the rry exprcuioa of tbe a moth beaver chair than wis oting and held it if him with the great- 519 upper wyndham street agents wanted in erery townthip to mil the pictorial cyclopedia of live stock aad complete stock dactor tut t3 tnl icoaiptfeutntfre wort netttald luftathortiid t tbo tretd miitr froiwaioa lai hreacoqtlndtarena illijz worth iu irelfitt in g6ld to nr obe uricg horvs ebctprstue swlno ronltrr u09 or litm a grsafl opportaaixf to arcka tzjey btccre trriwr oace addrefc enu0tek gaiter 12070sj st toronto hainiltou garble works hauilton block fomierly hitch bloekl tl- fore tomtrr of woolicbcnd norfolk tm johm hawiltom proprfator krti tti re delav dd direct importer iv all kled of grtsite tni jttrlle monumrou tooibttorioietc harloc aaiuulre rswria for rol u ran j mllic any rely on gectiog all toperior frucl t a cbuper rate ttian any other dealer la tt ii k 11 y k off en a direct order ro- rrt tor ilie net xi dar bell pianos the ko organs gold 5edal wtbe iwavilded fresh fine scotch sarrmas hewsprdla worsted sotting cvercoatinqtnewest colors in aetoatchment ave lid long practice ia a omaki inch a lift dr itr browi ville cl bcklcd it he pat down the chair ao i said i practiced my tymnacticit many and tn goc i old 6ewth ttreet snow here wa a gymnatinm aid ton tbe very beat tc rt of one replied mr brownville rith t nnkling eyes one of tlie best of hcolt- a chipt hold oh syea air i ships hold from wbicb on mioy a hot iroilini day i hoisted cask j heavy ones t i en tell yoa i bad a chance todjvelop my muscle in that capicity bat i can tssnre you i did not wark for thai parpc k i worked for the mimey 1 tom was inwan ly aghast bot be con trolled himself sq ai not to show it in his face ir biownvi e went onto ttatehow bo bad gradru illy a srked his way op to wealth finall beco ling a ship owner boon after ie ha 1 finished bis story laura browi villa nade her appearance and her father a i linute later left the room i laura was i beau iful girl and aa tom and the had ilwayi liked bach other it his thought that they would make a match of it it was not nore t mn a month after this visit to freeli igton t the brown ville man sion when tbiirccai ie a crash mr freelinjton om father a bo bad speculated inc antiot sly lost everything hi misfortunes t irew him into a brain fever and he ilied a few weeks later and thas poor ton wh bad been brought up with no trade or pre esion who had never before huparnfs itilure known wbat it wu to feel th i want of caih to do what he liked with saidenl found himself adrift with no mean i of c pport i now ob p low is the timetoshow yoa are his fr end cried laura brownville throwing ben elf 01 her fathers breast fweliugton ilarcd liaughllly at the ipeaker it to continued ho quaker i can got ii fotjlhoe ai i etriploy hands term reflected us thought ot mr brownville and he trua manliqess of bit nature iprang up within him i wilt work my way up i ha mentally oiolalmed down with foolish 1 then ha frankly said a he quaker that he would bo glad to do anything- he was soon baiy hoisting on be rope with lha others wsget wo dollar a day it was vary hard work but tom was a strong follow day after day holeadily lolled an the toceacm becaraq yet larror and so did he breast and the ihoalder one day at ho ws tolling a cask acrosr the itreot a stylish young lady whom lii bis ptosmrtma days ne had occasionally eacorled to iho opera passed along fiiesidis- walk arid saw him ha raised hit old far- covered cap to her bat she bestowed upon him a cold haughty stare and moved oa torawaa amused for a moment ho was ao full of laughter that lie could scarce ly path at the cask meanwhile small at were his wage ho found to iila surprise hat ho could save little moneyi this when ho had enoagh bo lnvcttod in united butes bondi on sundays he aoraotlmea visited hli friends the bcownvilles they treated htm at cordially aa ever ue even fancied tiat laaraa welcome waa warmer than before hit father fallcd ho had informed them of ibit present business and mr brownville had said with a chuckle of the most intense talis faction it will make a man of yoa keep oa working oh papa dont let him toil aa iiard said laura one day to her father and till as before he replied wait awhile ifo has a magnificent farearm ho tom worked on aa toon potsibts be returnedthe cash ho borrowed of bit acquaintance two year passed when there was a change for tho better in toms prospects the quaker taring discovered that lie could write a good hand and cast op ac wants rapidly made him nia entry clerk by this lime tom had saved a thousand dollars and now gradually thtt mm kept twelling at last when he had five thousand he proposed to laura bbe acknowledged she loved him but ss he folded her to his breast the door opened and in came hr brownnllo hah he eretalrned as theyoarig lady roty wfth blushes sprang up i think i understand yea dfi ttammcred tom i bopo yoa will consent ahem i firtt let mo see that magnifi cent foreami said iho old gentleman tom promptly displayed it humph its big enoagh now to protect her yoa can have her the happy lover poarod forth hitthankt theres something else yoa shall have after your wedding continued lauras parent a partnership in tho warehouse for wbicb yoa have been working how cried tom in astonishment ur brownville then informed him that tbe warehouse was a branch establishment pi bis own and that the quaker waa aae of his agents t hooght i would give yoa a trial my boy added his old friend foe t knew yoa wanted my daughter and i was de termined to see if yoa bad the right sort of spirit in yoa for a sonialaw of mine the quaker waa sent by me to propose to yoa that work of hoisting casks his re- ports of yoa have been very good aad as i heartily approve of year conduct yoa are welcome to ray laura j and thus tom at last earned the reward of hard unremitting toll and ptjeseveranoe in time be became a prosperous merchant f loving rtmlnli i ne drhousehaaliog hu ooma if i rauken your present residence you refc at if yoq bars not yoogrota in spirit k id think yoa weuld hart put op with bald paiot aad ijoublfol plamblngiad yoa- real sad what boosehuntlng i that uideaatt boaset pit york habil of lolling occupied fq he way of making a correct estiuitjof your ulute dwslling aa the a muddle iiii it calls ui blush io bit cheek o modesty to go flog into other peoples pantries ing he mytterfts bhind portieres no yoa feel iii at ease where jd rolaotaiit to let yoa in tod so yoa go i bat anlew yoa are in- iad persistenl yoa will be greatly aud offer weirs mouths for be- for oue hoar r t a general llijcir pda sad la i a rooat dc to that yea cannot ky njyilerfoaily lost the oat ocsome oue is ill yoa only it thatoom looks like after you moved in auooh i themor there are ibliigs yoa dare not ooatemplfte yoa know bat horrible old tofa wil m the moat ooniptoious article on the oomirtf wsgon and how a ilupid helper will arnstga year worst furniture oq h pavemowiong before it u wiuled for all the worii xo tee yoa bought yoa had good hints enoagh bat moving day brings yoa o li conclusion ithatjyoa have not a decent srflole in thtiworla unless yoa are like lira flutter over the way who goat to a hot lnd fends in professional morsrs with vsi aj tint was las may day how yoa eari t hef 1 but yoa did not eavy iie people a kumbet almpiteveiytblug wastmi ibed including he cbildreo knd he lady at the house kept looking out of an apper w apow ad calllug lo her huabaad who sloe i wktitlmg tones from the operas woo t yoa see toj lilim john 1 wherea rt jlofatt wsuldi answer yes yes dea and cry out lo the uunluokiest helper 1 say bo catef ui there i which general retailed la disaster bat really when lb ibaby ran away yoa felt to much lyrupatt j far the fsmily that yoa stepped orertoi i aire jutt knows arrived hat be chid res at the tatiohhouse eating bread ai 1 rnoltcee and very happy that 1 1 bachelor who had apartments on the o aer did not lake much trouble over bis 1 itltng by tbe way he rang for a meste g ir boy t noon j at least tbe boy came a x went j shortly be reappeared with at t ol into his he bachelor pat most of i ie portable property in a heap the boy p lied he barrel down tbesreet and he u llowei with j violin under ooe arm a 1 1 lill telescope anderl the other and a patent coffee pot twinging la his hand little li n msy a maidsa lady of leveaty did not i cjve a that fathion whenever yoa tool i d oat 6f ha window yoa taw her oonveyii iowa he street a pincushion a ttadent 1 li p a handful of idles a catch all and i her trnalx ornamental articles four m u t nreyed away aa upright piano two bo n ook ber rockltigchairi finally a carru f i ame in which tha placed her bicdeaie er parrot cage her squirrel cage her pet p k die her pet monkey ber eat and kittens a t four white mice and in com pany w i t hlsj menagerie waa driven away healfyjl a person who doesnt move itisralher amusing o peep out of an upper windo sjnp watch the others do it tquirrtl ihfioki corner bjde tsbe cetfts r i f ijia j- a ilttle plain truth wodari- helps herself i the may oipirienced mtlrorj wat there ever atjraerkord altered 7 kothet wise tdsge says fqod helps hose who- help thmtelvsj bat- men donl a woman who gcjss stout holding her bands like paws lo keep them white who tl the appearance of a mpuio fa the ad is afraid o her abdowwili be who much will thljk ber reueale or parasol too forjher io carry but f 70a refrain from being baby enoagh to alk for help where tbe burden it possible you may carry your own ssratoga trunk down stain with oat any win of them all offering to- catch bold of j be other end u be wi ling to ruaout alone in the twi light ft dyoa mty escort yoartelf at mid night it it only jioo and youre not afraid because yod dont shriek if a rldtculoi s dandy tayt sweet girl i as he paites 3 oa tre tupposecl to bars no dread of a dru iken tramp or a miduigbt burlier bebravitnd ieniibjejnd glad lo help others md well yoa wont get toted oh i goo old soalherti foti bow expees- tif hit i youwont get toled about by any mat related to yoa yoa ire suppos ed ip be impervious to rain ioetpable of fitigue nd to need nothing in tbe way of comfort i v there ire families where one sitter who has ptoj etly curled up tier bands in time it t ipptx ed y her muionllad relatives to- used dii moods tnd real isce while not one ot tt em ins the ieut idea hat the other ill er wants area ihoes add pocket heodkert bfefi because the has forboma to cryfor i lent whcnhe family eionequer hat beec low- boor policy that i sdviief all womi n to curl up tbetr hands and be moan ihsmtelvea if they want nice dry goods si d coniideration and escort duty froni their own family j i have preached to wot ien to be hejpful and self- ellant i know 1 wont lake it back i at remeuber tlt a woman who helps he- self ma ai i tbe mea from yoair gn ndfather loyoirgrandjon your ipoote it eluded villiaon leach yoa that a worat 1 who reognl the fact that the hat daea to olhsrflefcy think that how to keep boarders jamaica international exhibition 1891 i in ooiijpeutiod with american iennanenciub and canadian manufactarera opeped tpday choioe kew lines in fine kngutlt hats in fedoras and all newest shapes to be sedd at close prices special drives in hats betneinler our paraoua 4 paats ta order lyi aceanwhileftorn fob bale on hoqtlily or quarterly rtyuioils c v w kellys music atoac r c lerwer wyndhtm ctroet auelpu tele- 1000- ire s m cook co geoeoetowh ltseni6d auctioneersj apprsisers vtlti- aurs couecton seal estate and general lsjl agent roa tbe cotbrrrxs of halfon peel wellington stnicpe yor an onlarlo uji vlo loan frorp tl op at ifi per cent ianles placlog timjr mc ir asiia batinm in oar ijtod will vticsauevrorortlratteadil touaoderal uacrgee i orrsr akd katea kdatjlflll 6caotre- teascworrif cu qcmo st east toroato s m cook 4 x aturuosuwrs georajstown sod toronto- tlkwes brojsn uxrcricrcjuac un ornr11 ur lomticr lata shingles coal and wood acton saw mills coal ucd wood vixds j pasmanabla clotfiler 89 upper wyndham st qaetph of toms misfortune id to brownwlle e to death i aura soon after tbej heard wait awlile with twinklin eyesj but he wi 1 star ho has ha 3ds i bat batbat he has t ngtlr oo my child i can not forget th t mi gnificent forearm of bis and the old gentleman chuckled pitiless oue of the most common employments of women islbekeepingof boarders some make a success of it and soma do not for vanoas reasons la order to keep yoar boarders yoa ihoum treat them well and at the same fioie aroid puttiug yourself io debt foe unnecessary expenditures lean- not remember the time when we did not take in boarders after coming to us they generally remained uutil such lime aa they make homes of theirown perhaps it might interest tome to know how we treat them to begin with tl regards inealt have your breidt meats butter aud coffee of the first quality and if yoa mutt prac tice economy let it be on tome of the fancy hit dishes and not ou any of the staple foods do not salt pepper or season id any way the various dithes at all have not taatea alike and it it best fpr every one totuit himself in ibeee matters always serve ail meals on individual plates si thii allows late comers to have iheir meals warm and saves much grumbling it is best to use iudividuel sets for many other reasons which will be obvious id thsbosrd- inghpusa keeper show no partiality among yoar guests and strive at far aa possible to cater to in dividual tastes vary the meals ss much as possible remembering that though tome disb may be good cooked ocoatioutjly it loses its charm by beingtoo often repeated- let each border have a permanent seat at the table aud make- no changes when new ones arrive but arrange a new seat for them great offence it sometimes cauiedby changing the position of chairs at the table let each ono have and hold an tccustomed seat and take op yoar ihaiis of tha load and walked 0 t with it all yo 1 will get being a woman it yoar town s iprovsl sad thst of the an ols the lady 1 ngels thst the by infirmiog sbem lead others to perform their duties her it s not sei they soon begin think they have none will to to if you are brave matches and pins i j boborm jgc s6pkvc l knerc a deep philoaoplier wl s far too rfis 0 1 arfslc v that bubbling bract r wuhcnlile tbe botiler- out bobolink 1 k drunk is bo iui wljaoljoy loraasic mad wita mirth his tipsy carols ot soaleut rcjatcnate ins oarih we ffil the orient lpr of ufd rili jwblol- out ioridbgaa i n m tis autriaier la tbo earth sn alrjanll in the uoert of man- i from what deep coont of having ioydobls ciad minstrel drink this bubbling brocir blathen kite this beffter- out bobolink t freatrouuded spnlebloiara nps vborfl vld boot browse snd bloom fromligor illy breakers sad from chalices c bloom 1 fromitrawlwrry goblets flllee vith dew tbe mceaae ol he olgbt i caught from tha fkyi larertol aru arabousd wttli itarrr ligbt jt forth frota bis blotsuni bed be leapsj sodv isogbfngly and strong j allupacddawiitho rlmttog earth he wearfcs bis f- wrfoociong i- and preaches baldly tp tbo lad lie folly of d- srjair j v j and toll to ytiotn it any concern that all the iorld ft fair j i and to my heart his jrisdemnkdt a turer wel- earaahbaio than some tbat his bjeca lanrtionod by tbe lagcs of old eorae j that bubbling brcer brithanklle the liolster- oat bobolink j it such a deep philosopher hes for toowiac 00 ihlnt i i v liiafil ri 1 u thlok f ifojct truthful hannah ihtvajuit heard suchafailny iloryicfa 1 conscieqtioatlady o this city bad hired a hewgirl and was posting ber in her domestic datiet j n kaw hannah when i do not with to 1 t 1 sea any one that cilli i expect yoa to say kot at home tsid the model miitrees i bat wodldntthatj beale mtarn askei ihannab t kflt at all it means xot at home 10 you which is quite different from laying that l xraout do via uudetstand v yesrn laid hannah i think i whsttoa are driving ut she foau had an opportunity 1 1 put jher new learning into praetice a lady auled- mistress didjnot wisbt to tee andjthe girl met her with the very bearing and trout ol truth aa the taid nat it home to yoa mavm detroit frarjiu- tiarvi riatas of invent buckles fcefo first made in 1080 braridy frat first made in france ia 1310 the irit iiorse railrooet wag built in 1820 choi til is duoovered by lioiig in 1831 lam mt k was invented by mini in isu i i wat r p jes of load were first made li30 jig envelope the bw r-183j- j coaljwia 13 the ire 1817 j tho piaorf 1711 quickdlvlr was first used in the arts in iuq 1 was first used in kh uied in england as fuel in ipodd was invented by drslis in wms invented by cbristofali in telecopcero first made by jensen in th 1530 the tlectfetype was 1s37 barojnetaa were invented by toraicelli ig roller skates were inyented by plymp- oniri iron inl817t bora 3shelis were first made in holland inlt95 cool lni82g steel in i5lo anenioiiietersvete invented by woflcrs inl700j the ie workof spencer jpavcmehtt were first laid in london ill was first used as an illumidant f needles were first made in england mafcb c and pins oeint smong the most oominon things in daily ate it it seldom bat any thought la bestowed upon them matches flat are ignited by notion were firtt mad rin 1s23 before which ime they 1 i i were naai e to catch fire from aiparkitruck from fliitor tleel a verr inconvenient melhotl ic it hard to lay bow many millions oftriatches ue msde in a day but when the number of people that use them is reckoderl the total turn ia sppalling hrooably ra the ciy of kew york alone twenty 11 illions of mstohes are osed every every twnfyfoor hoar batnjatches are- tach little things that nobody ever aeemi to think i of them from an ordinary throeinch plank 186000 matches may be made yetj even at tbat rate tbe lumber useei in tbe match business attains enor mous proportions pins are mentioned as far back as 1453 bat not until the beginning of this century were hey manafactared by machinery the old way of making each pin by hand j must haxe been very tedidosl and it is not likely that people were so careless with them then as they were much mare expen sive thaanaw 1 has often been wonder ed what become ot the pins tbat are lost bat it is bard fo say there are fourteen distinct operations ia making a pin and iota of trouble attached to the process pin ere made of- brass and then tinned tod blanched and millions of thecrj are maaafactued daily as a pm can be used more lhatj oace the namber used does not- equsl that otmatches hat still miles upon miles of wire are ued aunually in their manufacttfre like matches they are little things and sot thought much of bnt when yoa ueed a pin or a match and there frt none to be found then yoa realize what an important part they play ia ditly life bill nye on country roads j rrr i 1 i am pitrotio i had almost laid to a degree 1 thot away to solid boors of are- workshere ibis year did it too where tbe celebration of the fourth of july has so long remained unobserved that the beat bird dogs hers tried this year to retrieve tbe cannon crackers and looked horough- ly ashamed when- they thought tiiey ed flushedfa tbteepoandrockearia yei i- say that patriotic add enterprising as we sre in other things in edaeation for jin stance andjthe ambition to eight more churches than we in each village together with other real evidencesot advancerfienf we have got lis worst country roads bat bavo been permit fed since the days when the earth was a vast hot tteamiog half of mad fit oaly far a mighty lizard farm i j af have abbot cn bqppbr onaof thergmiieat ilrociblea ol the r dt nary firmer if that be depends too large ly on memory alone foe all the information he coeds in lis baauieaa li7 al money maxing job ir kicefellow ajiho6a do ray lit tie man been helping your sister i snp- pose 6he told me she would be basy for little hiltf withom household daies little ilaa rep x tried to herp hot i vnsnt much nse t t boppose not j kaphe wntedn3etocarry8omfl water bat i coaldat carry mach it a timeand it ukes e io to get ink oat of carpet es pecially red ink j red ink v i j j ipj sis always writes her letters ho mr armheart in red ink he 8ays-itrc- raiadsihim of the way she blashes whea he kisses ier is t ijaper money vrai ffho had oaly himself cod a4 wood ajwara fa atocfc tad promptly dellrerad to any part of tbetowaat reaaonabla price hardwood aad slab cat store laogth always joahajid frank burgess house painter paper hanger sign wnter etc is preparttxto execute orders la any of ths above lines ut tbe best manner and at reasonable terms xverr lob hatingmr personal etteation i eaa assora sattooen oompleu kruslsctioa orsinlnr 0 all woods a ipeclaltr orders lalt at my residence main st aotoa will rteeive prompt atteotton job piintere tslpvewoidmaiitoton lkcluductjiooka pajnpbuu rosters bill i beads circulars at ate axecnted lu the bt style ouio art at tooosral pries aad 01 short notice apply erf address h p mooee 1 fcajsiwliolbce acton an old doakei jviio had also hocn witching he oib ra saddenly looked at tom and iinjulred if de wanted work u who are- rich rst almanac was printed in hon gary in 1x7 the urst american madej in j74v tho g atiog gun was he workof gatling 18gl j ji the thermometer was tho invention of aallleo jtf9f stemwinding watches ivere invented of noel 18jp 1 first mado by machinery by s discovered in the thirteenth were firtt described b gin was tho work of eli white to tapport h pod h 1 might obtain a clerk- tfaip somewht re itt birty or forty dollars a weak by t ie mist rigid economy be might he fan ed 1 take that lum do but clerks ips i e found were not so easy foobtaii vs nly be wandered aboat looking for a ituit a of this tort months lit pais d his garments were becoming see ly hi could procure no em ployment of ie kic 1 bat soiled hit aitid- ioas taste his last do lar 1 11 that remained of a small sum he had 1 aooeeded in borrowing from an aoqo lirjui ce was gone pisoonsolai e ao gloomy be stood near peck blip iox kipg a lb river and almost withing ho v t at he bottom of it pome long faorei ien were unloading a ship by he wharf they ware fine mus cular fellows and their volcesf rang oat cheerily as t ley i aiitad casks from the the man with good firm health it rich bo it the man with a clear conscience so it the parent of vigorous happy children so is the editor of a good paper villi a big subscription lilt so it ths pastor whose coat the children pluck aa be passes hem iu their play j so is the wife who hss iho whole heart of a good huibtnd so is the maiden whose horizon it not bounded by be coming man out who hats purpose in life whether she ever meets him or not sols be yoaog man who laying hit hand an bit heart oan ear i have treated every woman i ever met as i ihoald wish my litter treated by other men so it the little child who goes lo ileop with a tmils on its lips and for whose wak ing a blessing waits 1 a fish caught his toe hoods saras parilla ia an hebest medicine honestly advertised for boss disesaei whioh if iwueitly and absolutely oures uell in 8hor pitmadj ients first appeared in netvsj- s3 fire engine wag the work at 0 itiing machine was invented b hoolen ih 1770 the rt volving pistof was tbe invention at coltln 838 i divinj belk were inyented by a datcb mariner the fi st flatter cast was made by yef rocbio 1 17f bayoi ot were first made at bayonne in france 16t engli h books were first printed by ca on in 1 j7fj comihiers were ire invention of ehiji coveredicarriages were firpt rgland in lok plcnlc proverbs the quiet girl doesnt da any waltzing until she jgets en ant for abdrtner if yoamake the kid carry tha basket yoa cant blame him for lightening it on the wey j i tbef girl who imbibed nothing stronger than lemonade is always he one to see makes i yoa are always out in the boat when the shower comes on the falter the girl the moreawingingshe can standi if yoaxigirl wants some cherries doat climb the tree in yoar best clothes its more economical to follow ths example of tbe immortal george and cot it jlown a girl cstn set oat the picnic luncheon in lach a way that a man can- never find any thing butpe custard pie- the sajkll boy is never sorry for having- stolen the luncheon unless he gets hungry on the way home 1 amongjthe pionic jonahs may be men tioned the kid who falls overboard the man who loses his hat the girl who gets seasick andlast boi not least the chump who sits in the pi the man who keeps awake all night thinking of the nice time heis going to have at the picnic he next day if apt to over sleep and arrive at the wharf just aa the t has got under weigh- a most lingular accident betel ajltf moore on tbe fourtrj ut eagle lake moore with a party of several others went into the camp on ibe evening of tbe 3rd on ths morning of the tttsj lloore with jhit sshrngj pole waded oatloa loeon the lake where lie sa down he waa barefooted wliilejmoviuti his left foot toaiid ripinthe water large nsh supposed fa be a bltck boss made a sudden iuag4 audvgrbbedihe toe in his mouth siukin the teetli into irhe flesh 16 the bone itooreirolieiopt the tog into the water which was waist deep jhe r the shore tire bass still clinging to the toe in shallow water lloore gitlrered tbesrhjaudpriedopeatiieinaatlr rhetubes- capingj iuio the lake the- toe it io badly iaceraied that sfoore is oaable to walk and the member will probably hme to be am- putated st louis 7fcoezei7ipcnzf j y m l the cllentto havej my client barker is he kind of ainan i admire slid brief- he told ma he was willing to spend teri thousand dollars to recover one hundred dollarshe had been f dofranded of j j t j j what adrice4id yoa him 1 j i told him to gonhead that i was with him in all matters ihvplvuig aprinqple of thatsprf i m ney in ifiljs used in the i berg in the jht oastiron iron wire was drawn at uureqi- low was made fy nawbolnsit id writing waa the invention 1837 jbrotherly ktndnesa a london paper lays bat a joodk man hoda yonngsiiterby the name of jessie who was sent to a fashionable boarding sohool i when the wetit away he remark- d that he rropedihe wouldnt acquire any ot the affectation so often learned in inch places jfor almost a year he bad no fault to find upon this score then came a letter signed jessies instead ot jessie he replied st follows fdttii 8 utter jassta your wulcome letter received mammies and papaicaarc wall aunt maryfcaand uncle georgica jtarteifnr glasgowica yesterday i have bought a new horse yoa ought to see it tt is a beauty its name ia maudica yojur affectionate brother siinci her nex letter was signed jessie the marine law having been pronounced a deadletter why dont they send it io washington with ths test v i an expensive youth scadds pere hoi thii lover- ot youis any fortune 1 amy scadds xopajbat he has good- expectations of what nature t- he expects to marr5my fathers daughter j the beajity standard the standard of female iovliness varies greatly in different countries and with in- dividual tastes some prefer the plump aad baxom type some admire the slender a and syluhiikersnd some the tall and queen iy maiden biit among all people- 6t the caacaeiaa race one point ol beauty is always admired a pure clear and spotless i complexion whether the female be orths blonde bkoettebr hazeleyepmype this first gress requisite ot loveliness ican be assured only by a flare state ot the hood active liver good appetite and digestion sll ot which axe secured by the nae of dr pierces golden medical discovery it is guaranteed to accomplish ll is claimed foriti or money refunded it ybri would have a clear lovely cbmplexibn free from eruptions moth patches spots and tf m urn bleniisbes use the golden medical diaoov