kbe jtctott jfm jiress thtlrsnarskwrkitberr tfiot ljc cuttg jfolks tearv x tinxe errr dai uulttutmttcur tlwmlet 1 sttvtiilt cj ti rirwi sot kuc jftin it mlnuto billovf oorj davtrvl t tbrpo ufe to tntdc r ttqclit yttonu fh and tcnrfiln work inj utr so it nifty ith ctoctt toftt irn ilttje cmy dtj- tirf eu muekicohttt tn o riia compote the thovt sntid mike uiftyiocmlcuuc i ait4 laminates mike ihhean lt autn then kh4 cctch uwtt a iby itu oa lb way acd ilh tiawttrueuitor 1ht little ctrydr- lt ui rd tooie rikle pftstepe cell ft vtrw frtita crery c rr une and their ft tcotroc titilit the loojy tin of at ouf otl ot t y u vftrtide while the nimhlne tniktnc bfty then n my ivbejpot ttadr lfcro ftlltut every dftj notes here and there tame of qanaret interest to press reader j tat u good perhaps bat it jat u good u ps tataiv it that not very high reoommendi dim tor the oricintlsitd beat ooro caret pit lints painless cora extractor refused accept u ot the dangerous tort product sab- stitates offered by greedy dealers vh larcer profit lad disregard tho interests of oootatturt sift paialeec certain fr children buoj- iht lmtit lint stntlt mtloo and tooth fag effects otsrranot firhwhsa l 1 otiixiitvt indiltbi father or mother beootllve or bflioat tb raoit gnllfylns milt follow lit aw to lht iv it tta bait family remedy known and awry family should have a bottle the london jvcirepa calls ihiuforceaot el mahdl tout ot th desert j ui england is beginning to tatpect list the it wetting too much tweetneu oa ibest desert heirs ihtpi ii pair vaetro l lodon a point for vott political proverb there never a thort crop of poltiticka joot lok a bomthtcn vote in the month pttriott for monry ought to be in tbe prtiitnihirv ex bctirixt the fmi nd the forora choo the firm a tutetnun lht tu pore oacbt oerer to he out ovi fe an uncel in pollitfcti will ihed luvidci after the first otmpsjie hooortble before tome meni ntmei oot kno irhtt it ii thtr fer a potititbtn that tin lie and wont il kept party binv eiercirin hi ability the ihrewd pollitithan watches hii riendt u cloee ai he doe hit enemies me men that u in favor ot paper money will vote for tilver and ute their pay in jol and vity veny a st loaia wtahiog machine it tntenb d pat applied tor thit rather ladl- catea that bridget la anablato ran it alone it it wona than midnett to neclect a ooaeh or cold which it ctttly tabdacd if talcetrin time beoomw when left to iuett the forcronaer of concatnpuoo and pre mttare death dfiammatioq whea it at ucaa the tfeliette ttttae ot the laac and bronchial tabea travelt with perilon rapid ity then do not delay cet a buttle of bicklet aruicontimptive biyrop the medicine that kraipa thit formidable toe ot the homati body and drivet it from the tyttem thle medicice promotea a free and eaty expectoration aabdaea the coofili healt the dittd patti and exertt a most wtiadefal iafiaence in curing coasamptioa and other diteatee of the throat and langt if parenta wikh to tave the livct of their children and themtelvea from math ant- jety trouble and expenae let them procure a bottle ot qicklee anticoncqmfttfve syrap and whenever a child hat taken cold hat a coogh or hoaneueaa rive the syrap aeoordin to directtoat in view of whahoodt bartiptrllla baa dona focolhert la lunot reatonable to nip- pota thit it will be of benefit to yoa t for scrofula salt rheam and ait other diteu- of the blood foe djipeptlt iodljeation sick qeadache lou of appetite that tired feeling catarrh ifaltrit rhetma tltm hcodt struparilla it au naeqaalied remedy hooda pilit euro tlok headache sallow andletdeuhttedoompleiionttooa give pi tie to the loveliett plakandwhlte whea this mo of ayect sinaparilla it per- tilted in and cotmetioc entlraljr abandoned nothinc can counterfeit the roty glow ot perfect health which bletm thota who ata thit medicine how a woman flxea a date pid yon erer notloe the catioai differ- encij in the cexet which ii ahown in the way a man or a woman fixe a data t re marked a rentlemtn to a lady the other day voo axk a man when toch and roeh a thing happened and he alwaya antwera iti tne year as and or aboat 1800 and omething bot the woman invariably atyt aboat ao many yeaxa ago or it was to many yeaxa after i wat married orthe year after teddie was born and ao on- yee replied tit companion i have cotjoed it in mytelf i feel that i am get ting like- the western widow who dated all her farming operation from or j before the year i planted jim which was her rtahe- tio way of referring to her hoshtnja lrial peal manly fin and ii i i kotihtrn i southern s3 fpa sapt 15 to 14 adoitrlal btpotjtlon toronto sept i fonlrtal six petition uonlreal sept is eilealty n eope welletlty sept mlo 81 nlral ontlpli sepumber m to 21 intra deo if vt ilty bepl 1q and 21 nth ore durl am sapumbar 2t and walke mplon september 27 oa september 27 o oh w co will jron htadtha farnn tst ligkil petliapi o the tart approaoh ot hat more lerriblt ditaut ooniamphon atk your lelraik toa can tsord for the take of laving wo to run the rltk and do nothing for it wa know from eiperionoe that bhlloha can will oars your ooogh it ntvet kilt mr smith w uci farvenn who hu been elling him about htr new hoqte i luppote yoa will hart dombwaitera a the hoam v mrt pno i ihaut i had a deaf cook oace and i rawed then never to have another ottppled aerraoi brent ird sept 17 to w otth far h sir ford sept 29 and 80 olre w lllngtoi eiora october 0 and sorth btt m pot elgin sept 22 and noble spelling eany a man has been sorry that he erer pat himself into the power ot patent medi- doev a recent example it famished by a member of the bcitiah nobility the doke of oat of feelings ot grstitade wjt may astame gars a testi monial to the proprietor of a patent core for adoring and they nstraiiy enoagb circalated a lithographed copy of the letter by way of advertisement the reaaltia that everybody u asking where the sake went to school and the dote ire are told recogniiing the fact that the word effcaociooa had astracge krv in print has vowed sever to pen another testimonial withoat a dictionarr at hit elbow little gladys and the angela it was at the time when archery was faahiocableand a large company was in vited to a trial of skill the gentleman had grown tired of shooting at the targets and began to send their arrows into the air otcoarae many were sent nigh enough to dissppear from tight no one noticed that little dtsdys the baby ot the boose seemed frightened n the watched the archen un til ifr clark after a partieolarly hriliiant ahot felt a tag at hie coat tails and a piti ful little voioe cried ob please dont mr clark lont do so soy more yonl hit the sngela im care yoa will british papers state hat an engineer living in glasgow has lately completed after nine years experimenting a device for tteam engines bywhfcb all steam it re turned back to the boiler after doing its work in the cylindera in several cases it is raid be hasjostalled this engine and it it at kork with extraordinary results in one- cast in a textile factory the engine with his device it doing as much work with one too of coal aa it formerly did with ten torn the problecn of how to makecseof the vast amoant of steam everywhere blown off into the air sfter do ing certain work has long occupied engin eers and its thorough solution would be worth many millioni of dollars in many weyt whw btby was akk we pars her otstarta warn too vl a chiu tlm crioi or cakohl ktal ahe tiae wa tbe chrae to outortc wten she bad cuklrcs too jara taexa castorla it ifi said the bee can draw forty times the weight ot its own body and after too hare teen a bee lift a hundred and titty pound man off his feel you will believe il illghnt award at the universal cookery and food ei- hibition held in london and opened by the lord mayor may 3rd 1s32 ifescrs w 0 dunn co of croydon london and hamilton canada obtained the highest award for baking iowder pure cod liver oil combined with wild cherry and hypophotphite renders i mil- burnt emslsion the best on the market a detroit saloon is named the hospit- al perhaps this is ont ot respect to its alea and whines ehy on tula i dont put much faith in proverbs stid brown ta jones for inttsneev look at th oftquoted one a friend in need it a friend indeed now mott ot my experience with friends in need has been that they wanted to borrow give me the friend that it not in need local option thit term should be applied to the choice every intelligent person hsa between bur dock blood bitters the natural and oar- tain remedy for dytpeptia hilloutnew ooo- ttipation headache and bad blood and the varioas imitations offered by untcrup- ulout parties as being jnet ta good there it nothing else at good as b b b it it an hoaest medietas and hssmade re- markable eoree right in oar town give holloxayt corn cure a trial it moved ten corns from oae pair of feet with out any pain what it lias done once it will do again ilmott ftw hi nbarg sept 20 and 10 salt han a brai isle oct t and 7 orthwetjern go lerlch sept 28 lo 80 looktoo worlds alr koolton oct 11 and 12 palmerttoa hor caltartl ptlmertloo sept 20 andj 27 acton union at miltoo at booth waterloo 1 1 sit oot4 and 7 i inlil not o rreeloac on fawlert alwtyt give we think it preclaat as miltoo itatfo several extraoi a very ipld oh i want inning widow ctoa oct tand 5 oct g and 7 seasons we have reded of wild strawberry for alt lummer com ltalnta a ttw doses relief tc i it never fallt to care ralaabls medicine as mnt f o wreatn font hill ont meurt northrop 6c lyman art the pro prietors of dr thomtt eoleclrfo oil is now being sold in fmmioie qatnlttlei hroaghoat he dominion it is welcomed by the tafferfag invalid everywhere with emotlooi of delight becium it bahlthei pain and givea initant relief thii vala- abta ipeotlo for almost every ill that flesh it heir to a valued by the infferar u more precioas than gold it is her elixir of tjfe to many a- waited frame if yoa have not purchased a bottle do so at ouce and keep it ready for an emergency its chesp- nett is cents per bottle placet it within the reach of all to the farmer it it in- ditpeniibie and itihouldbaia every house aint yon almost boiled t inquired a lillle girl ot a gentleman vliitlng her father and mother no little one i cant tar that i am why do yoa atk daisy t oh because i heard mamma tay year wife al ways kept yoa in hot water i my sec ad hatband tald a t be like a moautala r may have its mmmit a noaataiayottkno co ertd with mow frhite it it at warm ss tammerat itafoot r of l toibanda ma with cool head and wirm feetj model ti tst foe sparka the follow- tag toast wi s propoi id at a firemens din ner and wit recctn i with great applause the tdt heir eyec kindle he only flame ageinit which there isuoiaiurtoee coxsubtnos curtu gestiekcx we have sis children and have relied oo dr fowlers extract of wild strawberry for the past twelve years in all case ot diarrhea and tammer com plaints and it never fails to care mas asia allcs hsrley ont canada it being congratalated everywhere on the excellences of her manufactures art stained glass is prominently in the front rank ot her improvements thanks to if ccaaalaod son of toronto who for fo years have labored not only to accumu late money bat to make stained and orna mental glass of all kinds a credit to the dominion jfatnma dining oat it unt polite bobby to smack your lips when eating too never do lost at home bobby cause we never hare anything worth annexing oorlips over all mieacles do sot occle at i iukiltok tho whole own of glamis ont knows of a care by the application of min ards llkiifekt to a partially paralyzed irm that equals anything that has transpired at hamilton k w himivik ur john anderson graatmere ont writes the vegetable discovery yoa sent me u til gone snd i em glad to say that it his greatly benefited those who hive used it one man in particular says it baa made him a new man and he cannot tay too mach for its cleansing and curative qualities the meanest yet as mean a thing as weve noticed lately is the following from the glean herald it it aaid that a certain bradford lady whosa hatband got into the habit of coming home tipsy at night resolved to try fright on him for a core she dressed np in satanic mssreerade and met him in tbe moonlight come to me i am tbe devil she said in lonkpolchral tones s that i so he replied bhakejold boy m yer r brotherinlaw i married youresier the wlngs of love jarvitttreet lady what is tbe matter bridget why are yon going to leave bridget bare sxtm oar policeman bis been appointed to another district excellent reasons eft wby dr thomas ecleetric oil thoald be used by persons troabledjkitb affections of the throat or lungtsoret spon the skin rheumatic pain eornt jraniom or external injuries the reasons are that uia speedy pure and on objectionable whether taken internally or applied outwardly k k atttts ihqeraak l t mmtk pmststroist c p t ft ofllsrrtpromo ont it may be the cold weather or it may be because of tbe kibilitts thst tbe cxar spends o little time st the seaside nowa days whatever may be the cause he itnt pitching into the serf ta much ss be was tkercthijtelu it what mast be the satisfaction and grati fication at so tmall a cost of one who writes liketbit ifr w mason editor of the reifurd and gaiiukirovgh awa ret ford eug cayt i had suffered from a sprained knee for twelve monthi without being able to obtain relief from the pain when i rubbed the knee tboroagbly for twenty mlnateswith st jscbbt oil that night i travelled 200 miles by railway the next day i walked 25 miles snd tbe paixi had entirely disappeared i have nev hsd the slightest retaru of it since an old phyticisn retired firoca practice having had placed in his hands by an east india missionary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and per manent core of coot umption bronchitis catarrh asthma and all throat snd lang affections also a positive and radical core for nervous debility and all nervous com plaints after having tested its wonderful curative powers is thousands of esses has fell it hit duty to mali it known to all his suffering fallows actuated by this motive and a desire to relieve human tattering i will send free of charge lo all who desire it this recipe is german french or english with full directions for preparing and utiog sent by man by addressing with ttamp naming this paper w a notes 820 powers block rochester n y if yoa want to bay or sell a farm ad vertise in the toronto wctily hail that paper reaches 100000 farmers hornet every week and your advertisement should meet the eye of someone who wants to par- chase advertisements of this class ire n- serted in tho toronto iteehif jfaif tor five cents a word each insertion or twenty cent a word for five insertiont address tbe mail toronto canada j uit arrived a fine assortment of flower pots at t h hutnixos grocery charley is dead and i gnees ho died htppy at all events be ought to have died happy it was only a week ago that he got hia life intored for tlo000 sot well thatt the first piece of lack charley ever had in his life what a pity he could not have lived to enjoy it a consideration- rises nas rwc liar qualities for easy aod quick trashingof clothes it docs away wil h that boiling and scalding tho clothes como out sweet clean at d white karmlcsit to ha ids and fabrics llatiiors freely- lusts longest i i r- lu sotr itra co iu ciocni sea le et stephen k o a woanded spirit who can heal vic toria carbolia salve heals all other wounds cats bruises or barns if year children t re troubled with worms give them mother graves worm exrer- minator cafe sore and effectual try it and mark the improvement fa yoar child magnetic medium to a colored waiter do yoa know hat i am a msgnetlxer 1 would yoa like o sea me tip be table walter- noiah but ef ita all de tame to yoa tale i thoald like lo tee yoa lip da waiter tab for the thorough and tpeedy cure of all blood diseases and eruptions of he ikin take northrop and lymans vegetable dis covery mrt b forbes detroit had a running tore on her leg for a long time commenced utiog nortktop lymans vegetablo discovery and the it now oocnv pletely cured her hitbtnd thinks here is nothing equal o it for ague or any low fever in one of he leading upihwn hotels a card with he following inscription has been placed over he piano in he drawing room inexperienced performers are requested to deny heal selves he ate ot iiis instrument if yoa want firttclass gaelpu sash and doors at gaelph prices t entuoc can fill yoar order at hia planing mill dunns baking powder thec0oics uftoctt s at c ik can ao a gntirjjrx my brother suffered from cummer complaint and was extremely weak we tried many remedies bat with out eflect at list my sant sdvised ut to try dr fowlers extract of wild straw berry andrbefore he had taken one bottle he wis cared we contider it caved hia life lfics aieuioc csrrroni baldwin a father was telling his little toa about he wonders ofmodern science and said look at astronomy now i med have earn ed the distance of the stars and with their spectroscopes what they are made of yes said the boy and pa isnt it strange how they found oat sit their names our faulle schools input tbe third page of the toronto deilj uau is noted for wsnt sdvertisemens if yoa want to bay or sell anything if you want a situation s mechanic a batt- ness machinery lodgings if yoa bare lost or oond anything or if yoa want to find oot where anyone is advertise in the to- ronvzfoiljr mail and read the adreztiss- menl on the third page of that pape the charge is two cent a word each in tertian- address tkt uau toronto csi ada a schoolteacher bad a great deal 1 1 trouble in making a boy anderstnd h s letsoo and wben he finally succeeded 1 drew a long breath and aaid well if it wssnt for me yood be the biggest donke y in hia town i for invalids and weak delicate women nee if ilbarnt beef iron and wine no other it is the best baw to care eeedeche dexii sris i have used yoar burdock bloood biterc for biliousness snd tick headache and never neglect to praise it it brings the flush of health to onescheeks and i recommend it highly amebeich slevensrille ont to rise in the morning with a bad fails in the month tad no appetite ddictteshet the stomach neadcstrengllieuing foe purpose there is nothing better that an occasions dose of ayert pills taken it bed time i fretful crying children ihould begiveii dr lawi worm syrap it regulates the ytlem and removes worms this arethemsinstayofourrepublic in hem are being cultivated the minds which are to be oor future lawmakers and leaders in every walk in life how essential it is that these mindt thoald be united to ttrong healthy bodies so many children suffer from impurities and poisons in the blood that it it a wondcrthet they ever grow op to be men and women 1 manyparentscan cot find words strong enough to express their grstitnde to hoods sarsaparilla for its good effect apon their children scro tals salt rbeum and other diseases of the blood ire effectually and permanently cured by this excellent medicine think tor yoartelf dont yon think a medicine which cares other will cure yoa dontvyoa think yoa need burdock blood bitters to help yoa to health and happiness t we know bbb core dyspeptis rbilioutness canttipation headache and bsd blood dont yoa think it is time yoa tried it pspaeaid a little girl what is it millionaire the old man was just ben examining his wifes millinery bill end ha growled in retponie to his little daughter question what it a millionaire hamph millionaire my dear it a corruption of milliner jl luardi liulmcut ii lie best the surprise way you want your oottong imnen flannels aiwayt twct clean snowy white you want the wash done the easiest the clean est the quickest the cheap est way surprise 8oap the sur prise way without bolllngor eatckng gives these results read a u to look fell l more the rissult taje than mere lavii i ata of money stock of it kdspted to fill the estfrend if good judgement snd my boots b shoes wants of those who having ileadec fact mes still desire lo make their tppearsni e creditable my experience and manufacturers present itoot unequalled wm william t acta relations enables me to line of vear with n thecot nty for ttyle quality and i nee actoa sk ortlf20 iors dick i etooa pokitiek soc i oiccf atarat onrnuutt 45c blceft zoctkzxt 25c and sound ut ft orth keeping over win- blood partner la tiio them la tood ta iteei ej will totter i1 rw tnd battle sfedlcliies iri tha beet f tha irorla gedd c ptftul erd for atl particalus uui i boot of ttltubto boaie rotd tad turn roefpo vlil bo teac fr dice x po bbz im uoatrel sold orsr vliere princle ljiqw4tchcess lrtngios rtneles irtnges lrfng es prfrtg prtng klairdt liniment cares lx grippe ctvuetrs pure pqwdereot lye piirsrr stronoest but bessy fortm lojur essnulr for jasstar fcan f fotisiuk ifsiertpmafakinsiiad aondred ouur fetiiiea ussa ataastiiauiltouiiltaaltlada tarpsxto sde i the best cough i lomtmuwntil consumption the key to health rd ldymade clp sultii 5x0000 w3rth f which ve be thie i gains anyi men c wh 65c on the il i jliiagdiyqoods ught at in kens yoathj boys and childrens ndodpant ticking shlrtirrer tweodsv towels ovvelling cottons cottonades 8hirtsi8ocks suspenders hat sand caps the chance of yoar fife for bar- a wa areaetermined undersell ha gaelph or toronto houses bute ncmberyoamaitpay the cash if ynt jcaitt pay the oath we dont warn our custom this nutt be done in otd rto eompeta withother cash hook i all wool suits worth paritswortlt and crey cottons worth n0wf0r barcains otdregi goods ideladicg printed muslins kb millinery maotjcvj paraidja remnanta ot all kinda of dreasqoods jind prints w are weediug iot t a great rdeal or stock and t6 cljatomers will get great soapj irtlfey only come and see nice ladjiea straw hatac from oo upwards metre i straw hatsllrom 5cmjpwttrd8greatbar gains will begiren throaghcrat the store rcinembef onrcar- peta oil clothk and curtiits 1 boou and sbpefe sfidp itofgaina- v oor dressmaking and mlllin- err department art open tor orders they areiaaxiou fvjllmi v and able t turn out the work well and please jvoti oar gents ftjjnisbiu made clotinngj hats in first class- flbfpe bargains to be bad 800 for 450 300 for f 50 06 for 7c hundred of spu o teleijt from in all sizes and stylet kelly bros acton oar aasortttfiut of shitinga overcoatingatinp gejaeraljciotns are second to none and oar ordered department which ia superintended rjy ourrcoiler mr millar leads in tbo van jof flrstr class clothing establishmsents itf the province orders and batxonv unlocks all the clogged avenues ot the bowels kidneys and liver carrying off gradually without weakening tho syc em ill he imparities and foul humors of the tecxetioas at tha some time oop reotiiig acidity of thejtomacfe curing- buloosncxs dyspepsia headaches dizziness heartburn constipation drynos cf the skin drops diijinsss of vision jaun dice salt rheum erysipolas scro fula fluttering rf tbo heart kei- vousness aui general debility al base and many other cimikr compjamd yield to ha lispryinllucnoeot burdock btood brrtees tor bull lj i il dcakri t eebueir co froptfetors iomitu gareadj caps are age respect fully solicited s es es the above ireallsti silver or nlci el cases the nickel ct us beiug difference in i 2 watches t watches 6 watches jo watches 0 watches 5 watches s he vtlue laj3ib8 watohe laij priobs aij jingle gueilph m winders in either the movements in n much finer u the if the cases isi i can furnish yoti with the best press the free presses printed no 1500 drum cylinder we hava ran ihe proaty for eight years and thflitj jwe run it thebetwe like t up simple eaty to run easy on true taripocketpock weoal it thf best press to be had in the ttofld we like t easy to handte little tot repalri and iteisy onekrviqekitjbmsr we oal it oonieaadieoonrpwslitwort hyoa desire as npjf work tend for hem audwe wolfilidirfasis thenu we can give yoa yoar ohoioe of a number of jill onisinea and atvleabf vresseaj fall pilces v think bf it a hew 8 col foliojir 5col qto power pjess fir only jeoovto 57co pr 8 cop book pr ss for 8ooj full particufars from h