Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 22, 1892, p. 4

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v thcrsdat ekptkubett i8 cttc ifaunfj jfollifi rrdse yrtto rrrx tkb sort- tjwrel crjer la the ilxtf lire ot uiom tio till iht nl tley etotb the nrlltua cold wj crew and raile tbe linlr smite ttrtr tta it m lb silrcry cload tlipir if iv il ptd abe tkf tiift tobtli li tta urtliiac trewe tliuconnjotilcetiv tt 1rotui rf flowers it tlietr nerfanio ttielr iweth eomesrrooi thesod with xilar untl ixrt snares t to lead tlieir thoojwi to iod life a sacred bfrtev notes here and th1 he turn of dnrt tttirjtt to fr prtr4dr their ktme it tf there i no- lack of oclw oojrt tor the comtnoo ilirawl known u ooeatj tht vevetkhl tnimtt end mtoettt ktaedoait htvebeeu aumoted for cat limpl matter to ntnot oorut srtthoat pain tor if jtxt ll jo to any jnjjjittor medicine ieekrtnd bay botllo of put- nttas pftit ooca extractor tad upply it e directed th thin i done oelrpat namv tad do other the lapectorilyof stotaer orate jworra eiteralaalor ic taon by it good iffectt oa he ehtldrea parehtso t boute tnj giro it till a ucrsj lonlto uthu 11 to lwr- look on it lift it beer it soluattlf kubi ftp wd tlk leac4lh it ttecduulf fill not lot mirror titer dot for io hct untni anrarvl uh tf cl 5- 0 hco mdjcu orrow cociw tjlr ctouil mt elf lit vit or gej tomorrow all ill 11 en 1 bright only ilt sfcdtract hiw juit a itttje ihllc liter tvenice terdror 81 til conic the mornlnc ruiile asked or aid as t ietiosylrtni tirmr ni pining throcph i patch of wood lilt summer hen ptrtnice fluttered op end ran between hit feet it ni scch ctrtnee thing tor to wild i bird to do thit the firmer thocght the pirtride irtt bliod so he itooped ottr to pick her ap iod then h foaod tb titnt blind it ill for jut u ho vti iboat to en p her she dirted tortrd the brath beip from vhich be bid teea ber emerge stopped it the edge ct it ud looked beck prreentjy the tin it the mm tciin with liej vin dovd claekiag corutiotly lud ippcired to be in creit distress iboatiocne thicg tbe firmer mked totheedceaf the oopee iod the pirtrtdfie flew iheid md iluthted on the groatid tiro or three sods bevand urine ing her tiy bsxk tfiia when she siv he wis dot mottng she rtpeited these miner avres until she led him to i hemjoek tree ind there ta ft little carve mide by the ronta he tiw ft nest fail of e- at the sime time he sew i blick snike in the let of iwillowing one of tbe ck ind understood the reuon for the pittridcet icttonft he banted cp clnh md killed tbe tntkp relitei ivue day as soon is the pert- riie sit thit the fuike wis rootiotrtem the oeited her noise iod hid in the bathes the min went swiy idd in hsif in hoar crept ntir enoogh to the tree to see the ptitridge sitting on tbe nest is though nathicg htd hippenfd every day thought jait ind ritiooil principles of religion should fill up thit room in the minds of men which dmeros taiucuta will olirrwite asurp fime floiu oa the breitb o the mnlu- tade honor rests on the jadgmeat of the thinking genuine virtue his ft jicguftgq tht tpeiki to every hetrt throaghoatthe world it is imgutge which is aaderttcod by til ilinhciti md sensibility tre so ftr from being incompttible thit the truly brtve ire for the mostpcrt geoeroauid hgmtnir while the soft isd effemictie sxe htxcuy xxpible of ftoy vigoroas eiertioa of ftffec- tion kevtr deity till tomorrow whit reuon ind conscience tell you ought to be- per- forffcd tcnliy tomorrow is not yours ind thoogb yoa should live iod eojoy tt you must not overlotd it with ft burden cot its own futurity is the greit object on which the imtginttions of men ire employed for the tike of which the put is forgotten md the pretest too often neglected let not your expecutions from tbe yetn thit ire to come riise too high ud your diuppoiatmeau will be fewer ind more eieily supported how he wis swindled a geutiemin the other diy stepped into the shop of ft merchxnt followed by ft ter- vint the gerruemm who wore his right irm in i tliog- wisi ukea for ft weftlthy inrilid tod the merchut glidly puced before him tuch trticlea u he uked for when hecme toettle thetccoaot how ever he hid now tumcient money so he itted the merchmt to write ft note from his oictition to his wife which be would send to his hotel by hu sernnt themer- chtnt nntufpicioatly wrote is be desired md on itheet besring the uime of tbe firm the words seed me immeditlely jiy the beirer twohandred frmeft yoan roiem ind smilingly dosed up the note with the expression ah then we ire ctmettkes tuesemnt took the cote ind soon returned with tbe required sum tbegentlemtn pcid for his wire gtre tbeca to his servint to otrry md went iwiy some hours titer the wife of the merchmt visited bim md tfter diking of sundry things suddenly ttked her hue- bind by he bid sent to her for tbe two bnndred fames the msn wis rendered spelilfs with tstonishment when he sw whtt t clett hid been pliyed upon him proverbs about women when the hen crows the home goes to rain jspme t choose neither ft wife nor linen by cmdleligbt sptmsli a house full of tltogeters is celiir fall of tour beer dutch with tn old buibmds hide widow buys ft young mtn french a widows tetrf ion ft dogs limp ire ftr from reil portuguese when remember womio it motl perfscl most wommly glaitomr tov eaduntare a rata mty beer up pitieotly tot hoin nude trills of phyticil endartnce but wheo proloood to ymrt we cry out bat why iboald we tuffec thus there is t tare md prompt cure belhiny uo u 6 a- aug uj 1688 i tulered tic yetrt with ueanlgift bat wu fiutlly cared by theuseotstjtrobtoil t b smirit mr wthtyer wright pq htd uys- peptii or tweuty yetrt tried ratny rem- edie md dctar bat got no relief ffit tppetile wit ery poor htd t distressing piin in hi ttd tad ttomsch tnd gridaftl wntiog twty of fieth when be heard of md immedittely commeoced ukiag korth- rop i lymios vegelstble diseovety the ptitis hire left md he rejoice id the en joyment el excellent neilth in ftct he is quite ft new mm cmldwjbjlt j ibwplhuat fliirotvittnu mtloo ai sopht lag tfleou b srtapi o els wheu f a oi of t utftlf i md il tht ftlhtt ot motlur bootocbuoof moil grilllylng retain follow in use jw thtil ft it lit btti timlly wmtdf known tod tty ftroilr should htvt t bottle a ttyeirold boy it 8to jofci thrithtd hit rtjlur beoiase h ordered him to bring la some lity nreuluuettare is tht comnlftiat of rnmr poor maruls who know not whera to lad relief uoodt bintpttillft poueuei last those ajeatati ocitrtogluwhtohyott to tftrnotllr t it will balld yoa up rife rou ipplt ttreugtbeq your stotntoh tad tttrvck try it hoods pill tct peolily upon the llw roaitag it from totpldlty to it ntlutti datiet caracoattlpttlaa tnd utlit dlei- hon if your children ire troubled with worms give them mother greve worjn exrer- mlattor sife tare tnd effectail try it tnd mirk the improvement la your child the lougett tnlmtl known to exist it che present time is the rorqutl which ivectgot 100 feet in length i ktrlh hit oothirg more tender thin ft pioai womtnt heirt ltlitr trut will pre i dtib stks- i hue been ificted with chrouio rheumitim forsevertj yetjn md hire axed numerous piteat medicine without suceec but by eting six bottle of burdock blood bitten i wu entirely cored situn utxtniix ktng st ktngtton ont note i tm icqutinted with thet tbove ntmed lidy tnd cm certify to the correct ness of tbitttitement htxct wlte druggist eingtton out lloney sftved md piin relieved bytbe leiding household remedy dr ttiomu eciectric oil ft tmsil qamtily of which utaxily enfficea to cure ft coogb hetl ft sore cut bruise or sprtio- relieve lsmbcgo rbeumiticm neartjgit excoritted nipples or inflimed brextt au i id or cm be i owe to my tngel mother abiakam lincan limely wltdotn greet md timely wisdom is tbown by keeping dr fowlert extrtct of wild strawberry co hind it bts no eqsti for cholext chalerft morbat ditrrhiri dysen tery colic crunp tod ill sammer com pllinu or loosenea of the bowels tow btby ws tit we fwte ber c3tttortft worn the vii a chjj t cried for cuudt wheo the beccsae kits the cfcae to otstorfc next saehtd cbfldrcc the gm urnt cstcocte the region tboat the desd ses it one of the hottest plice on the globe md the tee is tnd to lose million tons of wster ft dy by eviporttioo edantloatl work the work of educating the publip tot thorough knowledge of the virtues of bur dock blood bitter it i care foe ill dis- eue of the stomtch liver bovetx 1 now known iod ased io thoassxtds of homes where it tlwtyt give greet tititttelion it i won thin mtdnew to neglect t cough or cold which is exnly tubdaed if tikea io time becomes whea left to iueif the forerunner of ooasomptioa ind pre- mitare detth lofummttioo when it it- ticks the delicti tttcue of tbe lung tod hroachitl tabes tnvels with perilous rtpid- ity then do not deity get bottle of bicklet aoticontumptite syrup the medicine thit gritn this ormidible foe of the hamio body md drives it front tbe system thit medicine promotes i free md eity expcctorttiod subdues tbe cough betis the diteftted ptrtt md exeru ft iraosl woodef ul inflaeaoe ta curing consumptiod md other disease a the throit md longs if pereou with to live the lives oloheir children md themselves from much mx- iety trouble md expense let them procure ft bottle of bickles anticontamptive syrup ind whenever ft child his tskeu cold bis ft cough or boirsenes give the syrap iccordiug to directions i pitying cirds were invented for the crixy french king chirle vi in 1380 sys tbe una of dttes a good mmy people hive gone crteyon them tmce then forwtraed it fareiraed iliay of the worst itttekt of cboler morbus crimps dysentery colic etc come suddenly in the night md speedy tnd prompt meiat mutt be ared tgtiatt tbem dr fowlers extrtct of wild btrtwberry u tbe remedy keep it it bind for emer gencles it never ftils to care or relieve as ieoenl rale it it hett not to correct cotuvenet by the use of ttline or drtttic medicines whea pnrgttive is needed the most prompt effective md beuesciil is ayers pills their tendency is to re store tod not wesken tbe normtl ictlon of he bowel purest stuomcett ett freusl crying children should be given dr low worm syrnp it regulitet j the yttem tad removes worm at public etiterttinment in ptrjt young ma wis hypnotised two aiys eltpsed before he wis restored to conscious nets iftgbettatvird at the universif cookery sod food ex hibition held in london tnd opened by the lord hiyor ifty xrd 1892 ifsttrc w g dunn co of croydon london sad iltmiltoo ctntdt obttioed the highest twtrd for 3iking powder j ovtrltt h7h rr- lrdlort on of try tom tht mt tlri iamtk wolf ofin vpptlltt indnlneunlh of tht pmmogem lira into mtfttitafftr rrim rt t d witt ttl- mtga in tht a igijst iodfei o journal from mora til nifht down go thvrtl- tmbm of proeridtr inttlld on mlr wy to encop for lb oara of dysppi tre ttn gargu 1 ihsmtewet tt nine oclock it oat tl ftvt tnd tl nine i btttd row who tht ngit baton look plgoonttnd ohloiwn tnd 4 tret tnd hook tnd bar- gundy tnd 04 tom tad cheshire chtota ind sudfaet nd anchovies tnd rfouse tad grarlu nmpltlalag hit they felt mitcribieia lie morning tnd wondered what ratdo hi m it i maoh of tht tetsick- nett tt tn ta arrectloa of tht stomtch tgutntt oo gn tt lailtlmtnl of tilmoo tnd rtltint and i ottt atkey tnd naif tnd pet tnd tn t floity of ptslry onehtu of ho nmo ilwfptuoa on land woald ncocftttltl 11 j tltendtnoo of the ftmtly doctor tnd 9 nurse oa he side of hie bed o keep 11 1 howling ptuent from tap ing oat ha hi rdiary window cossultltlos ctlekd ad old phyticlta retired firam prtcttc hiving bid pltoed io hi htod b in eitt indit mlttioutry the formal of ft simple regetibla remedy far the speedy nd per mueot care of coatamptlon broochlllt citirrh attorn tnd til throit lid lang iffectioae ilso potitire tad rtajlcil cure for kerroui debility tnd til keryoat com pltinu ifter htvjjig etted it woodarfal cuntive power in tlioatindt of iun hu fell it hi daty to mtke it known to til hi suffering fellow actuted by tl it motive md i desire to relievo humia tt ffering t will tend free of chtrge to til whi i desire t this recipe ja germtn french or english with full directions for prepiiag tad using seat by msil by iddrening with ttimp niming thit piper w a kant 8j0 power block rochctter n y history ftilt to record thit ity iodius hit ever been killed by iightalag rrefurentutl trtde preferentiil tftde properly obasisu la giving tbe prtftrence to btrdock blood bitter when seeking for ft care for cautl- pitioo dytpeptlt hetdtche bilioatneu jtandice tcrofuti poitonoa h amort bid blood rheamttitm or kidney cam pltinu it is the true cure lad his cared cue which htd retitted til other treatment for invtlidt ud weak delicti women ute uilburns beef iron tnd wine no other it it tho bett j the third pige of the toroiito dtuf ifaii it noted for wtot idrertitement if yoa wtnt to bay cr sell tnything if yoa want sitattioo ft mechanie hati nets machinery lodgings if yoa have lost or ound anything oe if yoa want to find out where tnyooe it tdvextise ia the to ronto daily hail tn read the idrertite ment oa the third page of that paper tbe charge it two cent a word etch in tertian address tu uail toronto cta id a thoasmd children tre bora i workhouse yearly loadoa all miracle do not occue at i tho whole town of glami otrti koorc of a cure by the tpplicatloo of 1is akds liniuekt to a partially pirtiyiod arm that equals anything that his truuptred tt hamilton r w hiektsox 0 bortle of if mchester ontiriocbn y writes j i obtained immediate relief from the ok of dr thomu eclectrie oil i hive bad asthma for eleveoyearc hare beec obliged to tit up tfl night far ten or twelve nights in tuccestioa i can now sleep soundly all night oo a feather bed which i had not been able to do previous to utiog the oil silk worms are sold by tbe pound la cbint just how m alterative medicine cleanse the system it an open queetioo bat that ayers saitaparilla does prodoce a radical change in the blood it well itteeted oa all tides it is eterywhere considered th best remedy for blood disorders up to date ficu statistics informition thing use ful to know the biggest tod best budget of knowledge reliable and np co data will be found in a oew publication fact and figures jut issued by henri t kilbara co ol toronto ont our reader can obtain it by addressing the tbove firm and enclosing three cent stamp spiders lave eight eyes ughll pare cod liver oil combined with wild cherry sad hypaphnsphite render mil- barns emulsion the best oa the mtrket ohwhatacough will yoa heed tks warning tbe perhtns of the ture tpprotch of thai more terrible t consumption ask your telve if ou can afford for the take of taving socv to run the risk and do nothing for il we know from experience that sbiloht cure will care yourooagtj it ne vet ftilt j i j georgia jprofesse to fatre ft girl from whose mouth here ron constantly j t dream of water a from a small spring wheo ton ratios lupltastnt sensatiaa af teratipa at ocire cniomenos lbs at of korthni4 lymt vegettbl d ilea very and yoar pyrprpsla will ddppear ifr litnm stanley kfcroaent at coottanee write my wife fa ukea two bottle of katthrop k lymans vegetable discovery forllfipspslt and it hi done ber more good than saything the nt ever ased kmt rdt lhumeut caret la grippe on want to buy or tell a farm id in the toronto waily jefaffjlhit reache 100000 ftrmert ihome week and yoar tdrertisement should aiect the eye of someorje who wtnt to par- chisej adrertisement cf th w of ire n- serted in the toronto ferity ifaif fr fiv cent a word each iunertion or twenty ceate ft word for five ititertinat addres the kail toronto canadt i surprise v you want your i ootton llnartr flannel olway weot clean nowy white you want thi waah eon tha aattaatt tho otetvn- act th quickest the ohpap i lie the only whodla whenever thit god it ii the sinner the tmpplokt work the mosf bpetk for chance go i oat of tometl log talk tboat biji there wu jaldfig ta hi wit invented yoa can heir politic will go oat it soma toward rotcht preach short people uh need long ute in thallt- iflid ft teem to tegalixo tho the saloon polntt j anert who aro tost arc hota wlh renendaoc cliarch bell rings it meant ill willing to luivri mercy upon christian tre he one who tt he trade lord every time yoa get a wlirioc hit youdo not ran to uy if yoa undertake to goodness probably a good deal of re- pit on the day ho cigarette wmuto loudon bp ib to ti uonlnjtl eipotlrtoo llontretlstpt u tow- wtlw wtllwtty bpl tol otdtrtl qatlph bepwmbtr so to i otntr brow pltlsy 8tpt m tnd 51 south qrty dorhtm bepumbtr 97 tnd 8 p ei ooauty brtmpton btptmbr27 tu4s8 korthira wtlktrtoo bpmbr 97 to 1 soutbsrn brtntfordjbtpt j74o90 north ptrtb btrtlford bsptj9md 80 centre wellington elort ootooer 6 tnd t north bcaot port eikio sept 99 md 9 wllmott mtwutmbarg bp 29 tnd do ei i huron flraneli oct c tod 7 northwestern godsrlch sept 88 to 30 kooklon wotldi fttr hookton 0ot u tnd 19 j etlmtnloa hortioultaral ptlmentoo sept 95 tnd 97 1 acton union it aoton oo i tad 5 milton tt ulltoa oct s tnd 7 booth waterloo gilt oct 0 tnd 7 pre there en men who will light for to whore yoa cta find one who the rsta for hi religion j toatdteka ft long step ng the matte if they woald r icrmaa fiih for compliments do not t they will get heir best w water kara i tfia uauor question in a nutthaii there i hi t one way o destroy- the ram traffic tad i hat i to outlaw tnd panith both he sellt r tndthe user otintoxicauag believe he ime hu come when every tjua found drunk aaght to be severely pan shed drankennet ought to ft misdemctaar that ft woald bring it mac i disgrsoo upon it victim u woald wotri g itripe in t penilenlitry t inconsistent to propose to saloon sal tfterwtrd panith tet victim tho ttipoa tioa of law is just at respectable a place so far is law u concern ed a a chore t or coartroom let the ti ooa bo nude ft disreputable ptaoe is ha t ftt of the law let the drank- rd be tre sd by the boart a ft law breaker and hen will begin that improve ment in pat lie morale for which patriots have labored tnd chriititnt prtyod cxmjxrlatd i resijfcrix ha wa in formed her mtrry he tima to kl the bride a yoang wf mm in qeorgi meenliy fn- ar ii ti hra latin hit she woald baa that presented himself the next dj two of the suilort were hrothert tai the other was playing a lone hind the li iter procured hi lieeata tad tad wu oa h ni before the other the girt kept her rord tnd whea one of tho belated bralsiri appeared the ceremony wti gotng onj chile the other wu justin time to kit tl e bride wmla the uses hu easyari it docs scalding- awcot cl hiirmlcsi lathers tn d 15 ate it iuicftociuse t cr xt for oil household peculiar qualities for ickwashingofclothcj with that boiling and tho clothes como oat j in and white hands and fabrics ely lasts longest irj wtxitt coir tiy co ec sterhec a bftiik 0 audoi the qriybill rvfanufasturlngicoitd waterloo ont ifaottjrers o i ie school lbdge rafarnitare zoz 0 l obd autokako don latest getourestimates iculirsici rnti imdi oved and perfect ed s hool desk arant drop into tho stbbtlhsciiobt occutoa- ally it will cheer he teacher it will show yiar lalerett it will plena yoar children yoa can observe tho working of ho tohool tnd olm i ton can sea haw yoar child tt progress ing- yoa can no w tat iort of a etcher ha children have yoa can get pc tats to talk about or act upon afterward th dtiva well one of the simplest of in tention hat yielded it inventor 15000000 ntoytlfle heaven will be no tieiren to ma if i do not meet my wile hare andetia jaciwn m hj tfdetts puri powdered l purut stbonout butc bonstuni wttrhiinfocilnx and s htmsreo other ties aotatasliapuiuidtbaliioda mil fer au crn nil drcaiu pisos cure for the best cough medicine d mljitjtombtf itxxttsm h consumption the key to health unlock til the dogg fttenaef of tba bowels kidneys and liver carrying off gradually without weakening he ty em til the unpariue tni foal humor of he sccrctioni at iba same lime cor recting- acidity of the stomach caring- bqiossness dyspepsia headaches dizziness heartburn constipation dryness or the skto dropsy dimness of vision jaun dice salt rhoumerysipclas scro fula fluttcrtt rftho heart kef- tousness and general debility d these and many other similar complain ti yield to the lutpny inhaoncaof bobdochv blood bittee3 for bait ly til etaieru tblbom4c0 frcprieftb tomto is kny horsb worth 20 dcccc blood puexnut twc qriitjbls- drug store i- i l rpure spipes b v hole g irlic g hgei a jspice chillies c- our stock of gu o or ground turmeric pepper our i mred spices a- specialty ul g smith st co no 12 wyndhard stgueiiph ont far autumn weafis nowjcomplete in every j departmejit i ir reputation for firstclass ordered cloth ing is well known we haire no 8uporora shaw turner elph business co uelphont dtcxl llmucxt aic if he is not healthy andsc und ett tnlmtl thtt ft worth kaploff c rec win- tar iboald hit dfckt blood parlfie a tfi iprtnff it will aid lest food to k4p hm la onndidaa ttiey will tell better k b ma will fa mors worfc dtakc horta tnd gtttls medic nes tn tho bctt la the world j beadft pocttl cud for all putlcultn tad tj book of ttlatblo boattiold tad ftim nclrwj will be teat free j dick tt co po box 3 koatrc soidattjtywbflw tctrtfal com rmpecuallrioutica public pfttzoattje atmtwl circular gtrtajc all laformiutioa tnd lllattrtted witli betatifal pocimoac ot oar oa padiiaj wilt be teat roe to tajritddipm oa tppticatloa o eighth l sta aatt mi f tatertt tnj time with aqatl tdttntta tt there is oo tgmmer ttcttk t th emtflniooac tbtatttay former time bectate the qatlltr f oarworl umorwldelf jknown x s lav wof theiaprordacttloati tdttaugec tffbrfod oar rttet of tatioa tfvthtmott ftvortblt fared by tny mtpporung ctntdita lai tltation the truth of which lutement mty be twmptrltoa ilria la oar uodern leutulo department it tlone worth the entire cott of m lalijecu uaght -i- tertlled by tht laluoa yotx t uilicjp la meat of imrling chertcfer it th foandtuoa prfaelplc la oarirtem of trt41nc htaca the laadea o with frbjeh our grtdattot tre evayvhere reeelted 6- th eltaj btolatajai ice atlacta cc log 7 the ijpportlag tchool it the only odactfioatl lattntioa that it foaaded oa t bult of bttaduafoa thit bull iod oa the flenalna merit of itt work titt qaejph notpecually wlliica nubile petzoatce i it maccormck principal iulj0nes xmtiuiluji l ii i i j mehanicali general woqdencrayinc poking st llasttorontd send him your order i fori any class of wood ierigraving you desire i can furnish you with the best pxei country and at lower price than for cokb i to kcton for couitrjy news and tpl work to be had in this any other new cylinder press kftdsbb our- improved 0 ountry prputy press hem ih fr the free press is printed on khlabolve press iand the work illustrates its merits no 1 500 drum cylinder pr iss c ui do jbqtter newspaper or poster work w hae ran he pwdty for eight jretrttnd the io issr w i run it the better we llkeit it it iimple easy to tun taty on t w eon giv you your choice of number 01 die rapt i s indlttyl li of presses tti slom j think of it 1 a nev 8 coli fol ic r5 ol qo power press fjr only 600 to 700 or an 8 col bobjcj pjss ir 58o full particulars fiom nada acton ont the mammoth gborgbt0jh2n fjafi stdhjspandgi in at the nfaranvptri geovgetown we liavebctiboiccgi drcbgeooab in allrtvjs latest istylesj rpcladibgj dress oitirig in cheviots home i spanjgranitwl serges wool cordfljfiveketeen r cords bcrailes cameli hair embroidered cos tumes heririetlif ete dfess silka in largo variety shot sarahs 40c iw6rth 75c dress- goods 5 8015 20 and -25ct8- in i wry case worth double ftuj money we haw mitde alremendons effort fo havij btyiiah and cheap dress goods audi wc bavo them dres and mantle making in ml operation jtfantles in large varietygood audj cheap mantle cloths jacket tilotrrs arid alster- iag5in profusion r millinerytbej lhtesl novelties from the domestic aiid foreign markets a nttie lot of specially imported millinery miihhery 1 in lull swing nqjv but our fall millinery opening will fake place thursday friday and- saturday i9tb 30th sept atfl october i our orderedololhidg depart- ment never was iinalettercon- ditiori our stock of knitrngs over coatings and tweeds fa immense ladies and gents footwear in large vaviety and remarkably cheap tjpstuirflat is filled with car- peta oilcloths linoleums rngb reafdymade clothing pvercoate gents ia8 cttps furs etc 8mall wares ladies onderwfar hoiaery gloves staples flannel blanket flannelettes gerita underclothing and gedtsfnrnh i inga a complete stock long experience cash and iniportcu facilities eavo j ven uj excejr tional advantages in piling our place fullofdesuable ehaapgoods and we are bound joi giyp ther puhlic the advantage imeaso call and eicamine t the mammoth j w mclegt co georgetown 1 j t a-vf- iys 43 v- urn r dunns baking thec00ics6kt friend urqcibt smb 1 n can ad sa it j f soleioflc ajurteai ageityftrf fii list im to th bop uislai 31tht5isiffitf iv ir- u m

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