Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 27, 1892, p. 2

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ti i h tmiri ontario s s workers successful piitovlhetal conventional cuelomhls woek a chand programme mrs harr140n s dead th country moumt with praaldrt harrison in tha lqig of wlfa i0 am mrs j 111 umy lts5 i llilksli ay hi touj ivv i notes ai comments oktl il l to i- rvr llil m l 1 i- v i rrvt l t 1 ii to yyv l ill 1 li ipw rlli l li tl i 1 li- i t i i i ml lin i- llr rvrv 1- 11 m lri i- li i tv y in- i it 1 u riv r 1- li i n 1 a v 1 j l fr ioi ntj rllr ll il miar 1 rrtm 1 ivf i irir atru-ilfm- o tv f i c it- aii tlt ilv -r- i it- inn rl t il i in i v ir v r i lu hij toiiu mirmlli apnuel r nvctition i im salviith tkhoolj association of i1tiij ovncl in ciuilpli on tuesday ntirii itiiiiipliiiiit plnmlay and frdm ni i a luur ijiuhiii niorning every in- iviiiii train hrtuiylit iuijunta cf dchratcs anl klwitii roli nn i jj tlio city t in ylork the kncrftl executive com- inittee met uifh the chairman lvld 11 j svrof toronto prisuiinji ami iransdetod n cumilcriuli ulnolint of impillcsa tlio lvrurp ivvrt pnkuntihi by mr m- iy1 pay wag firnt confilercd i ftstated unit im- ulioli lroviluv vvfth flow fully oikmiiiii iwtti llic exception fit lords liileuo victoria aiul cjreyi and laid h i il i uipluitis iikiii tho rouineciitor ii null chsscb for the triinin of sabbath silil titcliiis ami for jxteudetl inikfiion w woik in tlio outlyiiij wrtwub of the rruinci the rejior also i contained mcitions in regard to in ofliijial iieriod- i i t- i 1 in ki- liri i th- i- 1t iinl rislnt wh i l lis ii- rl- niii 111- liir 1 mj ii iiirlnill v i iimi y r-s- in ir mr 1 llfiif mr irii n 5 r fr tim cr i t ril l l- ii r 1 1 i ry i rxrii 1 i as in a kk hi ii vj in ri r hli lihli i i arr- i7ii n f l a lll ust tttif mr 1 i-i- s i irlii iiti ir- ir ierr c 11 1 k- i tc- e ic 1 ni- ri nil ay the rjr niiir f r li ill i iti j i the ci irlrr of llic lrl i m ititnl ill- lricroj thht ii u i y- n will nin- tiv i m ru- trrs s13 tlsl r cis 1 u ivil to sk-ic- riv i h r i mf itiit vli u- 11 i jvri r o neu- lruiva- aoo idritij iits c a- a ciaa iri tii town is id i iiur partv cf the pevi tr ijl fcw the ciic2 v- ii wttk cox- rretpcn til 1l t- nrprci ir lift yravj f crr5 lz mo vctks hec iv r ft if cjicvir ivndt ije eiirrjlc- c mere irojrtsivc uvvn tsch as srifcnh in 2 a ibarjon its oi fey ujit cnt cf viiij- scric u etretls o i cv iaur llcr bcr c-jsiicr- tte txcllicu ticcatiouhl work d by ive travelc dairy an obsijral ticiarc th rk mr drynen weald jo well a j 3 rt3 makr to the e3btt crfulicb lectures ire cltliertcl bt- fort h farmer iirtintts of this pro vince ir- frorn the- alricuifjral collect hie irtzrc cirrty topics coa- nectti with the far- ii c r s 2 topic af viit iectac r vjcij the caajan people re pire 1 j b tlcatii sni nrcaej tn tbtririitcrcit- iaiic lectures on iad muhir woii be ti jilcsle as ou batter- rrakiri the mari ire liiprts as uitt sir jhn lavcs the itcj itiur iutbor- ity tstirv-c- the- hh wheat hiinest at ijii t-r- t 1 f te jtet over pubihei 1 he j f larii whrat is ehtly r f r r ih- s in he pr-ir- cc bot has i tv t t in i- owi f tif fict ta t- jrt-ar- c- ibe chi f f rt iar a a j -h- increist 1 qufc i- tr fi- hh- irli ard a raatil an ircrtri rjw- t rih the bt jr- ii l art fr cii- duiutlh x nif of oiit frict the lrf- law- i r n at n rav v liith if ccrrilu- i ffr t war whim the rfrriren rt- c n -arttr- ar r ai thi- ii- ii- v r yivr- micr 1 l- irur ti cf th- rv v- ir loki t- -r- a f i7 ael c rta h plar hi- uir iu a iirj it r af r mr meytr il4 i e- ti iivil i i- li ly mr r-thr- ta a pith r uilf o ela r iivrtv in tlf- f rt im of the t f r a f r mr mvtrs i ir- t hht u -ir- dji hi- djty f v vl lj v iii to-r-iu- ejuh au y tua- the prts uhi thfv arf fr it i- iuj llir ic t and pjr lie ra aftr- mr valhi f bttt er hby iin rp the fv fr toe profrrj tiem the jnry thturetirci iuj after e- thai en hour dlibrain brajlit in a eeeton badly burned a 60000 fire in that town last wodroaday liuz- ot jo avmforofk ti- ttr ijriiiiy a ia ip 1 ri- oit l re ill lr hirtej i tii- ciiuiiy of jlij- ihie- dbtrowii a- far ar c n i- harucd hiw tof- iliaal ciarhi liuv h hti ai tije vonis tavr chap v il mitkv fvu huiidilrt aal fjrtin uarti empty htoru at dvr m- h iivillii ani tteil- hailii i i f jowi hull ijuh-i- hji-r- jlav hop anl 3i jl rt i f a 1 l aii ulo f inir r iit i hoi1 iuj mab jaiili- ah bflf- tpy -ta- ooirl j j j ij t f iatiiita v athtih lllj t uid dwdhiir j ii- onir of th- n- s dttcllitri it na it fjuf 1 j the la- vill b li ski iai v i ovi the inturai i- wgj null and in somc caw t uje viitetr the iev projeer arabia- of junalton oaktturdky fjm into utri dmoljshcd tht ct of lock so i tolarja canal ital i lu njvrt uus rcfifi nnj rtfcrrtxl to a h 0 inmittoe for further cotieidcration y urc prcsi iitition to tti convcjition tin- titnruritts rqxirtbubmittp by mr 1 1 kv11khho wrecttvixlftidlldoptcd it chuvusi ii lnilticc in hand fif wbjl witli imutstl vi to bo retalijixh at io ucuvk tho convention proper ixh1 in tlif norfolk hfrcct methods tluinh with the president aleiariilcr muthuior of otuwn in the ijhair the opcrirt hymn i am t latl that our lulur in lim was htartily eimp by the ivrigition km by mr ii m blifiht i f tortiio kevlr haoiwn mad portions of the sripturf from leut vj mark xand iiphsiar m utter which hev pr ward- iov luelpli offered prajcr at tlitstanliion of thf devotional excr- ems anl u hf hour of jhanksgivinfi and the work of thi- nhsxmiion the ppvinlel a noijiinaticg conimit- prat r fo pr from comity atl city organia- rrt from comity atl city lnyity then culled or wlv leliaites kjvndel iiuitjplawinp n after si rui j c up k in their various counties iip sowingithe kcihi the trailed 11 1 vi n mr win lievnoldft 1 the poiural fiuprinttcdent of or- 1 for tlie iuteriationul sabbath mention who tboke for 10 min- adnption an jllement of sue icarriion ii dead j mtt hurriaont illama t- the outootne of gripdurinktjo if iqdl which left her with a ootigb la ung fot tcvcnl weeks avhil at capo ay raint la tha summer of lhttl she contrt icd ft oold which cautod a return of pia ooojb and it lasted during the entire umm 81to waa well enough however diirihg th wintr to at tenet to the citctin bociil function dcvol- vine on the miitrea of the white hotiie but in jatroary 1k2 tho hough which had never entirely left her commenced again to troublo her considerably while- itwaano covere enough to confine her to the hoate it vu sufficient to reqehn frequcdt medi cal treatment in the following march she had a sooond attack of the fjrip followed this time by catarrhal p leuraonu lasting about nine days tho cot ghingspcui thca increased in severity until at last they wens accompanied by blood cinetjtoratioo and about the first of kay she tattered from a hemorrhage of the langt which al though not very severe a used great proc tration an examinatio 1 of tho long several days later revealed a dallnou at the apex of the right lung from thii time un til july fi the date of her removal to loon lake ny there was arigoof temperature f about three degrees eaali night and her respiration at that time averaged about 10 per minute several daya after her arrival at loon lake sbo commenced to improve on september biio woh stricken down with an attack of subacute pleurisy ac companied by an effusion of fibroseroas fiuid completely filling tnq cavity of the pleura on the riht side neoeoaiuting as pirating or tapping three tlmea the malady developed into pulmonary tuber- culosis complicated with pleurisy and ner vous prostration and the result was un certain at the time of mr harrisons removal to washington september 20 her right lung was entirely consolidated the disease progressed steadily resisting treat ment with every known- remedy until eventually the left lung became involved and then the condition of the patient was hopelcsb talk kn rpllomi o dt rtr tht words doings k thft wek nefll tha toll iiflr g to br hanged a a november 8 robert slot ay g t h on f id y kett uoad sy lion will um tu mr qiad4tqaa afternoon oa uanitobcg lh prahlbttloa coramu- witintpetf foiundat 0 cfocd afanday u diaaval uauttlu alt will bo lui peeled at win in rjihhvth seluxm teaching he ii hi remarks with the statement t it rvthbath school work iu canada was iah m ire thorouchlv done than in the at thtconcluaion of mr keyuold ad- irf tlieiiiniinatin conimittto reported a i the cihrf wtre electpd as follows lrimjamcsa ilccrea guelph mimikuiamrsivef j c tibb b incajville and h p moore actcn iiih c avnnni- ia j dorly sinroe ipr james henderson torouto be- j v bap acton lv hamilton sitlmvi- wj iunna uxbridije j v rnhp jilliun dr clarke bracebridce a htuifirfon atwojll foweucree- t m ii pcott winchester j h hfzevvjj puuiiville jh dealt cum- lerland and mesrie w n hpsie brant- ford waltit ball hamilton b t wilhams gait w h kerr brassels a ludtn jurkkii a motchmor ottawa b j hrore toronto dr harrison kecne dd trcadold brampton c j trcfry haw try and g b byan guelph the evening cession was one of great ir after half hour of prayer and prat- tli- retiring president delivered a brief valiictory addrces and introduced his euccetsor mr jamesi mccrea who in a few appropriate words acknowledged the honor the convention conferred uponhim ittv jr hannon then exitendeda hearty wecaneo the contention which was re pcldfd 1 to by mr james dransfield trtisidenj cf the new york babbath school associatmn interesting addresses bybev dr bar bear of montreal and bevj ljr caven of toronto followed the programme yes terday was carried out as foilaws in the forenconiconference of county township and city officers b d warred george a- v town ugvc of repartf of evotional service fresentatioa the kiecntive committee the general i secretary and the treasarer appointment of special committee on the aboe reports normal exercise the great apostle and his blation to the larlv cjluifctian church rev joseph philip i d london question drawer wm iitynolds j wedcfjdhy afternoon devotional sr- ice ilectption of fraternfcl delegations the breasicu needs of the sabbath school ic 1 1 crieih of opportunity rev i g sutherland d d htrhilton be- ports of sabbath school misod work ir north and north western ontario con fertnee the superintendent his work and luinent geo audetein toronto- the evening meeting prais fand prayer ktice the early dedication of child hofdto the work of the christian mis kills be jshn mccarthy rf the china inland misoict birds eyfcview of the bii be nw york the divine lajuthority of riptre its hiiiiiificqnce to he sabbath hthlttachrir be i hlamilioii collection aua ereitcf the programme todiy promises tobe cne of great interest board of educatlon a i scliaufiur d d of munid eraser d closing ex- consideration of matters pertaining to completion of new school the monthly meeting of tbe board of tristecri of acton public school was held i monday evenicg the business was prin- j cipally in connection with details relative t to th newhclidol members were all present etcept messre crleal holmes chairman hynds presided the uiintites of latt meetini were read a 1 foiifirmeti the coniniittet on finance pretcnted uilir elventh report recommending pay ment of nccanirtsfts loltowb j mrjii on hcihliiifi contract ifjha catiitrun on arclntect fee tli- jlrjnt oi pfadinp i waterloo mutual ire inn co lib fcurantf on new bullfliiir i mill worlon crounds conded by ust road be moved by t ii harding k james mclam that the report adopted carficd various matters pertaining to the com pletion and furnishing of tha pew school were discussed i moved by t h harding iconded by bolit wallace that the chairman and mthsrfi cooke and mclam be ommittec to look over the old seats and sae if any are fit to be put in the new school ah 1 report at next meeting carried the secretary was instruct to write thekiding bell foundries for cost of suit able ull and tareuestthe schccllfuraiture 810m 00 50 00 10 00 7 w 2 00 manufacturers to have eampus and desks on ehibition here at n ing bqitd jidjournud to moot on evening lft itist at 730 pm of scats xt meet- monday two men y en fa a railway monday crampon literary notes descriptive of current and future magazines and other pub lications it seems that on unusually attractive christmas number of the dominion illus trated monthly is to be issued and the pub lic will await its arrival with interest if the publishers announcement be correct the number will be a remarkably rich one and speak volumes for canadian skill and enterprise its large colored supplements will be an especially strong feature one of them a 32page work fljustrating the ups and downs of canadian political life will be eagerly looked for in view of recent event the contents for the mrthodui magazine for november are of an unusually varied and interesting character the editor 000- tri bates the first of two handsomely illus trated papers on the city of the sultan describing hib recent visit to constantinople also a timely paper on whittier his life- and his work witn portrait and other cuts a fine criticism on the the poetry of whittier by the late dr nelles is also given an exqaisitely illustrated article by dr adolphus sternberg describes the rugged and picturesque posses and iran gates of the lower danube another illustrated articles records the heroic ex perience of sfi haradetv a kings daughter among the lepers of 8iberia a portrait and sketch of the late thomas cook founder of the famous tourist agency by dr watts of england is of great interest a striking story the history of failure is a fine bit of literary irony showing the hollownes and mockery of a secular philosophy and its powerlcssnecs to sustain the soul in the great sorrows of life and another instalment of mrs barrs scotch story a conflict with conscience is strongly written fhe pan presbyterian council and tennysons poetry are dis cussed editorially price 1200 20 cents per number wm briggs publisher toronto cf ootxjart tt oa thi he ay it hi mphrtcb wirtwoftfa a towuihlp icdttd agad nlpag indthftqf oatiko lh ffuauar itr h h plonwr of fi 89 st jahat nswfottadknd sea loif tut jaly ie 90ocx villi fc350oo laiur aaoc k rich itciu t tha llanliatn gold mint balmaat law tab p huint ocaaty ti n pattad ktld and mnttlilajiind ooiitoci aatr elkhart lad t urt lynn mm for the good of othe t 1 dlldwiia were iat fo tha toe r yen focitijartaiturcb accaiiec to repreutit hr delnoaitratioa at new york id the jakt magazine for october la pre- tented a bill of fare containing ancb variety and gennine worth thai it coanot fail to please and instcuct its readeri and confirm the nattering opinions already expressed by the canadian press in general and foreign jonrnals of tho highest rank as well in tho first article r 8 white iip discusses the canal tolls question ih a incid style and makes a strongdefence of itho canadian governments policy the sooth since the war by a w wright is a strong and baggestive article tiio leaders of the commons by j l payne and john a ewan contain careful studies of sir john thompson and hon wilfred laarier frank yeigh in yonng men and politics makes a strong plea to the oang to take more interest in political- mat ers george btewart gives a charming ojoconnt of a breakfast at lord houghtocs david boyle dsc treats of archeology in ontario as he alone can do the article is profusely illustrated fceries from natures phantasmagoria by rev w 8 blackstock a horrible niglt by george b brooks are two well written sketches while rev w 8 motavisbi d gives an entertaining paper on i jalutations something about scales t y george e brame a strange experie ice by e deane and an unfinished tale by a macg lawson are two short i tories of real merit crowfoots death sing by r 0 myers ruth by adelii awestaey a dirge by a l mcnab haat can ard by prof rand servie by w t tassie and dearer daysb tucker are all creditable con canadian poetry james a ribations to cuelpks newfhnk opened with a grand p omactade concert by the 13th bat band gielin oct jl the splem id new rink ofthegoelph skating and c rling com pany was opened this evening i ith a grand promenade concert about 2 00 persons assembled within the spacioi s building which is one of the largest of he kind in canada being 200 feet long at d 101 wide- the interior was gaily deeorafe i with flags and evergreens and lighted w th about a dozen large electric lamps th s eel sbrsted lsth battalion band of hamilt in famish ed the music addresses wei delivered by mayor sloeman d vintbr e qo m pp g w field hamster and col hao- donald the entertainment was me of the most successful ever held in the city died of his injuria t v m torrexium oct 21 mr met with a tercibls accident on his team running away and throwing from the tviggaa both lees and one of them sastaincdl a fracture mr smart died thm site hluards lliilstent carts call t ie smart aesday by him bcokaa ooarpaand i loraiog 8 esder af a murderoas gang of barglars ii f toco has been sentenced to death two boys retornutsxy property chill will send in the naval next spring charles ad igh aged c9 committed ttticide by ralktag into tha mill rsoa at oshaws mo ids tho cold res hc fa epglsnd sad wales continues no tttocms hare pcsttilad in the midland coo itiec of england chief fae or jelangsr of the hudsons bay compst y i ad his secretary mr stan ley slmpscn ha a been drowned lord hon bt a viceroy of ireland hu ref ased to reeeir an sddress which the irish methodists i ill to present to him albert wieear convicted of erimlntl sssaultatths i ellevillo assitss has been seateocedto u ssrsin penitentiary ths love t notation ever recorded oa wheat since st louis become a lesdiog mar ket was reoordec ion saturday vie g6jc rei j e sti rr from his palpit jn elra street charcl 8i nday charjed the toronto club with perm tting gamblingon itsprem- iies official dstaii i of the new army bill in germany aie labllstted the tervioe of the iafaatrj gnersllyis redaoed to two years the repot discovery of plearo-pnea- moaia in a c ani 4in sow on a scotch farm has eaased i om ooasterastion in sgriaal- tartl circles ia frett britain john dohirtj agtk switchman was run over at sti ars falls ontario satur day- morniof at d died in three hoars from the injuries hi h he received jimes sachet and of moant brydgeshitd both legs cal off by a c p b train at lon don sunday i e was removed to london hospital and w 11 probably die james fa rmi r so old man attempted to crawl andtr i jgtr freight train at a streetietossi ig i i moatresj moaday when the train itjrte killing him instantly seven per wo i were killed and about twentyfive ler iosly injured in a railway wreck moadty o the philadelphia k read- 40r railroad ie 1 mile from philadelphia while mr j suepperd and family of gaelph weri a lending theopentng of the new rink 00 f iday night thieves entered tha house uca ing lksnd two watches no clue a special eel ie states that the grand trunk repor ii raed on monday shows an increase in eo ints for the half- rear bat lower rates th in in any year since 1685 traflio pros ec said to be improving l w tr rston well known tor some years as the sa rgetio secretary of the on tario reforms has taken chsrge of the library of 1 11 ontario legislature mr houston thi 1 ii rmer librarian is filling an important p t it in in the education depart ment at prei heary m alee tho founder of frontier lodge ioc f in windsor is dead he was born in in land in 1820 came to can ada in 1841 ta gbt school in ottawa eight years iubse ui ntly locating at walkercille ont wbert h 3 carried on business until 1882 when he cured at his own request frontier lofg buried him on monday nelll sentenced to ba hanged loxnos opt 21 the jury in the neill case have rti rned a verdict of guilty they were oit hawkins at banged after the was asked if only five minutes justice dnce sentenced neill to be rrdict was announced neill 1 e bad anything to say why sentence of dee th should not bo pronounoed against hi negative but sentencing the he shook his bead in the lid not open his lips in prisoner justice hawkins urd victed was que leled atrocity said the murdc of which keill stood con- of diabolical- and unparal he did not dare to trust himself to pcik regarding the details of the crime tl 0 law knew but one penalty o both the in fiyrupof andrefis fitly yit jiverand tcm effettnt acheaandft coastipatipi only rented dnced plr cepfable its action effects propi healthy ana manyexcel to all aid popular t ryrapof bottles by any reliabl hare it on promptly fotryit cauforn saj bovuvuile ithod and results when is taken it is pleasant ihg to the tasteand acts 1 omptlyonthakidneys j owels cleanses the sys- a lly dkpcb colds head- t rers and cures habitual 1 syrup of figs is tha d r of its tind evernro- eingto the taste ariaac- l he stomach pre pt in d truly beneficial in its 1 red only from the most tgreeable substances its exceui btqaalitiericoramendjt id lave made it the most ers ady known figs is for sale in 75h ill leading druggists druggist who may not hand wfll procure it any one who wishes stjjqtiiactared only by the fit ft fig syrup co qsawoiapo oai rtr t7t0wfifx itcu kr irutama itearuly n- dorses hood sarsdparftto wc are plcucd to present this from rev a a williams of the soisbee street christlin church lynn musi i tee norcasoawhy a clergynunaiorotuaa a layman who kuav whereat lie ipcafci should hesitate to approve an i article of merit and worth irmn which htferlils fsmtlylutd won nigtiallr benefited nud wlioio ecranwpda- um tuty ere to extcud thoce benefits to oihcrtbyltickmltqr their coiifldcnfe myiwe lias for many years hecu sufferer trqtn severo nervous hoadaohe for which she founj little help she lias i red many llttng thnt prcnnle4 well but per formed little isat fall a friend piveuerftbat- tle of ittkwtn rirripartllo it sem surprls- itijr what dmtly otto bottle could nnd dlu do for her tlir atwekoot lirailacherfecrewidio number and were less violent in utelrlutcu- kity while her central health luw heed im proved ift apfettte lias also been better vrom our espertence wllit hoods sarsaparllla i have no hcsttatluu lit cndonltts lu merit a a wlllfakj kotos pi li 3 iratho best laiuf aturtla jrotloandeffecur rrratac prtcetsc 1 rijcvrh feredjh 1- fa atthbp loh boeiph wj have iately made iextensive alterations tit this de- pdrtmeit we have now- a cutter seedqd to none m the ci y we have an entirety new staff of assistants our c oths ind tweeds isalway up wih the style- andfteipnce ac low as quality and wockrrianship will permit andflr below inferior workmanship in many cases overcoats j 0 fr gi4 overcoats in plain and fancy goofis is a rhanel otvalu5 our 2r irish frieze ulster is stfirmproof and fostfiroofndiwoarproof we jere almost going to say bjirglan proof j i suits- tie finest bancfc worsted suits got up in new york style- sdttn lined at less than oneithird the price tweed suits ia siotch english and irish quality away up and price avay cijwn a i special value in hosiery land uhderwear heavy strohg- r ebbed worsted and- wool hose for boys and girls mothers wio hye experiencedthe dimcultyot keeping heels toes and kheesi from coming through before their time will a spree rate these goods j d willlarrison oo feitelaasfw r guel tec vu first tyirflruted la eagload it lha londoa uccettee end about lwtt eoafmefable qatntjty tu imparted and 1c imcame qtttat popalir driak ihhotmb ths price vac tbdut 60 shuuogicrisper paaad at thic eaiir la tu history it ku iaptxxd torcanheadaebe rtddlaem dueasec ol the kidney lann ete la iact it iru looked upon u a ears for almost anr traabla ia lts the laackat wac glutted the esut india company having imported 5006 tii vbleb at tbst time wm coosuerod a larff im port tioa oomnatoiiiu with the eonrompuoa in u9q of 195000001 pounds this indfeatea the caormom laeream la the cotuamptioajand choirs the advisability of knolnc where to boy t to the beat adraattce i hamilton i r lbi loo g 75 0 60 20 lbs t 50 35 t for t4 t sis t 75 for t t sir lbs say vvikind af coffee cooos v sh etc foe company tbshfc t expert end specialist wholesale and south tide of king street rat next b htmtltoa html i ton sand tsc la lt oc sumpcfor sample poand which will tx free by mmll 3x yoar netjliboe ta oa y bayise wholesale from the oldest lirgost weclthlast cheapest beat experienced and reliable tea boose in the doaxlnioq retail of cent seat yaala moat melph dloth all the new meat jiaeeet o sttjil hu imea la bat laws ia accoa laog eadesh to know thit whea nsople tre tanplled with trst- elasc fresh meats fowls tcuiflt go where lacb can be seeored wa offer only tha best to ba hid and ac eoa saqneaoe hot enjoys s pmtrddago which laaboat oar highest catfupctioa j we sjirtv endeavor to treat oar cattomers welt aad aa a ooaaoqaeaea we retata the aid and secure new once 1 highest csab price pafd for port hides tal low tc j puttee hiving ctttle- ttc to sell ars requested tocau obtulili i 5 ir you want simples and prices v of anything in dryoods or gen- cral merchandise ours is the brgest retail store in all caijada with over threeacres of selling space and half a thousand etn- ployccj and a postal- card is enough to bring all the facilities of the storeo your home just a much as though we were located in your lown l think of a clef k educated to know fashion changes mcrchan- dise qualities styles and colors- being at your beck and call when ever you wish thats shopping by mail thc t eaton ocy ttd m lop strut torntefcl futo frbbtrtisimtidb i w i m our stock of jiiteeds rnd for autumn wear is now complete in every aui department our reputation forfirstlclais ordered cloth- irtg isi well known we have no superiors shaw turner jwmjuua- thsfalli edat iy designs arei twlc of vail pp hirtwjf- dnig store tile kinnwini m wand artistic appeestice wanted n ose bet jo id honest bovsjier apply bbnbhlk jroesale seyebal alio a tew jghbreddeicesteriam lambs ihniahin run lambs apply to wkkbwtuk limehonarl he jf wanted rpo da the j the hom csjlst acton ont as the best instruments accessories urns the enjoys a provincial reputation fc r excellence a our millinery depart neut coa- md nore guarid ought ililliiiery stantly grows stronger attractive patterns trjmfnin materials of all kinds br from the foremost centres of the ijkorid the ability and skill of the first order in cqmbjnin ranging have made th ment so exceptionally e rdng we seldom dravy your to it in these columns cellerit work produce has xcome its best advertisei lent tideu by very and ar depart- that attedtion the ex- be- ob hiving remsined there much later than molt othei he has succeeded and is daily reoeiriok the try id dress and mantle trimtnrogs millinery ma eriali kantles many msgnifieent designs jn irial portieres the latest novelties in tapestry of the very newest patterns apd styleidt wlw ow of french english china- and japanese si ki captivating his keck frillings purchased irom te designs in french point dltlsnde dented and c n dresses for evening wear magniflbeot donl lefacs i pink and black also novelties nlvelvet d sail i millinery bookies and otnimenu n jet hi ineiwi e qlfi velvet depsrtnunt fi filled with fall sjsortj i sat tbi j will please enter the right house al the c hamilton october 5h1892 nd come to out the best photos in county i actoh for portraits of any kind i rudjcf al this season our millinery showing is a specially attractive one irimmedhats in all fash ionable styles 8hapes and trimming materials and clever workers to pat them together as you say w believe wei can give ypu the greatest possible amount of beauty ani stylish effect for your money and you tvill readily comprehend this- after a walk through our iiillin- ery show room ouelph sry i irial point bruin li 8b ks w krt i- returned prom s1tjrope this week hei canadian bayeri in order to obtain the very lalest novelties in whioh object hiijit designs in frenoh german 8 wis ritlalr and amerioan dress goods ornaments ladies hiu feathers flijwerluaje7missi and chiwrbi 8wissandottinismuoicartalni alsophenllleanrgilk curtains and iraxmlhiter and wtltoncarpeuj bugs and mats also an immense variety idesaad blinds he also ha facceededia procuring i ohamilng assortment ileh for inpertor quality beaatifoj bades and unique designs are most ie very latest patterns out will be sore to plswtba ladies xbt ihs7 1ifssi ladtiliy laoee in tfaltsble widths for ladles skirts basques and princess satin ribbons d oold and bisok helitrope and metrva fawn and nutpai pnioithet latest colors1 a targe and very hepdsome aasortment of 11 snd steel with diamond setting ladiee felt fur hat and silk dentelle and c aa i i htri wi e an th twill delight the ladies stor i corn ii xing and hogbson streets tbz3ffms o watbzi3srs year 9 irwaamiig ofa small fsmihr at st pplknt for putienlas 1- fbess jbes8 ofticc ge4iin wanted j he nsderslined is prepared to pay tbs hla- est cash v it for ill kinds of piin deliver- mathistarwi oseat qtb iudfon ajtsa- johk e cobbt ig calves astray tkayed ir im tls premises of the under- atgned lit 18 eon i e about tb mth mr one laek tuifer one red deifsr on light man steei all yearllaos any tsldrmattai imding to the eeorery of the s wi be suit- ablrrewarded mcob hafflbb box 86 geoifstowlt wanted a few bosi ling t salary of writefoipart eli ling agents fo ten oasatfr siedu of wo par month aad eiin olai d h pattt nuimerman r til exthaage st genera st job peintine fclobikq heads c best style ot thort aotiee tie tpplyvr address h p uooke ira arsi offloe acton pa tl foe sale the well- eon s offsred for lali cultivation lent to scboo terms and par u wmhefis1 valuable i books pamphlets posters bffl ilan ci it exeented in the artatmedeate prices aal on itdltor llufmi iff to rent ii iown iqees vn tfoore farm lot 31 aesfg one bondred acres is or to rent it is is a good state a two miles of acton eenvea cbarcnee and railway for ienlan apply to est anetioe a ortobchccullquoa oecjrgetows p0 property for sale bush m on lot ii coj7 in the towa- ship ot eel 118 acne with log dwelling mxi8 timben i with beech napte hemlock pine cedar n ckvan soft elm b or 80acns cleared except btuulsg the brash alaoattone udxeagheastawellingof9tooma and two eelhu i frame stable iwitta ten fots of landoa gnelp i tfaria and qneeh streets ia the village ot aeua wm asd bre or six bonding t lots separately if deeind terms onetbirdeaaborexchangeforotfaer property applito i ilaxna acton oat 1831 the ctjltivjito 1893 1sd 1 country gentleman ths bst of the agricultwral weeklies ofttottd io prm and prooetaes hortictare trolt qrotelng i live stock and datryiiig wliile it also fncledea all iiiliuii ilejmllieeiili o boral interest sneh u the pooltrt f aid entomology beekeeping oreeahoase laad qrapery vewnarr rapflee fasm istsmtis and answers fireside jr domessoboon- pmv and a summary of thesews of the jms its harket reports are snusaaiu complete and mneh attention is paid to- the pnepeets jiaihe cropi as throwing light upon one ot the most taportantof au qotsuofewaea to buy and when to seuat is ufieraliy ulnstrated aad by kxcktr eiabourxxt contains more reading matter- than em before the sabsetiptioa i p t but wm cetgr iksss bncct10 in our il i clot kates for 189i 5 rwo snhjbnptfoniin on j remittance 4 slcnifertptloiu 10 rwalrt fohserajitfaiu j is j3to all now subscribers or 18s8 paying in advance now wa wcu aaxs sax nmin from oox receipt of the retaittanea to 1e- uary 1st 1s93 w cataox srscacsn ooptxs fsex aridrats luthee tucker sccj pobiuiats i to look wei l is mare the result of goo taste than mere lavish use stock of ilsmapkdtofilijthe having j slender ineomea make their appearance 1 albany n y judgement tod f mpnej my cfeijioe ol ibbae who still desire to one tablet my experienee gnd close relations wttb mannfaetureri enable me i to preesnit a line of footwear i- uneqaajled in the eodnty lor ityla quality il andpnbe wau wauafts i artoai hm

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