Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 3, 1892, p. 3

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i j i lk bank of hamilton kkadomce hjuciltoh csrrrisriir it 3tn utitavnfrin j tc bsbull ciimca k9o00o rsitkvck atsrcuatrsi pirrctorsjois sriwstf rmidi a it kiwut viitj isoctoil citit urbitoro taica a t wo b a b7lk qeordetowk iotency suuiitturiu dfurn on ill rrti of cue savings psrartltent irwtillorejtrolndite of dtitxlt to date of in4ntl ktecul deposlts also trclveduccrttbt rate bt tuterwt no coilte of stllhsrawl rtrd i juroy arem the methodist church a0t3n rev joseph ruae putor lcrnjtl atw 1ollic lsttttitt 6aadt chpollv aimouoadiidbiu llor auer41ailrlavttct i kirtcftnil visitor elwavs welcome ax ltf tiller t the door walt papers youll want somcj for fall our stock comprises the best values at 5 6 7 8 9 ioc per roll borders to match linen window shades with spring rollers new designs in bordered and fringed curtain poles all prices i ou1 la ai see cor stack ot wixtpiftn u4 window shadec astonrrcltea netrccmto show cood geo hykds acton ont thfirsdat november 1692 clbe xtnti jtrtt jprtss 1 1692- little local briefles which caugfrit the eyei or er of free pre a reporters this week november eleventh month next thursday thtnkspvinr diy a gulic society hu been formed in guelpb es ire scarce and the price it rising etch week the new school building is nearicr completion local huuters ire silking of going north for deer a shooting mitch it tilted of for tttxitnioediy christmu it cot far away only seven week from sunday qurterly stcrtmental services in the iletiodist chnrch neit sundiy toe coopers hive htd a busy fill uj in till rushing oat the tpple barrels the cssal nonsensical pranks were rityed on monday eight- ah holloween a public meeting- u be held by the pttroct id driin school tomorrow even ing between two ind three tbonsmd bar rels of ipole hire ilretdy been shipped from here the eootinaoaa wet wetther of the put three dtys hu broken op the roads pretty badly the very agreeable fill weather it about cvar november wiods toll now blow for twhile ur i e corry his diiposed of hit large crop of celery tndoniont it very remunerative prices some of the tidewtlks hire loose plinki tnd hole which thocld be tepiired before the fracl 6eu in coodtcsor sayder will pretch innirer- 1 ttrj ermoai in the methodiit charch on saaeci ish ictt- hilton reformer commenced iu eighth volume lhit week if r k white it now the tole propcieior ur connor of dcserin like it bcild- iog i foanditioa end otberirice improvinf hit doable home to charch street the renenble prognocticttori o the wecthcr tell u tint the corning winter it going to be one of conceit cererity with tbeadtnee o mow j a htirriy hu commenced open- tioot oo hit new igricaltsrtl wirebonie on fil itreef it will be l commodione tcildirv with buemeal the eieectiveof the ceuiditn freu aftociition willffieet it toronto tomorrow xj imnge the prognmme for the coming ecoqil meeting of the atwkiation an txchuge off en the following timely inaction tku it the iettm for meeting imill debu it helpetxitineu gretly to piy them for money goes into circautioa ill txoand the circle ind a met btck tgiin in tarn the tenney ftmily t mmicil com- bidttioo who ire highly ipoken of by the pret opened i three nighu engtgement in thetown hill iut evecioc under the uipioei of the a o u w the comptny giv i bind pinde ettry oy it noon the trringementt it the centnl office of the bell telephone cojnpioy here ire now complete new inttramente hive been pat in throagfaoat tnd with the new mstiljic eircait ooovertxtian cio be cirried n between acton ind toronto with tlmott tt much eue u with tocel latxcriberi ur williim hemrtreet who hi ntgotiited the tile of oonfiferble property uttly bu jait effeoted the ule of the williim moore firm lot 31 con 3 iiiaekiae to iirjimeqainticfork500 ur camtic will go on it once to do hii fill ploughing tnd mote there in the ipring the pietoa n b- standard entered opon if 83th yetr lut week nd there re banlred wbo hire bee a uking it tince the firit dty of pabliction foonded by the hpo h ii honm eipremlet of kovi sootit it htiitiwkyi been looked upon uooeofthefattitauoniofiwconnty ind it i welcome viiitor to the home ofc tbeiprfople an igrieiltarii pf pej prinu something like tbl he toldhiuon to milk the cowcfeed the bor4 flop the pigf bant up tbe egg fed be ultm citcb the colt ind pot him in tbeiubw cat tome wood tplit op lb kindling tiir the milk pat fretb inter troand lie ullfc eto end be tare tad itadjr hie lewoni well before going u bed tbea the fithej himielt went to the fitroae of laditttrj lodge to diieau the qaettioo how to ieep tbe boyl on the firm ff site an elegiot bed rodm set cherry need mirror french poliihed per fectly new leee tba wboleule price coaateeioomi store 0tm mm s btaxu the ngwg at home mottly of a fpcel chrctr and evry usrrvltv9rurff a bruht vatst itfo ended the detth ot ui nellie wenjifr it the home of her titter itn john willltmt occurred mi sandty ettnlng afcldcr very ud clrcaratiucci 8ht hid been til for t couple ot crtkt with neantlim tbe limtt tud hid ilea tyratoint ot typhoid her brother wit hers on l visit bit it tt impottibie to get t mmtige to hrr ntranli who rwrde it hop fit rbttore r detth uift wuver hid otiljreiidoa lij acton t few mouthv bai byhertwtrbi tiw friendly dirpotftton hiswtin mmy riedtti tmosg the yoang people ill of whom trburn ber anllmcly demise ionrcoopertfon invited i it itgenerilly conreded lhitno loctl newtniper an t pablitbed without homo pttronige ind every ram it intitetted in keeptoij op e hm ptiwr itei riilroid oc rictiryiivttittd the newrptptittto ex pected to wotk for it if t publicjineeting it wmted for iqj- purpoee the oiwtpiper it celled upon jtt free fiotfot- if tnj of the tocietiet hive t tamper or reception of toy kind the newsptper t eipeclcd to give the necetiiry motice the newipiper mast patl the tchoolt ind everything else to tdviuce the ihterect of the buttneu men of the plico ind then give them t hind- tome notice it tdey pui twiy and yet tome of them tlo nothing to keep up i home piper the prisoner hsfupetl anon there ni rtther in eiciting epiiode here lttt thnrtdiy evening in which in etciped prisoner from betlio jul tnd i conttible from prettou were principilt chiclet iliniltoo youth ot 1g hid been irretted lj iucecj p tt betlln ind eiciped frdin lhe oiidetiii wiy to toronto couttible root wetit to to ronto tnd trrectedhim tgtin tnd hid re turned home u fir it acton nhils tbe cix pm triin wit wtiting for the trotting himilton got permittion to ititthe closet of thectr ind there succeeded inreletting himself of one of hit tteel bnceeu tnd euekeoaeotlv esctped throagh the window consttble roct give chite but in the dtrk- nect wis nnible to tecure him tnd returned home ilone snddea desth ofdonmld mclean donild ucletn in old resident of eriu dropped deti on tbe rotdwiy on tuesdty of list week netr bis own home ue hid been it ill aactiod tile with hit son wbo resides on t turn idjoiniug ind ifter etiyingi short time it hit sont plice itirted oat for borne a ooaple ot boors tfterwirde his cousin who ilso but ttrm netr by found donild lying deid od the middle of the road uetrt diseue wu the close of deith the dcceised hid been t resident of the township for over 0 yetrs wis highly respected he ws tcklive of icliy scotlmd tbe fuueril on wednes- dty wis conducted by rev j w iue in tte presence ot t urge concourse of friends tpd neighbors ind interment wit mide it furview cemetery here cuxixsv blosnas the following from the cheyenne wyoming tribune tnnouncing the mar riage of uiss kate lawson formerly of acton will be read with interest by our citizens an imporuot erent in lb livte of to of this citjs youn people oecarred list evening uw occsxion ticc tbe jiiirnle ot wui g bruce ml uiss eiu lavscx thecertnony m prfonned tt the retidenee of the brides stiter llrt john cbtfliu no t eui tvredty- first street it 7 oclock is tne presence of t few trieds aftertirdi in elecint vedlicc fctst wu ptrtiken of br the invited ctetu ilr bruce is cuploved iu the riilciy ujiil service ui is i vouixg mis of exemplary bibili tb bcride is one ct tvyoaiieiy tiirest diacbtert- e is t sister ln puuli ucctllatn sad lirt john cbtplin tbd yoanc people ire well tad fivonbly known la cheyenne their miuy fnends extend betrty congntulsfioas led wish them boo voyte down through tlu vile ot tetri the frrr ptr- united with acton friends in warmest congratulations and best wishes gaclpha fermaaenf pavements the dew permment pivements which hive beed ltid on mmy of the streets in the roytl city the put yetr ctlled forth generil idmirition ind miny compliment- try expression from the hnndredf ot obtervtnt isiton from ill sections of the province wbo itiended the provincitl gandiy school convention list week the enterprise ot the city wis freely dis cussed tnd tbe excellence nf the work wu pointed oat by experienced maniciptl tnthoritiet from other citiet tnd towns when it wis letrned however lhit the tborteighted policy of t few jetlont members ot tbe coaocil tnd perhaps others interested in the company eogtged iu itying the ptvements hid been instrn- jnentil in tbe tbrnpt discharge of the very tmcient city engineer tt t matt import- tnt period in the progress of this expensive iwork tbe good opinions previously tccord- ed the city for its foresight tad uniform common sense were consideriblv modified the only reason given for the dismissal vu the imoulu of cciiry something like 100or12j imontb t very moderate re- manerttion indeed considering the expert knowledge necetttry sod the retpddiioility of themce bat there is evidently mach landerlyiog this very ansitisfictory retsod cot expltined to outsiders tbe ibiiity of the engineer is nnqaestioned thif viodict iveness it likely riot only to be edstly and hazardous to tbe citys interests in the completion ofxhe work nndettakeb to sty nothing of the unfair trettmeot of the engineer but it places tbe city especially those whose action is responsible for the existing condition of affairs in a ivery ng- envitble light in the eyes of the country tt urge- sorely thoee citizens who btva guelpbs interest at hen t wlulnnite to vindictte tbe integrity of t ae city tnd pre serve it from misrule lid attdgreitioa the country around nwt ittmisupdlud by oorrst- pondentt svnd yx norval a meetlrik of the toronto prstbytsritl w f u8 wtthsld br lut thnrtdiy about fitly deusgtbtt rt pcesiui from toronto tad iwcaiyllvf from othtc pltaet tad iddrcuec trt delftsrsjd by tin wilton returned miulooiry frara iadit tnrsv u l itooty fartlga muiloniry tmfeuty the moeling ic t decided success erin wm bmith for stetllnn wtlcliec tnd clothiug mm kd wtntbroagly etlncwtt before judge- chtdwlck it juelph he pletdsd not gallly the cut fill be tried on uondty before judge chtdwlck the prisoner it tlio chtrged wlthlnvlug tlolia t gan from john hcarthaf of erin the township of krlo mrrasl ploigbtsg mttch will take place on tbe farm o ur jobu henry burt lot 05 ctb con on friday when the usual mount ot prltet will be twtrded ashqrove mrs wm wilson of edmonton wit the gaest of her nephew mr geo wilson list week ur stmuel ctutelon tnd ftmily of strecttville tpeut sandty ot list week with fricadi here ur tnd urs a holmes of georgetown visited friends here on thartdty list a number from bers attended the coo hrmitiou in st stephens church hornby on sandty afternoon two frenchman leading t trained bear putted through here one dty list week tnd spent the night in oar hamlet ur brain who we suppose did not relish being tied up broke loose tn the night but fortantte- ly wu ctptored before he mide good his escape some ot the inhabitants were so badly frightened when they heard tbe procession coming that they barred up doors and windows tbe sons of temperance are booming there have been nino initiations to far this quarter and several more intend becoming members in the near future tbe division purposes giving a programme tt ueadow- ville next tuesday evening aud we under stand the meadowville fraternity are to give them a supper georgetown the tenney family the celebrated musical tod comedy co have given three enterttinmentt in tbe town htll here dar ing the past week the ftmily which cumber seven tre tn excellent btnd ot mnsiciins masio on tin cant and bottles was an interesting feature of the entertain ments and was very highly appreciated by the audienoe a boato belonging to ur 8 cook of guelpb was destroyed by fire latt 8anday morning the fact thtt the house wu unoccupied it the time of the fire hts led our citizens to believe tbit it wis the work of in incendiary the loss will be tbout 00 insurance 350 ur s h clirk tbe noted elocutionist ippetred in the town billon fridty even ing the tttendtnee wu ftir a footbtll mttch betweeb georgetown tnd guelpb was played in the park on saturday tftersooo the gaejpb boys carried off the honors altera ttubornly con tested came score 2 to 0 tbe bally electric spirks co ire bill ed for here on fridty tnd btturdty the clirk house which hat been under the management of ur t h campbell for the past year hu been sold oat to ur 1 w vance hallowen was observed by most of the boys illuminated pumpkins peu cab bages broken glass etc were plentiful no serious mischief is reported however it is a surprise to many ii the city and out of it that tbe local press b to take a strong position nnwise and unjust action is thus fir failed agiinst the nn- eferrep to the municipaucouncil very little business tentlona brief tbe council met in reulir cession on uonday evening tbe member were 1 present tbe reeve inline chair minutes o last mectinr were read ind confirmed a bylaw for the a poinbtoi collector of statute ltbo tai iwu intro ns appelated duoedand pasaedand dc as collector the committee on f dance presented their nineleeuth report re om mending pty meat of tccountt at folio dxiuu teaming h p moore printing arid i v kannawln coal off it d graham wire ac gcatryce moved by aft betrd norel alex secord that the ni jetetnt the finance comtnittee jatb ed carried council then adjourned buy your groceries tesh ltd new tnd cantditn tnd americtp celt oil tt t h himjtsab cominc ata going visitor to ikd prom acton tnd vtrtouiot rpironsnotti lluler willis lows over boadtjj- mr a l hi la iowa on situ lowry of quelpb wu la itttnet of trifilgir wu morning far hs ur john gri i baadty with ac if rt bdwird mr anion s dillt sr eft oa moudiy nlltoa m jr ai toronto speut an tdends jlcklln spent sevsrtl dtvt this wmic with t leads in gaelnh miitannt v green of brentford l titttlngtt the ik tn at mr peter lltun rev ilr udgi hu been tt durhtm this week la connect iu with hit fathers attite conductor ta were guests of week mrt jirrayn bt beetaa is t guest tt the home of iter ion avenue mr james si mrs holmes of iioodba mr h 8 halant tblt ktr r b jcrmyn bawec artlll teacher ot dublin school bis bee i engaged for lbs school oh the seventh ins netr bis own home tor 1893 hears a e niaklin wm jttas tad george agnew ii ct au toesdiyteenlog foe liaduy cimp 1 1 the georgitn bty fenin tilt oa t haatii g expedition mr tnd mrs l g jtcktoa ct nsw- market who we delcgttet tt the prsrln cdl snadty 8cb nl coareatlan tt guelpb were guests tt t le uiplet over sandty between fort r ind fifty tickets wste sold tt acton st tloa tut week to vl sitort to the proviacli sindty school convjn- tloa tt gaelpb among thate present the frrx prtits repi esentttive noticed rev j w rte couityireprsseotttlve oa the executive h p moore minute 8ecrettry rev tnd mrs i dg george hynde mr tnd mrs w u pbtil mrt c g smith urs btltleid mrs mcqill mrs arch campbell mrs xeicl hisseliu mcphtr- son miss u wi rdett mrs agtepheaion ultsutggieh uaithsws mitt mary e brown uits wright misses ltly tod kfeda nelson u s dr uren uist maggie brown urs jn esbrown mrs williim brown itttc fnncit john ctmeroo levi limbert tlbert ltlng john wir- ten jtmet l artjen wm hampshire j c miller jot r examinations the octob the pupils rho stood klgtiast in their ci tset last friday the monthly examination ot the papils of the severe de itrtments of acton public school wis held ttt fridty with rcsulttu follows rtttt ncrxirrkrvt ie ikelly 290 john sic smith tnd fred smith sck ivnel gill s8j rolli i jts iv elie quittner 2s4 jtmcs tovcll 271 ch i mcctnn 273 scs iii r y mclntosli 2gg uoiiio pcrrymtn ix uinnio holmes 255 utrks pottiue 300 t t moore teacher hi co jrx illjqe holmes 125 ticx ii nefie holmes htrvey 110 jcs ii utrk tovcll john moore tnd tommy hcndei son 200 eva matthews bella met ontld 195 pots ble 20 c ucfbail n berxbtmeut stevtrt hi fjmnel 8myth 119 125- 118 utrks teacher tutfj icraimicst ex cltrt cobban 185 ada holmes jtmes fo bes 1g4 walltce 170 172 istrabint moore jtx- 1c7 ec ith nicklin 1g2 oliver ooke tnd john arthurs 133 uyrnt m tntoth 130 milton the bishop of niigirt administered the rite of confirmation in grace church on sunday last mr alex speirs bu sold bis field od the east corner ot tbe towo to ur cudmore for 1150 wbo intends cultivating it is a mirket girden ur m e mitchell hu given up tbe commercial hotel it wu tikeo possess ion of lut week by ur dean tbe new landlord mrs judge miller hu rented her dwell ing on victoria street to mr higginbotbam and bu moved to toronto a number of employees have begun work in tho new shoe factory uits freeland intends removing to brampton where she will open out t ftacy goods store rev pickering milton tnd rev ur stevenson lowville exebtnged palpits on sandty morning tbe first instalment of tties is due this week ithe new bridge on mtrtin street will soon be completed a htlwien sapper wu girra tt the feeidenoeof pfi johnhetd by tbe ladies aid- of knox church on monday evening vbe- kj haddow preaehed in knox caureb gtzeiph list sunday the news of tht sadden death of rev- jtmes grey of toronto a former ptator ot tbe methodist church wu received with much sorrow total marks ror sex jennie gibbons 190 usggie htrvey k b peters tetcher fth heribtlcext mclennan and joseph bertha willitms 189 and albert smith 188 1st- bella i ovtys 173 ettie mcdon- tld 170 daniel lawson tnd albert edmiston 1gc jrx mtbel soper and willie taylor 170 miry uas in 108 dottie edge 1g5 total marks a mothers heroism she carries her seven children from i urnlng building o is parishes a kincardios ont despatch says the family of pets osell si farmer ba the fourth concetti n of kin loss retired to rest u usual and woke to find the house in barnes mr d tu saaoeeded in getting oat of the horning aiiding bat anfortanttely wu so excited hit instead of helping his ftmily lie rtn found thtt the impossible but children oat on or assistance mrs tjzeu neaps by the stsirwty wit succeeded in getting til the the roof oft istnto thtt knatchbull requiring at- sesslon she perished it neighbors soon the fire tti so ble to dreg lbs iog timbers cooled off til remtins were there will be t pablio meeting ot the pttrons of industry held in the town htll brookville on tbe evening of november the 7th when addresses will be delivered by ur t o carrie one of the grand trustees ot btrsthroy ur john d mc gregor of btreetsvulo mr cook of tra falgar and other prominent men of the order a good time is expected tbe telephone men men passed throagh knatchball on uondty of lut week fixing tbe wires tnd poles up for tbe new metallic circuit some of the farmers have sttrttdto take off their crop of turnips which tret very good crop this yetr in this vicinity ur john ucgregor tetcher of no 0 school nusagtweyt hu resigned his posi tion we tre sorry to lose so good a tetcher tnd it wu hoped he might ba fa- daoed to come and slay mother year bat without tvtil u he hu been engaged for tnotherschoolup tt pontonbjr near guelph we wish him tacceu there lots of rain and muddy rotdt tranow in afder i the quarterly communion service of tbs ebenezer charch willbe held next saadty commencing tt 1050 oclock tnd the qutrtirly official meeting will be on the uondty following monday night wu halloween and soma of the mischievous boys were out hiring what they call t good time and lot of fan the entertainment which wu held at the no 8 school haute wu t grand tuncest notwithstanding the rtln which tell in tho eveutag a large crowd usembled to hear t good programme tnd were not dissp pointed in the least ur leonard wilton who is tt present studying dentistry at georgetown wu home over sunday the lufcr leoha jessie ifabel 200 u nelson teacher adjoined tbe h ate with the exception ot t girl ii year if tgs sad to say the pro great of the fit net wu so rtpid thit her retreat wu en off tnd the mother who wu badly ba ned herself in her heroic effort to save ter children wu forced to listen to the i reems ot her daughter u the dimes a number of trrived on the scene bat intense thtt it ni impossi- body from traong the blu- i ad when the timbers hid ihit could be found of the i few chirred bones verdict ayer makes the weak strong dues what in otliebloodpujf due iii onco cua pqlsoin ot i tltm and i i atit harmlessly tlirdagh thoprorp rcliinnel and e pels frptd bjr prj 0 iyertfc co towel has cured others rsa the nkelitrtv alsju- idrp- nerves ind invigorates bnrsapa and oil chbwn it llawltlj abun- rma of scrofu- o faxj ai an it is tliegrcat lialtlircslarei tnd maliiutlncr jltipuiifics the1 ood ens tho apifctke strehgtln is ihcj tho whole yi ttjm prjc t mos at cttbell c h w v vo the ex icjrlcn o a scor of t mlnent pljsslclanj when lteatlflcj yihfto uactf a eh s clant succqss intubercalar iepoi laiisdlsaae ihavs scatcel eve alterative it ls beyondlall f ilsej llblli for old and young i im convinced tliatafte liavin r been sick whole year f rrwljver ca nplalilt acers arsilp vrilla savidmy life the bckf pjiyslcltuisi being unabl to lit lpj me and having tried otjier inedlclijes without ben lit i f t last took ayers santv- parllla and was euiedrli y sclii wit kansas city kant aparilla oil by ill drnggijts cure you sar km vill hhsb foriorofula bttrrh rheumatltm bcjblllty i i spsk ritfm 4 3 m i vs t f rx hrrmils r saturdai we will offer 50 ma ing in price from iocqto low figure of 500 it will interest you to set- e bj boijlielleiiiv wy we have just passed in readymade gl oiijod ig wiich we b 65e in uenai yoc ths suits and odd pants ticking towelling cottons 3 tte mirth idh 0000 stoika job dryqoos g on hj oqtt6iiadai shtrts socks 8uspandeshct land this it tbe chance of your lifejfbr i giins u we are determined toi odersell any of the gaelph or toronto hoajes but remember you matt pay tie cash if yoa cant piy the cishiia dent wtnt yonr custom this mus be dpne in order to eompetn with hoases oth er c tsh meris all wool suits pantti worth white and cray cottons worth worth at ind childrens rtr8i twe co am st cuelph lot of eds towels l n aw for 1 v bargains caps fancy hairpins necklets combs veiling frilling cloves hosiery dress coods millinery big bargains can be picked out pfthtsjabove lines- as we bought them below theirtvalue s- mijuia jackets dress mantle oar sllllinery depattinact is crowded with novelties onr hillmgrs fceaw how to mike tit to tnit yoa ind our pcicx were never boiow dont forget oar jicfcel dollirt c4n- be uved by bayiog from ai we hive i z splendid rioge to eelecttrooi now wp kq dreis mil itsatlt mikioff ind cairkpte perfect eitisfictioa in eteryciw no muter whit yonr ootls miy cbstthay raait betflkde well to loofc well oar pricet ire very reiivnihle fi fars ire comint in uow iwfi ddntiik fincy prices for these yoa may u well eive i dollar when yoa ciaund wa cic help yaa to save money if yoa bay fromafv iij r ioo pairs of fine wool blankets cheap r b jermyn smiths powder i a great success evftndf w m try it the f irstitime you visit cuelph f headquarters for all kinds of i i dye stuffs and patent medicines r ink g s7ithit5c co gulph ont p no it wyndham st m the tarbox pillowshaiw is hvi a holder 800 3q0 for t 10c for for 40 t50 the verdic i of this court rspresentlnsj millions of i itelltcent woraeu throughout the world if that sunlight sotp is be- ypna til do bt he best in the world far lmndry tn household ate tnd thtt its tntny tdrtol igesover ill other sosps miks it the cbeipe it to aser and that those who dont use it i re tttnding in their own light vic yoa mt firstolus quslph suh and aodrt tt gt slph prises eaiuat otn fill f oar ord r tt his pitnfo- mill wriert yog oome reliable qtelpi se b jr nevr kind of alarrr oiqc opticiknskn i jbinterusrs c8 reliable i almost hate to pat up tbeie pretty pillowshams for the very first time thsy tre turned ap lor the night they jet sobsdly creased 8ach wu the moan of a careful joang housewile with whpni wis istiyinei few days t tnd i asked her why she hid not invested in ode of the new thtm holders thst have lately come oat by which the shims ire raised from the pillows without being folded she had not heard of them and the description i gave of this invention interested her so much that t hiak many of my- readers will like to hear p itv we airitnow how annoying it is ts see oar pretty liceedged htras crampled across the middielbe frill on the upper edce bsndnt dejectedly dowa- wards ind yet though we hire worried tbout this- ill these years we have oh shame apou as 1 left it to a man to help r uk out the difficulty ind si though we did not think it lor ourselves i am tare we shall be none the leu pleased- with it my two illustrations will i think make the working ofit quite dear to raise the ehims it fa necessary only to push up the little lift till it is above the ipring use that on an umbrella wbiih is near the top of the wooden standard lthlnkmy sketch wiushowthisrauteclearlythananyfurlheraescriptjon kow we have a wide field before as in the way of pillow sham decoratioa for wecan pdt carefal work upon them and make them of richmiterialsknawing thtt they will not be crampled or spoilt fcr very long time i give some designs for working two sette ot thims which may be acceptable to my readers eiekrette taken com toronto shlirday udqcr of tbe 8th inst 7 space does not permit as tn insert her illustrations and designs but we will mail thsrri to esy ona interested we deliver one or more of these holders to any express pflke in canada free on receipt of 75 cents each i tarbox bros 73 adelaldestjreet west toronto ont ijummfiaw actoinont has the best instruments and come to accessories 1 acton turns out the best photosin the county y i for portraits- of enjoys a provincial reputation i for excellence 1 i rsr i 5

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