Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 3, 1892, p. 4

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7 w ttm 3im tbtjrsdat kovemteer i tnt k ft fating folks tusn tr er kirrywatatioueted i ki4 md tanatr coot eel true fcat ee tttrtiamt be had tf e girl he ebiwwl to mart tn ttw hopw or oa th ttre reknvhit lo tutor do i hat h coau1lk wtth men or bora wiib an tut doe tout turrae nowjehartntaf kitty we hi chalet mt itwald ho do to make hr tnt ttitl wo otbec loved her id v forth i a witching la ktaf iui ntuaet tr 6 tt ttitt that b ttmnil ai fbew to mtqtc blm ib kaew vhw the uwt htm tea to face snejhowj treat wit ea4 tut lift trace pot the coum t qo loved her boat kor vole hid taeb cheery rtag awl th hid inch a winning way to raet hrvtnd iaecr thing lo fkthu unrne hi aid toc rar aod tt oot dow a baauful lovw kite klttv btrf lie wwdtagdar vorf beto ooaln- baehcior btrttfio it isxl ihitus writing again aunt anna f my nephew etld to me coming it to my library by ooarteey thia moraine doot yoa get tick writing iuy ion aloriaa t john courted jane old mto i objected family roc johnjjkappeera old tow diet jans becojne id heire jnh reappear wed diog joy forever tiurl kaw it i could rrite i would hare aortas frith tom etna io them giva euggettioot too know oh woatd yoa i i aotwered what tuggettioo nor would yoa nuke far the itory that i moat write today f watt a laid than i eorneiftlng i hen often uooht i ehould like to write oat to lire woman inf idea for making a mud art living oh tail mi i cried thoagh if it ia arc embroidery or rater color painting every thing that can be aaid on thoee tub jecta baa been aaid ko it it not a taggeetian far udie of education and refinement bat eiy women can try it i believe ah woald taceeed anywhere bat i doot kn ton nerer heard me apeak of btche bittoot did yocf ker that iraant really har name bat are eahedher to her name tree hannah datton andi cate keeper for oar eouega ton ahottld aee hec aunt anna eheiajnrs like a fairy godmother in a jarenile pietaraboofc she ia little and old atoopc and oarriea a cane and her eyas are at biae and bright a a babya her cheekt at roay aa a red apple and her teeth are white at oilkc she ra the jailiert katekeeper and thoaxh the ironld teetsre oa if we were oat after hoort we were pretty tareihe wonld rut tell the pro- fetaora tall yon a boy bad to do aome- thtngpcrciiy awf nl before the woatd ro back on him go whttr tell taiet abort him oh t aaid raatly enlikstesed she had a mite of a hoaae at the kate and ahe had bees a widow yecn and yeart the pay waant rery big bat aha t pretty eomfortable until ooe fine day three children appeared at the oottace jfra datton pat on t black dree and a black ribbon on her cap and we heard her too had died and then hit wife and left theae babietfor her to take care of it didnt teem to be any of oar batineec yoa know bat one dtyebe ciopped walton oar heed boyend atked him to noma into ha cottage for a few minatee waitod it a tip- tor chap and goodnatored i ererybody jsat the fellow for her to intsatt and the knew it well fhe told him that with three more moatht to fill aha coaid not get along on the fpay and aha wat old and bated to go away from har home xowi the aaid to him tre jut ihoagnt oft way hat i might earn an booeit penny and that woald be a help to yoa yoaag gentlemeo too im bandy with my needle bat then it little chance to get tewrnj tbeatherci bet yoa yoaag gentfcmea matt here atoekingt to darn and bnttoot off jroar thirtt tod iota bit mending tbj do i woald charge yoo for the work and the materialx bat yoar datht woaldrlatt twice at long and yoa woald look tidier ky 1 my soger hare itched manya the time to pat new oollart oo yoar thirtt and to mead yoar gloteeor tockt 7oa might jart mention it kr walton so walton be sailed a meeting in the ercoiog and told at til iboat the babiet and kra oattoot idtc it wtt greeted with enthnriitm u they tty in the newt papert and the next saturday yoa oaght to bare aeen the prooetriob hat went to the cottage i wonder krt duitoo did not abandon ber idea on the rpot each baadlet at were opened on ber floor 1 such dilapidated tockt each woehegoae thirtt anderclothee there wat a perfect moan- uin it wat well that the college rale re quired emy trticleof clothing to be die- tinetly marked with be ownare foil dime or the mstt hare gone dutracted how eter ahe ook it ail rery quietly and we marched bick to heooileg entirely con tent and waited reaalte retail prored eminently itttitfactoryl each boy found a neat bundle in hit roam ooeor two coming in etery day fith bit tockt darned to perfection co wither- womant limp like beam bat lorely rn teal mothfcr darning 1 hat yoa nerer felt there were no cartwheel porcelain battooa tewed on with black cotton bat nice little pearl ahirti battont in ihejr pfuet the battop hole hat wera cora oat were all worked ia gain oo new piecat of tac and til ttul adderclothat were patched and darned jill hey were u good ta- new upon erery baadle wat pinned a bill sewing on one battoo ofle cent battoo one oent ar a half cent of area t qatrter of a cent iu it might happen stocking darning wat from three cent op according to lira and aoinber of hole patting in a new thirt front itwenty emit and b pric of the front cattt tta apu andtfie irioeyof rutfa she waji nooeat to a ftnlt one of oer fellowe- lift the t had a father who kept a genuetntnt farnitbtog tore and lie got krr dauoo a lot of hirt frontt eotta und battont a wholetele price and itipuined itn hr be profit of tfag rullpricea for hem bat it wat a ewery one wa flhargad on her wi m exactly ther price ihe paid for iham itwuootleairiforeiahfd t niek- a or har eaiploymentjnd we til otlf- jkbaehrfer boiiootjkfter aha wat fit farttdani hadiall the work moo aha dnt p were tarried it d the aorled them v f4tabl r ttartaj i hfataytwttmttt dattoo a rtfijar boobnlhttu nil itrgv mi ttttltd aod ntbltdjhar n bar trxndohfldran with ar now amy ance my nephew od htr hwuy it w t tvm to ma that mthy a woman who am let get work to donuhcmakt a urln by ipining a litlle tor for rtpairioc rant amttt dothia ittny abaobalorlhowjtty a garment ha aannot really tsoi 1 loi ttjplte beotitelttmedtafaw ititchei tad ht it faraway from the mother o tit tr who woald take them la charge al iomi if in thi utile atora weta keptthrd froi tt enfa nottont and whelerw wat m tdadj for ra pair her woald he a email profit span ihne if boaght at hoieeal ta t city where haadreda of olerk i toe iring tloo i am aara many woalc be gd d to hire inch work dost at a ft ir pi iot and la until eoantry townt tach pit a near a cbliec or hoya ttmintry 1 1 m qaiti i rare woald be taooetn aa hoy an aid be will- to hire bachelor battont h lair it it prarided for in tome ootlegei bat rally the taiodry repairing a tufa ly hid at a ntr and at ra datton w line to take rtcita and trart that dirt n it go to lha laundry and that tailor chu mr tram- tndoatly utay a pair of p att ih hat rtacoed from the rag bag for me aad ihe lined an orarooat for walkai worked up the battoo boht and tied t taj that it looked wall for a whole tlnter kaw poeketa and battoo hotet ti red many a coat and rait end i know wa til owed many a dollar tared to bash jor battont wbenoar cleju grtdattad we got wtl- ooe mother to take tome mc aey wetaitad by tabtcriptioaj and bay a praaant far bachelor button she tent her down a etwioc chair and table and a e all went to thtoolttg inl body and preaenwtd it walton made a ipeeeft and- ha little old lady anawered it with her try griieful thank to all th yooog ge lltamee ind aha hoped each oo woatd get a good wife to darn hit tockt and tew oa hit battont then wegire her three cheer i and ai tiger and hat aunt anna it all i can all yoo ebotttlt kany thtnkt i aaid at oi may per- eeire t hare written down til that yoa hare aaid tiooertiy hogiog that one or many of my tittera who may tee hit itory may find ia it a toggaation at pmsttbta at it prored to be to baoheloi bottopt tht mediain and anritd any othat not be won p tprwm raadara hoodt baritpatula itaod at the head in it world adralrtd lo nroaptrlty n merit by khoataodt of woald bt obntpttion tt hti a urgm talt has iniedloloe booh without potltlv merit oould hoodrklla oan oontrlpation by reator- tog lha parittaltio action of thi alimtnlary canal ftiyarethebetl family aalhartlo lira hlpltt thia gown it made an train tad lb oajt itylat do not trail what am i to do j hlokt tjm yoo might take rttf a yoqf at laipendart v ol4obattijka jnfkloi laf hid plaotd iau baodt by an eui lodla mlttfimary ht toroali of a iionl ttubianntdlitlh iptady and- pax j mtbwi otrt of ck unnptioai rbf catarrh aithma nd all throat itid iiodf astotlonij alto a p leltlra and radical oar tor ntrroui dtbill y and all nwtooi com platnta tllat hat ng itttad it woodtrfnl ouratlrt powan in tnooundi of attat hat fall ii hit duty to itkt it known to all hit innerlng fallow actottad by thia motltt and a dttlrt lo ri hamtoiinfftrtaf i will tend tree o ot rga lo all wbodettttit thli rtolpe in oer ltn franoh or engllik with oil dlrectii qt for preparinj and ualng stnl by t alt by addraning with tamp naming tljlt paper wa join roohcttar n 7 uytmwantittmrirmuitlttij yoa want t tlhutloarh inaooablo flam maomnaty ledtttttf totibaiv jimij oroandtoyuiinji orlf joflwbt obi whtr tnyodt it 4rtl la ijbt jtoj ronlo daily mail and rt4 tb ad meala on the third paft of that tht ohtrgt ii two cant a wrftjwhiln ttrtlon addrtta tht liatl toroolf 0n pay what n o tji sattrt oitdt art eaeily cured by ha att bickitt kuliooatamptlre syrup 1 mediant of txlraordlnary ptnttrttlng and healtog prtpettiet it it acknow itdged by hoe who hire uted t u being lha jbeat mtdlctnt od for ooughi oolda afiemtnitioa of tho lungt and alt affeotiont o the throat and ohtat ita agreeableuett lolhe lute make it a faroarito with ladle and children uitt cnfut thft little cup and ipoon were gtten to ma on my firat birthday if iu pauley oh i muit ihow lham o mamma she hut perfect raga tor old lilvtr grttifritctom the high poattion attaiaad reratl aaeepttnoa and apptoi pleattst liquid fruit remedy bynnolfigt at the moat axoellent lualiri knonrni illat- trala lha raloe of lha qualit aa as which ita toeceta it baaed and ar i ahundantly gratifying to the caiitorni t fig pyrup company a man tcretcbet hit party back expect ing to git hi own eeretched dont forgrt that to remore oornt wartk baaiqna in a few dtyt all that it requirt 1 it the old and well letted onri care-j-ut- namt ftinlet corn eiti actor sure aafe painlatc patotmt oc ra itrtctor make oo tore rpott hard o heal acta quickly and peialettly oa t trd fad toft corn doot eoant yoar rote fli ketched j ferer and ague and bllii ua berange- menta art poaitiraly cared by 1 1 aio of par metaee phi they not oaf clean ha ttomacb and bowel from all i ilioot matter bat they open he excretory n itetc canting tbetn to poor oopioae effati a trots the mood into the bow after w rich ti cot raped matt it ihrown obi b the naaral ptatage of the body tbey re oees at a general family medicine with the bftt re rait a baaket factory it to be ejrttbtithed in sc catharinet at oooe c c rrnritr fc co ky too george hat tufftrii with nea rtlgit round the heart tinea ls82j bat by iheepplfeationof hikarbs likiuekt in 1889 it completely diaappei red and fat not troubled him tince i j kcece linwood out cholera hat broken out it iijarteillet france due to bad water doubly caawtedj bin i had a rery bad ot id and wa cured by two bottle of hagya de pectoral balaam i cannot do wfthootj i mat w c e pzarr sea bull dear sir i can highly recommend hagyardt pectoral baltam at ha- beat remedy for ooogh and cold 1 hiv nttd uat f strrarxiov otfcltnd jotepheaaan party write 1 dooed to try dr thomaa ec stria a lameaea which troubled me for three or foor yeart and i foand it the iet article 1 erer tried tt ha bean a greai bloating to me ludigettinn cured gentlemen i wa horougi ly cored of indigeatioo by oting only tfan e bottle of b b b and trulofully reoot tmend it to ail aufftring from the aam ma adyj kt dirmtok winnii pot uilbume beef iron and wine ttreugtb and ritaiity and mate rich red blood 1 the total number of deatha from in franca tinea april it tlsi coaght cold actbma ihoai bronchiua etc yield at 01 ce woodtkorway pine syrup he fnl throat and lang specific orwhttacougrt tde from t when ha iaoidry hey jor bolton lham tod and w each si coat of rt tfair amdtt- ttlbmlfn ngitl will yoa beed he warning perhip of the tore approach of thi erriblc diteate cooaamption atk yoar tslretu toa can afford ior ha lake of earing wko rat the ritk tad do aothing for fl we know from tip rlente that shiloht can will care yodi coogb u aerer failt j if yoa want to bay or tell a fifm ad rertiaeinthttortmto wrtily fatfj that paper ratchet 100000 fan era hornet every watk and yoaradrerllaei lent jthoaid meet the eyt of tameoaa who w jiit to par- ahim advartiawneatt oftbtt war n aerted in lha toronto ffuilf u ill ur f cent a word each inaortion r twenty cent a word for live inaertfani mtf the kail toronto cnd canada a being eongratalatad irerjwhere on the zclfeie of bar- m infafcare art stained oleic i promioet tly front rank of her improvtmedta ltocaatltad 4 sod of toron 40 yetrt b jaborad not only lata ooy bft to mental out of fit kind a credit dotbinim makt bulati todl pat wain- pu for mto feat ore a ha ibknktto 1 0 for y eopnmn- i it btu jtek tntt dear eire j hare ated hagyardt yellow oil in our family and know it it a tore cure far lumbago and frottbilaf my wife waa ao bad with lumbago that the oould not ttralghten herteif and yellow oil oompletaly cured her it hat beta a fortune to at oa is a tier owes sound ont aunty i iota flower dont yoaf yoang kaghew i need to hu i oommano- ad to itudi botany kowi htta em nfrt q if yotng t sally street an street llrerpool eng write that th content oc 00a bottle of si jacob oil cured ma of lumbago altar ihe had trail ap til hope of ever being better he oh uabet i tafc me to do torn deed ot daring to prora my ion i welt go ud atk papa to let u get married right away i elf cotltptec pringlef 10watchfeg pringl prlngles prlnglws prngl8 prlnglei the the fear of death tear of death it excited by any terero att ck of diteate etpecieliy oolde or ooughc tiit need hot be where dr woodt karwty pine byrap 1 kept an hand for family ufa thia unrittilad remedy oirte ooughc cold hoarttnatf atthraa btonchitia and all throat tad lung diteate jprice 15c- ind 50e sold by druggitt hr snobrie it tppeart that ia railrotat accident the firtt and latt cart ar etwayt the oqe in jartd urt saooxt why not teare lhem off the train one lotoh of katura make the whole world kinj diteate common to the not oompeitb tearah for a oommoa remedy it i fosud in ayect strttparilia lha rtpu tatioa of which ia worldwide hiring largely npertaded erery ether blood med icine in cai taint rery hard work to ooariote a lax payer that jhtc taxa i too mutch re quit the doctor gentlemen i wat troabied with dyt- peptitfor tiboat four yeart and tried terer- al remadieaj bat found them of little att i noticed aa advert uement ot bardock blood bitter to t quit the doctor tad ittrltd to uto b b b and tooa found that there waa nothing to equal it it took juat three bottle to effect a perfect care in my ce and i can highly recommend hi excellent remedy to all brat j hm wingham out a rich man cant enter the kingdom of hearen mebbe but ha kill git a the united sttte geanet mighty dagoaed ery the wild cherry combined with mil bame cod liver oil gmattioa make it delidoue in teste and perfect in curalira power j the french canadian paper are teverely criticizing he recent ptttoral letter of th somen catholic bithopc io reference to lb lata clerical tcindik the eaota exhibit at chicago it to in dude a model of late wift ia talt bellamy it thauld be remtmbered hat preempted the title of looking back ward hacked with eheuntatinn dear sirtfrfr 4at year i auffered with rheumatiaro in tpring and fall i hare been odafined to bed for moatht tt a time bat tince utine b b b i hare not offered from it at all i alto loffered from the dytpept it which hat not troubled me tince oting the b b b and i there fore think ita aptendld medicine ha anriu buxx hayealaod ont st louit boy whatdo folk mean when tbey adrertlta thtt want a lire boy to do thing chicago boy they mean they dont weal a st louit boy i tpoae for cut barn soree or waned vic toria carbolic selr it the beat healing and toothing ointment if re jaton jehiel what tt aa agaottiof mr jaton why it it a tall feller that doot believe in doctor nor preacher at long at he la in good hetlth for the care of headache cooalipation ttomacb and liver tronbleaaod til derange ment of the digeetire and ateimuatirt orgeat ayect fill are invaluable being tagarcoeted they are pleettnt to take afwayt reliable and retain heir virtaee in any elimite the amerikin fa all rite a wonderful care hr david 8mh goe hill ont wntet for the benefit of otiiere i wlib to tty a few wordt eboat northrop aad lymant vtgetahlej vit- covery aboa a year ago i took a vary aerera ooaghhad a rirultnt tor on my lip wa bad with dyipepaia oontllpationj and general debility 1 triad tlroott trery con- eeivabl raraedy oatwtrdly tad inwardly to cure the tore bat u to no porpote i htd often thought tryiok kortbrop aad lymaoc vegetable ltootary to i go 1 bottle aad whin i attd boat ont half ht tore ihowed avdent tfgnf of btallng by th time thtt bottle wa done it had abiut diaappeired tid my general health wa improving faat i wt tiwayt of a very bllioat babiciiml had ated qnliilu and lemon jaloa witlt very jlltlle effect put linoe ntlng bottle of h vegetable die- covery tb bfiiuatnett 1 entirely tout tad my general lltiltll eliellent i m 00 yrtnold pirtiet ufng itthetliooniinat ft for aome time fr they thiokjthey are to the tared it it by far th b hetllh raturer the mammoth gegrt5etosnn fall staff xmnng ia at the ifammotli eoreatown we bare the choi eat dress goods ia all the luteal styles incladiag dreas aaitings ia cheviots home spaasj graaitjs serges wool oords velvet iea coraii boailes camels hair embroidered coa- tamea hearie ta etc dreas silfci ia largo variety shot sarahs 40c worth 75c dreas goods for 5 8 10 is 20 aad 25cts id every case worth doable the m aey we have n ada a tremendous effort to have stylish aad cheap dress goods i ai we have them dress aad rfaatie making ia full operation mantles ia targe variety good pd cheap mantle cloths jacket cloth and alster- ino ia profas ion i millinery he latest noveltiea from the donicstic aadfbrekn markets a nice lot of specially imported millinery millinery in mil swing iow bat oar fall millinery opening will take plac t tharnday friday and 8atnrda3 1 29th 30th sept and october 1 tt oar orders i olotbingdepart- ment never w is in a better con dition oar stc c of saltings over coatings and weeds is immense tj ta rents footwear in and remarkably ladies large variety cheap upstair flat pets oilcloth readymade a gents hats small wares hoisery glovcj blankets anderclothingl puoi ttraodf is filled with car- linoleams rags lathing overcoats caps fare etc ladies underweari staples flannels inelettes gents md genta famish- ings a complete stock long experience ci ah and imported facilities have j given ui excep tional odrantiges in piling oar place fullofde iirable cheap goods and we are t mind to give the public the a vantage please call and exam tie the mummoth w mcljfeod co i droaartowh 12 watchk 14 watchfes 16 watchks 18 watches 20 watchfes th abor art alt stem winder h either sliver or nlokel oatet tht movtmtott ia the nickel oatet balogi much finer ii tht difference in the value of the ottttj ladhs watohidall pm0i8 g d prinallet to look wed it more the remit of good jadgtmint tndll tut than mart iavith att of money mm itookof v boots bheb u adapted ti lit the want of having ilendet inoomee itill make their tpptaraaot creditable ihotawl defire my exparitaca tad clot rtitlionji maaafacturert enahlet me preaent a link ot footwear c unequalled is tht oouoty for itylt tod pnoe wm williams with thu new meat m ibjket o stijll gatbeenlab ticufh to know that whan people are lupplladt t th artt- elat fresh meats owl te ther go where rack aan b teourtd we offer only the beet to be bad and at a oon mretnut now tcjortt patronage whtehlt about one hlgbatt antidpatloa wialwara eodearor to treat our ouatomert well aad aa a cooteaueae we retain ha jold and teeurtnewonei j i bitbeat oath prteapald or fork hid ri- iwe i faruet hartng cauie c to tell ar recoeaud toeall 08 ercxtrrk a ft i btat taaftat ioktm aid cketmtfc catarrh g t ttitwldbai jycrrttt p xt ju pure powdered purut stionout jmt t fejrerjnamaajotj wmsss laralior- om dncrlau venirif aiia efisssa o ouaci sal tkxlt rbest ume i aeeuyiajarlts fcwculur17teronteoftt dr wood couqhb i can furnish yoa vrith tpe beat presses lli 1j lt li tih l coiihtiy and a improved saturday october 8th rohspeiglit fe son pvilrniture unp6rthkino i 1 defra aaaatrl licit pu ppppl rurk rjiwy ooiaiii pi luxad wnrlvrattrfsf inlj iatiu i i aoitatlbaijnibdpj fsa thia timt tm want aloaotef osoecitabar isianyhofes choice millinery fancy coode mantle goods we to exceed all fiope fojrmer jefforts in our grand display and cordially invite a t call from every one i- i i we areprepared to execute alt orderjs withprprnptnessand t j i hipe to merht a continuance otj past favors extra valueinmahtle goods ants furnishings in great variety and cheap ndr8pn lcrae fc go bleat at ortrwl wffl- is nc neaiiny aildsouhdi evtrr animal hat itjworth tar thoam bav dieka blooo oonaiitobni wfo domart work dwkl hortt 4catfl arethtbetflinuitwu- seadapcataleardbi foil pasicatarj e a bookof nteut bt -s- waibeaebtfaaat dick oopabex alaoirtrtl bom mm pur suiok of furniture ia now oomplete for thesprlng trade aad we oan ttrpply ipl u want attbo loweetlpoetlbfe price w dont attal oar faraitart nor joe io tt nanofaotorebnt art pty oath for it and can 10 at low lor cub dealer4 in tht trade yj cari give you la bedroom set complete for 14 wove mattrestesjfor m springs fbr 3 sideboards at coat lounges or7st extension tables 8750 chairs at any price k l j undrtkki nc j l fait i ne of coffin ctaketo robe eto alwayt initbok wtoaa giva yos tatiia tion j at to prloae wa datira to i mprete npon ibe pablio aba fact that wa bav no conn ion wi h aayjeooiuaatioaliad oar priot an not governed by lha undertaker mtoohtiool wt can give you thetxat thamarkttt afford at vtryraaaoaabl nrloaa cood hearse and outfit for funerals liqh7i st son fv jlj0nes jitiiiiii cijji voqdenciravinc okingoteasttoromtu send him your order ibr any class of wood llngtaying you desire lower pes t jpton tor country news and job york to be had in this han fori any ther new cylinder press rnd sbb our untiy grouty sfliork j o tie free press is printed on no 1500 drum cylinder we have ran the prooty for ei ht ytan and tbilongi rtohaodomuliluioritriudliatyorflif tor the money 0omandonr jrtttaiok jf wt oan givayoa yoar ohoioli of a ntmbtr ol think of it i am iw 8 cou folli or c6lvi or ah col jbopk jfrei s for illustrates its merits per or poster work m ljlwbtttarwtllktltf i it nnlpl y to mntay on type tor hhtbrtfoe l book jwaoall it ha baa pratt to btbad iniha work ttsfr wypbotatr aijapleaqtwork ttnd pr and wt wfll fjaaly furntth ikwirrebi tfatt and t- it wrfm im lltiei oi rettta at alljpriot i p i- bfljer press for only 600 to 700 fijiu partic liars from- v- iphforl acton 0t 91 hand majtyotbtr thnuarli tothahappyinanencpf e d blttas libr fttto 13 ih dtsli i lel8dfiiac0 the itb manufabturing co watorl bank oce and opera iurni pnt ths act01fitio ldge i ii doiitfail bend of ctrealan and i latest improved hd pedt ed school write us cmbtfernis fforl8s ndvaluabuj ju1i th fintat list of prejnhinu i ever offered by a cana- rlnn paper c daily qlobe morning fed oo sfcoad sjaturday 150 i- w eeulvolobe rroni now a end u83 qniy om oetast i aktoxk cav gktiup afildb and aw write oarlrn 1 the olpbettofonto

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