Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 17, 1892, p. 2

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boris prttihfa artoti on mh nov ti wife of v f ivtflimtdtnclitrr iiiktirnttn krin on thcsltt m jurw henry lmlcrtol t son ilmiht- at mkrtl on tbp lli norenlxr lie itofl wo i in tit v of jtimkrfcd iu iivii- ati in vidplpc m sotbf kv oln oirrni urvlntj former rot thf kltrit ttfim m a aln itr eft iruur alun til of winnipeg n thurtuv oln oirmii jocivh h nrn acton rrrr tin mtjv at nrk sy on satuntty irii 0jsft tnirf tturtton tftm lv rrr4ti rfquwlnc on tiiitiivktli sotonn wr irtttii tunchtrr of wm iotblc ct 10 j avmnn in frjorinc on tin rlj tiiy 1 vrt june kwift ol dttu inlrnontifm m arirt t ilicitllll i u ktoitvat uonolioftt u 1mb nov jainr uckrou lrollift of sjlic lit da id mckfcflrnoi hnn tctvi m tijc ctan jtm thmsuay novkhiu notes and comments tii popaur imuc tried ptfttcf for xht next few wt pynif nt of riiitcalou ect the perform mice cf outufidiajh i the cquktry afoljnb dfijty iht naw item supplied by pondante arsd exchafmtet limehouse fjress it 17 1b32 eordinfi to premise mad vben th vi en ihi inited sill bo the i bets and capere c cchl the toronto vri aajs it is ceoerelly understood that ontario provincial dec- tiont will be held licit year land that the dominion ceceral election fill not be- postponed txyond a jear laker ttian that daw while they may poisiblf corns on a food deal sooner the belleville orfjrircn arks that the man who dies a ton of mai te about 75 oeats and the man who tarn it payafco cr 700 it areata that coa ahould never p aboe ti rr ton in canada which would cive tl to the miner 1 or reirht fl to the home dealer and to the com bines ter it it stated that president harriaon ferrinf to the recent elecli na laid that the defeat of the repobliein party wat mainly doe to the potition of the party on the tariff question the republicans baring forced the ittue t an extreme which evidently did not cnee with popular approval a joint commiawiion fro n the united state and canada will report reccrrnmendalioni for of fiib and the fisheries in tie inland iskes bordecinc on both ooantriea thinki it ia aci admlraue osmmiccion ei cept for one thing tbe rnemberf are allowed two yean to inteeliaeandrtport perhife by that time there will not be left many international flab to be pro tec ted the ifclliodiit church hen it to bo renovated painted and papece 1 a number of the reaidentc c oar ham let were tip to acton on sun ay to hear ooodnctor 6uljtri wrniona m the waterworks tyctcm 1 ere m in- apected lact week and owing the imall quantity of water in the rr olr the elm o inanranee in the town wit t daoed from t to k thli will oontlden bly locreaae the rate f rev c o johntlon wil deliver hit popolar lectore entitlec jllomin nature in the methoditt clitirch on moiida evenini nov jut mr jtmca cantelon hat p irehaaed the wtcre farm of the hnttler ettate mr cantrlon will hare a limber tain in no vember in oopkquence of the cni tie breaking down at the workt the town wat without electric light lat week the irand division sonto ternperance will mc t at milton on the oil of peoember and tolbwiiig daya erin the directori of the tow nhip of krin argrcultural society held a meetidg at andcrtoni hotel oipringc a week ago when- tho treasurer paid ovi r to many of the prirc their tioney the socrctar treasurer ttated tha tho proceed of ihe fair of far exceede i that of any prevjout year and the aociet would have a tnug sum to their credit tter all debtt were paid tho village council will hi mooting on the i5th dec a social wat held at the rei ideuee of mr ym hdtton in the village of erin on tuesday evening in aid of the partohige fund meeting of the mmigbment of the erin ploughing society wil be held at ramadene hotel erin on 8 itnrday several cows have died ti roaghont thit neighborhood recently and the csvuse of death it attributed to the fee ing of rotten potataea nvettigate and the protection an eichange senator mckindtey hat told hit r dence here and intendt renoving to to ronto at an early date ha hat been lamiliar figure on our strieta for many yeartmilton hffaratr he it senator for life ooleta thit ntefol ap sendage can te abotithed therefore what dc e he care for halton to long at he poekel a the 1000 a year for merely putting in hit time brampton tinirt socth dorchetterhaa fallen into line and at tbe municipal eleetkntrnjanuary the ratepayer of the tawnt lip will be tk- ed to vote on a bylaw pro riding for the abolition of the tututelaboi tyttem to all intentt and purpdeea the bylew timilar to the one which wi 1 be tnbmitted lin yarmouth with the eroeption that the statute labor rt to te eorniputed at tiny centt a day the clinton we era it evidently cot one of the hidebound political oreant which can tee cvit and injustice on but one tide of the political fence mowat it weakening the handa of hit own tupporten by tllowicg he uiddletex begittrathip to remain vacant at long at it it how can liber alt figbt against abasee on tbe oppotite tide then tbey are tolerated in their own tcidsl some idea of the value o dottry it got from tbe fact that nearly 50- 000 botet were osered at be listowel board on october 20 eqniva ent in value to 1215000 tbit it an eoomont turn of money to distribute among lv small number of farmer from one branch of farming for three monthe there can be no oubt but that dairyig paya and bat done otber industry to maintain rf thit country the milton hrformrrjt txdly worked up over theappointment ol licence ilnspector and oomplaint that upettor sen were paue4 ot in order to give be potition to t bomtd catholic in refevringiat length to the apiointnjerit the 7ror nr aayt it looks at if tbe government it toronto had completely abandoned all iiiea of ever re- dttming halton and our opinion is that the county may be coneidend safe for the conservative for tbe neit ieh years it uy mr the cheeee in- comparative- li the produce more than any lhe protperity one of the chief reason eivep for the scheduling cf canadian tattle it that numeroni eatet of plenrop lrnrconia bave been discovered among jnited states herdt those who consider thai it a cood ground for inflicting injiry upon the dominion forget that ci nadt and the united states are different countries there are lota of epidemic ttrikee and cyclones on the south af th i international boundary which never trot ble j the people to the north of it it ia badly fairto bold canada responsible for its neighbors bill of health hail now that the fishery seal on du the at lantic coast is drawing o a close tbe cruisers which have been o it all summer will shortly be laid up from the report received at the departmen at ottawa it appears that with one or two ieicejtiont the yankee fishermen havi respected the law and have confined t ieir operations quttide of the three mile limit a fe vessels uere warned but nc seizure- for fractions of the law this j ar have been made the catch of tbe c madian fisher men this season hat been a outan average one it has been reported thit tbe poor of great britain will this win er suffer from famine the cauies allecei are tbe partial failure of the crops and thel depressed state pf commerce and majufactorie that britain poor will be poorer ihia winter it evident for very 6anjl are out of work but with the treat st relt jcses of the world full indthe wealth if britain ready to purchase food there it little dancer that famine will affect britain our peopl axe forever complaining nfhkrd timet and that prioe are ruini ttly low but we bate plenty to eat and the scarcity acrcm the atlantic may rnt array tstrketsiere i corrai- jio thmkittarisj day pmt off wry qiittljr here hetrlm wuhald itt lh prwbf tettan chnrih la lh morulug net u trell itkadid ia lb areoint lh ep worth leigjue ot th lithadttvohtirea held a muiletf and uurary onurulnnnat in the lecture room ot the church tht programme wta rendered tuottly by the yocrog people of the church aud wat given in t manner xhit tru ry eatttajaln to the audience mr ii w ksttwdy b a of albert college belleville oeeupled the chair lu lit uiaal pltaunt manner due entertainment wat a tuooac inanclally on pnday morning an old crame dll lug on ikckst owucd by mrf bubet wsi badly damaged by are allhocrgh the fire had gained considerable headway be fore the firemen arrived and the building was very dry they ticcceded ia saving it from utter destruction the baildlog which was a large doable home ni ooca- piedby two families the furniture otc wat nearly all taved the methodists will hold their anniver sary service nert sunday hv andrew cunningham of goelph will reach at 11 am and pm ou the toilowiug monday evening a tea meeting will be held in the baiemeut of ihechuroh addreitet will be delivered by all the retident minlsttrt and rev mr edge of actop it expected to be pretcnt mr i c gilchriete of hamlttoa form- merly of thisptco spcntthtdtigiviagdiy in town arch molotn who committed aa offense a few mnnthi ago and skipped returned to town on moudty and wti nabbed by chief search lie wat brought before reeve mckeneie aud fined so guelnlt tried to poison id their next oakville rev dr carman general laperintendcnt of the methoditt church pro ched morning and evening latt 6unday in ihe methodist church on trie occasion of i he missionary anniversary his sermon wero able eipotitiorjt f w james left latt wrckjfor strathroy where he will open out a dm ttore wal ter atbton of beeton takes hit place the dorcas society in cnnctiou with the woman auxiliary if st jndei church have just tent a two 1 inndred pound bale of clothing to the north west mission license inspector reynol it has entered upon the duties of bit offioe r m chitholrh was arret ed in toronto on monday evening by det ctive davit on a charge of attempting to po son hit mother and brother at oakville by rutting arsenic in his tea and on their tnead he wat bcought back to oakville in i harge of chief of police sumner tuesday the man hae been adjudged insane and n- ii probably be committed a a lunatic nassagawea the quarterly meeting sertrice wat coo- ducted by tbe patter on sunday morning ctb mtt in ebenezer chore i there was a large attendance the churh being well filled thanksgiving services weheheld in the above church on thursday the bethany teameeting was quite success on wednesday even nc nov 2nd although very wet and diss greeable still there was a larce attendanc a number of the people ot norfolk st church guelph favored tbe andienc with choice mostc recitations end r adingt rev mr liobinton cave an addre ces on how to tucceed in life proceed i im jj u maggie mcphedfan i xves for new york tbit week on account df her health vve kope the will soon imprcve and again be in oor midst liiu mcpjbedran it in tending to accompany her mr and mrt geo easter rook are visit inc their daughter at orillis mra will and george laii gare improv ing after an attack of diphtheria askgrove mrs r s hail of vitt toronto junction it the guest of her laughter mrt john wrigglesworth mecett will and alex vrarren visited their parent here during th i week mr james mccartney o georgetown formerly of asbgrove vitit friendi here on sunday rev mr stafford preached in the metho dist church here on sunday norning mr rich kixon of this r lace has been reengaged for next year it tallamore public school if we are to udge from the reengagement mr nixon 1 as been very eucoetsful in hit vvork there at 13 will be his fifth year in that place a little hummer bird lit dp our left ear the lother day and whi6per id of wedding bells and orange blossoms as we intimated two wee tfl ago several loadt from the sons of ternf erance wended their way to meadowville on tuesday even ing j and gave a programrre there the mfiadowvilie brethren and ti ters gavejthem a right royal welcome and ti eated them to a fine topper there was a repori of there being 6ome cideher in one o tbe loads but we think it was a false alan l the editors table book and magarlnaa recently isaued and now before th public knatchbuil the funersl of harrison i cm of job n w husband took place on we nesday of last week from hii father re idenoe on the guelph road to the kbem xer cemetery the pall bearers werewillum and albert adamson elwood wilton herbert taylor and george charles wood wilton the rev j w robinson condue ted the service hi text being in st john 13th chapter and7th verse the bereevi d family have the deepest sympathy of t it community in ibis sad bereavement thanksgiving day passed jff very quietly some of the boys were doi 3g some great fikirmishiug that day the were making lots of noise with their gu is but by all much game ito a porcupine account came of wilhou some of the hunters ran on that day and got their d gs filled with quills and had to go home t ifaketbemout befote they conld proceed w at they called it lots of rain and ronddy r iaihi now tbe rev 1 w robinu n commenced tpecitl services in lie mell iodise church corwhin this week there waa a shooting smith boys place cm xhiibsgiviog day it was a good success afte tbe ibootlog match there was a raffle at number nt the remaining duck were disposed of the council invito tejefer for tb d rill i thed for a skating rink th their fun much at the nlgbt when a turkeys mi maitland of laurietton a family his tory by annie 8 8wtn the popular and wellknown scottish writer li one of the best books published in recent yean and can be read with profit by all the members of the family it it a charming story ot home life with every chapter fascinating and ha its scenes laid for the mott part in edinburgh and vicinity the story ii not only ont of unusual interest bat there breathe through lti page from the open ing to the closing chapter a pure religions influence which cannot fail to imprest tbe reader no book of its class is better cal culated to imbue the youthful mind with tho tact that oor heavenly father ia not alone a god of tcrn justice and unalterable decree but that his judgement are tem pered with mercy and that he ii god of love and delight in loving service on tbe part of hii children it li especially adapted for tbe sunday school library and hat a mission among tho young of every community william briggs publisher wesley buildings toronto an interesting feature of tbe december number of harprrn llagaxte will to th publication for the first time of ateriecaf drawings by w m thackeray illustrating tbe ballad of lord bautnen mrs anne thackeray ritchie in torn wordi of com ment on the drawings exptatue how they were discovered and how thoy came into the potsesipn ol the magazine i never knew she tayi that my father bad made pictures to tbe familiar ballad nor was it until the otber day when ifrt leslie stephen tent them to me that i ever saw the sketches this lady happened to be nursing her children through tome infantine illness and in their nursery stood a table which bad alto stood in my own listers nursery before by some accident tbe table went over with- a crash arid an untutpected drawer fell out all stuffed full ot ptpert tnd odda and ends among them were these present pictures which had emerged into the daylight after over a quarter of a century of sedation practical and patriotic mlnlstarfottercspaech on imper ial federation at old london london nov 15 hon mr foster canadas finance minister addressing the imperial federation league today ex plained canadas potition and the healthy condition of tbo dominion financially to tbe satisfaction of his hearers he contended for better tariff termt bo tween canada and england which the treaty of c5 wat calculated to prevent he dwelt npon the advantages canada offered to tbe desirable immigrant and in vited the british agriculturist to consider tbetn the speech throughout was practical and patriotic and evoked the greatest enthus iasm frorstho 00 auditors present mr gibbe hp occupied the chair and mr bratsey moved tbe vote of thanks to kr foster which wai carried with acclama tion sir john abbott was not able to bo pre sent shot by a policeman c school soldier attacked policeman who shot him in selfdefence william tickner aged 25 a member of c company canadian regiment of infan try waa shot and killed on widmer street toronto last thursday night by a constable whom he tried to keep from arresting a comrade a prompt and complete inquiry into tbe affray resulted in a verdict which remove all blame from the policeman who shot private tickner who with his comrade had secured the policeman batton and had knocked him almost senseless by repeat ed blows on the head and kicks about the body p c campbell did jutt what any other man who desired to protect his life would bave done mrs crlmasona daughter dead toronto nor 14 a daughter ot mrs grimason tbe old lady who so miraculous ly escaped death at niagara falls while th pan presbyterian council was in session here died suddenly at her home cm major street on sunday night ever since mrs grimason waa rescued from her position of imminent peril on tbe girders of the bridge her dtughter has been ill from nervoat prostration she waa not an eye witness of the thrilling incident but it is believed that the recital ot the story ot tbe terrible ordeal through which her mother pasted brought on the illness which culminated in her death an sunday night broken at the wheel ottawa ont nov 13 a man named grier while placing a band over a moving pulley at buell 4 hardmant mill at hull this morning was caught by the shifting and literally brolten on the wheel lite was extinct before the machinery could be stopped no blame is attached to anyone if you want firstclais guelph tub and doors at guelph prices t eoruae eta fill your orderat hlanlanine mill the protests tgainst th return ot mr alliston hp for east htstiogi were dis missed tuesday without costs no evi dence was offered a either case thew h word doing thwfc talk0 aa stpilorn ot during the pultoo o jtpeo ft trta u tl 000000 a tut hue ot ttjitmert a australia la eontsmpltled h d lenept litttffeticli engineer t 87 yean old franc hit mtdj minimum tariff coaoei lion to canada macttn uarphy hlmmlt latt week sir stores weralajrirued at hirnia monday at a lota ot 5000 mcqaarriat mil at baytvllle oat was blown up batards manitoba will h va a rery large exhibit at th worlds fa r all ot winnipeg i elcctrlo street railway ate now la opetsti ia hon r p grai t senator died at pic toa ns on sat day tfcero it protpk of diitgreeabls compll catlom with veoe uela sic hundred lipase in ttroyed bv fir oa ia ten mouths toklo were de- sunday 1500 persons left ger many tor ameclcin ports dr hllli eight rjarderati will to hanged at annapolis tad deo sota th georgian uy district has aiported about fuoouo wc 1u ot apples- a deficit of t 4000000 in the pension account it expect at wathlagtoa mrs henry illnthawjol cornwall oa monday gave ilrtb to three girls at guelph t o colored persons war married each so fear ofge lost week the interaatlo ia monetary confereao will be presided o er by m levi a belgian a tramp at bn dtord pal threw coal oil over boy tnd tl ea burned bim to death and the queeaa hotel idge were burned mon- hilli tht woman poioos wi wwd tstsdty morning hi mads t a o latelao the 0ta4anwooc1ui i cwftgino at halifax tilossid ittt ulgh tjh riiult hat not ytibtinraaa publl i the po dtptrtmint 1 1 wathlagtoa hu stopped all moaay ordttt i ad registered matter sdrstted to lb lou tu i lottery firm through the malls latt week hojs barrels ii applet were ihlpjicd from montreal to en ope miking th total ihlpauntt to fir thtl seaton 856 700 barratt aa camptred wila jm85j bar rels for tha corrotpondld pjriod tit r- j the hfg sailing ship baiaentnna hu jait ratarned to naw tork after iflllng from ktw york to baa frtdcikcj to liver- pool and tiitace back to huytjek ik 270 days the vetttl earned fst o0a la freight on th gttat trip it la believed that the tohoontrj htraaltt owned by fialay meglbboajt bsirula has been lost with qtpt ailealiadla crew at fix mea all of strata shf hid a cargo of lumber from penelaugdliheue tad it eight daya- oterdae litxajyhi lohooner regarding which much anxiety hu beea fiitia strnls ha been wrecked at mich- aelcbty the cook a womita ram kin- cardtae wu drowned bat the nmalader otlhe crew were rescued after isirtre hsrd tbipc coopers mill stable at breocb day an explosion cjt natural gas ia chicago gits to the value of 115- i working bard ou eng- behrine bea arbitration destroyed windov 000 lord hannon ti lands cue in tbe matter i the raveuuo f ir the dominion for the lut fiscal year n dace the pablio debt 8j millions it it teld that jlndiant were mad draak to tiga false tuti ment about bchring sea seal claims large numberi of ohlnamen are crossing the rio graadej from mexico into the united states kobe brewer lad ctpt bolton account anwot parltamiot have been impended for irregularities assessable pro lerty in oluwa it valued at tlrg00li the population ia ts933 tn increase of cat the election if j w bale m p for soalange is vo led oil aeooant of illegal practice by cget ts rev sidney eltoo charged with iatur- iog dying mea i i in jail at 8t johns n b tor want of tail hon john mi intoab if p p quebeo oommiuioner to the worlds fair if ier- iautly ill ia mooi real rev g h h irrit tgl 22 putor of a univtrtslltt chu ch at orange mass corn mitted suicide b shooting in a fire at nc tolk va 80000 bag of peanut were dei troyed the lost inclad- iag baildingt wt t2o0oo the steamer c ty of llheola from mont- real foe liverfjol lott i17 cattle and several hog owii g to rough weather a a large earop an produce firm are about to establish a big porkpacking and produce- shipping establit tment in london ont rumours are i gain rife that war it pro bable between tl t argentine repablle and peru oa the one i lie and chili oathe other mr fowler president ot the english local governme it board has ordered the construction of drain and roads to provide work for the one nployed a e dodge charged with embezzling money from the intercolonial railway wu sentenced to syi year la penitentiary at st joba n b saturday a boy name christopher willltins while oat oa the niagara river at fort erie shooting ducks ru takes with a fit ell overboard and w i drowned ko evidence ru offered at cayuga on saturday on the petitlou against the retaro of scrarthar b- yle m p for monck so th protest wu i limlssed witbjat costs the number ol eabtnowjactaslly employ ed la london it estimated to be 11807 a number which 1 rge u it may seem it tb- sardly iasdeqaal for a populatioa ot over 00o0o0 people j l a portion ot gen benedict arnolds flag tbip coagreu ia 3k lti october 1776 in lake chtmpttia hu teen raited by cspt o w adams at west lddison vt th timbers are ot oak sod ai a sound there was errifio explatioo ot dyna mite near the rru in wheel pit ot the catar act constractiol company tunnel nia gara falls oa saturday morning one man wu killed and several others were severly injured jjptfi both the met iod and results whea syrup of figs is taken it is pleasant and reifreshm to the tasteand acts jitlyyetprr mptlyokthokidiioyr irer and be wcls drjaaas the bys- letn effectual y dispcb colds head aches and fet ra and cures habitual constipation syrup bf figi is tha only remedy of its kind over pro duced pleasl igto the tosto tnd ac ceptable to tl a stomati p- ipt in its action- anc truly bcnclcial in its effects prepa ed only om the mpst healthyinda rreeablesnbstances its manyexcellei itqualitiflgcammendlt to all and 1 ive mads it the most popular reme iy knotro syrup of i ics is hi sale in 75n bottles by elf leading druggistai any reliable iruggis who may not have it on hand tjnll proonre it promptly i fra any one who wishes to try it mufactured only by the figjsyrup ca kr davis if jordan ot edmestau k t colorless emaciatod helpless noons j campeu cutv iv thu is from mr d mi jordan t re drcd firmer and one of i the mast re- apected dtiteas of otsego col n y fourteen y cir mjo 1 liadi an kttxck ot uie gnvcl aud have stnee been troubled wltli my llvar and kidneys gndtully growlns wone ttireej jeart ago i got dowu to lowtliat cewmacstmclr watte i looked mare like a earre titan i itrlnt lielnr itfiiil uo ssiietite and for are weeks am iikiast crael- i wu btdlr eaiseuted ud liid no nicre color llua asarkt ttatae loodt sartapartlla wu reeonunended tad i uiotiiutl weukl try l betofol lutd saitlied tlio first bottle i noticed lust i felt better tuf- fered- le liesnfasatati h hi t- acrrndsulblded tlierolnr ixgaa to return to my ftce end i txf ce feel haasrrr- alter i find takentliree bottle t ccmltt anruitag witliout hurttiir me wlir i got fa ituasrr tuit i hiut to eat s itmes a day i i have now fully recovered uiankv to hoods sarsapariua t feet welt aaut oatc welt all wlia know rao marvel to tec me to welt 1 m juanxy hoodl pills are ttiet t attrtlmkr pitta attut dices uoa- core kaaazelie ao4 liiuooiatts ikiga t ox t aeeos the new meat market o sttjlli hu bsen in bastusss lu aetoa leac enouah to kaaw tbst when people an sapnlisd with artt- it fresh meats fowls 4cl ther co where such can b secured we offer oolr tht best to be had serf at a coo tsqutuee now solars a patrocuce vich ls about our highest anticipation wattlwtvs tudeavor to trstt oar customers well sad u a eoaseqaeaee w ttixid the old and secure usw onost hiihest cuh price paid for pottl hides tal- iewce farties having cattle cc to tellare rsquestmi to call i6sttjl1v the pil h t i i tlmott hate to put up lb pritly pillow ihami lor hs- vrs xtrit time by r tflrafd ap for lb ofgbl i thy get ad badly creestdl such wu th moan ot a oarefat young hotjmwlf wlllt whom iwaj iiayfog i iw daya ago and i asked her why ins had aot united la on ot ib ow hm holderi that hat lately oorfl oat by which tbe ibami iri raiaed bom the plllowi without uiag folded bha- bad not heard of tbm and thfldeaflrfptloa i gar ber of lhl mfention interested hir to ranch thai jl think many of or reider will ilk to hear ot it j w lf koow bow aaooyfok h fsu tee our prttly laosedged thamt cramplsd across the middle th frill on be upper edge haoglnf dejectedly down- wirdi aud yet thotigh w bare worried abool tbfi all tbeie yefura w havejoh thamt upon aa i iaftlt to a man to help usjoat the dlrsoalty and although we did not think it for outselvet i sm sure we iball be none ihi leu pltaaed wltb it hjr two llaittelfani will i tbiak make the working of it aalt clear to raise tb ihsms li is uecestarr only to posh ap the utile lift till li it above the tprlag iilft jhtt oa aa tfmbrella wiloh la atar the top of that wooden ftandard i thinkmy ikitch will ihow hit more olearlytbtn any further deecription new we hav a wide field before aa la the way of pillow sham decocsltoa tor we aaa pat careful work npon them and make ihfem of rich malerfaliknowingthat they will not be ornmnled or tpailt for a very long kme i i give tome detigni for working two lettt of ibtrn which may be acceptahie to mr readen h pierbettb takta from taroato haltiday uiga ot tbe 8th last not permit u tninseriber llaifrtliona aad dnignt bat we will mall faferesed w deliver oa or mm of tbei holder to any axpr receipt pt 75 cent each j canti a free on elpbw tblollbliibl ior tarboxbr03 73 adelaide 8tretwt toronto ont our stock of autumn wear is now complete m every department ii trt i 3ur- reputation for firstclass ordered cloth- j j ing is wellkncwn i i m ii wa have no 8uperora sthaw turner has the best instruments arid accqssories photo art acton on i out the best photos tn county injojys a provincial reputation for e ccellerice i keep in nindi tne and childrens geman leading department v possibilities ot sjcctj ss in this vicinity t mantle room snd fromjseasqn but you will see its largest in westeincihtarib jladies ra and material nc np second g b ryhnofco who purchase large quantities of ha at r and boa t for his lee an tta i ra the re kept woollecf dn trwts i w iiafcwn avsau uaaaasfaaaar ajs american and caaadiua manufacturers than he could poetlbly tftotdthem at only hanlle trimming koarnfnglgoodt siliir good that hit porters wth two delivery waggons and boya underwear of the newest itylesjia having an immense tale j hit embroidered almost all uaefalityletj ate gteatiy admired andleli vei panev toilet coters andpown qallt colion ai fwool vdae being the best that oath can procure h i carpejt allwool tapestry brutsele wlltoa axininiter moqai tt yard jrng math crirabololhi oitoloths nottingham silk chenille aad damask ct rtalnjaad great variety bleu eater the tore at tl ia net store hamilton november 2nd 1891 pri2e come to acton for portraits i of any kind thought of our new stock of ladies mantles and wraps alwaysa leading departijieni witfi us we have held that there were our imantle trade las yet unknown in this vicinity tlj realization of this is now here in bur les of these goods increase not only r to day not a style or variety but qsentative in our stock probably the oaks in all varieties of size style color ouelphj is crowded daily i with ladles fashionable- jgooda wbich er arrivirij every week from the european lathi down it the lowest possible prices and selling at smaller profit so enormously large his stock of jdrett goodt millinery dress and raryj latett ityle aad at prices that mast pleate the lodieeu the volaeif to oojiitantly delivering gooda to hit joaitoraetsj ltdiea qenls mlttos merino cotton and silk initable for aatumn and wthter trade are foe ladies and mistet of both canadian and foreign manufacture in freely an eaormoaj ttocfc of blanketj qailtacomforteri coriiter- len sheetingi etc la tires qaalietaad pribttw to aait every person the tales this season ere enormous consisting ot large ttockt of union damuk and eemp carpets ranging in prieetrom loo to t2 per jlaejleaast window shades curtain poles carpet sweepers swim end net curtain ololbe nets etc window trim m lugs blinds etc jorner king and hughton ttreett telqtsrf as c watkiisrs shopping by mail a smart fellcrivj hal made popular the phrksti appptal card wi do applied to shop ping by mail think for a minute of the time alnd ex pense and burden of a railroad j journey and thcrl consider that there arc no difficulties in the way of purchainggeods by mail cither imaginary or real which cannot bp over come if proper care is exer cised many who have become fimiliar with the simple de tails find it oftcritfmes less troublesome than shopping in person t the t eaton oorjtto ih fmj ttmi tirwu l ib of ii i 1 1 i llatotvwamntis f a dolls dolls dolls all sfxef and prices at c- tex dfiuobtori monef to loajf tf abh or villtm nrotiertrt raeionahl rate ljr iseleis hstjcak town ball letoo m steee astral astebb whieh sttarsd too th leml ot tb oodftstoed torearsafcj win b sold br aaetlon at wm lutbonyt waeem equetui ou teesday bad lnst tf nctrprstloiis- it claimed by the owner i bobbbt sfbowl auction salea j so head 07 cattije on btockee8 and u butetaers osttl aad 60 springer- st clarks hotel actoo ea wtdjiaidsr tjrd kevonber st 11 oelockaooii txua i f months credit spar eent arl feteasn kathah moobk appren w norte but good honest bovt need apply bbbinn tt j rain wantebv ftvece urjeriurnod it prepared to pay tha rilfa jl est caih price 1 or all ktods of train aeflvtr- edatbiswtrsboas tt o t b statum aetart iobs b cobby wanted a few u ratling aontt to tell bartdrj stock a salary o to permontb aad aspesis write for paruculara j d h pattt kaiseymas -f- jobprjiting fcludinq book pamphlets poslan btu- haads cfretilars fttw a assented in th bast style ot the art at moderau price and on sbortuotfet apply or addreat htmoobe 1 fan pixsi orbee acton tenders wanted bs j uiiir w inimimd 8katino bink the nndersiipied win neelt tenders tor tht drill tneccint is for k ekatlng kink daring the comlns winter neh tenders to be put in by tbe sstta kovsmbsr the leasee must uoderteii to leavti the balld- jns lirtbe tare bondftlon and state d rspajr at it it when possesion thereof ts erven th08tm00be j clerk of tht municipality aetonkovlithlstt ll aeton btaildiiig assotjation notice is newer given that a enesat meet ing ot ths sbarsbolder at so aeton bonding assoelattoci umtted waim held at- tbe offlo of w h stony oa tuesday tbssurui day ot december naitat the hour it two otloek lu the afternoon far tb purpose w havin laid before tbexn affsscountabowlratbalriiaaiierio- whieh the wtscung up of tmmasaootaticbi nas been conducted and tht property ot th atsoct- adon disposed of tbit notice is given pursuant to b b o chap lsjteeu wawclban tdfitridator dated tt acton this tti nov 1st7 valuable property for sale abu8h farm on lot lt-eonmfaitlitawn- ship of feel 118 acre with log cfwanisf mxu umbered with twech mapltv hamloeli nine alder rock and sortelin sot seres oleored exeept bixraliig the brash aln a itcroudratigh east dvswiurf rooms andtwoeellari frame stable with am lots of btn4 oa qaejnh maria and oueen streets in the ylllaee of aeton will sail ivs or ail baddtaa lota separately iroetirtd termt onethird cash or elehanaefor other ipropsrtr apnlrto v i la1h8 aoton out h frank burce88 house painter paper hanger sign writer etc ispreparsd to weuta orders in any oj the f2t v to tt best manner and atreiaonaw termi bvery job having mr peraooal attentloo arairfnanwccd w m retldeneet ifaln sc aston will reoslvs prompt sttentlpili 1831 the otjltivatoh 1893 aim country gentleman tub best of thb aqricultltral wfieklibs rqtvotzd to farm crop amptooeeaes hcrrtloultrire ft roit drowlag l1t stock and calrylng wdla it also include sdi minor nepaxtmnl ud ajuvtsn club bate8 fcr 1893 rsahea ax srtoijtioa jo twft sabniiptioat 28 sricrms coras fsuea addrts liotheb tucttra 80nrbliahrs i- i aiiaiijry tela

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