u bank of hk ad office hamilton aikntoh cirtttitalr it urutatfrkp tltsy to clsrlell r betejks alttcltkler pntx toks jvrv brtwirt vi ilwat vlorltt jew it imi tiro hosrh t vioio idctit a iure oeorcjetown aoekby nyrikncctfcl itid linnet tint on 11 iutmvcnun oiuro on all rirta of cv rl- ikitsd stitu ultcit ltjutsis ald the lnrntw or raaort mubi and told i titiobs mk oo ill tcttble points 0d tviet rsronbls trui ba visqs psfartmes rrroiit roelj of t tod upiitlt tint in- itt allowed troci date of dk4t to dtl of wlmrswil srecule llepoktts aw lrj at current rate of tfatcrvst so rn of iirarel renlrevl juu3v accut k methodist c acton ilrch rev josepgxdde putor icvooiivi bclusalul4byttt strren w4 vittoft vlny 4lcoui at isut utktn l th door new 6qqds ciqseprices combs to horn and rubber from 5c purses from 5c 1 hair brushes 5 30 50c splendid value toot brush es 10 to 25c shaving brushes 1 oc upwards cups saucers mugs from pc jases all prices envelopes note papers school supplies cheaper than ever j solid nickel table until and tct spool ppea from lootejjss per pan atchet jewellery we ddioc ind birthday presents come in and see es wo will satisfy yoa i geo hyndb aetata ont be cton nz thursday november little local brtleflets which caught the eye free press reporter t or ears of is week tfce rctdt tre in t bd ttite dot whm it homo without tl furr tsx sincl ccpies o the flee rttm reijy la rriilicg three ccnli i a aeelinj ol the boirljof tratteet of acted pctlic school will beheld ceit hon veflic the ihoot mttch onj ttavekspvidg itfu dot ery uryely vtfteoded pouton have beeii higher here the pt week thia in gcelph o toronto- j l viuren it mpplylajj georgetown pcbiic school with 30 cotii of wood at v3so per cord j whet tre the trrnen cing to tccore that dew roller mill it il time to move tbect the cutr i mr james brown is m nompleting a a cew icale hoote ted coei shed oa his lot career o mill cd wilbor street ret h b chrintk ol everton circuit will occupy the pulpit or the methodist church ca sunday evening mr james mcltcn completed laii latt week the second larg wrought iron berk conveyor chain for the acton tanning company it i 270 feet it length the farmers are ba u a busy time celling in turnip this vh the now ctcrm en the 9tb found th usanda of acres cl turnips yet m the grcun 1 in this vicinity when you want auction sje bills ctil at the ftrz vlls cecc you will eecure a nett clean correct md large eized poater at a very rexaocable price and have i priuted with ditpatch oar little oqe for november is a very pretty lot of pictures tod etories adapted to the ccptcity of young children minds the rccgaiine oa sts only lc per month ruesell pub co boston billheads letterhesjli enrelopes taa and all kinds of bacne printing is exe cuted with eroeptionaj netnesa at the fexe pteea office price i tre very reason- i able customers are nrrer kept waiting 1 cr their work try oa id uontreaj the sia almanac is just cocuicg out uisilmpli a wonder thor caghly practical nartelloosly compre hensive and tbwloxely overflowing with things weoqfiht to ont do not know about no amount of prai seems to do it juxtioe the improved telephone service hu resulted in ani advance no rates it cocta snb6criberb25cecuto lalk to guelph cr georgetown aow instecc of 15 as before noqsubccribers will ps iq cenuif they dont co by traio and dc their bufiness at about the tame cost the first enow is i ways the exuse of merriment to the yoia folks tnd they en joyed themselves jut reek ta thoroughly as only vloung folks ca l its bird work fcometimes to treat life vith laugh when ou gtt btnged taddeol i in the esr with a cnowball bat the tnowbtll doesnt seem to mind it aud after alii it ii a good deal bttter to be hit with a jrnowball than with a block of building stone or a brickbat on saturday november ljth we are kocfc to hclda great a peciavl eale of dress goods and mantles counts which we have the news at hc moitly f a local chcrmo ttwaryttam interettlr jfthd caucd ayrtiy in etrljr tffe the tnslfiy ttiends here ot mi thomss kennedy kccistrftr tarry boutd sjill be pained to learn ot the deatl oe mrs kennedy utt saturday mrs kiimedy has bean in poor health for a earor so wan ia toronto with her husbtt d consult- in ccnttieat physicians in sept mwr hut obtained tery tilths enoouctkem otj last week ahin itrtejna with peri lyti from which the necr rallied gcieralfsym palhy iu be erlended to mr ktauedy who was always a favotite in actoo aud is jmt aa highly eteeued in pa ry sound in thii fd bcrcavemetil a wo itatilyliule daahler of about twelve years acd two sons will nius a mothers wi tchlul and loving cite the prxipptrd zktprorrtnrnt kcry mbecriber ot the 1 nix pnrns found folded in last itsuo a clrc alar eelttng forth llit new plan we have decided to adopt on the ll of jatiutry lti vie ch in aivno tor all si bscriptloot accompftninc the circular was tn address reostve the ouuide of pi rati covered to a 1 inches with spow it was fctslui of athef for his of he er generally observed as a goodly nam- the epecial large dis ven off madllesfor theltet two fiatcrdajfe will t continced and in addition we large duccont trora tl of dress goods or slks in the house remember we ctrry nice dress goods and e r bollklt co guelph oj envelope sent to all who frii ekcts at post officts acton these will make tt convenient for those st a dicttye who are now in arrears to rem it the imoant doe end tfcey will alto be retained by prepaid sabeacibera until they tfeiireto send us their u6o for re- pewat when the time to which they are iosspaiahm expired the libel on each nu tube t nivee this nform ltion our thanks are extended to the ma iy who have already paid up rrearaj nd prepaid their subscript iims for anot ler yet in v iew of the new plan to come i uto effect in a few weeks we duoetcly he pe out entire list ol rcavlrrn will accept tiie proposed change and in good lime jhavn their sub- icnpnodn arranged ko that no numbers may b missed at the expirjilioal of the year tftackstfivinu day thanksgiving morning dawned bright and clear with mother earth depth of severs ust the irtorning to awaki gratitude to our heavenly 1- many wcesinga and comfort the dsy was cry holiday and m the morning a ur of our citizens attended tae services in ttf churches at knox church rev j w he preachexi a eplendid sermon from neh4 10 thfii he said into them go your way cit the fat and drink the sweet ali stud rrtone unto them ut whom nothing is prepared for tl la ily ia holy unto our lord neither be sorry for the joy of the lord is your stre igth a very interesting service wis held in the methodist church rev r edge con ducted the service dr vre i red appro- prlite selections from the word of god h p moore gae a brief ad irets upon the blessings for which the pe- pie of canada should bo especially thankf jl the pastor followed with a stirring add ess apon gods great mercies towards us frcm every stand- point his promised and ocr liopcs for the future the choir was prefect and render ed suitable music the rmeudb vas cxin- tluded with a praise service is wsiich many bf thote who attended took pari the aneipected all of snow ept i the loyal citizens busy in the morning clearing eide- walns of snow and brought ont a number cf cutters which made the arr niernly with their bells the pan prejstreriao council the ladies aid of knox church provid ed a treat for the evening f thanksgiving day in arrangmgfor rev ur raeb lecture on the presbyterian world as seed in the fifth pan council ikfore the lecture a nxial tea was provided a 3d this of course had the effect of putting the audience in good humor shortly after ei ht oclock mr d henderon m p tock the chair add after a few words of welc jme called upon the choir an anthem wiewtll rendered and mr hae then commei cevi his address it embraced an excelled review of the great presbyterian coun il which met in toronto last month wit i delegates from all paxtsof the world gr phic descriptions of many of the proniin nt speakers were given as also the topics tty discussed and the various and pointed a guments used by each in the brief time all tted them the lecturer characterized tte council as the greatest religious gathering ever held on the fcfcntinent referred to principal caven as a prince of executive ability to president blaikie of edinburgh who celebrated his jubilee year as president ot tbe council in most reverent terms i o dr matthews the secretary as emine itly fitted for the position to dr drumn ond as the finest speaker to dr john e all of new york as the hero oi the pulpit and always ready during the session to say exactly the right thing at the right time md to dr smith as the oldest member uf the alliance o3 years a minister of the g jspel the lecture was full of interest and hosejwho htard it must have been coavii ced pmiat m rae was o very- close obscr er jt the proceed ings renewed and of he personnel and prominent characteristi a of each speaker sacccssful anntverssi y services 1 the anniversary serv ce jo the metho dist church last sun lay iwere the most eccceuful in 6omb resp cts in the history of the church which extends over nearly half a century condator snider preach ed morning and eve did ant he was greet ed with very large coniregttions in fsot the attendadca at tbe veniug service was tbe largest ever gather sd ip a church acton the eisles alter being crowded acton municipal council the smlmorthty meeting for the trntottn of aetont publlo affaire the council met oa monday cning at eight oclock the couucihoce were all present mr pearson in the chile tito mluutce of list meeting were red and confirmed a ceie of destitute clrcunuunoc cmo before tho council it cecrai that mrs gregory who canieto acton from gaclph tome time ago was found in want 8he tuted to tndlvidunl membcrt o ihoooun- cil that she could gctaloofi better in toronto where she had ibmn friends and stated if the council would help her to remove there sho would bo no further orpemo to them moved by alex becord seconded by a o7lleardmore that the application of mrs gregory for assistance as sho ista destitute circumstances be cntcrtaiuo and that the clerk bo instructed to isso his check for 81500 with tho understanding that sho make no further calls uypn tho council carried the twentieth report of tllo committee on finance was presented recommending payment of acoouuts as follows l ortliim removing tcits at tofen liall j v kauuawlu coal oil a cook 3 loads kravel urs flrcgviry charity e a oo n go i oo the report was adopted moved by a 0 beardmore seconded by jno harvcv that tho town hall be not rented again until after tho school children are removed to tho new building carried a syndicate of young men were present to ask the councils terms for the utc ot the drill shed for a skating rink during the winter moved by a o beardmore seconded by alex socord that the clerk bo instructed to advertise lor tenders for the letting of the drill shed as it is for a skating rink during tho coming winter and that such tenders be put in by the 2sth inst the lessee to undertake to leave the building in tho same state of repair as it is when possession thereof is given carried the council then adjourned deafh ofdnntrl thornton from the newark ny gavut we learn that daniel thurston who was visiting friends here in september and who was stricken with appoplexy while attending service hi the methodist church one sun day afternoon died at the home of hn ton on saturday 29th oct the uctzrttr says after returning home from his mtit to actou he gradually failed until he died he was iu the american war for three years and tor forty years was a devoted member of the metftodist church tbe grand army had chitrge of the funeral servioee it ib profitable p voa it pays to read the local paper it con tains many imparunt notices that the public generally are interested in aside from the news columns there is always matter of interest and importance in the advertising columns a man auigns you may bo a creditor tho legal notice of the assignee tells you when to put in your claim a note is lost it is advertised in tho paper when it turns up in the hands of the wrong holder you are saved from buying it from the warning horace or cattle stray away from their owner an advertisement is seen by the finder and the lost arc restored there is some thing you want to buy a merchants advertisement tells you where to get it and o the chain of usefulness con tinues link by link as a medium of com munication it is valuable and convenient alike to those hp have announcements to make and those who are interested in hear ing them and it is above all cheap dont be without the local paper it may save you its price over and over defaulting accountants vuttort to trd s coming and going 1 prom aoton and vtrlautothtfr fanantlhout inejndlne alio wmi it antou viillod fciendt cor ur zitfl il d tchiai imlt katr ot bri haco this ik un john geuntt at uitcu km la town oa moodiy he thomu gowiy jr ot quclph u la town ovir baucti ur arch ucncbb rmarued frocn rncebridgo utt we lc j ulii lcttla hem tretrti in mil to a i oauplo ot diyi lut ccok kitu colli sttlord of xorouto wi homo i jty oc to tit ktk tho ftcully o it tho smyth tt re- moving to ptatttai thit week ur 0 0 hb drton ofitocoato u homo foe i diy i hit mk ilrr w p bra o ot toronto ipnt t dty or ia till wl with frleali lmt utt thomu el iolt rotarnod lut vock from viiillngtntai tt koaat kocut ur u uclnt to h gone to cult wlitco ha hit mcqi od i goodiltutloa mrs dr drvd n ot rookwood w t gaut tt saudtrui i villi attr baadiy ulu burrott c gltanllldmi u ito racit of trlsndt he s darioj tho put week ur md un lobicion ot koctwood vidied actoa riec do oa thtuttgivinfidiy urt uiloolm k snaody left oa sitacdty to vitit t tittor it beverley who 11 very ill uiit utrkio 1 itthewi il ipeadlng ooaploof wgektw th friendita brtntfatd ur a- e nilklin returned froai the georciia dy pminiul ou frldty evea- iog uetin w ii storey tnd n weber us in qloveravill i on a butluet trip tbli week rev a dchr ttlo of tho brick church it vliitidg hli old homo tt biranville thii week wnic cliti it vliitior her tuat very ill tt ber home ia un b un 8wid who elort utco cort yen use of torouto wti t guect tt tho lethodift partontce over sundty utl john bleabeucon hti been viiitinc her tiitec tt uo nt forett who ii very ill the put week urt andrew durhim tor ford who bu beca ia vertl raantui returcod to aotoa but we it ur nd ur i ed ii hcmttreet of avlmer htvo be u tho jueu ot hti fitter btilifl hemttre t the put week- ect ur li infcton of witowel hu beea invited to ibe uethoditt church kin- ccrdine for the neit coofereoco term ur taylor of owen sound who hu been viiitinc hi itogbter ur edge for sevcrtl weeks n turued hom on uondty un finlty ucgibbon ot strnit tnd mn c c u gibbon of peneltng tre gttetu tt the i ome ol ur d uenderioa up utxtxe arihi r ietnoo who i ttlend ing tho utrbc d it cotlegitto loilitate toronto u h ime tor tew dtyl tho put week ur joseph hero lut week joho who hti in atoo mm htcxie ing tt tbe hom retaroed to bei diy hrtuj 3olemtn of freelton iu he ctme over with hii o j list uken up hi reiidenoo browd who htd been viiit- ot ur uren for tome time home tt uediut ult fri- n tccomptdied her itiireportejjthtluevthotgseueorce town who hti for tome time been tnfierioc from tn tffectjon ot the thrott intend ia obedience to winter in the 11 take of ecil e price ot my piece the largest itock of eilki in the city j 27 wyndhim st the steps and veitibate niuu congregttion wts swelled with thit of koox cbnrch whose evening lervice km tvithdrawd tpd score of others from serious discoveries made by inter nal economy commission ottawa nov u tnere now teems to be uo doubt thtt the two dettulting mem bers of tbe home of commons ittff uessrs bonlton tnd brewer htvo been goilty ot iiregultritieo which verge very netrly on tbe crimintl at t meeting of speaker white hon john cortigtn mem bers of tbe internal economy commitcion of the hoase held this afternoon ur sedgwick deputy uiniiter of joitioe ur j lome ucdoagtll auditorgeneral dr bonrnoit the clerk of tho house tnd ur e p htrtoey tho tocounttnt protein were alto present the transaction of tba meeting were not divulged but titer tho mwting ur speaker white announced that there wu a defi ciency of 2325 of which amount tome tfl100 i represented by i 0 ui of broweri in tho cub drawer tho london uirahtee company wu security for both of tbe 6uipended men in the sum of 5000 tho company hu been notified tnd mty take crimintl proceed ings as tits been promised the suspension ot both brewer tnd bonlton is fintl bonlton is tt aylmer while ur brewer il in new york ottawa nov 10 ioveitigttion into the matter ot tho tbove deficiencies point to tbe fact that for the most part the 2315 represents amount overdrawn by mem bers ot the houte ot commons lut session when they expected an eitra teutons in demnity ot 500 each which wu not voted lis physicians to spend the jouth ur h iltnjhaw photo artist whohu to the houte with illneu tble to be he is now preptrcd to fill til orders for buperior portraits ur junes firstbrook hu resumed his former posit on iu the establishment of been confin since tho ttl ot october tboat tgain out ot town were present conductor spider presents aline appearance in the pnl it and ib gifted witb a superior delivery aui grtoefnl gestures his best sermon wts hat of the morning bited open the text col 3 11 but buy yourgrocerisfreth ahd new and canadian and american coal oil at t h hitwvh marble clocks lir presentation gold head csnet for pre elation at savage coe guelph fot sali ad rlegaut bed room set cberrw bevel mirror french polished per fectlyctv less than wholeesle price conrjteas coal stove with oven miu a baton the mammoth house georgetown will have a very at ractive tndouncement in neit issue tn tie meintime they tre selling lery stylish mtnlles and othe markably etle is offered at 3 and handsome new winter goods it re- prixs a spleddicl seal- christ is all and in sermon matt 11 2 ye that labor and are will give you rest large cougrecstion vaiich heard conductor is an earut speaker forcible exhortationi itals of persona christain life are power for good erally speak iu efiorts the rendered by 11 blt his evening cofiie unto me all heavjy laden arid i was enjoyed by the it tbe and 116 arid numerous re- experience in iie convincing and the audience geu- iigh terms of hi anth mi tnd voluntaries the choir during the dty the gates open on sunday decision of the worlds fair com mission as regards tha sabbath victorit b watson ia the value the superior leadlnipuyil cltns in thit city itc- ictlho ayers htttv ptrlllt t litre told b it for eljltteen yctn uri itavmlta liljlmt tetftrd for itt healing qualities a l almaudlt d druftdt ilretvl ayrt remedies in uiu part o lie state enjoy an envltble reputatlalt tml nlthaugli i tm hat lac c liibli ot recommeiidlng titoiitlcwry tttcdlclnet for ludstcrtmla t utc aitdtn of avers sacsaparula a u olooil medlctde fa t cognketi in the fac tl hundreds of ikk arejcbii tantl appearg lfl matket that these iircpata ons a koli so good as avers fs wellfcnowji to tto pt ifemiori ays is novitnd ilwliys h leen t e su crlor jiedrie for tho qurp ol alldli eases orlglnatliir in impilre bit bd il s record ot wonder- till cures jut paat co yefjre is j aguatantectliatlt oures others acd will cure yotf bit yet i cannoumtuuew look favorably on inch ratable pwptrttloiu u aynrs saraptrilln aiiil alcri lmi t really tuperlor prentttatlotit oi ajbtliuptotu 11 c t ky sister was affllcled with a ieitn cascjof tcro avers ktrttparllla u htlag th denl woodptirlbrr wlti uils medicine aal a cotulitete cures wt uie rviulir wra i recororaend ayers battapanlla to my ciktimicrs it cltm trs uilnj it iu their ptactlcejc h lorcll dnik ayers sitri prepired bj- tt 3j 0 aycr k oo has cured jothers w medicim ecrt it tlu tulisoit tt ulitl cur cjoctor rceomiiicnded in lils mtiwricijce we gave her o jen dm dewcete xeh iwtere nee- to uy other pltytl- t ojoiralii itliillatuin stocmngs when it comet to telling trtthy goods wo are simply not in tho rtco when it li t question of tho heat vtluo for tho money w tre tight to tho front ttko our 1 50o cuhmero btockiogs tudoomptio it with anything it tho price and if yoa find tny better vtuasi let ui know tad well mike van t pro- sent o oars bttn applies toour 25o heavy wool land oafo hetvy wonted ribbed try us tad tee kid qloisres the world it fall of shtmt ssfd t ipetker hen reoeatly tho lid glovo buttutsi brings its fall quota to tho general stock the tmount ot truhy goods offered ii something awful tnd strange to sty there tro people who are alwayt retdy loj be taken in we do not uk yoa to bay oar kid gloves on our recommen dation wo tbiolutely gdtrtatee every pair wo sell this applies to til ndr dressed and undressed gloves in regular tnd opera shades at 75 s5 1 110 125 i1s5 150 i7s nee pair the selections of which from tho best maker ot the world hu coat us a good deal of time and ihoufht uncier- qlothlng speaking ot ltdies and child rens woollen underwear wo couldfill a wholecolnmn to peak ing of the many liuea and excep tionally cheap oods wo jnst call yonr atteatioa to the fact wo sell a lidy all woo fjll tired 1 vest tt i for tit tnd thtt we have about 15 different prices and grades higher worth soairik aud knowing i attractiva goodt and very low prices for cuh all over tho house messrs firjtbrook bros toronto wo understand 1 e contemplttes tho removtl ot bit ftmily u tbecity shortly uisa leni boomer for several yean orgtnist io tt o trinity uethodist cliurch berlin hu been engged for the gait uethodist c iurch with a good salary uiss boomer is well known to mtny of our retdenj edward dynes who wu in toronto general hoi pittl for several months is homo again ho carries bis left arm io a tlicg yet tn 1 will never have much tervioe from it oi e of the bones of tho foretrm wu remove l rev b c eaver ot st ctthtrinea for merly of i arlington hu reoeivod t call to the htor art aveaua uethodist church c to sueoeed re covetdtla jane nett tad hu tooepted labject to kho aporoval ol tho transfer committee tho yoi ng people of dublin itreat uethodist i hareh oa saturday elected ur t j uo re prmciptl of 8t georges wtrd sch ml president of tha epworth letgae fo- the entaing yetr guelph urrcury ur uoare ttrved t terra tl preeident i f actoa epworth letgao with great toce ttneo he will fill hii present position w th becoming grtca and dignity at a n eating ot the official board of norfolk st eet uethodiit church held lut friday ev ming it wu decided to extend on to kov b j treletven of a to succeed rev dr hannon ext dr hannon hu received e r b0ller1 co 2s 27 lower wykdliain st guelpli 12 watches 14 watches waiches 18 wa ches 20 watches 25 watches ovo tr i til btera winder ia either nickel cases tho movements in el cui a being u mochj finer utho if you want j j your blood purified and your system j invigorated get a bottle of sinitli8 blood tonic if ydu have i a bad koff get a bottle ot i smiths chewy balisam l i pleasant to takeand cures every time our winter fluid j for roughness of the skia chipped hands and- to be used after sjwfagjias no equal j prepared only by mcsmithfxfco dispensing chemists guelph ont no 12 wyndham st i tillered 9 in tho ttlue of tha ctsee 3sw itchesalu prices beprinqle cu9lph txjodoa qcmtifj ponalti ihiui ftrtt tdvertiim la kogltuul ia hie tract- q and alioat 1gct a eotuiderabla u 1 a ported land tt beetuns iaita a rink 1 j though the- ptic4 wuc tboat tt orl5fpt- poaad- at tills ezlj txmfa mia in its h tary hjwt 1 tarjiosid to core htiidxciia of the kfdncjtr lanatjte in feet u u lookfad apoa u t tare far umok wj troabltjf ia igldilhs intrkut ni glttttad thtj but in it com pny hatlog l mportm sjxd ft which ii tha i ime vc coadderwl s irge im- partly a cot iimra thu trtth the cotuamptloa la 1390 c 1130a jhoq poaadc this iadicu tija eaortai is lnetitm id tho tad ihoirs is tdri mtity at knoirtiig her to bar ttotll liewtavlrant hamilton beet tj rtnuej cofi for 100 kind of t etc foe 100 company having cleared but a line of furs at 50c- on- the we are now offering them at the same proportionate reduction these goods consist of storm collars visiter vlctotalnes ia such high class furs as 8ver ftxf smofcod fox sable oppossum seal etc etc special value- in sealette and baltic seal muffs and storm collars- a large range of astrachan jackets beaver and sable capes and mantles l sj this week we offer 30 of our last seasons jackets at 5acemt8 we thought of keeping them for saturday but considering that we lost at least 100 cus tomers last saturday 0 a ac count of the rush which made ltimpossibieto wait onthem we thought it better to sell them during the week remember our english and german cloth jackets worth from s5 to 756 tof be sold at jjoctill cleared j dwilliamson co 5andiwyncthamstreetgueipb yrict xi m oswald street qlsssaw aivcucn 5q cents fall prtt bta whofeaale ini2retail ispedahsl king street west next baojc ot t p loatl side 0 w etam too til ntlltoa send tscui lorat sttaj s far- 1 jhnle rjoaud whielx will be sent raez 7 mtil get your nefehbor to loin rca fa bayfi t woe ietsie frora tio oldest largest waaj itest c laapest best exfjerieaced and most 1a teat oose in the damuiloa aa invittt bt thorn in jane t added much to the i iterest of the occation tho offerings of the tticiactory a year auction sala register ttxsivr acu lmilements esc adtbooy lott4 col oclock no reterv keccsuee auctioser jaipletqenta etc laiutrtrt lot ii oclock wtihcc ste of stock perty of wllllixji at 1 wra e proi i esquealtis sale at 1 u the firm is sold clearing tale of stock liie propeitr of jttnes opa s erin rale at ono street auctioneer in financial msttet day were entirely ago the member de ided instead of a big anuiversarydinner x raise the sum requir- by plate collection tbe amount asked for then wu more ban realized and the same result wu e perienoed on sunday the congregation is now fullyconvinried ciuauo nov 12 at tho regular meet ing of the worlds fair directors yesterday o resolution was passed favoring the open ing of the worlds fair gttes on sunday provided that the machinery be not run theditectors declare that as all the nations ot the earth have been invited to attend the fair it would be highly diiooartaous and inhospitable to inform them that they caoriot do on fjnndty what they woald do at home the cloeing of the gates on sunday says the resolution means that thousands of artisans and mechanics to whom the exhibition will be of iaestimable advantage will not be able to attendtt the directors say they are in fivot of allowing every nation to hold within the grounds such religious services as it may desire on bundayi they tlo think it desirable that the gates should be open to tuow visitors from different portions of the hion to meet socially at their state haildingb ten months for forgery a nnamin ius invitation from tho uethodist charohit 8t thomu and his accepted subject i f coarse to- the decision of tho btttlonio committee of the conference ithis fancy hqirpins combs frilling press cpods 3fi big bargains can be pic as w6 bought fhen necklets loves hosiery rhillnery mihiaery jackets d out of tie above hnes belo v the r varael choice millinery fancy goods mantle goods cv i we hope to exceed all former efforts in our grand lilt to io low siesu kov ufrtok barnwell ootknercul traveller whohu been in gaol that the mottsnee uful method of raising j here for some lime awaiting trial ootho money for chord pnrposea is by direct giving tnd there ill hereafter ba fewer dinners and tearne tings moremorey an 1 much lees trouble sit cases ne i english goods j opened suitable fpr christtnu at bivtrz etcos guelph dress etwece of a forgery of a check endowed by oherles hand pleaded guilty to day eod was ntenoed to ten months io central pdaoa views of ay baildlog residence or mutton of the town made at tny time and u kef oa hiad for ileh rmiuw uostrapalloat people mtv steal light joapsdtreotioni and advertisements may attempt to gain baiineas for iwn poor staff by imiutiug sno- battheycaat bargltrite this sotp worldwide ntme tnd ftrrie of its tiled qaality tor of its processjot mamftotare this it whst makes san- light sotp harglar proof quplity and naril haveriven it the largest lale la tho vrotll they their light of iti aneii kkking furs mantis dot uilllnecy deptttment it ctowdtd oar iiillinert know how to suit you and onr prices were oar with novelties make never t forget iottr jackets dollars can itasavedi by myiug ftorn ni wa haves a sole ndidxange to select from now wi ioo p airs bfi fine wool blankets r b jermyni co jliu ic prl display and cordially invite a call from everyone i we are prepated to execute all orders with promptness and hope to mefrit a continuance of past favors f extravaluein mantle goods gents furnishings in great variety and cheap i i io d es and uantle making and griarlntee pe tsct latlsf action in every case no t latter v hit your goods mty coit they inus be imide wellta look well oar itvt you s tita very retsonible fukfjriosi henderson maelae co 7tillst kct0m naroeomingiaaow we driat uk foe these yoa may j tt well t dalla whenyoa can aodweota heln to save i money if yoa hay from nt clteap slaiu streets atjeon mcchanicalcvgencral woqp engraving iokingsteasttoronto send him your order for any class cuwdod engrayingyou desire 1 j- uitiii fa