i i n i f h ii 1 v clic rtott jfree press ii pubunrro every thursday horning at tke free rrcu steam lmnunr office uillstepet acton ont 4ur p year new in advance or within three months trocn banning- of year two per rear if cot sopid jbdtte to which every subscription is pjtu denoted by the date oo the address label adtirtltiko rfres transient advertise ments 6 cents per nonpareil itne for first in sertion j cents per uno for etch subsequent insertion coktiict ruuthe following uble shows our rates for the insertion of advertisements for peciflod periods or solncbm 10 inches 5 inches llnch 1 1 r 6 no ko i team tiioo tmx 7 0o 15 to s000 uoo 900 tarn lino tjoo eso 6m 350 sjm 100 invanoe advertiiemenu mutt b paid nin5rfihl u cb once etch h for ottener than ttrefstrsia m nitutbeptiatot ins or mhttct advertisements moifbe in the oace bj noon on tuesdays h p moose editor and proprietor iuettiffis fitraforp t f urkn m d c m strett y acecorner hill a frederick si a mcrjeague u d crr trtnlt college member ol collece of phytlcltnt and 6urgeone llcentiste poj p phyblclsns and surcooni ofioatqd residence dr lowryi lite resi dent had of grodarlck ttrtfett acton ll flekkext ldb demtist oeoaoctowk oxtieio jitclean fi mclean barristers solicitors kotaries conveyancer tc pritt funds to loin offloetown hall acton wk amclrijr j a mriju t a mowat blkustxb soucitoq notart pttbuc honey to loan orrici piriyruesday and saturday officer kaon win i block acton upitalri ii j ucnabb c 0 n ve tax cr n collecto n etc rents and accounts collected arent fire and life aiartuc propertj toncht kved told money to loui on tbe most fsvorible trmi i j auowat8 office acton cj hilton wallbridgba stoke birrictert bollcltort it toboxto vkd groeorromt oficei creelmin bloelt georgetoirn and trtden bnk qhambertca yonge st toronto jsntltqs biwhw1llbfiige debtoye patents secuhed 1 for inventions henhy grist ottawa cixldl twenty y rs trfcciice no ptfint no tsv vyh he11btreet llckjised aucnoneeb for the counties of wellington snd hilton orders left t tua free pbxss offlce acton or st my residence in acton will be promptly st- iende4 lor- terms reunsble also money o losn on the moit fsvorsble tsrmssnd si tbe lowest rste of interest in tucu of i 56x and apwtrds- john dat architect guelflj oxt ofnce wynhm street eirancisinunan sacceisortot fcbspmsn bookbindeb titoeorgeisqcsre gaelpb ontario account boots of all kinds made to order periodicals of epery description carefully bonnd roiinr neat it tod promptlymone mhe haklan barber shop illllstexetactos vneaiyifaveaityllibhftircntacoodieafoam an ecblllsnltinesbampooalwaysaten racors boned and put in crftdui condition ladies and children ttlr tastily cut j hwohdentont9rialartibu p actou liodge no 204 j loop meets iu tie oddfellows hdl hills block trety wednesday ereuing vitltlcg breth ren alwais ireltome pot copy of constitution and laws apply to the undersigned or any of tbe members 1 wwnlilahb hhworden s n g secretary salesmen wanted we ifitbtbothtrtteliintdd loctl iiieemen toreprecentthe old esttblisbed fontliill nonerim salary paid fbou the stakt to ttlecmen experienced in ocr line liberal term to beginners sad t permtnent ritnttiou secured we btve 790 sexes under caltitttion snd famish only firsteltss stock outfttpbie htrdr rtlictles for kortfaero oattrio snd htni- tobs s ipeeltllty we guabaktee our stock apply for terras st once we vsnt 100 nor stone wellington toronto ont every week we are getting new effects in ingrain wall papers with borders and ceilings to match these papers are used the best families they arej as cheap as the common papers only 15 cts a roll and much handsomer when you are in guelph call at days book store and see how i nice and cheap they are day sells cheap the traders bank op oakada head omce tottoxto capital acnioeited tlq300q0 caktjll paid up 6xbx3 rest frad b5mxa guelph branch coftxra or wtkdizajc ixv quebec rrxestc j savings btntdeptrtmant 1 per cent paid on tutus of i and cpwamsfrom date of deposit to date of withdrawal or earn- poundedbalfyecrlyon slst uay and wth no vember deposit receipts issued j taradvauces made to responsible farmers j sterling etcbtnro bourbt and cold drifts lured payable at all points lu tbe united st tee and canada a general banking business transacted a f h jokeb i llaaacer quelpb branch bank of montreal capital rest 12000000 8000000 a savings department 1 been opened in connection with- ihis branch intcreil alloweil st cnrrent bstei 1ashfinlay llanaser guelph branch w barber bros paper makers georgetown ont usee a tree iibtr o wacftfne ffnisfted book paptys high grade weekly news the piper used in this joarnal is from the above mills wm barbes 4 bros money to lend on good farm security at a lower rate of interest and on better terms of i repayment tbttn ever before offered in canada intending borrowers should write or ca at odco add be convinced before applying clschbere mitchell jackson real estate loan insurance asru guelph canada new planing miee akd stth and door ftatory john cameron contractor jhu fitted op ok bnildlns on ikln street lite v occnpled sss trunk factory with new machinery nd la prepared to furaiib plan ipecincttions and estimates for all classes of buildings and leieeute all kinds of i dressing hatching j acd boulding kaee txl tttleb op suhea doors ind wlndotn ind door frtmejmddreued lumber and keep s stock on htnd kll orders promptly attended to 1 joevh oaiqjroh j aoton season1893 tjhile returning tbinki to our many pat tt rom for thelf liberal fnpport i tbe pait we wiib to iniorm yon that we hare entered into an arrangement with e- stewart guelph to keep constantly on hand m full stock of tbe ordinary tlcen of sash doors etc and will alsosupply any special sites ou eliort notice at guelpl pilctu frames of all kinds made to order we also keep la stock a lino of baws window and door casio gl corner blocks 4e your lumber dressed wjjue you wait price 81 60 per jf pumps being better able than heretofore we will supply either wood or iron pnmpi promptly ah work guaranteed satisfactory please call aud inspect before purchasing elsewhere tdos ebbagej mutineer acton bell pianos agents wanted in eterx townthlp to mil the pictorial cyclopedia of lire stock and complete 4 stock doctor tbe most complete and comprehensive work erer published iu tuthors sttiid tt be bead ol their profession and bare t continent repu utlou worth its weight in joh to any on barin horses sheep ctttle swine toultitt does or bees a crsnd opportunity to make money seenre territory at once address i s k scoter published j i 120 yong st toronti hamilton jiaible works hauiltoms block formerly batchs block the ore corner of woolwich and korfol t streeu qaelpuont alohmh hamtutom proprietor wholesale an retail dealer and direct lmporter and manufacturer of all kinds of qraniteand alarble if onqmeau tombstones etc harluc bad an eitenslve erperlenee for the isjt id sr the- public msyrelr on lettlne all sopsrl4r articles at a dies per rate thtn say othtr detler in the west j i n b 15 per cent off oo a direct order re ceived for tbofneitsodtr organs wereawanded vhe gold i medal jamaica international exhibition 1891 in competition with amcrlcangcrmauedgtub and canadian manufacturers graduation frou the- guelph business college enterprise character capacity success ulvstra tzd circular sent free i to any address m maccormick principal hnd no lal for new years gifts beautiful banquet lamps handsome piano lamps- music cabinets in oak walnut mehocany and curly birch oak secretaries from 900 up and the best ash bedroom suite in the in the world for 1500 come and see for yourselves p sprhgce cuetpft christmas presents free a present to everybody who will buy their shoes at the j reading shoe store ovelpb during the holidays such an offer is rare come early our prices are the lowest our goods are the best wmclarenco i cor wyaihtm st and st gcortes sr avbupb steel engravings proof etchings colored pictures koom and pithora mo hidings silver gilt 1frames artists materials a full stock of winter b kentons flaie white double tubes eowneyi 10c 8 x 10 deep photo frames complete tc 5 feet cornice pole brass fittlns 5c our wau papers are said to bo tbe best selected in the city waters bros established 1ct7 st georges square grttelxth t fttmilg rfttlitttg fob bale on monthly or quarterly payments only st i c w kellys ktjsio store v lower wyuduam street goelpb tela- phono its s mj cook co eoeoetowit lloensl auotlonrt appriir vtln toiir oolltort eel eirttte nd gonersj lanl agotc j obncecocttietor i tad onttrlo uoner toleto from 100 op at sit oer cent ptrtlet plselnx their isles or other buinss4 in os bands will hxv theitmepratdptlystteniied locmoders haerges omcw tip hslrs books kill st aeorce- krwn or tdlress bos us 8 k cook t co actiooeers bituchortitx uqueea 6letsttorot to f k cppk 00 auotlonrt aorgtowtt tnct toronto welllngloa mtrtasj i fire insurance company ettlluthzs 1m0 iksurasce on tfctotl plsn any ammunl cttions forwsrdedto mytdress bozte or telephone g3 will bepromptly tttendetio john taslob atent ouelctb acton saw mills ili axd- wood tabds es br0 co jhmes uaxcpactukkb ixv lumber lath shingle e i cod wcxdj coal and wood always in f delivered to any part o reasoaabla price hardwood tod flibc eat o on hand telephone cgwmaul54u0q and promptly tbe town at suili always the leader j upper wjyndham st choice kew kotelues in scarfs r and neckwear just opened up the finest bsnge of choice new suttfngs fine trowserlrigs in the trade close prices for cash lit spexdsutj perft jimloe faou to j order r e nelson uereututtsilorasd gents fuxnlsiir i t ggtxpwrwpicuiuiiacamlpli te 3 ol tvnes rt vou tin tsl ebaat yerinthems au yet si lis n siebt an yer mo ern cnoir slncin thst yon hlns jso twiul rich but yon ort r betrd us younrsiers in the un es ntiw ftr twsy atincln o the od tunes in the ol fashioned tty ii tlicre was ome o us innc treble an t few jf us erowli buis an thetld o tone flowed smoothly with its smpumeut o crsee there was sperdttlnthtt music an t kini 0 ioemn cwtr asingin o the or tunas in the ol sshioned wty i remembe oft o sttndin in my ho let pern ptnttloont on tny face the broneeta freckles of tbe in s of youthful jusec tbinkin th tt no jnorul mlnttrel erer ehti ted itch a ity at the ol t ues we wsi tlnciu in the ol tsbioned wty the boys d slwtyt lead ns an the i it nd all cttao in till the sw stnosc o tbo singin bobbed tl a lutein tloulof bin an i ust to u the ptrson twu u ood to sine at pray when the soplesnnj the ol tunes in the ol asbioned rty how i long iclnfid betr it pourirt f rth fcom rul to soul with tbe tt mo hlh sn meer an the b st mljiuty roll- but the tin is very diifereut an the n utic betrd todty aint tbe si clnq tbe bl tunes iu the ol fashioned way little ecree hin by a woman little tqi akinby t man then the o tns tweedletwtddle jnst the rnpty space to span i an if yon i bould otcu think it tisnt pt iper fcr to kay that you tnt hear the ol tunes n the ol fashioned vay bjat i thin thst some bright mornln when th 1 toiltof life is oer an the sun o hesrea srisin h qlsds wit illnbi tbe nappy ahore i shall hea the angel borus in the re ims o endless day asingioco the ol tunes in the o fsshlened fwty j paul fiuitlxtr a lood ifellov lueux e plhk indeexl bro her jack is a good fellow tnd nobodys e jeray but his own i that ii be poor praise bessie he that ii ill to hi nielf will be good to nobody else howeve send the ltd to mei he shdll bve a cl anoel to tnake c spoon or spoil a horn hat it all i can do i the speaker mri john smith thoogb his words were rough and hit manner brus que was by n means n unkindly ban and he was sp tcially inclined to bo land to the gentle tiro a little wqman pleadlae her sons cause for jbecsie wta his only titter and had been good to him in many a boyish emerjci cy he pat on b 9 hat after tbo promite and walked down t the ferry with her giving nt roach odd advice her at they wi board bim becsjie in tome qoietj de cent family woold take him bat tf ho comes at my c erk ie mutt jt tt fare like the rest bee jet if he it e er to learn how to take ca re of himself abd what be longs to him le cannot i begin too soon and dont give bim any mony bat what he earns indeed jol n i have none to give him what with pai ing his bills io patterson and making n losses in stock i am iran tbia year torn laic ceatl well well beaie times will mdnd maybe yon wil have a good crop nextyear and yonr bsttc and milk money is aj de cent living bcsre gighot she did not like to tell jacks ancle h w a yean batter and milk money had bet n swept away in foolish chasea and be ting debts jack had ur- felt so dreadi oil si out i he bad promisee so faithfully to rt ike i all up and that to the mothers hearf cancelled both debt and fault she took h teat in the car with a hope ful heart and all t je way along tbe lit damp ugly m adowt taw bright visiom of happy dayt be ore 1 er jaek wta wai ing at the little ay tiro depot for her he lifted her into the wtggoa add tacked her up in the tkio withloving care ind i jok ing atlier frai k handsome son it was easy for bessie tot take tpologies for all hit ex travagances i nd ttntt implicitly all bit promises i nothing wt said about untile john until tbey tat at the ppper table together then besaiev i s she handed jack his coffee and steak sai 1 i was at t nele johns store today he doea a sight of bdsineae i was fa rly bothered witt tbe drays and clerks ind bags and boci s jack expeot id thi i information did yon t eak sitxrat me mother orrta it a bad time i went to peak about you jack ind i did what i vent to do john says hell ttkeyoa ver wilingly and give yot a good chance r i new york well mot ter i mean to do my hvel best and yon jatt teo if i dont come pat yet at the rig it tide of the book there was hmethiog so confident end willing aboqt the joadg man bessie coold not but share his conviction she trailed and nodded p ppfly at him and said yoaaraitn hav 10o a month jack and so you w 11 only need a little to pay your board h itil ynr first salary is due tbe trouble i that i hare not 1 10 in ready money and i dont know how to raise it tom knta wants to buy the little black mare he will give yda 150 foe t er she it just eo ting herself ap how for yoa dont need her in winter and yoa can lot most of the t toneyjaway and hay anot ler in the spring bo bessie i old the mare and gave j ick iso when he kent the next monday mc ru ing to the ci y at a freight clerk to hit uncle john irnifhl tbit gentl man nras by no meant eatily led any by lis feelings noc apt to ba im pulsive in an f matter bathe took a tiling at oace to hi i nephew and before a eek was over th i yoang man m a larorib i of of every one on thi plaoe he wai sach a good fellas so jready with a tmile or a helping ham to all above and below him jsciraost hem and i urtilf aai gnteiaiiy- seasoded intimacy- le ween bated ore half hour vrith himtelf at to in rfering hat the decuion he finally came that to wan school f sven wit i it ate lav ly oat draymen did jnst what he and even ha stylish cashier uayly condesceadad to rnake the big asked them mr horaa advance to ards jacks aqiaintanceihir a few weeks there wot a the wo low- yoang men matt go the dame experience no matter if the dii take dreadf ally high wages s ho cot tented himself with asking do yon spend your ovenihgs with horace dayly jack mostly uncle he has more than doable yoc r salary jack yob muttnat try to run him and there is the little omsn home yoa know i know sir replied jack rather stiffljf no offence meant jack i suppose yai have made ap your mind to teo life as mr dayly tayt i jnst tvinud to te 1 yoa that theihowitnot wotthube moner youll pay for peeping bat go yoarowi way yoa are pretty tare to do it i see for the rest of the day jack was though- fal and full of good resolves hi counted ap ruefully the money he had spent within a month for glovea and sappers and theatre tickets and thinking of the pro mites ha had made to hit little mother at home h was ashamed of himself indeed he was quite determined to be guilty of that kini of nonsense no more but jack could not resist tuuery hor ace with two other stylish yoang men at his own class called for him that night and horace introdaasd him as th very prince of good fellows the moat gener ous and delightful of all company and jack could not but make such goc i prtitet just this one night he would be all that was said of him it war the last night ha ever meant to be extravagant and be might just as well take a good fi rewell of tnch things it happened to be an nnutaall brilliadt night and the new friends bore all ex penses jack had never sang fie er tongs or told f annier stories he was delighted with himself and everybody wa i load in his praise over their late oyste supper jai goodtime the next evening was pro posed and as jack bad spent nc thing he saw no objections horace hadthreepretty sisters andsonje one proposed lo take them to he opera first jack was delighted he 111 ed htdiel society and was quite excited at ihe idea of going with a handsome party of girlt to a box at thoiacademy the next day horace delicti ely hinted that he would have to wear his irets suit jack had no dress suit honce would take him to his tailors he coulc get all he wanted there and pay any timetefora new year so that night jack made hit bow to utsa dayly in the most clegait and the most extravagant of dress snits i certainly he bad a splendid night but not even the memory of kates wonderful eyes and funny witticisms could malce bim forget tbe money owing for broa cloth and the money spent for carriages flowers tickets and supper for someiof every one seemed to expect jack to return t le compliment of the previous e ening a id the party being augamented by i hree ladi es quite doubled expenses before his introduction to jack might perhaps have withdrawn frcm the dangerous current he stood in but then it was impossible kate and he soon be came very great friends every day the had some little commiuioo for jack and every night he found himself tempted to take her somewhere to show off her beaaty and have her company all to himself be sides having got that dress suit j it wis just as well to take the good of it if jaekt extravsgence had stopped with himself it would have been bad noagh but when the hot day t came it touched poor bessie very heavily 8he found her uitlo farm every weeks end filled jwitti jacks city friends they came with jack to eat strawberries they came to fish in the river they came to toow off before the country girls they even came for the sleighing no season w exempt from their inroads and bessie felt the j expense ill met by their patronizing praise i of her tnag little place and her prime goc d fellow of a son i at his second new year jack found him self several hundreds of dollars in dbt he owed his tailor bis bootmaker ibis jeweller his restaurant he waa obliged to pay part and keep the bills running he kriew he was badly erved and shamefully overcharged bat ho was his creaitira bond slave and relief seemed hopeless unleeslhis unole should raise bit salary or bit mother mortgage the farm j just in the midst of his perplexities jack got a letter from horace that horrified him horace bad married an4 gone west leaving the responsibility of a hill of 650 on jacks thoulders this bill horace had induced him to sign only a month before j he had tlojo of talary duehim at thd end of pe- cerow and the billiwaa not dno until the zflth of january j ck was sure therewas no danger and yet i e had not wished to do it but it was impi ssible for him tij resist his friends adroit compliments and argu ments and so half afraid and half reluc tant j be had trotted bis name m horaces word i it rts a little k titfaction hat ha was now advanced to the post of cai hiec and its doable salary he i ould now f he woold save enough in half t year to clear off hit own i debts and thin he rduit save and pinca for another year to pay the debt of hit friend horace dayly ho felt too ashamed and too angry to say anything fdr a week or two he kept very qoiet and went oat to see hit mother hewaatrying to make up his mind to ask mr to mjrt- gtgathe farm hat vhen he j saw how bud she wotked in order to avoid this vfry tl ing he could not do it matters soon began topretshim very sorely and duns to ome and see him even in business hours he taw hii ancles curioat look and was afnid he woold ose the position be bad jatt gained he vis tempted too by the absolute cpntrol given him over the money affairs of the firm and so after a long and miserable debate wttii himaelf he borrowesl at he cb 1000 from hit tcconntt tnd urgeat demands ha was fall now to live upon the bare n every cent was paid scarcely a week after hr a very clear idea of what had called him into hit private hands were gone officer fitting quietly by the twvf buf le went forward v i httvo been examining tjie books sir and i find one thousand dol iart short in cub jthat is a prsily big thing in less than t month can joaexpla a tittle t jaofc had nothing to say am i after miserable ippeal to nit unolis clemency went with tre officer to ladlo r street jail it cotty smith a very ivera paog to permit ft but it it the oo plan left- whs ow t at coutl never lisme confefi pt for tool to the brack hills snd store and ait to me it is a place atnhng miners and bat thereisa good ttart there go and fry it i will mike yottjfjfce to ejjvi by the next train i will give on the give j iu thre s la at good this enicg efficient so bdic is on t is own tccoi it to lame repen i ince cl a nothi i could ing ii j it he it is late the ti tco iqight of her ac d gaml id sifa tly or dratik lacik gnomes work llikei heabi for t j yean aaytl hallo nest opini is and can nlest a dirt ng wap iahhe kept muttering i am d in right poor jack 1 orgotj theagony of that night theremorse the anger and ilmseif he could see now ie i had been j he felt bitterly xjd fellow was afrighrfdiy tie hot tears of iname and and opened hit eyes ac hajve done with the nioru- nt for his mother a the could possibly reach ate to see bim he had an- hcjrrdc and regret and when uncle came the next morn httmble at a little child- he ackw i lodged all his faults and explained to the ittexm wt penny his debtsi occiejohn what are yoa go- mje dbts first thing jack it rten thit done yoa will do yoa remember that tomjsotter cf oltersvilla and the big bill heovc sme f i sir- e has ginc rver th i poor niseraqle woe people if wf like whole affair for 1273 and rttopay it in if there inj you jack youll find even han a weelrfack war cfoing bat lis uncle had t in fottertviiie ace where men vile whiskeyj or among the coal lot watched him id vain hd saw that if ever low mad of the yoang le ma t irst prow the falsity and nest cjf his preset t position and ithen be lemoved ou of 1 such tim a as the growth s enabled nim to bravo it kt was hi wrongin tec sting everything to ft ks tense of honori and gratitude thot h he slid little hefelt very strongly his it olss trait and affection ha wis deter lined t thow hint that after all be had it tens ed him too far he ttoct to botu si thi first year for there wis both gelse o interest him and hit re- milt ices belli to his ancle and mother sheji a it ti teooai year irje made the acqaain- of a very pretty good gicl the dauttl ter of be richest man in the neigh borne d he sooo begs i to visit there evtnin he could sp re atd go to the cbdrc t with her on saniayt one pew moiii 9 after another tprtng up from thete two ii rad ones he mart get oat of debt beor bo cot id ask ketta to be jils wife d i bm going to church le got to going to sa idty spool and fee ing a tealddight in thi work twi yean after his settlement io pott svllle he came up to new york tnd paid ff the ut dollar of its debt ing pri tty well eh jack i in thh king of additig dry goodt and drag to my ttock wbi t do yoa say andli 8 y its i plendid ill help you all ypa seed i go a lead 1 i hlnkal taking a wifitoo ancle js t to tt not that whoisit j tta biymond 1 iv bat esmond the coal kings diagh w the ittni jlien i link ittsplehdid too itm ptitl alsrlj nrdad of you jjtck jt itme i rynetr miking yoa partieil arly i shttrn 1 of me nncli 0 i kmw sometbin of boys had i x tnc all of thent treat wo out of a and 1 9 jatt boys fo well if try tnothf them plent most of the i men as a g a chi ice ai cod since john ham a nit yoa boald le tempted cp i do beli ve i thoald mac 1 my i oy th4 areitest worku in the world anc when can itruotecl don see after all i jackr ttarte i o set li to them i iu the right ne locality doet not agree with them thats m theory trust tnd put them on their honor will do i believe in young ive htve done well rhouitnd tlike find that most circumstances icral rale if they have half ny years hive passed away mitht declaration of faith in e tnd he hat gone where doab leu hi found it pile ed highly to hit credi potcersrille hat 1 ecome a bit city anct tken a classical nine and jtck it this ay letdi jg merchan of the place hi it september be tec t his eldest son to jx lege a id as they wa ked to and fro wtlt lg for tbe cars jacl said i aymon 1 my boy wl at wodld you do if an body ailed yoa eb lttnaally a con ceite i vain lelfisb dishot ortble dishonest fooil i irst father i would knock bim down and then would never speak to hi agai tpll riymond if my one ever calls yoa t good fellow rsmeiiber it means alt and nore hm these ttings dont sn swei the sniak who tbinis he can flatter yoa rithsicb a title tnd raymond if en jineerinc facts knockhim down blame yoa very by ah unknown them along grem t le etd i jettiet are regarded by engi- neei i as a greater trionph than the st loo t bridf t a theololitowtt first constructed fa the eveate nth ccntary inve ltor t io gitfc latatatei cfetmiet were plac ell i pociti rtt by rolling ed tnkt t ie rece ving resetvciita off the crotfln tu duct h tve a joint cpscity of- 1180- 000 km gal cat ii cladia commtssiohi i and iatereit toti j costc t the orotoa tqaedactwtt 12 w ioo i rsilwiy taaael under the english chi nnel w i i projeated cefc ud by parliament lis dvae or breakwater of cuer- boc rg it o la of he boldest engineering fat i ever performed 1 he pre iminary torveyt for the pacific ea road r nalred four oy 1100 jiooo fvil engineeriog the 1803 charter seasons and cost became important the litle family of which ed atwell was the head and young chess the hope was a very htppvone at life goes among work ing people in brighton ecg ed was only a iittle past middle life andhis cccnpatioo ata gardcuer wta etery year becoming more profitable english people learn slowly but there are lessons which they hare picked up from france within half a generation and the practical good of hovers in the streeti audeqatres of a town is one of them brighton has a kind of in spiration in its pivilion groaads tad from year to year fed atwell found himself in constant and wellpaid employment he ooald fix oat a plot without a tqatre inch being lost and when ha made welcome the first thing that met the eyei of the favored resident of arundel crescent at they entered their pretty common garden he not only won many a compliment bat he suggested what thsy carried oat liter the generous admission of the neighbors now anybody can mike flowerbeds spetk even tt rtilroad stations chest was the only ton btptixsd chlchister the name ran englishwise into chester aud then wis contracted to chess chess got a good- education it wat even hoped that he might go through brighton college the two girls bessie and poor little lillie were of tecondiryim- portance to him bessie was fitted to be a ladys companion and lillie being too delicate to do anything was kept at home tnd it wat well understood must tlwtyt be anrden on tbe fatnitv but alas i how often the keenest distp- pointment comet wnere wis the highest hope the aqaariam of brighton i well known in the town whiahmight be called london bytheisea tndfew of its hundred andtwentylhoaiand people htve failed to visit it not to speak of the maltitdde who ran down tbefifty miles to get the breath of the great open set chest secured a position in- the aqutriam tad it was tdppated begin thereby a brilliant career but the aquarium came to imitate places of amusement it had a petty theatre- rope dancing and variety performance by males tthd females became more attract ive than the welllodged carp mackerel octopus and english shirk the refresh- meat rooms for the moit part dispensed drink chess gradually came to depend on them and his earnings barely paid his way there were times indeed when his mothec managed to pay his tccoririta from his fathers money she hoped and hoped till chess quitted the place feltbrighton and gave bis parents no hint of hit destin ation it was no relief to their sorrow to learn that he was accompanied by the diitingulshed female performer on the slick rope arcstbey mtrried r isked the ftther of the mtntger dunuo and it dont matter much the will stick to him while it tuits her wis the reply the girlt never were told of this mdrtifi cttion london is the grett refugium peccator- um the wilderness iu which the disgraced can hide poor chen wai oueot ihernj the celebrated performer left him on finding him amble to etra or to keen money sometimes he did well fop months sometimes he hi nothing noth- ng bat drink how ha lived then he could hlmielf hafdjy tell but to sleep summer nights on the jtones in traftlgtr sqaire wis not an uncommon experience you may tit but are not allowed to lie on the i publlo teatt besides there are not enoagh of them to accomodate half the candidates it wit an evidence of ntt still htving some good in him thtt he never applied to the old home never wrate- les them count me detd it it better hetiid to hlmielf i tfetntlme the iaevrftblechtaget ctme tt brighton the mother died without her care the invalid dtoghter lost her little itrsogth and soon followed then went the lonely father to whom for years lh letters antr visits of bessie were tho one comfort she hid dona well thebtoacir- abe hintour with whom she bid lived for to mssny year u it her a comfort- kbls annuity bat ibewsi thine in the world it waaj not uonaturil far her to get a utile house in the brighton other child hood the eummed of fts2 fonndcheti in em ployment and for the btnk holidty which tets eo many workers free in the first week in august thahoase in which he wis employed offered free tickets to its htads to brighton it wis t great ques- tiop to chest shtll i go 1 will the ptin be niore than the pleasure will any one recognize me no it is unlikely it will be crowded with londoners ill tee the oli groundagain and sobe weut kiting the kings road fothaaquartum to tbe pavilion even to tbe dyke he wadaeced sober in every lease of the word uqkoawntnd jannoticed he thought he woad tee the old home if it yet remained it was gone a new terrscehsd been built on its lite he tried to fix its pos ition exactly and stood near the door of a nice cottage from the window of which a- fricof eager eyes followed his every move meat the door opened a ladv advanced astjpor twoj witb the cry 0 cuettl my poor brother i she fell fainting no wander he hid been dead to her for years he helped her uno herdwelring she had taken what seemed nearest her old home and now itiis his home too tiuacpther arrangement can he made- chess mist atwell says must not go bsck to loodoa he hat htd misery enough there but bit employment ko kilter she has enough for bath sor her womans in stinct tells her is it best to stay in brigh ton they will go together to a ne place- if he is employed well and good it not it does not sigafy the msin thing it that chess should do right again and become like hit ftther so as tedulaatly at ever bessie ttadiek the jwtys and anticipated the wants ot the honorable harriet the now walta orj cbesij tnd with the highest hopes he hat regtlir employment he looks like a new man he wests andcon- sistontly the bloi ribbon he is si gentle to her tt a child tnd lays the if what hit mither used lo jw and on her knees the gi es thanks to god that he hat- not left her irlendless snugly tucked la her little wd keep very itiuvdcar mammx said o yesm indeed ltte baby agreed i can do it as easy as ever yea ced dancin eyes and dancing toes j dauclogtoaruajhatalwiysgocs o yet h meant lo keep ljlll no docm t but totnehow orotheri tlio noiaa got eat- ilamma iiitctned and irnned to ierieit i she know- ho was tryicgjthe boncie elf bat the knew u mothers always know i thitthe little reitongncwoali hive w go i well alter awhile the nap wai done wldeawakcst natjcrtne icxir- tho eindmin tjcofci cill lif t dav and the land ctkoatvaimiid away so inama relented by and my and took bibyup with libit ef i fifih bat i keeped till mamma ov bit didnt yoa hear inc adolng ii f kniyc jiounctl oiplomatict6rvtmy how he avowed pcjcnlseirtert- by skilful- dlveratoni- tommyi said mr fosdick severely i mammt says you have been naughty and i must punisn yoa come with mev y what tre you going tpipnnishaie with- v pi asked tommyr as jhe kmompabied his papa to aa upper room with this strip replied mr fosdick j producing a gid which tcanmy remember- ed very distinctly havitfgi teen and felt it on former occasions h the it made of rtetther imt iti papa yet i r they mike leather out of the skins- of r cows dont they papa i y yes and the proeest it cilledtannin which mtkes the tinning i anf about tp tve you with ibis stripptrticniriytcpro- ptiate 1 law a cow today papa thitt ttrange mr fosdict aiiwerecf i tircasticilly i it bid its tkin on yet ahdwunit came down the street a woman vis afraid and ctme inside oar gate till the cow went by i dont know whit makes women afraid of cows do yoa v j no yoa tint ifrtid of- jeows are you w i i no yod- ire a brtvemth siidtint afraid of inything are you pipa 1 lord rttt eobinsoti yeslerjay youopaldlhrttli any man on the street and ratssaid his papa could wallop daylight dot of you ho couldnt could hepipi well should think nit- of courie not thsts what t told him i it waw quite right of yoa to ktand up for your father i j oh i always do do you know whit rats llobiosous reilntmaii no whit ii it its nicodemas- i daat think much of a fsther who would name liis boy nicodt- mus do ton no i dan where dq hitriea come from papa- j fob from different placer some are fdnnd in the bible i thomat is t bible nime isnt il yes did you hunt in the bible to give it to mo when i wat born 1 j iknew it was tbere is it in that big bible id the parlor yes do jou ever read the b ble i l why do you ask me thtt beciute my sunday schoolteacher lays hit everjbody ought to read some in the i3ibl every dty and j j there that will do go abd tee if yo-t- mamntf doesnt tint youj and foiiick hnng up thi ilrsp and put en his hat and went downtowndetroit free pmt befoftethe days qtrpostage stamp before the use o postagestamps varioas tarns were paid for the delivery of letters the amoaats were regulated by the dis tance tnd were collected on the delivery of the letter in the early jtrt of till century he postsge on a aingiesheet pi papcirwss eight cents au over forty miles the rste was in creased to thtt over tiro liundred mifei t licgie smeet wss twenty-flve- cents r alter a time these rates were gridutilf- re duced until tn 185 a letter weighing noi over halt sn ounce was live cents under three handred miles and over that diitaoee ten cents 1 sir rowland hill who wsi at lbs head ot the fottofhoe department of england at tbiitirne introduced the use of postage- stamp in ltko and lessened the charge for notttge in im7 the united states adopted the use ot the- potttgeitamp the lowestpriced one beingfivd cents but railwiys and steamboats had now lafcea the platrct of the olditshioned mtil- coachessnd postboys and with lbsrapid seuding of the mailith cheaper rates of postage and the growing pbpnlstiou of the country gradual chahget tnd irnproye meats took place in tbapostouica srttom- and iiere waire in 160j teeeiving oar lettertfcom the pacific coiit in six dsys- alio from england in the same lima ana a few dayt or hoort wil placaus in direct communication with our friends and cot- respondents in almost every part of the country deaembero aicujfa i- v h short furrows aboli t 15 5 when sinetton began the ed ysfoni iighlhouse be gn it leveli in etsteogiiud 2000 tqi are rd ua have be4n recovered from the sea by dikes ornelti s yermuyded tbe hatch engia eei wis ii filed to eag tnd ialoh to em bit k the ent district very iglooa used i a the freooh army ti hti i8poundiiud hart bioysnoy 7675 wands a new method of taking t profile early ou a try cold morning a travelling profile cutter called at the house of a wtg and inquired if he wanted a profile taken yea u the reply i want yours tken froin my door the merit of hoods ssritpsrilli it proven by tbe many wondetlol cures il is accompliihiog it it just ha mediche for you the most vtiaabteftrm product is happy ftmily ooe hevergrows fat by having to eat his own words y the wind never wows to suit chsman who rises late j i silence i goheu when talk keeps you from work 1 kicking a horse ii a poor way ot making a friend of him the easiest way to ippear wise ii to keep yourmoulh shut the road to ruin often looks as it it led to the land of plenty j the fish that never eats files is not apt to be caught ou a hook trying to keep cows fit that have no other protection from the winters cold thin the leeward tide of the ltraw pile is like if yiug to warm up all oat of door with a no t heating stove t soma raeu never ptaclica ecodomy coi cept when they ire bayjug or thtit wives cat a hole in thepockifyou carry yout tobacco in and after ahie you will ba glad yoa took my idvioij i i fypa want to letrn ho to grow rioh easilyrgoslt at the leattf tonu oldoodger who never made cent jn his life 4mer- itujfieiifra l-