Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 12, 1893, p. 2

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mi aiuvlt att i mi tlmrtdt 5tu jbi utn t e fr t jatif h alrftim no aiou o il am in gnrjetovn on wpdnrsju lllli 1 rcrr 1 r tip ttiferfmr a h gltbui uk lmlmk licortri mi high scl ool of l t ur i in klm in wuciifu on wed no lm tj itiuirr ui j uolitfoii mr ol n ixxker to xrprct tuo dmfjbtcr of ruch akici i6t f snteagaiwjra m dfmlu iloutvkiskt tift vhidtiifoof tl e t n lei u rr too llil inoi iff on um little ic- juj v tlic lift ii for o mr a mel nluocwhc tolluiubcjoildlh i i cf i r u hit m im kiuwfi t toro ito en r leslie li dtctmbtjr lt mr m hirnc n n cf mmruoii hri 1 trj of i tvnutfinn to vim vuip daughter of llirutujucr bwtcl lamer it of i tuning lljii t lucuvr t the rcsicurirc cf 0 e t r dt e ftther liylitv mr btiiiinri mr x urad of hei tit an 1 brad irdeii man fnrmcrlx of lliffori to i dilglitcr of j h ilkkil nf wiulijfj f rucrlj of tlio i j fe i i tk f 0 1 talk f the day i an epitome of the worlds dolncs during ths week dild bi- k in trafalcar dec at t orcbldcncp of lwlma hatnat bhotjk aged 1 cn v ciurt gucli on tl e r 1 jan maxim til ct of tle la c uftmd ucltai 111 her ix li tar 4 i in newmarket on fn t gtli jtinuan ttvrartllo loudccat eon cf luinn o jack t i of tl e t iu ncwciartj tcd 4 yean and nontbi tij ctnn jf ttt press thfrsdal unthiu 12 16 3 renewal of subscriptions wc lave lad ctr reason to be well iiti6 wuli the inauguration of our new setetn requiring nil subscriptions to be paid in achance a large namber of our bjbs nvrs bait cither called at the i rle ii ly osicctjr remitted tbeir arrears and paid a in adiancc the change is alnut radical iu character and it mai take a feu wecls to get it into t lorojgh working order to allow all subscribers to cjrac into line nebaedecid 6d togil one month of grace before dm cjutinuing the hn pi i ps to anv who are i ou receiving it and bae good reason for 1 i g tl at at the cxp ration of the month ncarh ter subscriber mil hate comphed with tie new regulation and baie their dates ndanoed a required ykc detire it to be distincth understood 1 oweur tl at no prcn will receive a j apr after the 1st of tchruan whose sub fcnjuoi s not pill m adranct k grcit rran sab nptiojs eip red the lat wttk in dec ml r look at the labl of otir pap r and bc if oun expired at tl at time if it dd oa ill aoid incon renicnce aud dtla b s nding vour mone fcr rentual at ence 1 tn e i dirg oui own renewal if ou ill in iuct am one of votir friends or ne ji lo b to allow o i to b n 1 his or her nan e as a new ejbscnlnr we will dec pt tl for t t tve bubtcnptuns 11 p m ii publisher notes andcomments the business failures of the dominion fit canada for the ear b are in unm ber 1 rfc willi liabilities of sioioogo tleap compared with the failures of 16j1 ekow a coneiderftlje decline the failures in the jer jufi closed arc less than in ani ear g cce viv edition of the handbook of canada ijeb just been ifsoed itisbroucbt ap to date and is replete with information in conciee form pertaining to eur pro vinc of tl e dominion the handbook ia embelliil ed with an attractive cour con taming views of toronto ottawa mon treal and winnipeg and a liand map of the dominion and hill be ectcneivel circulated in great britain an eection n expected in last lirid ow ns to the arceptanco bj mr ingram the poet mastership cf st thomas mr ingram a brother became collector of customs a ehort time ago and if mr ingram himself goca into the po office two members of the familj will hfve been provided for whether or not mr ingram hu i brother far the inland revenue ser mcepoeb not appear mat iniia is growing nearer to england every yeir the new tteamer ilimalaja of the famoas peninsula oriental line baa juet beaen all her records in her maiden trip from bombav to briudiel having oomplet ed tbe distance in elevem dab and nine bout the pakengera who left her at that point and travelled overland with the mail retched london in thirteen days from il e time of starling plcntv of per sons now living femeraber when a lojage abound the cape ocnpiefi from three to en months the danger ofcholer in this countr has djt dieappeared in hamburg and other i uropcancitiei the plapue bleepsand will wake in the eprinc thin n the op n ion of mcdial eipirts immigration if nqcroptv rebtneted wiu brmjj the du was to our shores la ejfectualh check immigration so that orlt a desirable clasi will be admitted is cpparentl a matter that involve ininrmcuntable difiicultiet soexpeneice tbclifs ntil the menace of cholera iirb beentouillv removed the bet wnv to refiiilac iixnugration ib to stop u contains aproclama tion bj virtue of th provisions of the cub fv ne act abolinl nig the distinction id the tariff between importations of aucar and legatees dirttt frcm tl a countrv cf pro dec in bi i jri orlht i s introduced b triiith j met t a so rtrpcalb the t pec ho tllt of j rcntb a callon on molasfcs and srups in addition to the ordinar dutv of i j ctlts a callon and tie 1 per cei t rd valorem xtra dutv onriper ulen not mi p rltd direct wuhn t illrtcttrrusbipmei t the f ffict or tl i is to rd e impartat cne otingnr under w putth srnlarl and of maak rt 1 m rt j r- ihrooj1 tl tuilidbute if he tllcrmmnatorv dutv h ihirlo in f j u that route iw a rmurv drjuinj rfrkrl of tleuiiter1l nhialcrcpio kfcbie tie average in jitll ihccatimafed iroduct uiu maco hlf the rateof vuld l cr the ileavtrsft ulueptr h tl ui cenh imldoutri value cur ripcmd that of 11 u tlci j ante and thttofjsuing l ci t flc mr of the crop of 1i was mi ciuu tie c rn ctop ia 6 icrt lts wace itll ter atrc 23 1 btitheli has ueu exceeded nx times in 10 learf ibt jroduclion ih 1 t2d 4g4 000 bjfhilf value jcl2ur wo averacing 10 i autiper lusl el tlie hrratei f for oat area j7 0c3 8j3 scre products ticl c jfoo busheu valae i2j 2ij fli ield per acre 24 tbusheli cajt edward harrison of belleville is deid the prohibkicn camroibtioa will meet gain in montreal on jan 1 prcudctii hatrison will not abolish tbe bonding privilege to canaditu roads 1 he governor general has been taking a trip through the province the past week loli n jnctib astor and mr astor ar ci roi fr to brilibli colombia on a plcaare trip a woman aged ii has given birth to her tweut fourth child at springfield ohio the privy council has fixed january 21 as tlie date for hearing the manitoba ecbool appeal oliver m sheldon one of president lin coins intimae rnends is dead in chicago aged 7g mieb franceb llurd l was tendered a public reception at exeter ball london on mondaj severe eirthqoake ahockh are reported in both the northern and sonthem provinces cf chili maor uallbnd of belleville 19 not yet s2 ear old is a bachelor and a con cervative the last bpike of the great northern railwaj wb driven at spokane wash on saturdaj j the totaldebt of now vork city ib 6 njoil an increase of 81 1 1c 3 darmg the past jear trai is through the rockies are running regularlv now the snowehdes having been cleared awav mr ball the yoebec provincial treas orer thinks that a tax on personal proper tv ib impracticable leiut r h perry ib hastenine bis pre paralioni at philadelphia for bis arctic expedition next spring owing to the depression id tbe shtppiog trade 479 steamers axe laid up at british and t at continentarports there wre bx deaths in lew iork from tvphub on saturdaj night three new cases were reported jesterda a erjeral amnest will be proclaimed m italy on april 22nd on the occasion of thel cilver wedding of the sovereign a buffalo despatch sajs thou as hanni gad of st catharines out was killed in a saloon row there toesdav evening the west ork conservatives have selected mr j w st john as their caddi date at tbe next provincial election mrs thomas an old laiv was burned to death at the residence of her son frank thomas at elkhorn man the other da a hue uf vessels will run next summer between p6rt staiilej aud cleveland ill connection with the london and port stan lev railwav a vounton of clias mcdouald nor wood fell against u etuve tuesday ftuu re ceived n juries from which he died ou eduesdav there was a serious disturbance at ran kin china the other da because the irisrionanes provided one of their converts with a glast ejs itie opposition id germadj is making the most of the lmperoi e after dinner speech in wbh he eaid i will crash those who oj pose me hon j a bmart has resigned the prowunal secretary fchip for mauitoba to accept the position of commissioner for manitoba at the world b i air tlie pos office and store kept by b r brown at lansing lork county wai ec tered sunday mghtby burglars and a cum ber of ov erooats and fur caps btolen a pub ic meeting will be hild on thurs day afternoon gt 3 o clock in the city council cbfnbjr to protest against removal of the meteorological offices from toronto to ottawa the british government las given tbe sultan of morroco 48 boars in which to decide whether or not be will pay indem nity for themarder of a british subjeci by the natne police recenlw mr p leclair ministerialist ha been elected bv acclamation in terrebonne county for the dominion house to fill te sacancy canned by the resignation of lientenauj governor cbapleaa george huliard a student at albert col lege belleville whose parents lie near mount forpst died sunday night from idjunefl received in a football match eome weeks ago i tie was 21 years of age mie9 l lhter who went from perth ont as a volunteer for mission work amoung tha indianb of british columbia hire aied of pneumonia she was in charge of ibe presbyterian guib home at alberni at the crjminal assizes at toronto on friday patrick fenton was found gmlty of the charge of manslaughter preferred agamst linn in connection with the shoot- inc of minnie davis at highland creek on chnttnias day he was 6entencod to three monoib m jul p t mtbion ex m p for richtlieu wab found llcad luctjsy morning id the law office of a e mernl he had gone in to transact some busincei and when mr mernl ct tered mafsou wai seated in a chair dej the ciuse was heart distae he was 1 yesri of age halyotv county council tha f4n who will transact couhty business during 1893 the foilowiog is ft hit of tbe memberi elected in their ctfvartl raaniclpiuticb en titled to a sait at thcooadty council arros j b pearson bn livoton james mortimer gtoiicltottn d uckenzic milton dr robirtson oalviiil c w anderson john mc donald lrifinr dr webster john warren ii p lawson nasoawtia js menziesd hufccheon liio w g pettit ap alton tcavaixiau dr back j husband d icatherstone mr huabind of trafalgar is uid to be in favor for tho wardensbip frozen to death an old pensioner perlsies miser ably from exposure the body of john british pensioner who three years of the canal conwjul ji hunt aged ii has been in the employ of me sra davis sons on and off for the past was found on the eouth bank at tbe old quarry near lock 2f on sanday day morning ho bad been 3ut drinking the mgbt before and donbtlesi was on bts way to bis boarding bonse mr p healeys when he fell in tbe snow and befog unable to get up perished from exposure the remains were shipped to school of anatomy editors tab a very iiea t and mteceatfo been inutd by the ciaidiac au aieoaiatian ia the ship ally boaai and beautifully vol a me of about one hu contains much information association its objects and leteace and ht tttrtctiveplu of ibe officer to mr j j energetic secretary credit oompiltuon of tbe volume man cao 3tintl adrd pc egirc i rfeuoni to eoj i cimi dud becor te he toronto ie ivivil c he religic of iht reliioui roioontj in manitoba agan st the tchool actb of ibor the 21ft of this mouth 6peking on this eabjeci at toronto last thursday evening sir johu thompson said i feee only two safe l u ules to a safe letull one of them is fo the peoplo ihcmselves it is that they shall regard that question as every noe which comen before ui in the spirit of lokratun ru tho jpirit of conciliation cui in ibefpirit of concession where con ccmo can be mde without the sacrifice of hn ciple find fnr he government the m le ball ie as far as 1 am able to judge 1 1 oo ftitntion of this countrv by which nerjio to be guided and whjcut we p o t to bev from begin in og to end of iht ijscn s en as to behring sea russiaandthe united states work- i ing hand tn hand against england iomjv l 10 a st petersburg correspondent 6ivb prof martins the gr3t itnss in authority on international law has bxn appointed a member of tho special commission in connection with tus the seizure of british scalers in behnng tea this leaefl no doubt tliat russia will dtal with this question from the interna tional point of iew and confirms the belief that it is her intention to follow the atner icaii lead and claim the closure of the behnng sa with exclusive rights to the west of the imaginary line drawn by amer iwns there is every indication that ruesm and america are working hand in nand against england horrible burning acbident orraivajan t mrs 0 neil wife of t 0 iveil railwav contractor was ik badly burned yesterday afternoon taat ahe may die 6he was opening the door of the kitchen stove when a coal flew out and set fire to her clothes febe ran into the din ing room and sitting on a ciiair fainted there slowly burning to death her little son found her a few moments later although barely ten years of age the little fellow had presence of mind to throw a pail of water ocr his motner before he called in assistance accord ng o the provision national copyright law wb effect july 1 1891 any co complying with oeruin receive the benefits of the li man empire hu juit group of nations eujoyingihf copynght system tbe other u oi ted states great britain gium and switzerland right in this country of a has just been obtained by sons tbe work is a mischief- is by tbe most po norelist of the day ileim ran serially in tbe hew york u itry ei y france is worried rri over the disappearance of codfish from the newfound arid banks pan- jan 10 the fecamp chamber of commerce has ptitioned the govern ment to institute an inquiry anto the dib appearance of large codfish frpm tbe new foundland banks labt season a ashing was deplorablv poor the chief of the newfoundland naval station has been or dered to report on the migration of cod fish to wed a prince bw rixvcico jan 10 it isannounced here positutlv that miss virginia tair better known as birdio is engaged to bo married boon to prince pijniatowski a descendent of the last king of poland miss i air is living with her sister mrs oelnchs bho is not quite ml she has 2u 000 a vcar income and in six years she will inherit 91 j00 000 from her father when he dies she will get not less than 85000 000 bho met the prince last sum raer at newport jack frosts qrip the cold snap and the points regis tered by the mercury the storm centre sunday tnornmg was lo ated in the northern part of manitoba moving quickly eastward jbv eening it was over lake buprior daring the night it moved to the georgian bvdutnct as the ptorm centre moved eastward in this direction the wind shifted around to the north sudjenh aud brought on the cold euap of the past few days the appended table will buow what kind of weather the reiidents of other places in canada are enjoying tbe great difference in temperature arje interesting to note toronto lowest 1 1 below highest 3 below victoria lowe it above highest 4g above calgary lowest 20 abore highest 32 above medicine hat- lowet jtt above highest di above batlleford lowest 4 below highest 28 above prince albert lowebt 10 below highest 18 above qu appelle lowe3t 4 below highest 1g above winnipeg loweot 2 below highest 8 above port arthur lowest 61 below highest 10 below white river lowest 40 below highest 20 below parry sonud lowest 1 below highest h below ttockcliffe iowpit 20 blow highest 18 below kingston lowest 10 below highest i below montrea lowest 8 below highest 8 above quebec lowest 1 above highest 18 above halifax lowest 4 above highest 18above hamilton lowest 12 below highest 0 above the canadian order of toresters is a traternal benevolent society incorporated in 1b7 and registered under the insurance orporations actj 182 bf ontario the objects of the society are to furnish its members ith feirit find funeral benefits at d aii insuranceof ono or two thousand dollars the payments for these benefits range from hi out one dpllar to one dollar aqfl fifty centbper month according to the ae of the member and tho amount of the insuraupe carried the membership ib composed icf men only and when admit ted tbev rrtuet be between tbe ages of eighteen ahd forty five the present nom ber of members i over id 000 and tbe society hub a cash feurpjus on hand for tbe payment of lho insurance of over 215 000 50 000 of winch h in dominion of canada bonds and the i alance is invested in tbe best monetary institutions of the domiu ion in addition to this the local courts have about a half a million of dollars in their treasuries for the payment of tbe sick and funeral benefits the high secretary of tho ordec is mr thomas while of briotford and it n expected that a court of this popular aud purely cana dian society will shortly be organized here special for our readers a large life sized engraving in ntural colors of the famous one thousand dollar prize st bernard dog owned bv the pub iisherof the tvronto 7wt together with the times calendar for 1803 will be seat tree in mnilluu lube upon receipt of joar name and address aud tvo threecent 6tamp to cover expend of mailing if you dcire it ceiidj at once address frnt t6boxto tiucs oigojdsby baildiog toronto oqt hlunrds liniment cares told ttc f aes i no writer of recent yea s han gained wider prestige for her class c i literature or more coiipletely won the icarw of the residing public than annie e swin mrs burnett smith whose nttr e is known ia tlmoit every home in the domin ion bhe is volumnou writer and each book issued at ont 3 sex ores a wide circulation tfaelatesi work of this popular authoress is tbe g nnet stamp a ule of modern gltfgow ve y tv mating fall of interest tud replete rith valuable information concerning cj1 f life as it affects tho both the poor wealthy clttu the writ compromising sympathy wa i the working has ifactur iruttio little it ng the forei rtwngs idytbo for the of tha inter ch went into lay 6y coilditionp te ger of the interpationii ing the frarjce bel a firit copy liermin work onner s ntitled miss mlar german urg iud will ledgh t re sert nd ir hai s i d the an qd iltxrae en ce which will deir distresses ist the many people and thronghout th deators to exert an influet have the effect of improvi g their con dition of providing for then social eleva tion of ctnpg for them in f and of guarding them aga rf temptations to evil and snbe iquentj ruin of body and soul the story f om beginning to end is peculiarly fascinn ing and every chapter commands the abo bing attention of the reader tho strot moral tone adhered to in thip as in all of annie swans production rendc s it a book eminently fitted for general reading it ia worthy a place in every urartj crown 8 vo clotb extra handsome and colors 91 00 poet paid wesley buildings toronto design in gold wrr bngga for january the methodist magnztut 18 price 2 a yer 1 fir sixl monthb 20 cents per number tot mto w ltliam bngga this magazine e iters upon its thirty seventh olame wit i new vigor this is one of the handsome it numbers yet printed with about fortv en ravings the first article w egypt bn teach us by the editor descnb with copious illustrations recent wonder al discoveries near memphib the oldest cit y in tbe world the protestant memories if nebchatel is an interesting chapter in he stdry of the reformation beautifully llh strated how carey became an apostle timely piper ib very appropriate to this c ntenml year of modern missions ths rev e r ioungsthapter on missioi work m the great northwest is of tk illing interest and the full page engravin js of canadian scenes are of great beauty a brilliant paperon science and progi 2ss by c a chant b a of toronto unit arsity gods work a cause of rejoicing tbeeloquent dr dougjab owd mo a strjktpg char acter sketch by rev j m lcarl ph d and tbe clever stones of jho squiro of bandalsido by mrs melt e barr and the life cruise of captairi by mrs jnhamcnair wngh givoavianed interest to the number ment for 1893 with itsten tjhe announce life n pales tine bbort btones and chan cter sketches social reform missionary a tides etc verv strong now is the tin e to 60bsbnbe be alt subscriptions must advance from the first of j fnnar goal n n buy your groceries f rest canadian and american h harding a monet to lcvn attest tq the card in another oolu tl jackson real estate loan agents gdelph if yon want first class doors at gnelph prices fill your ofder at his planitj ion as called of mitchell md insurance g lelph a rich prlza iensa jan 9 there is ed report that the empress been captured by spanish br ands when last heard of sba was yatchng among the balpano islands in u noon firm f austria has the clinton avw era ei pnbheatian of its 23th the new era excels as a er and wields a urge mrluei stituency tbe publisher holmes is one of the enterp cessfol journalists of ontar yon kill find it to y read kelly bros advertiiem knowing french tom french f yes very well have no speaking acquaint it tered upon the volupe last week news gather co in its con mr robert ising and sac 0 jsstjo- both the method raid r 6yrop of figs is taken rnd refreshing to thetr ttly yet promptly on rer and bowels cbz m efleotailly dirptb aches ahd fevers and en constipation syrup cf only remedy cf it3 hk jucod pleasing to tio t pfabla to tho ctomac ts action end tnily be effects prepared only f lealtaranaagreeablei nianyesccllentqaaliti to all and have made popular remedy known flyrap of figs is for bottles by all leadidj any reliawodrnggirt v have it on hand will promptly for any ojo to fey it mannfactoid caufornia fis i ihaiynijfnrnci ulthsvills hi de6 adams patd la i i8l3 and ttew aod oil at t tsbtnd eboxoi can gmil ir interest to nt do a kuow by stht bat ace wjtb neys c3 tne sys- ldsj head- 33 hdbitual figs is the 1 evfr pro- dao- piliptin cial in its the most ctarjoegits end it it thi moat ta si rfnm iiera x tia zora 1d sale p 7sn druggists may i not iroture it wishes by the 10 who only sirup oal oat a wo m7ntles l c so per cent j reduptioii we imported for this sea ment of ladies matitles and garments in number in all this quantity we wrap which was our sales have accordingly si season in this department our being indisputable we now propose to clear 20 per cent ani when the sli they were orginally marked is superiority in style make and this reduction ensures for genuine satisfaction as to st bargain as to price each om j if this offering were comrjsed ends in irfantles carried over custom in some quarters this ducement the average keer distinctly inform ypu that seasons importation and a we are also selling ou reduced prices ge nuine furs and sealettes at gre itly reduced prices jvwwwwwvw vvvawmvw with ydu abejut trade an immense assort- k considsrably over 1000 not of the fin t quality a ad k thejre was not a single very latest style ose of any previous inlthe mantle trade led tf irshif goods pargirj borne in mine finistwe pr mintle pru and le of tht arious odds and revious seasons as is the iiscqunt wcjuld not be an in- infoilmfed buyer but we vlantlci advertised is this barg weil ich g b rysn k njej yekrs 1893 eariag swe 1893 of seksortfkblp goods for the next six weeks every effort pill be made to over the right house a most desirable time for housekeeper it will six weeks from now of course if fou dont want good future then invest au winter jackets capes and other garments at clean n 1o8jc per yard stylish black cloaking at hargtin prices reduced to sg 50 large variety of heavy drapery ctrtaina clearing out a a variety of union and alf wool flu nn els reduced to very low mtrfced away down io price the assortment to select from serges reduced to 12 and 15c mens snd children s unde undershirts at 28 and 80 oentc each vsrr cheap a lot of are soiling os at these special low prices a large variety of so per pair much less than reeular prises a largo attoi orutmenu alio trimmed and untnmm id millinery selling special advantages to purchasers o carpets vannus 1 in vary good pat term at redaced prices a large variety of j strictly bargain prices odd borders at 0a per yard usual brighten up the departments arriving ieekty stock is kep selections at the bight houce pleace ec ter the stores by the hamilton janoary sth 1693 thd job printing including books pamphlets posters bil heidi circattrt ie ie executed in th beet stylo of tb art at modertts prices and o short natico apply or address i h p ifoore i face press office aotoo big sale of i damaged linen qoods we ktnt to eulutj yoar mttrest m x special sale of linens which wijl ojjen it oar coanteri at 10 o clock am dn thuesday january sth 1693 aijd continue until ths whole lot i cleared tbe offenog ia the content of tit cues and ooniprtses goods of irish scotch add german maaofactare 35 pieces of bleached and unbleichia table linens by the ytrd 15 pieces of towelling 192 table cloths 2 to ii yards long from the very cheapest to the very highest grade of doable dtnai b 52 doc table napkins large sire vis do smaller napkins large etze 123 doi smaller napkins and doylies 0 doz tray cloths 16 doz sideboard scarfs 107 doz towels of varions kinds ends of fronting linens birds re diaper and drawn work linens the goods are msnnfactatert lmpr- feels host of them to nearly perfect however that unless it were pointed oit yoo would hardly discover the defecis among them are goods of such high class quality and beauty ai we venture to say yon have nt seen offered across a goalph counter any but manufacturers of the very highest repute would not think of selling such goods a imperfects we had them salved ap and sent to us by three different manufacturers and the price at which we boaght them were it d s counts of 33 50 per cent off their closest wholesale eiport price we are offenug them oo the same baa 8o yoo sea yon will get goods at one hi if or a very little over what you woald hae to pay for them to the regular way the goods will be arranged on tables and counters and during the tale the spice of the other departments will hate to gite way to the exhibit of ltueus be on hand early and escape the rnshj remember thursday january 1893 at 10 a m 5iu e r bolert co 25 27 iower wyndham st auelph big mantle and fur sale fn the millinery and mantle rooms at the time boys overdoatsat specially t a reduction of profit at which as well as their assure you that chaser not only but a veritable prices large viiety of winter cloafciufc doable fold reduced browfj astrachkn 43 50 reduced to 16 j grej astrichm is assort tent ql lilies 0 lcns rubber eat o itre i wool lwoal frtce i cor ia irmef paoesj fine sash carina netf it redaced pricex aboat dress good the tile is soon tatff tbey hive been nice tweed redaoes to so per tied allwool dresi ilearmg outfit ndaoed pneet a lot of boys ribbed iderrestc ft b7j 1 and 50c hiring arrived late ia the season iber bratei s mtnaficturers stock 15 1720 25 ind hiliiuscf goods birds winjs feathers flowers iai ig t f 1 o teri shopping by mail a smart cllow has made popular the phrase a postal card will do applied to shop ping by mail think for a mmufc of the time and ex- peric and burden of a railroad journey and then consider that there arc no difficulties in thcu ay of purchasing goods s by mailctthcr imaginar- or i real which cannot be oer- i come if proper care is cxer- ciscd manyw ho hac become familiar uith the simple de tails find it oftentimes less troublesome than shopprg in person the t eaton cot ltd 1m tsj sfm onl wav co ollfelph cleirjout thn baltnce at vinter goodr reduced prices ire iiskeud til ta mat their noiey it will go further ia dry goods now una donti jay them b tit yoa ire likely to wiat them in the near e need prices carpets it reduced prices tipeslryaqd brussels carpets tapestry and brussels remnants borden selling on it black gcitjmats at reduced prices new goods to it muah dimcalty will yoa find in making sorted isl theheirstce king and hnghsoa streetf happjr hei year o watkiirs greexx wood wanted rpaeniuderilffacd will recede oitin ociijc i fnlt cordi at eren bodv maple eat ixteaa inckct iocs call at etje pheis efflec or trite h piooke jut opened this m6bk d iced afcge shirting all prices raige a ip we are deiring out ourstock of ready- riade clothing at cost and under qreat slaii hoots of new flannels ginghams fc and cottonades we are now stock of furs at greatly re- our vfery ttoliday trade hnc erson mcrae i ghter of mens and boys long i j speiial values in groceries for the wcelistl hqton co paoto arvist r acton ont has the best i istrt mentsaid accessorii s turns out the best the count enjoys a provi icial for excelle ice x photos reputation in come to m acton for portraits of any kind fo 3utrtisiunf5t jy kannawin wishes to thank his niaay customers for their kind pat- ronage in the past and extends a cordial invitation to all to visit i the dktja stobe when wantfng anything in his line je wilkinsos d d l d s sctksot disttst i qndiuta uoltenlty ol toronto uomkot rf tne office open ivery dr p wcdmsdir tharstrarioo saturday over the drof awre actoa ice cut and delivered the nndrsisuk hlvluc the prtvilege of cutting lee from the ui ponds eta supply any qaantitr at a reasonable price wul deliver and pack it it desired statonjinr 1kb- 1333 jos axbebsoy aged ram astra1 cauc npa taa pramlfamat coa i erio dboattba 5ts october an ifad ram tbe ownar tihj prore property paj- tipenias apd remove it erin jso u3j robest joskbtov fmoney to kian fiest or vlllsra propertr it reasonlbs rstes apply to licleuctlfcleak town hall acton grain wanted rphe andenifiedlis nreparod to par the hgii i mtcuh tirieelorfail kinds of grain deuror- ed tt bis varehobis at cf t r luuoo acton johx e oorbr heifer astray f yeaeltkg heifer all white ttnjed to the 1 premises of the ondsrsfened lot lcoa l etqaesiofj sboat aoguit ut oiruer to prott propertr parcip and uke srsr johk gaedseb wanted agekts to mil oaf choice anlliardt sar- ierr stocit ve litre njacr cav and ipeciu ttrrtrtfes both in froit sud omameatals to offer which are controlled oalr br as vt lr comtnlsloa of filaxr write a at odes for terras and lecnra choice of temlorr illy sfiothbias narserrraett rochester nt wanted at encc salesmen hi every coanlj for oir ohoioe ntjrsert stock and new- vkfuas of h sekd potatoes salary or eommission steady employment anclffoodpay send or termi hookebqrovebtco j korserymen aud seedsmen bochester nv acton livery iiro bus link the undersigned respectfaljysolietts the detroit age of tbe public and informs tbem that wau eauipped ind stylish rigi otn sd- wy be seonred athiistablee a comfortable bus meets all trslaa between s am nd tllin caroful attention given to every order the winta tf oommercfa travel lers folly met john wrlliasts a quarter dollar buys it the quarter store twenty sve king west hamilton on com- biuation the following extraordinary bar- giins- 8 lbs choice italian peel for 25e js superior wishing soda for l 34c a eiceilent kice for jjc 8 rtnperier liandry stifchfor 24c 5 j qoo1 cooking hsdiins lor 25o g picksges corn siirchfor 25c s tbt choice mired bird seed for 25c t monster birs flood liandry soap 26c haklfiffo rr- f i i f 1 f ttjbjd li 1 dibbcfd 0 bussitj gtmjntgs am itotesdlsq jnsteblemd i r iditbeud i the cdssnri colsnrqoa mosfitarsi l dzroem tersetulod tirberwlj alssreosd notieeoflrfl them x retjqsj public sercj sehooln f p j 1 entire ushn i yoll our i complel chiiirer book if geo h wed enveloj in note girt ns si slmvsuaesj xo thdes i i lhtlel whloh ca f roe pr 4x r- i jhew oflbehi g lbs 6 g 100 li 60 20 lbs t g so ia 35 suit jofiee s my jocce t fcr 60 t js t j76 for 1100- t t it 175 160 125 kind etc of t or 100 company g lbs currant for 1 1 te 8g cakes toilet 8op for s j bfmioafor jf- 7 extriqnluy8b0fcr 9 ni preahbcif 5 boxes lacffermitobetfor 2 u bus eleetrio kmt hi- j- 1 bom mttehei i f-j- nti vi suiavrow tka ooitpairr v t r-jab- v- frt

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