Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 12, 1893, p. 4

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m jmtok ft g notes here and th1jre litems of aenesra1 tntrt to pratt r4dr thursday january 14 1s9s cfje fauttg jfolfes koldikg the trlik the flela truth free ifuttaj we mttt the irtin it b- but cant yoa mtke it sir t the guped impauible it leaves it tlrroe tnd we tre doe i qotrter patt is there no wiy r oh mil me then are yoa chrictttn t i em not and tre there nope ttnonc the men who run tbe train ko i forrot i tutrirlhe fellow over here oiling the engine clilms to he bhe threw cpon the ectfneer alfsjr ftce while with tconf art yon a christian 7 vet j ttn tow 0 sir woo roa prty with me all the ionj wtj thtt ood will stir thit aod will star the utla tt b twill do nocood itt dae tt three and yea bat god etn bold the irtio if v dying child it calllne me and i out nee her ftce igtlo oh wont ron rrty i will t nod kmphttic tt he take hit place when chrictitni grttp ihe tnn of god the grasp the power thtt relet the rod out from the station swept the train on time twept put wood and let the engineer witticbeekl aflame prtyed 0 lorfhold the train ttb thee fltmc the throttle wide tad like borne giant monster of the plain wfcile pmting tide tnd mighty ttrides put hill tnd vtlley twept the trtin a htlf t minute two tre ctined alone thote barnithed llnet of iteel kit clttcet letp etch nerve it strained andetill he prey with fewest teal hetrt btnd tnd brtin with one accord work while hit rrtyer ascend to heaven- just hold the trtin eight minntet lord and iii mtke np the other keren with ruih tnd roar tbroagb metdow lands pttt cottsge home tnd green hilltidet the panting thing obeyt hit htnd and iredttlong with gitnt stride they tty tn accident delayed 1 the trtin t little while but be who listened whllehii children prtved in tntwerbeld the trtin tt b it good enoash for eood8irsiptkllt there ic no need of embelliihmeat or ten- iilionalisai simply what had serup- erille doe thtt tell the ttory of it merit if yoa hive never realized in benjfit a tingle bottle will convince yoa it it rood medicine 1 the bighett prtite btt been wop by hood pill for their ety yet cedent tetion sold by til drnggiit price 15 cent there ratmtnt teid the f mill boy tt he gtai tt the dromedary thtt mart bo ihe cttnel thtt htd the lttt strtw pot oa hi beck ilerudythip tie moon inilaejiee upon the weather accepted by om u titl by other tt i dinaled the moon never attract cornt from the fender efchla- ipot j potman faiale cor ex tractor remove the mart piinfal corn to tires day thi great remedy make aa lire tpot doetnt go fooling around t trim foot hot get to batinei at oooe tnd effects care dont bo lmpotedapm by iabttitate trrd imitation get pat- tc tn tod no other different men hive different moftow tbtt nf george w child for instance f ifornie thtt of mott other men i for oct pertontge of hih rink in enrltnd tre pttroo of t grett remedy bridgefoot hoae iver back enr ledy edtrd ht enffered from rhenmttitm for tevertl yetn etpedtlly in the knee she wte pertatded to uke st jicobt oil tnd jtfter ffortnight os of it til the rheairittio ptin htve left her the relief i jtach thtt ltdy edwtrd will neter bo wijbont tbottlo mr trolleydo tell me lr knttu which it the gretteet work of trt mr etnru selling the piloting mtdtth with bittbpmb t boy j tid to htve tied the ketherltnd from inandttion htny people htve been itred from the in- rttion of ditette by t bottle of ayerstr- uptrilrt thi medicine imptrtt tone to the yttem tnd ttrengtben erery orgtd tnd fibre of the body when tn americtn heiret pretent her- telf tbrotd foreigner follow the eitmpleof the prize rink tnd pat np their dnkeej the inoer on the front letu tre the htrdett to hit r ilewi s botler barin nfld rheam litm thos wuton sheffield n b lock- jtw by ifounllia chtllitm ont goitre isir w wfjohnjon wtltby opt in fltmmition jtroea h billey ptrkdtle out nea- rtigit c i ltgae 8ydney c b lt grippe tn every ette nntolicited and tutheati- cited they ttlest to the merit of 1iin- ards lin1ueht 00x80w loxpoeh ao old phyfoio retired flroat pricuoe htng hl pltoed t bit hind by n eut indit miitiontry tl e formnlt of aimple vegeuhle remedy to lie jtpeedt md jier- mtnent can of ooo nmption broncmtit otttrrh aithm ti diulthioit end lon affeotfoa tlp t po itlve tad rtdioti care for kerwoj debilitj tnd kll hertooi cora pliliu after nwin j teamed itt wonderfal oarttf power fa t iootnd of eie hi fell it til daty to m ke it known fo til hi nffering feilowt i ctatted bythit mot itrei and t deelre to relfc e hamta taffering i wilt lend free ot chi getoj til who detiie it hie recipe in germi a frknali or engluih with fall directtoo i far nrepring tnd aiing sent by mi i by tddrenlng with tump ntming thl ptper w si non 810 powert block iocheiler k t are yoa going to nol the other ftre i iiimiqijakswib6 altoget a imp d dili bnt aboat ithree nonhfgo i iu netriy wid with hetdeob ttiing bbb tnd took two hetdtohe htre dittppetred ti i thiak it t grtnd medicine iottick bodes londooebjoro onl bardock piii care liver ill mutnd elegtlitlf potted are tnd pietftnt to aie mubarni cod liraroil etialilon with wild cherry tad bzypophoithitm hallds np tnd itrenghen the eailre liyitem littte ueriiad littiewomm dmetim laffer from worm low vono syrap ic very highly recommended tff toifir to wtlk the world ftlrr will prevent me whttothrftlj wnit other ftxer fthe rtilroid tire ctnid it being coi grttaitted every where if her minaftctare prominently in the traits of thfe true chant outrival til other a littte boy onoe defined tilt u the stoff thtt mtke potttoe ttste bid when yon dont pu toy of it on i tbi delightful definition tnggetu thtt whit- not to do l i importtnt t qoottion in developingcocceet t the qcection of wbtt to do tnd snggeste tlto thit the negttire qotlitie in t merchtnti equip ment raty be unecetstry to conider i his positive tcquirements let n ntme then tome of these vtlu- ible negttive method of the proper mer chant confining oortelvet to menttl chtr tcteriitic tnd ignoring for the pretent prtcticil detlil he doe not pretend to know everything he convey the impreetion to hi customer thtt be ibcorbt witdorn from tbtt catto mer- for he know thtt to win the irgo- ment i to loco the kile he i not bnreqne to tlrenger he ctnnot fltbom the etrtnger batieeu in tdvtnoe tnd mty pouibly close the door toi good bayer he doefc not bout of hi extnvtgtnciee tbere tre more men of economicil htbit inlbe world then cpendthrift fool end it is tlwtyt well to tie to the good opinion of the good hoaaeteeper he doe not interrnpt doe not jook bored he doee not ctll people crtnks who die igree with bin for he know thtt every- bodynclading bimeelf is i crtnk tosome degree he i notjutty tnd demonstrttive inhi form of politeness tnd therein show tbtt he is wellbred he i not nngederou in hi oommentt onoompetitora he recognises the wit of dtmning with ftint prtite to the point thtt ctrrie i conviction to the mind of the itttner tbtt each generous mention of i rial conld only issue from ttinred pros perity he is not insensible to the tdrtntige of keeping in with tociety tetder etpedtl ly of the gentler tex he knows the vclue of hi potent medium of idverticing he is not so mtuy things thtt it would be stfe o elite comprehensively in in describing tbe tine merchtnt he is not unlike the tree mm krydonc in croing coughs colds hoarseness uthms bronobilii tore thrott ton ill diteuet of the thrott tnd longs there is one remedy which is nnequtled byjtny other we refer to dri wood norwty pine syrup whien hat effected mtn mtrktble cure thit teison brown told i friend thtt he htd i greil project on foot the council of the friend wu thit he ihoold go it once to 1 chir- opoduitr j three prtctlctl polnu three prtcticil point 1st bardocjc blood bitter care dyspepsii by toting promply 0q t stomtcb liver ind bowel tnd burdock blood bitter care bed blood by theatme speino tction combined with iti tlternttive tnd panfying powers 8rd bardock blood bitter cure ill diteue ekising from the two rt aimed such u- oodttipttioi hetdtche bilijstnea died- net tcrofnli etc by removing their ctase u shown ind proved in thoasind of indisputably recorded cues the tip of i tipsy mm isnt t itrsigbt tip da the excellence art stiined gltn frdntrtnkof her improvement think to kcctailind 8on of toronto who for io yetx hive ltbore not only to tocama- lite money bat to m tie s lined ind ornt- mentii gilt of ill kind credit to the dominion teicher whtt it i tyaonym boy- it word yoa ctn t te in pltce of mother when yoa dont km w law to spell the other one 1 georctoj whit hit become of timeon lttely f i dont know he pltoed himeejf in tbe bind of hi friend just before election tnd he httnt been seen since commtadible all cltim sotcorn ttentwith the hfgh chtrtcter of syrap o figftre parpoely ivofded by the ctl 1 ig ffrap comptny it ict gently on th kidney liver tad bowel delating th iljtlera effectqtlly bat it it not cure ill tad mtke no preten sion thit every hot fe will not sabittn- titte i doctor my good omtri doe yoar son stutter ill the tim provide yourself with bottle of avers cherry pectortl tnd to htve the mests it htnd for contending taccettfally with l sudden cold as tn emergency mediiiaet it hit no eqntl tnd letding physician everywhere recommend it weiry luck weary jvttkins got sicb t ptin in me ttummick hnngry higgin yoare in luck i htint even got tbtt in mine j how to cure hridtche some people suffer untold misery dty after dy with heidtche there is rest neither diyor night until the nerves tre ill unstrung tbe ctute it generilly disordered etomich tnd cure ctn be effected iby using ptrmelees vegetable pills contain ing htndrtke tnd dmdelion mr finjiy wark lysander p q writes i find ptrmelee pills firstcits trticlo for bilious hetdtche i j the mto who is good it miking tn fex- cute is seldom good tt tnytbing else cures cosn uon canfv tirt cd 1 r 1 droasia m l gtot f ril ce u cr ch shiloh pcrota ptavelfialas5 the time cir tilk the thirdpige of i fttotnot ill only rben he attempt to the toronto dtil patarftff remedy lcrourirrntt7tusncnedt itwfll otlardyrejiemtridctrroyott frteuet this injector lor iti rarccfrul treatment u furatetodrroo lracnictenuovcltcmsdie nro told on a gnarantoa to civo eatifiitctwo- take care thtt jour drafts en j your physical endurance dent eotiiei backxo you some day marked funds take mm what good roads mean they would mite it poetible for the firmer to take advantage promptly of the highest mtrket no rattler wbtt season ot theyetr they woild tve hinudtyj and week ef time which he wtstea every yetr wtllowing through the disgusting mire of dirt rotii they would leueu the expense in keeping horse in working order tnd vtstly let horse would be required in ihe country to perform the firmer work they would require let expense to keep them in repair thin do the dirtrotds tbey wonld afford rttdy commonicttiou witb tho outside world it all time of the year they would spire tbe firmer miny vex ations md nervous striios theywoold be free from dirt in summer tnd taud tnd rota in fill winter tnd spring they would bring evtry firming com munity into cloeer tocitl relitiont j they wonld mike in evening drive plciiqfe instead oft vextiouit it is now tbey would do twty with the tbtard poll ttx and supervor system io pltce where it is still in use they wonld be in short the best possible investment to tbe taxpayer if built ind cired for by the pttiontl government tad paid for by ntliontl tax all these they would do unlet experience goes for ntnght fittral world the wills of btbylou ire said by hero- dout to hive been woiseet thick tt the htic the mpont cetiis tunnel is seven tnd ouehtlf miles long began 1b57 opened 171 tcul con sxcoo the turteys of the hoouc tunnel were to accurate llulllio drifts differed by only fi tiixllis ol hn inch tetcher in niinerloiy clnft- jolinji give me hie name the lrtest known ditmond jclinnieq he so- pace a2fb fiourb show it if youre a healthy woman theyll hive i beauty of tielr own no mitter tjhii your features perfect health with iucscar ekln rosy chteki md bright eyes fa enough to mtke sir l womia tttmctlvi i faithfully dr pierces fa vorite prescription that regulate tnd promote ill the proper function of wo- i minhood improves diges tion enriche the blood tils- i pel ache and pain brldgl i ii a j and restore health neth end ttrength for ptvriodlctl paint proltpret ind other dutplaeements bearinfflown len- mflon and female compltints wn- erallyv t i m eftectlve unt ft can be paranteei it it doetnt benefit or care roo hare yoar money back i tnytbing that laat told la thltm likely to b s ofpurecodllveroilihvpophoiphrtes to iiurnseyour mcrzyand sj tnah rcsj your account at the ojnk of health it cures consumproff scrofula brohchitis coughs colds and all forms c wasting diseases rt am 41 laltiialte at milk lie jure vou frt h ft iti hi thtearcfoeriwi taliemi pr parvii scjitabownbellenile if you want to b ay or sell farm id vertisein the toronto rfeeify iforf thit piper retches 100000 firmer home every week ind your tdvertisement thoald meet the eye of someone who wtnta to pnr- chise advertisement of thi chua ire n- serted in the toronto wtcily ilailtoc five cents a word each insertion or twenty cents a word for five insertion addret the mail toronto ctntdi selflove exaggerates our ftult t well hour virtues halt unotedfor w tot advertisement if yoa wtnt to bay o sell tnything if yoa wtnt i tituttion i mechtnio t hati aeti machinery lodg ng if yoa hive lose or oand tnything or if yoa wtnt to find oat where anyone it tdveriise in the to ronto daily matt tod read t the advertise ment oa the third ge of tbtt piper the chtrge la two c it i word each in lertion addrej the hail toronto can id j a solid reison lean individatl give the poor worn in idmelhiog yoa heir the touching ttbi j she i tell portly individatl thitl 1 1 right my detr boy bat im nut so easily i loved tt yoa tre very hurh plenscd sies i tm very much pleated with ihe effect of htgytrds pectorilbtlttm our fimily hu been grettly troubled with severe cold ptins in the chest etc ind hive been promply relieved by thi vtlu- tble medicine which we willing recom mend clou a mcktyzie cltrendon stitian nb mother why trnt yon tnd georgie aa good boys as yonr little brother young hopeful i guet it cause youd htd more experience bringin np boyswen yoq commenced on him a care for dyspepsia in invettigtting the ctase of tbtt pre vtlent campltint it i foand to rest princi pally in wrong action of tbe stomach and mpurity of the blood these exciting ctase are easily removed by tbe regulat- ng purifying tan to tnd digestive effects of burdackblood bitters hence the succet of bj b b in caringdyepepeia in any form no matter of bow long standing or bow severe it mty be the downward path the onewith pieoeof ortnab peel on it free and eity immedittely relieve tnd free the thrott md lung frotnviscjd phlegm tnd i medicinefhat promote this is the best medicine to ate for coughs colds- iufltmttioa of the lodgs ind all affections of the throat and cheat thit is precisely whtt bickies anticon sumptive syrup it i specific for tnd when ever used it his given nnboanded tatisrso- tion children like it because it is pleaa- ant idolis like it betuse it relieve and oure tbe dieeise ah tbltmty be said to help the etw slid tcrow as he looked upon the cornr field i thtt i tie face for nervboa prottr tton md anaemia there fa no medfeinet lat will to promptly ind iaallibly restore gdr and strength is soottc emulsioo berbtp the ttrodgeajttdvocate of tn ex- tct session is the youi min whose beat girls ptrents hold hie i down to one call per week dr woodt norwty pine syrap cures coughs colds as hmt bronchitis hotrseueta and consn option if taken in time an old coquette is ike a rosebush ia winter the flower am letve hive fallen off the beiuty tnd frag ranee gone nothing i left but the thorbs street car accidentmr thomta stbin ty my eleven year old boy had hit foot btdly injured by being run over by i car on tie street railway we tt onoe commenced bathing the foot with dr thomt eelectrio oil wheo the dltoolor- ttion tnd swelling wtt removed and ini nine day he eoold use hi foot we tlwiy keep a bottle in the boose ready for my emergency liouiring i itid to spoil toy mm who experience it but there wta one man thtt wta not hurt by it his ntme wta daniel rcallferlt is the crttrtcterittic of hoodt strtapir- ill and itismanifeated everyday in there- merkbblccutfs ihi medicine tcoomplirhe dnutins sy when we tell i bottle of hcoav ktrvtparilla to a new customer we are ore to sre him back in a few week afier more proving that ihe good retail fmm a trial bottle warrant continuing il ure aoguttui io jack cbsrmlng girl thtt hits lucy jack jtck think so i never roomletr tier she alwiy tretl me ms il i wis an at jou now aagnf- tut indeed i didnt ktiiow she knew you mr ii b mikinnon psinler ifoant albfrf nyt lstt fummer my system got iniprrviitied with the lead snd tnrpen- tine tel iiijpiiiiitiig- my body wt cover td lib ri ijtt tpnmm lartm a 85cent piece and i u in such title thtt i conld rarely rlk i got a bottle of northrop lyrai vegetable discovery and at oure roiniiitnced taking it iti large dose anil befme meliilf ihe battle wit ased tliire wet not i pot to be teen and lutver felt better in my life a flit ijing on the litrllihii with hi nose tn hit tail is the emblem of economy he tntket both end meet keep it on hand i sire i always keep a bottle xst hag- yards yellow oil for cuts spraius aod buisesj tbe folks at the bouse use it for almost everything i know it to be a good medicine it is an excellent mollifier for cracked or chapped hands a puppys joke is not very funny bat tbere ii tomething wtggish about a dog tall i yoa peed not oougb all night and disturb your friends there is no occasion for you running the risk of contracting iuflem mationiqf the lungt or ennsttmption while you can get bicklet anticontomptive syrup this medicine care cough cold iufiimtnitian of the longt and ill thrott ind cheat trouble it promote a free tnd ety expeotarttion which immedittely re here the throat tad laugs from viscid pblegnij a sprightly girl being asked what is nothing f replied shut your eye and lyou will see it oh whata cough will you heed the jwarning the signal perhaps of the sure epprotch of hit more terrible disc consumption atk yoar eelves if you cm afford for the sake of saving 50c to run the risk and da nothing for it we know from experience thtt shiloht cure will cure your cough it inevec ftils few ire the remedies whose beneficitl qutlitie tad ret meril i five made them topopaltr with the pa die tnd increased from yetr to year tieir consumption which whilst potiettin the most valntble remedial properties it yet so simple in their compodud tnd easy fo take at thequlnjne wine preiaredby northrop 4lymtn of toroito thi article i pre ptred from theppre sophtte of qainiue combined with fiae sherry wine tad choice aromatic which relieve the qain ine of it hitter ttste in 1 doe not impiir trr tbe least degree the e icioy of it action apoo the patient while amill dots frequently repeated ttreagthen the pulse increate mascaltr farce tnd in- vigonte the tone of th nervoat system md thus by the genet tl vigor which it imptrt crette in tpp itite which give to tbe stomach tone ani energy and for- tifie the system tgiinst ill infeotious dis- ene ask for northror t ljimtn quin ine wine told by ill draggitt igothroagh my work tsjthe needle slid to the idle boy b t nottill yoaro bird pushed tithe idlboystld to the needle we have so far surpassed oar- selves thisseasoq ia gelfitig ioictj and cheap goods that wet have to take the publio into oarlconfi j denee and tell them djbotit it we have aeoaced big imof 64 or 54 inch all woorcolorad tweed dress goods beautiful aesigri and combination of color ljegular price 81 per yard we arjo sell- ing them for 75c 5 ydaj for the dress only s375 anptherlotof i dress goods all the way from 30c to60c per yd yoar choice jor 20c dont miss sqrjhkrare ijpportanity a big variety of all the other latest styles of dress goods and silks our itadtles were aever so handsome ad cheapo seltihg s large lot of lifantle cloths regardless of dost a splendid sealettefor 60oper yard ourmillinery surprises 6very- onefor beauty and lovn na of price furs we have in- great profusion boas ifuffsj gapes collarettes caps etc j tadies underwear surprising everything evershown forcomfortandheap- ness ho ieer emallj wares staples flannels blanket jboots s shoes cannot bg surpassed by anyone for variety and cheapness we have everything suitable for gents from ordered clojthitjg down to the minutest article in gents fuurnishings great drives in mea and boys over coats and men and boys readj- made suits mens tpp shirts flannel shirts cardigan jackets and mens oriderwear begit ning at 30c a suit up we must not forget out car pets oilcloths linoleums mats and curtains in all our long experience we could never offer- carpets cheaper nice tapestry carpet 25c per yd qice union 25c nice brussels 50c j- now is yourdpportuiiity to get- bargains in every line of gioua the mammoth is the spot w mcleod co ceorcketpwn on cah ptirej net store excejsut only have full unec f boots sii aas tri nks to which thi large otii and havej oar wi nt sapplie kennf y prok abton cloth our stock of knd gjiotms fir ai tumn v ear fe aow complete ia every department i dirre lutatioiifor firstclass ordered cloth- ing is well knowit j- wolftkve no superiors shaw ic turner the soot shoe miunifacturess 1 8tephsx3 whole batfldr su e dr woods hollowly corn cure t aspeciaofortbe removti of oonn tad rsirui we htve never heird of it failing to remove even the worst kinde pure powdered j making p taiittross rial jakintt powder ihejmb ptfllt strqitqest best ceataloc ao alaas ainnuala unie ptutpfcits oranylfljaritnt j 6 wcfllett toronto ont l norway 5yrup pdch la tbe ira jdstlint vtrroet of the plot scembtiied with the so ia expeetoriiil nnperaea of other pectoral herb and bajfct a rotreor oune ran j couqhq and colds kotrseneta astiunt breflehltis sera tarflte croon andtu throat bronchial lad lung diseases obstiait worst with ettutmha ctmmajitli onaptly to- this j pletttatpiiiytttnp i rtuax no uto age rot aarrlt ol it ia auacrc tlie leading- imiy weekly of america qiwtlfefollnsfitwj partitl hit ottfjfrof tniaia aiiraetioni i complet noveiiesj illatrted one novelette complete in a tssne by 6eh tfaars thornpi w winter j helen gx howrdlcho4 h williimetrybrtwa i w 0 kitejun 2 choice ittiab beajilufauj ind profusely illustrated favorites of the ct ty wht wih ba spjcially enjtiged 3 valaab atticfis fo wondh tali wmasjs yaju fall paie devoted to interest- iug an i asefall gomipabont hohtehill mttterr cwldreja tervaal e fashion etiqaetl aodjtociify i chlldr h all over theworl read aload to tt little otet bf the 5 lively iajd interesting thotji jaarnilism the tei etc amelia e bars i etta williinfperryll4wn wr bf the most popular faok in woatis foca coa- xtbsj a ooloma of bright aad ireejy chit aboat the women oc the slay and whit they iredoiao a colama de jtrtmeat etch week- intaaded to be dehornimq cuppebs s 8 kptbali mt oralt wuciuoe 4 uqihd qloe makfr e aold prwasigh t59 0rli ostrich feather makfh t8jf6 w jeaiaer repairetl rlusotre dtane r scale maiufactureri w oorpoh oa 6oibtpa4i stencils steel stamps dies etc 0 w eawsos smlfer prieet t9 qhilj to lok well nily torie of adwtare ithlefie hitiaetr iravel- tax at i i thomat dana enuh dot ihomaa w knoi htrttet preoott spoffbrd aha ghieidr ar by kdett if cleiry j t htrb g history hlognf hy lad soil icii in brief article 7 cntpe ijoritlt in topic oflchedij 6 a vtlai bla oorreapondeaca nepirtmenl i ra8pecitl onrlstmu enter foartttofjaiy and thaatjgfving kambert with artistically illan ifated e iverk a f i foul dqllar eaper for anly two ppilars feeenew si tiaribet i whff send j2 will receive the pip fffee to fnary 1 1893 and for iall ye r from that hits thy tha get oar loerb thinkagiviug md ohfttmit if amber free addreis 1 t bonners sons sample co and til th is more the resalt of rtood judgement tnd uata than mere lavish nse of money h y stock of boots shoes i adapted to fill the wants of those who htvine slender incomes still desire to raakiiheir appearance creditable orf h y rv j art with 2 a yetr 182 william sfcnejr york cifcy fiftytwo nambert of fromii1o m putt dliuones mechanicakueneml woqdencrayinc 1 0 king st e asttoront o i i send him your order for any class- of wood engraving 1 you desire afy experieace tnd close relition minafactarera enable me to present a line of footwear 0ncqasiled in tha coqnty for stle qotlity aodpnoe i wm williams aoton is hny hors9 worth 20 dicxi blood rcairax r pursar strqmci st best ear pim cms iauiaai uu tr xu 0 prntxtso sweutet to cm ud fctanmfc h atarrh dun baki powd thecooksbesffriend unseat saix in i can furnish you with the best presses fo country and at ilower iprices thai comb to isoljfc improved cou and job wort to he had in this newlcyhnder prjgjs try pro utyj press ork fiso bltuaal r iaatv i if he is not heaithyiahdsoun every tnhntl that is worth keepinc bvur ter ihoold have dicks wood porlier in tbl ipriog it will take leu food to keep them 1 condition tbey will tell better alien will do mora work j dioit horteftadioattle medicine traihe best in tha world r sendjs postal card for full partioalars and a book otvtlatbhi boasehold and farm recall will be sent free dick 00 po boa 183 montreal sold everrvhare 1 i the m to health the free press is pric ted on the abov no 1500 drurh cylinder press ca we have ran the froaty for eight yean aad the lancer we r but to handle ocata little for repair and if ey on the printer todty for the maatj gnneirrdeourjprealworlc ifyod them we can give yoa yoar choice of a bomber of different size think of it a new 8jcol alio or 5 cc or an 8 col book press 01 h e work illustrates itij mjerats 0 blatter nejvspaper jor poster wjrk f j i the better we 1 ka it it it simple easy to ran eaiy jon t oket book we nail it the beat press to be bad in tba world ire tainple of work lend for them and we will gladly forniah d tiffet of pre it all price j l i i power press for only 6op io 700 full particiiirs from 1 1- f i tdj ualocfaaliffieclojgori trenflei wthel bowels kldiieya and liver jarrying 01 gradually ithoat weakening tiesy tarn ail the iiipuriues and foul hamob the iccretioos at the tamo time cm- rectlng aridity pf uio stomacit headaehes dpnesa heart spy-jpnfe- vltien ant- hua plutterl tonsness ihe and tield tolh blood 1 j mm aoton if iti f i il ii- iv

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