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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 9, 1893, p. 2

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s xtsk a boric cxtxeu st albans rtnoaue aetoa oq tuesday feb tlu iso the wits of bv geo boooka odua harried eriixnixeosat toe rasideaoa o the brides father bsquettat oa wedaetdtv jta s3th lirkrr jwatkilae mr james sttrk and hitt ktlue kelsoa dtagnter ot ibtta velsoa esq i uirixtmuosoa lie lib lost at th reet- oae of dr anderson cookrrill by bv mr klines hearr htr at esqoettns to mini yoauseat daogtiter of the uu johu anderson ot trafalgar hitxettwurrat the rwija ot md brother esqaetiag on wednesday febtli4rrbr bevi ed0r james 1 at chiiiaoluia lo uur an dtoshter atjoaa6totrifce uctitowat the reddesce ol tattta s father oa wednesdtr 8th fabrar w bbt a glair hr archibald uetti 4 merchant tsaor aetoa to aaae o of david tvrea esq kateectsreyt dtugktss- dfed hugos on tuesday 19th jtnacrv richer f kagiiea o grtveatrcrtt formerly of aetoa cd s7 yetrc poxxaadat bis residence tss titicr street toronto of coocestioa of the laaex oa thurs day pabrntry lad l32s john pollard tgad 00 yacrc his and ires pane our ottawa letter tha llberalt in caucus dead-let- tart illness of lord stanleys sonscaridlarf cattle in engltmu notes here and there lji rlctott fttt ffcess thursday february 9 161 nojes and comments m r cummingt a leading writer od tha new york str representine a district id new york introduced in the house of representatives at washington lut week a hill to facilitate commercial colon with canada i the report of the pottmettergenersl of canada ni laid upon the table of the house of commons lut week it shows tht oa the 50th jane ittt there were 8283 postoffice in operation in the dominion being an increase daring the year of 127- 614 miles being added to the mail roatee end the annual mail travel has been in creased from 2715sw3 to 2862s88 it is stated that attorneygeneral s if ton has anndanoad to the prohibitionist of manitoba that in spite of their overwhtlki- ing vote infavor of provincial prohibition at the recent pfeiiseite the government ctn- not do anything far them the power to prohibit the manufacture and importation resting with the dominion government alone sin interesting survival of the idest of 1q0 years ego was witnessed yesterdsy in the halls of congress at washington the house and the senate met in joint session in preseace of the two hoases the presi dent of the senate opened the seal of the electoral vofesrbf the states and declared in a loud voice watt everybody has already known for the put three months thtt graver cleveland and adlti e stevenson arechosen respectively president and vice president of this united states the influence of the pennydreadful novel is seen in the operetioosof jthe rpb- bem who have msde toronto cotoriout such reading may not make good youths bad but it makes bad yoaths daring to the- point of foolishness a youogvmtna ridetl whether epugilistt highwayman a i money gatherer a political ichemeror sn honest virtuous citizen it genereslly the creation of some eeductive and laudatory writer and the influence of carefully selected literature canrot be over-esti- mtted glou r following the eitmpte of the imperii cutharitiea the americta eecretry of kgncahnre hu ordered thtt ctctdian cue ihtll not be tjlowed to enter be ttnitm states vithoat undergoing detention at qoirtntine the f ct tbftt the british govermrient has sche nled oar cattle becanse of the alleged eiintenoegf plearopneamonu in the dominion ha peen acpfpted bj sec retary rack as proof of tbe prevalence of thit dkce bere hereac it has ctver keen shown that thebritich poveromentb order wa bated upon icfiicfentgroandi mr betonkarr the conservative mem ber for tit helen ia tbe debite on thtt part of the addreaa to ibe britith hoase of coram on 8 referring to igricaltaral tie- preseitm- mentioned tbe saooesn of tbe kil limey tnd siltoaita settlements in manitoba andwitbed to know how ftftbe present government intended to carry on iu civilisation kcbeme he qhoted a oon versttinn be hid with sir john abbott in which the utter said that england was overopatated and canada coald render a remedy by the emigration of selected families in the speech from the tbroae the britith government promise to introdaoe a local option prohibitory liqaor law daring the late election the cabjectoc local control of the jiaor traffio was forced prominently to tbe froot by tbe united kingdom alliance every candidate in great ktttaih wai qaecttaned upon the c abject with the recall that more than half of those elected promised to vote for local option the attitude ot tbe irish members however is cocertaia and apon their votes will depend tbe fate of tbe measure which mr glidstorjfth pledged to introduce if the hoase of commons resolve to close tbe csoidiau exhibit at the worlds fsiroasaadaysshr charlton proposes no barm shoalavresalt it it possible that tbe fair itself will observe the day of rest bat should the capidfty of the managers be allowed- to overcame the scrapie of tbe american bepablie canada need not en dorse the retroactive step if all days ire to be alike beoaase there are exhibi tions it will not be diskalt to find reasons from time to tloie to abolish the stbbath entirely the trench revolutionists at tempted to pat an end ac tbe day of rest and that mistake has been already demon strated in chicago tbe plea is pat for- ward lb it to close tbe fair on bandar will crowd tbe saloons why shoatd not th charcbes be crowded f tbe best preachers in tbe world will doubtless attend the fair- and they bonld be able to attract eoor- moos catherines in the creat halls and churches of chicago tlail torontos robber oanq caught ttiiiikio frb cthe gang of robbers liicli hai iufetted toronto daring the utt fe wetk caminittiag depredations of fltrtordioiry daring iu broad dtylwbt no wmionlj deljiog the polioc lisve beeu arretted knd most of the stolea goods tle- covtred the wuratfders are foar young men under 23 iwo of them msrried between 2000 tnd u003 worth o toe stolen tewrllery was found tfiigtng called themseltes- the daltoa imitator at bennetts houteon ceutre rowitbe leader of the gaugsud a both of iu other place tbe detectitssifoand licvej piles of dune novels sad lurilllug dttecttyb stories the little daughter of dr moiitsvne if p bis been nry ssriously sod dugeroos ly illei nraajrflle bat u now ftnprotu orriw 6th feb the hoasohfs kept t the pice usumed ust week pretty well and business continues to be ruihed through the senators however sre out looking tor sjob quite tn exciting tiff occurred yet- between mr charlton and col tis- it ended quietly met in caucus yesterday airmanship of the iver- there was an rofcoursa the utmost adrfcr addressed the loireji resolution ws endorsing his fiscsl is his speech on the address and tbis recent epeech at hum- iltoa this means that the party is pledg ed to t policy r ffr rads tho world and to unoomntomiting hostility to the pre sent tariff ical loxafloe kr daltoa hccsrthy who made his first appearance in the house on monday will reintroduoe hisbill t amend the north- west territories act this it the same measure which wss introdhoed last year its object being to repeal the clause of the act respecting separate schools sod the dual language j illksss or loan 6tajxib boxb the skating and tobogganing party at rideau hall was broken up hurriedly sat urday afternoon on the receipt of a cable gram announcing the seoous illness in eng land of hon arthur and george stanley second and third sons ot their excellencies for tbe same reason the dinner party fixed for theevenidg was cancelled it is under stood that mr arthur stanley who has an appointment in the foreign office is suffering from a severe attack of rheumatic fever the nature of mr george stanleys illness is not known lady stanley has left for england by the teutonic sailing from new york on wednesday and she is accompanied by hon messrs ferdinand ana victor stanley ub wcxivs flcu it is learned on excellent authority that mr alex mckay the senior member for hamilton a63 one of the conservative whips will be tie reoeipient of a govern ment situation in the course of the next two or three months most probably at the close of tbe present session of parliament mr mckay is to be sppointed customs in specter for western ontario which has been vacant for some time c1k1duk cattle is exglaxd in the house of commoub on thursday mr ftirbunvof south victoria touched an important point when he asked if there was reason for believing that the order of the britith board of agriculture requiring the slaughtering of cattle at tbe point of debarkation in the united kingdom would shortly be rescinded sir john thompson pplied that the matter had been the cause of much correspondence but that he was unable to give an answer until an official announcement had been made by the british authorities miiehimnriirciupito tbe qceex the government has received advice from the colonial office of the appointment of capt archibald l douglas r n as naval sidedecamp to the queen capt douglas is a son of the late dr douglas of quebec and is the first canadian who has been selected from the navy for this honorable position all other similar ap pointments having been made from the army the poxtsiox alliance as a result of a meeting of the parlia mentary committee of tbe dominion a1 lianbe held last friday it was decided to question the government in reference to the working of the prohibition commis sion a resolution in favor of introducing a simple resolution in favor of prohibition this session was defeated only dr chfistie and mr charlton voting in its favor ac cordingly mr scriver will ask when the government expects the commission to report and whether it intends to print the evidence taken before it while mr dickey will urge that if the work be concluded- by that time the report and evidence be print ed and distributed to the members before the next session grixdixo ni boxd mr davin has given notice of a bill to amend the customs act the object of which is to repeal the clause which permits the grinding of wheat in bond mr davin contends that the development of the north west hat done away with the necessity of the clause which was originally inserted because the millers of canada oould not secure all the hard wheat they wanted kow the farmers of the west can it is allegedtupply all the hard wheat neoessary srperaxstatiox 6t6teu mr foster minister of finance intends making a change in the civil service super- aunustiqo system at present every civil servant hss deducted from his salary two per cent of his salary if leu than k00 per year and two and a half per cent if it is more to provide for his superannuation allowance in committee of tbe woe on monday next mr foster will move a reso lution to increase these superannuation de ductions to three and three and a half per cent respectively de1 lettebs soma ttrtnge things fall into the hands of the superintendent of this branch of the p 0 service through the carelessness of letter writers during the past year f 18- 631 in actual cash reached the dead letter office contained is 3051 letters bat it shows the perfection to which the service has attained when it is stated that only 45 were undelivered to the parties for whom tbey were intended among the articles which reached the dead letter offioe were bodkins badges butterflies boots candy furs by the score carbolic smoke balls certificates of nearly every variety in can adamasonic sent of england orange foresters united workman oddfellows royal arcanum k of l y m c a temperance societies etc then there was one apottolio benediction one cast of teeth one coffin plate one false palate one doll two derby sweepstake tickets two garters one glass eye nearly 200 articles of gold jewellery two indian battle axes 01 lottery tickets one pawn ticket one petticoat and five wills it it satisfactory to learn that the apottolio benediction reached its intend ed destination the total number of dead letter received was 1057761 of which b0gl only were not disposed of stknav at the world b faib mr charlton gives notice of a resolution that in the opinion of parliament the cana dian department of the columbian exhibi tion elioojd be closed oa bundsy in accor dance vita british example st previous exhibitions in deference to the christian sentiment oc the country end as a recogni tion of the doty resisting upon an avowedly christian peopls t refuse by omcialiacli to do viotenoe to christian piinciples and to decline to fend aid or ooqutenanoe to say ooqrse which will deprive anvr person em ployed in ho fjpadian section of the wormt fair of their day of rfst the faemvmbbtino interesting addrwti upon quet- tlortl of tstadaysthey effect n tf tt hers m tha soil an open meetlfik utsr the tospioes of the patrons of iudtitry was held in the town half acton but ihurtdiy evening the ttorm which prevtiteaaid not hiudir tbe trmert their wives tout tnd daugh ters tnd fciendt from joining oat the stleadance was very large standing room being at a premiam early in the evening uro william dredge of haaiagaveya was unanimously called to the chair the meeting was then addressed by bro 1 d mcgregor of trafalgar bra cook of streefsville and brot joseph stratford president of tha farmers binder twine and agricultural implement ilantg co of brtnlfard in a mmuec agreeable to the large sudience tnd along patron lines mr stratford pleaded very earnestly for i immediate consolidation of the farmers throughout thit tfjiols dominion in their own interests claiming thtt no great move can be mtde in the agricultural interests of this country without thorough organiza tion of the farmera around the lodges of the patrons of industry kr stratford is a very pleasant ipesker he dwelt at con siderable length bo the importance of the patrons throughout canada itopptng all their little deals and side ittues egainttthe country storekeepers snd merchants and turning their attention to solid organiza tion as againtt the great combines and monopolies that are so vitally affecting the husbandry of thit country the speaker gave many pleating illuitra- tiont applicable to the present condition of the farmers contending it made no difference to them whatever as sgricultul- alists whether we were represented in psr- iitmn by coniervttives or reformers so long as they bad hy consolidation as farmers the power centered in them to control the action of those sent re present them in the houses of parliament mr stratfords explanation of the prosper ity of the immense antimonopoly binder twine and agricultural implement works that have sprung into existence with un precedented rapidity in the county of brsnt through the solid support of the dominion farmers and patrons as stock holders goes to prove conclativety thtt wonderful results con be achieved by the farmers acting in unison touching all points in their own interest no alteration in tariff the speaker claiming would bring about the results that unity of the farmers was bound to exact from the mon opolies and combines he advised all in terested in agriculture to join hands with bit company and not to stand aloof front a great measure that was destined to bring very early relief he claimed it wu never intended that a protective policy should permit or allow of manufacturer oambining against the commonwealth in side of it mr stratford is one of the itrgett itock- breeders snd farmers in the dominion and operates himself the tecond largest firming enterprise in the county of brtnt he is just now being heard from very sub stantially all over thit country both in open and closed lodges of the patrons at chesley some nights ago there were up- wardt of 900 farmers in the hall and it was the firtt meeting we are informed held in the county of brace by the promoters of the farmers binder twine and agricul tural implement comptdy the ooaoty of haltcn is just now being gone into with the enterprise and judging from tbe action and feeling of the acton meeting it will meet with a large measure of success the proceedingi ot the meeting sere in terspersed with well rendered selections by the mtple leaf quartette actohsgofl disastrous fire at quelph prlngla clunlg hardvyare store destroyedrerbdllert ds cos stock badly demised gcelfb feh 0 one of the mott de- strnctive fires that has taken place in guelph for years occurred bondty morn ing shortly after 0 oclock in the premises occapied by pringle clunis hardware cierchtuu wycdhtm street in the busi ness centre of the city policeman ham- mood heard a crash of glass saw the fire and gave the alarm immediately after a eniuo explosion of powder took place which shook the surrouudiug buildings and broke the glass in some of them a hun dred yards away the plate glass windows in the store were blown out tnd the frtg- ments scattered promiscaouslyfoc 0 or 50 feet around together wifhaj number of articles id the show window following this was a fusilade from loaded cartridges which flew off la everydirectian and the empty shells were picked op from 50 to 100 feet away from the building on the main ttceet one bullet went through a window on the opposite tide of the ilreet and an other took a rear course and went through a window io the western hotel in an in stant after the explosion the whole butld- ingswai in a mass of fismes mr john b priugle one of the proprie tors bads narrow escape ho slept on the third floor of the store and was awak ened by the smoke on looking oat the front window he saw the fire gushing half way tcrots the street sod climbiag up the building cutting off all escape from the use of a rope escape ladder which he had in hit room then ha went to the rear and was nearly suffocated with smoke before be reached a window and escaped on the roof where he fell down exhausted his cries brought prompt sstiilanoe three of tha firemen were overpowered hy the smoke tnd had to be tttfited oat t the substantial ttoue walls confined the dimes pretty much to the baildiag al though it crept through the joists into tha dcyfioods store of e r bollect co and did a great deal of damage the building belongs to maurice oconnor and is insur ed for ttooo in tbe national of ireland it will cost 1000 or 41000 mora to fix it op pringle clunis sre fnsnred for about tt ooo in tha north british and western and gorsmttlutl and the stock jit valued at tboat 110000 bollert 4 coi loss will probably run to w0o0 or over they are insured in tbe royal london lscoahire hartford commercial union london assurance and the atlas r mitobeli grocer loses between 1500 and tsoo insur ed is the qaeenv montreal bargest a bon photographers loss about 1100 in sired in the wellington mutual o w kelly music dealer probably nearly op to his insurance of u000 in tha wellington i mutual the fire is supposed to have urjnaated from a onal stove in the office thousands of people visited the scene of the firs yes terdsy pringle sad clanis assert that they bad ouder the regulation quantity of powder in the store the frsater quantity of the oils was in the cellar which escaped tha dames i j- j deafness and no ices in the held permanently oared fcya new absolutely genuine system tbe most titraordlnary ease have been tucoestfolly treated foil- particulars with obples of splendid testi moblslt p fret btrbert clifton 51 uprwkeooingtbn laos london 8 e coanoit mjt oulifondsy evening reeve in ta chair and all members pre sent minutes c previous meeting read and confirmed 1 committe on finance presented their first report recommending payment folldwingao otinu i vkxnns rineoalaa sit qnelpb oar ne co coal oil felkatttinrtwood 0o xu g hattfc ws lamp chimners etc i si stats moved by loo williams and jos ander son that rep rt read be adopted carried moved by sao havill and jno wioiams that bylaw ippoutting municipal officer to perform the duties of assessor collector sanitary in pector caretaker town hall publio schjol cemetery pahlie park street lea st cutting weeds constable poundkeepe and whatever other duties may be ret uired in connection with- the work of tin municipality be read a first time carr ed bylaw n l 107reed first time moved by jos anderson- and j e corry that bylaw to limit the number of tavern licenses ind to fix the feet for the some be read a first ime carried bylaw n i j08reed firtt time moved b j e corry end- geo havill that bylaw no 307 be read a second and third timeiud that council go into com mittee of th whole and rule 19 be suspend ad carria geo hav u moved to the chair bylaw rs vd a second and third time and the name t e r d graham inserted st a salary of it io per annum counchio corry inquired if the munici- pal officer received anything extra for graces eta reeve e e gets paid for digging graves but receive nothing extra from the cor porotion councillo corry thought it a very slack way to hu 3 a man at a stated salary and them allov him to draw extra- pay ho was in fav x of giving him more pay if necessary i nd to have the extra money reported an i paid into the treasury councillc havill said that it was under stood than he officer should get paid for grave diggii g and if he got behind with his other work he would require to hire help reeve 1 unicipal officer did his work satisfactory i councillc corry said he was not finding fault with io work but thought in case of an epidem 3 the majority of caretakers time woul be employed in grave digging and he won d neglect the streets and walks other mpmbers we will wait for the epidemic the byli w was then passed moved bj geo havill and jno williams that bylaw i no 208 be read a second and third time i nd that council go into com mittee of he whole and that rule 19 be suspended- csztied geo hsv ill moved to the chair bylaw i tad a second and third time limiting nu nber bf tavern licenses to three snd the sue l of 1110 to be paid patted moved bj jos anderson and geo havill that audito i report be received and adopt ed carrie i moved b geo havill and j e corry that dr ui an be appointed medical health officer for 1 he present yearcarried moved b r jos anderson and jno wit liams that he time be extended until feb 20th for th4 return of the collectors roll carried moved w ged havill and t e corry that the so a of lt50 be refunded mr t brant beiig half amount of salvation army taxo carried a list of en properties subject to aale for back taxes was received from the county trt tsurer on motit 3 council adjourned tha can dim order of foresters is a fraternal i enevolent society incorporated in 1879 and registered under the insurance corporstioi s act 1892 of outsria the objects of the society sre to furnish its members i itb sick snd fuuertt benefits and an ins ranee of one or two thousand dollars t le payments for these benefits range from about one dollar to one douar and fifty c tuts per month according to the age of i ha member and the amount of tha insure toe carried the membership it compotet f men only tnd whea admit ted thty oust be between the ages of eighteen tc i tortyftve the present num ber of m nbers is over 10000 and the society hai a cash surplus on hand for the payment ol the insurance of aver 215000 50000 of rhich is in dominica of canada bonds and the balance is invested in the best monet try institutions of the damin ion in ix dilioa to thit the local courts have about k half a million of dollars in their tress iries for the payment of the sick and ftneral benefits the high secretary if the orlar is id rthomat whiteof e rsntford and it it expected that a court of his popular and partly cana dian social y wilt shortly be organised hers tha go eminent of ntsr zealand hat tafegraphei to tha marquis of ripour sec retary of s iats for tha colonies protesting against thi annexation of hawaii by the tjnited bti tea both th method and resalta whea sympof figs is taken it is pleasant and refe pting to uio tastandftote ttly itrotmpurontblsliiineyb t6t ai d bar tls cleanses the ays- m ene tnally diepcb colds head- lches an 1 fctcrs andcoics habitual constipation j brnip of figs is the t its kind ever pro- nn oced p easing to the tiutc indao cepteble to the stomach jprmt in iisactioi luid truly bcaodal in ita elects p eparod only from the most healthy i nd agreeable onbstances its manyez cllentqnaliticjcommendit to all a id have made it the most poprjir amedy known- syrnp of figs is for sale in 75n bottles it all leading droggistev anyteli tbledrugcist who may not have it oa tvaa v procure it ompu fot any onewhd wishetf try it mftiinfaraifwd only by the ciurrhia fig syrup ca vtuaaisco asx mr donta if jorttan of edmestonlv y colorless emaciated holploesj a complete cure by boobs sarupabilla this is fronvmr d m jcirdan a re tired farmer and one of the most re spected dtiiensjof otsego c6 nj y i fourteen years ate t had an attack of aii travel snd have sutee beeu troubled jwitli liver and kldrieys ttdually grovruig wona three years tsd 1 tut down so low that i cai4 searswy wtslssi hooked more like a corpse than a uvlnfbeujai i had no appetltb and for flve weeks i ait aotmaar t crwet iwuhwur emactated and aadno more color than aetinle staue hoods sanaparlua was recommended and t ihourttlwoum try it before i had nnhaed the first bottle i nottesd that i felt better tut tend lets the lauuaataalista mt the klam ster had subsided theeolor began to returnto ray face and i sitsi s feel haaunr- after i had taken three bottler i could eat anruuns wlthout hurting me why i got to hungry that i had ta eat 5 timet a day i hare no fatty recovered thanluta hoods sarsaparllla x feel well ust suss well all who ku me marvel to see me so well 1 il josoax hoops pltl8 srs ttie test i pwtn to being overcrowded irj we have dec ided tcj sell j f any si e or kind at aoneirsli photography te0t0s taeen atinrail t why nbt have a group taken inthejevening in your own parlor leave your orders at my gallery to look weft it mora the result of good judgement and taste than mere livjsh use of money my stock of bootej sjioe is adapted to fill the wants of those who having slender j incomes ttll desire jto make their appearance creditable my experience and close ralations with mtnufsctdrers ensblet me to present a line of footwear unequalled in tha county for stylo quality land price wnxwilllijas aotcln acton livery j i i 1skd bus line tha oodanaciud mcpetf nllr lollofic tin pctroa l t wu zaafpped tnd stjlult rift ot wtnbsouxd sithifiubtec 1 comforubla bai m4tj tnin between flisvm udsus pn careful svustatjonflteii to irt7oraer tha vutt o oommarolal trttel- itri folly mt john williams success sit we will i i woollen at areducd jsll goods marked ii plain figures n snterl to iwil fifteen 0eents oneach i3 i t i 1 baiahqe of our stock of bur cthpis mht ihrdn be sbictat jost prlca for peijj cent clothing utt gei offering duced i w all hinds dlsylstrvingipustonjers our stle tjroves a mm e fetqilt by am die other lintfs of goods added to ouralejr oitr ishoe department pairs of shoes reduction pkir alsp cljjse outur stock of on of it ceiis on each piece tmrjisqash nelson undsrclth 3 fo gasli during febcjuary reduction frojri our regular prices for haw to tumim i- ij it v wevehnndreds of wjirsloyees threescore separate depart- fnentiiind skies are counted by the jtundred thousand 3ur business is jry gopds and j homeoutfittipgs ithat is everything for personal and homejise f i yoit and we may tie quite a distanceiapart rfieasured by miles yetvbyj reason of our mail order facjlities were -ir- tuallynextddortoyou no thing iri the entire establish ment tjiatyoupint have prs- dsely as if you stood in person before any cimnter and at exactly- the sane price i we send samples of all mailablq merchandise free of course if you want a house ful of carpets j or draperies a new bonnet or a toothbnish we expect yoiitc- buym pcr- sori but ytjiu dont lenpsv what a help shopping by mail i9 till you havfi tried it the t eaton coy itft m rip jjfjet iwti lit jtajvalratrtts j i h beonhijal syrup is amoasciotiingancl healing remedy in all cases if covohs and colds boarssxxss and soxx tsrojlte try a bottle only 25c f iv vitri mew year ut i i 1 iv i this toek t arjge range ol ing iprices new flannels ginghams 3hirtngs and cottontdeyv we are- now all our stok of furs at greatly re are clearinjg out our stock of ready- made tlothing at ctist and under i 1 i gi sat slaughter of mens and boys long boots very special values in groceries for the ijlolicla j trade heiiderson mcraie fc qb ti 1i i j -i- i i i will st kctqn 0 5m4d j 3 prepared by- vm faett wanted mft m rrvfib anderstbaeddestres totienta farm of s j j or ib serss wtth sood buflnlass bjisft sa march applly to g jobuibdt ffj i aotonpjb- tft caepet veajiisg a p tn8 daiir eail on tha c k erpat tetijax done plmm nterflgssd ubacouuu- farm fob sajie a f 3 tffb undersigned deursstte rent or sell the t3 farm kb i lotlj coft lminsm farm 2 on arty fud acted fifty seres fud particolarswlll be tna upon applieatlonto j fatbiactszj or rititiarwvvjt boekrood at quel saiiesman wanli5dt ehjebqbtio matrji wanted tor haltpo county ta advertise and taks orders for tkt lattst urrtnted and improved elsetrleal amu- sness far lbs tore otglsesos salary aao per month tad expanses no axperlimns tusmsasiyi permanent enrbloyniesjt sand ttsunp far pals exnttisaaaii sandttsusp i form brsssxlltin- month and permanent t tlcnlars and apt form brtssxl oa 110 tn bioronto ont mai wellington mutual fire lrtaurne i company t j- tlhe featralanmial tnaetlns of the vfeluttf- jli ion uotual eire itnrsjioe company- wilr bsheldlfstiitlcompsnn canfgstpbaej i t tuesday tbe 14th- oar of tatensry rabrt ts6obokjja tl i- tajeeitatureiwitortheduetors wltbtjs v a nnaneial statement for ttfe year ins eleetldn t3s otduotorsmnll tistalsos cittbose rsttrisg and otherbttsuiess byotner i qoelpb hstjanusrjt lm j seeretaryi v 1 agedjbty i camelipab tie rrtauses lot tean i bib about the utn oetsber an aged ram tbt owner win prove property pay sapsn and removals l 1 btlnjanm9s pobkpt jphkstolf mney to lm i or volaas p at reasonable rates p7 town ban aston rphb hnasrslfnsd fs jjl esseasb pi ad at hit varebi f a qerts to sell our ohoiss and hsrdtnor- ia ttry stock w have many new and y oommltlon esttalari writs oslit ones for urinaaddambtapbof atones saletman phoioxmussbi and new eotnfty lor our of potatoes j 6lsry or co fjamoy snptoyniant ulseol pay9adfarjtrc4aj i hoorisobovkb co kuiseryman and bdiltsstrhx- a quarter dollar buys at fee ntiarter stork tweoyflve hunj wesi hamilto i on ootri- wnauoa tha followioa eiiraort inary bti- iins5r- j r t ids eboiea italian feel for 1 vi h suptrfor wathpig soda f r sd 1 8 i exoellentmoefor hi is soperior laundry btarol lot tod 10 good cooking talsinifot s paologaacornbtvohforv- tps oboioe blxedlratiuwdtfor lid i i- j vx r-i- am

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