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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 9, 1893, p. 3

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filew8k bank 0f hamilton esuldoitice oimti piid cr itutstt fckd i ttjnxbull cuaiu kajottok smsw h s steven attt cttbtkr directar8joio 6twikt preeidtut a o riutii vloefrot joint paocroa cats gcmlt gao roicb a t wooo a otis geoecretowk agency notes discounted end advarfces made on all lultimeseeurtties dairrt oo til psrta of cut- lot the uktotn tt guar uartiix and ill ookttkctt op erxori kguiht tnd sold colictioxs teste on tn tcctsttble mott ftrocsoto terms polqu oq sayix08 dspaktuent dirwttrtettvtd of at and upwards sad in terest allorad from date of deposit to date or wttatrawtl r special deposits alio received it current rates of interest ko uotloe of withdrawal require jiceoy atent the methodist church r acton rev joseph edcje ptrtsnece bower avenue futor roblic services 1030 sraand6j0pm sunday cehootfcsl biblecuuueofiduetedbythe putor allcorduuly invited stranrsrs ul visitors alters welcome at- stive ushers it the door id of t if js7 the btt fcirec -v- iltoa irth pre a nc i lice- will ictioo tries erfo the and etoa hirer- fctby fscr- ijes sect tore ona- lber- 25ej l23e 25c i 25c 2sc j25c sso 100 t a oa 25a 25a 2ja f 25c 25e- f25a 125a itsa- i 1- pn t y btmh6 department we make a specialty of watch cleaning arid repair ing of all kinds all work enrusted to us will receive ttnfthntt merit clocks cleaned repair- ed regulated and setin fine running order jewellery tnd ill msll wares mended ckaned in the most workmanlike manner spectacle rtfrtmed end repaired prices always reetoleble bring yonr repairing in geo hynds acton ont watchmaker sign at the big witch fje cton xzz ress thursday february 9 1693 uttle i lo b which ceuigtit thoeyes or earg of f rae press reporters this week the news at home mottlylaf jacs1 charactarard efry tern interentlrui a c fjb ssiukpiyesr acton a oroka nil at ihojdorainlon lime kilos witcua6oot a mile below aoiod derailed a freight train foor ctra of which were ditched early tuesday morning trafbc vras taipeaded oc sic or seven hours a brakemen who jamped from the train hid an ankle and foot badly spraiccd the tevea a m express was tent aroand by hamilton i a flacky icillctzrler last friday james sfiruu who ctrrlea the mail from aotoa to bpeyeide sod knatchball was too ill to go on his usual rounds and aa no one else could be secured to bvave the storm his cxd if decided to perform the duties so explicitly required by her usjesty notwithstanding the terrible blirtrd which- raged during the afternoon airs martin succeeded in get ting out to knatchball and was returning between the town line and first concession when the cutter upset in a snow drift the horse walked away rapidly and mrs martin could not catch it it came on to acton and she etruggled through the snow until she reached the home of jlr thomss arthurs uexrlyperuhed fromtha effects of the storm and cold herefsfie received kind treatment and mr arthurs brought ber to town where her horse and rig were found next tteaday is st valentine day etqussijg township council will meet on monday soth inst mrs featherstoue wife of j feather- slone m p for peel is detd milton town council have purchased an boo pound bell for the town hall fridays storm was the meat severe in the memory of the oldest inhabitant the appointment of mr k chisbolm to the registrarthip of peel bti been gttetted a couple of yonng people wellkoows in actcn were married latt evening in kaluga weya mr john duffs stallion refbnrc has been selected for exhibition at the worlds fair r l gunn d d g m will visit walker lodge a f anda m on monday evening 17th inst special evangelistic services will be commenced in the methodist church iu two or three weeks t the g1t r snow plow ran into a herd of cattle near brampton on friday killing six or seven of them acton will have the tame number of- boiels ts usual and the landlords will pay the same licence fees as before the last issue of the canadian evanijt- fiucontsios an interesting obituary notice relative to the late donald robertson berlin bab two daily papers now the daily tiuqrapk is the litest aspirint and it represents its constituency very well the weather man promised us beauti ful enow end then it began to rsin a rise ot tetnperatore he said asd so it got cold again advertisers a paper list reaches the homes is worth a dozen that dont the fbee pbdw is read in nearly every home in this vicinity ontueedty when frtnk theyoungest son ot mr williun hisoo was going to school he fell on the ioe ted cut a very severe gash in his forehead 1 the communion terrices in the meth odist chareb list sunday morning were largely attended tbs pastor preached an able and very appropriate sermon the social committee of the christiio endeavor society were entertaining the members of the society in knox cbnrch class room list evening as we went to press rev james harris of guejph preach ed the communion sermon at the brick church itsv sunday it wis splendid sermon and tn interesting service fol lowed j it is reported that d mcgibbon bir- rister of milton will shortly be appointed county judge of hildimtnd and that c g bolder of cayuga will be made judge of this county j a rneeting will be held it ballintfxd today it 2 p m for the purpose of dis cussing the advisability of forming a joitit- stock company for the manufacturing of cheese andbulter j thi section has experienced quite a variety of weather the past week there have been bllrard hail and rain and the thermometer has registered from 10 above to 10 or 12 below cero the collectors roll has not yet been re turned for the past yesr by a resolution pissed it the meeting of the cooucil mon day evening the time for its return was ex tended to the 20th inst j extract from s private letter written at christmas time in melbourd it is now midsummer here it is odd in this christmas season to see in the shop win dowa picturesof bants clans dressed ii linen duster and carrying s fan the oddfellows of acton have had in contemplation for some time tho holding of a local conctrt and tbs date haa been fiked for friday evening 3rdof march a high ly enjoyable programme is being amn ed and thstdmiteiouwill be at popular prixs thecountry around 1 i nawi items guoplleel bycorres- pandantt and eifohsnges r erin oas- evening last week the youngest too of the rev mr fewlie abfijlit stirring child of fifteen months fell from the table onto which he had climbed and broke hie oollar bone he ii doing well mr alex mclean of the 9th line erin recently sold hii farm of 200 acres a the towntbip ot euphrasia to mr j h thompson jr of erin foe 12500 ioakville the masons of oakvllle will hold a cm- vertstdone on friday evening in honor of the grand master m w bro the hon j u gibson r w bro r l gaud dd g m will pty his askul visit totheosk- vllle lodge tie sime eveuiag tnd quite a number of masons and their ladles from hamilton will attend councillor o w anderson will build a fine bank barn 60 t to on hit farm iu tra falgar in the spring this town has j5som of unpaid taxes ig21 of which belong to 1601 conductor snider will pretcb in the presbyteritn churth onthe 19th inst knatckbuli the editor of the forest free prtu bu been tba victim ol wood thieves this is what becaya the tret prru will pay s reward of 5 for the conviction of the parties who raided the editors wood pile salarday night trie mm who would stetu from an editor is mean enough to cot his own hair lo remitting for thefezs pszuforan- other year oar old friend mr dan 0 ltwsoc of cheyenne wyoming ooncii des his letter t follows everything is love lly hire- the westher is especisy ene ko trio yet- bright and warm every jfsy just like september remember me 14 all the old boys ihdaad girls im s men yet 1 how tboot jut h f wu1 beraala three 1catf at theimietipg of the ijattterly offieisl board of thi methodist clurch oo moodty ttyyevening the followipa resolution wis carried unanimously by slstauoung vote eecilved tbtt tils ojucltl board bt very much pleasure in inuring our esteemed pastor itev j ed that hu services hens have been not only satisfactory in every respect but have been the means br which peat spiritual good bu been received by us til resulting we be lieve iu genera growth in grace in the member- snlp of the cbnrch tnd very msnifest prosperity in every department of tbo wort we foal that it is the wits of everpraerabecof the church and eacragatldntbjat lie eoatlse our pastor to the full extebt of the term hied by the legisla tive body of our denomination tnd we have consequent very great pleasure in extending to him a betety invitation to remain with us a third year his loyalty to usts a church ip the past civee us every confidence thtt be will tccept this lnritttion we assure dim of our hearty coopertuon in til work he toiay deem itwtte to engage lu and wfjl oontlnne jto pray etrnectly- fcr the success of gods cause in our midst rev mr edge accepted the invitation in feeling tnd appreciative remitta eutiug be wooldjke most hapjjy to continue hii present relationswiththi church here is long as the conference would allow the pastorate jf rev mr edge his been cbtr acterlxed by continued buccess he enjoys the confidence and esteem of the entire community both in the church aid out ot it and his acceptance of the invitation to remain for a third year will be regarded with universal satisfaction the teacher exonerated some time before the end of the past year mr t jamea monre principal of st georges school gnelph sonof principal t t moore acton punished one of the pupils ot the school a son of dr cowan for insubordination and improper condaet toward the lady teacher who bad him in ber department dr cowan laid a charge of cruelty before the board of education in anbwer to which the board reported as follows list week we hive had under considention the complaint mtde by dr cowtn referred to us and have had an open sessios beardall theevideuce produced by the compiaiuantan srfpport ot hii charges and have given him every opportunity ot establishing the same if la his power so to do wehtve also heird evidenoe on behalf of mr moore against whom the complaints were made and from the evi dence of disinterested and reliable witnesses would report tbwe consider the teacher was entirely free froen blame and we have instructed htm and also informed dr cowan that his sod should be read mitted to the school on submitting to the conditions imposed by principal youngs letter of dec 15 last to misa logbrin we deem it absolutely necessary that on less proper dicipline is observed in our schools there cannot be any successful re- bults ah our teachers wefeel sire de sire to preserve order snd decorum in a kindhearted manner corporal punish ment being the last resort this report was adopted without discussion mr moores friends in actonare much pleased at tbe result of this case his kindly dis position is too wellknown for anyone here to have deemed him guilty of inflicting ijjegelpunishment nponsnyscholar the board has taken a very wire view of the matter the jfeir system in force in accordance with the announcement repeatedly given in these columns the past six months the new system requiring all subscriptions to the feee press to be paid in advance was put in operation but week thoso who failed to comply witn the new regulation failed ty kcire aoop of the feke peess a considerable number of valued subscribers some of whom hve read the paper from the appearance of the initial number in july 1875 were dropped from the list many were surprised and disappointed at thenoaappearanceof then- is vorite weekly visitor but as soon as they realized that the fjxe psesewas aiqoerely honest sad positively in earnest in the adoption of the new plan they very gener ally accepted the change and scores have since renewed as required not in un kind word has as yet been addressed to us in relation to the matter on the oontrary many have commended us for hvitahd taken in placing every subscriber on in equal footing giving none the preference except thoso who were paid in advance the following are afw of the expressions by subscribers verbal and written of the past week i heres a dollar for another year i cant do ithont the fbxe pkess ton were perfectly right in ttqaplsf tay paper it served me right for i neglsttea to pay it 1 wont actio though wish you much success with tbe citfisyttem with vs crocers in the west could do tbesame i came to nay for anothyr year wa all mist- ted the paper on thursday the boysbaated all over the house for it i thick yonr strictly cash in aditnee tspfi feuy right i wish you prosperity thp4ughlt nd rend you the money for snocher year here- with send tlonc the free phess train weenibj it over here in the states every week it is bet ter snd more reguitr then a letter and con mors retl news stieloud it a dollar for tbe pbzx paste it is shvtys gladly received tnd must not stop we cannot think of ptrtiog with the fusx peas here ufl00 for tie yecr allow me to commend yoofor sdopting the cub in advance plan i think it a good more be sure aud let me know when my year expires we will hereafter give all subscribers notice a month- before the expiration of the time for which their papers are paid frofnpt renewals will save diaappointmerits and will ensure a weekly visit from the fasi pszsr for another year ou thursday 20lh nit while mervin sonotdavid wilson ot dtrbyville wit pitying with t small tin horn their dog came up behind him tnd jumped on bis back knocking him forward on his face closing the horn to ran into his mouth cutting one of his tonsils nearly off besides other cuts in hit throat the little fellow hid a narrow escape of death had the horn gone a little lower down his throat it would have killed him he is progressing favorably the quarterly communion service in the ebenezer church wis held last 8uudty morning there wit a urge crowd out to betra grind sermon from their pastor the rev j w robinson and were not disap pointed as bis sermon was appreciated by all who heard him the nisstgawsyi ss convention held in tbe ebenezer church list wednesdty afternoon and evening was a grind suo cess jthe windstorm of fridty mtde some of the rbids impossible and stopped the wood tetms for a day or two hewn thot wiltoa and wta kudui ing of bloonubnry association no 539 of the patrons of industry attended the county convention on tuesday eden- mills iolet1 j linger hotelkeeper and w hemp- son butcher must have a very poor opinion of the workingmenot this vicinity when tkey sent to wisenburg for men and a team to haul their ice they did tbe same last year and yet they want the working class to patronize them mr and mrs coppt left xbuttday ot wyoming u s mr and mrs john roberts of mount forest paid eden friends a visit last week wm webb of toronto trrired it his parental home saturday mrs hampton and ftmllyreturned from kotvtl last week wm laing jr who tat been confined to the bouse for a couple of weeks with rheumatics is around again j no rtmta is recovering from bis severe illness miss cordilla iugle who went uuder an operation at the general hospital guelph last week it fast improviag two items in the ltst issue ot the guelph herald under tbe heading blue ruin about the public- hill here are wrong 1st the hallwas built by subscrip tion and not by a toipt stock company 2nd the tizeof the wlding is 30 x 52 ft pot 30 x 32 esstaied i nassagaweva vfls coming and going ftoi i tcf and from aoton and varjousothsrpersvnalnotei mr d seudetton m p wit horns- over sanday i mr 1 om hceiitu of toronto it home for a fe r dtyt this week mr 3 a speight visited frieads it msrkhi o dating the week mr i weber eft last wednesday on a buiinet trip to johnstown k y itery anderson ot guelph visited miss friends mrl toronk miss friends n aotoa the put week kjunetr of t kioneic dfc co wis iu own on sttatdsy bells grthsm his been visiting a himlitoa las put week mr t id mrs 8 ayer ofcbiielhurit ire visiting frieads in acton ud vicinity mrs 7 everleighaad her little daugh ter ot cranio hive been the guests of acton f lends the past week mr i kiauaitd of philadelphia who hat bee i visiting frieodc hers tbe past few weefbv etucried home odsy mr t p moore left this morning tor toroutt to attend the annual meeliug and banquet of the canadian press asiooiitlon of whic i he is the president mus superin hotpita i superin mrs 4 lila sheppard utistant lidy endent of the toronto general his accepted the pott of lady endent ot the igaelpli rtoipitit george bwwlck who his been tofferlnt from some internal affection tor some nonthi went to toronto ganeril hotptti 1 for treatment lut week slight hopes i e entertained for her restoration tohealii qeoroetown the l liter of tho herald arrived home from hi i fathers at acton hut week his health i daily improving comi lunlon services were held in the method it church un sunday rev dr willou hby ot toronto officiated the high school list a large attendance this ter n nam- root invitations to assemblies at acton i are been received here askgrove missi minnie niton and ida wriggles- worth c pent thursday of last week with friends n streetsville mrs iu murdoch it quite ill with neu rtlgii mr no wrigglesworth is able to be out again tnd visited friends at burnham thorpe the end of lut week then wu no church service here on bundaj onicoount otitbe quarterly service in georgetown a sleighing party from here contemplat ed visiting friends iu aoton lut week but u the evening turned out very stormy they got leftj in reporting the weddiug ot mr edward brigdeo last week we mtdo a slight mis- tike ufto dates instead of 16th tnd igth retd 1 th tnd 19tb on jan 80th mr henry brlgden of hornb wu united inmtrritge to mist coffee if london ont the semiannnil convention of the s8 association of the township of nsssaga- weya wu held in the ebenezer church on wednesday last the tttendtnee at both sessions wu enoouragiug the following officers for ensuing year were elected president mr thoe moore vicepree mr d barberree sectreu miss me- phiil revs a blair tnd j w robinson ad- dressed the convention on the subject ot obstacles to ss work and how to over come them strongly recommending teachers to fully consecrate themselves to tbe work to prepare their lessons carefully and endeavor to interest jthe parents and church in general u the lack of suoh in terest is felt to be a serious drawbeakto ibis work mrh p moore ot acton read a care- folly prepared paper on the 8 b in re latioa to mistiahtthe s s it the pioneer missionary tnd should tlwtys clove in ptrallel lines with mission work the reftrenoa to the wark done in geor- gim biy tnd parry sound districts wu particularly interesting tnd should be a stimulus to those working under much more favorable circumstances the s 6 teacher before hit clue ts presented by rev j edge of acton should hive a a true idea of hit relation- ship to god should remember how toon bis opportunities for teaching mty be put tnd bow little he can comprehend of the greatness of the work i he is doing it tbould be his object to teach hit pupils especially to teach them to know god his class should be supreme in hit mind the question drawer contained miay questions on practical rj s week whfoh were answered by h p moore whose ex perience in the work enabled him to give totay helpful suggestions to fellowlaborers in the evening the rev mr edge again addressed tbe convention on tie teschera work and i bespontibilitiei the teacher is not responsible for work thit should be daoe by the ptreuts or pas tor nor for the fininciil interest of the school but- he is responsible torr regular attendance and punctuality for prepara tion of the lesson and i studying the best methods of teaching for attendance on the mstnt of grace for knowing and prtyihg for hit class and for a certain amount pf of visitation he should endeavor to spire a mitiioniry spirit and temperttjee principles in his papihr tnd should stake his kjui felt in hi work good music wu provided by theehoirnt the church dariug ofathjieattont mr a picket his sold his place in brookville to his ton ind bis rented mr cartons farm he in ends moving in a weekorfd v mr keil mcphedran ot dakota is vitit- dublin the tttendance it our school hu been exceed ngly good considering the inclemeo cy of t le weather fortyfour are enrolled and oc j day lutmonth all were present- the it speotdr reports the average u cos of the hi heat during his inspectorship in this oountv there may be a child in dublin with a heart pregnant with celestial fire the patrons are holding their weekly meetii gs on friday evenings in the school house we are pleued to notice the unity that c rerails among the farmers of this comm mity unity it strength we with c it veterans of the plawgoodspeedl so loo u they maintain that which it right a s mewhtt remarkable incident occur red on monday evening under the bye of your c irrespaudent- ko 3 it noted for the targe i mount of eluticity which he posses sea in the alimentary aperture of hit face the i allowing will corobonte the above staten ent no 1 beta no 2 thtt no 3 could lot place in hit mouth tt once one eightt ot a sponge cake 10 inches in diam eter s i 2 inches thick no 2 wine no 2 hen bets no lthat no could pot pltoe n his mouth a whole onion 2 inches in di meter and at once mtatietts it folios id by deglutition no 1 wins then to get the odds no 1 bets no 2 that nd s ooul iai tji once place within bis mouth a goo tolia cake 8x2 inches tjaforttr- niielj no 1 loses when the query wu made that no 8 had evolved from snake he sil ntly gave usent this it published tt thi request of no 8 who will proceed to get a copy of the fsxx pizas instantly after lablioatiou he read some time to aboil ttvea of rest men all remind at it mo be hoped is will make m life suioje j r aytfs cuerry pectoral monla ah diseases that are prepdrijig the eof from repeated tests in my own fam ily ayers cbenr- pectoral has proved uelt a very efficient remedy tor colds tnd the various disorders ot the throat ud taiigf it cures wlieu ordlmtry piidlclucs falla w bartlett plttsfteld kj n ayers cherry pectoral at iim a won my brothera children of a sevejre and dsn irous cold it was ayers n by n precious life cro ip and pneu- ti iited tirotnptlj if at all whlfe you o all the doctor for you child your neighbbrjljas ciiri hi3 little oua with a dwelortwoof ayers qlierryjpi toral tlits medicine ihould ue in ft j li i lver liousehod espeially where qfflflt fiiere arc yotiiig- chlden taken itthe firstjsyinptonii ft checks the pi igress il dis ease i nd cure scon follow 5 rtu ffect in cur truly astoullilns how speedily uw fuunit r lef i tnlcln prenannioujri annette x ifocn pouo ilii mliln 1 l ot udlen aiiuutngcro j rs1 1 fill lv the use it one lttle of 1 ayers cherry rectoral procure i of mr v mipii tl k irtalw t ttb most noputn eouslwure in this couiitryafcuitkbbc nml xtsicie xj r f am iierer wltliotit a bottfe of ayers jlicrry pcrtnrol in the iwinie it li tbe ik remedy for croup that can bo had mrs j m colin nii imtt mi j 1 j i r r mergency prepmad by br 1 0 ajjer 0c 1 well kajs sold b nil prompt to ac i rev a e da st palntij the nw putor of the baptist church pi eached hii inaugural sermon lut sunday afternoon the congregation ire very much pleued with him hit text wu lties 5 25 brethern pray for us hire yon a foe you long to smile 0u whom you flercelyhtte and khoaid yooj meet him in the night ybad qtite innjhi- lite re calm for ere mother moon twee vengeance shall be thine foryeu raaj send to him full soon a corriof valeo tine invitations bars -been- issui d the pui week for two utemblies to be held a thi town hall on the 10th tnd 13 a iotts ire spectively both ire uuder the superin tendence of the gentemen of acton bat the committee of each it wmposed ol entirely different geollenjen the conoett to be given b r the injde- pendent foresters oh thirtiity evening 23rd inst promises to bedqe it the mos eojoytble given here for some time sev ecal city artists hare been seeurodjieal ptrticulart will be made publi in a day or so councillor j e corry haii purchased from mr briggt nicklin the iaoant lot on corner of arthur and youug streets we understand he intends bniliing a tecri pector sure to cme medicine sold irt canada than anjt the new leajj if arketj iostini has been in business iu at on long enough to know at when peopla- are uppliea ii fresti meats j i fowls ic they fo where at a can be secured we offer onlr the best tobe bad sod tt tcoa sequence now enjoys irtrc uge which it about our highest anticipation thit spring thetorcnl cotta brick residence thereon the brick for the new bufldrjig his been puichued rev j w kte ittended township s s convention t milton ittl week in itsreport of the prcceedingtfh streetsville renew stye rej w ri of acton then gave a nor rial trainiui lesson to a great many f s wis th best fetture of the convention olden days vs pr isent the time hu gone by now vhen peopli are afraid to ride ou thecaftv ortpeal through the telephone and they do ho sttud watching for the telegraph uisuag to pais along the wires or tit up far int the night mending tbe boys pi oft or mik ing new clothes perhaps the greatest boon t he presen age is the sewing machine it d it is so noi that those who have not got a machine ir behind the times ifyditwtutj in articl the name of which hat been a honieholij word and favorite or over a quarter of century yon will buy the rs tnoud trf it you will find it to your interest read kelly bros advertise buy your groceries freshl and uewanj canadian and american coal oil at h hibdtsas utuards liulmcat fod saleeve ywhere ing hu friends in thit leighborhood abtodsocne parlor wood stove ch lap otrt s a stcoim rev d m bachanan putor of georgetown tndltmehoose his foewtrded his i resignation owing to illhealth ud strained relations between putor sod people the milter will be taken up af j the msich sederunt of the toronto presby hlnsrfs ualieit for tile everywhere hist lizzie kitchini is tpendiag a few dtyt with her brother lbetwtehig of erin tin john marshall hu been visitiig- her relatives in ersmi ta friday night being i a tory elotmyv f fir attended the concert in the ptesbylsrikn chorob and oonstsjoenuttt as pistponw uu fesioay bighc berlraf wtings bare eowroeooed in shuet3wistt rockwood ou i day lut week jacob muales of erin i wis brought before magistrate strai ge charged with obstructing bailiff hem treet in the performance of his duty and i aing threatening unguage the evi dent want agaidit him and he wis fined 115 acudiag costs toiboapdover to keep the j not for a year mi if annie garvin died an sandty lut thit mikes six deaths in the family of wm gtwan within five years jo in linndy of nitgtra falls it vititidg at m 5i stoats tte iffgulsr monlhir services lbs chu chm the stcced hesrt were well tend si ea sundry m 1 riabntrd vtnnormsn hu moved into he i ilisge m ouirnept father of uct 8 v of- tran ter died here on friday evening lut fit the first time in many years the met ibditt church wis closed on sunday 1 even ng t e silvttion army barracks wu sito em irslly closed- on sunday owing loloa ahae ice of the officer in charge qvigk is the speed at which winter dc goods i ifautles and fttra ai moving xut to the tun 3 of redni ed prices li7eyaciipa is ti spirit all over the hodse oc great damaged linen sale has been an iramenie snece the liaen piles have gone dot in fine shape we have sti some very desirable lines whic go oat at further reduced pric ti the exodus is iu lull move and bt scattering into every dreu goods lines at half pi rgaius a i direction- r oe iunueoloflii ifpes at halflsjrice tweeds lines tt half prfte suitings lines tt half overcoats ae low u 12 eanh efe pria underclothing upesi athall price pri iweafwtvt endeavor to t eat our customers well ud as a oonseqasqce i retainttle oldtud seeurt new onet bijiestfltihprieo paid fc pott hides tal low 4e 1 t partaethtvugcttueecfoieuartreouestd wctll rr ii the arathilli 1 1 t manufacturing co ltd waterloo ontl tukufaottlrebs of ibank office school- lodge and opera fwiurare mprfe raymond miachines make this is one made t cuelpi ontv l v- rj the oxford automatic dont fail to get bur estimates send for circulars and catalogues latest improved and perfect- ed sctiool desk stock taking sale ihattjm bjitetioe 1 millinery at lets than halt price sealeitet5 ends at a btg hargaint la the maittles still ifarther rioctioninakiug by a listfg- vjy the greatest mantle i argaius y will fiad ia the n mantle sales owing to the goodey r r d strtchan jr returned home on the sdtylut from a trip to the southern stal js he reports a fall of snow three fact ts in depth in augusts georgia some thic t unprecedented in that locality and a ooj le of much utonishr i i nil let if i r and mrs wm 8heardown are pei ding a few days trith their friends here eiv jhtrt hu been laid up with in tti 1k ot lagrippe butll around again 1 8 ira lord bailey the entfnent elocutioa- it jives an entertainment in gladstone hal ii february 23cd i i jr d strtchan jr preached to a large ami appreciative audience on sunday even t i 1 be ututi quarterly servioesof be metfa- odi t church were held on dudost mern ing tbe basinets meeting being held the foil twins afternoon if yon wanrnrstolasi guelph sash and dot tt at guejph prices t eaaws can sil yonr order atp planing mill 1 iswslietiwceili etc bayvt 3 who da ly rcade le acter and price of th enormems fur capes colirs kiuj boas etc you oa cheap sxa the pebpl come after having founds of the trade i nd buy djfir furs all unite in siajipejrmfc have tlfe cheapest a id psst f in the city next week we dommencej ia special sale ofqre i tnd blea i- od oottont oambiics law is and wtiiw goods embrbideries j very ee b0llet go 25 ct27 lower ttyndham grueiiifh trade handscio sheap p bobts c shofs at a xhscourtt 1 we have too rauch stock in this line for sip late in the season the fact iv weaver bought have bought largely again and wc must have a place forthetn besides we want money to coavince you that we keep the best goods we need onjy jteilju we handle james whitham jos make they are without doubt the best makers in canada our goods are all new fresh and clean we havent one old pair in stock we must reduce our stockand in order to do sa have decided to give a j i special discount of 2qjper cent onallsales in this department during fetjruiry of course this discount is on cash sales only- this is a grand chance to get your boots s shoes at cost there is no plunder in it for uswe are simply doing yhat ever wise business man does when he has too rnvjehjj stoclr gome and let us prove to yau that we do as we advertise j we open this week 100 pairs lace curtains also ioo curtain poles great value 25c each ji h b jermyjsf cor ilill and maiii streets acton tl st mammotli- georgetown as we are going to jake stock in short time we havesveral lines or goods we are bound to ar out prices wiil b5 made rig ht to attain the object k mdflnery roduced r mantles reduced mantle cloths reduced great slaughter in dress cood furs reduced ready made clothing re duced overcoats reduced i knitted woollen goods reduced a lot of childrens knitted woollen cqods and orebsea reduced to 25c on the dollar s i wc are selling carriets ches we are doing the right thing in ordered elothipg our dries makers areat it iiignt and djay making mantles and dresses cotne and take adyantage of ifa sweeping bargains a bit pile of spring printi jn8tarrived niaw cheok shirtings new cottons new couonadeg new oarpetonew foot wear tiew overfthoes i j wffiliammcleoiiico zic qohotp aet your eys tested by an experienced pptfciaa we give you plent of time now the christmasbusiness isoer our mi culyerhbuse is spoken of as one of the beslopticians in canada sayagbcoi a v opticians jewellers guelph j if you want yourjblood purified and your system invigorated get a bottle of smiths mbl if you have j 1 tonigf a bad koff get a bottle ai- juntrds unlnent cures colatjsr sniitlis chdrrir balkan r pleasant it take and cures every time our winter fluid for roughness of the skin chapped hands and to belised after shaving has no equal prepared only- by 1 kl o smith st pq dispensing chemists w guelph ont no 12 wyndliam st t-

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