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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 16, 1893, p. 2

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rorx koiacm in esqactiuc aa wedaecdt isth february the wife ot wm j holme of a orea rrirunou fsftdfrftho hlfa mt tt 12 home wood avenue kit wife of icarmadafce reartcn uotliec of rt v l fetnoe itramptoa itmtik at 19 cona anabt toronto oa tueadtvlholl lest helen j toe laal 11ot- oidfccshterot a o llacbcqf ad yen and 1 day cntsiiolmat blretdencotq uie lowdimp of ktqttetng hajtou cquntv on saturday lltb kebniirv l0 tlioroii tfjuuoltn ir in hi tflh seat ije jlctotc jfrce ijltess thursday february 1g 169j notes nd comments i oncol the fotir torouto robbers who htve beu committed for triil attribatei hitraiu to the fict that he had not bn uarhta trade while ihli it do exxaee fr wrong doing it it wrnlti7 to parent that the lick of a meant of livelihood it ft itrong temptition to crime thedacft tional defect may bis remedied hbwe t kiagton tor the gsvemment hit institution there that teichei t rides the central fanners loititate brodgbjt itt prcceedragito ft dote lat tburw ay afler pauing reflations favoring trade with greet britain and the teaching of ecricalture in the school and aacerttor that it believed therewat no pleuro-pnea- monift in canada that the daty on oonr should be abolished and that ft uniform dnty thoald be placed on all pork coming from the united 6tatj a till jast pawed by the united state borate prohjbiu the uw of hand brakes ot old style coupler on railway cars after january 1833 this legislation will force the railway to haw more regard tor the uvea of brakemao and yardmen the one defect of the legislation just enacted is that it provide fof the letrarely extermin ation p evilt that thonld have been aboisb- ed yeira ago btill the act ia a ttep in ad vanoej and the canadian rbada will prob ably find it cheaper to apply its provisions to canada than to have tbfir can stopped at the boundary i our capitol letter j the budg it brought down on tuaj- day bjf the finance minister news o the l j 6mi 23th febthe interest of the present mse k was cenured entirely in the budget wtrih was presented b y the finshoe minuter yirtrday afternoon the budget speech toot up the whole if ternoon from the routinf before the order of the day until the home rose for dinner it was followed with the most attentive interest to the close jsir foster kept the expxtation of his hesrtrs keenly aroused until the last srord but ihen he had closed it wis found that no titling tariff changes had been annonnoed he dealt m fignres to show libit by th doing iwiy ot the sugar duties thero was i emitted in tares the sam of four sod threes usrter millions or ninety cents per head f the total population of the dominion the total taring in taxes rain ed by remi ision of duties on coffee tea rice mdsugar he placed at more than five and i half mill ons his estimate of expendi ture mad i beforehand for the year fell our hundasd thousand dollars short that increase wis due to the cost of legislation which was seven hundred thousand dollars the increase of j38hb in the public debt of wltieh the total cow is 241131000 mr foster 6aj explained coming to the tariff he prefaced his announcements with a long prelude of disparagement of the cur rent agitation for tariff reform sir cleve lands election he said was unwarrantably magnified by the leaders of the opposition into a victory for free trade pure eud- simple the present low price of cereal products was taken advantage of by the demagogues active in a propaganda through out cenadt and the united states the re- tult of wh ch was to make the people dis satisfied a id restless in order to reassure the country he added the government would male no sweeping changes but keep the old landmarks set np in 1879 well in sight the finance minister thenannoun- ced the reduction of duty on binder twine from 25 per cent to 121 per cent and the abolition of the transportttion imposts on coal oil which amount to about two cents lating to the trial and conaemnttion of robert hhooreeviidoe kogreevy for ooosntricy to defrsm itichiercounolly and of documents relating to the comma tation of e hi uekraari sentence eumarlkrtuz polls dr weldonfhe scholarly member for albert n b in hit address on behalf ot his bill to disfranchise voters whohad taken bribes went back to ancient greece for a parallel and showed haw its fafthadbeen breughtabout by- the corruption of its cititent hit bill was reads second time sotes local iudigustion is manifested by mem bers on both sides of the hcraie at tha order of the wuhingtan government quar antining candiin live stock exhibits ltdy stanley left for new york this afternoon en iyuto for england todiyt message regarding hon arthur stanley teyt there it i slight improvement fa his condition t the government monday received infor mation that the new americajn quarantine order will apply to cattle from canada to the worlds fair this will put a complete stop to any exhibit of canadian cattle at chicigo a meeting of the debates committee was held wednesday when ac campbell of the parliamentary ttaff of the toronto uail was appointed temportrly on the hansard ttaff to succeed mr t j richaidsoowho fell the other evening and dislocated his shoulder it is not likely that mr rich ardson will be able to be out this season mr c w banting of the toronto ifail and mr d creighton of the empire arriv ed heref hnrsday morning their presence in the city once more gives rise to the rumor that bothpaperi are to bs amaga- mated or rather that the pive will dis appear and the if ail will become the organ of the conierrative party an talk 0 hay f n pltorn of th worct doing r h duvlrurtuwtek mrsxjnnninghim t oenty died in tds ontigtd 101 years the tecoint a ll let que gives mr tirteimajafltrof 8e j the srst nstalmeni exhibit hat reached c ot the krupp gun icago there were 88 deal i from yellow fever at santos brazil on friday the library reilors university amounts t bradtreets report tayt prices gener al j- ate firm in ontario and the ontlookfor pring trade it good mercantile collect ions have been more promptly met than expected in the province of quebec boots and thoes nd leather are more aotive although travellers are sending in fair spring orders for dry goods collection are not generally prompt bank clearing at toronto montasj hamilton and hall- tax aggregate 19j3oo00 ibis week 19 per cent more then last week and 20 per cent more than in the like week one year ago there were 45 business failures in the dominion of csnsda at comparfd with 51 latt week 03 in the like week of 1832 queen victoria is gdingto send a nam- ber of paintings done with her own hinds to the- chicfg- fair some of which will come from the wsiib of the privrtedining room of yindsor ctttlf the pictures will include a wtter color of ber indian cecretsry one of her favorite dog end some balmoral eketcbes she will also tend a satcbet which she worked auo with her own hands ffom a piece ot crape princess louite and princess beatrice will alro send pictures while princess christian will send some speci mens o needlework in this case executed with the most consummate ssill aud in- gepuity the announcement made at ottawa laet week that the government intends revising the voters lists this year is construed by many to mean only one thing and that is that the country will eooti be in the throes of tbotfaer general election there will probably be another session of the house after this one co we may look to see the fight come on abont a year from next juns the signs in the political sky in dicate that there will be a feood many chmgea rn the pot it ton of affairs before then the democrats will have come into office and the dominion government will have trimmeifitb caiti a bit before the ap peal ia made to the country the while city- as the vfprlda fair grouods aud buildings are termed has the equipment of h model municipality it has a combined water capacity of 54000- 000 gllonb a day and will soou have 100- 000001 it has 25 miles of water mains and 20l hydrants a hundred more will be provided there are eteam fire -en- puts 4 chemical engines a ladder track water tower 40 hose carte 20750 feet of hose 1050 hand fire extinguisher 2500 fere pailb it steam fire boatt5 firemen 150 alarm bores 150 phroj telephone 500 guards complete electric light andcewer age systems etc etc by the time the time the fair opens many of thete facili ties and equipments will be gresjtjy in- creased and perfected what n your opinion is the effect of the liquor traffic as at present conducted 1 is one of the usual questions asked by mr fosters royal commission the govern ment report for the last fiscal year furnish es a partial answer it shows that the im ports of liquors daring the year for con iumption were valued at lci370g the malt imported 507333 a lota cf over two million dollars sent out of the eountry by canadian liquor drinkers for that wbih whtn coueumed left nothing of hlue but ou the contrary had injured the community if our politicians desired to built up the country what better could they do as a preliminary step thin to stop np fcuci h lesk by tha euactment of prohi- litioi rt7c4 the home rule bill was introduced it the british house p commons on monday by mr gladstone in masterly bpeech- iq bin gitat speech he diihimself justice and the empire looks upon him with pride for bis statesmanlike presentation npon this erat question and his unquestioned fair- iess to ah concerned tbecentral provu- wi cf the bill arouud which all the othera takeposiuonsof mors or less prominence that irith members will have seats in be bntifh parliaracntthe idea is to ke the unity of great britain a strong miotibl the premier fcnecal plea for pm6thelllliihatibe hfrrtage ofdtrdoayoe a soon a possible d forever he sppear to have strict ed himself to an elaboration of the priaci- pl rovermiif the memure an4 u have re nrf the ditcoftiim of the smltllet detail era later eue the li 1 1 diff widf romht prrntc tfraigned to qniei he ho rnie cffdt ihote liberal who detest the very weeeshon of separation hr gladstone hs undoubtedly tried in the biu to ov come opposition from hi own frieod to remove the dfficultiw that criticism and ejom etamimtion of the effecuand iaten- ions at tuo aid proposition had naide ppareat per gallon coal oil may now be imported in bulk in tanks and the total tax on it is a duty of seven and one fifth eents psr gallon mr foster also announced that mining machinery the free entry of which expires next month will be placed onthe free list for three years more when tbe house met after dinner bit richard cartwright made a slashing attack on the governments fiscal policy and moved a risolution declaring that the tariff bears heavily and unjustly on the great con bo mi ug classes of the dominion and should be thoroughlyrefonned in the dir ection of- freer trade lypeui rain rneraiutiosa in response to fhe request of the execu tive commissioner that canada should be fairly represented on the international juries who will nlake awards at the colum bian exposition a letter has been received from the exposition authorities in chicago asking for a list of names of persons whom the commissioner recommends to be ap- pointed on the juries to represent canada official notice has been received that the awards at the columbiau exposition will consist of medals andparchmentdiplo- mas and that they will be made by a jury on which foreign countries will bo repre sented the iress alt key ths annual meeting of the parliamentary press gallery was held saturday when the officers for this year were elected as f oiiowb president mr fred cook toronto empire vioepresidentmr a j magurn toronto globe secretary mr y3 healy toron to mall executive committee messrs r a payne st john san j a philip3 toronto world r m mcleod ottawa citivji fred g m williams montreal herald and j d clark london adw- titr a hearty vote of thanks was passed to mr t p gorman editor of the free press the retiring president of the gallery arid it was resolved to hold the annual ban quet in two or three weeks the mtt ok soft cvil mr john waldie exmp for halton who is in the city to press upon the govern ment the desirability of taking the duty off soft coal says that canadian steamers trading in inland waters are compelled to pay go cents duty per ton for the coal they consume while tha same vcbsei can trade from a canadian port to an american port and have its coal free of doty this he says is discriminating against the canadian carrying trade in favor of trade to ameri can or foreign ports the franchise 10 he reviseli thaty there will be a revision of the frau chise this year was settleo on friday last when the government made an announce ment to that effect meanwhile a gvn- ment bill to amend the franchise actlook- ingtowardsgreater simplicity arid economy will be put through the house which can be hone in ample time for a vision this year a revision hab not taken place sines 16 the next general election will no doubt be foagnt oat on the lists to be revised this year atfd both pirtiea may be expected to do their best to have the lists as favorable as possible to their partiular view the mscuataei accotxtants t when the commons estimates were being considered last week speaker white made a statement in reference to the recent trouble in the accountants office he said thai when the accounts were sent to the audi tor general that official made the dis covery tbtt there was a shortage of over 2200 he the speaker had made an im mediate investigation and found that both the accountant and his assistant had been taidngmaney which belonged to thelpublic he suepeiidedloth officials and after farther investigation had discharged them the total amoaut of the shortage was225g the statement that members hah with drawn their indemnity and that they had used their infituence over the accountant to secure money to which they were not en titled wastmtrue sofaras the investigi- tion weothe had no reason to believe that any members of parliament were involved in the shortage thero was only one case where there was any suspicion of such action ani it had been proved to be baseless the amount of the shortage had been made good by phe guarantee company and the state easerbdno los itixrrobi icbood question a pretty welldefined rumorie current this evening thai the french members have canadian p as a highly successful meeting and enjoyable banquet toeosto feb- 10 the both annual meeting of the canadian press association commenced yesterday in one of the rooms of the board of trade mr h p moore of the acton fees pbess presided and de livered an interesting address in connect ion with workings and advancement of he association the libel laws the qualification for membership and commanteon the growing independence of expreesion of the press dr ryerson gave an interesting talk on the care of the eyesight in newspaper work he said that the chief causes of defective eyesight imotig n swept per men were tobacco want of sleep irregular hours habit of reading in bed on railway trains and so forth and showed the influ ence of different varieties of type on the eyaight mr erjackson talk on pioneer news- papers was then read and attracted much attention mr jphn king of berlin talked on the law of libel and a discussion took place in which messrs j s willison d mc- gillicuddy j a mokay o windsor and others took part mr mckay pat the matter under discussion most aptly by stating that he had four libel suits in a year and although he had already been victorious in- three they had cost him over 131100 the chairman said that news paper men were anxious not for license to publibh defamatory matter but for protect ion against blackmail and persecution by irresponsible and dinhoneat people a commit tea was appointed to consider further amendments to the libel laws and report at next fcession mr sheppard spoke of- public journals as moulders of public opinion he de precated the mere mercenary object con tending the newspaper bhould htve high aims of right he strongly condemned the guessing contest bible questions and j other fakes there was a largegathering of thn mem bers at the annual banquet at harry webbs at night it was a great success amougst the best speeehesof the evening were those of the dieatgovernor sir oliver mowat editor willison of the 7ooe aleo pirie of jduudas mr p d ross of ottawa dr j daniel clark and andrew pattullo of woodstock one notable fact in all the speeches was the emphatio note of loyality to britain and canada there was dot the slightest sympathy manifested with the sentiment of annexation tbesecondday was taken np with dis cussions and conferences upon subject of importance to the profession the following officers were elected for the combt year president a f piris banner duodasht vice p d rots journal ottawa 2nd vice ti hpreston ezpotuor branttord sectreas j e atkinson globe toronto- asst sec j b mclean printer cf publuiicr toronto executivej 8 brierley journal 8t thomas apatuiio sentinel- revine wood- stock l g jackson ra kewmirket r holmes avtfl era clinton ar fawoett revkic streetsville and the retiring presi dent auditors w mcgairetilsonbarg determined upon ft system of obstruction to the progress of the ectimates antij sir john thompson shall declare the exacjt position of the government upon the manitoba school qafstioa thcircoarse ia said to be well mapped oat autj considerable trouble is expected to arise therefrom r tba pre miers determination to refer the mat ex to the supreme court is most unsatisfactory to the french liberals as well as io some others aukzivx ncjlctiox i although mr tarte took his teat iri the house only yesterday afternoon hehav a the orfsr paper already it js of the itorretponuence lteett where 3600 chtrtty tha dominica cton year made kg- per capital mrs cleveland i secretary to attend poadence winnipeg capital strong company to twine there hanlans forfeit of gaadttron sttardx usared for july 22 president htrrii the credentials of ttu utives oa batardty honartharstsnl governorgeneral is his recovery is doubt drljocvin green tern ofaioa teleptj loaisville ky saac miss maggie sec graduate of queens i siontry to c bint is i ead an attempt was m barglsrize the poito night clerk awoke off mrs mary boyer icy walk in 8t ci on food of toronto iu5w mrs marcellft orc rite died in trenton oat yesterday aged 15 years mrs mary kitt of iaradocwnship s dead at tha great age l 103 years william tower wai killed while coasting at br johns k b 1 1 batardiy night the queens ipeci wt apgrtved a the british home o jcommans 6a satur day william waldorf aktor propaxes to briog a party of english no fair terrible poverty c icraan to the worlds utioaes in chicago famihi are beiog fed by csaxpsay lut tent profit oa their to have a private o her social corrts- are organ wng t snafactare blading 300 was coverei by and s race is now formerly accepted hawaiian represen- second son of the ill in loudon that resident of the wes- comnany died in y- of ifarlintown a ivertity and a mis- a ouelph man suicldefj whlla ah inmate of the provlnbial penehtl at j kbostok jafcj loiw tljecking eesoa was enacted t tb kingston penitentiary yeturday afternoon by aprisoner named xhomst kenny of guelph cultlnc hit throat with a breadknife he died an boar literwtrdt lafferink ureal pain before he expired he was 0 years of age and senf enel to the peoitentisry on deo 18 1890 a tervs ian years harfng been found guilty of ttealing he wm serving hit fourth term and was made a orimlnal through hit foadoees for uqaor in the penitentiary he wit i quiet eaiygoing in mate hit conduct was jood snd the offl etils hid no trouble with him ancient orderof foresters at the last regular meeting biftjonrt star 7874 i o f nine propositions were received and sir persona iaitiaw into tha order with a number of propositions already received for next meeting monday feby m it bidt fair to shortly become one ofthe ttrongest and most popnrar lodges in town t it is a benevolent society hiving courts established fhroognout he world and claimt to be the oldest and itrongest society ofitskfndfntheworii shonld a member fill tick he is entitled to sick benefits so long atha fftntlm tick in cue of death of iti membert wife diet the family receives funeral benefits any member wishing to take oat i policy in the life department may do so by pass ing a medical examinifioa it i very rea sonable premium at there it ilarge re serve fund t is a firstalass investment and absolutely safe special rates for one more meeting titer which tha charter rates will be closed for particulars apply to ae kicclik seo shopping by mail ajsfrtart fellow has imdt popularithc phrase a postal card will do appffed tt shop- j ping by mail thirrkfor a minute of the time and ex i pensc and btrden of a railroad j i journey and then consider i that ibcrc arc no difrcufties 4 in the way ofptirchnsfng goods by mail cither imaginary or j real which cannot be over- j j come if proper care is exef- r cised many who have be v familiar with the simple de- j tails find it oftentimes jess i trdublcsornqthanshopping in 5 person c eaton ccylltd i m tup stmt tintmrt- t tia sbbtxtistttattlb e on friday night to oa in simcoe tha d scared the thief ed 91 slipped on an larines a few dayt ago and sustained fjjaries which ciaied death the bethrothtl of bulearia lud the ft daughter of the do e cf nounced officially benjtmin f fritihard ind aged it recent prince ferdimnd of isest uarie louise parma it an- of richmond celebrated bit ninth marriage he hssbfn divorced from each of his former wives another effort wa city council last nigl week were of escellet be ready for tramo the line it iso miles the government made in hamilton i to have the number of liquor licenses redfbed but the aldermen voted the other way the city of ixontreul bis at present two mayors mr desjti ins has been tworn in to fill the office b mr mcshaue denies that there is a vacan canadian apples ai e iving in england last the canadian or it of foresters it i fraternal benevolec s in 1879 and registers corporations act ik 2 of ontario tha objects of the bociily are to furnish its members tith sick and in insurance of dollars the paym sod faneral benefits cne or two thousand r ts for these benefits range from about oi e and fifty cents per the tuo of the memt zr tnd the amount of the insurance carr the membership it composed of men ted they mutt be irly and when admit- between the ages of the eleawhere liberal and w r climie bowmanville sun mr pirie the new president hat well earned the fconor placed npon him he has had widn experience both in the city and country press and jt one of the mot able speaken in the association traders bank in todays if see of the fuce pncss is proeuted the half yearly state ment of thf traders bink of canadi tlkenlfrom the government return for november 30 last itwill be teen that the 1630000 amounting now to 3190000 the cash reserves of tint institution are very strong amounting to 8i75c3 while the total assets amount to si7u089 as against 1055000 sir months ago evi dencing as it does the capable minigement and steady progress of tue bank it is highly commendable in this institution to maintain as it does as a cash reserve over 50 per ceut of it4 deposits rod it rs well entitled to the public confidence which it enjoya editors table punxcosrs bibxr sruirrs tha inter national surlday school lessons have one of the most lucid and thorough exponents extant io dr peutecottc bjble studies for 1893 the treatment of the lestou differs from that of other lesson helps it does not take the j lesson verse by verse bat en larges opon the sslient points the ripe scholarship land aids experience of dr pentecwt udmirably qndify him for such wtk hu iame it sufficient guuantee of the intensely spiritual and thoroughly evangclistio jchirscler of the expositians anyteicheror student will find them very iustrurtive and helpful in spealting with one of our ministers tha other day ha said to the writer i htve uo general document- try in any library which traits the portions teleoted far hie sunday school lessnnt is notice on lhe order pper already j it js thoroughly and satisfactorily as dr pents for copies of tha itcrretpondenee ltveea cost bible studies paper go cent 6ir john ftompsou and judge bdesel 0 ctatbtt00 vrixuu baioos wesley buiid- the court jtqueeua bench ot qaebeej re- toronto port stated that the missions list yeir mr j j withrow dent quality and ooudi- tion prices were hitfier and tha market was completely clear i the railway acrosi the mexican isthmos is nearly completed i nd it is expected will wtlhin three- months iong new zealand has thi ckaictawitiati for march presents the following table of contents tha iliad in art by eugene pttsonj eihiblti of the nitiont by richard lea feirn utary liwt by president henry wide kogers i thelnflaeoco of the greeks on the english language by professor f a march bun- day beidingi teleoted by bishop vincent scientific flutes of mining by albert williami jr thenivy of tha uoifad states by h w raymond botlon ideas for the list six months by the rev addison p foster dd a eoniintlo ctreerliarenoa ollphant by w h withrow d d the evolution of i sum mer town by george e vincent a little american republic by captain george p soriven c6a ostrich-ftrm- ing by mircus benjtmin ph d meth ods of teaching a primary sunday school class by mrs jimes b oitrander south ern women at home by olive ruth jeff ersoo j wasted piano practice by irene hale i wood an married an a by anna churcheil carey a new departure in dress by frtndes e raitell the mather of ntpoleon and other interesting feitnres the editoriils treat of some illustrious deid southern minuficturiog centers the cttholic ablegtta there are the usual departments devoted to tha chaitauqua literary and scientific circle telegraphed to the marquis of bipon sec retary of state for tl colonies protesting against the annexat 3 5 of hawaii by the united states society incorporated nnder the insurance nonth accordiog to dollar to one dollar eighteen and forty6 i thepresent num ber of members is over 16000 and the society has a cash s ir lus on hand for tha payment of the inst rtnee ot over 215000 150000 of which is i i bonds and the nalini best monetary intti ion in addition to hare ibout a half a their treasuries foi sick and faneral secretary otitis o wbiteof brantford a court of this popular dim society will th dominion of canada ca is invested in the asons of the domia- tbss the local courts million- cf dolltrs in the payment ofthe benefits the high it it mr thomas ar d itit expected that and purely cana rt y beorganicedbere at the annual me tit g of the directors of the industrial exbil iti in tuesday the re- gttjs tot tl receipts from ad- canted to 570175 wi s reelected presi- ong ntoy both the metho and rpsalts whea isyrap of figs is ikeri it is pleasant and refreshing t the tasted acta itlyyetpromj tlyonthokidrieys iver and bowe s coo23 the sys- m effectually lispcb colds head- acheavid fevcra andecrea habitual coastipation 85 nip of figs is ths only remedj- 01 its kiii ctot pro duced pleasing 1 0 the test ua ao- cepfable to the sumach pr ptin its action end tn jy benotcial in its effects prepared jnlyjfrca the most healthy and agre able substances its maayeiccllentq laliticsmmmepdit io all and have made it the most popular remedy known byrup of figs ia for bale iri75n bottles by all leading druggists any reliable drc egist frho may not have it on haj d will procure it promptly for a ly one whowiabea to try it mantifj cturod only by the cjoifornw ig syrup ca suwuiota4i v spy urs ilarf e 0fauon orrfqea 0 u the pr- itefxas are astonished tnd look tt ur like on raised froffl the dead long and terrible illness from blood poisoning coktpfetef 1 ourett bit uaodt sariapardla sin lcxry e ofaflon a very intelligent lady of rtqux olilo was poisoned wulia as sisting physicians at an autopsy 5 years ao and soon serrible utccr broke out on her head arms tonjne and throat her iralr alt came out she weighed but 78 int and saw no prospect of help at last she began to take hoods sorsapsrilla and at once im proved could soon get out oe bed sad walk she says i became perfectly cured by hoods sarsaparllia and am now a well woman i weigh 138 ibs cat well and do tha work for a large jarallj my case seems wonderful rccoyerjr and putslctaos look at- ma la astaafshmtsnt a almost like a raucd frai fc dend hooos pllls should b in rerr famnr nwdlclna chtut onos u d tlvart proftjrria scorchedlbut not quite burned up the adjustment of our bronchpalsybupi is a most soothing and healing remedy in aluasesiof covqss and colds boajtssxsss tnd s68jc tbsoat try a bottle only 25c prepared by f ake notice i the andertigned herebi sdvisetha pouie agauut purohasing sjnote of hand in flvot of one isaac clark for tv and dated jaunh 1891 payable in nine months after date w it 1 obtained under false prtue paratile the residence of mr john stalker stair limehoute 1 huoh metauahltk nauagawsyis acton po v carpet weaving pabttes dealrinff carpet weariifg done pleat sail on the undersigned mbs j colkmax faelt for sale i t pro smell pi more 6r gfut of our damaged stodtc s will be cut to speedily get put the goods with the mole upon them every department has suffered w iparking red m n i im i emanib jr thts discount will i pply m r ess some by fiie some by smoke spme by water ve commence by a special onslaught on the 2vtkntll ir0gm with iti mndreds ot garments eyery ione of which well sell atoncef t about yourown price j i- t j readyi ade cljothmgblanket robes cloths and tweeds gc tons curtain laces millinery table linens dress goods mantlingsj hosiery gloves embroidery anything everything can at red eot fire prices only mention generalities we are too busy nces to particu pnee h ame wanted aget8 to tell oar obolce aodbardr xar- -i- u17 stock we bare uanj nev and ipelaltirietleibdt9lnlniitian ornamantalt to offer which aw eetatrolled oo3t oy oa we 17 commlxion ataajarr wtite ut at once for teruuandaacureebiheatenitor7i may bbotheaa noraatynw nv 0ueuph obryan fc cos 5 dmslsh 20 per cent discount i closes today twenty pf cent discount on eveirylhingin bui i store but gi y anti white cottons gttoir sbirt- ngs flanhelf tes kid gloves and cate the above jnertip pd viihbe subjected to ten t reduction jamxij the uudertlgned desires to rent- or tell be farm ne lot m con i esnnealng near ctou nfrr seres full particulars trill be given upon application to s pitamrlni or- miitihir lsbi- boskwood j qnolji salesman waited nkrqetic- man wanted county to advartlte and latett inrented and improred 1 ancat for tha core of ai4eaaa month and axpeaaea no expe permanent employmeafe bend ttamp for par uootan aad application form btti it co 170 xmge st tojonto onti aged rah astray cahapontbepremliea lot icon erin aboot the 15th oetefeer an tnd ram tbt owner will prote property pay eipentef tod ramotelta erin jan 1393 robebt offkbtov mpney f abu or villtes property a ramonalt nt applyto 1 mcleanueiean town hall acton grain wanted i tee undertlgned is prepared ti partte high est cash price for an kinds of sniadeuvat- ed tt his warehouse at g t it station acton wbn ecokby wanted i atorsee- salesmen in every oiaatr choipntjbabst8took i and pe tarietsrs of j t seed yotatom salarf or mmmiaticsij steady employment and jood pay betid forlerinsr j bjooebb qboveb 4 co onemnen and besdimen sbebeeter vsu job printing a quarter dollar buys it the dnarterttore twentyfive kingwest hamilton on com- hiniuoorthe fob6vir extmirtininr br- giins cent we con ssthat we do notlikto but we are bif iridtpimeetanytgrinti 5 i uavhi fijtje will plpse toi lay where tfie cagh wiimisivniijhj ouelph lhttijiii isa 1- iciia

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