Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 23, 1893, p. 1

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r acton o nt au16 thursday february 28 1 qih tbe cton m firess 11 rcbusiird l every thursday uoxivg at tna vrtc trcii steam irlnuc qfflcc hill street aotok okt l trims or brflcjiiptioson dollar pr year itncily in idvmm all subtcriptjodt djtcon- ticuctl mbtu the time for which tbtrv hive tmii itd lit ci pi red tbe date to which tt ubcriptiod it id u denoted oa the address label r atvertiblvo rites transient advertise osedu 6 cdu per nonpareil uoe for first in sertion 3 cent per hoe- for cachlsubfoqnsat tuertiod contiuct riteitjie ollowlriji table shtjvt cur rate for the imcrttou of advetukinentafor iclfid period t ificu 1 tk 6 iso otao 1k0 0 inchw 10 inches moche liccb swoo s500 j000 600 1500 hod 850 too 1 s00 srec so tjo ixo aaveytuemeate without tpecioi direction will be inserted ull torbid and chared accord imw transient advertisements tflutt be paid in advance j adrertltcmenu will be clianfep once cacti month if qelrd for chancea qltener than once a month the composition mutt be paid for at regain rates j change for contract adtertiicmcota mntt be it the osee bj noon pa tnesdajs hpliooee editor and troprletor fiasitwss bircrtotp j f urek u d c m office and reaiienc corner vidl frederick ttreets acton s a mckeaguem d graduate of trinity college llember of colleceof phjtjciam and surgeons licentiate of uoyal college of ihyiiclans aid surceons edinburgh oflceaad residence dr lovrjii late resi dence head of frederick street acton j e- wilkinson d d 8 l d 6 bcrgfcondrktiet graduate university 61 toronto llemtacr of tbe lioysl college of dental burgeon i office open every day except wednesday thursday and saturday over the drue store acton l l bennett lds detifit otoaarrorn ontaio m clean mclean barrister solicitors notaries conveyancers ic private funds to loan offlcetowd hall acton wm a mclriv jko a uclein t a mowat bleuteb soucnob notifct pcblic honey to loan orricc d its tuesday and saturday jqrricc kaanawins block acton apstairs r j mcnabb coxvetaxcrn colxectob etc bents and accounts collected irent fire and life assurance property boogot and aold money to loan on the mot favorable terms j a howats office acton o hilton wallbridg stone barristers solicitors toeokio axd gcoegetowk offices creelmans block georgetown and traders bank chambers 63 yonjje st toronto jshiltok ba whwallbeidob ebtoxe tatent8 secured fou inventions hbnhy gi1ibt ottawa- qixajda went s ax tractice no patent no pav w m he11street j llceksed aoctiokeeb for tee counties of wellington and ralton orders lsfl at the fcs pbbss offlce acton or st my residence in acton will be promptly at- tendiitf term reasonable also money to loan on the moct favorable terms and at the lowest rate of interest in omsoiwind upwards- john day architect guklph ost office wyndham street cirakcis nunan bookbindeu wyndbam st gaolpb onurlo i over williams store accont books of all kind made to order periodical of every description earef oily bound kallor d eat it and promptly done ftlhej hanlan bahber shop i millsteext actob an easy snare a stylish halrcqtagoodseafociq aneehlllaratingsbampooalwstcgiven haaors honed and pot in fltttelass condition ladies and childrens hair tastily cat 1 j hwobde7toiisorial artiste salesmen wanted vi7 errant both travelling aud local salesmen tt to represent the old esubliched fonthih nurseries halaby paid fkom the start fto saletmen fzperiencl in our line liberal terms to becinnerf and a permanent sttuatiou assured we have 700 acres under cultivation and furnlihonlynrstclaasstock outfit free hardy tarieties for northern ontario and mani toba a speciality we guarantee our stock apply lor terms at once we want yon now stone wellington toronto ont agents wanted in every towaihlp to sell the pictorial cyclopedia of live stocfc and complete stock doctor the moct complete and cofaprebensire work erer pabliihed lu author ctacd at tbe bead of tbelr profectlod and have a continental repu tation worth iu weight in gold to any one barrng hortoc eheep cattle swine poultry dogl at beeaj a grand opportunity to mie mooey secure tcrritoryt once addresa e n hoter publiiaer 120 tone st toronto hamiltons marble works every weekwe are getting new effects in ingrain wall papers with borders and ceilings to hatch these papers are ilsed by the best families they are as cheap as the common papers only 16 ots a roll and much handsomer when you are in guelph call at davs book store and see how nice and cheap they are day sells cheap the traders bank of oihada- tttemeat ttkta front donraasut ra- tara jforimbtr 30th 1sss jlssxts qold uti oomluloa kate utsu dtpotttad with aonrcmeat to beam circulation 17505 ouc and cheqaea of other banks u015s oall loanc oa fitockc and joada nskz rulanua due root other banki 106185 ioteromant debentarea klfibq itm ilocedutelt avuuelk 6illa diacooated bllli discounted orerdaa u bank prcratiet ifortgccea and otbet auetc bank of montreal capital rest 812000000 6000000 a savings depakt1cekt lioi bopn opened in connection with this branch iutcrtit allowed at current eatea jas hfinlav hanater guelph bliaxcii w barber bros paper makers georgetown ont icake a bpccialtt of machine finished book papers high grade weekly newb tbe paper used in this journal the above mills from wm barber ft bros- money to lend on good farm security in- lower rate of interest and on better terms o repayment tbeirtver before offered in canada intending borrowers bhoald write or call at onco and bo convinced before arrjlog elsewhere w s jackson real estate loan insurance agent guelph canada new planing mill ak1 saish and door factory john cameron contractor has fitted np the building on main street lately occupied as a trunk factory with new machinery and prepared to foruub plant tpeciflcatiotu and estimates fox all clasei ol buildinc and execute all lind4 of drebsdidj matching andllottldikgi uake all sttleb of bashea doors tnd windows and door frames and dnesad lumber and keen a stock on band all orders prompt attended to john cameron acton season1893 ve7hile returning trfnoki to our many pat vv rons for tbelr liberal rupport in tbe pact we witb to lnlorm you tbat we hare entered intdadarradgemeot witb b 6tewart qnelpb tokeapconitanllyon band a full stock of tbe ordinary flrea of sash doors etc and will alao supply any special aires on short notice at guelpt pilecu frames of all kinds made to order we also keep in stock a line of baao window and door casing corner blocks 4c tour lumber dresed while yon walt trice tl 60 per ii total aaaeti liabilities ad op capital surplus kotaa in circulation depotiu from rnblio deposit from other baoks m l9ta3 sfiiixa msi tnueo cmaa sstm slat tum winter boots shoes rubbers and overshoes reduced prices previoni to etoektikjci tbunkb valises at the lowest prices in the city w mclaren co ucdlns boot sboostore qus1ph special january sale at renglsons a mouth of bargains stock mast bo reduced one half and prices reduced accordingly choice baitings reduced in price 20 per cent fine west of eogland paotidgi io black land blue choice patterns for 550 per pair former price 760 and 8 1 about 100 8aiu all wool underwear 75o a suit bats caps ties gloves white shiru and top bbirta and geotefurnishiora it greatly reduced prices a lot of remnants at joar own price r e nelson merchant tailor and genta ftrrnuner 99 upper wyndham st onelph gcraduation guelph business college enterprise pumps being better able than heretofore we will supply cither wood or iron pumps promptly alittork guaranteed satisfactory please call and inspect before purchasing- elsewhere 1 te6s ebbtge ttanaeer acton bell pianos organs were awauded the gold jiedai jamaica international ekulbitior 1891 in competition with american gcnntn english and canadian manufacturers haihltone block formerly batchs block the gore corner of woolwtcbaod kiarfolk street goelph out t aohk h hawtlton proprietor wholesale and retail dealer and direct importer and maunfactureroi all kinds ef granite and uarble uoacmoou tombstones etc earing ha4 an extensive experience for the last ic year tbe pcblle may rely on eetfaog all superior articl at a eheapec rcte than any othir dealer in the west nk 15 per cent off on a direct order re- ceiredfor the nettsodavs foe sale on month j y or qnarterly payments only at c w kelly sf music store j lower wyndham street gaelph phodto 178 s m cook go oeoeoetowm llcenaod attctiauean apprilurs valtt- atora collootori heaj estate and qenersj land agent j fob tffe cocrnxs or haltpnpeelwelungtonblmooe yoik and ontario uooer to loan from 10d tto at sfs oer cent rartles placine their tale or other boilneaa in oar baada will bar thasameprocaptlyatceadad to at rooderatf- haergea omcso ixt uuzi boom kin 8tgeorff- toira or addxeaa bos 196 g ic coot at co aoctli baijrcsotlcxl qtieaa bcmaattorooto s st cis i 03 aactioasarf ueonffsioini sod toronto wellington uutoti fira nsuranco comoany est1blzhi iuo in6ubance on uatual plan adjrcoinmnil catloos forwarded to mj addresa boa 799 teleuhone 63 will be promptly attended to john taylob ant gatlph character capacity success illustrated circular sent free to any address m maccormick principal acton saw milts coal akd wood yabds uaiccfacrracb axd cexlee is lumber lath shingles coal and vk4 knd noisi for new years gifts beautiful- banquet lamps handsoma piano lamps music cabinets in oak walnut ilahoctrjy aarj carly birch oak secretaries from 8jwap ajid the bat ash bedroom suite en the tn the world for 500 come and see for yourselves dot l qxgkaxbzed dipper rifoffottdoidt oakaa booiiii- vat a k ireetett lotifrftoh itt rfitaej totr teu r und how wiea a poy ha mit gsdassy doot t vhen drij ping mit cool new it rose trotn der tell i dont ujtsoms schtock in dot maoaar of trirxkiiif i it rutooboochllka bonea tad cat tie i dink dhcroas aor udltftcuoar la my irij off driuklag lilt dct 1 obihand 1 dipper dot huge pjj- d alnlc bow sehtiet trom flex urea mor hrlii to xeeeirs 11 sound pooty gootf it nt der rtter lihbllli ofer yoa lxtc paunta it 1 ioirn yoar schleere nod riopf j ado your shoe d yoar note comae do bldt na hxadlq oarer titer so grldc ci i tfak dot booklt it doat hold c ctcdjo dot roai er rtter s und rune dhea down und miisc i dells yo to dot long itadled dipper dot bugs fay iak how nle der t must been la der rough rlpter veddber vhftaitfaurfghdtdwaoeoidt freeze rain to hl dot sbj coom oup so light u t feddjher dot der booket m profce off chain nder tell mit s pole yoa go ttkinc yoarbsik cooms tn oldt-fubfoa- ed klnfc t pet you ml 10 llfo all der time yoa tec tithing for dot ddghtnlled dipper dot btngi der sink und fiodt dhea down vhlle lade row heady vbere dei t m schast to torn oa der faucet paul ela girls wl aboat had she went meekly pa cat silk cloaks one witl and it wil want it 1 jwtrijv t tch- blm the rtter flows dpwn tram der prlng oa her hl 1 i ichnst rsjjdes fchtp dot riu tlrtyi ipdorie it qcspecitj aighu thea der teddber chill vhen plelltrirs oldt veil mit rterschnow ts alt covered und he vadi s droo der schnowdrif t to get a twink iscblipstjroui der hearth vheze der scjhilt- rea vis hofered to dot long amiled dipper dot hangx py rinfc dhen gife sup der bookltc and peili to der hortee iclkerobesj tad udpolee ccbuit gife dhem dbeir fill 1 gife me dot pure rater dot all der urns coirtec droo dotf pipes dot ran down rrom der schprlng oa der hill oot dings off dlt vorld i gets rich la und treat ts til aroaudt me dhefr glkuee schll clink i schtill till remember dot oldt eoandtry kit chen und dot onghandlcd dipper dot htaj py der sink ds p7 8dt fsmil jxtshinq 0 rump i escapi dd 11y mkzx kyle dallas the cm nps were or cxmsidered them- selves tbe very first people ia poitsfille and joslah cramp the present head o the family ws very pro ad of his twoestort he wtii ab at the meanest man in money matters e er known he had drive i hia boys from borne by his niggrduna and now that lis wife was dead his daa jhtet pamela we a all that he had left 8h was a handaon s- strong wellmade girl with a good mind although hd had given her tbe very poore t education and no acoomptish- meatswhi tever she worked in his hoaie without hi p or thanks or reward o any kind her dnly consolation being thai she was miss yrump ilach ood that doea me the uasdto say as e e toiled away to save hei rich father f e w more dollars o had no grandfathers to xttst accompliarirnents and good clothes at d comforts and plesares f all sorts whic i she never knew and whic n ber fattier ooc id well afford at last oa her nineteenth birthday after she had longed in silence na days pamela grew bold lorjgf ur1 ned cloaks were just comii g in to fashion and how she wanted one only a girl can now it traa v hilo her father aat counting over a great rol of bills which ho hau ju it re oeived as jo rent of certain property softly ibebind him and that said iwhers thin woman tat amidst cushion fa a bi boston roc tingchair with a brand pow baby serosa her knee two older ones on the floor near her and two little boys building a block bouse on the table while he little girl who had opened iho door medelhe sixth of the yoallifaigroan why miss pamela said the mother how pleased i am to sooyoa i eiease my getting ap lafatstroagyet i was think ing when yoa came ia whether or no i should be able to darn that pura in he carpet bat i dont feel i shall kane has gone away and sister cant come bocanio her husband is dawn with mauriaand im awfally aasettled yoa must be said pamela dandling the baby why what a beaatyit is mrs pease i suppose yoave got a washerwo man this week no i havent its my worst troable said llrs- pease i had kitty briag the things and they are all mended and sorted bat bat black barbara ia engaged op on the bill and i dont know what ill do hire me 1 said pamela sly i liaghod lies pease whyltin cramp i mean it said pamela i wash bet ter than black barbara and i want to earn some money yoa can piy ma what yoa pay her mrs pease a dollar a day said mrs pease bat gracious miss pamela yoa cant mean it j i mean it from my heart said pamela pa thinks more of his money than he does of me im going to cam clothes for my self i need them im sure men are so peculiar sometimes sighed ira pease if yoa really mean it it will be ajjteat comfort to me pamela instantly took4n her bonnet and socque tucked ap her skirt and took kitty bat into the kitchen with her before night the washing white as snow was piled in a great clothes basket rs- pease had a good bowl of soup and all was tidy in the little sittingroomj where pa- mela sat mending the bit of carpet i knew it would bother yon till it was done she said and now ill go home and get paa tea oh hiss pamela im so mnchobliged said mrs pease and i believe yoave only done it to oblige me no said pamela i did it to earn money may i oome next monday why gracious me i it yoq will slid airs pease been td see mrs pease asked the curious mrs cbalker peeping out of her bitchen tioor as pamela passed j ive been washing for her said pamela why how christian kind of yon to be sore said mrs chalker nothing of the sort said pamela i took my dollar for it have yoa yoar washwoman mrt chalker noj i havent and i aint able to wash said mrs chalker pamela offered her services i am going to go- pat washing she said im goiog to do it just aa ether wash women do for money i shant explain why bat here i am a splendid laundress ready to be hired six days in the week from seven to six if anyone wants me so it began before long pamela had many employers and the village was rife with snpposition as to the why and where fore bat never was girl proader of herself than was pamela when she laid down upon thecoanter of a dry goods store the money for the silk and fur of her coveted cloak hardearned money bat all ber very own cot a cent of it coaxed oat of an unwilling man alive she wore the ploak and a pretty plash bonnet and new kid gloves to church on christmas day she looked well the squire looked at her solemnly but be knew she had had no money i reckon he thought shes cut up her poor mas old black silk i wont ask any questions and he held his peace pamela as she looked at him wondered what he would say if bo knew all that week she had had some cards printed pro fessional cards i utis p1ucx4 cbckp laoadrees tfouse cleaning done in toe best manner camtp uocsk li peice theee cents- open m lh have lescrli p sprkgg9 cuatpft steel engravings proof etchings colored pictures boom and rietum moojdlntr i hve one of those large black such as betsy burroughs wears fur lining ill make it tnyself wear for years oh pa 1 do so and she paused with banc a un- oonsciousl f clasped together mr crt mp looked at her horror stiicken a silk cl k with a farlining 1 jo re peated slo vly no yoa cant pamela its tod expei sive get yoar poor ma s grey blanketsi awl and wear that oat i n sure shed be v ilhng poor aae shawl bad moths io it two years beljre she died sighed pamela she ooaiint wear it and yoa neve r knew pa yoa d mt know how badly off i am ive ontp rown my sacque and loo like a fool in it i have boys shoes and hat ob dear uch a hat 1 1 really cant go oat any when f worm n should be keepers at iome said mr yramp certa nly i oaght to go to church said pamela not o show fine clothes said mr cramp bat 1 oaght to dress like lady sigh ed the pc ir gtrl i should thinkyad ad mit that pa ladi i are not always most dressed said mr crump far from it foa are miss crt mp remember the cramps are the oldes family in pottaville oh i know all that pa inurrnpted pamela bdt it does no good if i post go about la king ike a beggar mr cnmp brought his cane down on the floor and thundering oat held yoar tongue amea buttoned his poc cetbook into bis bosom and trotted away t deposit the mot 5y while pamela scarlet irom her brow to her chia remained where he had left her oh hut fablt and in it ha cards we and her itjcouot book j house h read theards first m spi gleat ng dose in ine best manner tt a he tart his tya over he account book i ihedjatondar for mrs pease taei ay far mri chalker wednesday for j rs mitt iron thursday afternoon bpusjj clean og forimrsdoira on saturday alblhis ii tf fahoas rsge and almost fining at he mouth until he came to liowin i items j 6th boaght silk and tor for cloak ioth made cloak it its well sslh worevloak a ohurch and hei ceo i bfdathad to beg it from n mr crump clued he book and qneer disbosition to cry sat down hie solitary hearth and looked at e for i eyeral hoars withoat stirring wlen pamela eceaed the door and came ins ssaw ler father and knew that he kney all j mela some here bs said how long aa tbi been going on 8 ace october pa thegirl answered 1 ien yo ive been disgracing me and your ilf tot three months said he old man zoi a cramp i and alt o ipite your moc o d father for being careful of his i oney j pi uela fas not afraid ot her lather now j she i ame over and sat beside him i t she said it was not for sjite it waa ir ne j i suffered so much mrtifi- catic t not only from being but havi i to sec if there- is anything in eood alood is yoa think there ts perhtpg that nade it hard for mvto beg from even- yoa 1 1 was happier earning what i need ed would yoa like ta be a begsar pa oave c one vetj wrong pamela said her tther tten he paused and added yo shall tell me what allowance yoa neet jfor y ar clothes ill bat- youll hav it nontbly now give me those earc h btrrnt them in the fire when she had had d then to him and she hurried away to gi his tea and no more was said the cru ipa we re- not irreat talkers b t pam ila is not sorry for what she did- to tl is day j a for lit bothweti he rejoices for othc wise pechipi he mightbeing a shy mat never have met pamela cramp who is tt marry him before long other people maj blame her or her escapide or call her kai t c spttetul he ahderstands her aud idmirei her all themore for her inde- peui ence itough pamela he often says shoi d havi offered myselxall the same had oa ao ually been laundress a qrorm of a little boy who stammered tnc wttttfl cr yon do do with your crlrht it ngs do e by hsivea are never done right cant iet it mamma and heres no use rying and frank threw down his- pan ii tail bis bead on hii hands ami soblftdbut oad jwfrsik waa a brave little boy who y ever cried so his mamma said whtttsthematlerr et this sum and im tired of i 1 many llimes have yon tried frofik 1 i aked mamma h imesiguesa t feu tines frank asked mamma w yeon eant tryi jg cow ooked at him earnestly veil fi ar or five times then and im not oing f 3 try anymore thought for a minute then the tali i pa yoar slate and pencil away fn ikaoi i will tell yoa a story 1 ink was always delighted to hear ms imas stories so he sat down on a little sto beside hsr arid she began l long long lime ago frank before or i were born here was a little boy j lived ti rrort oak silyeb aruc cod and wood ajvsyi in stock and procapalr delirered to aay part of the town at reoabe prices- hardrood and slabs est stove tach aisrkys on band f tetetfxastaearaintitiieatioru artists materials a fall stock of wtosor kewtons white doable tabes bownttioc e x 10 deep photo frames complete be 5 feet cornice pole brass fittings tic flake onr wall papers are said to be the beat lemcted in the eity waters bpqs e8tabushbd an bt aikctlls bqtiaae atxblph vhat shall ido she exel timed at s this womans fate to bq all the daya of ier life i have no eduo ition i cannot work bat her fo it down there each ijoan do nothing bit hoase- im the best washer in thi i village there i cried pamela hringing the floor addenly ive gpt it a girt who an wash and trot a i can doesnt need loj beg for her do he brtu ling her tears away she i ran into the en ry took from a peg hi r shabby saoqne and hat pat them on loci ed ap the honje tnd harried down theivilhe street at fast aa her strong young limbe- could oarryj er until she stopped at al ilia white at the law window of which she up- house pel l little girl opened the door and pamel t fouowad her into the sitliog room the cards were circulated through the village by a boy hired for the purpose and on her return at night from ber days work pamela found a postal card awaiting her iliss cramp laundress please call st if r bothwells early tomorrow q botttwerx now mr bothwellwas the new minister a widower with two children he knew nothing of the crumps or of the village as yet he had preached there onoe and been called in consequence on the demise of the excellent mr dolorous who had de parted this life at a ripe old age pamela laughed a little as she determined to call and see what was desired at seven oclock she rang the bell of the pastors very small house and waa answered by the gentleman himself he was in evident distress of mind and his dressing gown needed mend ing 6adly he looked at kiss cramp for a moment and then requested her to walk into his study it was a dusty plaoe with a good deal of manuscript tying about and tbe shrieks of weeping children were heard in the distance may i aakj what i can do for yoa mdam inquired the gentleman motion ing to a seat yoa wrote ta tne said pamela miss cramp laundress ob dear me yes replied mr both- well with wide open eyes i wrote to yoa thanks for yoar promptness the fact of the matter is my housekeeper an aged colored person i thought her most esti mableis lying terribly intoxicated an the kitchen floor and n aa been for two days add things are are- and mr bothwell running short of words spread biahauda abroad in a pan tomiae descriptive o chaos aaderstand said pamela calmly where is yoar kitchen two hoars afterward he master was calmlyiwriinginhissudy and the chil dren washed- and dressed were listening to the stories pamela old them as she rubbed away at the washboard the housekeeper had been damped upon a bed in a small bedroom on the lower floor to sleep off her intoxication and potatoes were boiling and a couple of chickens roasting for he family dinner meanwhile kr crump hiving some imporlaut documents to inspect had oome home unexpectedly and entering the bonae had found it empty and in the sittingroom came upon a tight which pet rified him with horror a little portable desk which his dtagh terhad appropriated for her own lying n a beantifsl country by the sea j called qrece he- was not a very str 3g boy and of coarse hia voice was we i and besides he stammered he ha d tarrte of the great men of his country sp k ant he made up his mind that when he row t be a man be would be a great sp jtec u now in order to be a grea tp iker you mast have s strong voice and sp distinctly sad yoa know hit voice wi not stroag aad he stammered as i to you he lived by the sea and every day he voald go dewa to the sea shore and pat a ibble under hit tongue and recite aloud ir ilia way it ia taid he cured himself ot tt nmermg bat hit voice was not strong ec ugh it could aot beheard very far sq hi uted to go oa stormy days and snout as lo i as hi could to try aud haar his voice al ve the sound of the waves of course ei ry day his voice became ttcooget and at aat h oould hear it above the rbar of- hwaye he kept on and oaaattt in ti le be t ecme oae of he greatest et orators we call them the wbi e- r kno vn j he never could hav i been tl ltjfriak tad he given aptrvirur what was hit name mamma blank j if is i long hard uame for s lit le boy tcjptiinoaucejrank it is demosuienes fctrank t ahc aid he tot k hih slate anl worked ani work- 8u81ness is business i i there live in he ciy of new xork a man who hat accumulated quite a fortune by pimply advising people whatrto do there aiwayt will be a large number ef persons who are unable to rely on their own judgment and others come lo a conclusion with eate and certainty p i a yoang mtn had accumulated tijooo and was debating whether bathould bay s small candy store with it or whether he- tbonid lend it on a mortgage this latter he knew n a secure way the olher promised great prbfltt in hit perplexity he saw an sdvertuemont adrice given lo thostgoing into inn- nesil i after staing kis cate he counsellor tild j j my fee tvill be f j in advance i when hit wat paid he taid do you understand ha candy busi ness no i did not hlnk it was uecessiry i expect to sapurvissit generally then you wilt lose yoar money ia three mptitbt 1 yoaihink i had better loan the money oa ajnartgsge t j t did aot tir that whit it your jbusi- nesjrrthst is doyoa perfectly aoder- aand j i know he pickle business through and hrbugh i can make pickles of all kinds butldooot like it never mind whit yod like goaudget atmau place and make pickles go from hotel to hotel and sell them back and see ms least restaurant to restaurant iu teu years you will cohib you will have j 10000 5 at the young man- was going awayr he was called back- i here if a card i mi you td put it where yoa can see it 100 timet a day these were t e wurds on the card baiiuess ii business men dout do what hey like theyj dohat hey can the card bad a strange fascination for him he read lit with care aa he walked along the street as he studied it a new light entered his mind j he found a dingy basement and began to arrange for bis operations of course vinegar mast begot several barrels of it some was offersd at tec ceuts a gsiloo and tome was showu at ave cents j which shall i take 1 he thought of the words on his card ho seemed o see 1 thejeople testing hii pickles and tint lik ing them depatt without buying they wilt know good viuegar thought he and to he bought the honest stuff tn a few diyk several tubi of miterial were ready and he qntt market them now he greatly dreided to face strange people aad puh hit goods appa their notice he never bad coarsge when a boy and now as a young man he fett more timid it seemed bui he thought of the words onhe card and entered a restaaraut the evident manager waa a blooming young woman md tbe pickle dealer was more afraid of vomen ban of men bat basinets is business repealed itself over in his mind the answer o his itatemeut was that his pickles woo d be tried and if toaud all right woall be parobned fglad i got that good vinegar i thought the yoang maa j and be began in the mixim ttat his adviser had given he began to feel a oourige hi never expected ia meeting people and rying to sell bisgoodi to them calling at a toreo get if possible an order for pickles in bolllesibe was quickly and rudely met wiih dont wiut to tee arty taoh tlaff if noticing the alter dis- msy oa tbi ybttng mins face- the mer- chmt said short and ahirp dont yoa know enough jtbiat basinets to pat up goods attractively jas haretfcatelraf3d aad disheartened bemaxim repeileiittelf over and over again with this additional sentence it itj bnsiaew to pat up goods attractively he sought out a lithogripber and hid stmo handsomely colcjrcd labels printed they will bay the bottles taid the friend jutt for the picture yoa have oa taem when he hie gitaed- rufiicient oourige oat tbe merchant who had to make yoa a present of a preseat of xytvdrcytxr- eucb ibail3sitriesson cities indraoanlitniindlsvej t and the longest crocked est rivers jnsf trigging sbont like itsic i- tell ynu 1 xiih colnmbas hidnt heard tbe tartb miilull and started lo ccd new eocnjrit ttat colts didnt need u all kc ivoaldnt it b too lately if all that ycojid to find cjt wis jattabqat spain lad engtsaj tad i fet other lands tlysre ibout ajid the restoc tie mips vcre panted vxilu piafc sad yellow tossy all ihil u ia tmknown region wjlcrc boglefjnnd tsirfes sly f bat whit ts tbe uie oi isilng since columbus silled over hero and men keep hunting ind iploricg and finding more things every year kotshow cne tbe vialpah kiver and tell trie where docs tt hot t and bar dtrroa bound if onuni and utl and lfcxico t moral suasionwitha cripi u there is a twelveyearold boy inooe cf oarkew englanarcral ciifesv wjio pos sesses an ancommon amoant of nerve tboqgh ho has nevar been heard to brag over the best eiamploheuvergiteof it so far as is knowrii2 baa never mentioned it tn fact there ps so mach mystery in tbe affair he usull wondering about it his fathen had reasoa to suspect that he was oat latejat nights cutting up along with certain not ery impronng compuir- ionst andbeing a cirefalman and dis- posed to correct his sons bad habit if poa- i fiifale in a quiet way he nailefl some elripa across tbe oafsjdeof the yoangstera bed room winddw andaid nothing the hint was eatscieflt it seemedj orthr2 no more midnight escapades for sometime one dark evening however tbe boys elder siiter overlieard ipme sly talk beteea him and his mates anci mde ap her mihdthat she would sleep that night with one eya open 1 about ten ocmck when the hoaie was ittll she heard totnethia aticriafacit slipped oat silently iut5 tbe catden iv wit dark as ecebgi she took her pu- tipn adder the fiairex windax ani baw two leps slide caatioaslyout between the idvertwo sjauishe immedixtely eeized them round tbe inkle tnd tbep the trog- ele commenced jheboy who owned the legs did hislevrel6eat to kick himseli jdo and crawl back oat o hanger but the cn seen hand hang on wiih resolaffl erp nat a word was taii the boy palied and kiefced ind twisted and squirmed catil ha- had to stop what he lbgajhi may be imigined bat he altered do sound gtlh- ering himself for oae mighty ctlurt be on- gan to straggle again all in vain he- could cot shake off the temble grip- the young nemesis under rthe window wai strong when he gfew qaitt again the letgo usuddeuly assbehad taken hold seeing the legs draw biek into the rocrh she slipped into the hoase and went to bed the nights medicine cared tbaboy etv hit neyef found 6athat it wasbat tbe way be took it shows that he his the rcai ing of a man in him- t b li 1 i sat den mma sat rery still for a few minutes if amma i will get it now y ha ahoafed rte idd he brought hia klite to s owfae whicl waa j the prouder do yot 1 nkor mammaf ffarpers si spesk id has asked got it hink it j peo- tiaardek casttei ltr dladstone lives ia htwsrden cattle tijert bieam the hill fort on the project- g ridg j tbat at least waa the meaning the o iginil british name i gsirthddin hich i t saxoa became haordine and in feisb fenarlog bet there are two titles it that nime and mr gladstone oaapieitie modern one which is only a andral aad forty years otd at the moat he old and new however face each other one i massive ruin occupied by beta and wis at i memories of the put aad thai tier tl le residence of englands premier villiati the coaquerar when fie came to ijnglat d found the old castle oooupied by edwin of uercia and its history goes back othe irtt or second edwards mr glad- tone towever doet not keep this hisloti fcalrui t to himself bat admits aoybodf to ihe pa k he only rtquetts visitors lays twrttir to keep td be graved walks and jifrtii from writing their names on the allit if he old castle harper t totitq he again sought rebaffad him i have come bottle of pickles i why do yob make me hem i i because he advice yoa give me was wortha great deal the morning bf the fourhoflafy came and he pondered whether o go e hit ttore or not all at once he thought people going oat da picnics will want pickles it was the magiq words on he tittle card- tat ran through lilt mind he found aa i thought a large number of buyers wait- togfor him j j the little card was contutted in all kinds of wether ifa man made a proposition to him of any kind and he was in donbt he would go and look at tbe wards though he knew therd by heart already one day a cheese merchant came o persuade him ia bay his stock people said he who bay pickles always buy- cheese yoa will do a big trade j it wasatemication he went to look at he words and stqdiei hem interjtlyv trying to think oat their application to the case in hind men do what they can he reflected i would liketo sell cheete but i kaow i can sell pickles then he returned now be was resolute and firm ailhough by nature easily bent aad swayed by the words ot others business it business be said i am iu the pickle business if i cannot- make money in his i shillqaitaud go into something else but i shall not have two kinds on my hands when the ten ysarj were up of coarse he htd he hoooo aad more to country itaduut a llttle american republfc it is no unusual thing to see a cochtry man trudging birefoated to market jjn a rainy saturday merniog an umbrella oven his head theiteriug the notes of his little oxea it well as bimscif stopping at the baoklo deposit the gains ot tbe wek while behind in hit cart sit his women- kind baretodted like- bitnielf and olad only in cjdtoa chemise tuf tiirt ret thee are ihe fubslantiif icple of costa rica the bone and sinew ot the republic upon whom he coontrv depends at it dees not depend onthe long toiled genlrji that gather ia ibe towos and talk wiih mugh ignorance and fluency oftbe sffairs tf the world i is lire welttoda peasant clist wttose civikzalioa goesbo farther than a short jacket and an umbrella that makes she littiecouatry whit it is mi promiks for ite prosperous future the country ram is x rale coujesto tows orily oa a jnirkej or feast day-and- than he brings his family with hira ohy pleasant looking creitnrea are theee couh- ry girlt with heir bare ankles bare badt aad bare shoulders over which is thrown a mantilla of cotloa or silk gorgeous in color andeomipgfront the hind looms oi salvador ar perhaps from europe even ladies educated abroad ciraglo ihiv-graoi- ful garment though they at times sppetr to feel the necessity of miking lb era selves uucomfortabte as well is ungainly by a earopeau hit women of the lower datt differ lite in dress from lliqso ot the upper v except for the bsuituillickof shoes these however are worn in town pa dayt of fiesti and like the bit destroy much of the grioe of the weirer ncverthelets it is i prtttysight ouafeit diy to see the streetaland parks covered with wemen dressed in bfilliint colors ibo mantilla bestowed ila shimmering foliis across the shoulders from which peepidemure pleas ant faces with eyes dirk and furtive as those of a little rat yet pleasant withal- and salting well the brilhant cocaplexioa dished with a red that would mike an english girl psla tbe whole face ftsirfed ia misses ot blick hsir thit gnttens with grease and sunshine the qzvtdxikcin or march t t deaf for a year caused by catarrh in the head bat wit perfectly cared by hood sturaapinire h hiraa eocbes- terirz i frepldlej thoughtof a way freddie gray and hia aunt helen who was visiting the grays at heir summer home were one day crossing a pasture la- geher when hey were half way across he lady noticed iwo oxen and paused doablfully i dont know aboar going past hote oxen freddie she said freddie tightened bit hold oa her hand encoaragingiy dont be afraid of them aunt helen be slid they wont hart as tbe first time i came down here i was afraid ot them i didnt dare to go behind them and i pidut dare io go in front of them and i didnt want to go back aad never go through the pasture at all so i thought of a way toget byiand the threeyear oldaage looked brightly op into aaat helens face i fast crawlid undrttbem a storv of an encagememt ring y when i waa a yodcg min said bod kinfi was employed in a large hbuselrr- the city and fell fn love jwith voang v womaa to whom i- became engaged about two montha before we were to be rnarried i wu sent to australia on im- portaat bojiaess occasioned bj the daah of oueof he firm in thatf caanfty i ook aafectionae leave of ny intended- and proiriitd to write to tier often i as detained iongevthan i oxpedted but ait before i sailed tor home i a valuable diamond ring iuteadinit ai a preaent for my sweetheart ias i was hearing the thote and read ing a ptper which the pilot had brought on board 1 raw the announcement of her mirnagewith another a mia i knew very well which to enraged me hat i threw hho ring overboard a few days afterward at i wis mining fish was served and ia ealiag a portoa i bit into something hard aud what da yoajaptote it was thejdtamotid ring excliimid several no said be merry bodkias it wu a fish pone i 1 whyitthe practice of rtraibng likecfiiam becaase its laadanam ihow should a rcjuer addrejs his lidjr lovel in the language of flours i

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